Tuesday 29 November 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Karachi: 3 abductees rescued, 9 accused arrested


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Crackdown against criminal elements under National Action Plan (NAP) continues in Karachi as nine accused were taken into custody by law enforcement agencies after rescuing three kidnapped persons while police arrested two accused during raids in different parts of the city on Tuesday.According to details, the law enforcement agencies rescued three abductees during a raid in Pak Colony area and apprehended nine accused involved in kidnapping for ransom.The arrested accused were shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.On the other hand, police conducted an operation in Nazimabad area and arrested two accused in injured condition after an encounter. Arms and ammunition were also recovered from the arrested persons.

Panama Leaks case: SC to resume hearing today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – A five-member larger bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, headed by Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali, will resume the hearing of Panama Leaks case today (Wednesday) after a 14-day break, Dunya News reported.The petitions seeking Prime Minister’s disqualification over Panama Leaks issue were filed by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan, Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Siraj-ul-Hag and Awami Muslim League’s Sheikh Rashid Ahmad.Naeem Bokhari will represent PTI in today’s hearing after senior lawyer Hamid Khan excused himself from representing the party in the Panama Leaks case.On Tuesday, chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan held a meeting with chief of Awami Muslim League (AML) Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad and discussed the ongoing Panama Leaks case against premier’s family in the Supreme Court.The two leaders agreed to giving the government representatives tough time in the top court. Sheikh Rasheed, on the other hand, submitted further documents in the SC relating to Panama Leaks case.

Ch Nisar left London to return to Pakistan


LONDON (Dunya News) - Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan left London on Tuesday to return to Pakistan after medical checkup, Dunya News reported.During his two-week stay in London, Ch Nisar had a full medical check-up. Sources said that all reports of medical check-up were normal.Talking to media before his departure, Ch Nisar said that he will assume his duties soon after his return to Pakistan.Speaking about the appointment of new army chief, Ch Nisar was of the opinion that the news COAS will work better to protect the country’s borders.

Siraj talks to Zardari, asks to take back religion bill


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Jamaat Islami (JI) chief Sirajul Haq talked to Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari on phone and asked to take back bill against forced religion conversion, reported Dunya News.Siraj said that Sindh assembly went against Sharia and constitution by passing this bill. He said that 1973 constitution was a gift by Bhutto to the nation and everyone accepted it but PPPs provincial government was making it controversial. He said that bill should be taken back immediately.

Bilawal reaches Lahore to attend PPP foundation day celebrations


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Chairman Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari reached Lahore from Dubai on Monday night to participate in the seven-day celebrations to mark the foundation day of PPP, Dunya News reported.Bilawal reached Lahore’s Allama Iqbal Airport on a private airlines flight EK-622. Tight security arrangements were made at the airport on the arrival of PPP chairman.The PPP Punjab president, Qamar Zaman Kaira and Nadeem Afzal Chan were at the airport along with large number of PPP workers to welcome Bilawal Bhutto.Talking to media at the airport, Qamar Zaman Kaira said that there is no restriction on PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari and he will soon return to Pakistan.

Karachi mayor Waseem Akhtar visits difference areas of city


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Karachi mayor Waseem Akhtar visited different areas of the city on Tuesday night and observed the development projects, reported Dunya News.Waseem Akhtar observed the work going on at the flyover of Korangi Crossing and asked director general technical services to work faster. He also talked to the media and said that he would not tolerate any negligence in the work. He said that he would observe all the projects himself and will make sure that they are completed in time.Waseem Akhtar said that there are many projects but funds are limited. He requested governor, federal government and Chief Minister (CM) Sindh to give a package for Karachi.

Errors led to coalition strike on Syria forces: Pentagon


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Pentagon said Tuesday that intelligence errors resulted in a US-led coalition air strike in Syria in September that reportedly killed around 90 Syrian government forces.There were errors in the development of intelligence, as well as missed opportunities for coalition members on duty to recognize and voice contrary evidence to decision makers, the US militarys Central Command said in a statement following a six-week probe into the September 17 attack near Deir Ezzor.The US-led coalition is focused on attacking the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq and does not want to get involved in Syrias brutal civil war.Australian, Danish, British and American planes all took part in the air strike, which the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group has said killed at least 90 regime troops.Brigadier General Richard Coe, who investigated the case, told reporters that each of the four countries did employ weapons, dropping a total of 34 guided bombs and firing 380 rounds of 30-mm ammunition. The targets struck included defensive fighting positions, vehicles, tents, tunnels and people -- all of which were thought to be legitimate IS targets, he added.The Pentagon said it had only been able to conclusively count 15 deaths, but acknowledged the toll was possibly much higher.In this incident, we made an unintentional, regrettable error primarily based on human factors in several areas in the targeting process, Coe said.Key among these mistakes was an early misidentification of a Syrian vehicle as belonging to IS jihadists, which colored subsequent intel assessments.Further complicating matters, the troops were not wearing recognizable military uniforms or carrying identifying flags, the Pentagon said.Perhaps most significantly, a critical miscommunication occurred when Russian forces called the coalition to tell them the strike was hitting Syrian regime troops.That call, which came in on a special hotline between the coalition and Russians, was subject to a 27-minute delay because the officer with whom the Russians normally spoke was not immediately available.During that window, almost half of the separate strikes making up the larger assault occurred.As soon as the Russians were able to speak to their regular point of contact, the strike was called off.Additionally, the investigation found that an early assessment from an intelligence analyst that the target couldnt possibly be IS was overlooked.No coalition forces are being charged in the incident.In my opinion, these were a number of people all doing their best to do a good job, Coe said. The decision to strike these targets was made in accordance with the law of armed conflict and the applicable rules of engagement.The strike was conducted by F-16 and FA-18 fighters, A-10 ground-attack craft and drones.The IS group has since January 2015 besieged the eastern city of Deir Ezzor where more than 200,000 people live.It controls more than 60 percent of the city, the capital of the province of the same name.

Yemen president accuses rebels of dashing peace hopes


ADEN (AFP) - Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi on Tuesday accused Shiite rebels and their allies of dashing hopes for peace after they unveiled a new government in areas under their control.Hadi said Mondays formation by the Iran-backed rebels of a government of national salvation showed their determination to spread chaos and destruction and destroys any chance of dialogue and peace.Speaking through a spokesman from Yemens second city Aden, the seat of his beleaguered government, Hadi called on the international community to condemn this move and hold the militia responsible for the collapse of peace efforts.Announcing their new government, the Huthi rebels said it was a response to Hadis stubbornness in pursuing a deadly war against them with the support of a Saudi-led coalition since March last year.On Tuesday, the official Saba news agency cited Hadis spokesman as saying the president urged the international community to condemn this move and endorse the militias responsibility for the collapse of peace efforts.The war of words comes as the UN envoy for Yemen shuttles between the two sides in an effort to revive a US-backed ceasefire that collapsed after just 48 hours early last week.Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, who has been trying to persuade the two sides to agree to a government of national unity, met rebel representatives in Oman on Saturday and is scheduled to hold talks with Hadi in Aden.In a speech later Tuesday, Hadi said that in naming their government the rebels had killed off the last hopes of peace talks resuming.The president, who is usually based in neighbouring Saudi Arabia, flew to Aden on Saturday on his first visit in a year.Hadi insisted that he was always open to peace, and praised the positive role played by the UN and its envoy to settle the conflict and implement international resolutions including 2216.UN Security Council Resolution 2216 calls on the rebels to withdraw from territory they have captured since 2014.The Gulf Cooperation Council on Tuesday said Hadis was the only legitimate government in Yemen.In forming their own government, the rebels had shown their lack of seriousness in engaging in political negotiations and their will to hamper the UN mediators intense efforts to end the war, GCC secretary general Abdellatif Zayani said.Oman is the only country in the six-nation GCC not to have joined the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Huthis in Yemen.Fierce fighting has raged on the ground since the ceasefire collapsed.Rebels attacked loyalist positions in Dhaleh province north of Aden on Tuesday but were repulsed, a military official said.Three government soldiers and 14 rebels were killed.Witness Fawaz al-Marissi said the insurgents had been forced to leave their dead behind.Despite 20 months of Saudi-led military support, Hadis authority is still largely confined to the south and areas along the Saudi border. The rebels control Sanaa and most of northern Yemen.The conflict has claimed more than 7,000 lives and left millions of civilians dependent on food aid.

Abbas re-elected Fatah leader at rare congress


RAMALLAH (AFP) - Palestinian president Mahmud Abbass Fatah re-elected him party head Tuesday as the movement opened its first congress since 2009 with talk mounting of who will eventually succeed the 81-year-old.Party spokesman Mahmud Abu al-Hija said Abbas was re-elected by consensus at the congress attended by some 1,400 delegates in the West Bank city of Ramallah.The election of members of Fatahs parliament and its central committee over the five-day conference will signal the direction the oldest Palestinian party will take at a time when Abbas is weakened by his own unpopularity and internal dissent.While the ageing leader has said he has no intention of stepping aside anytime soon, talk of who will eventually succeed him as Palestinian president has intensified. He has not publicly designated a successor.Some analysts see the congress as an attempt by Abbas to marginalise political opponents, including longtime rival Mohammed Dahlan, currently in exile in the United Arab Emirates.Observers have seen the reduced number of officials to vote -- down from more than 2,000 in 2009 -- as part of a move to exclude Dahlan supporters.Dimitri Diliani, elected to Fatahs revolutionary council, or parliament, in 2009, said he was not invited to the congress like dozens of others because we bring a different voice.He said a press conference set for a refugee camp near Ramallah on Tuesday with those recently dismissed from the party had been called off after threats from the security services, including death threats.Jibril Rajoub, a former intelligence chief, current head of the Palestinian Football Association and Fatah central committee member, acknowledged opponents and dissidents had not been invited, but said the priority is to hold the congress.Rajoub also said the gathering was to provide an opportunity to update the partys structures.The system from the 1960s no longer works in 2016, he told AFP.We have to take into account the current circumstances. The current system was created when we were in the diaspora and we are now on national soil. It was put in place at a revolutionary stage. Now we have a state.Saeb Erekat, Palestine Liberation Organisation secretary general and Fatah central committee member, said the congress would allow the party to choose leaders for the next stage.But the congress also comes at a difficult time for the push to create a Palestinian state, with the cause overshadowed by other crises in the region.The incoming Donald Trump administration in the United States has signalled its policies will be far more favourable to Israel.Peace efforts have been at a standstill since a US-led initiative collapsed in April 2014.Israel is concerned US President Barack Obama may take action related to the conflict before he leaves office in January, but his intentions remain unclear.In an op-ed published in the New York Times on Tuesday, former US president Jimmy Carter called on Obama to recognise a Palestinian state before his term is up.The congress also comes with Fatah and its Islamist rival Hamas, in power in the Gaza Strip, still deeply divided. Fatah dominates the Palestinian Authority, which runs the Israeli-occupied West Bank.A letter from exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, in which he said he was ready to cooperate with Fatah, was read at the opening of the congress.Israel has prevented dozens of Fatah members in Gaza, which is under an Israeli blockade, from attending the conference, said party spokesman Mahmud Abu al-Hija.Israeli authorities did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Israel controls all borders of the Palestinian territories apart from the Gaza-Egypt frontier.Abu al-Hija, the Fatah spokesman, said an objective of the congress is to determine how to act in the face of stalled peace negotiations.Peace initiatives being promoted by France and Arab nations will be discussed, as will the possibility of a UN Security Council resolution against Israeli settlement building in the West Bank.An address by the Palestinian president to the congress, scheduled for Tuesday evening and set to deal with these issues, was put off to Wednesday at the last moment.Fatah is the main component of the PLO, created in 1964 in Jerusalem, which brought together the main Palestinian nationalist movements of that time.

Top Afghan General killed in miltary chopper crash


HERAT (AFP) - Afghanistans army said one of its top commanders was killed Tuesday when a military helicopter crashed in the western Afghan province of Badghis.General Mohayedin Ghori commanded the 207th Corps and was one of the six regional commanders of the Afghan army, responsible for the countrys western zone, defence ministry spokesman Mohammad Radmanish said.General Ghori was martyred and a number of officers injured in the crash, Radmanish said.He said a technical fault caused the Russian-made Mi-17 aircraft to go down in the Murichan area of the Bala Murghab district.Ghori was on a mission to visit a newly established army base in the volatile district, where the Afghan army has recently pushed back a major Taliban offensive.Taliban insurgents claimed responsibility for the crash in a statement but Radmanish denied this, saying there were no insurgents operating in the area at the time of the accident.Afghan president Ashraf Ghani described the death of General Mohayedin as a big loss for the Afghan security forces and people, according to a statement.The US-led NATO coalition also issued a statement expressing condolence over the death of the top Afghan general. A local official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the provincial head of the countrys spy agency was among those wounded in the crash.He could not give details of exactly how many other people had been injured in the accident.Once a strong flying power thanks to Soviet Union support, Afghanistans air force was decimated by the civil war of the 1990s and the turbulent period of Taliban-rule.The Afghan air force (AAF) now has around 100 aircraft, including 27 MD-530 attack helicopters, and about 20 small support aircraft, such as the Brazilian built A-29 Super Tucanos -- used against drug traffickers in Latin America.It also has approximately 50 Russian Mi-17 transport choppers.

11 children among 12 dead in Turkey school dorm fire


ISTANBUL (AFP) - Twelve people, most of them schoolgirls, were killed on Tuesday when fire ravaged a dormitory for pupils in the southern Turkish region of Adana, local officials said. The fire, which officials said was likely caused by an electrical fault, raced through the buildings wooden interior as panicked victims tried to jump from windows to safety.Officials expressed concern that many of the dead were killed after they were unable to open a closed fire door to escape the top floors of the building.Images showed scenes of devastation as emergency services arrived to tackle the fire at the dormitory building, parts of which were turned into a blazing wreck and whose roof collapsed.We lost 12 of our citizens in the fire. Eleven of them were schoolchildren and one was a tutor. 22 citizens are injured, Adana region governor Mahmut Demirtas told Turkish NTV television.According to initial findings, we believe the fire was caused by electrical fault, he said.The Dogan news agency specified that all 11 of the schoolchildren killed were girls. Their identities have yet to be disclosed but they were also said to be 14 or under.The disaster took place in the town of Aladag north of Adana city, one of the biggest urban centres in the south of Turkey.Television footage showed the three-storey building in flames, with fire engine teams trying to put out the blaze. Demirtas said some terrified schoolgirls were injured after jumping out of the window to escape the flames. He added that none of the injuries were serious condition.The governor said the fire at the private schoolchildren dorm broke out at around 19:25 (1625 GMT) and it was brought under control some three hours later.Demirtas declined to comment on claims that fire escape stairs were locked and students were unable to use them.But Adana city Mayor Huseyin Sozlu said: It appears that the fire escape stairs door was locked. Children could not open it. Bodies were found there, he said.He told NTV of course children would have survived if they had been able to flee down the fire escape stairs.From tomorrow the governors office will start an investigation.He said the children were aged between 11-14.Students trapped on the second and third storeys of the building who could not flee outside, were killed in the fire, the Dogan news agency said.The fire spread rapidly because of the buildings wooden interior and carpeted floor, officials said.Aladag districts mayor Mustafa Alpgedik, quoted by the Dogan news agency, said the fire erupted on the ground floor and then the flames spread because the third floor was wooden. With the burning of the wooden floor, the roof then entirely collapsed, he said.In an agonising wait, families who could not see their children stood outside in tears, Dogan added.The dorm had a capacity for 54 students and was open to both secondary and high school students. Demirtas said it was a private dormitory with 34 students in residence.Fires are frequent in Turkey due to antiquated and often wooden buildings and faulty electrics. But a disaster of this magnitude is highly unusual. In a sign of the seriousness of the incident, several ministers were heading to the region, including Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu and Education Minister Ismet Yilmaz.Demirtas meanwhile informed President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who expressed his sadness over the catastrophe, the state-run Anadolu news agency said.

Trump steps up search for America's next top diplomat


NEW YORK (AFP) - Donald Trump stepped up his search Tuesday for a secretary of state with loyalists at loggerheads over prospective candidates: erstwhile critic Mitt Romney, scandal-clad general David Petraeus and Senator Bob Corker.Trumps quest for Americas next top diplomat, the most prestigious position in the cabinet and the statesman who will have to grapple with foreign crises and wars, has been mired in internal divisions.Each candidate offers different merits and drawbacks, making it a hefty decision for a 70-year-old maverick New York real estate tycoon, who has never previously held office.On Tuesday the president-elect has scheduled meetings with Romney, the failed 2012 Republican White House nominee whose consideration has had Trumps inner circle up in arms, and Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.Analysts say that picking Romney would reassure the Republican establishment and US allies worried about Trumps foreign policy.Trumps meeting will be his second with the former Massachusetts governor, who castigated Trump during the election campaign as a fraud and a conman, and refused to endorse him.Top aide Kellyanne Conway -- unusually for a senior political advisor -- publicly aired her concerns about Romney, saying she had received a deluge of concern from supporters and stressing his past animosity towards Trump.Outspoken former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who campaigned tirelessly for Trump, has been another early contender, but scrutiny over business dealings has since raised questions that could potentially disqualify him.Petraeus, the most celebrated general of his generation, a former CIA director and former commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, has emerged latterly as a potential candidate despite a stunning fall from grace four years ago.He met the president-elect for an hour in New York on Monday, after which the president-elect sounded positive, tweeting: Just met with General Petraeus -- was very impressedBut Trump spokesman Jason Miller told Fox News Radio on Tuesday that it might be a little bit premature to assume Petraeus is being considered.There was a lot of getting to know you and see where General Petraeus might be able to be an asset, a team member, whether thats internally in the administration or whether its on the outside, Miller said.The 64-year-old scholar-warrior, who masterminded the widely credited surge in Iraq from 2008-2010, certainly has a depth of experience in world affairs unmatched by any of the other candidates known to be under consideration.But in 2012 he resigned from the CIA after showing classified material to his mistress and biographer Paula Broadwell. In 2015, he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified materials, and was put on two years probation and fined $100,000.The scandal could pose a problem for getting Senate approval and would expose Trump to accusations of hypocrisy after he savaged Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail for mishandling classified emails as secretary of state.On Tuesday, Trump fleshed out his cabinet by nominating a fierce Obamacare critic as health secretary -- Congressman and former surgeon Tom Price, indicating that he plans to tear up the divisive healthcare law.Price is exceptionally qualified to shepherd our commitment to repeal and replace Obamacare, Trump said as Democrats criticized the nomination.Incoming Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer called it akin to asking the fox to guard the hen house.The president-elect has also selected Elaine Chao, the Taiwan-born former labor secretary as transportation secretary, US media reported.In between back-to-back job interviews, Trump has continued to fan alarm and inflame critics by indulging in his customary tweet storms.On Tuesday he sparked uproar by saying nobody should be allowed to burn the US flag -- allowed under the US constitution that safeguards freedom of expression -- and that it should be punished by loss of citizenship or one year in jail.And he embarked on a Twitter rant against CNN, complaining about their coverage and retweeting posts insisting that voter fraud did take place on Election Day.Experts and officials across the political spectrum disparaged his unsubstantiated claim that millions of Americans voted illegally.The Republican billionaire won the Electoral College 306 to 232 for Clinton, although the Democrat won the popular vote by more than two million ballots.Observers deny any evidence of widespread fraud and say potential recounts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan will not change the outcome.

Seven Indian soldiers killed in attack on army base


SRINAGAR (AFP) - Seven Indian soldiers were killed after militants disguised as policemen stormed a major army base near the frontier with Pakistan Tuesday, as tensions between the two neighbours ran high after weeks of cross-border firing.Four suspected militants were also killed in the stand-off with security forces inside the command centre in northern Jammu and Kashmir state that lasted most of the day.It was the most audacious attack on an Indian military base since September, when 19 soldiers were killed in an assault that India blamed on Pakistan-based militants.The army in a statement said four of its soldiers were killed in the initial assault after heavily armed militants wearing police uniforms stormed the base early Tuesday firing small arms and hurling grenades. Three army men were killed in a rescue operation after the militants took 16 people hostage inside two buildings used by the families of the army officers. Two women and children were among the hostages, the army said.In this rescue attempt one more officer and two jawans sacrificed their lives, it addedThree bodies of the attackers have been recovered and operation to sanitise the complex continues, the statement said.One of the dead soldier was a major while the rank of another officer remained unclear.Earlier a senior local police officer said all four militants were killed in the counter-attack by security forces.Now the search operation is going on inside the premises, the officer told AFP on condition of anonymity.The base is one of four command centres in the restive region and home to over 1,000 officers.The attack came as Pakistans hugely popular military chief General Raheel Sharif handed over to his successor on Tuesday with a warning to India not to mistake his countrys restraint for weakness.It also comes days before a scheduled visit to India by Pakistans foreign affairs advisor Sartaj Aziz for a weekend conference on Afghanistan.It clearly suggests there is an attempt by certain groups to sabotage the apparent peace outreach by Pakistans government, said Mohan Guruswamy, head of the Centre for Policy Alternatives think-tank in New Delhi.India has repeatedly accused Pakistan of sponsoring militant groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which it blames for the 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people.Separately, Indian authorities said three militants were killed in a shoot-out with security forces after crossing into Jammu and Kashmir from Pakistan.Tensions between the nuclear-armed neighbours have escalated since the September 18 attack on an Indian army base, the deadliest in a decade.India said after that attack it had launched surgical strikes on militant bases across the heavily militarised de-facto border known as the Line of Control (LoC) in disputed Kashmir, a claim Islamabad has denied.India and Pakistan both claim the region in full and their troops regularly exchange fire across the LoC, but they rarely send ground troops over the line.Since then there have been repeated incidents of cross-border shelling and gunfire from both sides, claiming the lives of dozens of people, including civilians.Pakistan said last week that at least nine people had been killed when a shell fired from the Indian side hit a bus.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said last week he was deeply concerned by the deterioration in the security situation in Kashmir and urged both countries to work together to reach durable peace.Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan since their independence from Britain in 1947. Both claim the territory in full and have fought two wars over the mountainous region.

UN council to hold meeting on Aleppo crisis: diplomats


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting Tuesday or Wednesday on the dire humanitarian crisis unfolding in Aleppo, diplomats said.Frances UN ambassador Francois Delattre said Tuesday that Paris is working with the government of Senegal, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the council, to convene the meeting on providing relief to the besieged Syrian city.We hope well be able to schedule it by tomorrow, Delattre told reporters.France and its partners cannot remain silent in the face of what could be the biggest massacre of civilian population since World War II, the French diplomat added. We need to find a way to get the humanitarian aid to the population.France called for an immediate UN Security Council session amid fighting that has seen the Syrian army capture a third of opposition-controlled east Aleppo in recent days.Britains ambassador to the United Nations, Matthew Rycroft, voiced support for the emergency meeting.He said the council would discuss plans for the UN to deliver much-needed food and medicine into Aleppo and evacuate the sick and wounded.Russia complained that the opposition had not agreed to this plan. Now they have, so I call on Russia to make sure the Syrian regime agrees, Rycroft said.The future of Aleppo is in the hands of the regime and Russia, and we urge the regime and Russia to stop the bombing and let the aid go through.Diplomats hope to finally address the need for desperately needed assistance to the city, which is besieged by a government offensive trying to recapture parts of it held by rebels.Fighting has prompted an exodus of terrified civilians, many fleeing empty-handed into remaining rebel-held territory, or crossing into government-controlled western Aleppo or Kurdish districts.The UN has said nearly 16,000 people have fled the assault and more could follow.

20,000 flee eastern Aleppo in 72 hours: ICRC


GENEVA (AFP) - Up to 20,000 people have fled a Syrian government offensive in rebel-held eastern Aleppo in the last 72 hours, the International Committee of the Red Cross said Tuesday. ..A spokeswoman for the Geneva-based ICRC, Krista Armstrong, told AFP that the 20,000 figure was an estimate and that the situation remained fluid, stressing that people are fleeing in different directions, desperately seeking refuge from the brutal fighting. Terrified civilians have fled empty-handed into remaining rebel-held territory, or crossed into government-controlled western Aleppo or Kurdish districts.The United Nations humanitarian chief Stephen OBrien had earlier put the number of displaced from eastern Aleppo at 16,000.The Syrian government offensive to recapture rebel-held parts of Aleppo has sparked international alarm.France called for an immediate UN Security Council session on the fighting, which has seen the army capture a third of opposition-controlled east Aleppo in recent days.

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