Saturday 16 April 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Japan quakes disrupt Sony production of image sensors used in Apple iPhones


TOKYO (Reuters) -Electronics giant Sony Corp said a factory producing image sensors for smartphone makers will remain closed while it assesses the damage from two deadly earthquakes which hit southern Japan. One of its major customers is Apple, which uses the sensors in its iPhones.Sony said it will extend the closure of its image sensor plant in Kumamoto, which is in the southern island of Kyushu, after major tremblors on Thursday and Saturday rocked the key manufacturing region.The PlayStation maker said operations at its image sensor plant in Nagasaki, also in Kyushu, will be partially suspended and it does not yet have a timeline for full resumption of operations.Sony controls about 40 percent of the market for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) image sensors, a type of integrated circuit that converts light into electrical signals. In smartphones they are used to convert images into digital data.“We are not expecting any immediate supply disruption as we have some inventories right now, a Sony spokesman told Reuters on Saturday. We will make an announcement promptly if any supply issues emerge.”He said the company was hoping to resume operations as soon as aftershocks end, and would probably provide an update on late Monday afternoon. We are still checking for potential damage to the plants, which usually operate on a 24-hour basis, he said.Apple could not be immediately reached for comment.Sony has two other CMOS image sensor plants in Japan.Samsung Electronics says it has diversified its sources for image sensors used in its smartphones and the quakes will have no impact on its flagship products.A devastating earthquake and tsunami in northern Japan in March 2011 temporarily knocked out part of Japans auto supply chain. Some companies have since adjusted the industrys Just in Time production philosophy to limit any repeat of that costly disruption.Other electronics makers were also forced to stop production in Kyushu, which has grown as a manufacturing hub over the past two decades. Kyushu accounts for roughly 25 percent of semiconductor output in Japan by some estimates.Renesas Electronics Corp closed its Kumamoto plant, which produces microcontroller chips for automobiles. It will not resume production until it completes its damage assessment.Mitsubishi Electric Corp halted production at its two Kumamoto plants which produce liquid crystal display modules used in display panels for car navigation systems and semiconductor chips used in power inverters for various electrical products, including air conditioners and hybrid or electric vehicles. It uses some of the products itself and provides others to customers.“We are still assessing the situation as we continue to have aftershocks, said a Mitsubishi spokesman.AUTOMAKERS HALT PRODUCTIONSaturdays natural disaster also impacted major automakers, which had just stopped their production lines to inspect for any damage from Thursdays earthquake.Honda Motor Co Ltd halted production at its Kumamoto motorcycle plant, which has annual production capacity of 250,000. It said it will keep production on hold through Monday.Toyota Motor Corp halted production at three plants producing vehicles, engines and trans axles in Fukuoka. Toyota said there was no damage at its plants, but it was checking the status of its suppliers. It will decide on Sunday whether to resume production.Nissan Motor Co Ltd stopped production at its Fukuoka plant which produces vehicles including the Serena, Teana, Murano and Note.Kumamoto prefecture accounts for about 1.1 percent of Japanese GDP, compared to the combined 6.2 percent of the four prefectures which suffered the heaviest damage from the 2011 natural disaster, according to strategists at Barclays.A relatively higher proportion of Kyushus economic activity takes place within the region itself. Therefore economic impact on the rest of Japan stemming from any damages to Kyushus manufacturing activity will be limited, Barclays wrote in a note to clients.

Syria's Aleppo hit by government air strikes and rebel rockets


DAMASCUS (Reuters) -Government air strikes hit rebel-held areas of Aleppo on Saturday as rockets fired by insurgents pounded neighborhoods under state control, part of escalating violence in northern Syria that has undermined a truce agreement.Fatalities were reported on both sides of the city, the focus of a military escalation that has underscored the bleak outlook for U.N.-led peace talks being convened in Geneva.The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the five-year-long war, said air strikes had targeted at least four parts of Aleppo. Opposition sources said there had been deaths, but the number was not immediately clear.The Observatory said three people had been killed in the rebel bombardment of government-held areas of the city. Syrian state news agency SANA put the death toll at seven, saying they had been killed by missile bombardments and sniper fire.Fighting has intensified this month to the north and south of Aleppo, Syrias biggest city and industrial center until the countrys conflict erupted in 2011.The fighting has stretched to breaking point a cessation of hostilities deal brokered by the United States and Russia with the aim of allowing peace talks to start.

Search for Japan quake survivors intensifies as thousands evacuated from homes


TOKYO (Reuters) -The desperate search for survivors intensified on Sunday in the splintered remains of buildings destroyed by Japans deadly earthquake and authorities ordered nearly a quarter of a million people from their homes amid fears of further quakes.A 7.3 magnitude tremor struck early on Saturday morning, killing at least 32 people, injuring about a thousand more and causing widespread damage to houses, roads and bridges.It was the second major quake to hit Kumamoto province on the island of Kyushu in just over 24 hours. The first, late on Thursday, killed nine people.Rescuers on Sunday searched for dozens of people feared trapped or buried alive, while survivors queued for scarce supplies of food and water.In the village of Minami Aso, eight people remain out of contact, said public broadcaster NHK. Rescuers pulled 10 students out of a collapsed university apartment in the town of Minami on Saturday.Overnight, rescuers digging with their bare hands dragged some elderly survivors, still in their pyjamas, out of the rubble and onto makeshift stretchers made of tatami mats.Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the United States had offered to send in troops to help, but Japan was coping with the disaster.The Self Defense Force, police and fire-fighters have been working to rescue people but there are still missing people. The government will further deploy all possible means by expanding the troop size to 25,000, Abe told reporters.Heavy rains fueled worries of more landslides and with fears of more quakes, thousands spent the night in evacuation centers. Firefighters handed out tarpaulins to residents so they could cover damaged roofs, but many homes were simply deserted.The indiscriminate nature of the destruction saw some houses reduced to piles of splintered timber and smashed roof tiles while neighboring homes were left standing.I felt strong shaking at first, then I was thrown about like I was in a washing machine, said a Tokai University student who remains isolated in the village of Minamiaso.About 422,000 households were without water and 100,000 without electricity, the government said.NHK said around 240,000 people had received evacuation orders across the affected region amid fears of landslides.NHK showed footage of people stranded after the fall of a bridge being rescued by helicopters.Troops set up tents for evacuees and water trucks were being sent to the area.The National Police Agency said 32 people had been confirmed dead in Saturdays quake. The government said about 190 of those injured were in a serious condition.RING OF FIREJapan is on the seismically active ring of fire around the Pacific Ocean and has building codes aimed at helping structures withstand earthquakes.A magnitude 9 quake in March 2011 north of Tokyo touched off a massive tsunami and nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima, contaminating water, food and air for miles around. Nearly 20,000 people were killed in the tsunami.The epicenter of Saturdays quake was near the city of Kumamoto and measured at a shallow depth of 10 km (six miles), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The shallower a quake, the more likely it is to cause damage.However, no irregularities were reported at three nuclear power plants in the area, a senior government official said.The citys 400-year-old Kumamoto Castle was badly damaged, with its walls breached after having withstood bombardment and fire in its four centuries of existence.Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda, speaking at a G20 event in Washington, said it was too early to assess the economic impact but bank operations in Kumamoto were normal.The USGS estimated there was a 72 percent likelihood of economic damage exceeding $10 billion, adding that it was too early to be specific. Major insurers are yet to release estimates.Electronics giant Sony Corp said a plant producing image sensors for smartphone makers would remain closed while it assessed the damage from the quakes. One of its major customers is Apple which uses the sensors in iPhones.Operations at Toyota Motor Corp and Nissan Motor Co Ltd were also disrupted.The regions transport network suffered considerable damage with one tunnel caved in, a highway bridge damaged, roads cut or blocked by landslips and train services halted, media reported. Kumamoto airport was closed.There have been 378 aftershocks of at least level 1 on the Japanese scale since Thursdays shock, NHK reported.

Ted Cruz wins Wyoming Republican presidential nominating contest


CASPER (Reuters) -Republican U.S. presidential hopeful Ted Cruz won all 14 delegates at stake on Saturday in Wyoming, besting rival Donald Trump, who made little effort to win the rural state, and further narrowing the gap in the race for the partys nomination.Cruz is trying to prevent Trump from obtaining the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican nomination at the July convention in Cleveland. By continuing to rack up small wins, Cruz is gaining ground on the New York real estate mogul, who has thus far failed to shift his focus on the local-level campaigning necessary to win delegates.Trump has been critical of the process, again on Saturday calling it rigged while speaking at a rally in Syracuse, New York. He has repeatedly complained about Colorado, which awarded all 34 of its delegates to Cruz despite not holding a popular vote.Trump said his supporters are becoming increasingly angry with states such as Wyoming and Colorado.“They’re going nuts out there; they’re angry, Trump said in Syracuse. The bosses took away their vote, and I wasn’t going to send big teams of people three, four months ago, have them out there.While Trump has won 21 state nominating contests to Cruzs 10, the billionaire leads the Texas senator by only 196 delegates.That means he must win nearly 60 percent of those remaining before the partys political convention in July.Wyoming does not hold a primary vote. Instead, 475 party activists convened in Casper on Saturday to hold a state convention and award 14 delegates.Previously, 12 other delegates had been designated at county-level conventions. Cruz won 10 of those, with one going to Trump and another being elected as unbound.Cruz spoke at the convention, capping off a months-long effort to organize support in the state. Trump had originally planned to send former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who remains popular among conservatives, as a surrogate, but she canceled at the last minute.Cruz spoke about local issues in Wyoming, the largest coal-producing state. He discussed the Democratic attack on the fossil fuel, saying President Barack Obama has tried to put the coal industry out of business through government regulations targeting air pollution.America is the Saudi Arabia of coal, and we are going to develop our industry, Cruz said.At the same time, Trump was speaking at a rally in Syracuse, New York, ahead of the states Republican primary on Tuesday.

Trackers to be attached to Hajj pilgrims from now on


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Ministry for Religious Affairs has decided that trackers will be attached to Hajj pilgrims from now on. Minister for Religious Affairs in an exclusive talk with Dunya News stated that the decision comes in light of the 2015 Mina tragedy during which the government faced extreme difficulties in finding the pilgrims. Government has contacted 3 tracker companies in this regard.According to the details, the tracker will be in the shape of a wristband or a locket. Due to the attachment, pilgrims can be found on a single click.The decision will be implemented from Hajj in this year.

Govt announces Hajj policy, fares reduced by Rs. 3700


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Government’s Ministry for Religious Affairs announced the Hajj policy on Saturday. According to the new policy, Hajj fares have been reduced by Rs. 3700. Meanwhile the applications for Hajj will be accepted from 18th of April to up until 26th of April in specific branches of 8 bans. A draw for pilgrims will be held on 29th of April.The policy states that 268 Pakistani will be receiving the privilege of performing Hajj.The announcement for the new Hajj policy was made during a press conference by Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf.Yousaf stated that the expenses of Hajj for Sindh and Balochistan will be Rs. 2,61,941 while for Punjab and Khyber Pakthunkhwa (KP) provinces it will be Rs. 2,70,941.Yousaf further stated that 2 Abayas will be compulsory for women. He added that air coolers will be made available in Arafat to those on government schemes.The Minister for Religious Affairs also stated that a ban will be observed on free Hajj in this year as well while those who have performed Hajj in the past 5 years will also be restricted from performing it.He further stated that a comprehensive strategy for dealing with emergency situations is also being formulated.

Panama Leaks: First time any Pakistani PM made answerable, says Imran


LONDON (Dunya News) – In an exclusive interview with the British Channel 4 News, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan has stated that , due to the Panama Leaks, it was for the very first time that a Pakistani Prime Minister (PM) has been made answerable to the allegations against him. During his talk with British news channel, Khan reiterated his stance that an investigation commission for probing into the Panama Leaks should be headed by the Chief Justice of the country.According to the details, Khan stated that before the Panama Leaks revelations, the rulers of the country used to say that these all the issues were only allegations by the Opposition. He added that PM Nawaz Sharif is facing the accusations of money laundering, tax evasion, corruption and not declaring his assets.Khan further stated that he wants that an inquiry be held under the Chief Justice. In answer to a question, Khan stated that as a cricketer, he had earned money throughout the world, but all of his finances were in Pakistan, adding that he did not have any bank account in any foreign country.The PTI chairman also stated that people are killed more by corruption than by terrorism. He stated that more than 35% of the children lose their lives each year for not having sufficient food.In relation to London’s Mayorship campaign, Khan stated that he had encouraged Zac Goldsmith to step into politics. He added that Goldsmith would prove to be a good Mayor.

Crackdown against RAW network in Sindh, 4 agents apprehended


KARACHI (Dunya News) – A major crackdown against suspected agents of the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was conducted Saturday in the Sindh province. 4 agents in all, working in disguise as fishermen, were apprehended; 2 from Thattha and 2 from Karachi. Pictures of sensitive installations were found with the agents. The arrested agents also revealed sending numerous people to India. These arrested terrorists are also capable of harming the Pak-China Economic Corridor (CPEC) as well.According to the details, 2 agents were arrested from by the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) during action in Thattha. According to the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) CTD Naveed Khawaja, Saddam Hussain alias Roshan and Buchul Solangi were running RAW’s network in Thattha along with numerous other cities while being disguised as fishermen.On the identification of these nabbed agents, 2 further agents were arrested from Kemari after a clash. These agents were organizing and strengthening RAW’s network in Karachi.SSP CTD Khawaja stated that two RAW officials, Arjun and Karan, were providing logistic support and facilities in India to the apparent network of fishermen. These fishermen cross the border from Pakistan and then it is portrayed as if they have been arrested in India.Police officials have stated that pictures of important and sensitive installations sites and mobile phones containing the latest software have been recovered from both agents.

IG Sindh offers assistance for operation against Chotu gang in Katcha


HYDERABAD (Dunya News) – Inspector General (IG) Sindh A.D Khawaja Saturday contacted Punjab IG and offered assistance in the operation in Katcha area against Chotu Gang. The Sindh IG has assured complete cooperation in the operation against the notorious gang that killed 6 policemen and took 24 of the officers as hostage, according to officials.Talking to the media during a Holi ceremony being celebrated in Hyderabad, IG Sindh stated that Punjab Police was doing a good job, adding that losses suffered during action are expected when conducting such operations.He stated that a considerable reduction in crime has been seen in Karachi after the operation. He further stated that Sindh’s police officials and officers need to change their behaviours.The Pak Army has now taken over the operation against the notorious gang after a failed operation by the police in Rajanpur distirct, during which the law enforcement agency faced severe difficulties and losses.DG ISPR Lt Gen Asim Salim Bajwa reported that cordon has been reinforced while police and Rangers will continue to participate in the mission under army‘s supervision.A heavy contingent of troops was sent to help rescue 24 police held hostage by a gang of heavily armed criminals after the bungled raid on their island stronghold.Up to 1,500 officers were involved in the failed raid against some 150 men armed with rocket launchers and machine guns, authorities said.District police chief Ghulam Mubashir Maken has stated that around 150 army troops have arrived and more were on their way. He added that helicopters could be used to launch a counter-attack.

Punjab: 41 alleged suspects taken into custody in search operation


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Law enforcement agencies late Saturday night conducted search operation in Punjab’s cities of Lahore, Kasur and Multan. 41 alleged suspects were taken into custody while 6 were arrested during the operation.According to the details, the search operation was conducted in various areasof Lahore during which 32 alleged suspects were taken into custody. 28 of the alleged suspects were rounded up from different areas of Iqbal Town including guest houses and hotels of Bhekewal and Najaf Colony. The individuals had incomplete identification documents. 4 of the alleged suspects were rounded up from the surrounding areas of Churches of Qurban Line.Meanwhile in Kasur, 9 alleged suspects were taken into custody during the search.On the other hand, police and officials of the intelligence department conducted a joint operation in Jalilabad, Multan during which 6 suspects were arrested. Ammunition was also recovered from the suspects.

Two RAW agents arrested from Thatta


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) on Saturday arrested two members of the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) from Thatta after the disclosure of the presence of a huge network of the Indian spy agency in Sindh, reported Dunya News.Senior Superintendent Police (SSP) CTD Naveed Khawaja stated that detained Saddam Hussain alis roshan and Bacchal Solangi ran a large network of Indian spies based on fishermen in Thatta and other cities.Khawaja further added that RAW officials named Arjun and Kiran provide logistical support to the fishermens network and other facilities in India. The fishermen cross the border from Pakistan and the impression is given that they have been detained in India, he said.Police officials stated that pictures of sensitive and important buildings and phones with latest softwares have been recovered from the apprehended culprits.

PTI given green signal to organise public meeting at F-9 Park


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Federal Interior Minister Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan has allowed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to organise a procession at the F-9 Park on April 24; however, PTI has to ensure the district administration that the participants will disperse peacefully once the event concludes, reported Dunya News.Interior Minister has ordered that the district administration makes all settlements with PTI’s officials in an utmost friendly manner, further adding that no obstructions be placed in the organising of the event. He did state that assurance must be taken from the PTI leadership that the participants will disperse peacefully once the public meeting concludes.Nisar also directed to ensure that the locals are not affected at a great deal because of PTI’s public meeting.

Pervaiz Khattak terms allegations leveled against Muzafar Said inappropriate


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister (CM) Pervaiz Khattak on Saturday took notice of the allegations placed on Provincial Finance Minister Muzafar Said by the Bank of Khyber and initiated an inquiry into the matter, reported Dunya News.According to a statement issued by the Chief Minister’s House, KP CM termed the advertisement released by the bank against Said as inappropriate and transgressive. It has been mentioned in the statement that this act by the Bank of Khyber is morally low, unlawful and is beyond the limits.Said has been alleged of using the resources of the bank in the advertisement, he has also been subjected to character assassination. Khattak states that Muzafar Said is an honest and faithful person and that he has utmost trust over him.On the other hand, while addressing a press conference in the Al Markaz Islami Peshawar, provincial chief Ahmad Khan, senior minister Inayat Ullah and Finance Minister Muzafar Said termed the allegations placed by the Managing Director (MD) of the bank as baseless and have stated that the allegations will tarnish the image of the bank in the future.

Pakistanis lead Cricket Australia's 'Greatest ODI player of All Time' poll


LAHORE (Web Desk) – In an online poll launched on Cricket Australia’s official website in order to nominate the Greatest ODI player of All Time (GOAT), Pakistani players are leading by a significant margin over other legends of the game, reported Dunya News.The nomination procedure is simple – a total of 64 players have been named by Cricket Australia, the voters have to narrow it down to one as the players who get fewer votes in every round are removed from the list automatically and the ones who get the votes proceed to the next rounds.Pakistani greats, including Imran Khan, Saeed Anwar, Shoaib Akhtar, Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis have cleared the initial round of the tournament, beating all-time legendary players such as Sourav Ganguly, Mohammad Azharuddin, Brett Lee and Richard Hadlee.As the competition progresses, the battle gets tougher as the Greens will have to confront figures like Brian Lara, Michael Clarke, Sachin Tendulkar, Shane Warne, Joel Garner and others in the upcoming stages.

Panama Leaks: Opposition dismisses commission under Justice (retd.) Sarmad Osmany


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Opposition parties have rejected the name of Justice retd. Sarmad Jalal Osmany to lead the commission that probes into the Panama Leaks, reported Dunya News.The government finalised the name of Osmany as head of the commission. Furthermore, the terms of reference of the commission shall also be finalised with the consent of the opposition parties.Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly (NA) Syed Khurshid Shah stated that, Justice retd. Osmany should not head the commission irrespective of the fact that he is a respected figure. He added that if a commission is formed under the Chief Justice (CJ) then a joint committee of the Parliament also needs to be made.Shah said that Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani can also be considered as another figure to lead the commission. He further added that all parties are pursuing a common goal in regards to the Panama Leaks’ investigation that it be based on facts.Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi stated that his party dismisses the commission, adding that consent was not sought prior to the formulation of the commission. Qureshi said that the government announced the commission out of confusion and anxiety. He further stated that this is not a matter of ego as everyone wants transparent investigation of the matter.Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the government should clarify its strategy in regards to the investigation. He said that Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) leadership also demands a logical conclusion of the investigation, adding that PTI and PPP should work together and formulate joint strategy to cater the issue.PPP leader Qamar Zaman Kaira said that his party did not oppose PTI’s demand that the commission should be led by the Chief Justice, adding that PPP demands a forensic audit as well for better investigation. He inquired as to why is the government working on ideas which were not demanded by the opposition parties.

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