Friday 30 September 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Syria regime advances in Aleppo, MSF decries 'bloodbath'


BEIRUT (AFP) - Syrian regime forces advanced in the battleground city of Aleppo Friday, backed by a Russian air campaign that a monitor said has killed more than 3,800 civilians in the past year.The Doctors Without Borders (MSF) charity accused Syrias government and its ally Moscow of provoking a bloodbath in the city, saying the eastern rebel-held portion had become a giant kill box.Syrias army was advancing on two Aleppo fronts, as talks between key players Washington and Moscow -- which back opposing sides in the war -- appeared close to collapse.Damascuss bid to recapture all of the divided northern city prompted the UN to warn of a humanitarian catastrophe.UN chief Ban Ki-moon announced he is setting up an internal board of inquiry to investigate the September 19 bombing of an aid convoy in Syria that killed 18 people.The UN panel will report to Ban, who will decide what further steps to take, a UN statement said.US officials have said Russian planes attacked the 31-truck convoy bringing aid to a town west of Aleppo. Moscow has denied the accusation.Just over a week after Syrias army announced an operation to recapture all Aleppo, it was advancing both in northern and central Aleppo Friday, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor and state media.In the north, it recaptured the Handarat former Palestinian refugee camp, as well as the old Kindi hospital, said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.Rebels had held the hospital since 2013, and capturing it allows government forces to threaten the opposition-held Heluk and Haydariyeh neighbourhoods.The Observatory said at least 15 people, including two children, were killed in strikes on Heluk and other eastern districts Friday.In central Aleppo, meanwhile, fierce clashes shook the Suleiman al-Halabi neighbourhood, divided by the frontline separating the rebel-held east and regime-held west.The army is seeking to capture the opposition-held sector of the district and advance to the main water supply station for the government-controlled part of Aleppo which is in the neighbourhood.State television said 15 civilians had been killed and 40 wounded by rocket fire into the government-held part of Suleiman al-Halabi and neighbouring Midan district.Since the army operation began, Damascus and Moscow have pounded east Aleppo with air strikes, barrel bomb attacks and artillery fire, killing at least 216 people, including more than 40 children, according to the Observatory.The assault has levelled apartment blocks and put hospitals out of service, creating a humanitarian catastrophe in opposition areas besieged for most of the past two months.It has been some of the worst violence since the March 2011 beginning of Syrias conflict, which has killed more than 300,000 people and displaced over half the population.Outside Damascus, meanwhile, air raids on several rebel-held towns in the Eastern Ghouta region killed at least 17 people including eight children, the Observatory said.On Thursday, US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Washington was on the verge of suspending talks with Russia on Syria because of the Aleppo assault.Moscow, a key ally of President Bashar al-Assad, began a military campaign to bolster his forces in September 2015 that has so far killed more than 9,300 people, the Britain-based Observatory says.That figure includes 3,804 civilians and more than 5,500 jihadists and rebels, it says, adding that at least 20,000 civilians have been wounded.The Observatory says it determines what planes carried out raids according to their type, location, flight patterns and the munitions involved.We do not consider as reliable the information... coming from this organisation, which is based in the United Kingdom, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.Kerrys Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Friday accused Washington of protecting a jihadist group in its effort to overthrow Assads regime.Lavrov told the BBC that Washington had vowed, under a failed truce deal, to take as a priority an obligation to separate the opposition from the former Al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh al-Sham Front, once known as Al-Nusra Front, but that it had not done so.We have more and more reasons to believe that from the very beginning the plan was to spare Nusra and to keep it just in case for Plan B or stage two when it would be time to change the regime, Lavrov said.Moscow said Thursday it would continue its campaign, despite Washingtons threat and international concern about Aleppo.Bombs are raining from Syria-led coalition planes and the whole of east Aleppo has become a giant kill box, MSF director of operations Xisco Villalonga said in a statement on Friday.The Syrian government must stop the indiscriminate bombing, and Russia as an indispensable political and military ally of Syria has the responsibility to exert the pressure to stop this, he said.

Kerry laments lack of Syria options in leaked audio


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Secretary of State John Kerry is frustrated that his diplomatic efforts to end Syrias civil war were not backed up by US military force, according to a recording leaked Friday.In the audio released by the New York Times, Kerry is heard lamenting to a group of Syrian civilians last week in New York that his call for US action against Bashar al-Assads government fell on deaf ears.I think youre looking at three people, four people in the administration who have all argued for use of force, and I lost the argument, he tells the group.Ive argued for the use of force ... but things evolved into a different process.State Department spokesman John Kirby did not deny that the recording -- made at a private meeting in a diplomatic mission on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly -- is authentic. While we will decline to comment on a private conversation, Secretary Kerry was grateful for the chance to meet with this group of Syrians, to hear their concerns first hand and to express our continued focus on ending this civil war, he said.It has been widely reported that Kerry pushed President Barack Obama to take a more robust path in Syria, to give teeth to international efforts to force Assad aside and end a civil war now heading into its sixth year.But Washingtons top diplomat has been careful to present a united front with the White House in public, even as he attempts to work with Moscow to rein in Assads forces and build space for a political dialogue.In August 2013, after Assad had been accused of firing chemical weapons at civilians, Kerry gave a ferocious speech that was seen as prefiguring a retaliatory US military strike -- only for Obama to back down only hours later.Kerry refers to the speech incident in Fridays leaked recording, but blames the US Congress for refusing to vote to authorize the US military to take action against Assad.At last weeks meeting, the Syrians -- sympathizers with the rebellion against Assad -- expressed frustration that US efforts in their country are focused on fighting the Islamic State group and not on Assad or his allies.Instead, on September 9, Kerry agreed with Assads ally Moscow that there should be a ceasefire between the regime and the US-backed rebels. The truce came into force on September 12 but fell apart after a week.Russia and the United States are now blaming each other for the breakdown and Assads Russian-backed forces have launched an assault on rebel-held eastern Aleppo.Look, I get it, Kerry tells the incredulous Syrians. A lot of us wish there was an enforcement mechanism right now. A lot of us have been fighting for one, but we dont have one right now and thats set, he warned.Were trying to pursue the diplomacy, and I understand its frustrating. You have nobody more frustrated than we are.

Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil


SOFIA (AFP) - Bulgaria banned on Friday face-covering Islamic veils in public, joining a small number of EU countries as debate rages across Europe about religious freedoms.Parliament approved the law that bans wearing in public clothing that partially or completely covers the face, referring to the burqa or the more common niqab.Infringements carry fines of 200 leva (103 euros, $114), rising to 1,500 leva for repeated offences.Bulgarias mostly centuries-old Muslim community, dating back to conversions during Ottoman times, makes up around 13 percent of the population, mostly in the Turkish minority.Muslim women in Bulgaria have generally worn just a simple scarf to cover their hair.But recently there has been a small rise in the number of women wearing the niqab among ultra-conservative Muslim communities of the Roma minority.The often impoverished and marginalised Roma make up just under 10 percent of Bulgarias population, around a third of whom are Muslim. Several Bulgarian towns had already banned the niqab at local level.The legislation was approved despite opposition from the MDL Turkish minority party which accused the other parties of sowing religious intolerance.Rights group Amnesty International strongly criticised the ban. This law is part of a disturbing trend of intolerance, xenophobia and racism in Bulgaria, the groups Europe director John Dalhuisen said in a statement.France and Belgium have both banned the burqa or niqab and Switzerlands lower house this week narrowly approved a draft bill on a nationwide ban. In August Germanys interior minister came out in favour of a partial ban.France was also this summer embroiled in a row over bans on the burkini, a full-body Islamic swimsuit, in resorts around the Riviera. A poll published earlier this month showed Britons to be strongly in favour of a burqa ban.

Drone strike kills 2 Qaeda suspects in Yemen


ADEN (AFP) - A drone strike has killed two suspected members of Al-Qaeda in central Yemen, a local government official said on Friday.The official said the two men were lying under a tree in Rada, Bayda province, on Thursday when they were hit by an air strike.Washington is the only government to operate drones over Yemen, but the United States only sporadically releases statements on its long-running bombing campaign against the countrys powerful Al-Qaeda branch.On Wednesday, it acknowledged conducting drone strikes against Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) last week, killing four members of the group -- two of them in Bayda.The United States considers Al-Qaedas Yemen-based franchise AQAP to be its most dangerous.US Central Command continues to protect the US, its allies and partners from these threats by denying Yemen as a haven for AQAP, Army Major Josh Jacques, US Central Command spokesman, has said.AQAP and the Islamic State (IS) group have exploited a power vacuum created by the conflict between the government and Iran-backed Huthi rebels to expand their presence in Yemen, especially in the south and southeast.In main southern city Aden, where the government has its headquarters, gunmen killed an intelligence officer as he left Friday prayers, a security official said.The source said the attackers were believed to be IS militants, adding that the killing came a day after an airport officer was wounded when a bomb planted in his car exploded in the city.IS group later published photos claiming both attacks, according to SITE Intelligence Group. Yemeni government and security officials frequently come under attack from jihadists in the south, who have also carried out deadly bombings against troops.A Saudi-led Arab military coalition that backs the government against the Huthis and their allies has also turned its sights on jihadists, targeting them with air strikes.More than 6,600 people, including civilians, have been killed in the Yemeni conflict since the coalition began its air campaign in March 2015, the UN says.

UN chief offers to meditate over Kashmir tensions


UNITED NATIONS, United States (AFP) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday offered to act as mediator between India and Pakistan to defuse rising tensions over disputed Kashmir.The offer came after Pakistans ambassador met with the UN chief and urged him to personally intervene, while India said it did not want to aggravate the situation.Ban called on both sides to exercise maximum restraint and take immediate steps to de-escalate the situation, a statement from his spokesman said.The UN chief said India and Pakistan should address differences through diplomacy and dialogue, and offered to mediate.His good offices are available, if accepted by both sides, the UN spokesman said.Tensions between the two arch rivals have been boiling since the Indian government accused Pakistan-based militants of launching an assault on an army base in Kashmir earlier this month that killed 18 soldiers.India on Thursday said it had carried out surgical strikes several kilometers (miles) inside Pakistan-controlled Kashmir on what they called terrorist targets.This is a dangerous moment for the region, Pakistans Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi told AFP after meeting with Ban at UN headquarters in New York.The time has come for bold intervention by him if we are to avoid a crisis, because we can see a crisis building up.Lodhi accused India of creating conditions that pose a threat to regional and international peace and security.UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric earlier said the UN chief would welcome all proposals or initiatives aimed at de-escalation.Ban is following the situation with great concern, said Dujarric, citing the escalating rhetoric between the two countries and the increased tensions along the line of control separating Kashmir between Pakistani- and Indian-controlled areas.A UN military observer mission (UNMOGIP) is looking into reports of ceasefire violations along the line of control and will report to Ban, he added.UNMOGIP has not directly observed any firing across the line of control related to the latest incident, he added.In a statement to AFP Indias mission to the United Nations said India has no desire to aggravate the situation, and that our response was a measured counter-terrorist strike.It was focused in terms of targets and geographical space, the mission said. It is reflective of our desire to respond proportionately to clear and imminent threat posed by terrorists in that instance.With our objectives having been met that effort has since ceased.The Pakistani ambassador said she had suggested to Ban that plans for a visit to India and Pakistan expected in November could be brought forward to avert a crisis.Lodhi also met this week with the current Security Council president, New Zealand Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen, to ask that the top UN body keep a close eye on developments.India and Pakistan have fought three wars since they gained independence from Britain seven decades ago, two of them over the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

All mega projects in Karachi would start in October: CM Sindh


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Sindh Chief Minister (CM) Murad Ali Shah said on Friday that 18 mega projects worth Rs 10 billion would start in Karachi in the month of October, reported Dunya News.CM said that they know about condition of Karachi very well and in six months they would have a proper system to get rid of the garbage. In South and Korangi, a Chinese company was given contract for getting rid of garbage.Murad Ali Shah also said that Manzoor would work with all traders’ associations and he would provide the funds needed for it.

Imran Khan cannot become PM, no matter what he does: PML-N leaders


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leaders criticised Imran Khan on Friday for his speech in Raiwind against government, reported Dunya News.Punjabs law minister Rana Sanaullah said that Imran Khan spoke the language of Indian Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi and Lahore rejected him.Member National Assembly (MNA) Talal Chaudhry said that Imran Khan was not giving warnings to government, but supreme court.Daniyal Aziz said that Imran Khan was already exposed as he was doing negative politics whereas Muhammad Zubair said that Imran Khan cannot become Prime Minister (PM), no matter what he does.

Policeman martyred by target killers: case filed against investigative officer


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The case of the policeman being martyred by the target killers, was filed against the investigative officer on Friday, reported Dunya News.The investigative officer, Wasif Jokhio was charged for being careless, lenient and assisting the target killers in escaping as the target killers snatched the weapons from policemen and started firing. Police officials also told that the statements of eye witnessed were also recorded.

Karachi: Two Lyari gang war accused killed in police encounter


KARACHI: According to details, police conducted an operation in Kalakot area of Karachi on Friday during which two Lyari gang war accused, belonging to Baba Ladla group, were killed, Dunya News reported.Police sources said that the killed accused were involved in cracker attacks and murder of 30 people. Police also recovered arms and explosive material from their possession.On the other hand, police carried out search operation in different parts of the city and arrested at least 44 suspects, including two accused. Police sources said that search operations were conducted in Malir, Ghazi Goth, Shah Faisal, Guzri and Ittehad Town on intelligence reports that criminal elements are present in these areas.Sources further said that arms were recovered from two arrested accused. The arrested persons were shifted to police station for further investigation.

Death toll in Shahdara cylinder blast reaches 10


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Seven more victims of the Shahdara cylinder blast, which took place four days ago, succumb to their injuries at the Lahore’s Mayo Hospital, raising the death toll of ten.According to details, a cylinder blast at an LPG filling shop in Yousuf Park area of Shahdara four days ago had wounded 18 people, including women and children.The victims were shifted to Mayo Hospital where seven more victims, including two-year-old Salman, six-year-old Asifa, Bilal, Rafiq, Tasawwar, Salim, Saeed and Ijaz, succumbed to their wounds. Three of the victims, Zahid, Wasim and Zain, died of their injuries earlier.

Tennis: On form Kvitova reaches Wuhan final


WUHAN (AFP) - Two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova dropped just three games to dismiss Simona Halep in two sets in the semi-finals at the Wuhan Open Friday.The Czech displayed the tennis that once saw her two match wins from ascending to world number one as she beat Halep 6-1, 6-2 to reach her second final at the $2.6 million hard court event in China.The Romanian fourth seed denied Kvitova her first match point with an unusual backhand volley, taking the second set to 5-2, but was unable to swing the momentum of the game in her favour.I tried, but (it) was too late to change something at 6-1, 5-1. Its a bit too late with someone that is playing this way, Halep told reporters after the match.Despite the loss, by reaching the Wuhan semi-finals Halep has booked her spot in the year-ending eight-player WTA Finals for the third consecutive year.Kvitovas return to form in China comes after a choppy year that began with her splitting from coach of seven years David Kotyza and has seen her slip to 16 in the world rankings -- her lowest spot since 2011.She made a series of early round exits this season, failing to get beyond the fourth round at any of the Grand Slams, until a bronze medal at the Rio Olympics appeared to turn the tide for the 26-year-old.From the time (Rio) I felt better as well mentally, and the confidence was there. I played great matches in Rio. I think that helped me for the tournaments after Rio, Kvitova said after the semi-final win. Kvitova will meet Dominika Cibulkova in the finals on Saturday, after the Slovak rallied from one set down to beat double Grand Slam champion Svetlana Kuznetsova 3-6, 6-3, 6-4.Rain delays meant that Cibulkova has spent more than six hours on court in the last two days, playing both a fourth round and quarter final match on Thursday -- and claiming the scalp of US Open finalist Karolina Pliskova en route.Her strong run at Wuhan marks an impressive return for the 27-year-old who missed four months of the season in 2015 after having surgery on her left foot.A left calf injury also forced her to withdraw from the Rio Olympics.Its never easy to come back after injury, especially when your ranking drops, said Cibulkova after the match.But she has reached five finals this year and the quarter finals at Wimbledon, and is now just points away from qualifying for the year finale in Singapore for the first time.Im a good player, I can beat top players. But I was missing consistency in my game. This is the first year that Im really consistent playing the whole year, the Slovak said.Meanwhile, 31-year-old Kuznetsova -- who reached world number two in 2007 -- is enjoying a late-career resurgence and reaching the semi-finals at Wuhan will likely see her reach her highest ranking in six years when next weeks leaderboard is released.I lost little bit my way when I got broken in second set because I felt like I was on top of the game after I won first set, Kuznetsova told reporters after the match.

Football: Lukaku, Benteke strike as Everton, Palace draw


LIVERPOOL (AFP) - Goals by Belgian international strikers Romelu Lukaku and Christian Benteke saw Everton and Crystal Palace draw 1-1 in their Premier League clash on Friday.Lukaku struck with his fifth of the season in the first-half before Benteke, who endured a disappointing spell at Liverpool before moving to Palace in the summer, levelled with a superb header in the second-half.The draw was enough for Everton to put an end to a two-match losing run in all competitions and lift them up to third whilst Palace -- who have not lost at Goodison since 2005 -- remain seventh after extending their unbeaten run to four games. Everton manager Ronald Koeman was satisfied with the outcome.Its a good point in the end. We defended set plays and second balls well against a difficult team, the 53-year-old Dutchman told Sky Sports. The team performance was outstanding, although wed like to create more opportunities.Weve had a good start to the season. The position in the table is not everything at the moment and we need to improve, but were doing a good job.His Palace counterpart Alan Pardew was proud of the manner his players refused to be overwhelemd by early Everton dominance.They took the lead but we wouldnt lie down and we did really well in the second half, he said.Everton made a bright start to the match forcing Palace to concede several corners in quick succession with Yannick Bolasie torturing his former team-mates with some deft footwork down the left flank.However, it took till the 19th minute for the hosts to force a save from Palace keeper Steve Mandanda, Lukaku firing straight at him. Lukaku, though, broke the deadlock in the 36th minute, curling a pearler of a free-kick over the Palace wall, leaving Mandanda rooted to the spot for his fifth of the season.The free-kick had been awarded in controversial circumstances as there was a suspicion Everton defender Phil Jagielka handled the ball before Palaces veteran captain Damien Delaney raised his boot too high in the challenge. Four minutes into the second-half Palace were level as Benteke produced a superb header, from Joel Wards cross, to beat Maarten Stekelenburg for his third of the campaign.Everton stormed back almost immediately and a wonderful piece of skill by Bolasie teed up Idrissa Gueye but he fluffed his lines as Martin Kelly blocked his goalbound shot.The visitors thought they had taken the lead when Delaney, making his 600th league appearance, had the ball in the net but it was ruled out for offside although the scorer did not appear to be in an offside position.A pulsating match then saw Gareth Barrys flicked header cleared off the line by Palace defender Jason Puncheon. Palace came back at Everton and James Tomkins was presented with a great chance but his header was gathered by Stekelenburg.

Golf: US blanks Europe in emotional Ryder Cup start


CHASKA (AFP) - The United States whitewashed Europe 4-0 in Fridays opening alternate shot foursomes session at the Ryder Cup, the first time in 41 years the Americans blanked their rivals to start the team golf showdown.Not since a 1975 squad captained by Arnold Palmer, who died last Sunday at age 87, had the Americans dominated an opening session as they did at Hazeltine, never trailing to win two matches and coming from behind in two more with impressive late fightbacks.A dream start, US captain Davis Love said of his players. The guys have really come together. It has been an emotional couple of weeks with Arnolds passing.Theres a long way to go. Theres a lot more points out there.A US squad that was outscored 7-1 in foursomes in 2014 swept an opening session for only the third time ever against Europe, having also gone 4-0 in 1947.It bodes well for Americas chances to snap a three-Cup losing skid and end domination that has seen Europe win eight of the past 10 Cups.Their guys fought better than we did and 4-0 is a worthy result for how they played, Europe captain Darren Clarke said.Its not an ideal start but we have come back from starts worse than this in the past. Its a big hole weve dug but they are keen to get back out there.Jordan Spieth and Patrick Reed never trailed in downing Olympic champion Justin Rose of England and British Open champion Henrik Stenson of Sweden 3 and 2 in the opening matchup of two duos that went undefeated in 2014.It was a tight match. They made a few putts and we couldnt quite buy one, Rose said. There were a lot of double breaking putts. They are tough to read because youve got to be spot on.Reed, known for his fiery style, sank a 10-foot birdie putt at the par-5 16th to close out the match, his fists pumping as the crowd roared.It was a lot of fun to be part of that match, Reed said. I live for those kind of moments. It just gets me going. I didnt want to miss my chance.Third-ranked Rory McIlroy and Englands Andy Sullivan twice seized 2-up leads over Phil Mickelson and Rickie Fowler, but the US duo won four of the last five holes for a 1-up victory.I felt more pressure than any Ryder Cup, said Mickelson, who matched a record with his 11th Cup appearance. I didnt play the way I wanted off the tee. We showed a lot of heart those last four holes to win.Mickelson parred to win the 15th and Fowler birdied the 16th to square the match. Sullivan found water off the par-3 17th tee while the US duo birdied to retake the lead for good.To finally get my first full point is great, Fowler said.PGA Championship winner Jimmy Walker and two-time major winner Zach Johnson lost the second hole to Spains Sergio Gercia and Germanys Martin Kaymer with a par and could not square the match until the 12th hole, but they won that and the next four in a 4 and 2 romp. Walker birdied 13 and 14 and Johnson took 16 to end the match, then downplayed the US sweep.Lot of talent on both teams, he said. A lot of matches left. It is not like we were that far off. It is not rocket science. It is just getting back to the basics.US spectators screaming in support helped.It was quite the crowd, Walker said. I wasnt prepared for it. It was quite intense early. Nothing in golf is like this.US Open winner Dustin Johnson and American Matt Kuchar led from the first hole in routing Englands Lee Westwood and Belgian Thomas Pieters 5 and 4.Any time we made a shot they put one in on top of us, Pieters said.The way DJ hits the ball, I just try not to mess him up, Kuchar said.Four afternoon four-ball matches will follow with Saturday featuring four more foursomes and four-ball matches ahead of Sundays concluding 12 singles matches.Europe needs 14 points to retain the trophy while the Americans need 14 1/2 points to take the Cup for the first time since 2008.

Boxing: Fury fights for future after cocaine test claim


LONDON (AFP) - Tyson Fury was fighting for his boxing future on Friday after a media report said he had tested positive for cocaine and faced being stripped of his heavyweight title belts.The 28-year-old Briton had been due to defend the WBA and WBO world titles against former champion Wladimir Klitschko in Manchester on October 29, but the bout was called off abruptly last week for a second time, for unspecified medical reasons.A spokesman for Furys promoters Hennessy Sports declined to discuss the cocaine claims, which were made by US-based broadcaster ESPN, which said that the troubled Fury tested positive after giving a random urine sample on September 22.Contacted by Press Association Sport, the spokesman said the beleaguered Fury camp would not be making a statement.ESPN reported Fury was tested by the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA), which is based in Las Vegas, as part of the routine agreed by both fighters before the fight.One attempt at a rematch with the Ukrainian Klitschko, scheduled to take place on July 9, had already been abandoned because of an apparent ankle injury sustained by the controversial British fighter. Contacted for comment regarding Fury, VADA, which specialises in testing competitors from boxing and mixed martial arts, said it does not release results of samples unless at an athletes request.Providing the test was taken on an out-of-competition basis, Fury stands to face no sanctions such as a ban. But he risks losing his belts due to inactivity, ESPN said, having failed to make a title defence this year.If confirmed, the cocaine claim would be the latest in a series of damning episodes for the British boxer.After his ankle injury it then emerged that UK-Anti Doping (UKAD) had charged the champion over a urine sample taken in February 2015, and his cousin Hughie with a doping offence.It was alleged the sample -- taken nine months before Tyson Furys defeat of Klitschko to take his belts -- contained traces of the banned substance nandrolone. Fury was provisionally suspended, but that ban has since been lifted and his legal team had said they would be suing UKAD over the allegations. His hearing will be held in November.

Golf: Willett heckled during opening round of Ryder Cup


CHASKA (AFP) - Reigning Masters champion Danny Willett teed off at the Ryder Cup Friday to a stream of catcalls from hecklers upset over his brothers insults to American golf fans.There was a chorus of boos from US fans when he was introduced on the first tee. Others yelled mash potatoes and buy you a hotdog followed by chants of his brother Peters name.Englishman Willett did his best to tune out the background noise as he played a four-ball match with Team Europe partner Martin Kaymer against the US duo of Brandt Snedeker and Brooks Koepka.Despite the jeers and boos coming from the jammed grandstand, Willett calmly stepped up to the opening tee box and blasted his first drive down the middle of the fairway.He then silenced the crowd around the green when he drained a 30-foot putt on his first hole for an opening birdie.The controversy began when Pete Willett called US golf fans fat, stupid, greedy, classless bastards and a baying mob of imbeciles in an article on a European golf website.The 28-year-old Danny Willett apologized for his brothers rant after learning about it on Wednesday.Willetts wife, Nicole, followed her husband around the course Friday from inside the ropes and didnt like some of what she was hearing.She declined to speak about the matter, saying I am rather upset.Not all US supporters were out to jeer Willett on Friday. A group of fans wearing hockey jerseys and Viking horns made a point of telling the grandstand hecklers to keep quiet and on the third tee another American spectator yelled We love you Danny.Willett is making his Ryder Cup debut after capturing his first major crown at the Masters, aided by a back-nine collapse from leader Jordan Spieth.Willett, who also won at Dubai in February, was the first European in 17 years to win at Augusta National.

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