Wednesday 30 September 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Karachi: Korangi 100 Quarters' warehouse blaze intensifies


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The fire erupted in a warehouse at Korangi 100 Quarters area of Karachi has intensified while at least 8 firefighters are busy in rescue operation, Dunya News reported.According to details, fire erupted at a warehouse at Korangi Sau (100) area spread to the whole building. At least 8 firefighters are busy trying to put the fire down and salvage as much inventory as possible.The warehouse owner Malik Hameed has said that he was being threatened by criminal elements trying to extort money. He said the fire was a result of the arson by the same elements.The police have said that the data from mobile phone of Hameed will be extracted for investigation.The magnitude of loss is unclear at this point.

World Bank cuts Russia forecast, warns of poverty rise


MOSCOW (AFP) - The World Bank on Wednesday downgraded its outlook for Russias economy, warning that a biting recession was deepening and would persist into next year, pushing more people below the poverty line.Weighed down by Western sanctions and a plunge in oil prices, Russias economy slipped into recession at the start of this year.The World Bank predicted the Russian economy would shrink by 3.8 percent in 2015 in its baseline scenario, a far steeper drop than its earlier forecast of a 2.7-percent contraction.This will accelerate an already troubling rise in the poverty rate, said the banks country director for Russia, Andras Horvai.The downturn in 2015 could be as much as 4.3 percent if oil prices continue to drop and average around $50 dollars a barrel for the year, he said.The bank ditched its earlier forecast of a gentle recovery with 0.7-percent growth in 2016. It now expects Russian economic output to decline 0.6 percent next year, with a recovery only appearing in 2017 with growth of 1.5 percent.The recession is having a severe impact on households as double-digit inflation erodes real wages and incomes, the World Bank said, citing sharply increasing poverty rates.The current recession is expected to reverse recent progress in poverty reduction and threatens shared prosperity achievements of the last decade, the World Bank said, referring to trends regularly hailed by Russia as major achievements of President Vladimir Putin.Russia experienced a dramatic contraction in real wages and income in the first half of 2015, according to the report.The poverty rate has climbed to 15.1 percent, representing 21.7 million people, in what the World Bank called a troubling rise exacerbated by increasing food prices.In some regions, more than 35 percent of the population live in poverty, it said.The World Bank forecasts assume that Western sanctions remain in place.Russias central bank this month predicted an even greater economic contraction in 2015 of between 3.9 percent and 4.4 percent.- Continuing support for Putin -Putin promised after his election in 2012 to boost the salaries of teachers and doctors but the World Bank said the recession has hit those working for the public sector especially hard, with their earnings declining by 10 percent.Russian news website RBK last week cited trade unions and independent monitors as saying the government was seeking ways to mask the wage decline on paper while forcing state employees to work longer hours in order to meet its targets.At the same time, Russias trade ministry has developed a plan to launch special debit cards for the poor -- similar to food stamps -- that can only be used to purchase certain basic foods.Lev Gudkov, who heads the Levada Centre polling company, told AFP that for poorer Russians in economically depressed regions, the price growth of consumer goods is becoming the number one worry.Twelve percent of Russians now say they can no longer afford to buy enough food.At the same time Gudkov noted continuing support for Putins policies.Resources are shrinking but so far this has not caused any serious protest, he said.There is a great reserve of patience.Consumer prices in August were up 15.8 percent year on year, the state statistics service said this month.The government is struggling to keep the Russian currency afloat but the current interest rate of 11 percent is seen as too high to kick-start the economy.As oil prices plunged this summer, the ruble fell 20 percent against the dollar, reaching its lowest level this year in August and pushing up consumer prices.

Police clear migrant camp on France-Italy border


VENTIMIGLIA (AFP) - Italian police cleared a migrant camp on Italys border with France on Wednesday, forcing the occupants to leave the area after a last-ditch protest on the shores of the Mediterranean.The camp of around 50 people at Ventimiglia -- the town which became a flashpoint at the start of Europes migrant crisis earlier this year -- was cleared because its occupants were using electricity and water without paying for it, a police spokesman said.Some 30 migrants and 20 Italian activists, who had been given advance notice of the evacuation, moved to rocks on the shoreline before the police arrived, deputy police chief Giuseppe Maggese told AFP.The protesters refused to budge from their perch for most of the day, only agreeing to be taken by bus to a reception centre after the intervention of the bishop of Ventimiglia.The activists were to be interviewed later by police.The sit-in began after police moved to close down the makeshift camp, which held up to 250 people at one point according to local officials.A cordon of about 30 policemen fanned out along the shoreline in front of the migrants, some of whom threatened to jump into the sea, while others held up a banner in English reading: We want freedom to cross the border.- Camp was illegal -Ventimiglia has become a flashpoint in an increasingly bitter war of words between European countries over what to do with the thousands of migrants landing on their doorstep, fleeing war, poverty and persecution.A crackdown on border controls in the area in June turned the town into a focal point for migrants protesting that they should be allowed to enter France on their way to their desired destinations in northern Europe.This situation could not go on. We understand why they are protesting but the camp was illegal, Ventimiglia mayor Enrico Ioculano told Italian media.Tents and personal belongings from the camp -- which sprawls under an overpass some 100 metres from the French border -- were removed by garbage trucks.A similar eviction in June ended in clashes which left one police officer injured.Police said a dozen migrants had been arrested early Wednesday, including a Bosnian wanted under an international arrest warrant.A group of French activists hoping to cheer on the migrants in their protest were moved on by Italian police.It is abominable, these migrants are fleeing wars and come here seeking a better life. And this is Italys answer, said Teresa Maffeis, founder of the Democracy Association in Nice.The head of Italys anti-immigrant Northern League party was quick to applaud the camp evacuation on Twitter, saying: better late than never. Now we await (migrant) expulsions.

Palestinians cannot be bound by agreements with Israel: Abbas


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas said Wednesday the Palestinians cannot continue to feel bound by agreements with Israel that are continually violated by the Jewish state.We cannot continue to be bound by these signed agreements with Israel and Israel must assume fully all its responsibility as an occupying power, he told the UN General Assembly.

Burkina coup leader in talks on handing himself in


OUAGADOUGOU (AFP) - The leader of a failed coup in Burkina Faso was in talks Wednesday on handing himself in to the government that his elite force tried to unseat, after troops stormed the putschists barracks.The negotiations on General Gilbert Dienderes surrender were taking place at an unnamed diplomatic mission in Ouagadougou, according to a statement by the interim government, and came as the EU urged speedy elections.Tuesday nights raid saw troops in the capital Ouagadougou firing heavy weaponry at the barracks of the elite presidential guard (RSP) who staged an abortive coup on September 17.Although the unit formally abandoned their coup efforts last week -- allowing the interim leadership to resume office -- they refused to disarm under the terms of a peace deal, creating fresh tension with the military which came to a head late on Tuesday.By Wednesday afternoon, it was still unclear if anyone had been killed or wounded in the assault.The European Union hailed the end of the standoff, urging the government to quickly hold elections.The end of the clashes is an important step towards normalising the situation in Burkina Faso, the EUs foreign affairs arm said in a statement.The first task now is to organise as quickly as possible, credible, transparent and free elections, it added.The attempted coup took place just weeks before the landlocked west African nation was to hold its first presidential and legislative elections since veteran strongman Blaise Compaore was ousted in October 2014.The first round of voting was to have taken place on October 11, although officials have since said there will be a delay of several weeks due to the crisis.- No bodies -Speaking to AFP as the drama played out, coup leader Diendere said it was likely there were many deaths and injuries. He said there were often families inside the complex which also houses a clinic.But a soldier who entered the camp on Wednesday morning told AFP he had not seen any evidence that people had been killed.I have not see any bodies, he said.Chief of Staff General Pingrenoma Zagre said late Tuesday that the camp was largely empty at the time of the assault.Diendere, Compaores former chief of staff, told AFP he was ready to face justice, saying he was at the disposal of my countrys judiciary.By Wednesday morning, many soldiers had fanned out on the streets of the capitals Ouaga 2000 district, where the presidency and the RSPs sprawling military barracks are located.Marksmen could be seen in position, their weapons pointed towards open areas as they scanned the horizon for missing guards from the elite unit which counts 1,300 men.We are looking for members (of the RSP). Some of them are hiding, one of the soldiers told AFP as he blocked access to the neighbourhood.Elsewhere in the city life appeared to be regaining some semblance of normalcy, with many venturing out onto the streets on mopeds, the most popular form of transport in Ouagadougou.And hoards of workers could be seen having breakfast in roadside taverns.- We won -Were proud. We were the ones who won. There was no need for talking, just to attack (the RSP), a driver called Momune Sigue told AFP.Now we want elections and Diendere must be tried, said this father of two.There was no word on the fate of those who had been inside the barracks during the raid during which troops opened fire with heavy weapons, sending clouds of dust rising into the air.Ahead of the assault, Ouagadougou airport was closed as troops locked down the area, deploying armoured cars and pickup trucks throughout the neighbourhood and stationing machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades at several intersections.Troops also arrested Djibril Bassole, ahead of the raid, in connection with the coup. He had served as foreign minister under Compoare and had been expected to run in the presidential elections, military and security sources told AFP.One of the coup plotters main demands had been that the transitional leadership lift a ban on Compaores allies and supporters running in the elections.

Khursheed Shah calls for parliamentary commission for accountability of NAB, FIA


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – After Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani, Opposition Leader Khursheed Shah also called for formation of a parliamentary commission for accountability of National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Dunya News reported.Talking exclusively to Dunya News, Shah said that the institutions will not be allowed to work for defaming politicians, adding that the accountability institutions must also be held accountable.He said he has often received complaints against NAB and FIA of revengeful acts and that they will convey the recommendation of forming a parliamentary committee to keep NAB and FIA in check to the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.The opposition leader said that there will be no need for leveling allegations against NAB once a parliamentary committee is there to keep a check. He said that the accountability should not be of only politicians.Khursheed Shah said the accountability sometimes comes under government control or just disappears. He said NAB got Ali Nawaz Shah and Khadim Shah punished for allegation of Rs 5 lakh each.

Who will hold NAB, FIA accountable? Raza Rabbani bursts in anger


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Chairman Senate and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Raza Rabbani said on Wednesday that there are corrupt elements present in PPP. He said that civil-military bureaucracy is not ‘squeaky clean’ and that that no one is above accountability, reported Dunya News.Talking at an event in Federal Urdu University, Chairman Senate said that although political workers have indulged in corruption yet civil-military bureaucracy cannot be declared as ‘squeaky clean’. He said that no one is above scrutiny.Raza Rabbani said that it is unfair to make courts for accountability of a certain segment of society adding that if special courts are made for everyone then such an action would get his backing. He said that history of Pakistan is being altered by the cirriculum of text books. Raza Rabbani said that sense of patriotism will come in Pakistanis once they start taking ownership of the country.

Iran-Saudi tensions soar over hajj stampede, arms boat


TEHRAN (AFP) - Iranian-Saudi tensions intensified Wednesday as Tehran threatened a fierce response over delays in repatriating hajj stampede victims and the Saudi-led coalition said it had seized an Iranian boat carrying arms for Yemeni rebels.At least 239 Iranians died in last weeks tragedy near the Muslim holy city of Mecca and another 241 are listed as missing.Tehran has accused Riyadh of hindering its efforts to bring the bodies home.Irans foreign ministry spokeswoman said that among the missing was Ghazanfar Roknabadi, 49, the countrys former ambassador to Lebanon, a highly sensitive post.The two rivals in the oil-rich Gulf were already at odds over Irans support for Shiite Huthi rebels in Yemen, which lies on Saudi Arabias southern flank. That prompted Riyadh to form a coalition of Arab nations to combat the Huthis.Saudi officials are failing to do their duties, Irans supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a speech to graduating navy officers, following delays in the return of the hajj dead, accusing some of the officials of slyness.They should know that the slightest disrespect towards tens of thousands of Iranian pilgrims in Mecca and Medina and not fulfilling their obligation to transfer holy bodies will have Irans tough and fierce reaction.His comments underscored Irans increased frustration at Saudi Arabias refusal to allow a cargo plane into the kingdom to retrieve the dead and take them back to Tehran.Last week, Tehran also claimed Riyadh had failed to issue visas for Iranian officials who sought to travel to Saudi Arabia to facilitate the repatriation of the dead and the injured.The Islamic Republic of Iran has so far showed self-restraint and abided by Islamic politeness and brotherhood, Khamenei added, urging the formation of a fact-finding committee by Islamic countries to investigate the causes of the stampede.- Arms shipment intercepted -Six days after the tragedy, many bodies have yet to be identified, and Iran fears that many of its people still unaccounted for may be among them.Khameneis remarks came hours after Iran summoned the Saudi ambassador for the fourth time since the stampede to demand the swift identification and repatriation of bodies.Riyadh has accused Tehran of playing politics with tragedy.Meanwhile, the coalition said it had seized a boat last Saturday in the Arabian Sea, 150 nautical miles off the Omani port of Salalah, loaded with weapons destined for Yemeni rebels.It said the boat, registered to an Iranian as a fishing vessel, was carrying 18 Concourse anti-armour shells, 54 BGM17 anti-tank shells, 15 shell battery kits, four firing guidance systems and various items of launch-related equipment.Sunni-dominated Saudi Arabia and its allies have repeatedly accused their Shiite rival Iran of arming the Huthi rebels who have seized swathes of Yemen, including the capital.But despite a six-month air and sea blockade, they had not previously come up with any evidence.In May, an Iranian boat headed to the rebel-controlled Red Sea port of Hodeida with 2,500 tonnes of aid was diverted to Djibouti following warnings from the coalition and the United States.The coalition intervened in Yemen in March, after the rebels advanced on, and eventually captured, the southern port of Aden, where President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi had taken refuge.Hadi fled to exile in Saudi Arabia, but returned last week three months after loyalist forces recaptured the city and began pressing north towards the capital.

Ukraine, rebels agree full small weapons withdrawal


KIEV (AFP) - Kiev and pro-Russian insurgents struck a vital agreement on Wednesday to withdraw their entire arsenal of smaller weapons from the buffer zone splitting eastern rebel-held lands from the rest of Ukraine.International monitors said the two sides February commitment to pull back heavy weapons from the 500-kilometre (300-mile) line separating their forces was repeatedly violated, causing more than 1,000 deaths.But a new truce that went into effect on September 1 has been strictly observed, raising hopes that the fighting in which more than 8,000 have died since early last year is finally approaching an end.The long-debated small weapons pullback should also add impetus to high-stakes talks between President Petro Poroshenko and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Paris on Friday that will also include the leaders of Germany and France.The withdrawal of an important step toward securing the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in a statement.However, this is not enough, he added. Many other points of the (February) agreement have still to be implemented. I hope both Kiev and Moscow are prepared to work toward this.- Undisputed progress -Wednesdays pact will take 41 days to implement and see each sides mortar shells and rockets with a calibre of less than 100 millimetres moved 15 kilometres (nine miles) away from the so-called line of contact.Both the rebel leaders and Kiev hailed the deals signature and vowed to implement its terms.We view this is as a diplomatic victory, Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko told reporters in Kiev.We are certain that this is another step toward establishing peace in the conflict zone.Donetsk separatist leader Alexander Zakharchenko called the bitter enemies ability to reach a compromise after nearly four months of acrimonious negotiations undisputed progress.The self-declared Peoples Republic of Donetsk will unequivocally implement its part of the agreement, he said in a statement published on the separatists official news site.However, the length of this negotiating process gives us reason to doubt the sincerity of the Ukrainian side, he added.Ukraines pro-Western leadership and the Moscow-allied insurgents still remain far apart over rebel plans to soon stage their own local elections that Kiev has branded as fake.The Ukrainian military also insists on grabbing back full control of its Russian border by the end of the year.Moscow has said it would like the fulfilment of some terms agreed in February by the same four leaders meeting Friday in Paris pushed back into 2016.Ukraine and its Western allies accuse Russia of orchestrating and arming the rebel revolt in revenge for Kievs decision last year to pull out of Moscows orbit and hitch its future to the European Union.Moscow denies the charges and says all Russian fighters captured in the Ukrainian war zone are either volunteers or off-duty servicemen.The 17-month crisis has seen Moscows relations with the West plunge to a post-Cold War low that analysts fear might take many years to repair.But Putin has slowly shifted Western attention away from the conflict by boosting Russias military presence in its war-torn ally Syria -- a step seen by Washington as an effort to bolster the regime of embattled President Bashar al-Assad.Russias defence ministry on Wednesday said it had conducted its first air strikes against Islamic State jihadists in two Syrian provinces.The attacks mark Moscows first engagement in a distant conflict since the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

Tennis: Brilliant Konta stuns Halep as shocks roll in Wuhan


WUHAN (AFP) - Britains Johanna Konta pulled off a stunning third-set revival on Wednesday as she floored top seed Simona Halep in the biggest upset yet at the shock-prone Wuhan Open.As defending champion Petra Kvitova joined the exodus of top seeds, world number two Halep appeared to have the measure of 66th-ranked Konta when she led 5-1 in the third.But 24-year-old Konta, who reached the US Open last 16 as a qualifier, bravely fought her way back to take it 6-3, 3-6, 7-5 and set up a quarter-final with childhood idol Venus Williams.I wasnt actively thinking I can win this or Its over. I was just trying to stay out there as long as possible and keep fighting every single point, Konta said.She added that she grew up watching Williams, the seven-time Grand Slam title-winner, and that the chance to play the American was a bit of a childhood dream.Konta will now overtake Heather Watson to become Britains number one, and will almost certainly move into the worlds top 50 when new rankings are released on Monday.She is also the the first British woman to beat a world number two in 34 years, after Sue Barker won against Tracy Austin in Brighton in 1981.Halep said: I can say I was dominating the third set till 5-2, then I dont know what happened. I have no idea. What I know is that I lost from 5-2.- One-way traffic -It was the most remarkable result so far of what has been a highly unpredictable tournament in central China after a rash of upsets and retirements.Last years winner Kvitova had looked exhausted after Tuesdays three-set tussle with Daria Gavrilova, and it was no surprise when she went down to US Open finalist Roberta Vinci.The Czech led 4-0 in the first set but she eventually lost the opener in a tie-break and then struggled in the second as Italys Vinci took it 7-6 (7/3), 6-2.I think shes playing with a lot of confidence right now, Kvitova said of Vinci, who ended Serena Williams bid for a calendar-year Grand Slam to reach the US Open final.Vinci said: The court was for me slow and also the ball heavy. (It) was difficult for me to push a lot. But, of course, Im really happy.With Maria Sharapova, Victoria Azarenka, Caroline Wozniacki, Belinda Bencic also departing early, Ana Ivanovic became another big name to fall when she lost Garbine Muguruza.The Serbian former world number one won the first set but it was one-way traffic thereafter as Muguruza suddenly rediscovered her mojo and romped home 4-6, 6-1, 6-0.First set, I lost. I was a little bit disappointed. I said, look, Im going to fight again and see what happens. I found my game again, said the hard-hitting Spaniard.Muguruza, currently ranked eighth, is among several players in the running to reach this months eight-player WTA Finals in Singapore, where at least five places remain up for grabs.Kvitova, who was hit by glandular fever this year and was visibly tired as she left court, confirmed she would play next weeks China Open as she bids to qualify for the WTA Finals.But Sharapova, who retired with an arm injury in Wuhan and has not completed a match since July, will not defend her title in Beijing, leaving her participation in the Finals in question.I am very disappointed to have to pull out of the China Open this year and not have the chance to defend my title, the Russian said in a statement.

Live - PM Nawaz to address UNGA shortly


(Web Desk) -- Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is due to speak the United Nations General Assembly shortly.LIVEVIDEOFEEDLIVE UPDATES21:33 - Prime Minister of Turkey is currently speaking20:52 - President of Palestine now speaking20:36 - Brunei Darussalam King is currently speaking20:24 - Togo President is currently speakingAs per Radio Pakistan, PM Nawazs speech will be a comprehensive speech covering Kashmir dispute, Afghanistan issue, Pakistan s counter terrorism efforts, relations with China and the situation in South Asia and Middle East.The Prime Minister s address will specifically focus on Indian interference in Pakistan, unprovoked Indian firing on the Line of Control and Working Boundary and a solution to Kashmir issue in accordance with the UN resolutions.The sources said Pakistan has concrete evidence of Indian involvement in acts of terrorism on its territory. Pakistan does not respond to the Indian propaganda but it has solid proof against New Delhi.Pakistan desires normalization of relations with India and the purpose of higlighting the Indian interference at the world forum is to stop India from mischief.They said that besides India, the Afghan soil is being used against Pakistan. Evidence of the involvement of Afghan elements in Badaber tragedy will be shared with the Afghan leadership.

Russian strikes do not alter coalition anti-IS mission: US


NEW YORK (AFP) - Russias launch of air strikes against rebel targets in Syria will not alter the strategy of the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State, American officials said Wednesday.The US-led coalition will continue to fly missions over Iraq and Syria as planned and in support of our international mission to degrade and destroy ISIL, State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters.Explaining the dramatic sequence of events, Kirby said: A Russian official in Baghdad this morning informed US Embassy personnel that Russian military aircraft would begin flying anti-ISIL missions today over Syria.He further requested that US aircraft avoid Syrian airspace during these missions, he said.Separately, a senior US official told reporters that the United States did not consider this brief heads-up to be in keeping with Moscows promise to communicate with US forces to de-conflict the combat area in order to prevent accidental encounters.US Secretary of State John Kerry has spoken to his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, who is in New York for the UN General Assembly meeting, to complain about this, the official added.Kerry, he said, conveyed the message that we will not be altering our operations and that this announcement by the Russians runs counter to their stated efforts of de-confliction and is not helpful to that effort, and again made clear that the de-confliction discussions need to begin immediately.

Not Ayaz Sadiq, Imran Khan ran from battlefield: Hamza Shehbaz


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Hamza Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan, not Ayaz Sadiq has run from the battlefield, Dunya News reported.Talking to the media at Lahore’s Ichhra area, Sharif said Imran Khan should have come forward himself to contest the election.He said PTI will face defeat in NA-122 by-election just like it did in the sit-in protest. “Imran Khan is doing the politics of anarchy which has been rejected by the people”, he added.The PML-N leader said the government is fully active to resolve energy crisis and win the war against terrorism. He said the Nandipur power project is being audited over the complaints.He said the people have decided not to tolerate those who committed corruption.Meanwhile, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Ahsan Iqbal said that Imran Khan should dedicate the time he is wasting to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Imran Khan will face disappointment on October 11: Ayaz Sadiq


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) candidate Ayaz Sadiq on Wednesday said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan will have to face disappointment in the by-election, Dunya News reported.The election campaign of the NA-122 by-election is on boom with arch-rivals PTI and PML-N exchanging heated comments.The PML-N candidate has increased contacts just after Imran Khan began campaigning in the NA-122 constituency. Talking exclusively to Dunya News, Sadiq responded to the harsh statements of Imran Khan.He said Imran Khan has already faced defeat in this constituency twice, adding that PTI chief is in for a hattrick this time.Ayaz Sadiq made it clear that he will not seek stay order from Supreme Court in any case. He said the decision is now in the hands of the constituency’s voters.“Imran Khan is looking for excuses to run from election”, he claimed.It merits mentioning here that the stage for NA-122 by-election is set and the show is due for October 11. Both rivals are fully running their campaigns.

Man kills 12-year-old daughter as she fails to make 'gol roti'


LAHORE (Dunya News) – A resident of Shadbagh killed his daughter on Wednesday as she failed to make a ‘gol roti, reported Dunya News.A heartless man killed his 12-year-old daughter with the aid of his son after she failed to make a round roti. The tortured body of the daughter, named Aniqa, was found three weeks ago outside the morgue. Upon investigation by police, it was discovered by the help of CCTV footage that the corpse of the daughter was thrown in front of morgue by her father and brother.During initial investigation, the suspects admitted to killing Aniqa because she her cooking skills ‘were not up to mark’.According to police, Aniqa’s father Khalid and brother Abu Zar have confessed to the murder.

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