Saturday 24 December 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Hyderabad: 3 labourers dead while cleaning water tank


HYDERABAD (Dunya News) - Three labourers were killed due to suffocation while cleaning a water tank on Saturday in Hyderabad, reported Dunya News.Allah Rakha, his brother Wali Muhammad and their companion Abdul Majid died while cleaning the tank, as gas was released. Police and Edhi volunteers took out the dead bodies out of the tank.

Rawalpindi: 2 women killed in scissor attack


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) - 2 women were killed in scissor attack by unknown people on Saturday in Rawalpindi, reported Dunya News.According to police, dead bodies of both women, who were aunt and niece, were found in their house. 75-year-old Hameedan Begum and 55-year-old Riffat Bibi were living in the house of Mazhar Hussain, who was nephew of Hameedan and brother of Riffat.Both women were unmarried whereas Mazhar Hussain is disappeared at the moment. Police took dead bodies of both women to the Civil Hospital for post martem and started the investigation.

Case filed against Zardari's close aide Anwar Majeed and Omni group


KARACHI (Dunya News) - The case was registered against former President Asif Zardaris close friend, aide Anwar Majeed and Omni group on Saturday according to Anti Terrorism Act, reported Dunya News.Rangers had conducted a raid on Anwar Majeeds place and Omni Group and recovered weapons and ball bombs. Case was filed against Anwar Majeed, group head Khawaja Salman Younis and other position holders of Omni group.The case was filed with Rangers inspector Mehmood Ahmad as complainant. On other hand, in another police station Rangers sub-inspector Muhammad Riaz also filed a case according to anti terrorism and explosives act. In both cases, nominated accused were not arrested.

Quaid-e-Azam's 140th birth anniversary being celebrated today


LAHORE (Dunya News) - The 140th birth anniversary of father of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is being celebrated today throughout the country. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876 in Karachi.Special programmes are scheduled to be held across the country to shed light on the Quaid’s struggle for creation of Pakistan and to highlight his guiding principles of unity, faith and discipline. It is a public holiday and national flag will be hoisted atop all public and private buildings.Quran Khwani was held at the Mazar-e-Quaid in Karachi while change of guards ceremony was also conducted. A large-number of people from all walks of life are visiting the tomb to pay tribute for the services he rendered for the creation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Sub-continent.Public and private organizations and educational institutions are holding functions to highlight different aspects of the life of Quaid-e-Azam.In his message on the occasion, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has asked the nation to seek guidance from the lifestyle and upright character of father of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and transform Pakistan into a model state with prevalence of peace, brotherhood, moderation, patience and protection to minorities’ rights.

Christmas being celebrated all over the world today


LAHORE (Web Desk) - Christians all over the world are celebrating the festival of Christmas with full religious fervor today, reported Dunya News.The Churches are being decorated with lights and Christmas trees are set up. In England, celebrations are on its peak as people are on the streets and celebrating with enthusiasm and passion.Santa Claus is distributing gifts among the children and people are eating different dishes. In some cities Muslims are also taking part in Christmas celebrations with their Christian friends.

Israel on defensive after landmark UN vote


JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israel scrambled Saturday to contain the fallout from a UN Security Council vote to halt settlements in Palestinian territory after lashing out at US President Barack Obama over the shameful resolution.The council passed the measure Friday after the United States abstained, enabling the adoption of the first UN resolution since 1979 to condemn Israel over its settlement policy.By deciding not to veto the move, the US took a rare step that deeply angered Israel, which accused Obama of abandoning its closest Middle East ally in the waning days of his administration.The text was passed with support from all remaining members of the 15-member council, with applause breaking out in the chamber.The landmark vote came despite intense lobbying efforts by Israel and calls from US President-elect Donald Trump to block the text.While the resolution contains no sanctions, Israeli officials are concerned it could widen the possibility of prosecution at the International Criminal Court.They are also worried it could encourage some countries to impose sanctions against Israeli settlers and products produced in the settlements.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the resolution and criticised Obama in especially harsh language.Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the UN and will not abide by its terms, a statement from his office said.The Obama administration not only failed to protect Israel against this gang-up at the UN, it colluded with it behind the scenes, it said.Israel looks forward to working with President-elect Trump and with all our friends in Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, to negate the harmful effects of this absurd resolution.Michael Oren, the deputy minister for diplomacy in the premiers officer and a former Israeli envoy to Washington, said he saw the resolution as a lot like anti-Semitism.Of all the conflicts in the world, just one partys being singled out, and thats the Jewish party, said Oren.Trump reacted after the vote by promising change at the UN.As to the UN, things will be different after Jan. 20th, he tweeted referring to the date of his inauguration.The US has traditionally served as Israels diplomatic shield, protecting it from resolutions it opposes.It is Israels most important ally, providing it with more than $3 billion each year in defence aid.That number will soon rise to $3.8 billion per year under a new decade-long pact, the biggest pledge of US military aid in history.But the Obama administration has grown increasingly frustrated with settlement building in the West Bank, which Israel has occupied for nearly 50 years.There have been growing warnings that settlement expansion is fast eroding the possibility of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the basis of years of negotiations.Settlements are built on land the Palestinians view as part of their future state and seen as illegal under international law.We cannot stand in the way of this resolution as we seek to preserve a chance of attaining our longstanding objective of two states living side by side in peace and security, said Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN.The settlement problem has gotten so much worse that it is now putting at risk the very viability of that two-state solution.Obama adviser Ben Rhodes said we cannot simply have a two-state solution be a slogan, but added that we did not draft this resolution.We took the position that we did when it was put to a vote, he said.Trump has signalled he is likely to be far more favourable to Israel.David Friedman, his nominee for ambassador to Israel, favours moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and has voiced support for settlement building.Some 430,000 Israeli settlers currently live in the West Bank and a further 200,000 Israelis live in annexed east Jerusalem, which Palestinians see as the capital of their future state.The resolution demands Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.It says settlements have no legal validity and are dangerously imperilling the viability of the two-state solution.Fridays vote was scheduled at the request of New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal and Venezuela, which stepped in after Egypt put the draft resolution on hold.After the resolution passed, Israel recalled its ambassadors to Senegal and New Zealand for consultations. It has no diplomatic relations with Venezuela or Malaysia.A spokesman for Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas called the resolution a big blow for Israeli policies.The move was an international and unanimous condemnation of settlements and strong support for the two-state solution, said Nabil Abu Rudeina.Hamas, the Islamist movement that runs the Gaza Strip, also welcomed the vote.

David Moyes says Manchester United have lost the traditions


LONDON (AFP) - Former Manchester United manager David Moyes says the club have abandoned their traditions ahead of his return to Old Trafford with Sunderland on Boxing Day.Moyes, 53, lasted just 10 months as United manager after succeeding his Scottish compatriot Alex Ferguson at the helm in May 2013.His two successors, Louis van Gaal and current manager Jose Mourinho, have invested heavily on new players and Moyes believes the present-day United are a different club to the one he joined.Manchester United was a club with great traditions that they tended to pick British managers. That tradition has now gone, Moyes said, in comments published by British media on Saturday.They are a football club who had traditions with the way they spent. They didnt try to compete with all the others clubs.They tried to do what they thought was the right thing to do and spend in the right way.I could say thats gone, so I think there have been a few changes at United, but thats the way they have chosen to go.Moyes repeated a claim that he was definitely unfairly treated by United and revealed he had missed out on a string of high-profile transfer targets.When I first went in my real target was Gareth Bale, said Moyes. I felt all along that Gareth Bale was a Manchester United player.I fought right until the last minute. We actually offered a bigger deal than Real Madrid.But Gareth had his mind made up on going to Real Madrid. That was, in my mind, the player I really wanted to bring to Manchester United.The other one was Cesc Fabregas, who we thought we would get right up until the last minute.I remember when I first met Sir Alex and he always said there was a chance (Cristiano) Ronaldo might come back.So that was the level we were targeting. I was not going out to bring in seven, eight players, because we had a squad which had just won the league.Toni Kroos was agreed to come in the summer. I had agreed it with Toni himself and his agent. Sometimes you dont get deals done.A lot of players come into Manchester United and have not necessarily made the difference.But I think that, given time and having got to this period, I would have hoped I would be working with a successful team now.United are sixth in the Premier League table ahead of Sundays game and chasing a fourth successive league win, with Sunderland in the relegation zone.

Eurozone clears way to resume debt relief for Greece


BRUSSELS (AFP) - Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem on Saturday said Greece had cleared up doubts and could expect a positive decision on debt relief, defusing a row over surprise handouts announced by Athens.Happy to conclude that we have cleared the way for ESM to go ahead with decision-making procedures for short term debt measures (for Greece), Dijsselbloem said in a tweet, referring to the eurozones bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism.I have received a letter in which my Greek colleague has confirmed his commitment to previous agreements, added Dijsselbloem who presides the group that brings together the eurozones 19 ministers and is also the Dutch finance minister.The eurozone earlier this month suspended debt relief for bailed-out Greece after its maverick premier Alexis Tsipras hiked spending for pensioners, angering austerity champion Germany.A eurozone source told AFP that officials from the bloc would officially decide on restoring the minor debt relief at a meeting in January, where Germany would still be in a position to block the procedure.Tsipras sparked the fight after announcing one-off handouts including a surprise payout to 1.6 million low-income pensioners and a temporary sales tax break for islands sheltering thousands of migrants.The handouts angered Berlin and also revealed divisions at the heart of the eurozone, with France defending Athens in a rare act of defiance.The debt relief in question was agreed by eurozone ministers on December 5 in the face of criticism by the International Monetary Fund that it fell well short of what was necessary to get Greece back on its feet.Under the bailout agreed with eurozone countries, Greece has committed to making a host of economic reforms and must submit to oversight of its budgets and spending plans.

Allardyce gets Crystal Palace job after losing England's post


LONDON (AFP) - Premier League strugglers Crystal Palace appointed Sam Allardyce as their new boss on Friday in a swift return to the dugout for the former England manager.The former Bolton and West Ham managers one-match reign in charge of the national side ended in September following a newspaper sting.We are delighted to be able to make an appointment so quickly and fortunate that someone of Sams calibre and experience was available, Eagles chairman Steve Parish said, a day after sacking Alan Pardew.After agreeing a two-and-a-half-year contract, Allardyce will have his first game in charge on Monday with an English Premier League match at Watford.He was set to take his first training session on Saturday and has the opportunity to remodel the squad once the January transfer window opens.I hope I can bring some joy, particularly over Christmas and New Year, and over the long term between now and the end of the season, he said.The club seems to be very ambitious, certainly the chairman and the owners seem to be taking the club forward in the right direction.I like the look of the squad and thats the probably the reason that Im here, because I feel that the club can go forward from here and hopefully I can help it go forward.With my experience, I think I can us get a few more results on the board.Pardew was sacked on Thursday following a miserable run of results, with the Eagles winning just four of their 17 league matches this season and only one of their last 11.Palace are 17th in the Premier League, one point above the relegation zone and three points off the foot of the table.Allardyce has been out of the game since being ditched by England after just 67 days in charge following ill-advised remarks to undercover journalists.Allardyce gave advice on how to circumnavigate transfer rules, criticised the FAs decision to rebuild Wembley and mocked his England predecessor Roy Hodgson while being secretly filmed by reporters from The Daily Telegraph posing as East Asian businessmen.Though he has never won a major trophy, Allardyce, 62, has proved adept at keeping smaller sides in the Premier League.Big Sam has integrated sports science and technology into his training techniques and made his teams difficult to beat, often proving a thorn in the side of the top flights more glamorous clubs.

Germany hunts attacker's accomplices, arrests in Tunisia


BERLIN (AFP) - Germany on Saturday hunted for possible accomplices of Anis Amri, the suspected Berlin truck attacker who was gunned down by Italian police, as Tunisia announced it had arrested his nephew.Tunisias interior ministry said the nephew and two other suspected jihadists, aged between 18 and 27, were detained on Friday and were members of a terrorist cell connected to Tunisian-born Amri.It made no direct link between the trio and the Berlin attack on Monday, when Amri is believed to have hijacked a truck and used it to mow down revellers at a Christmas market, killing 12 people.Amri, 24, then went on the run and was the focus of a frantic four-day manhunt, before being shot dead by police in Milan after opening fire first.The Berlin rampage was claimed by the Islamic State group, which released a video Friday in which Amri is shown pledging allegiance to IS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.The Tunisian interior ministry said in a statement that Amri had sent money to his nephew so he could join him in Germany and had allegedly urged him to pledge allegiance to Daesh (IS).The unnamed nephew also claimed that his uncle was the leader of a jihadist group based in Germany and known as the Abu al-Walaa brigade, it added.The arrests come as German authorities are racing to find out whether Amri had help from accomplices before or after the attack.It is very important for us to determine whether there was a network of accomplices... in the preparation or the execution of the attack, or the flight of the suspect, federal prosecutor Peter Frank said Friday.Seven of the victims killed in the attack were German nationals, a federal police spokeswoman told AFP. The other five came from the Czech Republic, Italy, Israel, Poland and Ukraine.The fact that Amri was able to travel to Italy unhindered despite a Europe-wide arrest warrant has raised uncomfortable questions for intelligence agencies.German security services have also faced criticism for not keeping better tabs on Amri before the Berlin carnage, even though he was a known criminal with links to the Islamist scene.But Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere denied there had been a blanket security failure.It is impossible to monitor every person suspected of posing a threat around the clock, he told the newspaper Bild am Sonntag.Chancellor Angela Merkel has pledged a comprehensive analysis of how Amri was able to slip through the net and vowed to speed up the deportation of rejected asylum seekers like him.The fugitive was killed after firing at two officers who had stopped him for a routine identity check Friday near Milans Sesto San Giovanni railway station.Media reports said a train ticket found in Amris backpack suggested he had boarded a train in Chambery, southeastern France, and passed through Turin before arriving in Milan.Milan police said Amri had a few hundred euros on him but no telephone.Amri left Tunisia for Italy in 2011. He spent four years in prison there for starting a fire in a refugee centre, during which time he was apparently radicalised.After serving his sentence he made his way to Germany in 2015, taking advantage of Europes Schengen system of open borders -- as he did on his return to Italy this week.German security agencies began monitoring Amri in March, suspecting he was planning break-ins to raise cash for automatic weapons to carry out an attack.But the surveillance was stopped in September because Amri was seen primarily as a small-time drug dealer.In a separate case, police said Saturday they had released two Kosovo-born brothers suspected of planning to attack a shopping centre in western Germany.With the country on high alert, their arrests on Friday had made global headlines.As Germany celebrated Christmas Eve meanwhile, locals and tourists in Berlin visited the Christmas market targeted in the truck assault, and many took a moment to quietly light a candle or lay flowers for the victims.Its really nice there are so many people here and its still open, said Marianne Weile, 56, from Copenhagen.So even though you are really sad about what happened you can still keep Christmas. Its not like this crazy guy ruined it for everybody.

Football: World cup winner Julien Draxler joins PSG


BERLIN (AFP) - Bundesliga outfit Wolfsburg confirmed Saturday their World Cup-winning midfielder Julian Draxler will join Paris Saint-German during the January transfer window on a four-and-a-half year contract.The move had been widely expected after the 23-year-old expressed a desire to quit Wolfsburg with the French champions just one of several clubs on his trail.We have had intense and constructive discussions with Julian Draxler and his management as well as with Paris Saint-Germain in recent days and finally achieved a very good result for all sides, Wolfsburgs head of sport Olaf Rebbe said in a statement.The two sides agreed the financial details of the deal would remain confidential, Wolfsburg said.Of course I am sad to see Julian go, because he is an outstanding player, Wolfsburgs coach Valerien Ismael said in the same statement.On the other hand, I think this is the right move for everyone. In both recent games against Frankfurt and Gladbach he once again gave everything he had, and showed that he cares about our club. I hope he finds a new challenge in France.Draxler cost Wolfsburg 35 million euros ($37.3m) when he transferred from Schalke in August 2015.PSG director of football Patrick Kluivert has been on the lookout for reinforcements after a poor start to the campaign by their own standards which has left them in third place in Ligue 1 at the halfway stage, five points behind leaders Nice.

Tennis: Nick Kyrgios ready to comeback after the ban


SYDNEY (AFP) - Australias Nick Kyrgios said Saturday he was ready for scrutiny at next months Australian Open, as the volatile star prepares for his comeback after a playing ban.The controversial 21-year-old said his forced hiatus from tennis -- when a meltdown at the Shanghai Masters in October resulted in an initial eight-week suspension -- has proved a blessing.A condition of the ATP reducing the ban to three weeks meant Kyrgios has been seeing a sports psychologist to prepare him for the new tennis season.I needed to shut down really after a very long and tough year, Kyrgios told Fairfax Media on Saturday.He added he was now focusing on managing my schedule and time better to help with physical and mental freshness.Kyrgios knows he will be in the spotlight at his home Grand Slam tournament and he is working to ensure the media pressure does not derail his campaign.Look, the added media interest is never easy and its something that I havent fully got my head around or got used to, but what can I do? Kyrgios said.As far as how Ill deal with it, Ill just keep my head down and go about my business as I have done the past few Aussie summers.Kyrgios, who won three ATP titles this year with his world ranking climbing to 13, believes he is capable of winning the tournament.Will I? I dont know. But will I slog my guts out trying to? Without a doubt, Kyrgios said.He added despite a turbulent 12 months he would back on the year with pride.2016 was definitely a success ... for anyone in only their second full year on tour to win three ATP titles is pretty big, he said.

Frank Lampard wants to return to Chelsea as a player


LONDON (AFP) - Frank Lampard admitted on Saturday he would relish a return to Chelsea as a player and is keen to rejoin the Premier League leaders in some capacity even if he is not offered a deal.The former England midfielder is Chelseas all-time leading goalscorer and is keeping his options open after leaving New York City FC following a two-year spell with the MLS side.Appearing alongside Blues captain John Terry on Sky Sports, Lampard said: Myself and John are Chelsea through and through so whatever happens, in some capacity I will be at Chelsea.Whether its with my season ticket, watching them, I dont know yet, Ill have very close contact. Whether Ill have the role (as a player), its not all in my hands so I cant go any further on that.Im very relaxed about it, which is a nice place to be. If the right thing comes, Ill take it. Obviously Chelsea, Id love that, but it doesnt work that way always.The 38-year-old left Stamford Bridge in 2014 after scoring 211 goals in a 13-year spell at Chelsea, briefly playing for Manchester City before heading to the United States.He scored 15 times in 31 appearances for New York City and has yet to decide whether he will retire or not.I feel fit, Im fresh in the mind, Lampard added. I understand when you get even past 30, you start to understand things are different.What I would say is, if I was to carry on playing, it would have to be perfect. Im not being snobby and hand-picking what I want to do but perfect for my family, for me and all those things.

PML-N workers indulged in massive aerial firing on election win


MANDI BAHAUDDIN (Dunya News) – The moment results were announced declaring Ghulam Hussain Bosal of PML-N victorious in local bodies’ polls, the workers stage a rally over result’s win.The participants of the rally started aerial firing all of a sudden due to which a wave of fear spread across the area.After the incident, a case was filed against six identified and four unknown persons in Gujra police station.It is pertinent to mention that Ghulam Hussain Bosal has been elected as District Chairman against PML-N ticket.

13 hurt in Xmas blast near Philippine church


COTABATO (AFP) - A blast ripped through a police car outside a Catholic church in the southern Philippines late Saturday, authorities said, wounding 13 people including a police officer.The explosion hit churchgoers attending a series of Christmas Eve masses at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Santo Nino in the farming town of Midsayap, a priest who present at the service said.The communion was ongoing when the explosion took place, Father Jay Virador told reporters.The blast occurred about 30 metres (98 feet) away from the churchs entrance and caused panic, he added.The regional police spokesman, Superintendent Romeo Galgo, confirmed the blast which he said was caused by an unspecified explosive device.Thirteen people were wounded by the explosion and treated at nearby hospitals, including a police officer and an unidentified person, according to an updated police tally.Authorities did not immediately say who was responsible for the blast. No group has claimed responsibility.A police investigator who asked not to be named told AFP it appeared the suspects had initially targeted the church but later settled for a patrol car assigned to guard the building instead.It seems they wanted to get closer but due to heavy security they opted to throw the explosive at the police car blocking the road, the officer added.The explosion damaged the police car and a pickup truck parked nearby, police said.The town, about 900 kilometres (559 miles) south of Manila, is located in the middle of the large Philippine island of Mindanao, home to a Muslim minority and decades of armed rebellion.However the main Muslim guerrilla group in the area has signed a ceasefire with the Philippine government.Government forces continue to fight smaller Muslim armed groups on the island, some of whom have pledged allegiance to Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria and have been blamed for bombing civilian targets in the past.

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