Wednesday 15 February 2017

Dunya TV

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UN chief says two-state Mideast solution is the only way


UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on Wednesday against abandoning the idea of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying there was no alternative.There is no alternative solution for the situation between the Palestinians and Israelis, other than the solution of establishing two states, and we should do all that can be done to maintain this, he said during a visit to Cairo.The idea of a Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel has underpinned Middle East peace efforts for decades, though the last U.S.-brokered negotiations broke down in 2014.But a senior White House official said on Tuesday peace did not necessarily have to entail Palestinian statehood, and U.S. President Donald Trump would not try to dictate a solution.Trump, at a Washington news conference held after Guterres spoke, left the question open, saying he would work to bring about peace between Israel and Palestinians, but it would be up to the parties themselves ultimately to reach an agreement.Before the two leaders met, Palestinians warned the White House not to abandon their goal of an independent state.For Palestinians, who seek a state in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and in the Gaza Strip, even the notion of a U.S. retreat from the internationally backed goal of a future Palestine existing alongside Israel was alarming.If the Trump Administration rejects this policy, it would be destroying the chances for peace and undermining American interests, standing and credibility abroad, said Hanan Ashrawi, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation.Speaking later in the day at Cairo University, Guterres stressed once again the need to pursue a two-state solution.We should not forget the mother of all conflicts is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he said in a wide-ranging speech. It is important to stress that, in my opinion... there is no plan B other than the two-state solution.Guterres earlier this month condemned the Israeli parliaments move to legalise thousands of settler homes in the occupied West Bank, saying it goes against international law and will have legal consequences for Israel.Under Israeli law, the move retroactively legalises about 4,000 settler homes built on privately owned Palestinian land.Guterres also defended this week the choice of former Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad as the U.N. envoy to Libya, after the United States raised objections and said the United Nations was biased against Israel.

Trump drops US commitment to 'two-state' Mideast deal


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday dropped a US commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a longstanding bedrock of Middle East policy, even as he urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to curb settlement construction.In the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders since Trump’s victory in the 2016 election, the Republican president backed away from a U.S. embrace of the eventual creation of a Palestinian state, upending a position taken by successive administrations and the international community.Im looking at two states and one state, and I like the one both parties like, Trump told a joint news conference with Netanyahu. I can live with either one.Trump vowed to work towards a peace deal between Israel and Palestinians but said it would require compromise on both sides, leaving it up to the parties themselves ultimately to reach the terms of any agreement.But he offered no new prescription for achieving an accord that has eluded so many of his predecessors, and Palestinian anger over his abandonment of their goal of statehood could scrap any chance of coaxing them back to the negotiating table.Dropping a bombshell on Netanyahu as they faced reporters just before sitting down for talks, Trump told him: “Id like to see you pull back on settlements for a little bit.”The right-wing Israeli leader, who may have expected more decidedly pro-Israel rhetoric as the two sought to get past years of feuding with Trumps Democratic predecessor Barack Obama, appeared startled.Netanyahu insisted that Jewish settlements were “not the core of the conflict” and made no commitment to reduce settlement building in the occupied West Bank.Trump echoed Netanyahu’s calls for Palestinians to recognise Israel as a Jewish state – something they have refused to do – and to halt incitement against Israelis.But even as Trump promised to pursue peace between the two sides – who have had no substantive peace talks since 2014 – he offered no new ideas for unblocking the peace process.Setting an initially chummy tone, Trump greeted Netanyahu on a red carpet rolled out to the White House driveway. The two leaders smiled, shook hands and chatted amiably before heading inside the executive mansion, accompanied by first lady Melania Trump and Netanyahu’s wife Sara.Among the questions that figured prominently on the agenda was the future of the two-state solution – the idea of creating a Palestine living peacefully alongside Israel.Foreshadowing Trump’s policy shift, a senior White House official said on Tuesday that peace did not necessarily have to entail Palestinian statehood. Palestinians responded by warning Trump that such a move would seriously damage U.S. credibility.Giving a vague, meandering response to a question on the issue, Trump suggested that he could abide by whatever path the two parties decided. Im happy with the one they like the best, Trump said.United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Wednesday against abandoning the idea of a two-state solution, saying there was no alternative.Netanyahu committed, with conditions, to the two-state goal in a speech in 2009 and has broadly reiterated the aim since. But he has also spoken of a state minus option, suggesting he could offer the Palestinians deep-seated autonomy and the trappings of statehood without full sovereignty.At the news conference, he never ruled out a two-state solution, but also made it sound as if it was an almost impossible ideal. He said there were preconditions for it to happen, including the Palestinians’ recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and Israel retaining security control in the area west of the Jordan River - which would encompass all of the West Bank.Netanyahu and Trump shared several warm handshakes during the news conference, especially after Trump’s opening remarks, when he said the United States was Israel’s greatest friend.But Trump also managed to catch Netanyahu off-guard, at one point saying that if a solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was going to be reached “both sides will have to make compromises”. The president then turned to Netanyahu and said: “You know that, right?” Netanyahu looked momentarily startled and replied with a chuckle, “Both sides.”The two leaders agreed that there was an opening for enlisting Israels Arab neighbours - who share its concerns about Iran - into any future peace process, though they offered no specifics on how that could be done. But a retreat from the principle of a two-state solution would cast doubt on the chances for cooperation from the broader Arab world.Palestinians reacted with alarm to the possibility that Washington might ditch its support for an independent Palestinian nation.If the Trump administration rejects this policy it would be destroying the chances for peace and undermining American interests, standing and credibility abroad, Hanan Ashrawi, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said in response to the U.S. officials remarks.Accommodating the most extreme and irresponsible elements in Israel and in the White House is no way to make responsible foreign policy, she said in a statement.Husam Zomlot, strategic adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said the Palestinians had not received any official indication of a change in the U.S. stance.It’s another nail in the coffin of the peace process, which already had a lot of nails in it, said Martin Indyk, a former Middle East negotiator under Obama and now at the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington.The one-state idea that Trump referred to would be deeply problematic for both sides. One concept would be two systems for two peoples, which many Palestinians would see as apartheid. Another version would mean equal rights for all, including for Palestinians in an annexed West Bank, but that would compromise Israel’s Jewish character.For Netanyahu, the talks with Trump are an opportunity to reset ties after a frequently combative relationship with Obama.The prime minister, under investigation at home over allegations of abuse of office, spent much of Tuesday huddled with advisers in Washington preparing for the talks. Officials said they wanted no gaps to emerge between U.S. and Israeli thinking during the scheduled two-hour Oval Office meeting.Trump, who has been in office less than four weeks and whose foreign policy apparatus is in disarray following the forced resignation of his national security adviser Michael Flynn, brings with him an unpredictability that Netanyahus staff hoped would not impinge on the discussions.The two leaders, who seemed to strike up an emerging “bromance” in social media exchanges since the election, sought to demonstrate good personal chemistry face-to-face as well, both sporting smiles and exchanging asides.Meetings with Obama were at best cordial and businesslike, at worst tense and awkward. In one Oval Office encounter in 2011, Obama grimaced as Netanyahu lectured him in front of the cameras on the suffering of the Jewish people through the ages.

US commander expects tough battle in western Mosul


NORTH OF MOSUL (Reuters) - Islamic State will put up a tough fight in the western side Mosul that remains under its control despite the losses the group suffered so far in the battle for the Iraqi, a U.S. commander said on Wednesday.It is hard and hard every day here, Colonel Patrick Work, commander of the 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, said in an interview with Reuters TV at a brigade artillery position in northern Mosul.There are no guarantees certainly when you are fighting and there is no timetable, it is a determined enemy that we are up against, he said.The United States is providing air and ground support to Iraqi and Kurdish forces trying to dislodge the hardline group from Mosul, captured in 2014.The offensive paused last month after the capture of the districts lying east of the Tigris river that bisects the city.Preparations are underway to launch the offensive on the western side, which is expected be more difficult because of the density of the population and the narrow streets and alleyways through which armoured vehicles cannot pass.It is from the Grand Mosque in western Mosul that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a caliphate over parts of Iraq and Syria. Should Mosul fall, the group is expected to stage an insurgency.We are putting such pressure on Daesh in the west, day in day out as we shake them and choke off their logistics, and put pressure on their command and control and attack their weapons, Work said, using an Arabic acronym of the group.This entire defence in the west is under such pressure that I think there is inevitable momentum.Works brigade took over command in Mosul six weeks ago from the 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division.Artillery support will be key in the upcoming battle as it can strike in all weather, he said, adding that U.S. artillery positions were repositioned after the battle for eastern Mosul.The U.S. military has about 5,260 troops in Iraq, 1,700 of them paratroopers from Work’s brigade.

Suicide truck bomber kills at least 15 in Baghdad


BAGHDAD (Agencies) - A suicide bomber detonated a pick-up truck packed with explosives in northern Baghdad on Wednesday, killing at least 18 people, according to Iraqi officials.At least 42 others were wounded in the powerful blast in the Habibiya area, near Sadr City, a Shia majority neighbourhood in the Iraqi capital.The explosion targeted a crowded street full of garages and used car dealers.The attack came a day after a car bomb explosion in southern Baghdad killed at least four people.The Iraqi capital was rocked by a wave of deadly suicide bombings during the first days of 2017 but relatively few explosions had been reported since.There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Wednesdays blast, but nearly all suicide attacks are claimed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) armed group.In January 2, ISIL, which often targets crowded areas to maximise casualties, claimed responsibility for a suicide car bombing that killed 39 people in a busy market in Sadr City.ISIL is defending Mosul, its last major stronghold in Iraq, against a massive, four-month-old operation by an alliance of forces.

Trump calls on Venezuela to release jailed opposition leader


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday called on Venezuela to release opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, who was sentenced last year to nearly 14 years in prison on charges of inciting anti-government protests in 2014.Venezuela should allow Leopoldo Lopez, a political prisoner & husband of @liliantintori (just met w/ @marcorubio) out of prison immediately, Trump said in a Twitter post.Trump held a White House meeting with Lopezs wife, Lilian Tintori, and Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida on Wednesday.

Karachi: 12 nabbed in law enforcement agencies operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, the law enforcement agencies conducted a raid near Zahid Nehari Shop in Saddar area and apprehended six persons.Sources said that the arrested persons belonged to Muttahida Qaumi Movement-London (MQM-London) and were shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.The law enforcement agencies also carried out a targeted operation in Gulberg Block-7 area and arrested two workers of a political party.On the other hand, Rangers conducted a search operation in Manghupir area and arrested four suspects during house-to-house search. The arrested persons were shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

Khanewal: 6 terrorists of banned outfit killed in CTD operation


KHANEWAL (Dunya News) – A Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) team from Multan conducted a raid on the hideout of terrorists in Chak 98-10R of village Jahanian near Khanewal on Wednesday upon which the terrorists opened fire at the raiding party. The CTD personnel returned the fire as a result six terrorists were killed.At least four other terrorists managed to escape from the scene by taking advantage of the darkness. The CTD personnel recovered two hand grenades, two automatic rifles and two pistols and maps of sensitive installations from the dead terrorists.According to CTD sources, the dead terrorists belonged to banned outfits and were planning to carry out terrorist activities in different parts of the country.The CTD personnel have shifted the bodies of the dead terrorists to District Hospital Khanewal for autopsy.

Chiniot: Six accused nabbed in search operation


CHINIOT (Dunya News) – At least six accused were taken into custody during a joint operation conducted by police and Elite Force in Chiniot on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police and Elite Force personnel conducted search operations in Chinab Nagar, City, Rajaua, Bhawana and Kandiwal areas and used biometric device for the identification of 154 persons on suspicion. The law enforcement agencies arrested six accused during the operation and also recovered arms from their possession. At least nine suspects were also taken into custody during the operation.

Sialkot: Bag packed with bullets recovered, 4 suspects arrested


SIALKOT (Dunya News) - A major terror bid was foiled when the administration at the Lari Adda in Sialkot recovered a bag full of bullets from a passenger on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, Sialkot’s Lari Adda administration checked the luggage of a passenger on suspicion upon which the passenger escaped from the spot, leaving behind a bag full of bullets.Police was informed about the incident after which the law enforcement agency carried out an operation and arrested four suspects.

Football: Real Madrid bounce back to beat Napoli


MADRID (Agencies) - Real Madrid shrugged off conceding an early away goal to take a huge step towards a seventh straight Champions League quarter-final as goals from Karim Benzema, Toni Kroos and Casemiro sealed a 3-1 win over Napoli on Wednesday.Lorenzo Insignes stunning 40-yard strike had the travelling hordes in dream land after just eight minutes of the last 16 first leg.However, Benzema soon headed home an equaliser before Kroos and Casemiro fired home from outside the box early in the second half to give the holders a commanding lead ahead of the second leg on Mar 7.With former Napoli great Diego Maradona watching on, the atmosphere reached fever pitch before kick-off as up to 10,000 travelling fans were estimated to have made the trip from Naples for only their sides second ever appearance in the last 16.Maradona even gave the Napoli players a pep talk in the dressing room before kick-off.By contrast, Real are in the knockout stages for the 20th straight season and it was the home fans who nearly had something to cheer inside 30 seconds as Benzemas shot from close range was parried by Pepe Reina.However, it was Napoli who got off to the perfect start just eight minutes in when Insigne took aim from 40 yards and caught Madrid keeper Keylor Navas out of position with a superb effort that curled around the Costa Rica international.Madrid, though, showed the response of champions to level just 10 minutes later when Dani Carvajals cross with the outside of his right boot picked out Benzema to power home a header from close range.Cristiano Ronaldo should have had one of the two goals he needs to reach 100 in European competition on 27 minutes when great work from Benzema and Luka Modric freed the World Player of the Year inside the area, but he blasted well over the bar.Madrids control of the first 45 minutes grew as the half went on and only a combination of Reina and the post denied the hosts a lead at the break.This time Ronaldo was inch-perfect with his low cross for Benzema, but his effort was tipped onto the woodwork and behind by Reina.The tie did swing decisively in Madrids favour within 10 minutes of the restart however.Firstly, Ronaldo played provider once more with a fine run down the right and measured cut-back for Kroos to slot home from the edge of the box.Then Napoli were struck by a thunderbolt from the most unlikely source as defensive midfielder Casemiro pounced on a looping clearance to volley first-time past a helpless Reina.Napoli had the chances to set up a thrilling return leg as Dries Mertens, who had scored 14 goals in his previous 11 appearances, fired over with the goal at his mercy from former Madrid winger Jose Maria Callejons fine lay-off.Mertens also saw another effort smothered by Navas from close range and Callejon a goal ruled out for offside as Napoli slumped to their first defeat in 19 games.

Football: Bayern rout Arsenal 5-1 in Champions League


MUNICH (Agencies) - Arsene Wengers future was plunged into further doubt on Wednesday as Thiago Alcantara inspired Bayern Munich to a 5-1 rout of his hapless Arsenal team which left the Gunners facing a seventh straight Champions League last-16 exit.Bayern extended their Champions League record to 16 home wins by flooring the Gunners with three goals in 10 second-half minutes.That was a good performance, which perhaps wasnt so expected, said Thiago, who scored twice. We were playing at home, knew we had to score a few goals and everything worked very well after the break.Bayern knocked Arsenal out at the same stage in 2005, 2013 and 2014 and were looking comfortably placed to make it four times after romping through Wednesdays first leg.The Allianz Arena defeat raises the pressure on Wenger for the return leg on March 7 with only Alexis Sanchezs away goal for comfort.The result matched the 5-1 group-stage thrashing Arsenal received in Munich in November 2015 - the clubs joint record away defeat in Europe.Arjen Robbens superb curling shot gave Bayern the lead on 11 minutes, but Sanchez levelled by drilling home Manuel Neuers save from a penalty on 30 minutes.Robben also admitted he was surprised by the big win. Things worked very well, said the Dutch winger.I am a bit surprised that we played so well, but on the other hand, I know the team has great character and can move up a gear when it matters.Bayern hit top gear after the break with a flurry of goals in quick succession.Robert Lewandowski headed Bayern back into the lead on 53 minutes before Thiago added two in quick succession while Thomas Mueller came off the bench to complete the rout.Bayern spent the opening minutes camped in the Arsenal half and took the lead on 10 minutes through Robbens wonderful strike.The Dutch winger cut in from the right, and curled home a superbly-weighted shot off his left foot from outside the area.Arsenal then raised the tempo and started pressing the hosts.Bayern defender Mats Hummels was given a yellow card for fouling Sanchez just outside the box.Mesut Ozil drilled the resulting free-kick at Neuer, but moments later Arsenal were awarded a penalty. Lewandowski mistimed his clearance kick in the area and struck Laurent Koscielnys raised leg.Despite Bayerns furious protests, Serbian referee Milorad Mazic pointed to the spot. Neuer saved Sanchezs penalty, but the Chile international drilled home the rebound from a tight angle at the second attempt.It was the valuable away goal Bayern had talked about not conceding in the matchs build-up.There were equally furious Bayern protests at the other end when David Alabas cross struck Hector Bellerin on the hand, but the referee waved play on.It was 1-1 at the break, but Bayern stepped up the pressure in the second half.Robben released Philipp Lahm who put in a perfect cross and Lewandowski twisted to tuck his header past David Ospinas reach.The Poland hot-shot then flicked Xabi Alonsos pass into Thiagos path to tuck his shot past Ospina.Lewandowski hit the crossbar on 61 minutes, but Thiago added his second when his shot from the edge of the box deflected past the Arsenal goalkeeper on 63 minutes.Mueller came on for Lewandowski on 86 minutes and added Bayerns fifth two minutes later after Thiago squared the final pass.

Prices of petrol, diesel increased by Re 1 per litre


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Federal Government has increased the prices of petrol and diesel by Re 1 per litre with effect from today (Thursday), Dunya News reported.Addressing a press conference in Islamabad on Wednesday, Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said the new prices will remained enforced from February 16 to February 28.He said that the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) had recommended Re 1.91/litre hike in the petrol and diesel prices. However, the Federal Government increased the prices by just Re 1 on the instruction of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.Ishaq Dar further said that government will bear a burden of Rs 3 billion for not raising petrol prices as recommended by OGRA.

Tennis: Dimitrov racks up 15th win of year in Rotterdam


ROTTERDAM (Agencies) - Grigor Dimitrov reached the second round of the Rotterdam World Tennis tournament with a 6-7 (4/7), 6-2, 6-4 win over Mischa Zverev on Wednesday (Feb 15) as the red-hot Bulgarian racked up his 15th win of 2017.Dimitrov, who captured his second title of the season last weekend on home ground in Sofia, had to dig deep, however, to see off Zverev who stunned world number one Andy Murray at the Australian Open last month.The 25-year-old Dimitrov improved to 15-1 on the season and will next face Denis Istomin, who beat Novak Djokovic in the second round in Melbourne at the seasons opening Grand Slam.Dimitrov, the fifth seed, took victory in just under two hours, firing his 11th ace for a match point and breaking on four of nine occasions.Im pleased with the win. Mischa did not make it easy for me with his game. I had to fight to win, said Dimitrov, who was champion in Brisbane and a semi-finalist at the Australian Open in January.Belgian third seed David Goffin comfortably beat Andrey Kuznetsov 6-3, 6-2I am feeling good. Im playing really well and pleased with the victory, especially against Andrey - a good indoor player, Goffin said.He can play fast, so it was not an easy first round. I served well when I needed to and I am happy to win my first match in Rotterdam. I had a great week in Sofia (finalist against Dimitrov) and Ive come here with a lot of confidence.I remember the first time I played in Rotterdam and I didnt win any games against Jarkko Nieminen (in the 2013 first round). The tournament isnt far from Belgium and I have support here.Richard Gasquet put out Viktor Troicki 6-4, 6-2, ending with a pair of picture-perfect backhand passing shots.In the second round, defending champion Martin Klizan battled to a 6-7 (5/7), 6-4, 6-1 defeat of 2016 semi-finalist Philipp Kohlschreiber.Frenchman Pierre-Hughes Herbert advanced past qualifier Evgeny Donskoy of Russia 6-2, 7-6 (7/4).

Tennis: Cibulkova through but rain wins again at Qatar Open


DOHA (Agencies) - Three players reached the quarter-finals of a soggy Qatar Open Wednesday during another rain-affected day which left top seed Anqelique Kerber still waiting to play her first match.Number three seed Dominika Cibulkova, Zhang Shuai and Monica Puig were all able to complete their matches -- in fact, both Zhang and Puig played two matches on Wednesday -- to make their way through to the last eight.But for the rest of the field it was another frustrating day as Qatar continued to suffer some of its worst weather in years.The continual rain means that Kerber faces the prospect of playing two matches on Thursday if she wins her second round match. The former world number one had received a bye for the first round.She will start against Daria Kasatkina of Russia at 0800 GMT.The winner of that match faces Olympic gold medal winner Puig later on in the day, weather permitting.Also playing on Thursday will be great friends Agnieszka Radwanska, the number four seed, and Denmarks Caroline Wozniacki in a last 16 clash.The pair made it out onto centre court only for the rain to intervene again without a single game being played.Of the few matches that were completed, Cibulkovas clash against Russias Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova was the pick.The Slovakian won in three sets, 7-5, 2-6, 6-2 and admitted afterwards it had been a hard match.I knew its going to be a tough one, especially now, said Cibulkova. Shes in great form. She played quarter-finals in Australian Open. When shes in good form, its going to be really tough.Spains Garbine Muguruza, the number five seed, was the biggest casualty of the day, losing to Zhang 6-7 (7/3), 6-3, 5-7.Like Zhang, Muguruza was playing her second match of the day having earlier breezed past Turkeys Cagla Buyuakcay in her first round match, 6-3, 6-2.I woke up thinking that I was going to have a very tough day, said French Open champion Muguruza. I played pretty good the first match ... the second one, I think Zhang played very well.Honestly, the conditions were difficult. We were in a court where there was another court next to us. There was a lot of wind. She was finding her shots.Muguruza is the highest seed to go out.Puerto Rican Puig cruised through her first match on Wednesday thrashing Germanys Laura Siegemund 6-0, 6-1.She was then one set all with Yulia Putintseva, before the Kazakh retired with a thigh injury with the score at 2-1 to Puig in the third.Earlier, Putintseva won through against the number seven seed, Timea Bacsinszky, after the Swiss herself pulled out with a thigh injury.The forecast for Thursday is for more rain.

Football: Turkey seeks to host Euro 2024


ISTANBUL (Agencies) - Turkey announced on Wednesday an ambitious bid backed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to host the Euro 2024 football tournament, brushing off concerns over security and infrastructure.The football authorities hope it will be second time lucky for the bid after losing out to France to host the 2016 event by one vote, but Turkey is likely to face strong competition from Germany.Turkey in 2014 withdrew its bid to host final stage matches of Euro 2020 -- which uniquely will be held across Europe -- in favour of focusing on a one country bid for 2024.Turkish Football Federation (TFF) chief Yildirim Demiroren said the bid would be formally presented to UEFA on March 2, just before the March 3 deadline for candidates.This time it is our right to host the championships, he told reporters at TFF headquarters.He thanked Erdogan for the support, adding: I believe we are moving together on this path.Sports Minister Akif Cagatay Kilic said that Turkey now had the best stadium infrastructure in Europe and its only rival in terms of recently built venues was the United States.In the last years, Turkey has made a great step forward in terms of stadiums, he added. Turkey is able to organise anything on a world sporting level.Turkey has in the last years embarked on a massive spree of stadium building, opening a new 42,000 seat venue in Konya in 2014, a similar size venue for Istanbul side Besiktas last year and most recently a new stadium for Trabzonspor by the Black Sea.The Turkish authorities were bitterly disappointed that Istanbul lost out to Tokyo in the race to host the 2020 Olympics and believe the country now has the infrastructure in place to host a global sports event.Turkey had also in 2010 lost out narrowly by one vote -- and in controversial circumstances -- to France in the bidding to host the 2016 Euro competition.It had also been keen to host Euro 2020 and the Turkish authorities were angered by UEFAs decision to hold the competition across European cities.Kilic did not rule out another bid in the future to host the Olympics, saying the failed 2020 candidacy taught us a lot and helped increase our capabilities.In the 2024 race, Turkey will face competition from 2006 World Cup hosts Germany -- which has already confirmed its interest -- as well as possibly a joint bid from Scandinavian nations.But the bid may be shadowed by concerns over security after the July 15 failed coup and a slew of terror attacks in 2016 that left hundreds dead, as well as whether Turkeys transport infrastructure is up to hosting a nationwide tournament.I dont think there will be any problems with transport, said Kilic.He compared the rapid construction of Istanbuls third airport -- due to open next year -- with the repeated delays in opening Berlin Brandenburg airport in Germany.The country has seen in the last years a massive overhaul of its infrastructure in projects spearheaded by Erdogan as he seeks to make Turkey a top 10 global economy.

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