Wednesday 23 November 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Rickshaws being used to take patient to the hospital in Multan


MULTAN (Dunya News) - Patients are using rickshaws in Multan due to lack of ambulances, as 54-year-old patient had to take rickshaw despite having an operation, reported Dunya News.Mehmood and his family talked to government hospital administration and Rescue 1122 but both of them refused to provide help. The family had to bring Mehmood on rickshaw, as they said that they could not afford private ambulance.

Panama Leaks case is case of 200 million Pakistanis: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Jamaat Islami (JI) chief Sirajul Haq said on Wednesday that Panama Leaks case is case of 200 million Pakistanis and they want Supreme Court to make a commission on that, reported Dunya News.Siraj said that accountability should be done for everyone, who had their names in Panama papers. He said that tax system in the country is not right, so people do not give tax.He said that JI will bring better tax system when they will be in power and they will spend money on poor people after getting tax from wealthy people. He also asked lawyers for help and said that, a lawyer had helped in creation of Pakistan and now lawyers will save it.

Iraq forces cut off IS-held Mosul from Syria


MOSUL (AFP) - Forces battling the Islamic State group in northern Iraq cut off the jihadists last supply line from Mosul to Syria Wednesday, trapping them in the city for a bloody last stand.A day after the last major bridge over the Tigris in Mosul was bombed by the US-led coalition against IS, elite forces fighting in the east of the city also reported significant progress.To the west of Mosul, Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilisation) paramilitary forces made a push to cut the road between two towns on the route heading to Syria, security officials said.Hashed forces have cut off the Tal Afar-Sinjar road, senior Hashed commander Abu Mahdi al-Mohandis said on social media.A Kurdish security official told AFP that Hashed forces had linked up with other anti-IS forces, including Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters, in three villages in the area.The town of Tal Afar itself, which lies about 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Mosul, is still under the control of the jihadists.Iraqi forces launched a major offensive on October 17 to retake Mosul, which is the countrys second city and where jihadist supremo Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed a caliphate in 2014.Federal forces have already entered the city from the east. Kurdish peshmerga and other forces are also closing in from the north and south, while only the west had remained open.The latest development will make it very long and dangerous for IS if it attempts to move fighters and equipment between Mosul and the Syrian city of Raqa, the last two bastions of their crumbling state.A US-backed Kurdish-Arab alliance launched an offensive against Raqa on November 5 but its fighters have some way to go before reaching the city.In Iraq, almost two and a half years after IS took over swathes of the country, forces backed by the US and other partners have regained much ground.Mosul is the last major prize in Iraq for the diverse and sometimes rival forces involved in the anti-IS effort, but the jihadists have offered stiffer resistance than elsewhere.The eastern side of the city was expected to offer less resistance than the west bank but elite forces from the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS) have faced a torrid time.IS fighters moving in an intricate network of tunnels have used snipers, booby traps and a seemingly endless supply of suicide car bombers to stop Iraqi forces.The authorities have not released casualty figures since the start of the offensive but fighters have admitted being surprised by how fierce IS resistance has been.CTSs Staff Lieutenant General Abdelghani al-Assadi said however that his forces had found fresh momentum in recent days.We cleared more than 40 percent on the eastern side, he told AFP, adding that after retaking the neighbourhood of Aden, CTS fighters had reclaimed parts of Al-Zuhur.The task has become much easier for us -- jihadist resistance has weakened, he said. Even if we face serious resistance, were going to eliminate them.On Tuesday, the US-led coalition that has carried out thousands of air strikes against IS targets in Iraq and Syria since August 2014 said it destroyed a key bridge in Mosul.The last bridge still standing in Mosul is from the British era and not big enough for heavy vehicles to move across the Tigris, which runs through the middle of the city.The intensity of the fighting has been one of the factors preventing civilians from fleeing to the safety of some of the camps being set up around Mosul.The United Nations had expected around 200,000 people to flee their homes in the first few weeks of the offensive, but only about a third of that number had been displaced by Wednesday.Forces have so far encouraged residents to remain in their homes as they inched through the city, fighting house-to-house.Evacuating the population would allow Iraqi forces to use heavier artillery and achieve faster results but Iraqs leadership wants to prevent the complete destruction of Mosul.

Aleppo civilians try to flee as Syria army advances


ALEPPO (AFP) - Dozens of civilians tried to flee rebel-held east Aleppo overnight but were forced back by gunfire, as the Syrian army on Wednesday pressed an offensive to recapture the whole city.The government last week resumed its drive to retake the east of the city, where more than 250,000 civilians have been trapped under siege by the army for months, with dwindling food and fuel supplies.The regime has pounded the east with air strikes, barrel bombs and artillery fire for more than a week, killing more than 140 people as it advances.Recapturing the east would give President Bashar al-Assads government perhaps its most important victory yet in the conflict, which has killed more than 300,000 people since it began in March 2011.The government accuses rebels in the east of using residents as human shields and preventing them from leaving.On Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitor of the war, said dozens of civilians had tried to flee overnight but were forced back by gunfire.On Tuesday night, around 100 families gathered near a passage from the (rebel-held) Bustan al-Basha district to cross to Sheikh Maqsud, said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.But when the civilians tried to cross to the other side, gunfire broke out, he told AFP without elaborating.Sheikh Maqsud is a northern neighbourhood controlled by Kurdish forces, allied with neither the regime nor the rebels, between the government-held west and rebel-held east.On Tuesday, the army issued a statement accusing rebels of holding civilians as hostages.Permit those citizens who want to do so to leave, stop using them as hostages and human shields, clear the mines from the crossings identified by the state.Rebel groups deny they are preventing civilians from leaving and accused the regime of spreading rumours.This has nothing to do with reality, said Yasser al-Youssef, from the political office of rebel group Nureddin al-Zinki.The regime is spreading rumours to try to undermine the resolve of the rebels and those who support them in Aleppo, he told AFP.The Syrian army, backed by allied forces from Iran, Russia and Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, launched a renewed assault on east Aleppo on November 15.The offensive has killed at least 143 civilians in the east, among them 19 children, since then. Rebel fire has killed 16 civilians in the government-held west, including 10 children.After days of ferocious bombardment, regime troops now control half of the strategic Masaken Hanano district in the northeast of the city, the Observatory said.Capturing the district would give the army line-of-fire control over several other parts of the rebel-held east and divide it in two.The renewed bloodshed has stoked international concern, though there has been little sign so far of a plan to halt it.French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said on Wednesday that backers of Syrias moderate opposition would meet in Paris in early December to discuss the situation.He urged the international community to stop averting its gaze from the terrible reality of the conflict.Save the Children called for an internationally monitored ceasefire to allow aid into east Aleppo and the evacuation of sick and wounded civilians.It is a moral outrage that the death toll of Aleppos children continues to grow and seems only set to get worse, whilst so little action is being taken to end the bombing and hold warring parties accountable, the charitys Syria director, Sonia Khush, said.The latest government offensive has hit hospitals and rescue centres, and forced schools to close.Medical officials in the east said some of the barrel bombs dropped by the government appeared to contain chlorine gas.Both Damascus and its ally Moscow have strongly denied any illegal military use of the chemical.Over the weekend, UN envoy Staffan de Mistura floated a humanitarian plan for Aleppo as well as a proposal for a truce.The truce deal would have allowed the opposition administration in east Aleppo to remain in place, at least temporarily, in return for jihadist fighters leaving.But the government rejected it, insisting the state had to retake control as any alternative would reward terrorists.

Israel revives settlement plans after Trump win


JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israel revived plans on Wednesday to build 500 new homes for Jewish settlers in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, an ominous sign for Palestinians wary of a Donald Trump presidency, an NGO said.The political significance of this action is that it is the first plan to be promoted since the US elections, Betty Herschman from the Ir Amim NGO said.The plan for 500 housing units in Ramat Shlomo, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood in east Jerusalem of around 20,000, had been on hold since 2014, Ir Amim said.The Jerusalem municipality downplayed the significance of the new housing units, saying the plans were not new and were approved years ago.Nevertheless, the announcement is likely to be interpreted by some as a first step in Israel expanding its settlements in the wake of Trumps upset election victory.Israeli right-wingers hailed his triumph as ushering in an administration far less critical of settlement expansion than that of outgoing President Barack Obamas.The president-elects adviser on Israel, David Friedman, told AFP last month that he does not believe Trump sees Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank as illegal.One Israeli minister said Trumps win meant the era of a Palestinian state is over while Meir Turjeman, chairman of the Jerusalem municipality planning committee, told public radio earlier in November that it meant suspended permits in east Jerusalem would be given the green light.He said the municipality intended to authorise thousands of housing units that had been frozen.The international community considers all settlements illegal and sees them as one of the largest obstacles to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.UN envoy Nickolay Mladenov told the Security Council on Wednesday that Israels latest plan for new settlement homes in east Jerusalem were part of increasingly worrying developments and urged Israel to halt the construction.The situation on the ground is changing steadily, dangerously, as proponents of Israeli settlement expansion feel emboldened, internal divisions among Palestinians flare up, and the prospect of a future Palestinian state comes under threat like never before, Mladenov said.Ahead of the Ramat Shlomo decision France said the planned constructions would be illegal.The unabated continuation of the settlement policy only serves to increase tensions on the ground and undermines the prospects for achieving a just and lasting peace, its foreign ministry said Tuesday.More than 200,000 Israelis now live in east Jerusalem, as part of a wider community of around 600,000 settlers in all the occupied Palestinian territories.The municipality did not respond Wednesday to the suggestion that the construction plans were related to events in the US.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose government is considered the most right-wing in Israeli history, has so far been cautious in approving settlements.While many on the Israeli right are looking forward to Trumps inauguration in January, they are also wary of what Obama may do in his final days in office.Obamas administration has expressed mounting anger over Israeli settlement policy and speculation has grown that he could launch a final initiative before leaving.The UN Security Council is set to debate proposals for a draft resolution calling for a halt to settlement expansion in the Palestinian territories, with speculation Obama could break with recent US practice and support -- or at least not veto -- such a resolution before his term expires on January 20.Netanyahu last month expressed concern over any potential attempt but Israeli defence minister Avigdor Lieberman on Wednesday seemed less concerned.Asked if he expected any surprises from Obama before his term ends, Lieberman said: I dont think so.It is clear we are in a transition period, it is clear today -- not only in Israel but in the world -- we are waiting for new policies, a new administration.Obama has had frosty personal relations with Netanyahu throughout his two-term presidency.

Bangladesh to send back Rohingya fleeing Myanmar unrest


TEKNAF (AFP) - Bangladesh police on Wednesday detained dozens of Rohingya migrants, some of them children, and said they would return them to Myanmar where there are reports the military is burning villages and raping women.Rohingya community leaders say there has been a sharp rise in the numbers travelling across the border into Bangladesh to escape the violence. An estimated 500 arrived overnight, using darkness to evade detection.Up to 30,000 Rohingya, a Muslim minority group whom Myanmar does not recognise as citizens, have been forced to flee their homes, according to the United Nations, which is urging Bangladesh to open its border to them.More than 2,000 are thought to have crossed the border in recent days, despite heavy security on both sides, following the surge in violence in Myanmar.Some said their villages had been burned down and relatives killed by the Myanmar army. One woman told how soldiers had raped and killed her daughter and said she had only narrowly escaped the same fate.Police in the Bangladeshi border town of Coxs Bazar said Wednesday they had detained 70 Rohingya, including women and children, and would send them back across the border.We nabbed them after they illegally trespassed (into Bangladesh). They will be pushed back (to Myanmar), local police chief Shyamol Kumar Nath told AFP.A Rohingya community leader said anyone sent back could face death.We have information the Myanmar army is killing those (Rohingya) people who are being pushed back from Bangladesh, the leader said, speaking on condition of anonymity.The army has burned down their villages to ashes and killed their relatives. They will simply kill these innocents, he told AFP.The Myanmar army has denied the claims but has barred foreign journalists from the area around the border.Aleya Khatun, who arrived in Bangladesh from Myanmar overnight, said at least 1,200 more Rohingya families were hiding out near the border, waiting to cross at nightfall.The 38-year-old said a landmine exploded as she crossed into Bangladesh overnight with nine other families, killing her neighbour Johra and injuring her.I brought Johras three children with me as they had nobody to look after them, Khatun told AFP by video call from a makeshift medical camp.Many had made it in with the help of Bangladeshi people-smugglers.Jahanara Begum, 40, said she had been travelling with her teenage daughter and niece, who had since gone missing.The man who got us in said the two girls were arrested. But no police came to us, Begum told AFP by phone from the border town of Teknaf.She said the smugglers threatened to turn her over to the authorities if she made a fuss about the missing girls.Im sure they were kidnapped by the locals, she added.Most of those who have entered the country are hiding out in camps for the 32,000 legally registered Rohingya refugees already living in southeast Bangladesh. They fear repatriation if found.Bangladesh border guards have intensified patrols since the violence flared in Myanmars western state of Rakhine, and say they have stopped nearly a thousand Rohingya at the border over the past three days.Extra coastguard ships have been deployed on the Naf river to stop migrants coming in by boat.Myanmar state media says security forces have killed almost 70 people and arrested some 400 since the lockdown began six weeks ago in Rakhine, in response to a deadly attack on border police posts. Activists say the number could be far higher.Myanmar does not formally recognise the Rohingya as one of the countrys patchwork of ethnic minorities. A rising tide of Buddhist nationalism has in recent years deepened hostility towards the group -- most of whom are rendered stateless by a web of citizenship laws.They were among the victims of last years Southeast Asian migrant crisis which saw trafficking networks suddenly unravel, leaving thousands of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants stranded without food at sea.

Cyprus 'determined' for more peace talks: president


NICOSIA (AFP) - Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades said Wednesday he was determined to continue peace talks aimed at uniting the island, after UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned against missing a historic opportunity for peace.The latest UN-brokered negotiations between Anastasiades and his Turkish Cypriot counterpart Mustafa Akinci held in Switzerland this month ended on Tuesday with no agreement, with the two sides still far apart on the key issue of land-for-peace.I want to assure that I am determined and ready to take the necessary steps to continue the dialogue, Anastasiades said in a televised address on Wednesday.I am ready to continue the dialogue where it broke off, adding that he was in touch with EU leaders to keep the door open for talks.Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded the northern third of the island in response to an Athens-inspired coup seeking union with Greece.The much-heralded talks were supposed to produce a map of the internal boundaries of a future federation on the island to pave the way for a deal by early next year.But like the five days of discussions earlier this month, negotiations broke down, with each side blaming the other for the lack of progress.Ban said he will be in contact soon with the leaders to discuss the next steps with just five weeks to go before the UN chief hands over to Antonio Guterres to lead the world body.The secretary-general urges the leaders to continue their efforts in line with their shared commitment to do their utmost in order to reach a settlement in 2016, said a statement from Bans spokesman.Especially in a region and in a world marked by increasing tension, they must not let this historic opportunity slip, he added.Cyprus is one of the worlds longest-running geopolitical disputes and has been a key stumbling block in Turkeys EU accession bid. Turkish Cypriots made up just 18 percent of the islands population in 1974, but they currently control more than a third of its territory.It has always been agreed that some of the territory currently controlled by the Turkish Cypriots will be ceded to Greek-Cypriot control in any peace deal.Anastasiades said the talks broke down on the issue of territorial adjustments because the Turkish Cypriot side didnt show the required flexibility despite our efforts.He said he deeply regretted the negative outcome in Switzerland but said he would not allow the opportunity to settle the four-decade-long crisis to be lost.Anastasiades revealed that the two leaders were close on the percentage of territory to remain under Turkish Cypriot administration in a future federation, with Akinci suggesting 29.2 percent and the Greek Cypriots proposing 28.2 percent.But they remained far apart on how many Greek Cypriots should be able to return to homes they fled in 1974, with Akinci determined to minimise the number of Turkish Cypriots who would be displaced for a second time.Anastasiades and Akinci have been among the most outspoken proponents of a deal within their own communities, but they would still have to sell any agreement they reach to their respective voters.

16 dead, thousands displaced in C Africa clashes: UN


BANGUI (AFP) - Clashes between rival armed groups in the Central African Republic have left at least 16 people dead and displaced several thousand civilians, the UN said Wednesday, warning of targeted assassinations against ethnic Fulani.There have been at least 16 confirmed death and thousands displaced, Vladimir Monteiro, spokesman for United Nations peacekeeping force MINUSCA, said in a statement.The violence erupted on Monday between rival factions of the former Seleka Muslim rebel group in the town of Bria, 400 kilometres (250 miles) northeast of Bangui.MINUSCA said Tuesday that one of its bases had come under fire during the clashes before its troops drove the attackers out with retaliatory gunfire. It announced reinforcements were being sent to the base to protect some 5,000 civilians sheltering there.The fighting broke out between the Popular Front for the Renaissance of the Central African Republic (FPRC) and the Union for Peace in Central Africa (UPC).The two factions are fighting for control of taxes levied on Fulani herders during the current seasonal migration.Lambert Lissane, a senior FPRC official, said the group and other ex-Seleka armed groups were negotiating a deal with the government but that UPC chief Ali Darass did not want to take part.We have decided to stand together against him, Lissane said.The government is trying to bring together 14 armed groups under a disarmament deal to consolidate a fragile peace in the former French colony, where militias are flourishing in the power vacuum left by a weak state.One of the worlds poorest countries, CAR is struggling to emerge from a civil war which erupted in 2013 following the overthrow of former president Francois Bozize, a Christian, by Muslim rebels from the Seleka coalition. The coup led to the formation of anti-Balaka vigilante units, drawn from the Christian majority, which began to target Muslims. Both sides committed widespread atrocities.France last month withdrew a military mission it deployed in December 2013 to stabilise the country, leaving the UNs 12,500-strong MINUSCA peacekeeping mission to protect civilians from armed groups.International donors last week pledged $2.2 billion (two billion euros) in aid for the strife-torn country.

New Zealand lose Boult for second Test


HAMILTON (AFP) - New Zealand suffered a blow on the eve of the second Test against Pakistan when bowling spearhead Trent Boult was ruled out on Thursday with a knee injury.Matt Henry was expected to be elevated to share the new ball in Hamilton with Tim Southee, although New Zealand delayed naming their side until Fridays toss.New Zealand coach Mike Hesson revealed Boult had been troubled by minor discomfort in his left knee since the recent India tour and irritated it further in the first Test against Pakistan which New Zealand won by eight wickets.We were optimistic he would be ready for Hamilton, but during training on Wednesday felt further pain and has subsequently been ruled out of the Test, Hesson said.With the Seddon Park wicket in Hamilton expected to produce more swing that Hagley Oval did for the first Test, Doug Bracewell has been added to the New Zealand squad.Senior batsman Ross Taylor confirmed he will undergo surgery next Wednesday, immediately after the Test, to remove a growth in his left eye.The 77-Test veteran, who was confirmed to play Wednesday after consulting an eye specialist, has been in poor form, amassing only 103 runs in his past 10 innings.Taylor said although the growth did not affect his sight it was distracting mentally when you play and miss the first couple of balls.After consulting a range of optometrists and specialists, Taylor was confident next weeks operation would clear the issue up.In any operation theres a chance things wont go as well as possible but the surgeon I talked to last night was pretty confident, he said.Taylor also revealed he had the growth for more than five years but it had worsened in the past year.In all the Tests I still had very good vision, Its just I guess the growth has come across, he said.The only thing you can really do is wear sunglasses and put eyedrops in.

MQM-P decides to observe Youm-e-Shuhada on December 9


KARACHI (Dunya News) – After Muttahida Qaumi Movement-London announcement, the Pakistan chapter of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM-P) also decided to observe Youm-e-Shuhada on December 9, Dunya News reported.The MQM-P has sought permission from DC Central to hold a public meeting at the Jinnah Ground, Karachi to mark Youm-e-Shuhada. MQM-P MPA, Mehfooz Yar Khan has submitted an application in this regard at the DC Central office.Earlier, MQM-London had announced to hold a public meeting at the Jinnah Ground to observe Youm-e-Shuhada.The sources said that the decision to allow MQM-Pakistan to hold public meeting at the Jinnah Ground will be taken after consultation with the security agencies.

Lahore: Man gunned down over old enmity


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Some unidentified persons opened fire and shot dead a 35-year-old man named Akbar in Salamatpura area of Baghbanpura in Lahore on Wednesday night, Dunya News reported.The deceased was resident of Nawan Kot area and was going home on his motorcycle when two attackers opened fire and killed him on the spot.Police reached the spot and shifted the dead to hospital. Police sources said that the cause of the incident was old enmity. Police have registered a case and launched a search to arrest the culprits.

Daska: Blaze at gas cylinder godown claims three lives


DASKA (Dunya News) – According to details, fire broke out at a gas cylinder godown situated at the Sambrial Road on Wednesday night. The blaze killed three physically handicapped children who were residing at the upper storey of the godown.The deceased were physically handicapped and were identified as 18-year-old Shahbaz, 17-year-old Lubna and 4-year-old Aiman.The fire tenders and rescue teams reached the spot and brought the fire under control. Rescue teams shifted the dead bodies to the hospital.

PM to host farewell ceremony for Gen Raheel Sharif today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will host a farewell dinner in honour of outgoing Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), General Raheel Sharif today (Thursday) at the Prime Minister House.Sources privy to the PM House have said that the premier would hold a one-on-one meeting with the outgoing army chief to discuss the appointment of the new leader of the military.The army chief is to retire on November 29 after his three-year tenure as the Chief of the Army Staff. General Sharif is making farewell visits to different cantonments and installations that started this Monday.

Messi scores two as Barcelona top group to reach 16


GLASGOW (AFP) - Lionel Messi bagged a brace as he returned to the Barcelona line-up to help them book their place in the last 16 of the Champions League with a comfortable 2-0 win over Celtic on Wednesday.Messi, who missed Saturdays goalless draw with Malaga due to illness, provided a fine finish to Neymars lofted pass to hand his side a 24th-minute lead in Glasgow.The Barcelona captain, who grabbed a hat-trick in the 7-0 mauling in the reverse fixture at the Camp Nou, then converted a 56th-minute penalty won by Luis Suarez to see his side top Group C with 12 points from five games.Manchester Citys draw with Borussia Monchengladbach in the groups other match also sent the English side through, with Celtic condemned to a last-place finish behind the Germans.Apart from the injured Andres Iniesta, Barcelona named their strongest 11 as Suarez and Messi returned from suspension and sickness respectively to form their formidable partnership with Neymar in the Barca attack.Both manager and captain had urged Celtic to be brave against the side that had served such a crushing defeat to them in Spain. Certainly Celtic didnt allow the visitors time to dwell on the ball as they pressed high up the pitch early on. However, Barcelona began to probe at the Celtic defence with Mikael Lustig looking particularly vulnerable to the runs of Jordi Alba and Neymar.The Brazilian was first to burst into the Celtic box and teed up Messi with a backheel and the Argentines deflected shot had Craig Gordon scrambling across his line before it was cleared.Alba was then the provider as his cross from the left found Ivan Rakitic lurking in the box but the Croatian international sent his header bouncing into the turf and over the bar.Celtic failed to heed the warning signs and Barca soon had a deserved lead through Messi. Neymar -- who learned earlier in the day that Spanish prosecutors were seeking a two-year jail sentence and a 10-million-euro ($10.6 million) fine for his part in his allegedly fraudulent transfer to the club -- was given space to play a wonderful lofted pass to Messi, who crashed a sublime shot on the half-volley in off the near post.The hosts tried to respond and had their first shot on target in the 37th minute when Moussa Dembele stung the palms of Ter Stegen with a fierce strike.Only a superb save from Craig Gordon stopped Suarez from adding a second before the break as he blocked a point blank header from the Uruguayan international with his body.Celtic lost Sinclair to injury at the break but his replacement - James Forrest - created Celtics best opportunity when he picked out Dembele with a cross from the left but the in-form French forward sent a tame header straight to Marc-Andre ter Stegen.It was to prove costly as Barcelona doubled their advantage moments later. Suarez got on the wrong side of Emilio Izaguirre and the Celtic defender hauled him to the ground to earn a penalty that Messi sent straight down the middle to score his 92nd Champions League goal for the Catalan giants.Neymar was fortunate, though, to escape with just a booking, which will see him miss the final group game, as he pushed Lustig to the turf after the players had clashed, with the Brazilian international subbed moments later.

Man City come back from behind to draw with Moenchengladbach


MONCHENGLADBACH, Germany (AFP) - Pep Guardiolas Manchester City booked their place in the Champions Leagues last 16 on Wednesday with a 1-1 draw at Borussia Moenchengladbach as both teams finished with ten men.The point confirms City will finish second in their group with one game left.Gladbach are confirmed in third -- which means the last 32 of the Europa League -- after bottom side Celtic lost 2-0 at home to Barcelona, who win Group C.Despite having won just once in their previous six home games, Gladbachs spirited performance at Borussia Park caused City plenty of problems.Raffaels goal midway through the first half was cancelled out by Citys David Silva on the stroke of half-time.Gladbach then had captain Lars Stindl sent off on 50 minutes for a second yellow card and subsequent red.But both sides were left with ten men for the final half an hour when City had Fernandinho dismissed for his second yellow after pulling back Raffael.This was not a convincing display from City.Guardiola had named a star-studded attack with Jesus Navas and Raheem Sterling playing either side of Sergio Aguero.The Argentinian international scored a hat-trick when City beat Gladbach 4-0 at the Etihad Stadium in September.Both Ilkay Gundogan and David Silva started in the midfield having been left out of the starting side for Citys 2-1 win at Crystal Palace last Saturday.Gladbach were without Belgium striker Thorgan Hazard, who was left out of the squad in the squad for personal reasons.Raffael started as the lone striker with Stindl in the attacking midfield role.The hosts took a deserved lead on 23 minutes.Citys John Stones, who had earlier been nutmegged by Nico Elvedi, lost possession in the air to Stindl, who charged to the edge of the box.The ball found its way to Raffael, whose shot around the back of Sterling gave City goalkeeper Claudio Bravo no chance.It should have been 2-0 on 32 minutes when Swedens Oscar Wendt found his way through the City defence, but Bravo saved from close range.Citys best chance fell to Gundogan on 35 minutes when Gladbach goalkeeper Yann Sommer blocked his shot from the edge of the area.Gladbach lost Guinea winger Ibrahima Traore to injury on 40 minutes which unsettled their attack.City drew level when Kevin de Bruyne slipped his pass to Silva, who stroked home for 1-1 just before the half-time whistle.Gladbach got off to a bad start in the second-half.Stindl was dismissed for a second yellow card after his stray elbow caught City right-back Nicolas Otamendi.City were also reduced to ten men when Fernandinho was sent off for his second yellow on 63 minutes for pulling Raffaels shirt.The dismissal breathed life into Borussia as Raffael hit the City post moments later.At the other end, City pushed for the winner with Silva and Aguero creating chances, but Sommer and the Gladbach defence held firm.

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