Friday 17 July 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

IS car bomb sows carnage in Iraq town


BAQUBA (AFP) - A car bomb blast claimed by the Islamic State group ripped through the crowded heart of an Iraqi town north of Baghdad Friday, killing at least 35 people, officials said.The attack occurred in a market area of the predominantly Shiite town of Khan Bani Saad as people shopped on the eve of the Eid al-Fitr holiday marking the end of Ramadan.We have 35 martyrs and more than 70 wounded, said Mohammed Jawad al-Hamadani, a member of the Diyala provincial council in which Khan Bani Saad is located.The explosion was big, it caused a lot of damage, Raad Fares al-Mas, a member of parliament, said from nearby Baquba, the capital of Diyala.Many women and children were among the victims, the officials said.Footage aired on Iraqi television showed devastation around the bomb site, with several buildings completely gutted by the blast and debris strewn over a huge area.The wounded were being attended to on the street as residents walked about in the chaos holding their heads, imploring God and screaming in horror.Six hours after the blast, rescuers were still pulling bodies from the wreckage, a police officer said.Khan Bani Saad is less than 20 kilometres (12 miles) from Baghdads sprawling northern neighbourhood of Sadr City.Sunni Muslims began marking Eid al-Fitr on Friday but Iraqs majority Shiite community will start their celebrations on Saturday.Markets are usually packed in the days before the holiday as people preparing for large family gatherings shop for food and clothes.The Islamic State group issued a claim on jihadist forums saying the blast was caused by a suicide car bomb, one of their biggest such attacks in months.Our brother Abu Ruqayya al-Ansari advanced with his car loaded with almost three tonnes of explosives in the middle of a gathering for Rafidha militias, the claim said.Rafidha is a term IS uses disparagingly to refer to Shiite Muslims. The group often says its car bomb attacks target Shiite militia members even when mostly civilians are killed.The office of Diyala Governor Muthanna al-Tamimi issued a statement declaring three days of mourning across the province and cancelling Eid al-Fitr festivities.The Islamic State group also claimed a deadly car bomb attack that took place Tuesday in Khalis, another town in Diyala just 30 kilometres (18 miles) north of Khan Bani Saad.Baghdad announced in January that Iraqi forces had liberated Diyala, significant parts of which had been overrun by IS after the jihadists launched a brutally effective offensive last June.The jihadists no longer have fixed positions there but have reverted to their old tactics of planting car bombs, carrying out suicide operations or hit-and-run attacks.The United Nations said earlier this month that more than 15,000 civilians have been killed between the start of Iraqs latest armed conflict in January 2014 and April 2015.

Kerry says Iran won't be able to cheat on nuclear deal


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry Friday fought back against criticism of a hard-won nuclear deal with Iran, insisting UN inspectors will have plenty of time to detect any Iranian bid to cheat.Under the terms of the deal struck Tuesday in Vienna after almost two years of negotiations, Iran has agreed to give the UN nuclear watchdog access to suspect sites, including military bases, as the world seeks to stop the Islamic republic developing atomic arms.When the deal is implemented, inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will notify Iran of a site they want to visit and Tehran has 14 days to comply.If it refuses then there is a further 10-day delay to allow a joint commission to examine the case and order Iran to satisfy the IAEAs concerns.The 24-day period has come under fire from critics of the deal who say it will give Iran time to hide any incriminating evidence that it is covertly seeking nuclear weapons.Traces of uranium, traces of any kind, fissile material are traceable and are very, very hard to get rid of, Kerry insisted on MSNBC, giving the example of how the Iranians have denied access to its military site of Parchin, just outside TehranIran has for years rejected IAEA requests to visit the site and denies ever having worked on developing a nuclear weapon, saying Parchin is a non-nuclear facility.Iran has been deathly afraid of the IAEA having access to Parchin years later, Kerry said.If they are afraid of us having entry because we might find something years later, I can assure you our intelligence community is completely comfortable that 24 days is not enough time for them to be able to evade our technical means, our capacity to observe, Kerry said.He also stressed that the 24-day timeframe was a maximum period, and Iran which is seeking relief from crippling sanctions, had every reason to do it faster, because the longer it takes and the more they drag, the more suspicion there will be.The top US diplomat, who spent 18 days in Vienna negotiating the final phase of the deal with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif, insisted it would give the outside world the most intrusive inspections regime ever.Even though the deal sets a 10-year timeframe for the lifting of nuclear-related sanctions against Iran, Kerry said UN tracking of Iranian centrifuge production -- technology used in making enriched uranium -- would last for 20 years, and tracking of its uranium mining would last for 25 years.We have unprecedented ability to see what they are doing. And our intelligence community tells us that for them to have a covert path, they would have to have an entire fuel cycle that is covert, and its impossible to do so with the regime that weve put together.Kerry and the Obama administration has gone on a blitz to sell the Iran deal, with the secretary of state to face a grilling from a skeptical Senate next week.

Iran says nuclear deal will boost regional stability


TEHRAN (AFP) - Irans nuclear deal with major powers will boost security, stability and regional cooperation, President Hassan Rouhani told Omans Sultan Qaboos, state news agency IRNA reported Friday.Contrary to the opinion of some in the region, this agreement will actually reinforce security, stability and cooperation between neighbours, Rouhani told the Omani leader in a telephone call.Rouhani expressed hope that peace, stability and welfare replace bloodshed in the region, IRNA said.Iran, the regional Shiite power, has cordial relations with its southern neighbour Oman.The sultanate has played an important role as a mediator between the Islamic republic and the United States.Oman is also the only Gulf Arab monarchy not taking part in the Saudi-led coalition waging an air campaign since March against Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels in Yemen.On Thursday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir warned Iran to use the economic benefits of Tuesdays nuclear deal to help its people and not fund adventures in the region.Under the accord reached in Vienna, sanctions against Iran will be lifted in return for dismantling and mothballing most of its nuclear programme.If Iran should try to cause mischief in the region, were committed to confront it resolutely, Jubeir said after meeting US Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington.Israel has long opposed any deal with its arch-foe Iran, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lambasted the landmark agreement as a historic mistake.Rouhani also told the Omani leader that Tehran is worried by the war and massacres in Syria and Yemen.We believe that these crises can only be solved politically and we must reinforce this idea in the countries of the region, he said.Iran also backs the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad which is battling rebels including jihadist groups.IRNA said Sultan Qaboos said he hoped that with Irans aid, we can do something to end crises in the region.

Nuclear deal doesn't mean aligning with Iran: UK's Cameron


LONDON (AFP) - A landmark nuclear deal with Tehran does not represent an alignment with Iran, British Prime Minister David Cameron said in an interview Friday.By signing this deal, Britain is not aligning with Iran, Cameron said in an interview with news channel Al Arabiya, according to a transcript released by his Downing Street office.By signing this deal, Britain -- with allies including America, Germany, France, Russia and China-- what were doing is taking Iran away from a nuclear weapon.That is good for the region, that is good for regional stability, but were not aligning with Iran.The nuclear agreement was struck in Vienna this week after almost two years of negotiations which culminated in a final 18-day stretch of virtual round-the-clock talks.It put strict limits on Irans nuclear activities for at least ten years in return for the lifting of sanctions which have crippled the countrys economy.Iran has always denied Israeli and Western charges that it was seeking to build a nuclear bomb, insisting its nuclear programme is for peaceful energy and medical purposes only.The US and Britain have been holding talks with regional allies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel since the accord was sealed in a bid to ease concerns over the move.US Secretary of State John Kerry is also heading to the Gulf next month to try and allay fears.In the interview, Cameron vowed to remain as tough as weve always been on Iran over its close relationship with Syria and support for terrorism.Of course we shouldnt be naive about the Iranian regime and some of the things they do and we need to call them out on those things, the British premier added.US President Barack Obama told critics of the deal that they were at odds with 99 percent of the world on Wednesday.He said that the issue could either be resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or its resolved through force. Through war. Those are the options.Meanwhile, Irans supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned President Hassan Rouhani that some of the six states participating in negotiations are not trustworthy at all.

13 dead as Nigerian girls launch triple suicide bombings


KANO (AFP) - At least 13 people were killed in the Nigerian city of Damaturu on Friday in three suicide attacks carried out by girls as residents prepared for the Eid festival at the end of Ramadan, police said.The attacks, in an area hard hit by the Boko Haram insurgency, came just days before Nigerias new President Muhammadu Buhari travels to Washington for talks with his US counterpart Barack Obama.Buhari is expected to use Mondays meeting with Obama to push for US help to tackle the jihadist violence, which has surged since he took office in May.Boko Haram have increasingly used young women and girls as human bombs over the past year as part of campaign of terror, which has left 15,000 people dead and 1.5 million homeless since 2009.Residents said twin explosions near a prayer ground in Damaturu had killed two people, before a third blast went off moments later near a mosque leaving another 11 people dead, according to medics.Thirteen people were killed in the... suicide blasts, said Markus Danladi, Yobe state police commissioner. The attacks were carried out by three underage girls. Fifteen people were also injured in the attacks.The attacks followed a double bombing at a market in the town of Gombe, south of Damaturu, on Thursday evening that killed at least 49 people who were shopping for the Eid celebrations.This years Ramadan has been particularly deadly, with suicide bombers hitting mosques and worshippers gunned down as they prayed.There were two blasts near the Eid prayer ground, said Ahmad Adamu, a security volunteer in Damaturu said of Fridays attacks.The first blast went off around 7:15 am (0615 GMT) while security volunteers who had come earlier than worshippers were waiting for the worshippers so they could assist in crowd control. Two were killed and three were injured, he said.While we were attending to the victims we heard another blast about 500 metres (yards) away.Damaturu is the capital of Yobe, one of three northeastern states worst affected by the insurgency.Nigerias new army chief Major General Tukur Buratai was due to visit Damaturu on Friday to celebrate Eid with soldiers battling the jihadists, who have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group that has seized swathes of Iraq and Syria.Buhari, a former military head of state, has made the fight against Boko Haram one of the main planks of his administration -- but more than 700 people have been killed in attacks since he came to office.Topping the agenda of his talks with Obama will be measures to strengthen and intensify bilateral and international cooperation against terrorism in Nigeria and west Africa, a statement from the Nigerian presidency said.Relations suffered in the latter part of former Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathans rule, with Abuja considering US aid to fight Boko Haram insufficient.The west African nation decided to halt a US training programme for an army battalion which would have developed into a unit to take on the militants.The US State Department reacted by saying it would do what was needed to assist Nigeria.But it also expressed concern over respect for human rights and protection of civilians during military operations.The Islamist militants have taken advantage of the transitional period between Buharis installation and the deployment of a regional force of 8,700 troops, scheduled for late July, to launch deadly attacks on an almost daily basis.The group has also carried out suicide bombings in neighbouring Chad and Cameroon.Washington, which has consistently condemned Boko Haram attacks, has said it can provide material aid to Nigerian forces and encourage countries in the region to combat the group.The United States already shares intelligence on Boko Haram with Nigeria, and last year sent military and civilian advisers to try find the more than 200 school girls abducted from their school in Chibok in the northeast.The girls are still missing.

More than 150 injured in S.Africa train crash: medics


JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - At least 150 passengers were injured in a train crash in south Johannesburg late Friday, South African officials said, adding that there were no confirmed fatalities.One train was reported to have ploughed into a stationary train near Booysens station as workers headed home from the city, the economic capital of South Africa.We dont have the exact number but its more than 150 people injured, Russel Meiring, spokesman for the ER24 medical service that was treating people at the scene, told AFP.About 100 people have been removed from the scene to hospital. We believe there is no one trapped inside anymore.He said there were no reported deaths.A commuter told the Eyewitness News website that one train derailed and hit the other, though rail authorities told AFP that they were at the scene and the cause of the crash had not yet been identified.

Tennis: Murray leads British fightback, Aussies sink


PARIS (AFP) - Andy Murray sparked a British Davis Cup quarter-final revival by pulling his team level with France on Friday as crisis-hit 28-time champions Australia slumped to a new low.World number three Murray, the only top 10 player on duty in the quarter-finals, kept Great Britain in the hunt for their first semi-final place in 34 years as he defeated Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 7-5, 7-6 (12/10), 6-2.Murray was under pressure to win the second rubber of the day on the grass courts of Queens Club in west London after Gilles Simon had given last years runners-up France the perfect start with a 6-4, 6-4, 6-1 rout of James Ward.Murrays victory -- his 11th in 13 meetings with Tsonga and his 22nd in 24 career Davis Cup singles rubbers -- also raised the possibility that he might play alongside brother Jamie instead of Dominic Inglot in Saturdays key doubles.I always want to play but Ive had a long few months, said Murray, playing for the first time since his Wimbledon semi-final loss to Roger Federer seven days ago.Its about doing what is best for us to win the tie and also about being fresh for Sunday (reverse singles). Hopefully I can play.In Septembers semi-finals, the winners are likely to face Kazakhstan who piled on the problems for Australia in hot and steamy Darwin by opening a 2-0 lead.Mikhail Kukushkin swept to a 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 win over teenager Thanasi Kokkinakis in just over two hours.World number 115 Aleksandr Nedovyesov then stunned 41-ranked Nick Kyrgios 7-6 (7/5), 6-7 (2/7), 7-6 (7/5), 6-4 to put Kazakhstan on the brink of reaching the semi-finals for the first time.Kyrgios, who was heavily criticised amid claims of tanking during his fourth-round loss to Richard Gasquet at Wimbledon, and also for arguing with umpires and sarcasm during his press conferences, admitted the loss had left him drained.Physically, I felt OK. I felt like my body was good. But mentally, I almost felt a bit drained out there, Kyrgios said.It was hard to focus. It was hard to dig deep. It was hard to push myself because a lot has gone on.The disappointing outcome capped a forgettable day for Australian tennis after Bernard Tomic was arrested in the United States overnight.Tomic was taken into custody after failing to follow police orders to leave his hotel penthouse in Miami following a night of loud partying.In Ostend, Steve Darcis and David Goffin gave Belgium a 2-0 lead over Canada.Darcis saw off world number 272 Frank Dancevic 3-6, 6-1, 7-5, 6-3 before world number 14 Goffin swept past Filip Peliwo, ranked 491, in straight sets 6-4, 6-4, 6-2.Belgium are well-placed to make the semi-finals for the first time since 1999 while Canada were already hamstrung by the absence of top two singles players.Eighth-ranked Milos Raonic, who has yet to fully recover from a foot injury, withdrew as did Wimbledon quarter-finalist Vasek Pospisil.The winners will face either Argentina or Serbia for a place in the final.Serbia, the 2010 champions, were without world number one and recently-crowned Wimbledon champion Novak Djokovic who opted to rest rather than travel to Buenos Aires.Four-time runners-up Argentina capitalised on his absence with Leonardo Mayer, the world 22, seeing off 87th-ranked Filip Krajinovic 6-4, 6-2, 6-1.Federico Delbonis then made it 2-0 when the world number 77 staged a fine recovery to down 20th-ranked Viktor Troicki 2-6, 2-6, 6-4, 6-4, 6-2.

Tennis: Karlovic, Sock advance to Newport semi-finals


NEWPORT (AFP) - Croatian second seed Ivo Karlovic blasted 23 aces Friday in defeating Germanys Dustin Brown 7-6 (7/3), 6-3 to reach the semi-finals of the ATP Hall of Fame Championships.The 36-year-old from Zagreb, who lost in last years final on Newport grass, seeks his seventh career ATP crown and second of 2015 after a triumph at Delray Beach in February.Karlovic, ranked 24th, had lost his first two meetings with 80th-ranked Brown before winning their most recent prior matchup on his way to the Delray Beach title and dispatching him in 65 minutes on Friday.Brown arrived at the tournament having shocked Spanish superstar Rafael Nadal at Wimbledon.Next up for Karlovic on Saturday will be US fourth seed Jack Sock, who advanced when Czech qualifier Jan Hernych retired with a left knee injury after holding serving in the opening game of their match. Sock won his lone ATP title this year on Houston clay.Saturdays other semi-final pits Australian John-Patrick Smith against American Rajeev Ram, whose lone ATP crown came at Newport in 2009.

Golf: Johnson regains lead at Open


ST ANDREWS (AFP) - American Dustin Johnson, chasing his first major title, went two shots clear of the field at 11 under at the Open Championship on Friday after picking up four birdies through 10 holes. The 31-year-old from South Carolina, had an eagle putt to win the US Open in June before three-putting on the final green, but is well on course to break his Grand Slam duck at St Andrews. Clubhouse leader Danny Willett, striving to become the first Englishman since Nick Faldo in 1992 to win the Open, is now two shots back with charging South African Charl Schwartzel on eight under after four birdies through 11 holes.Six players are on seven under including Scotlands Marc Warren, Aussie former world number one Adam Scott and American Zach Johnson, who are all in the clubhouse, while South African Retief Goosen, Luke Donald of England, 1999 Open champion Paul Lawrie and Jason Day of Australia are still out on the course. Spieth, seeking history with what would be his third straight major to open the season, was misfiring with the putter but picked up a much needed birdie at nine to stay within four of Johnson on six under. The days play was delayed for over three hours in the morning when torrential rain and high winds left the Old Course unplayable before groundsmen did a miraculous job to get the second round underway.Tiger Woods fell further into danger of missing the cut for the second straight major as he bogeyed 4 and 6 to drop to six over par and needing a minor miracle to play at the weekend.

Athletics: Dibaba sets new women's world 1500m record


MONACO (AFP) - Ethiopian Genzebe Dibaba set a new world record in the womens 1500m at the Monaco Diamond League meet on Friday.Dibaba, 24, clocked 3min 50.07sec to shatter one of the most controversial records held in recent times -- 3:50.46 run by Chinas Yunxia Qu in Beijing in 1993.The world record and other quick times in the discipline were mainly run by Chinese athletes in the 1990s under the guidance of controversial coach Ma Junren.Six of Junrens athletes were dropped from Chinas 27-strong team for failing dope tests ahead of the Sydney Olympics in 2000.Victory for Dibaba, the two-time world indoor champion, never looked in doubt, aided by two pace-setters in perfect running conditions.The record is, remarkably, her fourth currently held, but first outdoors. She also holds the world records for the indoor 1500, 3000 and 5000m events, carrying on a family tradition that includes elder sister Tirunesh holding the world record in the outdoor 5000m.

Athletics: Gatlin continues fine pre-worlds form with Monaco win


MONACO (AFP) - Controversial American Justin Gatlin scorched to his 27th successive win when he cruised to victory in the 100m in a meet record of 9.78 seconds at the Diamond League meeting in Monaco on Friday.Gatlin, starting in lane number three, blasted out of the blocks at the Stade Louis II and streaked ahead of the field reduced to seven after 20-year-old US sensation Trayvon Bromell was disqualified for a false start.Giving everything he had, Gatlin did not let up and raced through the line with clenched teeth in a time just 0.04sec off his own season best set in Doha in May.I rate this race as good as the other one this year, said Gatlin, now unbeaten since August 2013. It was the first one this season run after a relay so I think without that I could have been faster.A third American, Tyson Gay, who has also served a doping ban, finished second in 9.97sec, ahead of Frenchman Jimmy Vicaut in 10.03sec.It was a good race for me, said Gay, the 2007 double sprint world champion. Lets hope for a faster time in Beijing.Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt again sat out a trip to Monte Carlo, instead opting to race in the London Anniversary Games later this month having battled a pelvic injury.The 33-year-old Gatlin, who has served two doping bans, has confirmed himself as favourite to take Bolts double sprint titles at the Beijing worlds should the towering Jamaican be slightly off form and fitness.Gatlin, the 2004 Olympic 100m gold medallist and 2005 double world sprint champion before returning from a second ban (2006-10) to win the 2012 world 60m indoor title, Olympic bronze at the London Games and a world silver in Moscow a year later, has admitted to having benefited from his four years out of competitive sprinting.The American had an earlier run-out in Monaco with the US 4x100m relay team also comprising Gay, Bromell and anchor Michael Rodgers, the quartet clocking an impressive 37.87sec.It was a great warm-up for me before the main race, Gatlin said. We had some obstacles and the first handover from my young teammate (Bromell) was not that good.Im not sure this is the order we might run in Beijing - I would accept the second legGatlin now returns to his Florida base in Orlando before meeting up with the US team in a training camp in Japan ahead of the worlds.I leave it up to my coach (Dennis Mitchell) on what well work now with one month to the world championships, he said.I will study all my races, including this one. But he will prepare me for the heavy load of races waiting for me in Beijing.My plan is to be ready for anybody in Beijing and be fast enough to continue my dominance this year.

Cycling: Van Avermaet wins Tour de France 13th stage


RODEZ (AFP) - Greg Van Avermaet won his first stage on the Tour de France on Friday as Peter Sagan finished second for the fourth time this year.Belgian Van Avermaet won the 198.5km 13th stage from Muret to Rodez at the end of a tough 600m climb to the finish.But it was yet more heartache for Sagan, who has not won a Tour stage in two years, taking 20 top-five finishes since that last success, as Jan Bakelants was third.Race leader Chris Froome came home seventh in a group, seven seconds back, alongside all his major yellow jersey rivals.He leads Tejay Van Garderen by 2min 52sec with Nairo Quintana third at 3min 09sec.On a baking hot day with temperatures touching 40-degrees Celsius, a six-man breakaway took off early in the stage.But they were down to just three -- Wilco Kelderman, Cyril Gautier and Thomas De Gendt -- with 15km remaining.Having peaked during the stage at four minutes, their lead was just 50 seconds with 10km to go and they were finally caught inside the last 500 metres.Frenchman Arnaud Demare attacked out of the peloton but ran out of steam as Van Avermaet surged past.The Belgian had Sagan ideally placed on his wheel and the Slovak looked sure to beat him in the sprint finish.But Van Avermaet wouldnt be denied and when Sagan tried to come past, the Belgian just dug in harder to take the greatest win of his career.Like Sagan -- second nine times since his last Tour stage win -- Van Avermaet had many times narrowly missed out on important wins.Third in Paris-Roubaix earlier this year having finished fourth in 2013, third also at the Tour of Flanders in April having finished second last year, the 30-year-old now has a major win to his name.For Sagan there was one consolation -- he held onto his green points jersey having lost it, virtually, on the road after the intermediate sprint to Andre Greipel.

Oil prices drift amid stronger dollar, glut worries


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices were little changed Friday amid the stronger dollar and concerns that the historic Iran nuclear deal could unleash more Iranian crude on the global market.West Texas Intermediate crude for delivery in August slipped two cents to $50.89 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. After falling for three straight days, the US benchmark WTI was at its lowest level since early April.In London Brent North Sea crude, the international benchmark, closed at $57.10 a barrel, an increase of 18 cents, on the September futures contracts first day of trade.Since the beginning of the week, WTI has shed about $2 a barrel, confirming a downward trend so far in July after a period of stabilization around $60 during the spring.The stronger dollar played all week long... and thats keeping pressure on prices, said Carl Larry, director of oil and gas for consulting firm Frost & Sullivan.The US currency climbed this week after Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen reaffirmed the central banks plan to raise zero-level interest rates this year, in what would be the first hike since 2006.On Friday, the greenback traded at its highest level since late May against the euro, which fell to $1.0841. A stronger greenback makes dollar-priced oil more expensive for buyers using weaker currencies.Abundant supplies of crude oil continued to put pressure on the market. The agreement between Iran and six major powers for Tehran to curb its nuclear program, announced Tuesday, could lead to lifting sanctions that have slashed Irans oil exports.The idea that additional Iranian oil could enter the market, even if that was not expected to happen before 2016, continued to stoke lots of concerns, said Bart Melek at TD Securities.We could see significant amounts of new oil from Iran hit the global market. Iran is said to have near 50 million barrels of crude ready to ship from tankers as soon as the lifting of the sanctions is performed, Melek said.

Euro slips as air of crisis around Greece ebbs


NEW YORK (AFP) - The euro slipped against other major currencies Friday as the air of crisis that has enveloped Europe for weeks ebbed.With a seven-billion-euro emergency loan for Greece approved, and the European Central Bank providing more liquidity to the countrys banks, the broader sense of market risk from the euro area fell.That allowed more focus on the fundamentals of economic growth and central bank policy.The dovish forward-guidance laid out by the European Central Bank may fuel a further decline in the euro-dollar rate as President Mario Draghi pledges to fully implement the quantitative easing program, said David Song, currency analyst at DailyFX.The euro dropped to $1.0830, its lowest level since May 27. It also fell to 134.38 yen, while the dollar slipped to 124.09 yen.The dollar also earned a boost from fresh data showing a pickup in US consumer prices. In what was taken as more support for an early Federal Reserve interest rate rise, the core consumer price index gained 1.8 percent year-on-year in June.

Johnson strikes as England slump against Australia


LONDON (AFP) - Mitchell Johnson returned to haunt England as they suffered a top-order collapse on the second day of the second Ashes Test against Australia at Lords on Friday.At stumps, England were 85 for four in reply to Australias first innings total of 566 for eight declared -- a huge deficit of 481 and still needing a further 282 runs to avoid the follow-on.Australia had piled up 337 for one on Thursday before Steven Smith (215) and Chris Rogers (173) extended their overnight hundreds into Test-best scores.Smiths innings, the seventh highest individual Test score at Lords, was also Australias second highest at the ground behind cricket great Don Bradmans 254 in 1930.But his hopes of breaking that 85-year-old Australia record ended in very modern fashion when he was lbw trying to reverse-sweep part-time spinner Joe Root.The sheer extra speed of Australias fast bowlers made talk of a docile surface all but redundant as England slumped to 30 for four inside 11 overs.Mitchell Starc needed just two balls to remove Adam Lyth for a duck as the left-hander played at a delivery he could have let go and was caught behind.Wicket-keeper Peter Nevill, making his debut after Brad Haddin withdrew for family reasons, could not have wished for an easier first dismissal in Test cricket.Johnson, like Starc a left-arm fast bowler, needed just three balls to uproot Gary Ballances off-stump as he fell for 23.Then 28 for two became 29 for three when Ian Bell (one) was bowled by a Josh Hazlewood delivery that held its line.Root, dropped on nought before making 134 in Englands 169-run win in the first Test in Cardiff last week, also went for one when, trying to force the ball of the back foot, he was caught behind off Johnson to leave England 30 for four.England fans had mocked Johnson during his first-innings return of none for 111 in Cardiff.But there were few jeers now that Johnson had taken two wickets for one run in seven balls.This was a graphic reminder that Johnson, who took 37 wickets at under 14 apiece during Australias 5-0 Ashes whitewash of England in 2013/14, remained a potent force. We came here, won the toss and were able to put the runs on the board and put England under pressure straightaway, Johnson told Sky Sports.We knew the wicket would have a bit more bounce than Cardiff.As for Smiths innings, Johnson said: Ive seen him since hes first started...Im really proud of what he did.England captain Alastair Cook, who had watched all four wickets tumble, got through to stumps on 21 not out in the company of hard-hitting all-rounder Ben Stokes, 38 not out.The two left-handed batsmen had prevented further collapse with an unbroken stand of 55They bowled really well tonight, said England paceman Stuart Broad of Australias attack.When youve got a lot of scoreboard pressure and 30 overs to bowl, you can fly in for one spell, added Broad, who in the midst of Australias run spree took four for 83 in 27 overs.Australia resumed with Rogers 158 not out and Smith, dropped in the slips on 50 by Bell on Thursday, unbeaten on 129.There was drama with Fridays first ball when Rogers was struck on the side of the helmet by James Anderson.Rogers, who missed Australias preceding Test series win in the Caribbean after suffering concussion while batting in the nets, needed several minutes on-field treatment.Two balls later, however, the 37-year-old left-hander square-drove Anderson for four.Broad eventually pierced Rogerss defence with a nip-back ball.Rogers, who has said he will retire at the end of this series, batted for over six-and-a-half hours, faced 300 balls and struck 28 fours.His stand of 284 with Smith topped the previous Australia record Test partnership at Lords of 260 shared by openers Mark Taylor and Michael Slater in 1993.Smith, out for 199 against the West Indies in Kingston last month, completed a maiden Test double century when he whipped off-spinner Moeen Ali legside for a 24th four in 336 balls.

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