Thursday 28 September 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

After long silence, IS says chief calls on jihadists to 'resist'


BEIRUT (AFP) - The Islamic State group released a recording Thursday of what it says is its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, calling on jihadists under pressure in Syria and Iraq to resist their enemies.In his first alleged message in nearly a year and following reports of his possible death, the elusive jihadist leader called on his supporters to target the media centres of countries fighting his group.The United States said it was verifying the recording, but also that it had no reason to doubt its authenticity.The leaders of the Islamic State and its soldiers have realised that the path to... victory is to be patient and resist the infidels whatever their alliances, Baghdadi allegedly said in the recording.It was not clear when the message, released by the IS-affiliated Al-Furqan media group, was recorded.In it, he lashed out at infidel nations headed by America, Russia and Iran who, along with their allies, have inflicted losses on the jihadists during separate offensives against IS in Syria and Iraq.We will remain, we will resist and be patient... We will not give in, he said, a day after Iraqi forces defeated IS fighters who had seized areas in a surprise offensive around Ramadi west of Baghdad.The apparent IS leader called on soldiers of the caliphate to pursue their jihad, or holy war, and attacks.He urged his followers to target the media centres of the infidels, without providing further details.The voice said to belong to Baghdadi listed his groups defeats, referring to blood spilt in Mosul, Ramadi, Sirte, Raqa and Hama.IS lost Ramadi in February 2016, Libyas Sirte in December last year, and Iraqs second city Mosul in July.In Syria, the group is facing ongoing offensives in its former de facto Syrian capital of Raqa and in the central province of Hama.A US intelligence community source said they were examining the audio message.We are aware of the audio tape purported to be of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and are taking steps to examine it, the source said in a statement.While we have no reason to doubt its authenticity, we do not have verification at this point.Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told AFP: I have no information about this recording.Thursdays was the first audio message said to be of Baghdadi since November 2016, when he spoke in a defiant tone in urging his supporters to defend the city of Mosul against a massive operation by Iraqi forces.That recording, also released by Al-Furqan, was a rare sign of life from Baghdadi.In July, Moscow said it was struggling to confirm if Baghdadi was dead or alive, a month after reporting his possible demise in a May air strike near the IS one-time stronghold of Raqa in Syria.With a $25 million US bounty on his head, Iraq-born Baghdadi has successfully avoided an intense effort to seek him out for six years or more.Rumours have abounded about Baghdadis health and movements, but his whereabouts have largely remained unclear.On September 1, a senior US general said Baghdadi was probably still alive and likely hiding in the Euphrates River valley stretching from Syria to Iraq.A US-backed Kurdish-Arab alliance and Russian-backed government forces are waging rival offensives against IS territory on either side of the Euphrates River in Syrias Deir Ezzor province.In Iraq, US-backed Iraqi forces are pressing their battle to retake the northern city of Hawija and a section of the Euphrates near the border with Syria.Shortly after the jihadists swept across swathes of Iraq in June 2014, Baghdadi appeared before thousands of faithful at Mosuls Great mosque of Al-Nuri to urge Muslims around the world to join his caliphate straddling Syria and Iraq.The jihadists have since lost vast territory in both countries.But US counterterrorism chief Nick Rasmussen warned on Wednesday the global threat posed by IS had not been diminished by its battlefield defeats in Iraq and Syria.He said, using an alternative acronym for IS, there was not, in fact, a direct link between ISIS battlefield position in Iraq and Syria and the groups capacity to inspire external attacks.Baghdadis group has claimed its members were behind deadly attacks carried out worldwide, including in Paris, London and Barcelona.Wednesdays operation near the Iraqi city of Ramadi was likely to have been an attempt to divert the security forces from an offensive they launched last week against the jihadists last two footholds in Iraq.

Erdogan, Putin agree joint push to end Syria war


ANKARA (AFP) - President Vladimir Putin and Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan Thursday agreed to step efforts to bring peace to Syria, with the Russian leader declaring the right conditions now existed to end the over six-year civil war.After late night talks at Erdogans presidential palace in Ankara, Putin and Erdogan agreed to push for the creation of a de-escalation zone in Syrias key northern province of Idlib, currently controlled by jihadists.Despite being on opposite sides of the conflict, Russia and Turkey have been working together intensely since a 2016 reconciliation deal ended a crisis caused by the shooting down of a Russian war plane over Syria.Moscow and Ankara have proposed at peace talks in the Kazakh capital Astana the creation of four de-escalation zones in Syria to be patrolled by military observers, but the one in Idlib is by far the most significant.Erdogan said the pair agreed to pursue more intensely the implementation of a de-escalation zone in Idlib, in comments echoed by Putin.Putin said the work to implement the agreements made at the Astana peace talks has not been easy but the sides had already succeeded in having a positive result.De-facto, the necessary conditions have been created for the end of the fratricidal war in Syria, the final defeat of terrorists and the return of Syrians to a peaceful life and their homes, said Putin.While parts of Syria, notably Aleppo province, have calmed considerably in the last months, Idlib remains the scene of heavy fighting.According to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 135 civilians have been killed since September 19 in Russian and regime strikes in Idlib and Hama province, as well as 168 jihadists and rebels.Russia and Turkey would work with the aim of deepening the coordination of our joint activity to solve the Syria crisis, Putin added.Russia, along with Iran, is the key backer of President Bashar al-Assad and Moscows military intervention inside Syria is widely seen as tipping the balance in the conflict. Turkey, however, has backed the rebels seeking Assads ouster.Although Turkeys policy is officially unchanged, Ankara has notably cooled its rhetoric against the Damascus regime since its cooperation with Russia began to heat up.Putin and Erdogan also hailed improving economic bilateral cooperation, with Russian tourists returning to Turkey and the two countries working on a Black Sea gas pipeline.Turkey, a NATO member, has also signed a deal reportedly worth $2 billion (1.7 billion euros) to buy S-400 air defence systems from Russia, a move that has shocked its allies in the alliance.In contrast to the poisonous personal attacks that followed the November 2015 shooting down of a Russian plane by Turkish forces, Erdogan repeatedly referred to the Kremlin chief as my dear friend Putin.Yet analysts say that while both countries share an interest in seeking to discomfort the West by showing off close cooperation, their relationship falls well short of a sincere strategic alliance.Russia and Turkey have a record of struggling to overcome a regional rivalry that goes back to the Ottoman Empire and the Romanov dynasty.Relations between Turkey and Russia may appear to be friendly, but they are loaded with contradictions and set to remain unstable in the near term, Pavel Baev and Kemal Kirisci of the Brookings Institution wrote in a study this month.The Russian stance on Mondays non-binding independence referendum in Iraqs Kurdistan region is also troubling for Turkey, for whom opposing Kurdish statehood is a cornerstone of foreign policy due to its own Kurdish minority.The Russian foreign ministry said Wednesday that while Moscow supports the territorial integrity of Iraq, it views the Kurds national aspirations with respect.At the press conference, Erdogan again derided the referendum as illegitimate and said Iraqi Kurdistans leaders had to be stopped from making more grave mistakes.Putin however did not echo Erdogans language, saying curtly they had discussed the issue in detail and the position of Moscow had been set out in the foreign ministry statement.Russia has been trying to abstain from taking a clear stance on the issue and Turkey may be wanting to get some assurances and explanations, Timur Akhmetov, Ankara-based Turkey expert at the Russian International Affairs Council, told AFP.

US presses for more Iran nuclear inspections


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The United States pressed Thursday for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to carry out more nuclear inspections in Iran, warning that failure to do so would make the nuclear deal with Tehran an empty promise.US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said that some countries were trying to shield Iran from more inspections by the IAEA, which is charged with verifying Tehrans compliance with the 2015 nuclear accord.Without inspections, the Iran deal is an empty promise, she said in a statement.Haleys push for more inspections comes just 15 days before Trump must certify to the US Congress whether Iran is in compliance with the agreement.If the Iran nuclear deal is to have any meaning, the parties must have a common understanding of its terms, Haley said in a statement.Iranian officials have already said they will refuse to allow inspections at military sites, even though the IAEA says there must be no distinction between military and non-military sites.Now it appears that some countries are attempting to shield Iran from even more inspections.Although she named no countries, diplomatic sources said she was referring to Russia.Ten days ago, the head of the Iranian nuclear program, Ali Akbar Salehi, accused Washington of sabotaging the agreement and called on IAEA to resist Washingtons unacceptable demands.He took particular aim at Haley, who he said had made unjustifiable demands regarding the verification of the nuclear accord. Those demands included IAEA inspections of Iranian military sites.The United States has recently multiplied its attacks on the accord, which Trump had vowed to scrap last year during the US presidential campaign.At a debate Wednesday organized by the Asia Society, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, warning that a US withdrawal from the accord would be a strategic mistake.The US needs to show it is a reliable partner, he said.He also defended Irans role in Syria and Iraq as justified by the need to defend populations threatened by terrorist organizations.Irans missile development programs also were needed, he said, to protect the Iranian people at a time when other countries in the region, like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are making massive arms purchases.The Iranian nuclear accord, signed in July 2015 by Iran and six world powers -- Germany, China, the United States, France, Britain and Russia -- puts Irans nuclear installations under strict surveillance.The accords aim is to guarantee that Irans nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only, in exchange for a gradual easing of international sanctions.

UN chief to Myanmar: end military ops, open humanitarian access


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres decried the humanitarian nightmare faced by Myanmars Rohingya on Thursday and demanded that the government end military operations and open humanitarian access to its conflict-wracked western region.The situation has spiraled into the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency, a humanitarian and human rights nightmare, Guterres said in a speech to the UN Security Council.More than 500,000 Rohingya refugees have flooded into neighboring Bangladesh. The exodus came after attacks by Rohingya militants on security posts prompted a Myanmar military crackdown last month.The UN has received bone-chilling accounts of refugees being subject to excessive violence and serious violations of human rights, including indiscriminate firing of weapons, the use of landmines against civilians and sexual violence, Guterres told the public session of the council.This is unacceptable and must end immediately, he added.Myanmars military has been accused of ethnic cleansing against Rohingya Muslims.Guterres called on Myanmar to halt military operations, allow unfettered access for humanitarian aid, and the safe, voluntary, dignified and sustainable return of the refugees to their areas of origin.The reality on the ground demands action -- swift action -- to protect people, alleviate suffering, prevent further instability, address the roots of the situation and forge, at long last, a durable solution, he said.The UN chief noted that the systemic violence could cause unrest to spill into the central part of Myanmars Rakhine state, threatening 250,000 Muslims with displacement.Guterres said a donors conference would be held on October 9, without specifying the location.

15 dead boat carrying Rohingya families capsized off Bangladesh


COXS BAZAR (AFP) - At least 15 people drowned and scores are feared missing after a boat carrying Rohingya families capsized off Bangladesh Thursday, as UN chief Antonio Guterres exhorted Myanmars leaders to end the refugees nightmare.The growing Rohingya refugee crisis prompted the UN Security Council to hold a rare public meeting on Myanmar, with the US slamming the country for trying to cleanse the country of an ethnic minority while Beijing and Moscow backed the Myanmar authorities.More than half a million Rohingya Muslims have fled to Bangladesh in the last month, after the military in Buddhist-majority Myanmar launched vicious operations against Rohingya rebels.Witnesses and survivors said the vessel that overturned Thursday was just meters from the coast in rough waters, after it was lashed by torrential rain and high winds.Local police inspector Moahmmed Kai-Kislu told AFP 15 bodies including at least 10 children and four women had so far washed ashore, and there were fears the number could still rise.They drowned before our eyes. Minutes later, the waves washed the bodies to the beach, said Mohammad Sohel, a local shopkeeper.Seven of the UNs 15-member Security Council voted to hold the bodys first public meeting on Myanmar since 2009, though they failed to arrive at a joint resolution.Guterres urged authorities to halt military operations and open humanitarian access to its conflict-wracked western region.The situation has spiraled into the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency, a humanitarian and human rights nightmare, he said, while calling for those displaced from the conflict to be allowed to return home.The UN chief noted that the systemic violence could cause unrest to spill into the central part of Myanmars Rakhine state, threatening 250,000 Muslims with displacement.A donors conference would be held on October 9, he said.Some of the strongest criticism came from US envoy Nikki Haley, who said: We cannot be afraid to call the actions of the Burmese authorities what they appear to be: a brutal, sustained campaign to cleanse the country of an ethnic minority.And it should shame senior Burmese leaders who have sacrificed so much for an open, democratic Burma, she added, in what appeared to be a rebuke to the countrys Nobel Peace Prize-winning leader Aung San Suu Kyi, whose reputation as a human rights champion has been left battered by the crisis.Burma is an alternative name for Myanmar.Haley warned: We must now consider action against Burmese security forces who are implicated in abuses and stoking hatred among their fellow citizens.But Myanmar received strong support from close ally China as well Russia.The international community must be aware of the difficulties faced by the Burmese government, be patient and provide its assistance, Chinese envoy Wu Haitao said.We must be very careful when we talk about ethnic cleansing and genocide, added Russian ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, shifting the blame toward Rohingya militants for burning villages.Myanmars representative U Thaung Tun insisted there was No ethnic cleaning, no genocide in Myanmar, while Bangladeshi ambassador Masud Bin Momen called for the creation of safe zones within Myanmar to allow refugees to return home.The latest drowning tragedy comes after a series of deadly accidents as desperate refugees surge across the two countries shared border.The International Organization for Migration, which is leading the relief effort, told AFP one survivor said the boat sank as it tried to dock at a place that was out of sight of security forces.Its a very sad story. There were a hundred Rohingya on board when it sank, IOM spokesperson Hala Jaber told AFP.One distraught survivor told AFP that his wife and one of their children had been killed when the ship sank.The boat hit something underground as it came close to the beach. Then it overturned, said Nurus Salam, who had set off set off for Bangladesh from a coastal village in Myanmar late Wednesday with his family.The UNs refugee agency (UNHCR) said 27 survivors had been located so far, including eight women and seven children.The exodus began on August 25 when attacks by Rohingya militants on security posts prompted a Myanmar military crackdown.It has created a humanitarian crisis as the government and aid agencies struggle to provide food, clean water and shelter.Those who have made it to Bangladesh have brought with them harrowing accounts of murder and villages torched by Myanmar soldiers and mobs of ethnic Rakhine, who are Buddhists.Rakhine, long a cauldron of ethnic and religious tensions, has been scarred by seething animosity since severe bloodshed erupted across the state in 2012.The Rohingyas, the worlds largest stateless group, are treated as foreigners in Myanmar.

Russian group spent $274,000 on Twitter ads during US election


WASHINGTON (AFP) - A Russian media group with links to the Moscow government spent $274,000 in 2016 on Twitter ads which may have been used to try to influence the US election, the social media firm said Thursday.Twitter said it shared data with congressional investigators about ads from Russia Today, which is suspected of spreading disinformation during the 2016 election campaign.A blog post by Twitter said its vice president for public policy, Colin Crowell, met with staff Thursday from two congressional panels investigating Russian interference in the election process.This is an ongoing process and we will continue to collaborate with investigators, the statement said.Twitter said it examined efforts by foreign agents to interfere with the election after Facebook indicated it found 450 accounts which appeared to have been used for this purpose.Of the roughly 450 accounts that Facebook recently shared as a part of their review, we concluded that 22 had corresponding accounts on Twitter, the statement said.All of those identified accounts had already been or immediately were suspended from Twitter for breaking our rules, most for violating our prohibitions against spam.The statement added that Russia Today, which was named in January in a US intelligence report on election interference, spent at least $274,100 in 2016 for 1,823 tweet ads or promotions which definitely or potentially targeted the US market.These campaigns were directed at followers of mainstream media and primarily promoted RT Tweets regarding news stories, the statement added.We are concerned about violations of our terms of service and US law with respect to interference in the exercise of voting rights, the statement said.During the 2016 election, we removed tweets that were attempting to suppress or otherwise interfere with the exercise of voting rights, including the right to have a vote counted, by circulating intentionally misleading information.Twitter said some of the ads, or promoted tweets, aimed to deceive voters by telling them they could text to vote, which has no basis in fact.We have not found accounts associated with this activity to have obvious Russian origin but some of the accounts appear to have been automated, the statement said.We have shared examples of the content of these removed Tweets with congressional investigators.

Karachi: Initial report of knife attacks on women prepared


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The initial report of knife attacks on women in Gulistan Johar area of Karachi has been prepared which reveals that all the victims were attacked from behind, Dunya News reported.Police sources informed that the accused used paper cutter in all attacks instead of knife or dagger. Police further said that it looks that the accused does not want to kill his victims.Police have also revealed that the accused attacked four women with his left hand and one woman with his right hand.Police also informed that not a single injured woman personally lodged complaint and added that the victims are also not ready to undergo a medical test which is hindering the investigation.

Khuhro terms DG NAB Sindh remarks against MPAs as insult to parliament


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Senior Sindh Minister for Food and Parliamentary Affairs Nisar Ahmed Khuhro while presiding over Standing Committee meeting in Karachi on Thursday said that he wanted the give a chance to Director General (DG) of National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Sindh, Altaf Bawani, to clear his position but he did not appear in the meeting despite receiving the notice.The Standing Committee expressed its serious displeasure over the non-appearance of Altaf Bawani, who was summoned for explanation of his controversial remarks against the lawmakers.The Committee declared DG NAB as guilty of not appearing before the Committee and giving statement against the lawmakers to the media. The Committee unanimously found that DG NAB, Sindh has doubted the intention of lawmakers and has thus committed insult to the Sindh Assembly.The Committee also decided that action should be taken against DG NAB, Sindh under the rule.

Karachi: Police, Rangers chalk out security plan for Muharram processions


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Police and Rangers have finalized security plan for Muharram processions and congregations on 8, 9 and 10 Muharram-ul-Haram in Karachi, Dunya News reported on Thursday.According to details, the main congregation centre, Nishtar Park, has been divided into nine sectors while the main route of Muharram procession, M.A. Jinnah Road has been divided into 23 sub-sectors. All the 287 entry points to M.A. Jinnah road will remain sealed.Police officials and sniper squads will be deployed at the 124 buildings from Nishtar Park to M.A. Jinnah Road. The main congregations and Muharram processions will start after getting clearance from bomb disposal squad.It was further revealed that walkthrough gates and physical search parties have also been made part to the security plan. Five special teams with the names of Eagle and Tiger have also been formed for the security of the Muharram processions.Emergency will remain in forces in six hospitals of the city, including Jinnah Hospital and Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, during 8, 9 and 10 Muharram-ul-Haram.On the other hand, pictures of more than 500 sensitive places on the route of Muharram procession have been obtained with the assistance of intelligence agencies and Special Branch. Meanwhile, different organizations and scouts will also provide help to law enforcement agencies in the security arrangements.

Elgar bats through first day as South Africa dominate


POTCHEFSTROOM (AFP) - Opener Dean Elgar batted through the opening day for an unbeaten century as South Africa piled on the runs against Bangladesh at Senwes Park on Thursday.Elgar made 128 not out, his ninth Test century, and put on 196 for the first wicket with debutant Aiden Markram, who was run out for 97 as the Proteas closed on 298 for one.Hashim Amla was unbeaten on 68 after he and Elgar added 102 for the second wicket.Home captain Faf du Plessis could not hide his surprise after his Bangladesh opposite number Mushfiqur Rahim won the toss and asked the hosts to bat first.South Africa made full use of what may prove to be a misguided decision by Rahim.Du Plessis said at the toss he was very surprised by Rahims decision. It looks a little bit dry. I definitely would have batted. It looks a really good pitch and I expect it to spin later on.There was none of the early life that Rahim had hoped would assist his three seam bowlers.His only specialist spinner, Mehidy Hasan, was brought in as early as the sixth over.The pitch played easily all day, although the dry nature of the surface was shown by some balls which kept low. Bangladesh soon settled for defensive fields and they were able to keep the scoring rate under control.Bangladesh batsman Sabbir Rahman effectively admitted that his team may have made the wrong call.Normally in South Africa there is grass and bounce on the pitch, so were surprised that it was more like a Bangladesh wicket, he said.It wasnt bouncy, it was a flat pitch. Hopefully on the second day we can come back and try to contain them. Hopefully the pitch will be best for batting from the second day.None of the seamers looked threatening and Hasan ended up bowling 36 overs, including two with the second new ball, conceding 101 runs. Three part-time spinners shared another eight overs.Elgar and Markram were largely untroubled as they ticked off several milestones.Markram, 22, who captained South Africa to the 2014 Under-19 World Cup title, was Elgars fourth opening partner of the year and together they posted South Africas first half-century start in 16 innings before converting it into three figures shortly after lunch, the first century opening stand since December.Their partnership was the highest first-wicket stand for South Africa since Graeme Smith and current batting coach Neil McKenzie put on 204 against England at Lords in 2008.Markram made 97 off 152 balls, with 13 fours, before there was a mix-up when both players were approaching their centuries in what proved to be the last over before tea.Elgar, on 99, played a ball from Hasan towards backward point. Elgar took a couple of steps outside his crease and Markram set off for a run. But he was sent back and stranded well short of his ground as Mominul Haques throw reached Hasan.Two balls later, Elgar reached his century off 176 deliveries.Markram, who said he was more than happy with the 97, added the most important thing was that the team was in a good position.He said the South Africans were surprised at being sent in: Weve seen the pitch is getting a touch lower and slower so we were pleasantly surprised to get first use of it.South Africa fielded a second new cap in all-rounder Andile Phehlukwayo, who together with fast bowler Kagiso Rabada, was a team-mate of Markram in the Under-19 side.

Markram run out three short of century on debut


POTCHEFSTROOM (AFP) - Aiden Markram was run out three runs short of a century on Test debut after he and Dean Elgar put on 196 for South Africas first wicket on the first day of the first Test against Bangladesh at Senwes Park on Thursday.South Africa were 198 for one at tea after being sent in to bat, with Elgar unbeaten on 101.Markram, 22, was largely untroubled as he made 97 off 152 balls before a mix-up when both players were approaching their centuries in what proved to be the last over before tea.Elgar, on 99, played a ball from Mehidy Hasan towards backward point. Markram set off for a run but was sent back and stranded well short of his ground as Mominul Haques throw reach Hasan. Markram hit 13 boundaries.Two balls later Elgar reached his ninth Test century off 176 balls with seven fours and two sixes.South African captain Faf du Plessis said he was very surprised when Bangladeshs Mushfiqur Rahim won the toss and decided to bowl. Du Plessis said conditions looked ideal for batting, with a dry pitch likely to help spin bowlers later in the match.The left-handed Elgar and right-handed Markram both looked comfortable against a bowling attack which included three seam bowlers and a lone specialist spin bowler in off-spinner Hasan, who came on to bowl after only five overs.Markram, who captained South Africa to the 2014 Under-19 World Cup title, was Elgars fourth opening partner of the year and together they posted South Africas first half-century start in 16 innings before converting it into three figures shortly after lunch.South Africa fielded a second new cap in all-rounder Andile Phehlukwayo, who together with fast bowler Kagiso Rabada, was a team-mate of Markram in the Under-19 side.

Warner ton helps Australia break India winning streak


BANGALORE (AFP) - Opener David Warner hit a sparkling century in his 100th one-day international to help Australia down India by 21 runs and pull off a consolation win on Thursday.Warners blazing 124 and his 231-run opening stand with Aaron Finch, who made 94, guided the visitors to 334-5 in the fourth game of the five-match series in Bangalore.The hosts, who lead the series 3-1, faltered in their chase to end on 313-8 despite three half-centuries including a gritty 67 off 69 balls from Kedar Jadhav.Fast bowlers Kane Richardson and Nathan Coulter-Nile shared five wickets between them to snap Indias winning streak of nine ODI games.I thought we were a little bit too wide with the new ball, could have been straighter, but the bowlers pulled it back nicely towards the back end, said skipper Steve Smith.Nice to sit up there and watch Warner do his thing. His ODI form in the last two years has been unbelievable. He continues to grow and get better as a player which is what were after, Smith said of his star opener.Virat Kohlis India began its reply on a positive note as openers Rohit Sharma, who hit 65, and Ajinkya Rahane, who made 53, put together a 106-run stand.Rahane registered a hat-trick of half-centuries and in the next over Sharma hit two big sixes off leg-spinner Adam Zampa to bring up his fifty in style.Richardson broke the century stand after sending Rahane trudging back to the pavilion.Sharma tried to keep the momentum going with Kohli for company but a big mix-up between the two batsmen got him run out.It was Smiths spectacular stop at backward point that got Sharma stranded with Kohli at the strikers end. Kohli was soon bowled by Coulter-Nile for 21.Hardik Pandya, who scored 41, put on a determined 78-run partnership with Jadhav to keep the chase afloat but it became difficult to keep pace with the mounting run-rate.Jadhav, smashing 7 fours and a six, also got going with Manish Pandey, who scored 33, to put on 61 runs for the fifth wicket, but his wicket took the wheels off the chase.Earlier electing to bat, the left-right batting pair of Warner and Finch pulverised the Indian bowlers attack in the first 35 overs.Warner, who received the man of the match award, hit 12 fours and four sixes. It was his 14th ODI century since making his debut at Hobart in 2009.The batsman got to his milestone with a boundary off part-time spinner Jadhav, jumping for joy as the runs were marked up. He later fell to Jadhavs off-spin and walked off to a standing ovation.Finch, who missed out on his second successive century, soon followed his partner after getting caught at mid-on off paceman Umesh Yadav.Warner and Finch were spectacular. Really paced the innings nicely. Set us up to get 330. 300 wouldnt have been enough. Nice to defend and get a win, said Smith.Yadav, who returned figures of 4-71, got the prized scalp of Smith to bag his 100th ODI wicket. The visitors lost three wickets in just 15 deliveries.But Travis Head and Peter Handscomb forged a 63-run fourth-wicket partnership to halt the Indian fightback with some intelligent batting.Handscomb made a 30-ball 43, laced with three fours and a six, before being bowled by Yadav. Head made an effective 29.Australia were really good today. With the bat, their intent was really good. They pulled things back nicely in the field. We didnt play so bad, but they were better on the day, said Kohli.The final match is scheduled for Sunday in Nagpur before the action shifts to the three-match twenty20 series starting October 7.

Lorgat quits as Cricket South Africa boss


JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - Cricket South Africa chief executive (CE) Haroon Lorgat has quit his post with immediate effect following a breakdown with the organisations board, CSA president Chris Nenzani announced on Thursday.We recently tried on a few occasions to remedy the situation between Mr Lorgat and the board, but we have not been successful in finding a satisfactory resolution, said Nenzani.The Board unanimously felt that it was in the best interest of the organisation that we agreed to a mutual separation agreement with Mr Lorgat.Nenzani did not go into details about the breakdown in relations but it has been reported in local media that there were concerns about Lorgats role in the setting-up of a new Twenty20 tournament, the Global T20 league, which is due to start in November.According to the CSA statement, Lorgat said: It is most unfortunate that we must part ways in this manner, but it is the best way forward for CSA.CSA vice-president Thabang Moroe will take over as acting chief executive.Lorgat, 57, was appointed chief executive of CSA in 2013, initially on a three-year contract. His contract was extended until July 2019.A chartered accountant and former first-class cricketer, Lorgat was treasurer of the then United Cricket Board of South Africa and was convener of the South African selectors before being appointed as chief executive of the International Cricket Council, a position he held from 2008 to 2012.During his tenure at the ICC, he clashed with the powerful Board of Control for Cricket in India over arrangements for the 2011 Cricket World Cup, hosted by India. The BCCI tried to persuade their South African counterparts not to appoint Lorgat and a breakdown in relations led to India threatening to call off a 2013/14 tour of South Africa. A drastically curtailed tour eventually took place.Lorgat has been the main driver behind the Global T20 League, which will consist of eight teams, including leading South African and international players. Seven of the franchise owners are from Asia, including Bollywood stars Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta. No television deal has yet been announced.

Mohammed to lead West Indies in England finale


SOUTHAMPTON (AFP) - Jason Mohammed will take over as captain of West Indies in the fifth and final one-day international against England in Southampton, it was announced Thursday.Cricket West Indies said middle-order batsman Mohammed would stand in for regular skipper Jason Holder, who is missing the last match of the tour after returning home to Barbados for the funeral of his uncle, Derrick Garrett, a local sports administrator.Carlos Brathwaite has been added to the squad for the match. A veteran of 23 ODIs, he is also the West Indies Twenty20 international captain and led the side to victory over England at Chester-le-Street in the lone Twenty20 international of the tour earlier this month.Brathwaite, 29, is still best known for hitting four successive sixes in a last over from Ben Stokes that saw West Indies beat England in last years World Twenty20 final in Kolkata.But there will be no 50-over reunion with Stokes on Friday after England announced that the English all-rounder had been suspended from international matches until further notice after a video emerged apparently showing him fighting outside a Bristol nightclub.Test vice-captain Stokes was included in Englands Ashes squad announced Wednesday, despite a hand injury said to have taken place during an incident that led to his arrest on suspicion of causing actual bodily harm.The 26-year-old was released without charge on Monday but remains under investigation.Both Stokes and opening batsman Alex Hales, who has also been suspended from international duty, were not included in the England side that won a rain-affected fourth ODI at The Oval on Wednesday to give the hosts an unbeatable 3-0 lead in the five-match series.The tour also saw England beat West Indies 2-1 in a three-match Test campaign, although the visitors did upset the form-book to win the second Test at Headingley.

Mother better: Maryam; Nawaz not coming to London now: Hussain


LONDON: (Dunya News) – Former Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif’s daughter Maryam Nawaz Sharif has on Thursday said in a video message that her mother Begum Kulsoom Nawaz was feeling better.Meanwhile, Nawaz Sharif’s son Hussain Nawaz told that his father did not plan to come to London just now. Hussain Nawaz told that Begum Kulsoom Nawaz was walked today.Maryam said that she’d repeatedly visit the hospital till Kulsoom Nawaz was back home. Doctors also checked former PM’s wife today.

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