Tuesday 14 February 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Cricket: Pakistan to face Sri Lanka in world cup qualifiers today


COLOMBO (Dunya News) - Pakistan Womens Cricket Team would face Sri Lanka in their fifth match of the womens world cup qualifiers in Colombo today, reported Dunya News.The Pakistani side has played four matches in the competition so far and has lost just one against South Africa whereas they have won 3 against Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and Scotland.Pakistani side has finished second in their group and would face arch-rivals India on 19 February after taking on Ireland team on 17 February. Four teams will qualify for the main event.

Diarra parts company with Marseille


Marseille (AFP) – French international Lassana Diarra has left Marseille after reaching a deal to end his contract early, the Ligue 1 club announced on Tuesday.The 31-year-old quits the Velodrome after a year and a half. He wanted to leave in the winter transfer window without finding a suitable offer.Last month a Belgian court ruled that FIFA could have to pay the midfielder up to six million euros over a blocked move.It ruled that the former Arsenal, Chelsea and Real Madrid player, who was stopped from moving from Lokomotiv Moscow to the Belgian side of Charleroi in 2014, was entitled to seek his loss of earnings.Diarra had abruptly left the Russian club in 2014 after signing a four-year contract in 2013, mainly because of a pay cut.

SC to resume hearing of Panama case after two weeks today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The Supreme Court (SC) would resume the hearing of Panama case today (Wednesday) after a break of two weeks, reported Dunya News.The larger bench was formed on 31 December and the hearing had started on 4 January. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insafs (PTI) lawyer Naeem Bukhari and Jamaat Islamis (JI) lawyer Taufeeq Ahmed gave their arguments.Prime Ministers (PM) lawyer Makhdoom Ali Khan and Maryam Nawaz, Captain Safdar and Ishaq Dars lawyer Shahid Hamid defended the arguments.Hassan and Hussain Nawazs lawyer Salman Akram Raja was giving his arguments when Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed had a problem with his heart and the hearing was delay until 6 February.After he recovered his health on 9 February, it was decided that hearing would take place on 15 February.

Four Indian soldiers, four mujahideen dead in Kashmir gun battles


SRINAGAR (Reuters) - Four Indian soldiers and four Kashmiri mujahideen were killed on Tuesday in gun battles in Indian-held Kashmir, in the second outbreak of violence between security forces and separatists in three days.Three soldiers and a Kashmiri mujahid died in a shootout in North Kashmirs Bandipora district, as a joint army and police team mounted a search following a tip-off that gunmen were in the area, a defence spokesman said. Five soldiers were wounded.During the searches, Kashmiri mujahideen hiding in a house opened fire, triggering off an encounter, Lieutenant Colonel Rajesh Kalia told Reuters. He said there were no arrests.Separately, Indian forces shot dead three Kashmiri mujahideen in Handwara district, a senior police official told Reuters. An Indian army officer was also killed in the gun battle.India is trying to contain an insurgency in Held Kashmir that is more than a quarter-century old. Protests flared last year after security forces killed a popular Kashmiri separatist leader Burhan Wani.India accuses Pakistan of smuggling in men, equipment and counterfeit cash to back separatist fighters -- a charge Islamabad denies. The nuclear-armed neighbours have fought two of their three wars since independence over Kashmir, which each claims in full but rules only a part.Four Kashmiris and two Indian soldiers were among seven killed in a gun battle in South Kashmir on Sunday.

Russian jets pound Syrian city of Deraa after rebel gains


AMMAN (Reuters) - Russian jets pounded rebel-held areas of the Syrian city of Deraa on Tuesday for a second day in the first such intensive bombing campaign since Moscows major intervention in Syria more than a year ago, rebels and witnesses said.Rebel groups on Sunday stormed the heavily-garrisoned Manshiya district in a battle dubbed Death rather than Humiliation saying the campaign sought to obstruct any army attempts to capture a strategic border crossing with Jordan.The armys control of the rebel held crossing and swatches of territory in the southern strip of the city would sever the rebel link between the eastern and west parts of the city.The Syrian army said the terrorists had failed to make gains and its troops had inflicted many casualties.State media said the armed insurgents showered civilian districts of the southern city with mortars, wrecking many homes.The opposition fighters are drawn from both moderate Free Syrian Army groups and members of a newly formed alliance - Tahrir al Sham - spearheaded by a faction that was once al Qaedas official affiliate.A rebel source said there were at least 30 Russian sorties on Tuesday, thwarting further rebel gains in the heavily defended enclave that had allowed them so far to secure significant parts of the Manshiya.When the regime began to lose control of some areas ... the Russian jets began their operations, said Ibrahim Abdullah, a senior rebel commander.The fighting also spread across other parts of the city as rebels fired mortars on government controlled parts of the city. Ground-to-ground missiles were also deployed from army barracks to pound rebel held quarters of the city, residents said.The battles inside the city are the most intense since an alliance of mainstream rebels, known as The Southern Front who are backed by Western and Arab foes of President Bashar al Assad launched an unsuccessful large scale military campaign to capture the whole city in 2015.The province that borders both Israel and Jordan has escaped the devastation wreaked by Russias aerial bombing of northern Syria after Moscow stepped up its military involvement in Syria in 2015.The Syrian army has so far failed to recapture the border crossing, a once thriving passenger and commercial gateway with Jordan, despite repeated efforts.There is not a single day that passes without the regime trying to make advances, Salamah Aba Zaid, a resident in Deraa said.At least half of the southern province is in the hands of Free Syrian Army rebels but groups affiliated with the Islamic State have a foothold in an area to the west of Deraa in the Wadi Yarmouk area near the Golan Heights.Aid workers said jets hit a Western-funded field hospital in Deraa and raids killed at least seven members of one family in the border area, where many residents fled in the early days of the Syrian conflict.The Washington-based International Rescue Committee, which supports the hospital that was targeted, said in a statement that four health workers were injured in the attack.

Spanish court blocks Catalan independence vote


MADRID (Agencies) - Spains Constitutional Court on Tuesday quashed a resolution by Catalonias regional parliament calling for a referendum on independence this year, a ruling that will further stoke tensions with Madrid.The parliament of Spains wealthy, northeastern region, which has a majority of separatist lawmakers, had adopted the resolution in October, pledging to hold a vote in September 2017.But after suspending it in December, the Constitutional Court in Madrid said on Tuesday that it had cancelled it altogether, ruling it unconstitutional.Separatists in Catalonia have for years tried to win approval from Spains central government for an independence vote like Scotlands 2014 referendum on independence from Britain, which resulted in a no vote.Catalonias former president Artur Mas tried to hold such a referendum, which was also banned by the court. He countered by calling a symbolic, non-binding independence vote, which was also stopped by the court.But in November 2014 he went ahead anyway, with more than 80 per cent choosing independence - though just 2.3 million people out of a total of 6.3 million eligible voters took part.Mas move got him and two others charged with serious civil disobedience and misconduct, and they stood trial last week. Prosecutors want Mas and his former associates banned from holding public office for nine to 10 years.The courts 2014 ban on holding a referendum is permanent, but the Catalan parliament had decided to give it another try last October - ultimately failing.Prosecutors will now decide whether regional officials such as parliamentary speaker Carme Forcadell committed an offence by approving the decision to submit the resolution.Catalans have nurtured a separate identity for centuries, with their own language and customs.Their long-standing demands for greater autonomy have been exacerbated by Spains economic downturn, with many Catalans resenting the taxes they pay to the central government in Madrid to subsidise poorer regions.Calls for outright independence have increased in recent years, and polls show that Catalonia, which accounts for almost a fifth of Spains economic output, is roughly split in half over breaking away.

Knife-wielding attackers kill five in China's Xinjiang


SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Three knife-wielding attackers have killed five people and injured five others in Chinas far western region of Xinjiang before police killed the thugs, a regional government said.The attack took place on Tuesday evening in Pishan county in the restive southern part of Xinjiang, the government of Hotan prefecture said in a short statement on its website early on Wednesday.At present, social order is normal at the site, society is stable, and investigation work is under way, it said, without giving further details about the attackers or their motive.Hundreds of people have been killed in recent years in resource-rich Xinjiang, on the borders of central Asia and Pakistan, in violence between members of the ethnic Uighur minority and majority Han Chinese.The government has blamed much of the unrest on separatist Islamist militants, although rights groups and exiles say anger at Chinese controls on the religion and culture of Muslim Uighurs is more to blame for the violence. China denies any repression in Xinjiang.Hotan, a one-time Silk Road outpost, is considered part of the Uighur heartland.

Sold into marriage: How Rohingya girls become child brides in Malaysia


KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - The slight girl in a turquoise headscarf held back tears as she recalled what happened when she fled to Malaysia from Myanmars violence-hit Rakhine state. Just 12-years-old at the time, she was forced to wed a man she did not know, and who was more than a decade older than her.The teenager, who is not being named by Reuters because she is still only 13, is like hundreds of Rohingya girls escaping persecution, violence and apartheid-like conditions in Rakhine, only to be sold into marriage to Rohingya men in neighbouring Malaysia, migrant groups and community members said.Separated from her family while escaping to Malaysia, she said she was caught by traffickers and held for weeks in a filthy and brutal jungle camp near the Thai-Malaysian border with dozens of others. Her captors told her a Rohingya man was willing to give her freedom if she agreed to marry him.The (trafficking) agent said I had been sold to a man and I asked, how could do they do that?... My heart was heavy and I was scared, the girl said in an interview in Kuala Lumpur.Reuters could not independently verify certain aspects of her story but her mother confirmed she was held in the camp for weeks before being released.The girls plight is just one illustration of the hardships faced by many Rohingya Muslims, a minority group in Myanmar who are regarded by the nations government as illegal migrants from Bangladesh, entitled only to limited rights.Since 2012, violence and communal clashes have seen hundreds of Rohingya killed while tens of thousands have fled, seeking refuge in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Bangladesh. In the most recent crackdown, security forces and police committed mass killings and gang rapes and burned villages in northern Rakhine, a U.N. investigation published earlier this month found.MALAYSIA CRITICISEDIt has been common for Rohingya women escaping Myanmar to wed Rohingya men in the country they fled to, usually through marriages arranged between families, rights groups said. Some of these arranged marriages would be for underage girls.But a growing number are becoming victims of human traffickers who sell women and girls to Rohingya men as brides.Matthew Smith, executive director of the Southeast Asia-based migrant and refugee protection group Fortify Rights, said the group had seen a “significant” rise in the number of child brides following increased violence in Rakhine.There are no official statistics on how many girls have been sold into marriage. In 2015, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said in a report it had identified 120 Rohingya child brides in Malaysia but it was unclear how many were trafficking victims.Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has spoken out strongly in the past few months against Buddhist Myanmar over its handling of the violence in Rakhine and the Rohingyas plight.But rights groups say Malaysia, which has not signed the U.N. refugee convention, has been complicit in the abuse of Rohingya asylum-seekers because they are treated as illegal migrants with no official access to jobs, healthcare or education. They live in poverty working illegally in restaurants or construction sites.The Malaysian government launched a project this month that enables 300 Rohingya people to be employed, a move welcomed by rights groups.The Malaysian government did not return requests seeking comment for this story.CHILD MARRIAGES ALLOWEDChild marriages are also tolerated in Muslim-majority Malaysia. Under Islamic law, Muslim girls under 16 can marry with permission from the Shariah court, though in the case of the Rohingya marriages in Malaysia there is no court involvement – Rohingya imams conduct them and while a marriage certificate is printed there is no indication it is a legal document under Malaysian law.The girl who was married was taken to Kuantan, on Malaysias east coast, where she said she quickly learned that her new husband was controlling and abusive. He confiscated her mobile phone and did not allow his family to see her. She was left alone for days in the house.Eight months into the marriage, she reconnected with her parents and four younger siblings, and was rescued by her father, who had travelled to Kuantan to find her.The girls husband did not respond to calls seeking comment for this story.She now lives with her family in a one-room shack in a small village on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.While she feels safer now, she said she was afraid that she may have to return to her husband, who has refused to grant her a divorce.Sharifah Shakirah, a refugee herself and founder of the Rohingya Women Development Network, said Rohingyas have no legal status in Malaysia, and their marriages are not recognised. This can make it harder for law enforcement to intervene in domestic abuse cases, even when they involve children.To ask help from lawyers and police is not easy because they (Rohingyas) dont have legal status. Even when cases of child brides are reported, the police dont take action, said Sharifah, who provides help and counselling to Rohingya women.LIFE OF DIGNITYAccording to UN statistics, some 56,000 Rohingya are living in Malaysia, although migrant groups say the number is much higher as many are undocumented. The community is mainly spread across impoverished suburbs around the capital Kuala Lumpur.For young men in this small, marginalized community, finding a partner and having a family is a way of elevating their social status and having a normal life, according to Rohingya men interviewed by Reuters.The lack of eligible women in Rohingya communities in Malaysia has created a demand for brides, while some families see marriage as a way to reduce their financial burdens, said Belal Hossain Shamia, 32, a Rohingya father of three in Kuala Lumpur whose sister was a child bride.A former trafficking agent, a Rohingya man identified only as Ali, told Reuters there is a growing demand for Rohingya brides. Smuggling syndicates can get up to 7,000 ringgit for each girl’s release to their family or sale to a man.Ali kept guard at a jungle trafficking camp near the Thai-Malaysian border. He said women and girls travelling alone or whose families were unable to pay the release fees were sold.There were girls there who were about 15 or 16. They have no choice... he said.Yasmin Zokir Ahmad, 18, recalled how her husband, a Rohingya who worked as a grass-cutter in Kuala Lumpur, paid a trafficking agent 3,500 ringgit to marry her two years ago.This was after a harrowing nine-month journey to Malaysia, which included a voyage by sea and a long period in a Thai jungle camp where she was often denied food or water.I didnt have a choice. I needed to marry him because I need support and protection, and I want to live a life of dignity, Yasmin said. Her husband declined to comment.

Guptill to miss start of South Africa series with hamstring strain


WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand will be without Martin Guptill for the one-off Twenty20 international against South Africa and the start of the one-day series as he recovers from another hamstring strain.Guptill injured his right hamstring during training, a separate injury to the one on his left leg that ruled the opening batsman out of the Bangladesh T20 series in January and one-day matches against Australia earlier this month.Auckland wicketkeeper-batsman Glenn Phillips will make his international debut as Guptills replacement for Fridays T20 match at Eden Park, the team said on Wednesday.Dean Brownlie takes Guptills place in the ODI squad for the first two fixtures of the five-game series.Selector Gavin Larsen said the 20-year-old Phillips earned his selection on the strength of his domestic form.Glenn was outstanding for Auckland at the top of the order ... and proved an extremely exciting player, he said in a media release.He bats with power; has shown he can clear the rope, and gets a deserved opportunity to showcase his skills on the international stage.Glenn will play as a specialist batsman only, with Luke Ronchi still taking the gloves. Playing in his home city, it will certainly be a big occasion for Glenn.

Karachi: Two women among three injured in firing incident


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Some unidentified persons riding on a motorcycle opened fire at a car and injured three people, including two women, in North Karachi Sector-5M area near Haider Market in Karachi on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.Police reached the spot and shifted the injured to hospital. The victims were identified as Tahir, Narmeen and Ghazala. The hospital sources said that all the injured are in stable condition.On the other hand, Investigation Police conducted a raid in Shah Faisal area and apprehended an accused named Waqas who was involved in murder and extortion cases. Police sources said that Waqas was involved in killing a shopkeeper with the help of two of his accomplices.

Sadiqabad: Fire gutted over 100 makeshift shops


SADIQABAD (Dunya News) – A massive fire broke out at the Landa Bazar in Sadiqabad on Tuesday night which destroyed more than 100 makeshift shops, causing a loss of millions of rupees to the owners, Dunya News reported.Fire tenders from all over the district were called in after judging the intensity of the blaze. The fire fighters were still busy in bringing the fire under control.Provincial Minister for Special education, Chaudhry Shafiq also reached the spot to monitor the situation. He has also directed the concerned authorities to make all out efforts to bring the fire under control as soon as possible.No loss of life was reported in the incident. A heavy contingent of police is also taking part in the rescue operation.

Karachi: Boy killed in explosion in water tank


KARACHI (Dunya News) – A 12-year-old boy was killed in an explosion caused by accumulation of gas in the water tank of a welding shop in Mahmoodabad area of Karachi on Tuesday night, Dunya News reported.The deceased was identified as Yasir. Police sources said that Yasir was the resident of New Karachi and was employed at the welding shop.

Multan: Man commits suicide after killing girlfriend


MULTAN (Dunya News) – According to details, a youth indentified as Nauman entered the house of his girlfriend Naureen at Vehari Road in Multan on Tuesday and opened indiscriminate firing as a result Naureen was killed on the spot. Nauman also committed suicide after killing his girlfriend. Police reached the spot and shifted the dead bodies to Nishtar Hospital Multan for autopsy. Police sources said that Naureen was a married woman and Nauman was her next door neighbour.

Pattoki: Fire at cotton factory causes huge loss


PATTOKI (Dunya News) – According to details, fire broke out at a cotton factory situated at the Halla Road in Pattoki on Tuesday which spread very quickly to the other parts of the factory.Fire brigade vehicle in the city reached the spot but failed start the rescue operation as its generator was out of order. Fire brigade and Rescue 1122 teams from Phool Nagar, Renala Khurd and Okara were called to bring the fire under control.The firefighters extinguished to fire after a hectic effort of four hours. The fire completely destroyed cotton worth Rs 7 million which was stored in the factory. The rescue sources said that the fire was caused by short-circuit.

Benfica beat Dortmund 1-0 in first leg of Champions League


Lisbon (AFP) – Benfica pulled off a classic smash and grab job as they beat Borussia Dortmund 1-0 in their Champions League last 16 first leg on Tuesday.Greek striker Kostas Mitroglou scored the only goal of the game, prodding home from close range at the second attempt just after half time after Dortmund goalkeeper Roman Burki stopped his initial effort.Benfica goalkeeper Ederson, who has relegated former Brazil first choice shot-stopper Julio Cesar to the bench this season, was the star of the show making a slew of crucial saves.But Dortmund will have many regrets after a wasteful performance, in particular from striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang who had a torrid evening, missing three gilt-edged opportunities.Dortmund had the first clear chance of the night on 10 minutes as French youngster Ousmane Dembele slipped Aubameyang in on goal, but the Gabon striker lifted his shot not only over Ederson but also the bar.Dortmund were well on top in the early stages but poor control cost Raphael Guerreiro and Erik Durm when well placed to shoot.The visitors then fashioned a chance with Guerreiro picking out Dembele 10 yards from goal but reported Manchester United target Victor Lindelof bravely threw himself in front of the shot to deflect the ball behind for a corner.Dortmund should have gone in front on 38 minutes when Benfica centre-back Ljubomir Fejsa dallied allowing Guerreiro to cross from the byline. But with Ederson stranded, Aubameyang was inches away from converting the ball into an empty net from two yards out.Moments later, Ederson was a relieved man to see Italian referee Nicola Rizzoli wave away Dortmund protests after the goalkeeper clattered into Dembele on the edge of his box.Having produced nothing in the first half, Benfica went in front three minutes into the second after Mitroglou was left unmarked two yards out to poke home Luisao’s header from a Pizzi corner.Thereafter, the one-way traffic continued heading towards the home goal was relentless.Ederson saved a point-blank effort from Dembele inside the six yard box before Aubameyang lifted a carbon copy of his first half chance again just over the bar.Ederson made smart stops to deny Marco Reus and then Lukasz Piszczek before Dortmund were given a lifeline when Fejsa handled a cross from Marc Bartra.But Aubameyang’s miserable night continued with a woeful penalty stroked nonchalantly down the middle that the static Ederson merely punched clear.Aubameyang was put out of his misery a few minutes later as coach Thomas Turchel replaced him with Andre Schuerle just past the hour mark.Dortmund continued to press but Reus hooked a volley wide before Ederson showed lightening reactions to save one-handed from a Christian Pulisic volley that took a wicked deflection.

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