Thursday 24 November 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Iraq truck bomb kills 80, mostly Iranian pilgrims


HILLA (AFP) - A suicide bombing claimed by the Islamic State group killed at least 80 people, mainly Shiite pilgrims, south of Baghdad Thursday, as Iraqi forces battle to retake Mosul from the jihadists.The huge truck bomb blast ripped through a petrol station where buses packed with faithful returning from the Arbaeen commemoration in Karbala were parked, officials said.Most of the victims were Iranians, the largest contingent of foreigners in the pilgrimage, which is one of the worlds largest religious events and culminated on Monday.The attack took place near a village called Shomali, about 120 kilometres (75 miles) southeast of Baghdad.IS, which is fighting to defend its Mosul stronghold in northern Iraq, claimed responsibility for the attack.Falah al-Radhi, head of the provincial security committee for Babylon, the province where the bombing happened, said several buses were targeted.A large truck exploded among them. It was a suicide attack, he told AFP. There are at least 70 dead, fewer than 10 are Iraqis, the rest are Iranians.Videos circulating on social media showed debris scattered over a large area along the main highway linking Baghdad to the main southern port city of Basra.There are completely charred corpses at the scene, said Radhi, who added that at least 20 wounded were transferred to nearby hospitals.The Joint Operations Command in Baghdad issued a statement saying the truck was packed with 500 litres of ammonium nitrate, a chemical compound used in many explosive devices.Up to 20 million people visited Karbala, home to the mausoleum of Imam Hussein, for Arbaeen this year. According to the Iraqi authorities, around three million of them were Iranians.Irans foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi condemned the brutal and inhumane attack, the IRNA news agency said. Iraq had deployed around 25,000 members of the security forces in and around the shrine city, which lies southwest of Baghdad, to protect the pilgrims from a feared IS attack.The jihadist group, which is losing ground in Mosul, has carried out a series of high-profile diversionary attacks since Iraqi forces launched a huge offensive against their northern stronghold last month.Elite forces battled IS jihadists in eastern Mosul Thursday, looking for fresh momentum in their five-week-old offensive to retake Iraqs second city.Maan al-Saadi, a commander with the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS), told AFP on the front line in Mosul that his forces were fighting IS in the neighbourhood of Al-Khadraa.They cannot flee. They have two choices -- give up or die, he said.Over the past few days, Iraqi forces have cut off the main supply line running from Mosul to the western border with Syria, where IS still controls the city of Raqa.The US-led coalition also bombed bridges over the Tigris river that splits Mosul in two, reducing the jihadists ability to resupply the eastern front.The Iraqi advance on the south and southeast of the city has started to pick up some steam, coalition spokesman Colonel John Dorrian said.It is extraordinarily tough fighting, just brutal, but there is an inevitability to it. The Iraqis are going to beat them, he told AFP.IS fighters moving in an intricate network of tunnels have used snipers, booby traps and a seemingly endless supply of suicide car bombers to stop Iraqi forces.The authorities have not released casualty figures since the start of the offensive but fighters have admitted being surprised by how fierce IS resistance has been.Iraqi forces launched a major offensive on October 17 to retake Mosul, where jihadist supremo Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed a caliphate in 2014.They are also edging towards the city from a northern front as well as from the south, where they are within striking distance of Mosul airport.Among the forces deployed south and west of the city are the Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilisation), an umbrella for paramilitaries dominated by Tehran-backed militias.They have focused their operations on Tal Afar, a large town still held by IS west of Mosul and on Wednesday announced they had cut the main road between it and Syria.That will make it very long and dangerous for IS if it attempts to move fighters and equipment between Mosul and Raqa, the last two bastions of their crumbling state.The International Organization for Migration said Thursday that around 76,000 people had been displaced since October 17.A few of them have returned to their homes in retaken areas already but Iraqi forces on Thursday slapped a curfew on neighbourhoods of eastern Mosul under their control.

Syria regime bombardment kills 32 civilians in Aleppo: monitor


ALEPPO (AFP) - At least 32 civilians, including five children, were killed Thursday in Syrian regime air strikes and artillery bombardment on rebel-held areas in eastern Aleppo, a monitor said citing a new toll.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Thursdays toll, up from an earlier figure of 16 killed, was one of the heaviest since the regime launched an offensive on eastern Aleppo on November 15.There was an escalation in the evening, with successive bombardments, Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP, adding that many people were trapped under rubble.There are many wounded people, and bodies, still trapped under the rubble, he said, adding that several neighbourhoods had been hit across insurgent-controlled neighbourhoods.An AFP correspondent said that the sound of the bombardment was deafening.The reporter was able to travel to Al-Mashad neighbourhood where he saw rescuers sifting through the rubble of a building that had been hit, working in total darkness.Three floors were flattened, the reporter said, adding that the building was located on a street that has been targeted in the past.We didnt realise what happened. Everything just came down all around us, said resident Ahmad. At least 188 civilians, including 27 children, have been killed since the assault was launched on November 15, according to the Observatory. Rebel fire has killed 16 civilians in the government-held west, including 10 children.Abdel Rahman said that Thursdays toll was one of the heaviest of the past few days.Earlier in the evening, Bab al-Nayrab, another neighbourhood in eastern Aleppo, was badly hit by what rescuers said was a barrel bomb dropped by a government helicopter.An AFP cameraman captured video footage of rescuers battling from more than one hour to pull a seriously wounded boy from the rubble of a building.The lower part of the boys body was stuck in the rubble and a bloodied gash could be seen at the back of his head as if part of the scalp had been ripped apart.Rescuers used a pickaxe to hack away at the concrete in order to lift him out, the footage showed.The boy, who could be heard crying out Father, Father as he pleaded for them to hurry up and get him out, was lifted alive from the rubble.The operation took us an hour, an hour and a half... and there is still a woman trapped under the rubble, one of the rescuers told AFP.Since November 15, government forces have pounded eastern Aleppo with air strikes, barrel bombs and artillery fire in a bid to retake that part of the city from insurgents.More than 250,000 civilians have been trapped under siege for months in rebel-held eastern Aleppo, with dwindling food and fuel supplies.The battleground northern city, once Syrias economic capital, has been divided between the government-controlled western areas and the rebel-held eastern districts since 2012.Overnight Tuesday, dozens of civilians tried to flee but were forced back by gunfire, the Observatory said.The government offensive has hit hospitals and rescue centres and forced schools to close.In neighbouring Idlib province, at least seven people were killed, including two women and two children, in air strikes on the town of Binnish, the Observatory said.An AFP correspondent at the scene said one house had been levelled by the air strikes.More than 300,000 people have been killed since Syrias war erupted in March 2011 with anti-government protests.

Tens of thousands flee raging Israeli bushfires


HAIFA (AFP) - Raging bushfires forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from parts of Israels third city Haifa on Thursday as firefighters struggled to control blazes across the country.Some residents were trapped in their homes as the army called up reservists to help cope with a third day of fires which authorities speculated could have been started deliberately.Haifa municipality spokeswoman Or Doron told AFP that 50,000 of the citys roughly 250,000 residents had been evacuated.Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said residents in eight neighbourhoods had been told to leave due to six separate fires, with four evacuation centres set up.Residents spoke of a desperate rush to get elderly residents out.The fire is out of control and is spreading from one house to the other, the rescue services chief in the Carmel neighbourhood, Naftali Rottenberg, told public radio.Sometimes we are taking residents out against their will.Yael Hame, a Haifa resident who fled her house, said it was very frightening.The fire was up over the skyscrapers. It came up to 20 stories high.Hame said she thought the fire was much more dangerous than a blaze in 2010 in Haifa that killed 44 people -- the deadliest in Israeli history.Around 30 people were hospitalised with mild injuries, according to the citys Ramban Hospital. Haifa University was evacuated as a precautionary measure.A number of countries made immediate pledges of support including planes, as meteorologists said conditions meant fires were likely to continue for the coming days.Areas in southern Haifa were engulfed in smoke, the air thick with ash carried by the strong dry winds, an AFP correspondent at the scene said.Planes dropping water and powder swooped over the Romema neighbourhood every few minutes, trying to keep the flames from spreading to a nearby gas station.The streets were largely empty, with remaining residents leaving by foot or car, some holding surgical masks to their faces. Dozens of soldiers, police, medics and firefighters were huddled in an impromptu command centre in a nearby parking lot.Daher said a number of residents remained stuck in their homes.Amit, a 27-year-old from a nearby neighbourhood, was volunteering with firefighters to help calm the blaze.There were places that needed help, we went and put out some fires, he said.The emergency prompted a growing list of countries to send help, including firefighting aircraft. They included Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Turkey.Russian President Putin told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Moscow would immediately send two giant Beriev be-200 firefighting aircraft, a statement from Netanyahus office said. The 2010 fire required the assistance of planes and personnel from more than 16 countries to put out.Israel has been hit by a spate of bushfires in recent days across the country that officials attribute to an unusually dry autumn and strong winds.Elsewhere, fires were raging in two areas on the outskirts of Jerusalem as well as near the Jewish settlement of Talmon in the occupied West Bank, police said.Noah Wolfson, head of the Meteo-Tech meteorology website, said the conditions were perfect for fires to be sparked -- whether by accident or on purpose.This November is extremely dry. So far we didnt have any rain, he said.The extreme dryness -- relative humidity below 10 percent -- coupled with very strong winds, enhance and encourage any small fire to expand and be horrendous.He said the forecast for the coming days was not optimistic, with winds due to slow somewhat but no rain expected until early next week.Speculation in Israel quickly turned to the source of the fires.Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan told army radio that around half of the recent fires had been started deliberately.Education Minister Naftali Bennett of the far-right Jewish Home party appeared to blame the arson on members the countrys Arab minority.Only those to whom the land doesnt belong are able to burn it, he said on Twitter in Hebrew.

Hurricane, quake hit Central America at same time


BLUEFIELDS (AFP) - A fierce hurricane and a powerful offshore earthquake struck Central America at the same time Thursday, triggering emergency responses in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica, and prayers among fearful populations.Hurricane Otto, a storm packing winds of 175 kilometers (110 miles) per hour hit first, plowing into Nicaraguas southern Caribbean coast.Communities in that zone and in northern neighboring Costa Rica were evacuated ahead of it. There were no immediate reports of any deaths.Just an hour later came the earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.0 and located 120 kilometers off El Salvador in the Pacific Ocean, on the other side of the Central American isthmus. It was felt also in Nicaraguas capital Managua and in Costa Rica.While there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties from the temblor, El Salvador and Nicaragua issued a tsunami alert for their Pacific coasts, and El Salvador ordered all people in the zone to evacuate.The double whammy was a dire test for a largely poor region generally lacking resources and preparedness for major disasters.Faced with a hurricane and possible tsunami, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega on Thursday declared a national emergency -- a step Costa Rica had already taken ahead of Hurricane Otto.The storm was expected to chew its way along a broad swath of territory on both sides of the Nicaragua-Costa Rica border into Friday, losing strength as it went.But the US National Hurricane Center warned Ottos trailing rains will likely result in life-threatening flash floods and mudslides.Earlier this week, the outer bands of the storm caused the deaths of four people in Panama.The hurricane came ashore Thursday near San Juan de Nicaragua, also known as Greytown, south of the city of Bluefields and close to the Costa Rican border.The wind is very strong and its raining a lot, a local resident, Aldrick Beckford, told AFP by telephone. We just saw neighbors roofs collapse.A reporter for Nicaraguan state television in San Juan de Nicaragua described a difficult situation with brutal gusts. There are cables fallen, trees brought down, he told Channel 4 television.The wind lifted off the roof of the town hall, which had been operating as an emergency coordination center.In Bluefields, a city of 45,000 people, and elsewhere, panic-buying cleared shops of bottled water, battery-powered lamps and plastic bags. On Wednesday, hundreds crammed onto boats to flee, while others who remained hammered metal sheeting over windows.This is the first time a hurricane has hit here, said Faucia Pena, an inhabitant of Bluefields. We are asking God to end it or send it elsewhere. Everybody is afraid.Both Nicaragua and Costa Rica closed schools, mobilized emergency crews and issued red alerts for areas across much of their territories for the hurricane.They also carried out evacuations, though some residents in northern Costa Rica decided to stay put to guard against looters.One woman who did evacuate her home near the village of Barra del Colorado, Teresa Romero, 52, told AFP that around 10 male locals had refused to leave. She was taking shelter in a church near the capital San Jose.Otto is the southernmost landfalling hurricane in Central America on record, the US hurricane center said.A previous, far-stronger hurricane, Matthew, devastated parts of southern Haiti early last month, killing 546 people and leaving nearly 175,000 homeless.The strong earthquake on the other side of the region came as the hurricane was making its way west.It occurred at a depth of 10.3 kilometers (6.4 miles), according to the US Geological Survey -- sufficiently shallow to spark fears in the Salvadoran government of a possible tsunami.All protection mechanisms have been activated under which we have started evacuations, the minister in charge of the emergency response, Aristides Valencia, said on state radio.Officials were scrambling to evaluate the impact of the quake. The task was made more difficult because some telephone lines in the capital San Salvador were cut.People ran out of dozens of buildings in the city in panic, fearing aftershocks.

Football: Record man Rooney gives Man Utd Europa lift


MANCHESTER (AFP) - Wayne Rooney became Manchester Uniteds outright leading European goal-scorer as Jose Mourinhos side enhanced their chances of progressing in the Europa League by sinking Feyenoord 4-0 on Thursday.Rooney struck in the 35th minute to claim his 39th European goal, one more than Ruud van Nistelrooy, and move to within just one goal of Bobby Charltons all-time club scoring record of 249.Further goals by Juan Mata, Jesse Lingard and a Brad Jones own goal completed a win that left United a point below Group A leaders Fenerbahce in second place ahead of their final game at Zorya Luhansk.United will go into that game knowing a draw will take them into the last 32, having avenged their 1-0 match-one day defeat at Feyenoord, who slipped to third in the group.Thursdays win was a personal triumph for Rooney, 31, who branded the British media disgraceful after he was pilloried for partying late into the night while on England duty.Charlton, now a United director, was watching on at Old Trafford and could now see Rooney equal his record against West Ham United in the Premier League on Sunday.Mourinho made six changes to the United team held 1-1 by Arsenal last Saturday, the most notable of which saw Henrikh Mkhitaryan make his first start since September 10.The Armenia playmaker, a 26 million pounds ($32.4 million, 30.7 million euros) signing from Borussia Dortmund, showed no signs of rustiness and was a source of menace throughout.After a strong start, there was a scare for United midway through the first half when Eljero Elia jinked past Phil Jones and delivered a cross that was deflected into the path of Rick Karsdorp.The right-backs shot was blocked by United goalkeeper Sergio Romero and when Dirk Kuyt smashed the rebound goalwards, the Argentina international stuck out his right leg to complete a smart double save.Feyenoord had struck late to defeat United in the reverse fixture in Rotterdam, but any thoughts of a repeat were banished 10 minutes before half-time as Rooney rolled back the clock in style.Picking up the ball on the left touchline inside his own half, he beat Karsdorp, slid a pass infield to Zlatan Ibrahimovic and cantered into the box to collect the Swedes through ball and dink a shot over former Liverpool goalkeeper Jones.There was a question of offside, and Renato Tapia was left on the deck after a coming-together with Rooney on the edge of the box, but German referee Manuel Graefe allowed the goal to stand.Energised by the goal, United began to turn it on the second half.Mkhitaryan sped past five Feyenoord players, only to be denied a free-kick after being clipped by Jens Toornstra, while Matas elegant chip drew a finger-tip save from the backpedalling Jones.Mkhitaryan was soon on the scene again, exchanging passes with Ibrahimovic, stealing past Kuyt -- another Liverpool old boy -- and thrashing a left-foot shot into the side-netting.A second goal seemed a matter of time and so it proved in the 69th minute as Ibrahimovics deft pass freed Rooney, who cleverly squared the ball for Mata to slide it home.Jones denied Ibrahimovic after his weak kick had gone straight to Mkhitaryan, but he was more obliging moments later when he inadvertently deflected the Swedes cross into his own goal.Lingard, a late replacement for Mata, was twice thwarted by Jones, but prevailed at the third attempt with a curling left-foot shot.

Football: Southampton left sweating after defeat in Prague


PARIS (AFP) - Southamptons hopes of reaching the Europa League knockout rounds remain in the balance after Claude Puels side lost 1-0 away to Sparta Prague in the Czech Republic on Thursday.A solitary first-half goal by Zimbabwean full-back Costa Nhamoinesu, firing a Borek Dockal free-kick past Fraser Forster, was the difference between the sides at the Generali Arena in Prague.Saints rarely looked finding the net. They are struggling for goals and form in general at the moment but Puel remains upbeat about their chances.I think we played a good first half without a clinical edge, but after we lost the structure in the second half to keep our calm. It was not enough to win this game, said the Frenchman.Southampton could have clinched qualification in different circumstances but instead they must now prepare for a decisive final Group K game against Hapoel Beer-Sheva at St Marys next month, while Sparta progress as group winners.Now its important to keep our concentration, added Puel. We have to play a very good game for the next game at home to make sure we qualify, for the players and fans.In Israel, Hapoel came from two goals down to record a remarkable 3-2 win over Inter Milan, whose troubles continue as they are eliminated.Goals from Mauro Icardi and Marcelo Brozovic had the Italian giants in control after just 25 minutes.However, Brazilian striker Lucio Maranhao reduced the deficit on 58 minutes and the Nigerian Anthony Nwakaeme equalised from the penalty spot after Inter goalkeeper Samir Handanovic had been sent off.Hapoel then made the extra man count as ex-Chelsea striker Ben Sahar came off the bench to score a stoppage-time winner at the Turner Stadium.Southampton and Hapoel are level on seven points apiece and the Premier League side must either draw 0-0 or win on December 8 if they are to reach the last 32.In other games, French league leaders Nice were eliminated after losing 2-0 away to Schalke, who were already through to the next phase and have won all five games in Group I.Yevhen Konoplyanka and Dennis Aogo got Schalkes goals in Gelsenkirchen, the latter from a late penalty, before the hosts had Bernard Tekpetey sent off.Fiorentina could have secured their place in the knockout rounds but a stoppage-time goal by Dutchman Garry Rodrigues gave Greek side PAOK a 3-2 win in Italy in Group J.

Formula One: Hamilton motivated by McLaren doctor death


ABU DHABI (AFP) - Lewis Hamilton is doubly determined to win Sundays Abu Dhabi Grand Prix title-showdown after the death of close friend Aki Hintsa.The defending three-time world champion told reporters on Thursday that he felt he wanted to win in memory of the McLaren doctor and fitness expert who died last week, of cancer, at the age of 58.I have that fighting spirit in my heart now from the last races Ive done, said Hamilton. But I come here with almost double the power now -- and I feel I want to win this race more so for him.We were texting every single race through his battle and particularly the last race, on Sunday... So coming here this weekend, whilst its an emotional time, Im here to try and do him proud.Hamilton hopes to win Sundays race, with Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg failing to finish on the podium, to claim his fourth world title.The Briton is 12 points behind the German in the championship with just one race remaining after his run of three consecutive wins including the Brazilian Grand Prix.He said that he had flown directly from Sao Paulo to be with Hintsa in Switzerland.I was very, very fortunate to have been able to be there with him and his family in the last days and actually get to see him on the last day, said Hamilton.He added that the Finn was important to him also for helping him gain his debut with McLaren in 2007.He was very instrumental in me getting that seat at McLaren, he explained.Hed built a really strong relationship with Ron (former team chief, Dennis) and Ron was minded to say that if Aki says youre ready then I believe youre ready.The Englishman, who is seeking his 10th win of the season, added that he was philosophical about the outcome of the race.If it doesnt go the way I want...well -- the championship generally hasnt gone the way Id hoped up until now. Either way, I will take all the positives I can into next season.

Lahore: Police fail to curb increasing robbery incidents


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Incidents of daylight robberies and target killing increased in Lahore in the month of November, pointing to poor policing. Irony of the fact is that dacoits were caught on video footage openly looting the citizens in the broad daylight on the main roads of the city while the Dolphin Force personnel, equipped with sophisticated weapons, were found playing cricket during duty hours.Some unidentified persons shot dead Prof Rao Altaf in Iqbal Town area while dacoits gunned down five people in Millat Park area on resisting a robbery attempt.Four days ago, dacoits looted a family in the broad daylight when their car stopped at a traffic signal in the Garden Town area. Police failed to arrest the culprits despite the fact the video footage of the robbery was aired by all news channels of the country.Two days ago, another family was robbed when they were going to have breakfast in Green Town area while two dacoits riding on motorcycle snatched Rs 1.5 million from a man named Wahab when he was going to a bank at the Band Road.On Thursday morning, renowned stage actress Kismat Baig was shot dead by some unidentified attackers in the Harbancepura area.Police in Lahore have failed to stop increasing incidents of robberies and target killing in the city as no arrest was made yet.

NA-110: PTI to file review petition in Supreme Court


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has decided to file a review petition in Supreme Court against apex court verdict in NA-110 rigging case, Dunya News reported.The decision to file the review petition was taken after meeting of senior lawyer Babar Awan and Usman Dar withPTI chief Imran Khan in Bani Gala on Thursday.It was agreed in the meeting that there are authentic proof for the disqualification on Khawaha Asif. The meeting also reviewed different legal aspects of the case. Usman Dar will file the review petition after the announcement of detailed judgment of the case.

Rain halts Pakistan-New Zealand Test


HAMILTON (AFP) - Persistent rain ruled out a resumption of play immediately after the lunch break on day one of the second Test between New Zealand and Pakistan in Hamilton on Friday.New Zealand were 77-2 when the rain forced the players from the field 15 minutes before the scheduled adjournment with Jeet Raval on 35 and Ross Taylor on 29.Opener Tom Latham was out on the first ball he faced and Kane Williamson made 13 while for Pakistan Mohammad Amir and Sohail Khan have a wicket each.Occasional rain is forecast for the first four days of the Test in which New Zealand, having won the first Test, only need a draw to secure their first series win over Pakistan in more than 30 years. Pakistan need a win to square the series and extend their two-year streak of having not lost a series.Pakistan: Azhar Ali, Sami Aslam, Babar Azam, Younis Khan, Mohammad Rizwan, Asad Shafiq, Sarfraz Ahmed, Wahab Riaz, Mohammad Amir, Sohail Khan, Imran Khan.New Zealand: Tom Latham, Jeet Raval, Ross Taylor, Kane Williamson (capt), Henry Nicholls, Colin de Grandhomme, BJ Watling, Mitchell Santner, Neil Wagner, Matt Henry, Tim Southee. Umpires: Simon Fry (AUS), Sundaram Ravi (IND). TV umpire: Ian Gould (ENG). Match referee: Richie Richardson (WIS).

Anti-MQM-P wall chalking appears in Karachi again


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Wall chalking appeared in Karachi again on Thursday demanding resignation from Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) leaders, Dunya News reported.The wall chalking, carried out by unidentified persons in Karachi’s UP More area, calls for resignations of MQM-P leaders Khawaja Izhar-ul-Hassan and Sheikh Salahuddin. Earlier, similar kind of wall chalking appeared against some other PQM-P leaders in the city demanding their resignation from the assembly seats.

Lahore: Man killed in firing between two rival groups


LAHORE (Dunya News) - One person was killed and another sustained injuries in an armed clash between two rival groups in Sheller Stop area of Baghbanpura in Lahore on Thursday, Dunya News reported.The deceased was identified as 40-year-old Sher Dad and was father of four. The injured person was shifted to the hospital.Police have registered a case against the accused and conducting raids to arrest them.

Multan: Body of missing child found from pond


MULTAN (Dunya News) – According to details, five-year-old Faizan had disappeared from Dunyapur Road in Multan a few days ago. His parents had also informed police about the incident who failed to recover the missing child.A resident of the area informed police on Thursday about the body of a child floating in the pond. Police reached the spot and shifted the dead body to Nishtar Hospital and also informed the heirs of the child about death of their kid.

Pakistan to bowl as rain threatens New Zealand Test


HAMILTON (AFP) - Pakistan won the toss and put New Zealand into bat on a green wicket and under heavy cloud cover as rain threatened to disrupt the second Test in Hamilton on Friday.The umpires delayed the toss for 15 minutes and the covers remained on as they waited for the persistent, light drizzle to ease.Scattered rain is forecast throughout the first four days of the match. New Zealand, who won the first Test in Christchurch by eight wickets, have made two changes with Matt Henry in for the injured Trent Boult and Mitchell Santner replacing Todd Astle.With the pitch promising bounce and swing Pakistan have taken the rare step of leaving out spinner Yasir Shah to play four seamers, adding Wahab Riaz to their line up.Its hard leaving out Yasir but when you see the conditions you have to play four seamers, stand-in captain Azhar Ali said.Mohammad Rizwan is added to the batting line-up for unavailable skipper Misbah-ul-Haq, who has returned home because his father-in-law is critically ill.New Zealand require only a draw in Hamilton to secure their first series win over Pakistan in more than 30 years, while Pakistan need a win to square the series and extend their two-year streak of having not lost a series. Pakistan: Azhar Ali, Sami Aslam, Babar Azam, Younis Khan, Mohammad Rizwan, Asad Shafiq, Sarfraz Ahmed, Wahab Riaz, Mohammad Amir, Sohail Khan, Imran Khan.New Zealand: Tom Latham, Jeet Raval, Ross Taylor, Kane Williamson (capt), Henry Nicholls, Colin de Grandhomme, BJ Watling, Mitchell Santner, Neil Wagner, Matt Henry, Tim Southee. Umpires: Simon Fry (AUS), Sundaram Ravi (IND). TV umpire: Ian Gould (ENG). Match referee: Richie Richardson (WIS).

Du Plessis rates ton his best, catches Aussies unawares


ADELAIDE (AFP) - Faf du Plessis, motivated by the events of his controversial ball-tampering case, ranked his unbeaten century in South Africas pink-ball Test with Australia Thursday as the best of his career.The Proteas skipper hit an unbeaten 118 and then caught the Australians off-guard with a surprise declaration at 259 for nine to have the tourists in a good position at the end of the opening day of the third Adelaide Test.Australia, who were unable to use David Warner to open the innings over the time he sought off-field treatment, got to stumps at 14 without loss.It had been a tumultuous few days for du Plessis, who was found guilty of ball-tampering by the International Cricket Council after he was caught on camera sucking a mint and rubbing saliva into the ball during last weeks second Test against Australia in Hobart.Given all the drama from his much-publicised appearance at the hearing it was a remarkable effort of concentration and will for du Plessis to conquer the Australian bowlers and post his sixth Test century, one he rates as his best.My best. Everything. What was required to get to this point now. Surprisingly, technically, I was the best this whole series. I felt really good, but in the context of everything else, (it was) the best, he told reporters.I was really motivated. I felt it needed a character test, and the only way I could do it was by scoring runs.But du Plessis, who was booed by the home crowd as he came out to bat with his team wobbling at 44 for three, was dismayed by yet more booing when he reached his courageous century off 147 balls. I was expecting a little bit of hostility, but not to that extent, he admitted.When I came out to bat I was obviously quite aware of it and as the innings went on it disappeared a bit.But to be really honest when I got to 100 I wasnt expecting to still get booed, so that was pretty disappointing.Du Plessis also revealed how he had caught the Australians napping with his daring declaration late in the day, leaving the home side to negotiate the remaining 12 overs without their most experienced player Warner.Warner had just returned to the field after seeking treatment off the field on an injured shoulder.Under crickets rules, a player must be on the field for the same time they spent off it before being able to bowl or bat again - in Warners case, he was caught short.I listened to the conversation he had with the umpires - one ear talking to the batter, one ear listening to him, du Plessis told reporters.And then I heard he had six minutes left before he could bat again so I thought lets have a crack.Du Plessis showed his captaincy smarts by upsetting the Australian teams plans as they had to reshuffle their opening pair with Usman Khawaja having to join Test debutant Matt Renshaw at a testing period to stumps.It was just for me to take them a little bit out of their comfort zone and put someone else to open the batting, he said.

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