Thursday 7 August 2014

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Gaza rockets hit Israel as ceasefire expiry nears: army


JERUSALEM (AFP) - Rockets fired from the Gaza Strip crashed into Israel Friday, the army said, less than four hours from the scheduled expiry of a three-day truce.Just now, two rockets fired from Gaza hit southern Israel. No injuries reported, the army said in a text message to journalists ahead of the 0500 GMT deadline for the truce to be renewed or collapse.Terrorists have violated the cease-fire, it added on its official Twitter site.Israel has said it is ready to indefinitely extend the 72-hour lull but there has so far been no announcement from Hamas, whose representatives and those of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Israel are in Cairo for talks with Egyptian mediators on an extension.A senior Palestinian official on Thursday accused Israel of stalling.The Israeli delegation is proposing extending the ceasefire while refusing a number of the Palestinian demands, he said, without elaborating.If Israel continues its procrastination, we will not extend the ceasefire.A spokesman for Hamass armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, warned just hours before the truce expired that fighting would resume if their demands were not met, first and foremost to open a sea port to the blockaded Palestinian enclave.If there is an agreement, it will be possible to extend the truce, but if there is not, we will ask the delegation to withdraw from the talks, a spokesman using the nom-de-guerre Abu Obeida said in a televised address.

Three police personnel injured in clash with PAT workers


LAHORE (Dunya News) – At least three policemen have been injured in a clash with Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) workers in Model Town in today’s wee hours.Talking to the media outside the residence of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri, Pakistan Awami Tehreek President Dr Raheeq Abbasi said Yaum-e-Shuhada would be observed peacefully on August 10 to commemorate the martyrs of Model Town Tragedy and Operation Zarb-e-Azb.The roads leading to the residence of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri have further been barricaded with more containers. Moreover, large vehicles have been interdicted from entering the city.According to sources, Punjab government is considering to detain Dr. Qadri under sections 3 pr 16 of Maintenance of Public Order (MPO) to avoid any law and order situation.PAT Chief’s name is likely to be put on the Exit Control List (ECL) because of a case registered against him for allegedly inciting people to violence. The government thinks that Tahirul Qadri may attempt fleeing from Pakistan, claim sources.On the other hand, investigations are being carried out against Dr. Tahirul Qadri in the money-laundering case while several other cases against him are in pipeline.

Azadi March: Strategy to seal Islamabad prepared


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Dunya News has learnt from its sources that the strategy to seal the twin cities, in view of the ‘Azadi March’, has been finalized and one thousand containers have started to arrive in Islamabad to be employed at various locations in the twin cities. Red Zone will be sealed on August 10. Nobody will be allowed to enter Islamabad without showing his National Identity Card (NIC).According to the sources, government has started to make arrangements for coping with Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) long march which is scheduled for August 14. Entrance routes to Islamabad will be sealed using 600 containers and 400 containers will be used to seal entrance routes to Rawalpindi.Police holidays have been cancelled in the twin cities. More policemen will arrive in Islamabad on Saturday from Azad Kashmir and Punjab. Elite Force commandos have been deployed at several roads of the federal capital. Commandos have been directed to set up surprise check-points every now and then.Rangers will also be used to prevent Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KPK) workers of PTI from entering Islamabad, according to the sources. Showing NIC will be a must to enter Islamabad and the law enforcement agencies have been directed to immediately arrest anyone who fails to show his NIC.Sources claim that cars and motorbikes, not bearing their number-plates, will not be allowed to enter Islamabad and the law enforcement agencies have been ordered to lock up every suspected vehicle in the relevant police station.The luggage in passenger cars will also be checked thoroughly and all the hotels and guest houses have been directed to provide complete details of the guests.According to police sources, protesters coming from Peshawar to Islamabad may show stronger resistance.Rubber bullets and tear gas may be used in case of emergency and Police will react strongly to any attempt of breaking into Islamabad forcefully.

Four more polio cases surfaced, toll soared to 108


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – At least four new polio cases have emerged in the country, soaring the toll to 108, Dunya News reported.According to the National Institute of Health, as many as four new polio cases have emerged.Polio virus was diagnosed in five-year-old boy Umair or North Karachi.The virus was also confirmed in ten-month-old Umaima of Peshawar and seventeen-month-old Gul Panrra of North Waziristan.The first polio virus from Punjab in this year emerged in Kalar Kahar Chakwal where three-year-old Noor-ul-Huda was diagnosed with the polio virus.The total number of polio cases rose to one hundred and eight comprising seventy patients from Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA), nineteen from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, ten from Sindh and one each from Punjab and Balochistan.

'Civil Martial Law' has been imposed: Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain


LAHORE: (Dunya News) – Pakistan Muslim League (Q) President Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain has said that the government has imposed a ‘Civil Martial Law’ in the country. He said that the current government will not be able to hold on to power till 31st of August.While talking to a press conference at his residence in Lahore today (Thursday), Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain said that two trucks and a jeep were enough to topple the government if Army really wanted to do so. He advised the government not to turn Model Town into ‘Jalianwala Baagh’.PML-Q Senator warned the government that ‘revolution march’ will go to Islamabad via ‘Jaati Umra’ (Sharif family’s residence) if government tried to frustrate ‘Martyrs Day’. It is evident from the prevailing situation in the country that there is no democracy here, said Shujaat Hussain.Chaudhry Shujaat accused Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif of inciting people to violence during the previous tenure. He said that Shahbaz Sharif had brought people out on roads against load shedding during Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) government. “Shahbaz Sharif talked of dragging Asif Zardari on roads, were his words harsher or Tahirul Qadri’s”, asked Shujaat Hussain.Responding to Shahbaz Sharif’s allegation on Chaudhry brothers of being bank defaulters, PML-Q President challenged him for a public debate on the subject.Shujaat reiterated the resolve to hold ‘revolution march’ predicting that Pakistan People’s Party and Jamaat-i-Islami will also join hands with PML-Q and Tahirul Qadri.Former Prime Minister of Pakistan said that though the government talks of reconciliation in Islamabad, it is using force in Lahore against the opposition. Chaudhry Shujaat said that he did not fear arrests. “We have been dealing with arrests since Bhutto’s era”, said Shujaat.

England's Richard III to be reburied in March 2015


LONDON (AFP) - The remains of English king Richard III will be reburied at Leicester Cathedral in March 2015 following a week of events honouring the infamous monarch, the University of Leicester announced on Thursday.Richard will be reinterred on March 26 in one of three services to remember his life and death in 1485.He was killed at the Battle of Bosworth that ended the War of the Roses, the 32-year conflict between the rival York and Lancaster branches of the royal House of Plantagenet.Historical accounts said his body was transported naked and bloody on the back of a pack horse to the central English city of Leicester before being buried in an unmarked grave at a Franciscan friary.His remains were found in 2012 under a car park, but his reburial was delayed by a legal battle over where it should take place.Descendants of the king, immortalised by playwright William Shakespeare as a treacherous hunchback, had fought for his skeleton to be buried in York Minster, in the northern city that gave its name to Richards royal house.But the High Court said that there was no reason that Richard should not stay in Leicester.His mortal remains will be put into a lead-lined coffin and taken on a tour of villages linked to his final days, and back to the Bosworth battlefield where he perished.Accompanied by a cortege, his remains will arrive at the cathedral on March 22 before lying in repose for three days.Richards tomb will be revealed after his skeleton has been reburied, followed by a service to mark the completion of the reinterment.Our cathedral has been consistently committed to providing a fitting, dignified and memorable ceremony for the reinterment of king Richard, said Bishop of Leicester Tim Stevens.The service of reinterment will be broadcast live on Britains Channel 4 television.I simply cannot think of any comparable event and so am hugely looking forward to what promises to be a unique national moment, said Channel 4 commissioning editor John Hays.Richard, the 14 times great-grand-uncle of Queen Elizabeth II, became the last English king to die in battle.His death marked the end of the war between the houses of Lancaster and York -- named after their respective heraldic symbols of the red and white rose -- and the rise of the Tudor dynasty.Shakespeares play long ago sealed the reputation of Richard as a bloody tyrant, although later historians have called the depiction into question.In the play, Richard cries out the line A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse as he seeks to flee the battlefield, before he is killed by the future king Henry VII.

UN Security Council to hold emergency talks on Iraq


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The UN Security Council is to hold an emergency meeting on Iraq on Thursday, after Islamist militants seized the countrys largest Christian town.The meeting was requested by France which expressed concern over the advance of Islamic State fighters and the seizure of Qaraqosh, in a new offensive that has driven tens of thousands of people from their homes.The talks are scheduled to begin at 5:30 pm (2130 GMT), a diplomatic source said.France is very deeply concerned by the latest advances of (IS militants) in the north of Iraq and the taking of Qaraqosh, the biggest Christian city in Iraq, as well as by the intolerable abuses that were committed, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in a statement.Given the seriousness of the situation -- the first victims of which are civilians and religious minorities -- France is requesting an urgent meeting of the Security Council so the international community can mobilize to counter the terrorist threat in Iraq and support and protect the population at risk, he said.The latest advance saw the Sunni extremist Islamic State extend its writ over northern Iraq and move within striking distance of autonomous Kurdistan.IS, which proclaimed a caliphate straddling Syria and Iraq in late June, moved into Qaraqosh and other towns overnight after the withdrawal of Kurdish peshmerga troops, residents said.Religious leaders said IS militants have forced 100,000 Christians to flee and have occupied churches, removing crosses and destroying manuscripts.Joining world alarm over the IS advance, Pope Francis called on the international community to protect the mostly Christian communities of northern Iraq fleeing a lightning advance by jihadist militants.The UN council on Tuesday condemned attacks by IS fighters in Iraq and warned that those responsible for the violence could face trial for crimes against humanity.The statement from the 15-member council was the second strong condemnation over the past two weeks of the IS offensive that saw jihadists seize control of the main northern city of Mosul on June 10.The council warned that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) posed a threat not only to Iraq and Syria but to regional peace, security and stability.Widespread or systematic attacks directed against any civilian populations because of their ethnic background, religion or belief may constitute a crime against humanity, for which those responsible must be held accountable, said the statement read by British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant.The ambassador singled out the Yazidi minority, a community whose faith is rooted in Zoroastrianism, and who have been targed by jihadists as devil worshippers.

Swiss researchers see arthritis cure in mice


GENEVA (AFP) - Swiss researchers say they have taken an important step towards a cure for arthritis, successfully testing a prototype treatment in mice that may soon be trialled on humans.The experimental drug fully cured arthritic mice who had hobbled on inflamed and swollen toes and paws, scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) said.Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that causes painful inflammation of joints, sometimes destroying cartilage and bone as it progresses.The disease affects up to one percent of the worlds population, according to ETHZ, but while various drugs are used to stop or slow the progression of the disease, there has until now been no known cure.The Swiss researchers combined two components to create a fusion molecule they referred to as an armed antibody.One component is the bodys own immune messenger molecule, interleukin 4 (IL-4), which had been shown in previous studies to protect against cartilage and bone damage in mice with arthritis.The other component was an antibody to IL-4, which binds to a type of protein found only in inflamed tissue, ensuring that the substance works almost exclusively at the site of the disease.The concentration in the rest of the body is minimal, which reduces side-effects, pharmacist and lead author of the study Teresa Hemmerle said in a statement released on Wednesday.The armed antibody alone only managed to slow the progression of arthritis in the affected mice.But when it was combined with a cortisone-like anti-inflammatory drug already used to treat the disease in humans, called dexamethasone, the animals were cured, the scientists said.The typical signs of arthritis, such as swollen toes and paws, disappeared completely within a few days when both medications were administered at the same time, the statement said.In our mouse-model, this combined treatment creates a long-term cure, said Hemmerle, who recently completed her dissertation and has since been working for ETHZ spin-off Philochem, where the project is continuing.The research group is planning to start testing the new drug in clinical trials on arthritis patients in the next year.

Sharifs prepare to flee Pakistan: Tahirul Qadri


LAHORE: (Dunya News) – Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) Chief Dr. Muhammad Tahirul Qadri has said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family are planning to flee Pakistan.Speaking to a press conference today (Thursday) at Minhajul Quran International (MQI) Secretariat in Model Town, Lahore, Dr. Tahirul Qadri said that he has set out to revolutionize the system in the country and will not be deterred by anything. He said that rulers have lost their nerves.Commenting on the case made against him, Dr. Qadri said that government had accepted its defeat by registering this case against him. He accused the government of using cheap tactics to impede him from bringing revolution.PAT Chief alleged that the government was planning to put his name on the Exit Control List (ECL). He announced that the government did not need to put his name on the ECL as he did not plan to leave the country before revolutionizing it. “No need to put my name on ECL, I will not leave the country before revolution”, said Tahirul Qadri.He alleged Sharif family of planning to flee Pakistan before 14th of August. “Those who taunted my Canadian nationality are themselves planning to leave for the United States”, Dr. Qadri alleged.He said that he hasn’t given the call for the revolution march as yet and asked the public to remain prepared for it. He assured that he will announce his future policy soon.When asked about Imran Khan’s ‘Azadi March’, PAT Chief said that Pakistan Awami Tehreek will not provide any backdoors to the government.

Govt flexible, considers Sirajul Haq's recommendations


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The federal government on Thursday called Jamaat Islami chief Sirajul Haq hoping for a second meeting after reportedly considering Haq’s recommendation to resolve the crisis, Dunya News reported.Sirajul Haq has alerted the government of the urgency of the circumstances, saying that there’s no time to waste and that wastage of time can result into a tragedy.According to the details, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar and Federal Minister for Railways Khawaja Saad Rafique contacted Jamaat chief and invited him into a second meeting with the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday.Earlier, Jamaat chief had warned that not resolving the political crisis could result into a tragedy, adding that the stakeholders don’t have much time and that the ball is now in the government’s court.Addressing a press conference, Haq said that governments’ tenure passes by but the problem remains unresolved if someone raises the issue of electoral rigging. He said electoral reforms are the critical need of the hour.He said that Jamaat has prepared a formula after talking to Imran Khan which has been presented to the Prime Minister. He said Nawaz Sharif assured to consider the recommended formula, adding that the ball is in the government’s court now.He said if the government doesn’t exhibit flexibility then a tragedy can take place on or after August 14.Jamaat chief said that all political parties should realize the situation and should step forward to resolve the issues. He said the elements who are recommending the government of violence are turning government’s direction toward the wrong path.He further said that he will wait for the reaction until August 10 and will decide whether or not to participate in Imran Khan’s ‘Azadi March’ after that.

Kerry in Kabul to push for end to election dispute


KABUL (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Kabul on Thursday to pressure feuding presidential candidates to resolve the disputed election result that risks triggering instability as NATO troops withdraw.Allegations of massive fraud in Afghanistans June election tipped the country into a political crisis, with the United Nations voicing fears that the contested outcome could revive the ethnic divisions of the 1990s civil war.Kerry last month negotiated a deal in which poll rivals Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah agreed to an audit of all eight million votes, and for the winner to form a national unity government.But the deal has made little progress due to further disagreements between the candidates, and no date has yet been set for the delayed presidential inauguration.The clock is now ticking for a new president to be in office before the end of this month ahead of a NATO summit on September 4-5, when member states will decide on future finance and support for the war-torn country.We would like to see the inauguration ideally by the end of the month, said a US official travelling with Kerry.Its important for a new president to be able to go to NATO and ask for these commitments, including continued ANSF (Afghan National Security Forces) costs.Its in all of our interests for that to happen. That is still the goal and we are all doing everything possible to ensure that it can stay the goal. Itll be hard... but its possible.According to preliminary election results, former World Bank economist Ghani easily won the run-off vote.But Abdullah, a former anti-Taliban resistance fighter, alleged massive ballot-box stuffing and refused to accept the result, with his supporters urging him to set up a parallel government.- Increasing violence -Outgoing President Hamid Karzai, who has ruled since the Taliban were ousted in 2001, has also called for his successor to be named by the end of the month, adding that the delay was damaging Afghanistans fragile security and economy.The Taliban insurgents have launched new operations in the south and east in recent months, and violence is increasing across the country according to several independent reports.A UN report out last month revealed that civilian casualties of the conflict soared by 24 percent in the first half of 2014.Foreign troop numbers have declined from a peak of 150,000 in 2012 to just 44,300 now, and NATOs combat mission in Afghanistan will end in December after 13 years of fighting than have failed to defeat the Taliban.The new president is expected to sign a security deal that will allow a follow-up NATO training and advisory mission, with about 10,000 US troops staying into next year.Kerry will hold meetings with both candidates and with Karzai to try to hammer out a schedule for election winner to be finally declared.Only about 5,000 of the 23,000 ballot boxes have been audited so far, and the process has often ground to halt due to arguments over individual ballot papers.Kerrys visit was to encourage both candidates to accelerate the audit process. We really want to see it moving faster, the US official said.Were hopeful that the Secretary can obtain a commitment by both candidates to a timeline for completing the audit and agreeing on the details of a national unity government.Ethnic violence is a concern as Abdullahs support is based among the Tajiks and other northern tribes, while Ghanis loyalists are from the Pashtuns of the south and east.Western nations that have sent troops and billions of dollars worth of aid to Afghanistan since 2001 had hoped a smooth transition of power would be a benchmark of progress made since the austere Taliban era.The dangers of international military intervention were underlined on Tuesday when a rogue Afghan soldier shot dead a US general at an army training centre in Kabul, wounding more than a dozen others including a senior German officer.

Three including PTI worker gunned down in Karachi


KARACHI (Dunya News) – At least three people including Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) worker were killed in various incidents of firing here on Thursday, Dunya News reported.Two people were killed as result of firing at Garden area of Karachi. The deceased were identified as Arif and Toufeeq. According to the police, Toufeeq Hoti belonged to PTI.In another incident, armed men on motorcycle opened fire and the extent of the loss is unknown.In another separate incident, a man was shot dead in Orangi Town area.

Russia hits back at West with huge food imports ban


MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia retaliated against tough new Western sanctions on Thursday, banning most food imports from the United States and the European Union and threatening to block flights over its airspace.The 28-member European Union swiftly denounced the measures -- which also target Canada and Australia -- and said it was ready to take action in response.The tit-for-tat moves further heighten tensions between Russia and the West over the conflict in Ukraine, where heavy shelling was reported in the rebel-held eastern city of Donetsk on Thursday.Russia imports 35 percent of the food it consumes and is Europes second-largest market. Food and agricultural goods account for 10 percent of all EU exports to Russia, which were worth 12 billion euros ($16 billion) last year, according to Eurostat data.The embargo will affect imports of beef, pork, fruit and vegetable produce, poultry, fish, cheese, milk and dairy products from the European Union, the United States, Australia, Canada and Norway, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told a government meeting.The ban exempts only baby food and will last one year unless our partners demonstrate a constructive approach with regards to sanctioning Russia, he said.I hope that the economic pragmatism of our partners will win over lousy political motives, he said.People will still be able to buy the banned foods abroad if they want, Medvedev said, warning that those who try to profit from reselling them will be harshly punished.Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov said that restrictions on the inessential imports will not hurt consumers in Russia.The European Commission said the measures were clearly politically motivated. We reserve the right to take action as appropriate, it said in a statement.In another potential strike against the West, Moscow is considering banning the use of Russian airspace for European airlines, the so-called overflight rights needed to take the shortest route to Asia.US airlines have not been allowed to use Siberian airspace for years and have been pushing the Russian government to review its policy.The overflight measure is being mulled in response to EU sanctions effectively grounding Dobrolet, a low-cost subsidiary of Russias flagship Aeroflot over its flights to Russias annexed Crimean peninsula on US-made Boeing craft, which EU companies service and lease.The ban could hurt not only European long-haul carriers but also Aeroflot, which receives the overflight fees.Bank of America Merrill Lynch estimates that using longer routes bypassing Siberia could add around $30,000 (22,400 euro) per flight to fuel and operating costs.- Not thought through -Moscow has billed the sanctions, as well as import restrictions, as good news for Russian producers that will benefit from import substitution and boost production.Medvedev said the government will work to prevent price increases and use the embargo to clear the store shelves for our producers.However, economists have warned that the embargo will hurt the poorest Russians, who spend a large percentage of their income on food.We could see a minimum of 20 to 30 percent rise in prices, especially for produce, said Igor Nikolayev, who heads Moscow-based FBK Strategic Analysis Institute.Substituting imports with Russian food is nothing but tall tales, he said, citing government policies of the last decade which have wiped out farmers with exorbitant taxes.To support farmers you need money, but there is no money, he said. Existing money has already been allotted to other needs and Russian state banks can no longer borrow long-term loans on Western financial markets, the economist added.Analysts have warned that protectionist measures will send inflation soaring because of the higher price for food.The protectionist rhetoric from Russia has been gaining momentum, said analysts of VTB Capital in a research note, adding that Russian food prices were already rising.There may be shortages of some foods and a drop in quality due to lower competition, said independent analyst Maria Lipman.Its such a harsh measure, its unlikely that everything has been thought through.

Rigging proved in PS-93, PTI's Hafeez Uddin de-seated


KARACHI: (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) Syed Hafeez Uddins victory in PS-93 Karachi has been declared null and void by the Election Tribunal.Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) candidate Abdul Razzaq had accused Hafeez Uddin of rigging in this constituency. It had been claimed in the election petition that Abdul Razzaq had secured 11,800 votes according to the results provided by the Presiding Officers while Hafeez Uddin got 9300 votes. But three days later, Returning Officers declared Hafeez Uddin as winner.After hearing the case, Election Tribunal has declared Hafeez Uddin ineligible while JI’s Abdul Razzaq has been declared winner from PS - 93.On the other hand, Supreme Court of Pakistan has restored Sultan Mehmood Hanjra’s membership from NA – 176 Muzaffargarh. Sultan Mehmood Hanjra of Pakistan Muslim League (N) had been disqualified by the Election Tribunal on the accusations of rigging. Supreme Court’s bench headed by Chief Justice Nasirul Mulk reinstated Sultan Mehmood Hanjra annulling the tribunal’s decision. The Supreme Court’s ruling has also stopped Election Commission of Pakistan from re-election in this constituency.Sultan Mehmood got 87,335 votes on PML-N ticket in General Elections 2013. His eligibility was challenged by Pakistan Muslim League – Functional’s (PML-F) Ghulam Mustafa Khar.

Eurozone growth momentum slows in current month: ECB


FRANKFURT (AFP) - The eurozone recovery could be faltering already, with downside risks arising from the latest geopolitical developments, European Central Bank president Mario Draghi said on Thursday.A sign in the data that has shown up in the last two or three months ... (is) that there has been a slowing down in the growth momentum, Draghi told a news conference, adding that the recovery remains weak, fragile and uneven.In particular, geopolitical risks -- from the Russia-Ukraine crisis and the different trouble spots in the Middle East -- have increased and a higher than they were a few months ago, the ECB chief said.Some will have greater impact on the euro area than on other areas around the world, he continued, but insisted their precise economic impact was still very difficult to assess at this stage.The fallout from the situation in Russia and Ukraine, with the possibility of sanctions and counter-sanctions, was very hard to assess, Draghi said.In the first quarter of 2014, euro area gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by 0.2 percent.And the monthly indicators so far for the second quarter, have been somewhat volatile, Draghi said.However, overall, recent information, including survey data available for July, remains consistent with our expectation of a continued moderate and uneven recovery of the euro area economy, he said.Draghi said the ECB would closely monitor the possible repercussions of heightened geopolitical risks and exchange rate developments.There has been ongoing concern among politicians and businesses that the euros strength is harming eurozone exporters.But Draghi said the economic fundamentals for a softer euro have improved recently.The fundamentals for a weaker exchange rate are better than they were two or three months ago, Draghi said.

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