Wednesday 8 June 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Portugal thrash Estonia 7-0 in warm-up game


LISBON, June 8, 2016 (AFP) - Cristiano Ronaldo scored twice as Portugal warmed-up for Euro 2016 with a 7-0 mauling of Estonia at Lisbons Stadium of Light on Wednesday.The Real Madrid star hit the target twice in nine minutes late in the first half.Today we showed that the team is doing well on all levels. We scored seven goals but that doesnt mean so much. We have to keep our feet on the ground, Ronaldo said after the game.Its a difficult competition to win and well take it match by match.Ricardo Quaresma who started alongside Ronaldo also scored twice to add to a recent gem against Norway, with an own goal, and strikes from Danilo and Eder completing the rout.Portugal beat Norway 3-0 in a first warm up game but were then beaten 1-0 by England on Thursday, albeit without Ronaldo and Pepe.Ronaldo has already distinguished himself as his countrys leading goalscorer of all time. Yet, he has yet to leave his mark on a major international tournament.At 31 and with and a soft draw which sees Portugal face Austria, Hungary and tournament debutants Iceland in Group F, Ronaldo is unlikely to get a better chance to shine on the international stage.

Hillary Clinton playing 'woman card' says Trump


WASHINGTON, June 8, 2016 (AFP) - Donald Trump ridiculed it, saying it was the only thing Hillary Clinton had going for her candidacy. On Tuesday as she made history, she opted to play it proudly.In the race for the White House, Clinton is playing the woman card.If America is going to lead, we need to learn from the women of the world who have blazed new paths -- from the start of her Brooklyn victory event Tuesday, when she claimed the Democratic presidential nomination, Clinton set the tone.Clinton is now putting history at the heart of her campaign: 96 years after women earned the national right to vote in the United States, she has made history as the first woman to run for the US presidency as the candidate of a major party.And in five months, she hopes to become Americas first female commander-in-chief.Once again, she has shattered a glass ceiling -- a term used to describe the invisible barriers faced by women in the workplace, who are a rare sight in the highest ranks of the corporate world, nonprofit world or in government.During her first White House bid, which she lost in 2008 to Barack Obama, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state sometimes hesitated when confronting the sensitive issue.But this time around, times have changed -- and shes facing a different kind of opponent.Rarely do we see a presidential candidate who is so willing to engage in sexist rhetoric, Jennifer Lawless, an expert on women in politics at American University in Washington, said of Trump.Trumps comments are unusual -- and so over the top -- that they provide an excellent opportunity for Hillary Clinton to respond in a multifaceted way.For Christopher Borick, a professor of political science at Muhlenberg College, once the Sanders excitement fades and many of his supporters start to fear the possibility of Trump, the woman card could be an important means by which to build excitement for her candidacy.Clinton knows that her Republican adversary has dismal approval ratings among women voters, and she wants to maximize that advantage.When Donald Trump... calls women pigs -- it goes against everything we stand for. Because we want an America where everyone is treated with respect and where their work is valued, Clinton said Tuesday before an enthusiastic crowd.According to a recent Gallup poll, 70 percent of American women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, a figure that has consistently risen over the course of the last nine months.And since 1980, without any break in the trend, American women have proportionally voted more often than men in presidential elections. In 2012, 53 percent of voters were women.Both Obama and Bill Clinton earned wide support from women in their election wins, and Hillary should also largely benefit from the gender gap in November.But Borick noted: Given her major weaknesses among white males, she will need the gap to be at least as big as it has been in the last 25 years and in all likelihood even larger if she is to prevail.Clinton has strong arguments on her side. According to an annual Gallup poll, she has been -- 20 times since 1993 -- the woman most admired by Americans, a record.Some in Washington are raising the possibility that Clinton could choose a female running mate. But is America ready for an all-woman presidential ticket?I think at some point. Maybe this time, maybe in the future, Clinton told ABC News in an interview taped moments before her victory speech Tuesday night and aired on Wednesday.The former first lady now just must find a way to galvanize young female voters who overwhelmingly supported her rival Bernie Sanders and his political revolution.I do think the historic nature of her nomination will eventually start to reach the younger cohort of women voters and pay dividends in November, Borick said.But she will have to build out this message more thoroughly through the campaign this fall.Those voters, most of whom were born well after the struggles of women showcased in the Clinton campaign video, may not place the same importance on the historic nature of Clintons candidacy.For now, Clinton is hammering home her belief that a win in November would have a huge impact on America, well beyond the world of politics.I think it will make a very big difference for a father or a mother to be able to look at their daughter, just like they can look at their son, and say, You can be anything that you want to be in this country, including president of the United States, she said.

Rizwan Ayaz confesses that he murdered Haleema


KARACHI (Dunya News) – There was major breakthrough in Haleema murder case as Rizwan Ayaz confessed that he had killed Haleema, the mother of Abdullah, Dunya News reported on Thursday.Rizwan was on a run after handing over Abdullah to Edhi Centre but he was arrested by police yesterday. His wife, Sonia was already in custody of police and was investigated. Reports say that Rizwan and Haleema had dispute over money.

Tennis: Sharapova to appeal against 'unfairly harsh' two-year doping ban


LONDON, June 8, 2016 (AFP) - Russian superstar Maria Sharapova was on Wednesday handed a two-year doping ban but insisted she will appeal the suspension which could effectively end one of sports most celebrated careers.Sharapova, 29, tested positive for the controversial banned medication meldonium during Januarys Australian Open.A statement by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) said an Independent Tribunal had found that Maria Sharapova committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation and consequently had disqualified the affected results and imposed a period of ineligibility of two years, commencing on 26 January 2016.Sharapova blasted the ban as unfairly harsh in a statement on her Facebook page.While the tribunal concluded correctly that I did not intentionally violate the anti-doping rules, I cannot accept an unfairly harsh two-year suspension, fumed Sharapova.The tribunal, whose members were selected by the ITF, agreed that I did not do anything intentionally wrong, yet they seek to keep me from playing tennis for two years. I will immediately appeal the suspension portion of this ruling to CAS, the Court of Arbitration for Sport.Sharapova slammed the ITF for spending tremendous amounts of time and resources trying to prove I intentionally violated the anti-doping rules before adding that the tribunal concluded I did not.The US-based Russian failed a drugs test on January 26 and was charged with an anti-doping violation on March 2.In a packed press conference in Los Angeles a few days later, she admitted to taking meldonium but said she hadnt realised it was on the banned substance list.Meldonium was added to the world anti-doping WADA list on January 1. Sharapova said shed been taking it for 10 years to help treat illnesses, a heart issue and a magnesium deficiency.Her ban is backdated to January 26 and due to end on January 25, 2018.The tribunal said in its 33-page summary that performance enhancement was the only conclusion it could reach.It may be that she genuinely believed that mildronate (another name for meldonium) had some general beneficial effect on her health but the manner in which the medication was taken, its concealment from the anti-doping authorities, her failure to disclose it even to her own team, and the lack of any medical justification must inevitably lead to the conclusion that she took mildronate for the purpose of enhancing her performance, it wrote.In conclusion, the tribunal said that Sharapova does bear sole responsibility for the contravention.She is the sole author of her own misfortune.WTA chief executive Steve Simon said the organisation hoped the controversy will be quickly resolved.It is important at all times for players to be aware of the rules and to follow them. In this case, Maria has taken responsibility for her mistake from the outset, said Simon in a statement.The WTA supports the process that the ITF and Maria have followed. The ITF has made its ruling and, under the Tennis Anti-Doping Program, the decision may be appealed to the Court Arbitration for Sport.The WTA will continue to follow this closely and we hope it will be resolved as soon as possible.Sharapova, a former world number one whose ranking has slumped to 26, has won 35 career titles including five Grand Slams -- the Australian Open (2008), French Open (2012, 2014), Wimbledon (2004) and US Open (2006).Her win at Wimbledon in 2004 when she was just 17 launched her into the world of mega-million dollar deals and A-list celebrity.Her rags-to-riches story captured the imagination of the public who lapped up the tale of her leaving the Soviet Union as a child with her penniless father to live and train in Florida.She had been the worlds highest earning sportswoman for 11 years until this week when, according to Forbes Magazine, she was overtaken by bitter rival Serena Williams who earned $28.9 million over the past 12 months.Sharapova had dominated in endorsement profits before companies including Nike, American Express, Porsche and TAG Heuer distanced themselves after she tested positive for meldonium earlier this year.Sharapova earned $21.9 million over the past 12 months, down almost $8 million from the previous year, Forbes said.Despite the two-year suspension, Sharapova vowed to keep fighting.I intend to stand for what I believe is right and thats why I will fight to be back on the tennis court as soon as possible, she said.WADA said it will review the decision before deciding on its next move.As with all decisions made by anti-doping organisations, WADA will review the decision, including its reasoning, and will subsequently decide whether or not to use its independent right of appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), said a statement.

Already informed Farooq Sattar about Kamran Farooqui: DG Rangers


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Farooq Sattar said that Member Provincial Assembly (MPA) Kamran Farooqui was arrested on wrong information and evidences were not shared about his arrest, as he was talking to Kamran Khan in Dunya TV program.DG Rangers Hilal Akbar took notice immediately and said that Kamran Farooqui was arrested on the basis of evidences confessed by a group, which was involved in 142 target killings. He also told that they had intimated Farooq Sattar and other MQM leaders about him.DG Rangers also said that they had shared information of Karachi operation with MQM leaders and advised people of Karachi to stay away from MQM strike. He said that people agreed with him and made the strike unsuccessful.

Sartaj Aziz contacts ambassadors of Russia, Korea and New Zealand


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Adviser to Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz called ambassadors of Korea, New Zealand, and Russia and requested to support Pakistan’s request for membership in Nuclear Suppliers Group , reported Dunya News.All three ambassadors supported Pakistan’s request for inclusion in the group. Earlier, Additional Secretary on Foreign Affairs Nasim Aslam briefed the ambassadors of member countries and stated that Pakistan’s had been applying for the membership on strong and legit basis.Pakistans technical experience, ability and commitment to non-proliferation of nuclear arms were obvious and relaxation on the term and conditions for any country would leave adverse effects on regions strategic stability, Aslam said.

Maryam Nawaz meets Chinese ambassador, conveys best wishes for PM


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Sun Weidong on Wednesday met with Maryam Nawaz, daughter of Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif. The ambassador conveyed his best wishes for the Prime Minister’s health and quick recovery, reported Dunya News.Sun Weidong enquired about the PM’s health from Maryam and stated that he looks forward for the Prime Minister’s speedy recovery.Chinese ambassador conveyed best regards from the Chinese president Hu Jintao for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Pakistani digital rights activist wins Atlantic Council Digital Freedom Award


WROCLAW (Web Desk) - Atlantic Council Digital Freedom Award for 2016 was presented by Ex-Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz honoured to digital rights activist Nighat Dad at the Global Forum in Wroclaw, Poland, Dunya News has learnt on Wednesday.The award was presented for her devotion towards digital rights for Pakistanis in general and also her efforts in corroborating a safer and reachable internet access for Pakistani women.The Atlantic Council Freedom Awards were established in 2009 in Berlin. They honoured commitment to peace and freedom. Before Dad, the award has only been given to one Pakistani: Malala.The event was attended by 450 delegates including activists, dignitaries, politicians and more.Over the past quarter century, we have borne witness to rising social tensions and economic uncertainty. Global conflicts that cause millions of refugees to flee those same conflicts, for a better life for their children. Religious extremists and the far right are on the rise, exploiting the fear and insecurity of many. Ours is an unstable world. Dad stated.“It is in this context that governments have the duty to protect their citizens from harm, to ensure their physical safety both in the present and in the foreseeable future. But it is vital that governments be reminded that security must not and cannot come at the cost of civil liberty, Dad added.The honour of digital award created an interesting timeline when Senators were considering blocking an upcoming impractical piece of legislation which was meant to cover digital crimes.The Digital Rights Foundation had been acting as a frontline agent in the battle to guarantee digital rights not just for Pakistanis, as well as minorities and dissidents that were frequently ignored and suppressed on different fronts of life.

PTI leaders demand befitting response over Khawaja Asif's indecent remarks


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders have demanded a befitting response to Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Asif over his indecent remarks towards PTI Member of National Assembly (MNA) Shireen Mazari during the formal proceedings of the National Assembly’s session, reported Dunya News on Wednesday.Shireen Mazari termed Khawaja Asif as ‘ill-manered’ over his remarks. PTI spokesperson Naeemul Haque said that Khawaja Asif should be hanged upside down over such inappropriate remarks and needs to be hit with shoes “twenty-five times in the morning and twenty-five times in the evening”.However, PTI leader Asad Umar stated that this very punishment recommended by Naeem will not prove to be befitting and recommended that the number of strikes should be increased to a hundred as the federal minister has no manners regarding how to speak in the Assembly.Shah Mehmood Qureshi stated that Asif is under pressure as the result of case regarding rigging in his constituency in the general elections is going to be announced soon. He added that this is not the first time Asif has used such language in the Assembly.

Changes in B.Com result scam foiled in KU


KARACHI (Dunya News) – A scandal of coversion in B.Com results of 251 students has surfaced in Karachi University (KU) as the sources stated that university teachers have also been accused of involvement in the very scam related to results of annual private B.Com exams, reported Dunya News on Wednesday.Eight teachers of KU were allegedly involved with the cheating mafia and changed results of the following exams including Economics of Pakistan, Advance Accounting, and the Principles of Management.Millions of rupees were taken from the candidates for modification in the results while controller examination of KU stated that the teachers involved in the case had been blacklisted.Moreover, those teachers involved in the scam would not be paid and that their benefits and perks had also been suspended by the university administration, controller examination KU said.

Gold price plunges to Rs 250 per tola


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Gold price reached to $1245 per ounce with an increase of $3 in international market however with respect to international rise, increase in gold price has also been observed in local market, reported Dunya News on Wednesday.Gold price rose to Rs 48,150 with an increase of Rs 250 while 10 grams of gold costs Rs 41,271 with a plunge of Rs 214.Economic experts believed that reduced demand for dollars from investors in the global market has increased demand for gold which has directly affected the prices.

PTI MPAs also turn against Pervez Khattak


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – Days after five of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) Members of National Assembly (MNAs) announced rebellion against Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister (CM) Pervez Khattak, it has been brought to light that these MNAs have also gained the support of 15 to 20 Members of Provincial Assembly (MPAs) of the party in regards to voicing criticism against the CM, reported Dunya News on Wednesday.Sources within PTI indicate that, the five MNAs of the party including Sajid Nawaz, Khayal Zaman, Dawar Khan Kundi, Amirullah Khan and Junaid Akbar have the backing of a number of provincial ministers who strongly believe that Khattak has not been able to bring a substantial change in the province.Sources also state that the angry party workers have suggested a boycott of the provincial budget’s approval session. However, such a move can result in these MPAs being as declared unfit to remain public representativesEarlier, PTI Chairman Imran Khan during his visit to Peshawar, directed Pervez Khattak to make improvements in the working of his cabinet but it seems that Khan’s orders backfired as a number of MNAs raised their concerns against Khattak.Khan has taken notice of the internal conflicts within the party and has also called a meeting in order to address the issue.

Suspected murderer of Abdullah's mother apprehended


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Police on Wednesday apprehended Rizwan, suspected murdered of two-years-old Abdullah’s mother, from the Super Highway, reported Dunya News.According to Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Police Munir Sheikh, Rizwan shall be inquired about the kidnapping of Abdullah and it shall also be brought to light whether the culprit killed Haleema – Abdullah’s mother – out of hatred or on the orders of someone else.Munir Sheikh stated that the suspect’s arrest was made possible through cooperation from the Edhi center sources along with Close Circuit Television (CCTV) camera footage and from the statements of the on-spot witnesses.Police sources state that new revelations are expected from the culprit after further investigation gets carried out.

Kenya nationwide blackout caused by monkey tripping transformer


(Reuters) - A nationwide blackout that hit Kenya on Tuesday was caused by a monkey tripping a transformer at a hydropower plant, leading to the loss of more than 180 megawatts from the grid, power producer Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) said.Power distributor Kenya Power and KenGen said electricity supply was knocked out at 11.30 a.m. local time after a technical fault at Gitaru Hydro power station.KenGen, the East African country’s biggest power producer, runs the station.A monkey climbed on the roof of Gitaru Power Station and dropped onto a transformer tripping it. This caused other machines at the power station to trip on overload resulting in a loss of more than 180 MW from this plant which triggered a national power blackout, KenGen said in a statement late on Tuesday.KenGen power installations are secured by electric fencing which keeps away marauding wild animals. We regret this isolated incident and the company is looking at ways of further enhancing security at all our power plants.Kenyan businesses regularly complain that power cuts - due to its ageing grid - and unreliable supplies make them uncompetitive and hurt growth.

Chicago zoo's baby camel 'Alexander Camelton' a social media star


(Reuters) -A month-old Bactrian camel named Alexander Camelton at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo has become a social media star.The gangly brown camel has Twitter abuzz over his name, a play on Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the United States and the inspiration for the smash Broadway musical Hamilton.We’ve been very surprised with the reaction we’ve gotten on social media, Lincoln Park Zoological Manager Dan Boehm said on Tuesday.Boehm described Alexander Camelton, the first Bactrian camel born at the zoo since 1998, as very precocious and said he was adjusting very well.Lin-Manuel Miranda, who wrote and stars in Hamilton, posted an emoji of a camel and a blushing face on Twitter in recognition of baby Camelton.Other social media users had fun with the camel’s name.It’s going to be really awkward when Alexander Camelton dies in a duel with Aaron Brrrr the Penguin, tweeted Mike Sager (@msager) on Monday, referring to Aaron Burr, who mortally wounded Alexander Hamilton in a duel 1804.Soon all the zoo animals will have ‘Hamilton’ names. Alexander Camelton. Salamander Hamilton. Alexander Lambilton. Lin-Manuel the Panda, tweeted Fusion Senior Editor Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono).

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