Tuesday 20 October 2015

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UN chief tells Israelis, Palestinians to urgently calm tensions


JERUSALEM (AFP) - UN chief Ban Ki-moon warned Israelis and Palestinians on Tuesday they were at a dangerous abyss and must act quickly to calm nearly three weeks of unrest before it spirals further out of control.The stark comments came as the UN secretary general made an unannounced visit to Jerusalem to try to ease tensions that have led to mounting international concern.As he met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ban also spoke of the danger of allowing an escalation into a religious conflict with potential regional implications and urged efforts to ensure that did not occur.Violent protests and a wave of Palestinian gun, knife and car-ramming attacks against Israelis have raised fears of a full-scale Palestinian uprising.Even as Ban visited, another stabbing and a car attack occurred in the occupied West Bank, wounding three Israelis. Both alleged attackers were shot dead.And after his remarks, Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians in a stabbing attack on their post in Hebron in which one soldier was slightly wounded.Fresh clashes also erupted along the Gaza Strip border, leaving one Palestinian dead from Israeli fire and five others wounded.My visit reflects the sense of global alarm at the dangerous escalation in violence between Israelis and Palestinians, Ban said after meeting Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.If we do not act fast, the dynamics on the ground will only get worse.Ban added that it is not too late to avoid a broader crisis and urged renewed peace efforts, with negotiations at a standstill for more than a year.Beyond the immediate tensions, what is missing is the resolve to restore a political horizon for talks, and a political process that delivers real results and peace.We must, for the future of our children, come back from this dangerous abyss, safeguard the two-state solution, and lead people back to the road toward peace.Ban is due to hold talks with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Wednesday morning.In a sign of growing international worry, US Secretary of State John Kerry will also meet Netanyahu in Germany this week and Abbas later at an unspecified location in the Middle East.More than 40 Palestinians have been killed in the upsurge in violence that began at the start of the month, including alleged attackers. Eight Israelis have died in attacks.Israeli security forces have found themselves seeking to clamp down on unrest while not provoking a further escalation of violence.But checkpoints in Palestinian areas of annexed east Jerusalem, where many of the attackers have come from, and measures such as home demolitions have provoked further anger.Videos of Israeli forces shooting dead alleged attackers that have spread online have also fed unrest, with Palestinians seeing some of the shootings as unjustified.As he met Netanyahu, Ban warned against any misuse of force since it could breed the very frustrations and anxieties from which violence can erupt.Netanyahu strongly rejected such accusations.Israel is acting as any democracy would to defend its citizens, he said. We are not -- I repeat -- we are not using excessive force.Many of the attackers have been young Palestinians who appear to be acting on their own, making it difficult for security forces to prevent the violence.Netanyahu dismissed arguments that frustration over the occupation and Jewish settlements was driving the attacks.I believe it is time to tell the truth about the causes of Palestinian terrorism, he said ahead of his meeting with Ban. It is not the settlements, it is not the peace process, it is the desire to destroy the state of Israel pure and simple.Ban acknowledged both Palestinian frustration and Israelis fear in the face of violence.He said he was deeply troubled by statements from Palestinian militant groups including Hamas and Islamic Jihad praising such heinous attacks.Some politicians have urged residents to arm themselves, and rights activists blamed such comments in part for an incident on Sunday night, when an Eritrean man was mistaken for an attacker and killed.The mob violence came after an Arab Israeli gunman also armed with a knife stormed a bus station in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba, shooting dead a 19-year-old soldier and wounding around 10 others.The gunman was killed, while a security guard at the bus station shot the 29-year-old Eritrean thinking he was a second attacker. A mob also beat him, and the man died later.Netanyahu warned Israelis against vigilantism after the incident, saying no one should take the law into their own hands.

Kerry urges return 'to basics' on Jerusalem holy sites


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday he will engage Israeli and Palestinian leaders on the basics of administering Jerusalems holy sites to try to calm tempers in the city.Kerry is expected to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas and Jordans King Abdullah separately in coming days for talks on the latest round of violence.On the agenda will be the administration of the Haram al-Sharif and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, holy sites that have been a flashpoint in the recurrent clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters.We could meet if we chose to but I think that meeting together in the same country, this is not the moment, obviously, Kerry said, at a green investment forum in Washington.But I will be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu either in Germany or in the region. I will be meeting with President Abbas. Ill be meeting with King Abdullah and others, he said.The State Department has not finalized Kerrys travel plans for the week, but reports have suggested he could meet Netanyahu in Berlin then continue to Amman for talks with Abbas and King Abdullah. We will go back to some very basics here with respect to what the expectations are with the administration of the Haram al-Sharif and the Temple Mount and hopefully open up enough political space to begin to move on some other areas, he said. I think we have to have very careful expectations. I think we have to be very, very aware of the sensitivities that have built up now everywhere and so we have to move carefully.Kerry did not go into detail about how he would like to see the holy sites, which are revered by both Muslims and Jews, administered.

Tens of thousands flee new Syria offensives


BEIRUT (AFP) - Tens of thousands have fled new regime offensives in Syria, the UN said Tuesday, as Russian air strikes were reported to have killed 370 people so far, many of them civilians.With the Russian bombing campaign now in its fourth week, Moscow and Washington announced they had agreed measures to ensure air safety over Syria, where a US-led coalition is also carrying out strikes.The exodus was focused south of second city Aleppo, one of five areas where loyalist forces have launched offensives since Russia began its air war on September 30.Around 35,000 people are reported to have been displaced from... the southwestern outskirts of Aleppo city, following government offensives, said Vanessa Huguenin, spokeswoman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.She said many urgently need food and basic household and shelter items as the weather gets colder.Syrias war has killed more than 250,000 people and forced millions from their homes since March 2011, recently sparking a mass migration of refugees that has raised tensions in Europe.To reduce the risk of a confrontations between Russian warplanes and others from a US-led coalition bombing Syria, Moscow and Washington announced an understanding on safety measures.Theres a series of protocols in place that effectively are intended to avoid any sort of risk of a mid-air incident between our air crews and Russian air crews, Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said.In Moscow, a deputy defence minister, Anatoly Antonov, said the memorandum contains a number of rules and restrictions aimed at preventing incidents.Russia has carried out more than 500 air raids in support of President Bashar al-Assad.Russian air strikes were reported to have so far killed 370 people, including more than 120 civilians, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.Among them were 45 rebels and civilians killed on Monday in Russian strikes in the north of government stronghold Latakia province, it said.Dozens were also wounded Monday, in some of the deadliest raids yet, and the commander of a moderate rebel brigade was among the dead, the Observatory said. In Moscow, the defence ministry said Russian warplanes had hit 60 targets of IS and the Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra front in the past 24 hours, including a munitions factory in eastern Deir Ezzor province.Russian President Vladimir Putin said the air war demonstrated Moscow could counter any terrorist threats.The operation has confirmed that Russia is ready to adequately and effectively respond to terrorist and any other threats to our country, he said.The Observatory said Russian strikes had targeted Aleppo, Damascus, Homs and Idlib provinces.As many as 100,000 people were fleeing the armys ground assaults in Aleppo, Hama and Latakia provinces, it said.Syrian activist Maamun al-Khatieb said thousands had fled fierce Russian bombardment and the fear that Iranian militias would storm their villages.Iran, a key Assad ally, has reportedly sent hundreds of troops to fight alongside his forces.Aleppo, once Syrias commercial hub, has been a key focus of the fighting. Since 2012, the city has been divided between government forces and rebels. On Friday, government forces began a new offensive south of the city, attacking areas near the strategic highway to Damascus.The Observatory said regime forces had seized five villages in the area since the offensive began.But Al-Watan daily, which is close to the regime, said the army had taken 16 villages and an area totalling some 100 square kilometres (40 square miles).It said the operation would cut militant reinforcement routes between south Aleppo province and east Idlib province and take the international highway from Aleppo to Hama.The Aleppo-Damascus highway via Hama and Homs provinces appears to be the main target of several of the recent offensives.In Hama, much of the fighting has centred on an area close to the road, and in Homs, the government has been fighting to take villages along the highway just north of the provincial capital.In Homs, thousands of people have fled from a string of villages since the army offensive there began Thursday, said Hassaan Abu Nuh, an activist in the town of Talbisseh. Theyve spread throughout the outskirts of Homs... those who left took whatever they could carry, he told AFP via the Internet.There has also been heavy fighting for the Sahl al-Ghab region between Hama, Idlib and Latakia provinces, with troops seeking to prevent rebels who control Idlib province from being able to attack Latakia.Russia insists its air campaign is intended to target the Islamic State group and others it describes as terrorists.But rebels and their backers accuse Russia of striking moderates and Islamists rather than just jihadists.

US Muslim teen accused of clock-bomb to move to Qatar


CHICAGO (AFP) - The Muslim teenager arrested when a Texas teacher mistook his homemade clock for a bomb is moving to Qatar, local media reported a day after Ahmed Mohamed visited the White House. Mohamed, 14, became an overnight sensation after his sister tweeted a photo of the aspiring inventor standing in handcuffs while wearing a t-shirt with the US space agency NASAs logo last month.His family was overwhelmed by offers to support Mohameds education and decided to move to Qatar after receiving a full scholarship for his secondary and undergraduate education, his father told the Dallas Morning News.The son of Sudanese immigrants who live in a Dallas suburb, the young robotics fan brought in a home-made clock to impress a new teacher at MacArthur High School.Instead, he was accused of trying to scare people with a hoax bomb and escorted from the school in handcuffs.President Barack Obama joined a surge of public support by congratulating the teen on his skills, in what was seen as a pointed rebuke to school and police officials amid accusations of Islamophobia.Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. Its what makes America great, Obama tweeted.Invitations poured in from Facebook, Google, the United Nations and in the coming weeks Mohamed tweeted photos of visits to New York, Sudan, Qatar and Mecca.On Monday night, Mohamed joined a group of students, teachers, scientists, astronauts and celebrities -- including the Myth Busters and Bill Nye -- for White House Astronomy Night.So happy, I cant believe that I met the president of the unitedstates he tweeted, in all caps, alongside a photo which showed Obama hugging Mohamed.Mohamed will join the Qatar Foundations Young Innovators Program, which he visited earlier this month.Qatar was a cool place to visit, he said in a statement released to the Dallas Morning News Tuesday. The teachers were great. I think I will learn a lot and have fun too.

First Fukushima worker diagnosed with radiation-linked cancer


TOKYO (AFP) - A former Fukushima nuclear plant worker has been diagnosed with radiation-linked cancer, Japanese authorities said Tuesday, the first such confirmation more than four years after the worst atomic accident in a generation.An official with the health ministry said the ex-employee, who was in his thirties while working at the plant following the 2011 crisis, has developed leukaemia. He is now 41 years old, local media reported.The case has met the criteria to link his illness to the accident, the official told a Tokyo press briefing on condition of anonymity, adding that other possible causes have been ruled out. This person went to see a doctor because was not feeling well. That was when he was diagnosed with leukaemia.The ministry revealed few details about the man, but said he had worked at a destroyed building that housed one of the crippled reactors. The man, who wore protective equipment during more than a year spent at Fukushima, will be awarded compensation to pay for his medical costs and lost income, the official said, without elaborating on the amount.Three similar cases of cancer in plant workers are still awaiting confirmation of a link to the accident.Public broadcaster NHK said about 45,000 people have worked at the Fukushima plant since the accident as part of a massive, multi-billion-dollar cleanup effort.There has been hot debate about whether the accident would lead to a spike in cancer among employees of the plant and those who lived in the surrounding area.The announcement Tuesday will likely further inflame widespread public opposition to nuclear power. It comes less than a week after Japan restarted a second nuclear reactor following a shutdown of all plants after the Fukushima crisis.No deaths have been directly attributed to the radiation released during the 2011 accident, but it has displaced tens of thousands of people and left large areas uninhabitable, possibly for decades.A huge quake-sparked tsunami, which levelled Japans northeast cost and killed more than 18,000 people, swamped cooling systems at the plant, sending some reactors into meltdown and sparking a decades-long cleanup.Radiation was released into the air, sea and food chain in the worst nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.Former Fukushima plant manager Masao Yoshida died two years after the accident at the age of 58, but site operator Tokyo Electric Power has disputed whether his illness was linked to radiation.Yoshida captured headlines after he stayed at his post in a desperate bid to tame the runaway reactors, while his workers battled frequent aftershocks to try to prevent the disaster worsening.Tepco insisted that it would have taken at least five years and more likely a decade for Yoshidas oesophageal cancer to have develop if radiation exposure were to blame.The case announced Tuesday was likely to deal another blow to Prime Minister Shinzo Abes unpopular attempt to switch on Japans stable of atomic reactors as the government pushes to return to a cheaper energy source.The reactor shutdowns forced resource-poor Japan to turn to pricey fossil fuel energy sources to plug its energy gap, hitting its trade balance and sparking complaints from business about power costs.On Thursday utility Kyushu Electric Power said it restarted the number-two reactor at Sendai, about 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) southwest of Tokyo. The same power plants number-one reactor was restarted in August, ending a two-year nuclear power hiatus, despite widespread protests against returning to nuclear power.The government temporarily restarted the Oi nuclear reactors in 2012 to prevent power shortage in the central Kansai region, but they stopped operations for inspections in September 2013.While Tokyo has pushed to boost renewable energy sources, it has said it would continue to restart reactors that are deemed safe under strengthened regulatory standards.

Football: FIFA reconfirm presidency election for Feb 2016


ZURICH (AFP) - FIFAs executive committee reconfirmed Tuesday that they will hold the election for a new president to replace Sepp Blatter next February.In a statement, world footballs governing body confirmed an extraordinary elective congress will be held in Zurich on February 26, 2016, when there will be a vote for a new president.It means potential candidates have until Monday to register their interest in running for the most powerful job in football to replace Blatter, 79, who has been in charge since 1998.Footballs governing body has been in chaos since October 9 when the ethics committee suspended both current president Blatter and UEFA president Michel Platini for 90 days due to an ongoing investigation.Prince Ali bin al Hussein, who lost to Blatter in Mays election, and former Trinidad and Tobago captain David Nakhid have officially stated their intention to run, as has Platini.But the executive committee confirmed Platinis bid will not be considered as long as he is suspended.Chairman of the FIFA Electoral Committee, Domenico Scala, explained presidential candidacies submitted in due time and form, but which relate to candidates who are subject to a (provisional or definite) ban from taking part in any football-related activity, will not be processed .... as long as such ban is valid and in force.Both former Switzerland defenders Ramon Vega and Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim al Khalifa, president of the Asian Football Confederation, say they are considering running for FIFAs presidency.Platini, the UEFA president, was considered the favourite to replace Blatter until his suspension.His chances nosedived as neither he nor Blatter can explain an irregular payment of two million Swiss francs ($2 million, 1.8 million euros) made in 2011 for advisory work the Frenchman did for FIFA from 1998 to 2002.The executive committee also welcomed preliminary reform proposals to set an age restriction of 74 years and a 12-year maximum tenure for the FIFA presidency.

Football: Rakitic double eases Barcelona past BATE


BARYSAW (AFP) - European champions Barcelona edged closer to sealing their place in the last 16 of the Champions League as Ivan Rakitics double handed them a comfortable 2-0 win away at BATE Borisov.Rakitic had started on the bench, but was pressed into action by a first-half injury to Sergi Roberto and finally opened the scoring after a frustrating opening period for the visitors soon after half-time.Neymar then teed up the Croatian for his second of the evening as Barca solidified their position atop Group E with seven points from their first three games.An incredible 4-4 draw between Bayer Leverkusen and Roma in the other game in the group on Tuesday leaves Barca three points ahead of the Germans with BATE still a point ahead of Roma in third.It was a very good game overall from the team. We pressed well and I dont think BATE had a single chance, said Rakitic.We could have scored two or three more, but we need to continue like that.In a recurring theme of this season, Barca struggled to take their chances in the first-half, but coach Luis Enrique was happy to have successfully negotiated a tricky trip without too many problems.Playing away from home in the Champions League is never easy, said Enrique, who was nominated amongst the top 10 coaches of the year after guiding Barca to the treble last season by FIFA earlier in the day.Given the expected difficulties I think we played well and resolved the game comprehensively. We created a lot of chances, the past few games we have found it difficult to score, but the team played very well.Neymar has taken the lead role since Lionel Messi was sidelined by a knee ligament injury three weeks ago and he nearly added to his four goals against Rayo Vallecano on Saturday within three minutes but his shot was too close to Sergei Chernik.Munir El Haddadi was standing in for Messi on the right side of the Barca attack and the Spanish under-21 international should have opened the scoring from a well-worked corner only to see his effort brilliantly repelled by Chernik.The visitors suffered another injury blow on 17 minutes when Roberto hobbled off, but his replacement Rakitic was to have a telling impact.Sergio Busquets was unfortunate to see a shot fly across goal and beyond the far post before Rakitic should have done better when unmarked from Dani Alvess cross as the recently crowned Belarusian champions held out until half-time.However, it took Barca just three minutes to open the scoring after the break as Neymar teed up Rakitic to fire his first goal of the season into the top corner.Neymars search for the goal that his performance deserved continued as he sent a sweetly struck volley inches wide moments later.Yet he had an important part to play in the second goal as Rakitic received another pass from the Brazilian before coolly lifting the ball over the advancing Chernik.

Football: Zenit in sight of last 16 after Lyon win


SAINT PETERSBURG (AFP) - Zenit St Petersburg edged closer towards a place in the last 16 of the Champions League on Tuesday after a 3-1 home victory over Lyon in Group H.Artem Dzyuba continued his impressive goalscoring form as he put Zenit ahead after just three minutes at the Stadion Petrovskiy.Lyon pulled level shortly after half-time through Alexandre Lacazette but Hulk drilled home a trademark long-range strike to restore the lead for Zenit.Danny then ended any hopes of a Lyon comeback on 83 minutes as Andre Villas-Boas men registered a third win in as many attempts to strengthen their position at the top of the group.Zenit are three points clear of second-placed Valencia who beat Gent 2-1 in the nights other game to leave both defeated sides, Lyon and Gent, on one point apiece with their European dreams fading fast.Lyon were caught cold on a chilly night in St Petersburg as the hosts secured an early breakthrough when Oleg Shatov played in Dzyuba to coolly steer beyond Lyon goalkeeper Anthony Lopes for his sixth goal in his last seven appearances for club and country.Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa stung the palms of Zenit keeper Mikhail Kerzhakov with a snap volley but the home side should have increased their lead when Hulk found Dzyuba in acres of space inside the box, only for the Russia striker to slip as he pulled the trigger.Having conceded possession for the Zenit opener, it was from right-back Christophe Jallets low cross that Lyon restored parity as Lacazette cleverly flicked the ball past Kerzhakov four minutes into the second half.However, Lyon were made to pay a heavy price seven minutes later after Hulk shrugged off a couple of challenges before taking aim from distance and beating Lopes with a vicious swerving effort.Dzyuba wasted a chance to add to his tally after prodding wide on 67 minutes but Zenit skipper Danny ensured the Russians achieved a hat-trick of wins to start a group stage campaign for the first time as Shatov raced clear before squaring for the Portuguese to tap in.

Tennis: Isner and Monfils both win in Vienna


VIENNA (AFP) - American John Isner rained down 16 aces in an opening victory at the Austria Open on Tuesday as the third seed kept up a long-odds bid for an ATP year-end finals spot.One of the tallest men in tennis defeated an opponent he called a left-handed version of me, advancing to the second round over Frenchman Kenny De Schepper 7-6 (7/4), 7-6 (7/5).Isner did not face a break point in the victory lasting almost one and three-quarter hours at the Stadthalle.Isner had a match point in the penultimate game, which he missed before serving out the victory 7/5 in a tight deciding tie-breaker.He next lines up against Ernests Gulbis after the patchy Latvian ended an ATP-level five-match losing streak stretching to last August with his opening victory on Monday.Im very happy with this performance, said Isner, who stands provisional 12th among five other rivals battling for the last two places in the eight-man field for next months World Tour Finals in London.My goal is to try and make London but (Vienna top seed David) Ferrer is so many points ahead (on provisional eighth). Its not a problem if I dont make it - at least I will have tried my best.Ill just go into the off season, rest and prepare for 2016.Isner said that advancing past 123-ranked De Schepper was not easy. It came down to a few points, which I was able to win.I like the conditions here, the court and the balls are fantastic, said the player who lost in the 2009 first round on his only other appearance in the Austrian capital.Sixth seed Gael Monfils said he will feel the post-match pain in his body after working hard to defeat Brazils Thomas Bellucci 6-7 (5/7), 6-3, 6-4.The Frenchman was playing his his first match since retiring in the US Open first round on August 31 with a lower back injury.It took Monfils two and a half hours to prevail after losing a break in the opening set and being stretched all the way in a three-setter.Im happy to come back with a win. its been a long time since I was on a court, he said. I was not able to do anything for six weeks.Ive had just five or six days of practise, so Im sure I will be quite sore tomorrow.I knew coming into the match that I had to play well. I dont hink it went too badly. I lost a bit of rhythm in the first set and that turned it into a long match. We will see how I pull up for the next match.Unsseded Italian Paolo Lorenzi of Italy spent two and a quarter hours getting past Rajeev Ram 6-7 (4-7), 6-1, 6-4, woinning thanks in part to 16 aces. Sergiy Stakhovsky of the Ukraine beat Germanys Jan-Lennard Struff 6-4, 6-4.American Steve Johnson beat Alexandr Dolgopolov of the Ukraine 6-3, 4-6, 6-2.In addition to Ferrer and Isner, two more London contenders are trying to add points in Vienna this week plus two more remaining in the ATP regular season.Shanghai finalist Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, who arrived in Vienna only Tuesday night, will make his start on Wednesday in the first round against 37-year-old wild card Tommy Haas while South African Kevin Anderson also begins play.

Tennis: Suarez-Navarro books the last eight spot in Moscow


MOSCOW (AFP) - Fifth seed Carla Suarez-Navarro of Spain advanced to the Kremlin Cup quarter-finals with a straight-sets victory over Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia on Tuesday.At the ATP and WTA joint event in Moscow, Suarez-Navarro chalked up a 6-4, 7-5 win in one hour 46 minutes to keep alive her chances of obtaining one of the remaining spots in the season-ending WTA Finals in Singapore.Ive lost all of my previous meetings with her but Ive learned from that defeats, Suarez-Navarro said.Today I played tactically good game as I feel myself comfortably on this court. The key was to stay focused throughout the match.Meanwhile, sixth seed Czech Karolina Pliskova, who needs to win the tournament to book a place in the WTA Finals, battled into the second round after a tough three-setter with Alexandra Dulghery of Romania 6-4, 5-7, 7-6 (9/7). Pliskova, 15th in the WTA rankings, took the opening set in 49 minutes and grabbed a 3-1 lead in the second but Dulgheru rallied to take four consecutive games to level at one set all after one hour 33 minutes on court.The deciding set looked almost a carbon copy of the second as Dulgheru was trailing 4-1 but managed to pull the scores level again.But in a tiebreak that followed the 23-year-old Pliskova, who is seeking her careers fifth title here, was slightly more accurate to win the set and her first ever meeting with Dulgheru.It was pretty tough because she was playing solid from the baseline, Pliskova said.I almost died today so Im really happy that I still have a chance to get to Singapore although I know I need to win the tournament here.In the ATP section the fifth seed Uruguayan Pablo Cuevas, who is seeking his career fourth title here, barely broke sweat as he cruised into the second round when the Spanish qualifier Pere Riba retired through injury after losing the first set 6-1.Im happy to proceed to the second round even though it has happened because of my rivals retirement, Cuevas said.But I was pleased with my play during that small time that Ive spent on court here and I hope to continue to play like that in the next round.Russias wild card Evgeny Donskoy meanwhile upset the 18-year-old Croat Borna Coric, who was seeded sixth, seeing him off in straight sets 6-4, 6-4.

Golf: Spieth to headline returning Singapore Open


SINGAPORE (AFP) - Jordan Spieth, the 2015 USPGA Tour player of the year, will headline the Singapore Open in January when it returns after a three-year absence, organisers said Tuesday.The 22-year-old world number two, who counts the Masters and US Open among five wins during a breakout 2015, said he was really looking forward to playing at the tournament.Im very fortunate to play golf around the world and cant wait to visit Singapore for the first time, Spieth, a member of the US team who won the Presidents Cup in South Korea earlier this month, said in a statement.Under a three-year deal with Japans Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, the SMBC Singapore Open will offer a minimum prize fund of $1 million and will be held at Sentosa Golf Club from January 28-31.Formerly one of Asias richest with a $6 million purse when last held in November 2012, the tournament was cancelled in 2013 after British bank Barclays chose not to renew its sponsorship.Previous headline players have included Phil Mickelson, Ernie Els and Rory McIlroy. Australias Adam Scott is a three-time winner with victories in 2005, 2006 and 2010, while Italys Matteo Manassero won the last edition in 2012.The tournament will be jointly sanctioned by the Asian Tour and the Japan Golf Tour Organisation.

Golf: British Open moves to N. Ireland in 2019 - R&A


LONDON (AFP) - The British Open will return to Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland in 2019, golfs governing body the R&A announced on Tuesday.It will be only the second time that golfs oldest major is played outside England and Scotland, after a previous tournament staged at Portrush in 1951, which was won by Englands Max Faulkner.We are very much looking forward to bringing The Open to Royal Portrush in 2019 and believe it will be a tremendous venue for the Championship, said Peter Unsworth, chairman of the R&As championship committee, in a statement on the organisations website.The move follows the successful hosting of the 2012 Irish Open at Portrush and comes after lobbying from Northern Irish major champions Rory McIlroy, Darren Clarke and Graeme McDowell for the Open to be played there.Former R&A chief executive Peter Dawson had previously cited the record-breaking attendance at the 2012 Irish Open as a tipping point in deliberations about whether to take the Open back across the Irish Sea.Last year, Portrushs members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the course changes required to host the Open, which will take place from July 18-21.We know there is great anticipation throughout Ireland at the prospect of welcoming the worlds top golfers and it promises to be a hugely memorable week, Unsworth added.We are delighted with the progress being made on the course preparations and they will undoubtedly enhance the challenge presented by these historic links.World number three McIlroy, who lifted the Claret Jug in 2014, said: Royal Portrush is one of my favourite golf courses in the world. I think it will be a fantastic Open venue.They are going to add a couple of new holes to the golf course and I think that will be a great addition and will make the course even stronger. Im really looking forward to it.The 2015 Open, won by Americas Zach Johnson, was played at St Andrews.The 155-year-old tournament will visit Royal Troon next year, Royal Birkdale in 2017 and Carnoustie in 2018 before making its historic return to Northern Ireland the following year.Until Tuesdays announcement, the Open rotation took the tournament to nine coastal links courses -- five in Scotland and four in England, with Portrush now becoming the 10th.

Community's heart beats with homeland; PM addresses US Pakistani's


WASHINGTION (Dunya News) – Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif during an address to the Pakistani community residing in the US stated that the community’s heart beats with love for its homeland. The address was held in Pakistan’s embassy in the US.During the address, PM Nawaz stated that the situation in Karachi, Balochistan and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) was not as it was before. He stated that a wave of effective change had started in Pakistan.Addressing the community, PM Nawaz stated that country was besieged by terrorism when his government came to power with Balochistan in a state of war. Nawaz stated that rather than play the blame game and pointing fingers at previous regimes, his government directed their efforts towards the betterment of the country.PM Nawaz ascertained that the day was not far when terrorism will be completely uprooted from the country.The PM further stated that his government adopted those priorities that were in line with the sentiments of its citizens.Speaking on the occasion, the Head of state, in regards to the load shedding issue, stated that a further 3600 MW will be added to the electricity plan by the year 2017. PM Nawaz claimed that his government will eradicate the problem of load shedding before their constitutional term ends.PM Nawaz stated that every penny of the country was being spent with complete trust and confidence. He also informed that a gas pipeline will be laid down with the cooperation of Russia and China. The PM further stated that the economic development plan will be the source of revolution in the country.Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif arrived in the United States on Tuesday where he will meet US president Barack Obama and vice president Joe Biden among other leaders. PM Nawaz was given a spectacular welcome upon his arrival.Accompanying PM Nawaz were the first lady Mrs Kulsoom Nawaz, Prime Minister’s daughter Maryam Nawaz, Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar, Federal Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar among others.Also read: PM Nawaz arrives in USBefore leaving for New York, PM Nawaz had stated no compromise on Pakistan’s nuclear assets was possible. He said that national interest of the country was the top priority of the government.Also read: US Congress approves resolution for cooperation with PakistanTalking to media in London before leaving for United States (US), PM Nawaz had said that his visit will improve the relations between the two countries. Nawaz Sharif has stated that the interests of Pakistan will be looked after during his US visit. He told that solid evidence of Indian intelligence agency RAW’s interference in Pakistan has been provided to the United Nations (UN).Also read:Khursheed Shah advises PM to speak like BhuttoPreviously Foreign Advisor Sartaj Aziz had stated that US should try to avoid becoming a reason of disparity in the region abd that the national interest and security of Pakistan will never be compromised.Also read: Sartaj Aziz on US-PakistanMeanwhile, Pakistan Ambassador to the United States Jalil Abbas Jilani had made it clear that there was no ‘do more’ policy in place for Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, adding that Pakistan’s nuclear programme is for defensive purpose only.The Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry had also rejected any the likelihood of any compromises on nuclear programme as part of any dea with the US.

US oil falls ahead of expected rise in US supplies


NEW YORK (AFP) - US oil prices fell Tuesday as traders awaited the next days US government report on commercial inventories, expecting an increase that would add to abundant global supplies.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for November delivery dropped 34 cents to $45.55 a barrel compared with Mondays close. The futures contract expired with the settlement.Meanwhile, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in December, the global benchmark, edged up 10 cents to $48.71 a barrel in London.Traders awaited the release Wednesday of data on US commercial crude-oil inventories for last week. The Department of Energy is expected to report supplies rose by 3.75 million barrels, according to a Bloomberg News survey of experts.I think the market is readying for a significant build, said Robert Yawger of Mizuho Securities. However, he said, the DoE could also report another decline in US crude-oil production, offering some degree of support.Prices were under some pressure by news that Saudi Arabias crude stockpiles were at record highs and expectations of increased Iranian output with the potential lifting of Western sanctions on the Islamic Republic.Irans energy minister is adding to this depressed outlook, stating at an industry conference in Tehran that the country would aim to restore its share of global crude exports within months of the sanctions being lifted, said Kash Kamal, senior research analyst at Sucden Financial.Traders also awaited a meeting of OPEC and non-OPEC technical experts in Vienna on Wednesday, amid a push by some producers including Venezuela for action to raise prices.While in theory there is some slim chance that there might be some movement toward a joint effort to limit production in support of prices, we believe the agenda will run more toward the sharing of market data, said Tim Evans of Citi Futures.

Former England tormentor Warne inspires Yasir


DUBAI (AFP) - Fit-again Pakistan leg-spinner Yasir Shah will seek inspiration from former Australian great Shane Warnes exploits against England when he plays in the second Test starting in Dubai from Thursday, he said.Shah, 29, was seen as Pakistans trump card in the three-match series but was forced to miss last weeks first Test in Abu Dhabi with a back spasm.Pakistan missed his bowling after narrowly escaping defeat on the fifth and final day as England -- chasing 99 for a dramatic win -- fell short by 25 runs when umpires called off play due to bad light with eight of the 19 overs still to be bowled.England, replying to Pakistans 523-8 declared, made 598-9 as the Abu Dhabi pitch was unresponsive to bowlers.Shah said he had watched Warne destroying England.I have watched the Ashes when Warne did well against England, said Shah of the Aussie great who took 195 of the 708 wickets in his career against England.Warne took 23 wickets in Australias 5-0 whitewash of England in 2006-07.Then I noticed that they are weak against leg-spin so I have watched those videos and have tried to bowl like that in nets and I am quite hopeful that I will do as per requirements, said Shah. He feels Englands frailties against spin could be exploited.I think they are weak against the leg-spinners so will strongly try to exploit that, said Shah, who claims to have started bowling after watching Warne.I started bowling by watching Warne in a match on television. I never got to work with him but met him and he told me about weaknesses in my bowling, said Shah of his meeting with the Australian great earlier this year. Shah said he had recovered form the injury which kept him out out of the first Test.Its better than before. I am 99 percent fit and I bowled and fielded in practice. I did bowl a few days back and did not feel any pain. When I got injured it was difficult to even walk, he said.I was sad that I unfortunately missed the Test because of the back spasm but I dont think the break is big. I didnt bowl for only three days after that mishap so that will not be much. I am looking forward to playing, said the leg-spinner, who hopes to emulate his good performance against Australia and New Zealand in Dubai last year.I did well against New Zealand and Australia so I had planned to do well with good line and length and this pitch has always helped me in the past, added Shah, who took 24 wickets against Sri Lanka in Pakistans last series.

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