Saturday 2 August 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Israel, Hamas vow no let up in Gaza fighting


TEL AVIV (AFP) - Both Israel and Hamas vowed Saturday to continue their bloody 26-day confrontation in Gaza, shunning efforts to broker an end to violence which has claimed more than 1,700 lives. With no end to the bloodshed in sight, a senior Palestinian delegation landed in Cairo for talks on an Egyptian ceasefire initiative, although Israel said it was not sending a negotiating team.Earlier, Israel had pulled back troops from two areas in Gaza in what was initially interpreted as a sign it was winding down its biggest military operation in Gaza in decades. But there appeared to be little indication Israel was planning to wrap up its operations, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promising that Hamas would pay an insufferable price for continued cross-border rocket fire. We will take as much time as necessary, and will exert as much force as needed, he said at a news conference, adding that troops had also dealt a significant blow to Hamas's infrastructure.Troops would complete their mission to destroy a complex network of tunnels used by militants to infiltrate southern Israel before the next security objectives would be decided, he said, warning that all options were on the table. I don't plan on saying when we'll finish (the operation), we have no obligations apart from our security interests, he said. We will deploy in the places convenient to us.But a spokesman for the Islamist movement mocked Netanyahu's statements as confused and testimony of the real crisis he was facing.We will continue our resistance till we achieve our goals, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum told AFP. Meanwhile, Palestinian officials arrived in Cairo ahead of truce talks with Egypt on Sunday which will also be attended by Hamas and Islamic Jihad.US Middle East envoy Frank Lowenstein was also expected to arrive for talks on ending the Gaza bloodshed, which has claimed 1,712 lives and displaced up to a quarter of the territory's population.Earlier, the Israeli army gave a first indication it was ending operations in parts of Gaza, informing residents of Beit Lahiya and Al-Atatra in the north that it was safe to return home. Witnesses in the north confirmed seeing troops leaving the area as others were seen pulling out of villages east of Khan Yunis in the south. It was the first time troops had been seen pulling back since the start of the Israeli operation which began on July 8.The move came after an army spokesman told AFP Israel was quite close to completing the destruction of tunnels used for infiltrating southern Israel -- the main objective of the ground operation. Despite the partial withdrawal, Israel's security cabinet decided against sending a delegation to ceasefire talks in Cairo.Hamas has proven that it breaches any agreement reached right away, as happened five times in previous truces, deputy foreign minister Tzahi HaNegbi told AFP. It is therefore unclear at this stage what benefit Israel might see for participating in an attempt to reach agreements, based on the Egyptian initiative, he said after some commentators suggested the troop pullback could signal the start of a unilateral withdrawal.Chances of achieving a more permanent ceasefire nosedived on Friday after Israel said it believed Hamas militants had captured a 23-year-old soldier in a Friday morning ambush near the southern Gaza city of Rafah.Immediately afterwards, Israel bombarded the Rafah area in shelling that is still ongoing, with medics saying it killed 114 people in 24 hours. Israel considers the capture of its soldiers a casus belli, launching a 34-day war on the Lebanon's Hezbollah in 2006 after it seized two soldiers.Hamas's armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, acknowledged its militants had staged an ambush early Friday in which soldiers were killed, but denied holding the soldier, saying the attackers were missing and presumed dead.We have lost contact with the mujahedeen unit that was in that ambush, and we think that all the fighters in this unit were killed by Zionist shelling along with the soldier, who the enemy says is missing, assuming our combatants captured this soldier during the fighting, it said,Until now, we in Qassam have no knowledge of the missing soldier, or his whereabouts or the circumstances of his disappearance.Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin's family made their own emotional appeal on Saturday evening.I demand that the state of Israel not leave Gaza without bringing my child back home to me, said his mother Hedva, her voice breaking. Meanwhile, air strikes and tank fire continued pounding huge areas of southern Gaza into rubble, killing scores more people on Saturday, as militants kept up their cross-border fire, with 56 rockets hitting Israel and another six downed, including two over greater Tel Aviv.

Gaza supporters take outrage to the White House


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters, many waving or wrapped in flags, rallied outside the White House Saturday, pushing for peace and an end to fighting in Gaza.The crowd, young and old from across the United States, including scores of children, chanted End US Aid to Israel and Israel out of Palestine.Gaza will not die -- it will never die, said Amar Jamal as he marched through downtown Washington with his family.It is the time to make peace because this bloodbath will not stop in Gaza. All the Middle East will be in trouble if the conflict doesn't end, warned the Palestinian-born 70-year-old.The protest came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Jewish state would keep up its military campaign against Hamas in Gaza for as long and as forcefully as needed, in a conflict that has cost more than 1,700 Palestinian and 65 Israeli lives.Hamas, meanwhile, vowed to continue its fight against Israel until the Islamist movement group had achieved its objectives. Many of the protesters voiced anger at Netanyahu, with one waving a banner that read Netanyahu and Hitler are the same, the only difference is the name.Others called on Washington to end its military backing of Israel and adopt a harsher stance toward its ally.Shereen Abdel-Nabi, holding her young son who was wearing a Jesus is Palestinian T-shirt, said she participated to express her concern about what's happening in Gaza and US support for it.The US should stop military aid to Israel and use stronger words in condemning its action, said the 34-year-old, who works for a non-profit in the US capital. I really think this is a turning point ... it's an issue of humanity. The US government is proving to be on the wrong side of history on this one.Friends Waleh Kanan and Jasmine Abuhummos, both 15, traveled for hours overnight from Toledo, Ohio, to take part.A lot of people are ignorant about what is going on. So we hope this will help get more of the truth out, said Kanan.I cannot believe how many people, thousands, came out to support Palestine, and a very diverse crowd. All kinds of people, Abuhummos added.Organizers claimed that as many as 50,000 people participated in the afternoon rally. Police did not immediately respond to an AFP request for an official estimate or confirmation that, according to CNN, a small group of Orthodox Jews held a counter-demonstration that led to a minor scuffle.Regardless of the turnout, Alli McCracken, National Coordinator of the anti-war group CODEPINK, a co-sponsor of the event, said spirits were high even though there's a massacre going on.It was really hard to miss all of us, she said.

Jihadists kill dozens as Iraq fighting rages


ARBIL (AFP) - Islamic State fighters killed 16 Kurdish troops in attacks in northern Iraq, while 30 pro-government forces died battling the jihadists on other frontlines, officials said Saturday.IS fighters, who control Iraq's main northern city of Mosul, attacked a nearby dam and oil facility on Friday but Kurdish peshmerga deployed in the area fought them off.The jihadist fighters attacked a peshmerga post in Zumar (Friday) and a fierce battle erupted, an official in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan told AFP.He said 14 peshmerga fighters were killed there, a toll confirmed by a senior officer in the Kurdish force.The PUK official said the peshmerga killed around 100 IS fighters and captured 38 in a battle that lasted several hours.Zumar is a small Kurdish-majority outpost northwest of Mosul, which used to be under federal government control but was taken over by the peshmerga in June.IS fighters, who had already been running large swathes of neighbouring Syria, launched a blistering offensive on June 9 that saw them capture Mosul, Iraq's second city, and move into much of the country's Sunni heartland.Many government forces retreated in the face of the onslaught, and peshmerga troops seized the opportunity to fill the vacuum and seize long-coveted areas the Kurds were in dispute with Baghdad over.Two other peshmerga were killed Saturday in fighting that erupted in the nearby Kasak area close to a border crossing with Syria, a senior peshmerga source told AFP.The officer said the Kurdish troops temporarily pulled back to allow the Iraqi air force to bomb IS positions both in Zumar and near the border post.In equally intense overnight fighting on the main front south of Baghdad, at least 23 pro-government forces were killed by relentless mortar shelling of their positions in Jurf al-Sakhr.IS militants began attacking the town late Friday, killing 11 soldiers and 12 members of the Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia, an officer and army medic said.Another seven soldiers were wounded during a subsequent government operation against jihadist fighters in Jurf al-Sakhr, Al-Hamya and Latifiya, the sources said, claiming 37 IS fighters were killed.Using the western city of Fallujah as a rear base, jihadists have repeatedly attacked Jurf al-Sakhr, where pro-government forces are keen to prevent a foray that would expose the nearby holy Shiite city of Karbala and further encircle Baghdad by cutting the main road to the south.In other attacks on Saturday, five would-be volunteer fighters were killed and 16 wounded in a suicide car bomb attack on a Shiite militia recruitment centre in the town of Balad, north of Baghdad, police said.Further north in Samarra, a Sunni-dominated city with a heavy militia presence protecting one of the holiest sites in Shiite Islam, two policemen were killed in a roadside bomb blast, police and medical sources said.And further up the same main northbound road, in the town of Daquq, an air raid meant to stop an IS attack resulted in the deaths of six civilians, a top health official said.The United Nations' envoy in Iraq, Nickolay Mladenov, expressed concern on Friday over the high number of civilians killed in the Iraqi conflict.According to the UN, 1,186 of the 1,737 people killed in violence in July were civilians.

Syria troops kill at least 50 jihadists near Lebanon: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - Syrian troops backed by Hezbollah fighters have killed at least 50 jihadists from the Islamic State and Al-Nusra Front groups near the border with Lebanon, a monitor said Saturday.The clashes raged through the night and into the morning on Saturday in the border region of Qalamun, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.Among the dead were at least seven pro-regime fighters, including government soldiers and members of Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militant group that backs Syria's President Bashar al-Assad.Regime forces recaptured most of the Qalamun region in April, with many rebel fighters withdrawing from the strategic area or slipping across the border in Lebanon.But pockets of opposition fighters, including jihadists, have remained in the mountainous region.Though the Islamic State and Al-Nusra Front both have roots in Al-Qaeda, IS has formally broken with the group, while Nusra is its official branch in Syria.Despite ideological similarities, the two groups are opposed and in conflict with each other in other parts of Syria, particularly in the north.But in Qalamun, their fighters battled the regime and Hezbollah forces alongside each other, with support from some smaller Islamist rebel groups, the Observatory said.

37 civilians, 59 'terrorists' killed in earlier China attack: Xinhua


BEIJING (AFP) - Chinese state media early Sunday said that 37 civilians and 59 terrorists had been killed in a terror attack in Xinjiang, home to China's mainly Muslim Uighur minority, earlier in the week.The official Xinhua news agency added that police had arrested 215 terrorists while 13 civilians had also been injured in Monday's attack on a police station and government offices.The attack occurred in Shache county, or Yarkand in the Uighur language, in Kashgar prefecture and was the latest in a series of violent incidents to have affected the vast region in recent months.News of the clash first emerged late on Tuesday when Xinhua reported that dozens of people had been killed and injured by a knife-wielding gang.A spokesman for the exile group World Uyghur Congress later said nearly 100 people had been killed or wounded.Xinhua said that 35 of the dead civilians were Han Chinese while two were Uighers in its report on Sunday.It added that police had confiscated knives from the scene as well as banners that hailed holy war. The news agency cited the government as saying investigations showed the attack was organised and premeditated, and in connection with the terrorist group East Turkestan Islamic Movement.Information in Xinjiang, in China's far west, is often difficult to verify independently.The region is home to the mostly Muslim Uighur minority, and Beijing has blamed a series of recent terror attacks on violent separatists from the vast, resource-rich area.Such attacks have grown in scale and sophistication over the last year and have spread outside the restive region.Among the most shocking was a May market attack in Xinjiang's capital Urumqi in which 39 people were killed, and a deadly rampage by knife-wielding assailants at a train station at Kunming in China's southwest in March, which left 29 dead.The violence has also included a fiery vehicle crash at Tiananmen Square, Beijing's symbolic heart, in October.On Friday, police in Xinjiang shot dead nine suspected terrorists and captured one, according to Xinhua. That came two days after Jume Tahir, the government-appointed head of the largest mosque in China, was murdered after leading morning prayers.Tahir was killed in the city of Kashgar by three thugs influenced by religious extremist ideology, the Xinjiang government web portal Tianshan reported.Rights groups accuse China's government of cultural and religious repression they say fuels unrest in Xinjiang, which borders Central Asia.

CGames: Bolt steals Glasgow show, England top medals


GLASGOW (AFP) - Sprint superstar Usain Bolt anchored the Jamaican team to victory in the men's 4x100m relay on Saturday as England topped the Commonwealth Games medals table for the first time in 28 years.In a fitting end to the track and field programme at Hampden Park, Jason Livermore, 100m gold medallist Kemar Bailey-Cole and bronze medallist Nickel Ashmeade all safely negotiated their legs before the baton was passed on to the towering figure of Bolt.The 27-year-old, who has won six Olympic gold medals and eight world titles but was making his Commonwealth Games debut, made no mistake with his anchor run in light drizzle on a soaked track, charging through the line in a Games record of 37.58 seconds.In the women's 4x100m relay, Jamaica were also triumphant courtesy of Kerron Stewart, Veronica Campbell-Brown, Schillonie Calvert and double Olympic 100m champion Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce.Kenya's middle- and long-distance team continued their amazing form.Mercy Cherono and Janet Kisa won gold and silver in the women's 5,000m, the bronze going to England's 40-year-old Jo Pavey. It meant the Kenyan women won 13 of the 18 medals on offer.Cherono and Kisa's double feat was then replicated in the men's 1500m by James Magut and Ronald Kwemoi.Magut's gold was the men's third after those in the 5,000m and 3,000m steeplechase. Kenyan Julius Yego then claimed victory in the men's javelin.With just one day left at the Games, England are top of the medals table with 165 of which 56 are gold while Australia have 132 in total with 45 in gold.Only 11 golds are left to be decided on Sunday leaving England to nudge Australia off the top of the medals table for the first time since the 1986 Games in Edinburgh.The Games, however, were rocked Saturday when it was announced that former women's world 400m champion Amantle Montsho had failed a drugs test.The Botswanan, who won the world title in 2011, tested positive for the banned stimulant methylhexaneamine after the final of the 400 metres.On Friday, Nigerian teenage weightlifter Chika Amalaha was stripped of her Commonwealth women's 53kg gold medal after also failing a drugs test.England's boxing team brought home a glut of five golds from 13 finals thanks to Nicola Adams, Joseph Joyce, Savannah Marshall, Scott Fitzgerald and team captain Antony Fowler. Olympic champion Adams started the gold rush after winning by the narrowest of margins in the women's flyweight final, beating Northern Ireland's Michaela Walsh to become the first women's Commonwealth boxing champion.Australia won their fourth successive women's hockey gold medal with a 3-1 shoot-out win over England.But the English came agonisingly close to a shock win when they led 1-0 with just seconds left of normal time.England's Tom Daley won a second successive 10m platform Games diving gold with Australia's Esther Qin taking the women's 3m springboard title.England were dealt a double blow in team events with defeats in the semi-finals of netball and men's hockey.The netballers went down 35-34 to New Zealand with Marai Tutaia sinking the winner in the final two seconds as the defending champion Silver Fearns booked a Sunday final against top-ranked Australia, who defeated Jamaica.Australia comfortably saw off England 4-1 in the men's hockey semis and will face India, who came back from 0-2 down to defeat New Zealand 3-2, for their fifth consecutive gold.Joshana Chinappa and Dipika Pallikal ensured India's maiden Commonwealth Games squash medal was a gold as they shocked top seeds Laura Massaro and Jenny Duncalf of England with an 11-6, 11-8 win in the women's doubles final.We are really excited, not only for us but for Indian squash in general, said Pallikal, who missed her home Games in Delhi four years ago due to illness. Singapore finished the Games with six table tennis golds out of a possible seven after Zhan Jian won the men's singles and Feng Tianwei secured her third gold of the Games with Yu Mengyu in the women's doubles.

Tennis: Raonic, Japan's Nara reach Washington finals


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Seventh-ranked Milos Raonic, coming off his first Grand Slam semi-final at Wimbledon, powered into the final of the ATP and WTA Washington Open on Saturday by defeating American Donald Young.The 23-year-old Canadian second seed fired 15 aces in downing 73rd-ranked Young 6-4, 7-5 at the US Open hardcourt warm-up event to reach his 11th ATP final and first since falling to Juan Martin Del Potro last September at Tokyo.Raonic, seeking his sixth career title and first since last year at Bangkok, will next face the winner of a later semi-final between French sixth seed Richard Gasquet and Canada's Vasek Pospisil, who completed a rain-halted victory early Saturday to advance.Pospisil, who teamed with American Jack Sock to win the Wimbledon doubles crown, downed Colombia's Santiago Giraldo 6-7 (4/7), 6-3, 6-4, in a match halted Friday night two points into the final set.Japan's Kurumi Nara advanced to the women's final by outlasting New Zealand's Marina Erakovic 0-6, 6-4, 6-4. She will face the winner of a later match between Russians Svetlana Kuznetsova and Ekaterina Makarova.Raonic broke Young in the final game of each set, taking the match after 75 minutes when the American netted a backhand. Raonic won 33-of-36 first-serve points in the match and never faced a break point.Young, who never faced Raonic before, still enjoyed his deepest ATP run since reaching the 2011 Bangkok final, where he lost to Britain's Andy Murray.Pospisil took the only break of the final set in the last game after spending only 10 hours away from the courts overnight.The rain really didn't help me. I was in a really good groove, Pospisil said. I took the confidence I had from the second set into the third, was swinging freely.It is the first time Pospisil, 0-4 in prior ATP semi-finals, has faced a tour two-in-one-day situation.I'll recover as quickly as I can, Pospisil said. It's definitely a bit of a speed bump for me.Pospisil won his only meeting with Gasquet last year at Shanghai.Nara, who won her first career WTA title earlier this year at Rio de Janeiro, dropped the first eight games of the match but the 22-year-old battled back to reach her second career WTA singles final.I was panicking first set but I tried to calm down and relax and move quicker and it helped me, Nara said.The slow start brought Nara, who had never faced the Kiwi in a main-draw match, flashbacks of a 6-0, 6-0 loss to Erakovic in 2011 French Open qualifying.End of first set I was thinking, 'Second time,' Nara said. But I tried to be more relaxed.Nara, ranked 40th, is already projected to jump to a career high in next week's WTA rankings, surpassing the mark of 38th she set last month.

Tennis: Serena storms past Petkovic into Stanford final


STANFORD (AFP) - Serena Williams stormed into the final of the WTA hardcourt tournament at Stanford on Saturday, winning the last eight games of a 7-5, 6-0 victory over Andrea Petkovic.The world number one and top seed, playing her first tournament since a disappointing Wimbledon campaign shadowed by a viral illness, couldn't separate herself from the eighth-seeded German in the early going.They battled to 5-5 in the opening set, with Petkovic saving the only break point in those first 10 games, but after holding for a 6-5 lead, Williams turned the tide in the 12th, finally converting her fifth set point against Petkovic's serve.There was no stopping the 17-time Grand Slam champion from there. After a first set lasting 50 minutes she polished off the second in 27, breaking Petkovic a fourth time when the German sent a forehand long on match point.Williams will face the winner of Saturday night's semi-final between third-seeded German Angelique Kerber and US veteran Varvara Lepchenko.

Golf: Garcia takes lead but McIlroy lurks at Akron WGC


AKRON (AFP) - Spain's Sergio Garcia and British Open winner Rory McIlroy are once again battling for a title as they did last month at Royal Liverpool.Garcia fired a three-under par 67 Saturday to seize a three-stroke lead over McIlroy after the third round of the World Golf Championships Bridgestone Invitational at Firestone Country Club.McIlroy won his third major title last month in England but not before Garcia threatened his lead on the back nine in the final round.Garcia stands on 14-under 196 with McIlroy on 199 after firing a 66 and Australia's Marc Leishman third on 201 after a 68 on Saturday.England's Justin Rose, Aussie Adam Scott and American Keegan Bradley -- all major winners -- were another stroke adrift.Garcia, still seeking his first major title, birdied three of the first six holes Saturday in the last tuneup for next week's PGA Championship, the final major tournament of the year.Garcia added a birdie at 11 after dropping his approach two feet from the cup but took his lone bogey of the day at 14 after finding the rough on his approach.McIlroy also fired three birdies on the front side but found a bunker at the par-3 12th and took a bogey. He responded by closing with back-to-back birdies to trim Garcia's margin entering the final round.

Football: PSG cruise to Champions Trophy triumph in China


BEIJING (AFP) - French Ligue 1 title-holders Paris Saint-Germain added the Champions Trophy to their growing list of accolades with a 2-0 win over Cup winners Guingamp in Beijing on Saturday.Star striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored both goals inside the opening 20 minutes as the champions effectively ended the match as a contest inside the first period.We came here (to Beijing) because of the Champions Trophy and therefore to win it, said PSG coach Laurent Blanc.It's something very positive. The other positive is that we continued our preparation, our hard work and we didn't reduce our training programme due to today's match.PSG were without several regular starters who are still recovering after their World Cup exertions, including captain Thiago Silva and new signing David Luiz, but Blanc used the opportunity to give some younger players a chance.This month of August will be quite strange as we have players arriving at different times and not everyone is in the same physical condition.But we have young players and it's the coach's job to have faith in them, like tonight.It was the capital-based outfit's second successive victory in the competition, between the French champions and Cup winners, having defeated Bordeaux in Gabon in 2013.They also won the first ever edition in 1995, beating Nantes on penalties.Guingamp coach Jocelyn Gourvennec said his side's defeat was no surprise.PSG won in a logical manner. We had a few chances to get back into it with dead-ball situations but it was tough chasing the ball in this heat and they hold it better than us, he said.No team in France and very few in Europe manage to have more possession than PSG.Ibrahimovic opened the scoring after just nine minutes when taking goalkeeper Mamadou Samassa by surprise with a shot from 20 yards.On 20 minutes he doubled the advantage form the penalty spot after Jean-Christophe Bahebeck was brought down by Lars Jacobsen.The big Swede was enjoying a purple patch and in the last minute tried his luck from inside his own half, although without success.Frighteningly, Blanc said there is a lot more to come from Ibrahimovic.Ibra is not in top form, like the rest of the team, said the former France coach.We expect to have a lot of competition from teams who are further advanced in their preparation than us but despite all that, we always want to play good football and to finish off chances, and Ibra finishes off a lot of chances for us.Consequently, it's not unsurprising that he made the difference and was man-of-the-match.Guingamp's best opportunity came in the 31st minute when Brazilian centre-back Marquinhos was harshly adjudged to have brought down Claudio Beauvue, but Italian goalkeeper Salvatore Sirigu, who was a virtual spectator throughout, saved Mustapha Yatabare's spot-kick.PSG begin their quest for a third straight Ligue 1 title on Friday at Reims while Guingamp host Saint-Etienne next Saturday in their opening Ligue 1 fixture of the season.

Record crowd sees Man United beat Real Madrid 3-1


ANN ARBOR (AP) - Ashley Young scored twice in the first half, and Manchester United beat Real Madrid 3-1 on Saturday in front of the largest crowd to watch a soccer game in the United States.United remained unbeaten in this year's International Champions Cup, advancing to the final of the preseason tournament under new manager Louis van Gaal. Javier Hernandez added a goal in the second half for United.The crowd of 109,318 at Michigan Stadium broke the previous U.S. mark of 101,799, set at the Rose Bowl for the 1984 Olympic final.Gareth Bale scored for Real Madrid, but the European champions finished winless in three matches at this event.Cristiano Ronaldo, the reigning world player of the year, came on as a second-half substitute for Madrid.

'Azadi March': Profiles of local PTI leadership sent to Interior Ministry


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Government’s Special Branch on Saturday forwarded profile data of local leadership of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to Interior Ministry in a bid to deal with PTI’s ‘Azadi March’ scheduled for August 14.According to sources, the government has sped up its actions to curb PTI’s protest march. The residence addresses and phone numbers of the select active members have been obtained by the Interior Ministry.Special branch officials have been instructed to monitor the activities of PTI leaders. The branch will reportedly present the report to the ministry in daily basis.Sources also suggest that the police have also completed the arrangements of possible house arrest of PTI’s prominent leaders.

Certain police officials trying to save Rana Shoaib Idrees: Reports


FAISALABAD: (Dunya News) – Certain police officials are trying to save Pakistan Muslim League (N) MPA Rana Shoaib Idrees, reports reveal. According to the reports, important file of the case has also been misplaced.Rana Shoaib Idrees had broken into Khurrianwala Police Station in Faisalabad on 20th of July, 2014 after midnight and got a prisoner, charged with murder, freed from Police custody after beating a police officer.It has been revealed through reports that certain police officials are trying to save Rana Shoaib Idrees.The accused had attacked the police station last year as well but the file of that case has been misplaced. According to the police officials, a case has been registered against the Additional Sub-Inspector (ASI) and Head Constable who had misplaced the file. Action is also being taken against the Sub Inspector (SI) who had leaked the information about police raid on Rana Shoaib’s house prior to the raid.Rana Shoaib Idrees had appeared before the Police on 27th of July and got his statement recorded. Shoaib had refused to accept all the charges against him and had claimed that the cases were politically motivated. PML-N MPA had been charged under Article 540 for attacking police station, torturing police officer, assisting a prisoner in fleeing from police custody, terrorizing government officials and interfering in administrative affairs.City Police Officer (CPO) Faisalabad had directed Superintendant Police (SP) Jaranwala to investigate the matter.Previously police had raided several places to catch Rana Shoaib Idrees including houses of two former MPAs of Faisalabad. His in-laws’ house in Lahore was also raided by Police but Shoaib had managed to flee by that time.

Hafiz Saeed urges politicians to show solidarity with Gaza by postponing anti-govt protests


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Jamaat-ud-Dawah chief Hafiz Saeed said on Saturday that the silence of Muslim world over Israeli atrocities in Gaza is painstaking, urging Pakistan to call conference of Islamic countries. He urged politicians to delay their protest scheduled to take place on Independence Day, owing to the situation in Gaza, Dunya News reported.Addressing press conference in Lahore, he said that the religious and political parties will run a joint movement to rally and protest against Israeli barbarism on Muslims in Gaza.JuD chief urged Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other Islamic countries to play their role to stop Israeli aggression.

Imran Khan wants to overthrow democratic government: Pervez Rasheed


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Pervez Rasheed has said that real agenda of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan is to topple the democratically elected government.In a statement issued from Islamabad today (Saturday), Pakistan Muslim League (N) Senator said that although Imran Khan says he wants to bring electoral reforms in the country, his actual agenda is nothing but to topple the democratic government of PML-N.He alleged that Imran Khan wants to come into power after breaking all the provincial assemblies.PMLN leader said that Imran Khan has not been able to decide about the rigging in PTI intra-party elections as yet.Meanwhile, Federal Minister of State for Water and Power Chaudhry Abid Sher Ali has said that Imran Khan is ready to hold talks with the Taliban who killed 50,000 Pakistanis but does not want to talk to a democratic and constitutional government.On the other hand, Imran Khan has said today that the long march will not end unless the government announces the date of fresh elections. Imran Khan has directed his party officials to ensure participation of as many people as possible.A PTI MNA from Peshawar revealed today that Imran Khan has ordered all PTI MNAs and MPAs to tender their resignations before the party leadership. However, PTI Information Secretary Shireen Mazari has denied the statement saying that no such decision has yet been reached.

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