Friday 4 November 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

S&P 500 falls for 9th straight day ahead of US elections


NEW YORK (AFP) - The S&P 500 index fell Friday for the ninth straight day, with anxiety over the close White House race dragging equities markets down heading into the final weekend before the vote.The fall came despite relatively good news about the health of US jobs markets.The Labor Department reported Friday that the US economy had added a solid 161,000 new jobs in October while the unemployment rate edged lower to 4.9 percent, a result which analysts said pointed to general all-around health in the economy and suggested the Federal Reserve may raise interest rates next month.The S&P closed down 0.2 percent at 2,085.18.The blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.2 percent to 17,888.28 while the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite also lost 0.2 percent to settle at 5,046.37.Uncertainty about next weeks bitterly fought elections has roiled markets ever since the Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed on October 28 that it had uncovered new emails potentially tied to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.Chris Low of FTN Financial said investors were girding themselves for the outcome of Tuesdays vote.Last time the market was at this level was back in early July right after the terrible Shanghai sell off, he told AFP. Most of the traders I talked to today said they are positioned and are now waiting for Tuesday, and then theyll make a decision where they go from there.Ohio-based consumer goods company Procter & Gamble was among the heaviest blue chip losers of the day, finishing down 1.8 percent at $85.08, erasing much of the gains made since reporting stronger third-quarter earnings last week.Oil majors were also mostly down, with Chevron falling 0.6 repent and Exxon Mobil losing 0.1 percent as crude prices continued to fall.Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer also finished in positive territory, up 0.4 percent, as did the Israeli generics maker Teva, which gained 2.65 percent and EpiPen producer Mylan, up 2.5 percent. The sector had fallen sharply on Thursday when word of looming enforcement actions for price-fixing dragged stock prices in the sector downward.Coffee store chain Starbucks finished up 1.9 percent, retreating from gains made earlier in the day after reporting a 23 percent rise in fourth-quarter earnings.

Klopp says buck stops with him as Liverpool name sporting director


LONDON (AFP) - Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp stressed he would have the final say over which players were bought and sold at Anfield after the Merseysiders announced Friday their newly-created post of sporting director.Michael Edwards, who previously held backroom roles as Liverpools head of analytics, director of technical performance and technical director has the new role.Many British-born managers have been uneasy at having someone who sits between them and the chief executive in the hierarchy of a club, with Klopps Liverpool predecessor Brendan Rodgers a case in point.Rodgers was not comfortable with the transfer committee in operation during his time at Anfield.The post of sporting director is far more common at leading mainland European clubs and German manager Klopp worked under such an arrangement at Borussia Dortmund, his previous team before joining Liverpool.And he insisted he still retained overall control despite Edwardss appointment.I had the final say before; thats not actually news, Klopp said. In moments when somebody is not happy with whatever and you ask here -- your player or his player? Its always my player. I cant blame anyone for anything. I can take the pressure.Its about the work, there is a lot of work behind the scenes. You need the best people you can get. In this business, the manager can not, should not, and is not allowed to be a one-man show.Im a specialist in football things. I know a lot, but not everything, I like to have the best people around me. Michael is for sure one of the best I have met.Klopp added: The work with Michael was brilliant, full of faith, trust, all that you need.Transfers are always going the same way. The style maybe is different because its possible whoever brings the player to the table, if its me, my assistant, Michael, scouting department -- we have a lot of things to watch and talk about, and in the end I will always have the final say, maybe thats the most important thing for you to know.If something is wrong, was wrong or will be wrong in the future with transfers its my responsibility.He (Edwards) is a really good person who did a lot of different jobs. Its absolutely natural, an easy decision to make.Only because its in England its a little bit bigger; all over the world football clubs work like this.

Social media interrupted in Turkey after crackdown


ISTANBUL (AFP) - Internet users in Turkey were on Friday experiencing severe difficulties accessing social media after the country was plunged into new turbulence by the detention of its main pro-Kurdish leaders, correspondents and a watchdog said.The messaging service WhatsApp was not working for most of the day while users were also reporting severe problems accessing Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other sites, AFP correspondents and internet users said.Prime Minister Binali Yildirim did not directly confirm that blocks were in place but acknowledged that from time to time for security reasons we can use such measures.These are temporary measures. Once the danger is passed, everything returns to normal, he told reporters in Istanbul in televised comments.The problems came after 12 MPs from the pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP), including its co-leaders Figen Yuksekdag and Selahattin Demirtas, were detained in an unprecedented crackdown.Turkey is regularly accused of blocking access to social media in heightened situations such as terror attacks.The monitoring site Turkey Blocks said that Twitter, Facebook and YouTube were down in Turkey while restrictions had also been imposed on WhatsApp, Skype and Instagram.The site, which monitors internet restrictions in Turkey, said this had been carried out by a throttling at Internet Service Provider (ISP) level including national providers like TTNet and Turkcell.Internet restrictions are increasingly being used in Turkey to suppress media coverage of political incidents, a form of censorship deployed at short notice to prevent civil unrest, it said.It said that while there had been restrictions on Twitter and Facebook in the past, this was the first time that popular messaging services like WhatsApp were affected.Users in the southeast of Turkey had last week reported major difficulties in using the internet.Many internet-savvy Turks during such times turn to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to subvert the restrictions on public servers and flocked to the apps as the internet troubles continued throughout the day.However by the late evening, users were also complaining of problems accessing VPNs, in a possible sign the authorities were also moving to block some of the most popular apps.The T24 website said that the Turkish telecommunications authority BTK had moved to restrict access to leading VPN services like Tor Project and Tunnel Bear.There was no official confirmation of this but Tunnel Bear tweeted that is was doing all it could to help users in Turkey.To our friends in Turkey, you now have unlimited data to stay connected with Tunnel Bear, the internet is better when its open, it said.

US strike killed Al-Qaeda leader Qahtani: official


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US military confirmed Friday it had killed Farouq al-Qahtani, Al-Qaedas emir for northeastern Afghanistan, during an air strike last month, in a major blow to the group as it seeks to re-establish safe havens in the country.This successful strike is another example of US operations to degrade international terrorist networks and target terrorist leaders who seek to attack the US homeland, our interests and our allies abroad, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said in a statement, confirming Qahtani was killed on October 23 in Kunar.He said another Al-Qaeda leader in the country, Bilal al-Utabi, was targeted in a separate strike, though the results of that attack were not yet known.

Radamel Falcao gets Colombia recall after one year


BOGOTA (AFP) - Rejuvenated striker Radamel Falcao was on Friday handed an international recall by Colombia after a years absence from the squad for two key World Cup qualifiers.The 30-year-old Monaco star hit two goals in a 3-0 midweek Champions League win over CSKA Moscow to take his total to six in nine games this season.Falcao, who missed the 2014 World Cup finals through injury, last played for Colombia on October 13, 2015, in a 3-0 loss to Uruguay in Montevideo.But he has been recalled for the qualifiers against Chile and Argentina on November 10 and 16 respectively.Happy to represent my country, the striker tweeted. Its an opportunity that I will meet with a lot of enthusiasm. Its really special.

UK says Brexit timetable 'unchanged' despite shock ruling


LONDON (AFP) - British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday told European leaders that her March deadline for triggering Brexit negotiations remains unchanged despite a court ruling that she first needs parliaments approval.May told European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the governments planned timetable for notification of Article 50 remains unchanged, during separate phone calls, according to a statement released by Downing Street.She added the government was confident of winning its appeal against Thursdays High Court ruling that it must seek parliaments approval before starting EU exit talks.The PM explained to both Chancellor Merkel and President Juncker that while the government was disappointed with the judgement, it had strong legal arguments ahead of the case moving to the Supreme Court, the statement said.She later relayed the same message in calls to French President Francois Hollande and European Council President Donald Tusk.The decision raises the prospect of a protracted parliamentary debate, although EU leaders have urged a swift departure.Lawmakers could demand to know Mays negotiating strategy and seek to maintain strong ties with the bloc before agreeing to invoke Article 50, which the premier has said she will activate between the New Year and the end of March.Former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, from the centrist Liberal Democrat party, told BBC radio that he and other pro-EU lawmakers would seek to amend the legislation such that parliament would say to government it should pursue a soft Brexit, not a hard Brexit.A so-called hard Brexit would see Britain pull out of the blocs single market and impose tough immigration controls.In a sign of the likely parliamentary storms ahead, pro-Brexit Conservative lawmaker Stephen Phillips resigned as an MP on Friday, citing irreconcilable policy differences with the current government.He said quitter was a label he could live with, but Conservative no longer is.The resignation has fuelled speculation of an early general election, though Downing Street maintains that polls should not be brought forward from 2020.It leaves Mays centre-right Conservative government with a slim working majority of 14 in the 650-member House of Commons.Speaking in Berlin, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who led the Brexit campaign, played down the impact of the High Court ruling.The British people voted to leave the European Union, and leave the treaties of the European Union, and that is what we are going to get on and do, he said.The pound -- which has tumbled to multi-year lows since the referendum -- soared against the dollar and euro, standing at $1.25 during afternoon trading in London.Meanwhile, the White House urged Britain and the EU to continue to be flexible and work this out in a process that is smooth, pragmatic, transparent and productive following the court ruling.The courts decision sparked fury among newspapers that backed Brexit, accusing the judges of betraying the 17.4 million people who voted to leave the EU.Most members of parliament wanted to stay in the bloc, but commentators believe there is no majority support for reversing the referendum result.The case challenged the governments right to use historic prerogative powers -- a type of executive privilege -- to trigger Article 50, which begins a two-year countdown to exiting the EU.Flamboyant plumbing tycoon Charlie Mullins, who is financially backing the legal challenge, told AFP the ruling was a very good victory and is morally correct, and weve cleared up a point now who is legally entitled to do it.Why would you go against three top court judges? he said of the government contesting the ruling. Im a plumber and I can work it out, whats legally right.But businesswoman Gina Miller, the chief claimant, was bombarded with abuse on social media after the hearing.Nigel Farage, the interim leader of the anti-EU UK Independence Party, said that any lawmakers who attempted to delay Brexit had no idea of the level of public anger they will provoke.

Pacquiao eager to reclaim WBO welterweight title


LAS VEGAS (AFP) - Manny Pacquiao announced his retirement seven months ago but after serving his first stint as a rookie senator, the fire was rekindled and the stage set for a return to boxing.Pacquiao is hoping to reclaim the WBO welterweight title for the third time. But juggling two jobs, including his new gig as a full-time politician in the Philippine Senate, has cut into his training camp.Pacquiao, who turns 38 next month, is going up against the younger WBO champ Jessie Vargas who has a height, reach and weight advantage.Pacquiao tipped the scales at 144.8 pounds (65.7 kilograms) in front of a crowd of about 900 at Fridays weigh-in at the Encore Theater inside the Wynn Hotel. Vargas (27-1, 10 knockouts) weighed in at 146.5 pounds.I know I am the challenger going in and I have to fight that way, Pacquiao said Friday. It is not enough to do well, I have to take the title away from him.Pacquiao arrived first stripping off his black and gold track suit and stepping on the scale wearing his grey boxer shorts and trademark white tube socks.It want to make history. It would mean a lot for me to win this fight, he said.Pacquiao (58-6-2 with 38 KOs) still has a lot left and a seven-month hiatus can hardly be considered a retirement, but hes not getting any younger and hasnt had a knockout victory since 2009.No fighter can go on forever. It remains to be seen if his part-time training routine and the wear of 66 professional fights finally brings him to a halt against Vargas, who is 10 years younger, five inches (13 centimeters) taller and has a four-inch reach advantage.

Clinton, Trump court the undecided as campaign grinds on


WASHINGTON (AFP) - White House frontrunner Hillary Clinton and her Republican rival Donald Trump slogged on to secure votes in key battleground states Friday as their nasty, brutal campaign entered its final weekend.Clinton is slightly ahead in national polls as the nearly two-year race approaches its climax, and many Americans will be relieved in four days when the bad-tempered spectacle is over.A Gallup poll published Friday found that less than half of voters feel that the candidates are talking about the issues that matter to them, and both have historically low approval numbers.Investors are not happy with their options: Wall Street was down again Friday despite relatively good news on the jobs front, with the US S&P 500 slipping for the ninth straight session, its longest fall since 1980.Where enthusiasm is lacking, the 69-year-old former secretary of state and the 70-year-old property mogul are trying to manufacture it, or at least rile up their supporters against the other side.I need you to vote. Dont choose fear, choose vote, an exasperated President Barack Obama told a mainly African American crowd in North Carolina, whipping up votes for fellow Democrat Clinton.Intervening to stop the crowd booing a pro-Trump protester, he resorted to the new campaign catchphrase he uses to signal his mounting disbelief: CmonI want you to pay attention. If we lose focus, we could have problems, he said, deriding Trumps outbursts as those of a crude reality television star beneath the dignity of the presidency.And the problem is hes done it so much that its become almost normal, Obama said. Its like suddenly reality TV has entered the race for the presidency.Its just some stuff that up until this election we would have said is completely disqualifying and yet somehow everybodys gotten accustomed to it, acting like its normal.While Obama may be annoyed by the intrusion of Trumps pop culture star power into the race, Clinton clings to A-listers like a lifeline -- later Friday, she is to make a joint appearance in Ohio with rapper Jay Z and perhaps his wife Beyonce, after stops in Pennsylvania and Michigan.Trump, meanwhile, was to swing through the swing states of New Hampshire, Ohio and Pennsylvania touting his plan to drain the swamp of corrupt politicians to his supporters.He is not expected to mention that two aides to his top ally New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were found guilty on Friday of deliberately causing major traffic jams to punish a political rival.Both candidates are also saturating the airwaves with ads -- mainly negative ones -- and dialing the scare rhetoric up to fever pitch.Clintons campaign will reach a crescendo in Philadelphia on Monday, where she will appear with Bill Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama -- a union of Democratic Party power families.Voters can expect to hear not-so-kind comparisons between Trump and the still-revered US founding fathers, who made their Declaration of Independence in the city, and later signed the US Constitution there.The tone of the race certainly was less than high-brow on Friday.Imagine what it would mean for our economy to have someone who built his career exploiting workers, stiffing small businesses, Clinton said in Pittsburgh.Trump, in New Hampshire, fired back: How can Hillary manage this country when she cant even manage her e-mails? referring to the ongoing controversy over her set-up at the State Department.Pennsylvania voter Frank Behum, who spent 32 years working as an electrician for a steel plant before retiring, said the choice at the ballot box on November 8 was not ideal.Youve got to pick the lesser of the two evils here, he said.Clintons supporters were getting tense.Its nerve-racking that Trumps gotten this far, Rachel Zeolla, 27, who works in creative marketing, said at Fridays rally in Pittsburgh.The campaigns are still jostling for supremacy in the handful of battleground states that will decide Tuesdays election.Trump has the slenderest of leads in New Hampshire, is up 3.3 points in Ohio and trails by three points in Pennsylvania, according to poll aggregates compiled by RealClearPolitics.Trump has struggled to recover ground since footage emerged of him boasting of committing sexual assault and a dozen women came forward to allege he had groped them.But, as the race nears its conclusion, profound Republican skepticism about his controversial candidacy appears to be ebbing.I think Republicans are coming home, Congressman Jason Chaffetz told CNN.Most polls still suggest he is the outsider, but in a race full of unusual twists, a Chinese monkey described as the king of prophets has tipped him to win.

Jose Mourinho backs misfiring Zlatan Ibrahimovic


MANCHESTER, United Kingdom (AFP) - Embattled Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho launched a stirring defence of his misfiring Swedish striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic on Friday.The 35-year-old Swede has scored just once in 11 games after starting brilliantly for his new club -- where he was reunited with Mourinho after they were together at Inter Milan -- following a highly successful spell with Paris Saint Germain.Ibrahimovic, who made little impact in Thursdays Europa League 2-1 defeat by Fenerbahce, except for grabbing an opponents throat, gets another chance to end his drought against Premier League strugglers Swansea on Sunday.United will hope so as they are winless in four games and eight points off the leading trio of Manchester City, Arsenal and Liverpool after 10 matches.He is playing well for the team, said Mourinho, who will have to watch Sundays game from the stands as he serves a one-match touchline ban for being sent off during last Saturdays 0-0 draw with Burnley.Hes creating a lot of chances, he is missing a lot of goals.If I remember Stoke, Liverpool, Chelsea, Burnley, he missed a lot of goals but he was fantastic in his dynamic, his working, his building up for the team, he was fantastic.Today I cannot say the same but in every match in the Premier League, even not scoring goals hes being fantastic.His attitude is always brilliant. Hes not a guy afraid of his responsibility, so no problem at all.Mourinho also pleaded with his players to stand up and be counted and assume leadership on the pitch.The players were lambasted by Mourinho after the 2-1 Europa League defeat by Fenerbahce, undone by an early goal just as they were in the humiliating 4-0 defeat by Mourinhos old club Chelsea last month.It can happen everywhere, said Mourinho of their habit of conceding early goals.There are so many examples in football where people score goals in the first minutes. Nobody is free of that.But with a stronger attitude, leadership on the pitch, defenders in control of the emotion and the organisation, its easier to be strong, its easier to be solid.

Murray one win away from top spot as Djokovic crashes out


PARIS (AFP) - Andy Murray closed to within one victory of becoming the worlds top-ranked player for the first time after defeating Tomas Berdych in the Paris Masters quarter-finals on Friday.Marin Cilic had earlier dumped out a struggling Novak Djokovic to pave the way for Murray to supplant the Serb at the top.But Murray was forced to save seven set points in an extraordinary opening tie-break before clinching a 7-6 (11/9), 7-5 win in just under two hours.The Briton will meet Milos Raonic or Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the semi-finals knowing that a victory will move him above Djokovic, who has been on top of the world rankings for 122 weeks.Before the match there were a few more nerves maybe than there was earlier in the week. But once I got out there, I didnt feel any different to any other match, said Murray.If it happens this week, great. But if not, Im not putting any extra pressure on myself this week because I still think I have an opportunity to do it in the future.But obviously Id love to do it tomorrow if I can.Neither Murray nor Berdych showed any signs of fragility as the first set went on serve, but the wheels fell off in spectacular fashion for the Czech after he raced 6-1 ahead in the tie-break.Murray chalked up six straight points to earn a set point of his own, with Berdych then squandering two more before the second seed finally edged ahead.He broke Berdych to start the second set and looked on course to wrap things up, but a lapse at 5-4 saw him require a second chance.Berdych, who needed to reach the last four to stay in the race for the Tour Finals in London, handed him that opportunity by again losing his serve, with Murray sealing it on his fourth match point.Cilic had lost all 14 previous meetings with Djokovic but snapped that miserable run with a 6-4, 7-6 (7/2) victory.Djokovic, the record four-time champion, arrived in Paris needing to reach the final to ensure he remained ahead of a rapidly approaching Murray.But the Serbs bid to register a fourth straight title in the French capital ended abruptly as an improbable escape act fizzled out against an in-form Cilic.Credit to Marin and congratulations. He definitely played better today, and he deserved to win, said 29-year-old Djokovic.I wasnt on the level that I could have been on. Obviously, there are things I could have done better. And just in important moments I wasnt able to deliver.Ninth seed Cilic, who on Thursday became the seventh London qualifier, broke immediately to signal his intent against a player who had totally dominated him in his career.In typical fashion Djokovic then hit back straight away to level, but Cilics confidence was undimmed and the Croat capitalised on a shaky service game from his opponent at 5-4 to grab the opening set.Former US Open champion Cilic threatened again early in the second, but Djokovic landed a crucial breakthrough at 4-all to serve for the set.The top seed uncharacteristically gifted the break back, though, after a pair of costly double faults, and Cilic had him on the ropes as two match points passed by at 6-5 on a faltering Djokovic serve.There was to be no remarkable recovery either for Djokovic, as Cilic took charge in the tie-break and closed out a famous win at the fourth attempt.Its good for me, I played great tennis. He had beat me 14 times but we had close matches and that helped me play better, said Cilic.I felt on the court really, really good, and its a great time for me. As I was mentioning these last few days, the end of the season is just getting better and better.American John Isner awaits Cilic in last four after he outlasted compatriot Jack Sock 7-6, (8/6), 4-6, 6-4.Isner and Sock teamed up to win the doubles in Shanghai last month, but a 33rd match -- singles and doubles combined -- in as many days for Sock ultimately proved a step too far.

Dominic Thiem completes the line-up of ATP tour finale


PARIS (AFP) - Austrias Dominic Thiem clinched the eighth and last spot for the World Tour Finals on Friday after remaining rivals Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and Tomas Berdych were beaten at the Paris Masters quarter-finals.The 23-year-old Thiem will make his debut at the London event which starts on November 13 and is the first Austrian singles player to qualify since Thomas Muster in 1997.Thiem joins four-time defending champion and 2008 titlist Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray, Stan Wawrinka, Kei Nishikori, Milos Raonic, fellow debutant Gael Monfils and Marin Cilic in the tournament.Im so happy to have made it to London, said Thiem.Its been a dream since my childhood to qualify for the ATP Finals. In the past two years it became a goal and to achieve it at such a young age it is amazing, 20 years after the only other Austrian player.Thiem enjoyed an incredible first six months of the season, winning four ATP World Tour titles.He broke into the top 10 after reaching his first Grand Slam semi-final at Roland Garros where he lost to Djokovic.

My words were right, nothing ethnic about them: Pervaiz Khattak adamant


PESHAWAR: (Dunya News) - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak has on Friday said that his words were right and there was nothing ethnic about them. He said that his tone might have been a bit tough but he didnt feel anything wrong with his words, reported Dunya News.Talking on Dunya Kamran Khan Kay Saath, Pervaiz Khattak said that his stance was correct and his actions were all legal. He said that he did not utter a word against Punjab in his speeches, but spoke only against the government of Punjab.Theres no provision in the constitution that would allow them to block the way of our convoys. Under which law did they cut KP from Punjaband the capital? I just unlocked what they had already locked. The governments action of locking down the capital and the entire Punjab was illegal while we were the ones who unlocked it and thus did what was legal, he said.When Kamran Khan asked him that his party chairman Imran Khan had already made it clear that he was going to lockdown Islamabad, block the roads to all major offices, lockdown schools and force Prime Minister to resign, Pervaiz Khattak said that it wasnt his intention to lockdown Islamabad. He added that he was going to Islamabad three days prior to the expected day of the lockdown and thus should not have been stopped.I wasnt going for the lockdown. I was going to Islamabad where my leader was detained in Bani Gala. I was going along with my supporters to rescue him as we feared for his safety, he said. He added, When Imran Khan told me he was going to lockdown Islamabad, I had advised him not to do it since I already knew that the government was dictatorial enough to lockdown Islamabad itself to prevent us from protesting.

Habib Akram reveals why Imran Khan called off sit-in


LAHORE: (Dunya News) – Senior journalist Habib Akram has on Friday revealed that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan called off his ‘Islamabad lockdown’ plan and the subsequent sit-in because of the intervention of certain ‘common friends’ of the government and PTI, reported Dunya News.Talking on Dunya TV program ‘Khabar Yeh Hai’, Habib Akram said that the first convoy of containers from China entered Pakistan this week and it was bound for Gwadar when the tensions were at their peak in Islamabad. He said that ‘some common friends’ talked to the government, Imran Khan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak and they all responded positively.When asked by anchor Uzma Nauman if the ‘common friends’ were from Pakistan army, senior analyst Haroon Rasheed said that the reports could be true and verifying them wasn’t impossible but it shouldn’t be debated.He also revealed that according to his knowledge some ‘progressive’ journalists had recently visited Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) – London leader Altaf Hussain and assured him of their held. He also said that the journalists were on Indian payroll and they had assured Altaf Hussain that they wouldn’t let peace take roots in Pakistan. He also claimed to possess certain photographs of this meeting.Habib Akram told in the program that the first convoy from china had already left and had now crossed Havelian. He added that some issues came to the knowledge of Pakistani authorities in this initial phase and the Chinese authorities also came to know of certain problems from their side. He said that these were only the initial issues and would soon be resolved.

Nov 4 marks election of black POTUS in 2008


LAHORE (Web Desk) – November 4, marks the day when United States (US) elected its first black president around eight years ago in 2008.The outgoing president is accredited with holding the White House as the first ever black leader of the nation. In 2008, Obama ran against John McCain of Arizona who could manage to sway 45 percent of the public while the Senator from Illinois (Obama) ousted him with 53 percent of popular vote.Trivia: Obama was the first sitting Senator to get elected to the White House since Kennedy in 1960.Obama secured 365 electoral votes while McCain bagged 173.Concept of electoral votes? Read here:How US President is elected?The 2008 election was not the first incidence to see a black candidate succeed but also the only election to witness a Republican woman candidate running for vice-presidency.Sarah Palin was the Republican nominee for vice president along with president candidate, McCain. Palin was then the governor of Alaska. On the other hand, Democratic nominee for vice-presidency to complement Obama was Joe Biden.Obama was a law professor at the University of Chicago before he launched his political career in 1996 and is a graduate from Harvard School of Law. It was later then that he was elected to the Illinois State Senate.Hillary Clinton, now running for presidency against Donald J. Trump was back then overpowered by Obama in his campaign following which he clinched the Democratic nomination for presidency in June 2008.Clinton, from New York, was the strongest candidate then to win nomination on behalf of Democrats until Obama came along.One of the many promises that Obama had made to the people of United States was to expand health care and get the country out of Iraq. However, both the campaigns, Republican and Democrat, shifted their focus to economic growth and wellbeing after the major setback to American economy in the months leading to the election.The infamous banking collapse of 2008.Obama’s campaign cashed primarily on youth and black people knowing that the demographics were already “sold out” of his inspiring story of life and rise to national prominence along with the charisma and eloquence he demonstrated in public appearances all through his campaign.On November 4, 2008, 69.4 million of Americans voted for Barack Muhammad Obama, son of black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas.It was done.The United States had its first black president.Obama hugs Joe Biden after his victory speech in 2008The tipping point of the celebrations was, “Yes We Can.”Obama, in his victory speech, brought tears of hope in the eyes of the nation when he told them that it was possible to be back on ‘track’.In his thanking note following the election, Obama’s emotional address got the listeners have teary eyes with his slogan, “Yes we Can.”A rally participant responds to Obama’s speech“Yes We Can,” he told them multiple times during his address and the celebratory rally reiterated every single time. “At this defining moment, change has come to America,” he said in his address.Obama went on to get elected for another four-year term after a swearing-in ceremony was held on January 20, 2013.

Panama Leaks: Petitions against Imran, Tareen to be heard on Monday


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Supreme Court (SC) has on Friday set the date for the hearing of Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz’s (PML-N) petitions against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders Imran Khan and Jahangir Khan Tareen for Monday, reported Dunya News.As the war on the issue of Panama Leaks heated up in Supreme Court, PML-N’s petitions against Imran Khan and Jahangir Tareen are also going to be heard on Monday.2-member bench comprising Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali and Justice Amir Hani Muslim will conduct the initial hearing of the case on Monday.The petitions filed by PML-N leader Hanif Abbasi maintained that Imran Khan and Jahangir Tareen concealed their assets, misrepresented the facts and avoided declaring their offshore companies.

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