Thursday 17 September 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Cablevision's prospective owner talks tough on bloated salaries


NEW YORK (Reuters) -If you earn more than $300,000 at cable operator Cablevision Systems Corp, watch out - your new boss-in-waiting has his eye on you.Patrick Drahi, whose European telecoms group Altice (ATCA.AS) has just sealed a deal to buy Cablevision, on Thursday signaled that big changes were coming at the cable company long controlled by the Irish-American Dolan family.Speaking at a Goldman Sachs conference in New York, Drahi said more than 300 employees at Cablevision earn over $300,000 a year.This we will change, the French-Israeli billionaire added.Drahi, a serial acquirer in the past 22 months, is known for sending in a team of executives after each acquisition to cut costs on everything from software to staff, often sparking rows with suppliers and employees.Cablevision, which serves the affluent suburbs of New York City, spends $49 a month in operating expenses per customer, compared to $14 a month at Altices French cable operator Numericable, Altice said in a slide presentation.At Suddenlink, a smaller St Louis-based cable provider that Altice bought earlier this year, the equivalent monthly cost is $32 and Drahi aims to cut it to $25.We believe there is a significant rationalization opportunity there on the cost side, Altice Chief Executive Dexter Goei said on a conference call, pointing to steps like simplifying billing, making truck outings more efficient and modernizing its network.Overall, Altice is aiming for $900 million in annual cost cuts at Cablevision, a target analysts called ambitious.These cost savings imply a nearly 47 percent margin profile, superior to any U.S. cable operator, even those with materially higher scale and more benign competitive environments, analysts at Jefferies said in a research note.While Drahi may have a free hand cutting fat when it comes to managers at Cablevision, he may face a tougher ride with its rank and file workers, some of whom engaged in a long-running fight with the Dolans over their right to form a union.The three-year standoff ended in February with a two-year contract deal that was ratified shortly thereafter.In France, Drahis tough tactics led to the appointment of a mediator to arbitrate between Numericable-SFR and its suppliers after the operator demanded a 20-40 percent cut in prices on contracts.

Back to basics, and beyond: automakers seek to counter China slowdown


XIAN (Reuters) - As Chinas economy loses pace and car sales flatline, automakers are having to redouble their efforts to squeeze every dollar from their dealerships - beefing up after-sales and financing services that are a staple in more developed markets.New car sales still make up a ridiculous 70 percent or more of dealer revenue in China, compared to as little as 5 percent in a market like Britain, where dealers make most of their money from car repairs, insurance and auto finance, said an executive at a chain of luxury dealerships in China.For years, Chinese car makers and their dealers had it easy. As China raced from being an undeveloped indigenous market to being the worlds biggest - and a main growth driver for global manufacturers - new car sales sped along at double-digit growth. This year, sales may contract for the first time in at least two decades.Thats prompted global car makers such as BMW to intensify training programs, teaching dealers how to maximize revenue from businesses beyond just selling new cars.In a classroom-cum-car repair service bay in Beijing last week, groups of BMW after-sales service managers huddled around tables, poring over spreadsheets on repair revenues per model and productivity per service mechanic.Elsewhere, new recruits learn how to compose follow-up mobile messages to potential car buyers browsing the showrooms. That personal touch can later help drum up repeat after-sales business that might otherwise go to cheaper backstreet repair yards.Were under conditions that make us sweat with urgency, so we need to participate more in these mind-expanding activities and cooperate with the manufacturer to find a way to survive, said Xu Dapeng, who manages after-sales services for a BMW dealership in Beijing and attended last weeks training.As car sales in China soared since the mid-2000s, few manufacturers and dealers bothered to diversify their revenue streams. But around 60 percent of all car dealerships now say theyre losing money on each new car sold, prompting manufacturers to build out other ways to make money.BOOT CAMPAt BMW, where deliveries to dealers in China have grown just 1 percent so far this year, this means putting recruits through sales boot camp and turning experienced staff into spreadsheet wonks.The worlds top luxury car maker this month opened its largest Asia training center in Xian in Shaanxi province. It is also rolling out online training phone apps and having in-house trainers at dealerships look after basic skills so training centers can focus on teaching more advanced skills.Training classes have shifted to help dealers identify areas they can change for a quick improvement in results, said BMWs China training chief Xiao Yi.They need to know which kind of customers support big margins and have high turnover, said Ma Gang, a BMW training manager who oversees after-sales classes. That way dealers can target those customers in follow-up calls and increase the chance theyll bring in their cars for repairs or a tune-up.BMW is not alone in beefing up its training effort as the market becomes more challenging.Lu Cheng, general manager of DZMC Training, who taught last weeks BMW class, said theres more demand for such training sessions from all his clients, including Daimler AG (DAIGn.DE) and Porsche PSHG_P.DE. His firm has increased its training staff by a fifth since last year.GETTING PERSONALProfits from selling new cars are being squeezed from competitive price discounting, making it even more crucial to generate steady high-margin income from after-sales services.After-sales margins in China can be as high as 50 percent - if a dealership is run efficiently - the luxury dealership executive said.Much of BMWs training focuses on follow-up contact with customers - honing sales reps SMS skills, for example.Trainer Lee Yida opened a basic skills session by asking BMW dealer trainees: What kind of SMS message will move consumers hearts? Choosing between a handful of messages, one saleswoman said her group opted for brevity. Our customers are very busy, she said. We thought it was better because it was shorter.Dealers are also taught how to maximize the use of each car repair bay, and ensure that all customers pay for work done.Training and increased after-sales revenue alone are unlikely to offset the sales slowdown. Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) and its luxury brand Audi (NSUG.DE), for example, are scaling back production and making other cuts.After-sales margins are already under pressure, with average per customer revenue dipping to 3,480 yuan ($546) this year from 4,288 yuan last year for luxury car brands, according to a study by J.D. Power & Associates released in July.Many dealers in what is still a relatively young Chinese autos industry are untried in after-sales. Its an area in China that, to be frank, theyre not very good at, the dealer executive said.Anyone can sell cars, after-sales is complicated, said another manager at a major chain of Mercedes dealers.

Sales from organic U.S. farms reached $5.5 billion last year: USDA


CHICAGO (Reuters) -Sales from organic U.S. farms reached $5.5 billion last year, a 72 percent increase from 2008, the U.S. Agriculture Department said in a report on Thursday that highlighted the consumer trend toward such products.The USDA data, compiled through farmer surveys, showed that milk was the top organic commodity in 2014 with sales of about $1.1 billion. Sales of organic eggs, which are laid by hens raised without cages, totaled $420 million.Demand for organic foods, from fruits and vegetables to meat and grains, has risen steadily in the past decade as shoppers have become more concerned about genetically modified products, as well as chemicals used in the food chain.We need a higher rate of growth in order to get close to meeting the demand, Laura Batcha, chief of the Organic Trade Association, said after reviewing the sales data.Organic agriculture uses methods that avoid most synthetic materials, such as pesticides and antibiotics.Sales are geographically concentrated, with 10 states accounting for 78 percent of business in 2014, according to the USDA. California alone represented 41 percent of sales, according to the USDA.Nationwide, the total number of organic farms dropped by 3 percent to 14,093 last year from 14,540 in 2008, according to the USDA. The decline came among farms that are exempt from government certification because they earn less than $5,000 annually from organic sales.The number of larger farms that are certified as organic rose 15 percent from 2008 to 12,634, the USDA said.Differences in survey methods from 2008 to 2014 may have affected the count of smaller farms, said Troy Joshua, chief of the environmental economics and demographics branch of the USDAs National Agricultural Statistics Service. Also, some smaller farms have expanded into bigger, certified operations, he said.The USDA said 39 percent of the organic farmers surveyed, or about 5,300 producers, said they planned to increase production in the next five years.Sales at natural and organic retailers rose 9 percent in the past year, compared with a 1.3 percent gain at supermarket chains and other conventional retailers, according to data from Spins, a market research firm that tracks data from store scanners.In May, Spam maker Hormel Foods Corp (HRL.N) said it would buy organic meat processor Applegate Farms for $775 million.Last year, General Mills Inc (GIS.N), the maker of Cheerios cereal, said it would acquire organic food producer Annies Inc for about $820 million.

U.S. jobless claims at eight-week low; housing starts take breather


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The number of Americans filing new applications for unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest level in eight weeks, suggesting the labor market continued to strengthen despite the recent tightening in financial market conditions.While other data on Thursday showed housing starts fell for a second straight month in August, they remained above the one million-unit mark, which signals a housing market growing at a solid clip. In addition, building permits rose last month.The signs of a firming economy are supportive of an interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve later this year, after the U.S. central bank kept borrowing costs near zero on Thursday, citing concerns about the global economy.Speculation will now shift to December as the next most likely month for U.S. rates to start rising, said Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit in London.The data dependent Fed will want to see further robust nonfarm payroll growth between now and then as well as indications that the pace of economic growth is not wilting under the pressure of Chinas slowdown.Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 11,000 to a seasonally adjusted 264,000 for the week ended Sept. 12, the Labor Department said.That was the best reading since the week ended July 18, when claims hit their lowest level since 1973. It was the 28th straight week that claims remained below the 300,000 threshold, which is usually associated with a strengthening labor market.The dollar fell to a three-week low against the euro on the Feds rate decision, while prices for U.S. Treasury debt rallied. Stocks on Wall Street ended lower in volatile trade.Concerns about growth in China and other emerging market economies ignited volatility in financial markets. The ensuing drop in equity prices, further dollar gains and a widening of risk spreads caused some tightening in financial conditions.FIRMING LABOR MARKETThe claims data covered the period during which the government surveyed employers for the nonfarm payrolls portion of the September employment report. Claims fell 13,000 between the August and September survey weeks, suggesting some pickup in job growth after a slowdown in August.Labor market conditions are tightening, with record high job openings. At a 7-1/2-year low of 5.1 percent, the unemployment rate is within the range most Fed officials think is consistent with a low but steady rate of inflation.In a press conference after the rate decision, Fed Chair Janet Yellen acknowledged the labor market improvement, but said some cyclical weakness likely remains.In a second report, the Commerce Department said groundbreaking for new homes dropped 3.0 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 1.13 million units last month.Despite the fall, which reflected declines in groundbreaking on single and multifamily projects, starts remained above a one million-unit pace for the fifth straight month. Building permits increased 3.5 percent last month to a 1.17 million-unit pace, after declining 15.5 percent in July.The small dip in August housing starts is minor considering the sustained momentum weve seen in housing overall in 2015, said Bill Banfield, vice president at Quicken Loans in Detroit.When you couple the slow but steady rise in single-family unit construction with an increase in builder confidence, its further support that housing is returning to its place as a major player in driving economic growth.The firming labor market has unleashed pent-up demand for housing, especially among young adults. A report on Wednesday showed confidence among homebuilders advancing to a near decade high in September.Yellen said the housing market should be doing even better.Housing starts are below levels that seem consistent with underlying demographics especially in an economy thats creating jobs and we have lots of people who are still doubled up and demand for housing should be there and should materialize as the job market improves and income growth improves, she said.In August, groundbreaking for single-family homes, which accounts for the largest share of the market, fell 3.0 percent. Single-family home building in the South, where most of the home construction takes place, rose 9.2 percent to the highest level since December 2007.Starts for the volatile multifamily segment also fell 3.0 percent. Single-family building permits rose 2.8 percent in August to their highest level since January 2008. Multi-family building permits rose 4.7 percent.A third report showed manufacturing continued to struggle against the headwinds of a strong dollar and soft global demand.The Philadelphia Fed said its business activity index fell to minus 6.0 in September from positive 8.3 in August. A reading below zero indicates contraction in the regions manufacturing.

Recall settlement frees GM CEO to confront new challenges


DETROIT (Reuters) - Hours after General Motors Co agreed on Thursday to pay $900 million to settle criminal charges related to a bungled recall, Chief Executive Mary Barra said the legal and public relations crisis that has shadowed her for nearly two years was a catalyst for meaningful change.Now, Barra must show investors and consumers that the change at the No. 1 U.S. automaker is real, and goes beyond the steps she ordered to attack the engineering and managerial lapses that resulted in GM waiting more than a decade to fix dangerous vehicle defects now linked to 124 deaths.GM shares rose modestly on Thursday as investors digested details of the criminal settlements, for which the automaker will take a $1.475 billion third-quarter charge, including $575 million for private litigation.However, GM shares are still trading well below their initial public offering price of $33, despite Barra s move in March to promise investors $10 billion in cash and stock buybacks through the end of next year.Barra could face new pressure from investors to take more aggressive steps to lift the company s shares. Meanwhile, Sergio Marchionne, chief executive of rival Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV (FCHA.MI) (FCAU.N), continues his campaign for a merger of his company and GM - a proposal Barra and her board have rebuffed.GM executives would rather focus attention on their ambitious plans for launching new vehicles with advanced technology. Product development chief Mark Reuss, speaking to employees on Thursday, hit that note.We are going to deliver vehicles with features that astound and amaze people, he said, adding that GM s goal is to be a zero defects company.HUMBLING EPISODEThe settlement caps a humbling episode for a company that once dominated the global auto industry. The recall scandal battered GM s reputation in its home market, chopped more than $5 billion out of the Detroit automaker s profit and helped usher in a new era of aggressive oversight by federal regulators.GM disclosed in February 2014 that it failed to tell regulators what it knew about defective ignition switches that could cause vehicles to stall, and cut power to the air bags. Before that revelation, GM was regaining profitability after a federally funded bankruptcy, and Barra was hailed for breaking one of industry s formidable glass ceilings to become the first woman to head a major global automaker.The recall scandal, which engulfed the company just weeks after Barra took over as CEO in January 2014, put the ills of the pre-bankruptcy GM at center stage in Washington, in the media and in the courts. Barra took sharp criticism from lawmakers during four hearings on Capitol Hill.But the steps Barra took in response to GM s humiliation paid off.She set up a compensation fund that paid $600 million to ignition switch crash victims, appointed a new safety czar to cut through managerial silos in the engineering organization, shared mountains of documents with federal investigators and publicly embraced a scathing internal report by Anton Valukas, chairman of the Chicago law firm Jenner & Block, that exposed deep flaws in GM s managerial culture.All that helped GM secure a settlement that was less onerous than many financial analysts had expected.The Justice Department did not charge any individuals, and credited GM in the deferred prosecution agreement with terminating wrongdoers.CRITICS SPEAK OUTThe deal was also less punishment than some victims families thought was deserved.Laura Christian, the birth mother of 16-year-old Amber Rose, who died in a 2005 crash, lamented the lack of individual accountability in the agreement.We buried our loved ones because GM buried a deadly defect, she said. And yet today all GM has to do is write another check to escape.Barra called the settlement tough, and said GM would change its ways. The steps we took to do the right thing ... persuaded the Justice Department to defer prosecutions, Barra said during a televised talk to GM employees on Thursday afternoon. She also reminded employees, people were hurt and people died in our cars.Prosecutors charged GM with wire fraud and scheming to conceal material facts from a U.S. regulator. The Justice Department s failure to charge any individuals drew objections from some lawmakers and industry critics who had pressed for stiffer penalties.GM admitted to failing to disclose a potentially lethal safety defect with the switches that kept some air bags from deploying. It also admitted to misleading consumers about the safety of affected vehicles.The settlement was approved by U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan in Manhattan during a hearing on Thursday afternoon.GM also agreed to a partial settlement of private litigation with drivers, passengers and families over the switches, and a settlement of related shareholder litigation.Robert Hilliard, one of the lawyers leading the private litigation by drivers and passengers, said about 84 death cases and 370 injury cases would remain unresolved.In settling with the government, GM entered into a three-year deferred prosecution agreement that requires an independent monitor to oversee its recall and safety-related practices. The criminal charges will be dropped if GM meets its obligations.U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara did not rule out charging individual GM employees, but said there are legal and factual challenges to prosecuting them. The law does not always let us do what we wish we could do.GM s $900 million payment will be treated as a penalty, and the automaker cannot treat it as a deductible expense.It is less than the $1.2 billion that Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) agreed in March 2014 to pay to resolve a similar case alleging that its vehicles accelerated without warning.GM shares gained 0.4 percent to close at $31.31 on Thursday.

Recall settlement frees GM CEO to confront new challenges


DETROIT (Reuters) -Hours after General Motors Co agreed on Thursday to pay $900 million to settle criminal charges related to a bungled recall, Chief Executive Mary Barra said the legal and public relations crisis that has shadowed her for nearly two years was a catalyst for meaningful change.Now, Barra must show investors and consumers that the change at the No. 1 U.S. automaker is real, and goes beyond the steps she ordered to attack the engineering and managerial lapses that resulted in GM waiting more than a decade to fix dangerous vehicle defects now linked to 124 deaths.GM shares rose modestly on Thursday as investors digested details of the criminal settlements, for which the automaker will take a $1.475 billion third-quarter charge, including $575 million for private litigation.However, GM shares are still trading well below their initial public offering price of $33, despite Barras move in March to promise investors $10 billion in cash and stock buybacks through the end of next year.Barra could face new pressure from investors to take more aggressive steps to lift the companys shares. Meanwhile, Sergio Marchionne, chief executive of rival Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV (FCHA.MI) (FCAU.N), continues his campaign for a merger of his company and GM - a proposal Barra and her board have rebuffed.GM executives would rather focus attention on their ambitious plans for launching new vehicles with advanced technology. Product development chief Mark Reuss, speaking to employees on Thursday, hit that note.We are going to deliver vehicles with features that astound and amaze people, he said, adding that GMs goal is to be a zero defects company.HUMBLING EPISODEThe settlement caps a humbling episode for a company that once dominated the global auto industry. The recall scandal battered GMs reputation in its home market, chopped more than $5 billion out of the Detroit automakers profit and helped usher in a new era of aggressive oversight by federal regulators.GM disclosed in February 2014 that it failed to tell regulators what it knew about defective ignition switches that could cause vehicles to stall, and cut power to the air bags. Before that revelation, GM was regaining profitability after a federally funded bankruptcy, and Barra was hailed for breaking one of industrys formidable glass ceilings to become the first woman to head a major global automaker.The recall scandal, which engulfed the company just weeks after Barra took over as CEO in January 2014, put the ills of the pre-bankruptcy GM at center stage in Washington, in the media and in the courts. Barra took sharp criticism from lawmakers during four hearings on Capitol Hill.But the steps Barra took in response to GMs humiliation paid off.She set up a compensation fund that paid $600 million to ignition switch crash victims, appointed a new safety czar to cut through managerial silos in the engineering organization, shared mountains of documents with federal investigators and publicly embraced a scathing internal report by Anton Valukas, chairman of the Chicago law firm Jenner & Block, that exposed deep flaws in GMs managerial culture.All that helped GM secure a settlement that was less onerous than many financial analysts had expected.The Justice Department did not charge any individuals, and credited GM in the deferred prosecution agreement with terminating wrongdoers.CRITICS SPEAK OUTThe deal was also less punishment than some victims families thought was deserved.Laura Christian, the birth mother of 16-year-old Amber Rose, who died in a 2005 crash, lamented the lack of individual accountability in the agreement.We buried our loved ones because GM buried a deadly defect, she said. And yet today all GM has to do is write another check to escape.Barra called the settlement tough, and said GM would change its ways. The steps we took to do the right thing ... persuaded the Justice Department to defer prosecutions, Barra said during a televised talk to GM employees on Thursday afternoon. She also reminded employees, people were hurt and people died in our cars.Prosecutors charged GM with wire fraud and scheming to conceal material facts from a U.S. regulator. The Justice Departments failure to charge any individuals drew objections from some lawmakers and industry critics who had pressed for stiffer penalties.GM admitted to failing to disclose a potentially lethal safety defect with the switches that kept some air bags from deploying. It also admitted to misleading consumers about the safety of affected vehicles.The settlement was approved by U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan in Manhattan during a hearing on Thursday afternoon.GM also agreed to a partial settlement of private litigation with drivers, passengers and families over the switches, and a settlement of related shareholder litigation.Robert Hilliard, one of the lawyers leading the private litigation by drivers and passengers, said about 84 death cases and 370 injury cases would remain unresolved.In settling with the government, GM entered into a three-year deferred prosecution agreement that requires an independent monitor to oversee its recall and safety-related practices. The criminal charges will be dropped if GM meets its obligations.U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara did not rule out charging individual GM employees, but said there are legal and factual challenges to prosecuting them. The law does not always let us do what we wish we could do.GMs $900 million payment will be treated as a penalty, and the automaker cannot treat it as a deductible expense.It is less than the $1.2 billion that Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) agreed in March 2014 to pay to resolve a similar case alleging that its vehicles accelerated without warning.GM shares gained 0.4 percent to close at $31.31 on Thursday.

Peshawar: Terrorists attack PAF camp in Badaber


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – Terrorists attacked Pakistan Air Force (PAF) camp in Badaber, Peshawar early morning on Friday. Terrorists targeted the guard room of the camp.The exchange of fire still on-going between the Forces and the terrorists.

Asian shares slip, dollar soft as Fed stands pat and eyes China


TOKYO (Reuters) -Asian shares fell on Friday after the Federal Reserve held off on raising interest rates, reviving concerns about weakness in both the U.S. and global economies.The dollar was on the defensive, having fallen more than 1 percent after the Feds decision, while U.S. bond yields plunged, erasing their sharp rises in the past couple of days.The Nikkei average .N225 fell nearly 2 percent and MSCIs broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan dropped 0.2 percent.Major Wall Street indexes gave up a 1 percent rally to end lower, with the S&P 500 index .SPX losing 0.3 percent. S&P futures dipped 0.2 percent in the Asian morning.Fed Chair Janet Yellen said the outlook abroad has appeared to become less certain, adding that recent falls in U.S. stock prices and a rise in the value of the dollar already were tightening U.S. financial market conditions.Yellen said she wanted to see more improvement in the U.S. labour market and expressed concern over weak inflation.Referring to the global outlook, Yellen explicitly said the central bank was focusing on the slowdown in China and emerging markets, saying one key issue is whether there might be a risk of a more abrupt slowdown in China.I think todays decision will prove positive for markets in the end. But volatility is likely to remain high as markets, like the Fed, will still have to confirm the U.S. economy is withstanding the adverse impact from the global economy, said Yoshinori Shigemi, global market strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management.Analysts and traders had been nearly evenly split on whether the Fed would raise rates for the first time in nearly a decade, though markets had priced in only a one-in-four chance of a hike.The Feds fresh economic projections showed 13 of 17 policymakers still foresee raising rates at least once in 2015, down from 15 at the last forecast made in June.Financial markets, which have constantly forecast a far slower pace of policy tightening than the Feds projections, were less convinced.Instruments such as federal fund futures 0FF:> and overnight indexed swap USDOIS are pricing in only about one in two chance of a rate hike by the end of year.The Feds decision to keep rates at zero could give some relief to emerging markets, which have long suffered capital outflows on expectation of higher U.S. rates.The Malaysian ringgit MYR=, one of the worst hit currencies this year because of low oil prices as well as Malaysias relatively small foreign currency reserves, rose about 0.5 percent in early trade.But trade-reliant Asian economies are likely to remain under pressure as Chinas economy slows.As the prospects of higher interest rates down the road had been a major attraction for the dollar, the U.S. currency was wobbly against many other currencies.The dollar index against a basket of major currencies .DXY was little changed at 94.559 on Friday, having fallen to three-week low of 94.360 on Thursday.The euro jumped to a three-week high of $1.14415 EUR= while the British pound also hit a three-week high of $1.5628 GBP=D4. The yen also edged up 120.12 to the dollar JPY= from Thursdays low at 120.995.Longer-dated U.S. debt yields plunged, with the two-year notes yield dropping to 0.686 percent, returning to its familiar range only a day after it hit a 4 1/2-year high of 0.819 percent.The 10-year notes yield slipped to 2.192 percent from Wednesdays 1 1/2-month high of 2.303 percent.Commodity prices were relatively well-supported with U.S. crude futures last trading at $46.83 per barrel, down slightly from Thursdays high of $47.71 but still up almost 5 percent on the week.Gold XAU= hit a two-week high of $1,136 per ounce.

Murray has Kokkinakis in his sights at Davis Cup semi


LONDON (Reuters) -Friendship will be left in the locker room when Andy Murray takes on Thanasi Kokkinakis in the first singles match of Britains Davis Cup semi-final against Australia in Glasgow on Friday.I expect a tough match, said the world number three after Thursdays draw.I know Thanasi well. I spend time with him away from the court. Hes a really nice person, very respectful, a hard worker, good manners and all that stuff... I really like him.But this weekend were obviously rivals, hopefully Ill be able to use my experience in these situations to my advantage, added the Scot.It can obviously work in a positive way for him that he goes out with no fear but its also going to be tough playing in this atmosphere for him. Hopefully I can try and get the first point on the board.Britain are trying to reach their first final since 1978 but their number one caused fears for his health when he missed an official dinner on Wednesday, saying he felt unwell.Murray said on Thursday he felt good but had needed to rest after tough matches and late finishes at the U.S. Open.Britain have opted for 25-year-old Dan Evans, ranked 300th in the world, for the second singles slot and he plays 23rd-ranked Bernard Tomic.U.S. Open doubles runner-up Jamie Murray will team up with Dominic Inglot, who reached the mens doubles semis in Flushing Meadows, for the third rubber against Samuel Groth and Lleyton Hewitt on Saturday.Evans, who had been due to play a challenger event in Istanbul, was preferred over Kyle Edmund and James Ward for the second singles slot.Edmund is ranked 100th in the world but had never played a Davis Cup tie and fell heavily in practice this week while Ward has lost his last 10 matches.Britain captain Leon Smith said it had not been an easy decision to make, but added. Im confident weve gone with the right team.Britain are in the semi-finals of the mens team event for the first time since 1981 and return to the arena where they beat the United States in the first round in March.The atmosphere when we played in the first round here was phenomenal, said Murray. And I think this time it will be even better.The winners of the tie face either Belgium or Argentina in the final from Nov. 27-29.

'Deflategate' not enough to keep NFL from record ratings


REUTERS -The Deflategate scandal involving New England quarterback Tom Brady, the NFLs most popular player, did not turn fans off as they watched the season-opening slate of games in record numbers, the league said on Thursday.An average of 19.9 million viewers watched the 16 games during NFL Kickoff Weekend, topping the previous record of 19.6 million viewers who tuned in for the season-opening slate of games in 2013, the league said in a statement.Overall, the NFL said it marked the sixth consecutive Kickoff Weekend where over 105 million viewers tuned in.Last Thursdays season-opener featuring Bradys Patriots and the Pittsburgh Steelers was the most-watched show of the week and the second-most watched Kickoff Weekend game ever with an average of 27.4 million viewers, according to the NFL.The game marked the first for Brady following an offseason in which he was at the center of a probe into his alleged role in a scheme to tamper with footballs for a competitive edge.It also came a week after a federal judge vacated the NFLs four-game suspension of Brady due to several significant legal deficiencies, including a failure to notify the four-times Super Bowl winner that football deflation could be punished by suspension. The league has appealed the ruling.

Unheralded Englishman making name for himself in MLS


REUTERS -As the number of former English Premier League standouts plying their trade in Major League Soccer continues to grow, there is an unassuming Lancashire lad making just as big an impression in the United States.Real Salt Lake midfielder Luke Mulholland may lack the name recognition of Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard but he is now a mainstay on a team entering the final stretch of the regular season hoping to secure a playoff berth.There are so many star players now in this league that you just have to remain focused on playing each game, Mulholland, who as a boy cheered on former Liverpool captain Gerrard at Anfield, told Reuters.Mulholland, born in Preston, England, spent the first three years of his professional career in the minor leagues before joining Real last year and enjoying a tremendous debut MLS season by notching six goals and seven assists in 31 matches.On Saturday, Mulholland and his Real team mates will resume their growing rivalry by hosting the reigning MLS champion LA Galaxy, the team that eliminated them in last seasons Western Conference semi-final.While Reals title hopes ended after that defeat, they did get some revenge by beating LA in the July quarter-finals of the U.S. Open Cup, a tournament that includes teams from all three tiers of U.S. professional soccer plus top amateur leagues in the country.It was during that U.S. Open Cup clash that Mulholland crossed swords with Gerrard for the first time, a moment he described as surreal.I did have to try and remain focused, said Mulholland, who was credited with assisting on the winning goal five minutes from full time.He walked on the pitch to play attacking midfield and I was playing defensive midfield, I realized that I was marking him.I definitely did get star-struck but didnt let it affect me until after the final whistle, I then tried to string a few words together to speak to him and tried in vain to get his jersey.In 2007 a then-18-year-old Mulholland left Preston College and accepted a full scholarship to play at Wingate University in North Carolina, having been spotted during a college football tour to the States.After graduation in 2010, Mulholland excelled in the U.S. minor leagues where he won a North American Soccer League title with Minnesota in 2011 and Tampa Bay in 2012.Those headline performances earned him recognition and eventually saw him sign with Real at the start of the 2014 MLS season. He has not looked back since.Mulholland is more than holding his own, as he has two goals and two assists while starting in all but two of Reals 25 games this season.He and his Real team mates will be looking for a result on Saturday to keep their playoff hopes alive and hopefully set up another showdown with LA in the knockout playoff stages.Mulholland may yet receive that Gerrard jersey, although he stresses that winning the three points and extending his teams season is much more important.

Gasol steers Spain into Euro final, seals Olympic berth


LILLE (Reuters) -A resilient Spain beat holders and hosts France 80-75 after overtime to reach the European championship final and clinch an Olympic berth thanks to a breathtaking performance from their captain Pau Gasol on Thursday.The Chicago Bulls center scored 40 points and collected 11 rebounds to set up a showdown with either Serbia or Lithuania, who meet in the other semi-final on Friday.The top two teams from the 24-nation tournament will advance to next years games in Rio de Janeiro and the next five enter three intercontinental qualifying tournaments for an extra three spots.Spain trailed by 11 points in the third quarter but turned the tide to lead 66-63 before France forced the additional five minutes with an audacious three-pointer by Nicolas Batum.The Charlotte Hornets guard then faltered in the final minute, showing nerves when he missed three free throws with Spain 78-75 ahead.The effervescent Gasol, who has carried injury-hit Spain throughout the competition, put the icing on the cake with a dunk on the buzzer to silence a raucous home crowd.Roared on by their fans in Lilles soccer stadium, which has been adapted for the event, France appeared to be in the driving seat after stifling Spains back-court shooters.The home side also dominated the boards in the first half, collecting a barrage of offensive rebounds as Gasol often had to battle several rivals in the paint.But the 35-year old from Barcelona, a double NBA champion with his previous team Los Angeles Lakers, was unstoppable in attack as Spain finished off their opponents with an 8-0 run.Frances San Antonio Spurs playmaker Tony Parker looked tired and the quadruple former NBA champion was confined to 10 points after hitting only four of 17 shots from the field.The final and the bronze medal game will be played on Sunday.

Day four ahead at weather-hit BMW Championship


LAKE FOREST (Reuters) -Jason Day, in pursuit of world number one status and a fourth win in six starts, was poised for a possible 59 after charging four shots clear in the weather-hit opening round of the BMW Championship on Thursday.Day, who could leapfrog Rory McIlroy and Jordan Spieth to reach the top of the rankings with victory this week, produced sizzling form as he moved to 10 under par after 17 holes before play was suspended for the day due to the threat of lightning.That left the Australian world number three a commanding four strokes ahead of American Daniel Berger, who eagled his final hole, the par-four ninth, for a six-under 65 in breezy conditions at Conway Farms Golf Club.Day had just hit his tee shot 346 yards into the right rough at the ninth, his final hole, before the siren sounded to halt the action and he faces a second shot from 44 yards for what would be a sensational eagle.Should he hole out from there when he returns to the course on Friday morning to complete his round, he would become only the seventh player on the PGA Tour to shoot a 59.If it goes in, it goes in, said Day. Right now Im just trying to play the best I can. Im just trying to get off to a good start.I feel like this is one of the best rounds Ive ever played, especially with how the wind is.Just the way Im playing, hitting the greens and putting and just how everything is kind of going, hitting it long and straight ... its a good thing for success out there.TRYING TO KEEP PACEMasters and U.S. Open champion Spieth was part of a four-way tie for third at five under as he tried to keep pace with playing partner Day in the third of the PGA Tours four concluding playoff events in the season-long FedExCup race.Spieth was level with fellow Americans Brendon Todd, who returned a 66, Kevin Chappell, who had completed 16 holes, and Justin Thomas, after 13.Day, who won the Canadian Open, PGA Championship and The Barclays in his last five starts, chalked up four birdies in his first six holes and though he gave a shot back on the 17th with a three-putt bogey, the 27-year-old then caught fire.He birdied the 18th, holed out for eagle from a fairway bunker at the par-four first and added back-to-back birdies at the second and third to storm three strokes clear.Day picked up further shots at the seventh and eighth to get to 10 under and raise hopes of a magical 59, then hit his tee shot at the ninth before play was suspended.Spieth was unable to keep pace with the red-hot Australian, despite registering a hole-in-one at the second and a chip-in birdie at the third, and was five under for the round after 17 holes.World number one McIlroy was at three under after 12 holes in an elite field of 70 players from which just 30 will advance to the Tour Championship finale next week in Atlanta.PGA Tour veteran Jim Furyk, who shot a 59 two years ago at Conway Farms in the second round of the BMW Championship, withdrew from the tournament with a wrist injury after completing just six holes in the opening round.

FIFA suspends number-two official after ticket allegations


ZURICH (Reuters) -World soccer body FIFA put Jerome Valcke, its second-ranking official, on leave on Thursday just hours after an ex-footballer raised allegations he was involved in a plan to resell 2014 World Cup tickets for a lucrative profit.FIFA, which has been rocked by Swiss and U.S. corruption investigations, said in a statement it was made aware of allegations involving Valcke and had requested a formal investigation by the FIFA ethics committee.The swift action against his second-in-command is another major blow for FIFA President Sepp Blatter as questions about corruption during his 17-year reign build.The allegations against Valcke come on top of probes by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Swiss Attorney Generals Office into corruption at FIFA after the indictment of 14 senior soccer officials and sports marketing executives in May.Blatter announced in June only days after the unveiling of the U.S. indictment that he would be stepping down as president following an election in February.Earlier on Thursday, former Israeli soccer player Benny Alon said at a news conference in Zurich that he agreed in 2013 to pay cash to Valcke to secure plum World Cup tickets in Brazil. He said the plan was to then sell the tickets to fans at a markup and split the proceeds with Valcke.Alon said the deal fell through and he never paid the soccer official. Reuters could not independently confirm Alons claims.Valcke unequivocally denied the allegations as fabricated and outrageous in a statement from his U.S. lawyer Barry Berke.Mr. Valcke never received or agreed to accept any money or anything else of value from Mr. Alon, the statement said.FIFA controls the rights to sell all the World Cup tickets and has sanctioned officials in the past for reselling the coveted World Cup spots at a higher price.Earlier this week U.S. and Swiss authorities said they were expanding their corruption investigations and more arrests were expected.Neither Blatter nor Valcke face charges in either the U.S. or Swiss investigations of FIFA. A spokesman from the Brooklyn prosecutors office handling the U.S. case declined to comment on the news of Valckes departure.FIFAs statement did not specify what allegations against Valcke needed to be investigated by the Ethics Committee.But two sources familiar with the matter said Alons claims were the immediate cause of Valcke being placed on leave. The sources added, though, that questions over Valcke had been mounting since May and could have contributed to the decision.U.S. prosecutors believe Valcke was involved in 2007 in bank transactions worth $10 million in which the South African government approved money to support the African diaspora in Caribbean countries, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters in June. Prosecutors say the payments were aimed at winning votes for South Africa to host the 2010 World Cup.Valcke confirmed he signed off on the payments but denied any wrongdoing. The transactions are central to a U.S. bribery investigation into soccers governing bodies.ALLEGED TICKET DEALAlon got into the ticket marketing and hospitality business after retiring from the game as a player. He said he was working at ticketing firm JB Sports Marketing AG in 2013 when he discussed with Valcke the allocation of tickets with better views of the field for the Brazil World Cup.Alon says he informally agreed to split revenues from the re-sale of the tickets with Valcke 50-50 in a deal that could have netted the soccer official more than $2 million. While Alon provided emails to the media he said backed up his claims, the documents were incomplete and could not be independently verified by Reuters.Berke, Valckes lawyer, said in his statement that FIFA entered into an agreement with Mr. Alons company, JB Sports Marketing. That agreement and FIFAs subsequent business dealings with Mr. Alon were vetted and approved by FIFA and its legal counsel. FIFA did not respond to a request for comment on Valckes statement.Valcke, who had already indicated he was likely planning on stepping down in February like Blatter, has had a checkered career at FIFA. He originally joined in 2003 as marketing director but was fired in December 2006 for his part in botched sponsorship negotiations with credit card firms MasterCard Inc (MA.N) and Visa Inc (V.N).He was dismissed when a New York court ruled that FIFA had lied repeatedly during World Cup sponsorship negotiations with MasterCard, but eight months later he was re-hired as secretary general.Markus Kattner, FIFAs Deputy General Secretary, will temporarily take over Valckes duties, according to a FIFA spokesman.

Barrel bombs kill 21 civilians near Syria's Daraa: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - Barrel bomb attacks by Syrian regime helicopters killed at least 21 civilians late Thursday in a rebel-held town near Daraa city, a monitoring group said.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said regime helicopters dropped barrel bombs on neighbourhoods in Busra al-Sham in Daraa province, killing at least 21 people, including two children and four women.Earlier, Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said the strikes had killed 17 people in the town in southern Syria. Rebel groups seized full control of Busra al-Sham, an ancient town with both Sunni and Shiite Muslim residents, in March. It was a major setback for forces loyal to embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the province where protesters first rose up against his rule in March 2011.Assads forces waged a bloody crackdown on the demonstrations, before people took up arms, leading to a full-blown war.Since then, more than 240,000 people have been killed and millions have been forced to flee their homes.

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