Wednesday 16 September 2015

Dunya TV

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Strong quake strikes Chile, tsunami alert issued


SANTIAGO (AFP) - A strong 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck the center of Chile on Wednesday, US seismologists said, triggering a tsunami alert that stretched to Peru and the evacuation of coastal areas.There were no immediate reports of injury or major damage, a government emergency agency said, but terrified residents rushed out onto the streets in Chiles capital Santiago and in Argentina. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) put the shallow offshore quake at a magnitude of 7.9 and said it hit just 228 kilometers (about 140 miles) north of Santiago.It had a depth of eight kilometers and hit at 7:54 pm (2254 GMT), USGS said, also reporting two aftershocks, both above 6.0.The Chilean government put the earthquake at 8.0 on the Richter scale.Interior Minister Jorge Burgos said that the evacuation of coastal towns and cities was ordered as a precautionary measure.The quake was felt as far away as Buenos Aires, in Argentina, about 1,400 kilometers away, while a tsunami warning was in place for the whole of Chile and Perus Pacific coastline.In Santiago, a city of 6.6 million people, thousands fled swaying buildings, an AFP reporter said. A similar fear seized residents in Argentina.We went into a panic and the floor kept moving. We went out into the hallway and down the stairs, Celina Atrave, 65, who lives in a 25-story tower near downtown Buenos Aires, told AFP.The Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that hazardous tsunami waves were possible for some coasts, including above three meters (10 feet) the tide level along parts of Chiles shoreline.Tsunami waves were also possible along French Polynesia, it said, as well as smaller waves as far afield as Japan and New Zealand.In April last year, a deadly 8.2-magnitude earthquake in northern Chile killed six people and forced a million to leave their homes in the region around Iquique.And a February 27, 2010 quake that struck just off the coast of Chiles Maule region measured 8.8 in magnitude, making it one of the largest ever recorded.It killed more than 500 people and inflicted an estimated $30 billion in damages.

Moscow proposed 'military-to-military' talks with US on Syria: Kerry


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that Russia has proposed holding military-to-military talks on Syria, amid US concern about Moscows continued build-up of equipment in the war-ravaged nation.A day after a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, Kerry also stressed that Moscows military support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could spark an escalation of the conflict.The Russians proposed... that we have a military-to-military conversation and meeting in order to discuss the issue of precisely what would be done, Kerry told reporters.He also said the talks could serve to deconflict with respect to any potential risks that might be run and have a complete and clear understanding as to the road ahead and what the intentions are.Kerry did not indicate whether the talks covered the US-led fight against Islamic State jihadists, who hold a wide swath of territory in Syria and Iraq.Washington and Moscow have increased diplomatic consultations in recent weeks amid efforts to end the bloody four-year war, which has claimed more than 240,000 lives and triggered a massive exodus of refugees.I made clear that Russias continued support for Assad risks escalating the conflict and undermining our shared goal of fighting extremism, Kerry said. The top US diplomat, relating the details of his third telephone call with Lavrov in a week, said he had urged Moscow to play a constructive role in the search for a political solution in Syria and the fight against the Islamic State group.The Kremlin -- one of Assads few remaining allies -- has been on a diplomatic drive to get the international anti-IS coalition to coordinate with the regime in Damascus.But the push has made no headway so far as Western and regional powers in the coalition have ruled out linking up forces with Assad.

Assad chides West over refugee crisis as air war heats up


DAMASCUS (AFP) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has chided Western nations for crying over refugees flooding into Europe, claiming that their support for terrorists lies at the roots of his countrys crisis.His remarks, on the eve of the UN peace envoys visit to Damascus, came as Australia said it had joined the US-led air war against the Islamic State group in Syria, and France said it would as well.Washington, meanwhile, told close Damascus ally Moscow that Assad has no role in the war against IS in Syria and must step down to allow a political settlement.Assad, according to a transcript made available Wednesday, said refugees were leaving Syria mainly because of the terrorists and because of the killing, and second because of the results of terrorism.When you have terrorism, and you have the destruction of the infrastructure, you wont have the basic needs of living.So, the West is crying for them, and the West is supporting terrorists since the beginning of the crisis when it said that this was a peaceful uprising, Assad said.If you are worried about them, stop supporting terrorists.Damascus labels all those involved in the war against Assad as terrorists, including Western-backed rebels.Assad also said Irans support was essential for his regime in a conflict that has cost more than 240,000 lives since 2011.Iran supports Syria and the Syrian people. It stands with the Syrian state politically, economically and militarily.He said it was untrue that Iran has sent an army or armed forces to Syria but it sends us military equipment, and of course there is an exchange of military experts between Syria and Iran.Iranian media run regular reports on fighters killed in Syria, saying they are volunteers helping to defend Shiite holy sites there.US Secretary of State John Kerry warned that Russias backing for Assad risked further escalating the conflict.In Sydney, meanwhile, Defence Minister Kevin Andrews said Australian warplanes had carried out their first strike against IS in Syria, destroying an armoured personnel carrier on Monday.Australia joined the US-led coalition fighting IS in Iraq last year.The United States, Canada, Turkey and Gulf states have already been involved in strikes in Syria, while France has been carrying out surveillance flights in preparation to do so as well.In Paris, Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said France would extend its strikes to Syria in the coming weeks.He said on Tuesday IS had made very significant progress in Syria, and that if a large offensive underway in the northern province of Aleppo is successful, it would wipe out what we still call the Free Syrian Army or the national Syrian coalition, or what is left of it.But on Wednesday the US military said only four or five of the first 54 graduates of a special training programme remain in the fight after many were attacked in July.UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura will visit Damascus on Thursday to discuss peace ideas with Foreign Minister Walid Muallem.A senior official told AFP Syria expects answers to questions during their meeting.A diplomat in Syria said the regime is insisting that the fight against terrorism be a part of the political process.In Washington, Kerry said Russia has proposed a military-to-military conversation and meeting on the conflict, in remarks a day after holding talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.Earlier, he insisted Assad has no role in coalition operations against IS and must step down to allow a political settlement.Referring to the US-led coalition, of which Assad could never be a credible member, he said Washington would welcome a constructive Russian role.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also took aim at Russia over its military buildup and called on big powers to unite behind peace efforts.I am concerned by the parties arming and providing arms, Ban said. There is no military solution -- only a political solution.In Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus office said he would travel to Moscow next week for talks with President Vladimir Putin on Russias support for Damascus and threats facing Israel.

Exiled Yemen government back in Aden amid military push


ADEN (AFP) - Yemens government returned Wednesday to Aden after nearly six months of exile in Riyadh, as loyalists backed by a Saudi-led coalition pressed a major offensive towards the rebel-held capital.Prime Minister Khaled Bahah and several of his ministers have relocated to the southern port, two months after forces loyal to exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi pushed Iran-backed Shiite rebels out of the city.Their return appears to reflect a stronger government grip on Aden, which Hadi designated the temporary capital after he fled house arrest in Sanaa in February.It also comes as government troops advance in Marib province east of Sanaa, with air cover and ground support from coalition forces.The government has moved its base from Riyadh to Aden, government spokesman Rajeh Badi told AFP.There was no indication that Hadi himself -- who fled Yemen in late March when the Huthi rebels closed in on his refuge -- was set to return.Bahahs government will work from Aden, including reinforcing the Popular Resistance in Taez said the spokesman of pro-Hadi fighters battling rebels in the central region.In March, the Saudi-led Arab coalition began an air campaign against the rebels and their allies among renegade forces loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh.Pro-Hadi fighters, backed by troops freshly trained and armed by Saudi Arabia, ejected the rebels from Aden in July and have since recaptured four other southern provinces.The United Nations says nearly 4,900 people have been killed and some 25,000 wounded since late March, while 21 million out of Yemens population of 25 million have been affected by the conflict.In Marib, government forces have killed at least nine Huthi militants and captured five west of the provincial capital of the same name, military sources said.Yemeni and coalition troops have also laid siege to Al-Mass military base, north of Marib, which is occupied by Huthis and their allies, the sources said.Troops from both the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are taking part in operations.The UAE lost 52 soldiers in a rebel missile attack on September 4 in Marib which killed 67 coalition troops.Marib city is controlled by troops and tribes loyal to Hadi, but parts of the oil-rich province remain in rebel hands.Meanwhile coalition warplanes on Wednesday pounded rebel positions around Sanaa, including Al-Dailami air base near the airport, witnesses said.Air strikes overnight targeted rebel posts north and south of the city, they said.The escalation comes amid a diplomatic stalemate after Hadis government backed away from UN-sponsored talks, insisting that the rebels first withdraw from territory they have seized.On Tuesday, Hadi met UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed who is trying to revive talks.Hadi reiterated his demand for a Huthi implementation of UN Resolution 2216, which stipulates withdrawal from land occupied since 2014, the governments news agency said.Analysts say that the battle for Sanaa is unlikely to bear fruit soon.A collapse of the Shiite militants authority is far from imminent -- or guaranteed over the medium term, said Jordan Perry of the UK-based risk assessment group Verisk Maplecroft. A year after seizing control of the capital, the Huthis remain well-entrenched in Sanaa.Elsewhere, witnesses said masked arsonists on Wednesday torched St Joseph Roman Catholic church in the Adens central Crater neighbourhood, one of the citys few remaining churches.Twenty-two churches operated in Aden when it was a British colony before 1967, but only a few remain, used rarely by foreign workers and African refugees.Yemens population is 99 percent Muslim.

Taliban suicide car bombing kills four near Kabul: officials


KABUL (AFP) - A Taliban suicide car bomber killed four people on Wednesday and injured dozens more on the outskirts of the Afghan capital Kabul, police said.A total of 41 people, most of them civilians, were injured when the bomber targeted the local district administration compound in the town of Paghman, said a police spokesman, Ebadullah Karimi.At around 10:30 this morning a suicide attacker detonated his explosive-packed car next to the Paghman district headquarters. Two police officers and two civilians have been killed, a further 41 have been injured, Karimi said.A senior police officer was among the dead, Karimi added. Paghman is 20 kilometres (12 miles) west of Kabul.The account was confirmed by the interior ministry deputy spokesman Najib Danish.The Taliban, who have been waging a bloody insurgency since their regime was toppled in late 2001, claimed responsibility for the attack. Afghanistan has witnessed escalating violence since the insurgents launched their spring offensive in April.Nearly 1,600 civilians were killed and 3,329 injured in the first half of this year, according to UN figures.NATO ended its combat mission in Afghanistan last December and pulled out the bulk of its troops, although a 13,000-strong residual force remains for training and counter-terrorism operations.

Raul Castro to make first UN General Assembly address


HAVANA (AFP) - Cuban President Raul Castro will address the UN General Assembly for the first time later this month, Havana said Wednesday, and is expected to use his speech to push for an end to the US embargo.A draft schedule published by the United Nations indicated that the Cuban leader would speak on September 28, the same day as US President Barack Obama.Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez confirmed the appearance, which comes just two months after Washington and Havana reestablished diplomatic relations after more than a half century of enmity.The UN General Assembly has voted each year since 1982 to approve a resolution calling on the United States to lift the embargo against Cuba, which has been in place since 1960.This year, however, Cuba will introduce a resolution that also welcomes the reestablishment of relations with Washington, and acknowledges Obamas determination to work with the US Congress to lift the embargo, Rodriguez told a news conference.Nevertheless, it will express concern that the embargo remains in place, and its negative impact on Cubans both on the island and living in other countries, particularly the United States.Rodriguez put the damage inflicted on Cuba by the embargo at over $121 billion. The United States imposed it in retaliation for Cubas nationalization without compensation of US properties on the island.Since the rapprochement with Cuba, the Obama administration also has expressed support for lifting the embargo, but the decision rests with Congress, where a Republican majority opposes the move.More than 160 world leaders are expected at the UN General Assembly, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year.Chinas President Xi Jinping will also be making his debut, delivering his address on September 28, shortly before Russian President Vladimir Putin, who returns to the United Nations after a 10-year absence.Fidel Castro took part in the gathering on four occasions following the Cuban revolution in 1959. This would be Raul Castros first speech to the UN General Assembly since he succeeded his brother as president in 2006.

Football: Mourinho's gamble pays off as Chelsea cruise


LONDON (AFP) - Jose Mourinhos selection gamble paid off as Chelsea got their spluttering season back on track with a 4-0 rout of Maccabi Tel Aviv in the Champions League on Wednesday.Mourinhos side went into their Group G opener in turmoil after Saturdays dismal 3-1 defeat at Everton left them with only one win from their first five Premier League matches.That miserable sequence was Chelseas worst start to a season since 1988 and it provoked a barrage of criticism for Mourinho and his under-performing English champions.But Mourinho promised changes after the Everton loss and the Blues boss was true to his word as he axed John Terry, Diego Costa, Pedro Rodriguez, John Obi Mikel, Nemanja Matic and Branislav Ivanovic.It seemed the switches might backfire after Eden Hazards shocking penalty miss in the first half at Stamford Bridge.But lacklustre Maccabi were the perfect opponents for Chelsea to rediscover a semblance of their form and Willian opened the scoring before Oscar showed Hazard how to do it by converting a penalty on the stroke of half-time.Costa came on to net in the second half and Cesc Fabregas added gloss to the scoreline with a late tap-in.It was far from a vintage Chelsea performance, but Mourinho will hope it provides a foundation for future success, starting with a sterner test against Arsenal in the Premier League this weekend.It was a good victory, you could see from minute one we were going to win the game, Mourinho said.The same way I was not in hell with bad results, I am not in heaven when we won a game.Missing the penalty was a good thing to test. The players have shown a good attitude.There was an early indication of Chelseas frustration at their recent predicament when Loic Remy and Willian, two of the players drafted in by Mourinho, combined to earn a fifth minute penalty.Remys defence-splitting pass put Willian through on goal and the Brazilian winger was sent crashing to the turf by Maccabi goalkeeper Predrag Rajkovic.However, Mourinho still felt hard done by when German referee Felix Zwayer decided not to send off Rajkovic and he screamed in anger on the touchline when he saw the yellow card.There was even worse to come as Belgium midfielder Hazard, showing a lack of composure that encapsulated his current struggles, blazed the penalty high over the crossbar.It was a comically bad effort and could have shattered Chelseas already fragile morale.Yet, crucially, Rajkovics fortunate escape turned into a bonus for Mourinho as Chelsea took the lead in the 15th minute when the keeper misjudged Willians inswinging free-kick and allowed it to curl past him untouched into the far corner.A first goal of the season was as good as it got for Willian, who limped off in the 23rd minute to be replaced by Costa.After such an uninspiring start from Maccabi, Chelsea were lulled into a false sense of security at the back and the Israelis should have equalised when Eran Zahavi was left unmarked from Nikola Mitrovics free-kick, but the forwards tame header looped harmlessly over.But the hosts doubled their lead four minutes into stoppage-time when former Chelsea defender Tal Ben Haim was ruled to have fouled Costa, even though he got a toe on the ball before tripping the Spain striker.Brazil playmaker Oscar calmly sent Rajkovic the wrong way from the spot.Mourinho had bristled when grilled on a perceived lack of success in his third year at his previous clubs, but his approval rating remains high at the Bridge and his name was loudly sung by Chelseas fans.With their confidence returning, Chelseas most stylish flourish came in the 58th minute as Costa caressed a fine volley into the top corner from Fabregass cross.Fabregas has been pilloried for his ineffective displays of late, so he will have welcomed that assist and the close-range finish that brought Chelsea their fourth goal in the 78th minute.

Football: Florenzi wonder goal as Roma deny Messi, Barca


ROME (AFP) - An Alessandro Florenzi wonder goal earned Roma a share of the spoils as Barcelonas Lionel Messi celebrated his 100th Champions League appearance without a goal in a 1-1 draw at the Stadio Olimpico on Wednesday.Roma, dominated throughout by the defending champions, looked to be on their way to a sound defeat after Luis Suarez rose at Wojciech Szczesnys back post after 21 minutes to head home Ivan Rakitics delivery.But the hosts were given a huge treat when Florenzi struck from just over the halfway line to catch Marc-Andre ter Stegen way out of his goal with a shot that bounced off the post and into the net.Barcelona went on to spurn a series of great chances but a determined Roma produced a solid defensive performance to ultimately frustrate Luis Enriques men.A draw against the Catalan giants will be considered a huge result, given the 7-1 thrashing Roma suffered by Bayern Munich in the group stages last year.A day after seeing Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo overtake their shared record of 77 goals in the competition with a hat-trick in a 4-0 win over Shakhtar Donetsk, Messi had plenty reason to be on the goals hunt.The Argentinian was a class act, dipping and skipping past Romas players at will but failing to add to close his gap to Ronaldos new tally of 80 goals. When Messi spun away from Radja Nainggolan in the opening minutes he fired just a metre over Szczesnys bar.Roma were finding counter-attacking chances and twice Mohamed Salah powered down the right flank in the opening ten minutes before meeting traffic.Gradually, Barcelona settled, prompting a chorus of whistle and jeers among Romas increasingly-unhappy fans.When Suarez threatened deep on the right byeline, nerves were settled only by Antonio Rudigers clean tackle to dispossess the Uruguayan. But Barcelona were not to be denied. On 21 minutes Messi backed into Lucas Digne and the subsequent confusion over whether a foul had been committed gave Barcelona a split seconds momentum.Rakitic went unchallenged at the right post to send in a lob for Suarez to header home at the back post, as Romas players protested in vain. Roma looked all at sea and when Suarez broke deep on the left, only a timely intervention from Szczesny rescued the hosts from conceding again although replays showed the Polish goalkeeper completely missed the ball and made contact with Suarez instead.Roma seemed shellshocked and an eery silence hung over the stadium as fans sat in awe, until the stupor was broken in spectacular fashion just after the half hour.Seeing Ter Stegen 15 metres off his line, Florenzi looked up from near the right touchline and hit a drive from just inside the halfway line that sailed over the keeper, off the far post and into the net.The 58,800 crowd were stunned, but Barca responded immediately, Messi twice going close after a mazy run down the right hand side of the penalty area although Roma finished the half on a high, Nainggolan unleashing a drive from 25 yards that forced Ter Stegen to parry down low at his left post, while Salah fired over after a great run that saw him hold off two markers.Barca took barely 90 seconds after the restart to threaten again, Szczesny first denying Messi from distance and then diving at the feet of Suarez to deny the Uruguayan.Jordi Alba had kept the ball in play and Suarez had two stabs with his feet, the second injuring Szczesnys hand and ending his game prematurely.Morgan De Sanctis, who has not played a league game all season, replaced the Pole and despite some early nerves went on to produce a great performance, denying Barcelona with a string of fine saves at the death.

Football: Giroud off as Arsenal stunned in Zagreb


ZAGREB (AFP) - Dinamo Zagreb piled further misery upon English sides in Europe as they stunned 10-man Arsenal 2-1 in Croatia to record their first Champions League group stage win in 16 attempts.Making their 18th straight group phase appearance in the competition, the Gunners were hoping to fare better than both Manchester clubs, who lost their opening games on Tuesday, but instead suffered a chastening defeat of their own in their Group F curtain-raiser.Arsene Wengers men fell behind on 24 minutes when Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain put through his own net and their troubles were compounded with Olivier Giroud dismissed for a second yellow card just before half-time.Junior Fernandes added a second for Dinamo just before the hour and although substitute Theo Walcott pulled one back the Croatian champions held on to extend their unbeaten run in all competitions to 42 matches. It is not the way we wanted to begin the competition, Wenger told BT Sport.He added: The first yellow for Olivier Giroud is a foul for us and the second is an accident. They got away with obvious fouls many times. We have enough games to come back. We focus to win our next home game and Im sure we can beat Zagreb at home.With an eye on Saturdays Premier League trip to Chelsea and a League Cup tie at Tottenham the following week, Wenger made six changes to the side that beat Stoke 2-0 at the weekend.Captain Mikel Arteta was handed a first start of the season in midfield with Aaron Ramsey and Francis Coquelin rested while David Ospina deputised for Petr Cech in goal.Giroud was also restored to the line-up and it was the Frenchman who nearly put Arsenal ahead on nine minutes when he connected with a Santi Cazorla corner only to be denied by an excellent save from Eduardo. Giroud was then left frustrated by the woodwork after getting on the end of an Oxlade-Chamberlain cross with Eduardo blocking the strikers follow-up effort.The Arsenal goal had come under little threat aside from two speculative Marko Pjaca strikes but Dinamo made the most of their opportunity when it arrived midway through the first half as El Arabi Hilal Soudani threaded a pass into the path of left-back Josip Pivaric.Pivaric had crept in behind the visitors defence and although his initial effort was kept out well by Opsina the rebound ricocheted back off the unfortunate Oxlade-Chamberlain and over the stranded Colombian.Arsenals night then lurched from bad to worse as Giroud, cautioned earlier for dissent, was sent off five minutes before the interval after picking up a second booking for a clumsy tackle on Ivo Pinto.Soudani missed a glorious chance to double the lead for the home side just after the resumption as he headed against the post from close range before stabbing the rebound wide.Moments after that huge let-off Mesut Ozil found himself alone in front of Eduardo but the Germans scuffed shot was smothered by the Dinamo goalkeeper.A second goal for the home side on 58 minutes eased the nerves at the Stadion Maksimir though.Mathieu Debuchy made a desperate block to divert a Junior Fernandes effort behind but the Chilean rose above Laurent Koscielny to power home a header from the resulting corner and put Dinamo firmly in control.Walcott, on the ground where he scored a hat-trick for England against Croatia seven years ago, raced onto a ball through from Alexis Sanchez and steered a composed finish beyond Eduardo to give the Gunners a lifeline on 79 minutes. Dinamo remained resolute at the back though with Ante Coric nearly netting a third for Zoran Mamics side right at the death.

Football: Mueller brace lifts Bayern past Olympiakos


PIRAEUS (AFP) - A Thomas Mueller brace and a Mario Goetze snap shot lifted Bayern Munich to a 3-0 win over Olympiakos in their Champions League Group F opener on Wednesday as tensions boiled over on the terraces. Muellers first was a long range fluke in the 52nd minute and a nervy Bayern had been watching the clock before a late Goetze shot and Mueller penalty in time added on clinched the three points.I dont know if I had a pact with the Greek goddess of luck, but it was certainly lucky that it (his goal) slipped in the net, Mueller told ZDF after his amazing strike from outside the area.It certainly made things easier for us.Olympiakos won all three home games in the group phase last season, but this revamped side with a new coach - 38-year-old former Sporting Portugal man Marco Silva - saw an 11 games unbeaten run rudely stopped.Muellers opener will cause great debate after his miss-hit cross bamboozled Olympiakos keeper Roberto, who raced desperately back to his line and had to watch in horror as the ball hit the top corner.With Bayern in full flow Roberto then made amends with a superb reflex save to stop an effort from Mueller on 68 minutes.Goetzes goal though was all style in the 88th minute when he twisted on the edge of the six yard box and beat Roberto with both the power of his shot and his speed of thought, from a tight angle.Then after Olympiakos substitute Arthur Masuaku had fouled his French compatriot Kingsley Koman, Mueller also converted in style from the spot in time added on.Although Bayern controlled the ball for the greater part of the second half, Olympiakos had two ideal opportunities to break the deadlock. The first came four minute after Bayerns tally when goalkeeper Manuel Neuer leapt high to tip the ball away from a deadly shot by Ideye Brown. Without wingers Franck Ribery and Arjen Robben, coach Pep Guardiola, in his third campaign with the 2013 Champions League winners, pacing the sidelines Mueller and Alonso both went close in a goalless first-half.The visitors suffered a real scare when Ideye found himself alone in front of the imposing Germany stopper Neuer. But the Nigerian international fluffed his chance and was off-side anyway.Olympiakos had three weak headers from up close by Pajtim Kasami, Brown and Manuel da Costa caught easily by Neuer. One other threat by the home team came one minute before halftime when Alejandro Dominguez cleverly got by two defenders but was stopped by defender Jerome Boateng. The match was marred by clashes between riot-trained police and Bayern fans before kickoff resulting in at least one injured spectator. Bayern fans were seen throwing broken plastic seats and plastic bottles at Olympiakos supporters forcing the police to use their batons to bring order. Some 1700 travelling fans had been under heavy police protection due to tensions concerning Germanys stance on austerity in the Greek economic bailout.Bayern lodged an official complaint against treatment by the police of their fans.

Football: Al Ahli, Gamba, advance to Asian semis


DOHA (AFP) - The UAEs Al Ahli advanced to the semi-finals of the Asian Champions League after they beat Naft Tehran 2-1 in an entertaining match in Dubai on Wednesday.The Red Knights were the favourites on their home turf following their 1-0 first leg win in August, and despite some stiff late resistance managed to book their slot in the last four where they meet Saudi Arabias Al Hilal.Former Benfica player Rodrigo Lima put Al Ahli ahead in the 26th minute with a powerful low drive from 25 yards after Ahmed Khalil had done the spadework on the left flank and crossed to him.Khalil, who proved hard to contain, then scored from the spot in the 50th minute with a delicate chip over Naft goalkeeper Alireza Beiranvand after he was brought down in the penalty area.Naft reduced the margin two minutes later through Vahid Amiri who scored from close range after Waleed Abbas bungled a clearance.Both teams then missed a couple of chances but Al Ahli held on to stay on course for the continental title.Earlier, substitute Koki Yonekura snatched a winner deep into stoppage time as Japans Gamba Osaka stunned South Koreas Jeonbuk Motors 3-2 to reach the semi-finals.Gamba, the 2008 Asian champions, will face Chinas Guangzhou Evergrande in the last four after Luiz Felipe Scolaris side dumped J-League rivals Kashiwa Reysol out of the competition on Tuesday.Jeonbuk looked to be going through on away goals following a scoreless first leg in Korea when Spaniard Urko Veras header two minutes from time sent the away fans into raptures -- while Gambas players slumped to the turf in despair.But last years Japanese treble winners, who were missing Japan striker Takashi Usami through suspension, hit back in dramatic circumstances, with Yonekura smashing home a left-foot strike in the fourth minute of injury time at Expo stadium.Jeonbuk, who won Asias premier club competition in 2006, began brightly and went ahead through a Leonardo penalty after 13 minutes.Their lead was short-lived after Brazilian striker Patric pounced from close range just moments later before Shu Kurata rifled home from the edge of the box midway through the second half.Veras late goal frayed Gambas nerves before Yonekura broke Korean hearts and sealed a famous victory for the home side.

Tennis: Safarova in hospital with bacterial infection


PRAGUE (AFP) - French Open finalist Lucie Safarova has been hospitalised in the Czech Republic with a bacterial infection, with no timetable for her return to the court.So happy to be ranked fifth this week. Unfortunately its been really hard month for me. Injury and now fighting bacteria infection in hospital Safarova posted on her Facebook page along with a photo from the hospital in Brno on Wednesday. But I will fight hard to be back soon she added.Czech Fed Cup spokesperson Karel Tejkal played down concerns that Safarova could miss the final against Russia on November 14-15, saying her illness does not call into question her participation. The 28-year-old reached her first Grand Slam singles final at Roland Garros in June before losing to Serena Williams in three sets. She also won the Australian Open and French Open doubles titles alongside American Bethanie Mattek-Sands.

Tennis: Top seed Keys out of Quebec with wrist injury


QUEBEC CITY (AFP) - Top-seeded American Madison Keys withdrew from the WTA tournament in Quebec on Wednesday with a left wrist injury and was replaced in the draw by lucky loser Nadia Kichenok, organizers said.Tournament director Jacques Herisset said the 19th-ranked Keys scheduled first-round match against Anna Tatishvili had already been scheduled as late as possible -- on Wednesday evening -- but she told organizers in the morning that she would be unable to play.Keys said on her Facebook page that she was really disappointed, adding that she had hurt her wrist in practice in recent days.Keys, owner of one WTA title, was coming off a fourth-round loss to Serena Williams at the US Open.The tournament has already seen several seeded players eliminated in the first round, including third-seeded German Mona Barthel and sixth-seeded compatriot Tatjana Maria and eighth-seeded Belgian An-Sophie Mestach.

China's Hangzhou awarded host 2022 Asian Games


ASHGABAT (AFP) - The Chinese city of Hangzhou was on Wednesday awarded the 2022 Asian Games, organisers and state media said, in another win for Chinas global sporting ambitions.Hangzhou in eastern China -- best known for the West Lake, a placid and much-painted tourist attraction -- was the only candidate city, a report by the countrys official Xinhua news agency said.Its sole candiancy made it a shoo-in for selection by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) at its congress in the Turkmenistan capital Ashgabat.An OCA spokesman confirmed the decision to AFP, saying the body, the Chinese Olympic Committee and Hangzhou had already signed the hosting contract at the meeting.The award comes shortly after Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, having hosted the Summer Games in 2008, and means China will host two major multi-sport events in the same year.China staged official celebrations in July after winning the Winter Olympics bid, beating out Kazakhstans Almaty, despite concerns over its human rights record and Beijings pollution levels.The 2008 Games marked a major step forward for China on the international stage, and analysts say its Communist authorities still use major sporting events, such as the World Athletics Championships in Beijing last month, to burnish their credentials.Ahead of the Winter Olympics decision, Xu Guoqi, a history professor at Hong Kong University, told AFP: From a government perspective, they still need to legitimise their political base. So they need to hold a big event to make Chinese people feel good.Susan Brownell, a visiting professor at Heidelberg Universitys Institute of Sinology, said inter-regional rivalry was also a motive.Tokyo will host its second Summer Olympics in 2020, more than half a century after its 1964 debut as host.China wants to keep up with them in the number of Olympics hosted, and would no doubt prefer to surpass them if possible, said Brownell, author of Beijings Games, what the Olympics means to China.Hangzhou -- the home base of Chinese Internet giant Alibaba -- will be the third Chinese city to hosted the Asian regional games, following Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.The Asian Games largely follows the sports programme of the Olympics, with swimming and athletics as the core sports.South Koreas Incheon held the last Asian Games in 2014, while Indonesia will play host in 2018.That event will have two host cities, the OCA said in a statement: Jakarta, the teeming capital on the island of Java, and Palembang, the provincial capital of South Sumatra, a 45-minute flight away.But the organisation withdrew the 2017 Asian Youth Games from Sri Lanka, it said, due to problems with the autonomy of the Sri Lanka NOC and the government.

Football: Qatar begins work at 2022 World Cup final venue


DOHA (AFP) - Qatar has begun construction work at the site where the 2022 World Cup final will be played, tournament officials said on Wednesday.Preparatory work, including the stationing of site offices and five kilometres of hoarding, have gone up at the site in Lusail, north of the capital, Doha.As well as the final, the opening game of the 2022 tournament will also be staged at the 80,000-seater Lusail Stadium.Mubarak Al-Khulaifi, the stadiums project director, said in a statement that organisers were very pleased to have initiated a presence on the site, which has a special significance for us all.Lusail is the sixth venue currently under construction for the World Cup, the first to be played in the Middle East.The stadium is being designed by British architects Foster and Partners.Earlier this month, Qatar announced it will complete work on the first tournament venue to be used in the competition by 2016.Up to 12 stadiums will be used for the World Cup in 2022, which for the first time in its history will be played during the months of November and December.A final decision on the number of venues will be made by the end of this year.Work for the finals in seven years time has progressed despite an ongoing Swiss investigation examining in part how the tiny Gulf state was awarded the tournament.This was launched in the fallout over corruption allegations engulfing footballs governing body, FIFA.Qatar has come under widespread criticism for its labour record since being awarded footballs biggest tournament.However, officials for the body overseeing the Qatar World Cup, the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, said construction work at Lusail would comply with international welfare standards.

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