Tuesday 26 April 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

India court says banks to learn 'fugitive' Mallya's assets


NEW DELHI (AFP) - Indias top court said Tuesday details of embattled tycoon Vijay Mallyas assets would be shared with the banks chasing him over $1.34 billion in unpaid loans, despite his protestations the information should be kept private.The Supreme Court said banks should be given details of Mallyas overseas assets, as well as those of his wife and children, as Indias attorney general branded the absent entrepreneur a fugitive from justice.The 60-year-old liquor baron, who is being pursued by a group of mostly state-run lenders over loans made to his collapsed carrier Kingfisher Airlines, left India on March 2 and is believed to be in Britain.In an affidavit filed last week, Mallya, who is a non-resident Indian (NRI), said the banks had no right to demand information about his familys overseas assets.The money involved belongs to banks. Mallya is playing hide and seek with banks and moreover he is a fugitive from justice, Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi, who is representing the lenders, told the Supreme Court.Earlier this month the banks rejected an offer to repay $600 million and told the Supreme Court they wanted him to return to India so they could negotiate with him personally over the total owed.It comes days after Indias government revoked Mallyas passport after he failed to appear before investigators over a separate probe into the misuse of funds at Kingfisher Airlines.A court has issued an arrest warrant for Mallya after he did not turn up for questioning at the Enforcement Directorate, a financial crimes agency which is seeking his extradition.That agencys probe relates to loans which IDBI bank made to Kingfisher Airlines, despite allegedly knowing it was suffering financial troubles, and whether money was siphoned off -- a charge Mallyas UB Group denies.Mallya inherited United Breweries Group from his father at the age of 28 and turned it into one of the worlds largest spirits makers, hosting extravagant parties with Bollywood stars and politicians along the way.His profile rose further when he acquired a stake in the Force India F1 team and ownership of the Royal Challengers Bangalore cricket team.

Air raids in Syria's Aleppo province kill at least 19


ALEPPO (AFP) - A barrage of air strikes on rebel-held areas of Syrias second city Aleppo and a town to its west have killed at least 19 people, emergency workers said Tuesday.The strikes are the latest in a surge of violence in and around the city that has severely tested a February 27 ceasefire.Fourteen civilians were killed in the strikes on rebel-held eastern districts of Aleppo city, the civil defence -- known as White Helmets -- said.The planes are bombing markets, residential areas... Were exhausted, we cant keep up, one civil defence worker said.Five of their own rescue workers were killed when their headquarters in the town of Al-Atarib, controlled by Islamist rebels, was hit by an air strike overnight, the group said on Twitter.It was not immediately clear whether the strike on Al-Atarib, 35 kilometres (20 miles) from Aleppo, was carried out by the Syrian air force or its Russian ally.An ambulance and a firetruck, both damaged, were parked in the bombed-out headquarters, surrounded by rubble and twisted metal frames.Fighting has surged on several fronts in Aleppo province, which is criss-crossed with supply routes that are strategic for practically all of Syrias warring sides.Once Syrias commercial hub, Aleppo has been divided between rebel control in the east and government forces in the west since 2012.Rocket fire hit government-controlled areas in the west of the city on Tuesday afternoon, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group.In the rebel-held Fardos neighbourhood, an AFP correspondent saw a youth being helped down a rubble-strewn street with blood streaming from his head and leg.Violence has rocked the divided city since Friday, with at least 100 civilians killed by artillery or rocket fire and air strikes.On Monday, rebel shelling killed at least 19 civilians in government-held districts of Aleppo, according to the Observatory.The fighting severely threatens the February ceasefire brokered by the United States and Russia and comes as UN-brokered peace talks in Geneva stall.Syrias main opposition group, the High Negotiations Committee (HNC) halted its formal participation this week in the Geneva talks, which started on April 13.A leading opposition group, the National Coalition, condemned the strike on Al-Atarib and hailed the remarkable efforts and bravery of Civil Defence workers.Favourable conditions for the political process cannot be created whilst the Assad regimes killing machine continues to wreak death across Syria, the Coalition said in an online statement.More than 270,000 people have been killed in Syria and millions forced from their homes since the conflict erupted in 2011.

Iraq parliament row impedes cabinet vote as thousands protest


BAGHDAD (AFP) - Lawmakers threw water bottles towards Iraqs premier and chanted against the parliament speaker Tuesday, impeding a planned vote on a new cabinet lineup as thousands demonstrated for reforms nearby.Iraq has been hit by weeks of political turmoil surrounding Prime Minister Haider al-Abadis efforts to replace the cabinet of party-affiliated ministers with a government of technocrats.The proposed changes have been opposed by powerful political parties that rely on control of ministries for patronage and funds, and parliament has repeatedly failed to vote on a new cabinet list.Abadi attended parliament on Tuesday, but MPs prevented him from speaking and threw water bottles in his direction, lawmakers and a parliamentary official who was present at the session said.Lawmakers also chanted against parliament speaker Salim al-Juburi, terming him illegitimate and saying: Salim Out, outA new session was then held in another hall, the parliamentary official said, but the protesting MPs were barred from attending, meaning it is likely to be challenged.Parliament has repeatedly been hit by chaos in recent weeks, with MPs holding an overnight sit-in at parliament, brawling in the chamber and seeking to sack Juburi, electing an interim replacement who has chaired his own sessions.Abadi called a week ago for parliament to put aside its differences and do its job, but the antics in the legislature have continued.As the latest political turmoil played out in parliament, thousands of protesters demonstrated for reforms nearby, answering a call from powerful Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to do so.The demonstrators, many carrying Iraqi flags, marched from Tahrir Square in central Baghdad to an entrance to the heavily fortified Green Zone where the government is headquartered, chanting that politicians are all thieves.Only poverty and killingThe government did not bring the country and Iraqis anything but poverty and killing, said demonstrator Abu Ali al-Zaidi, who travelled from Maysan province in the south for the protest.The political quotas and the parties that control everything are the reason for the failure of the government, said Abu Mohammed al-Sudani, a protester from Baghdad who carried an Iraqi flag.Key government posts have for years been shared out based on political and sectarian quotas, a practice demonstrators have called to end.Ali al-Bahadli, a cleric from the Sadr Movement who was taking part in the demonstration, said: We want the ministers to be independent, outside the control of the political parties and parliament.Sadr, the scion of a powerful clerical family who in earlier years raised a rebellion against US-led forces and commanded a feared militia, had called for a mass demonstration in Baghdad on Tuesday to pressure the government to carry out reforms.He organised a two-week sit-in at entrances to the Green Zone last month, calling it off only after Abadi presented a list of cabinet nominees.Abadi called in February for fundamental change to the cabinet so that it includes professional and technocratic figures and academics.That kicked off the latest chapter in a months-long saga of Abadi proposing various reforms that parties and politicians with interests in the existing system have sought to delay or undermine.The political crisis comes as Iraqi forces battle to regain more ground from the Islamic State group, and both the United Nations and Washington have warned that it could undermine the fight against the terrorists.Iraq has also been hit hard by the plummeting price of oil, revenues from which account for the vast majority of government funds.

Qatar says to liberalise fuel prices


DOHA (AFP) - OPEC member Qatar announced Tuesday that it will liberalise petrol and diesel prices amid concerns over the state budget with the fall of global oil prices.The change will come into force from May and prices will fluctuate each month, Mishal Al-Thani, chairman of a commission to study fuel prices, said in a statement on the official Qatar News Agency.The overhaul of the domestic market will see future prices determined by global and regional factors as well as costs linked to fuel production and distribution, he said.The price changes would also aim to raise the efficiency of energy use in the state and to increase consumer awareness, he added.However this would not necessarily mean higher prices for consumers, assured Thani.Domestic petrol and diesel prices have long been heavily subsidised by the Qatari government.But Qatar pushed petrol prices up by 30 percent in January.The move comes at a time when Qatar has seen its revenues drop sharply after world energy prices nosedived.The emirate has already forecast a budget deficit of more than $12 billion in 2016, its first in 15 years.The United Arab Emirates took a similar measure in July.

Clinton, Trump look to dominate in Tuesday primaries


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Voters cast ballots in five northeastern states Tuesday, with frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both looking to overwhelm their respective Democratic and Republican rivals in the race for the White House.A very strong showing in primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island would Clinton on the cusp of Democratic victory, a monumental step in her quest to become the nations first female commander in chief.I dont have the nomination yet, the former secretary of state said in a town hall event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvanias largest city, on the eve of the vote.Were going to work really hard until the polls close tomorrow.Trump also was expected to extend his formidable lead in the bruising race for the Republican nomination, even as rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich mounted a hasty, and already fraying tag team effort to try to block him.Kasich agreed to forego campaigning in Indiana, a winner-take-all state that votes May 3, and Cruz will return the favor later in New Mexico and Oregon.But within hours of the surprise deal, the Ohio governor was already playing it down, saying he was not telling his supporters in Indiana not to vote for him. Whats the big deal? he said.Experience and wisdomTuesdays voting began at 6 am (1000 GMT) in Connecticut and one hour later in the other states. Polls across all five states close at 8 pm (0000 GMT Wednesday).Voting was brisk in Maryland. So far it looks good, said Lucy Freeman, 79, a Democratic precinct chair at a voting station in Chevy Chase, Maryland.New US citizen Imalka Senahidra, a 53-year-old born in Sri Lanka, was voting for the first time and nervous about which way the country might go.Ive always believed in experience and wisdom, so Ill go along with that, she said.Clinton was favored to win all five state Democratic contests, with polls giving her a double-digit lead over rival Bernie Sanders in Pennsylvania, the biggest state of the bunch with 189 delegates.Big wins on Tuesday night would put her within striking distance of the Democratic nomination, piling up pressure on Sanders, who has vowed to fight on until the California primary June 7.I dont accept there is no path forward. Lets not count our chickens before theyre hatched, Sanders said Tuesday in an interview with MSNBC.There are five contests today. The state of California -- last I heard the largest state in the United States of America -- has not yet cast a ballot, he said.Sanders has deflected questions about whether he would actively support a Clinton candidacy if she is the nominee, suggesting it was up to her to win over his passionate young followers.Pathetic planTrump, meanwhile, was in full attack mode, pouring scorn on the Cruz-Kasich deal as an act of a political desperation.You know if you collude in business, or you collude in the stock market, they put you in jail, Trump boomed in Warwick, Rhode Island.But in politics, because its a rigged system, because its a corrupt enterprise, in politics youre allowed to collude.The partnership shows how weak they are, Trump said. It shows how pathetic they are.Cruz told potential voters in Indiana Monday that the deal would give them a straight and direct choice between our campaign and Donald Trump.According to a recent CBS poll, Trump leads Indiana with 40 percent of likely Republican voters, compared to 35 percent for Cruz and 20 percent for Kasich.A Trump loss in Indiana would make it much harder for him to gain the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination in the first round of balloting at the partys convention in Cleveland July 18-21.If he falls short, Trump runs the risk that his delegates, most of whom are bound to vote for him in only the first round of balloting, will desert him in subsequent rounds.Cruz in particular has been successfully maneuvering in state party conventions to have individuals named to delegate slots who, though initially bound to Trump, would be sympathetic to Cruz in later rounds once free to vote for whomever they choose.Party heavyweights, alarmed by the prospect of a Trump nomination, have long pressed for a united effort around a single candidate against him.But Cruz is almost as unpopular with the partys establishment as Trump, and Kasich has refused to bow out even though he has only won his home state of Ohio.The Texas senator, meanwhile, has put out word that he has begun weighing possible running mates, including former White House hopeful Carly Fiorina.

KDA officials face extortion demands, Director requests security


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Like the traders of the Provincial Capital, Karachi Development Authority’s (KDA) is now on the target list of extortionists. KDA officials are facing the demand of extortion. KDA’s Senior Director Nasir Abbas has been receiving calls for extortion from South Africa.According to the KDA Director, an individual named Ali Zaidi has been sending threatening calls and messages to him, demanding an extortion of Rs. 3 lac. The telephone number suggests that the calls are originating from South Africa. The caller has threatened Abbas of being on the hit-list of target killing if he does not comply with the demand.Abbas has notified law enforcement agencies of the matter and has requested the provision of security.

Who nose best? French police asked to 'test' cocaine quality


TOULOUSE (AFP) - A woman was arrested in France Tuesday after she waltzed into a police station, put three bags of cocaine on the counter and asked officers on duty to test its quality.It was around 5:00 am in the southwestern city of Toulouse when police officers were confronted with the strange request from a known 45-year-old drug user.A police source said the woman went to the main police station and placed the bags -- two containing cocaine powder and one crack cocaine -- on the counter.Asked why she did so, the woman replied: so that officers at reception could test it and that she wanted to know if it was good quality as she didnt want people to die of an overdose.The woman was taken into custody and a court ordered her to attend a hearing in January.

Karachi: Law enforcement agencies arrest 7 in crackdown against crime


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Seven suspects, including a woman, were arrested late Tuesday night during action by law enforcement agencies in several areas of the city. Meanwhile 6 people were injured during a clash between two groups in Quaidabad area of Landhi.According to the details, security agencies took 2 alleged suspects into custody during action in Malir area. Sources say suspects taken into custody include a local official of a political party.Meanwhile police conducted action in Defence Boat Basin area and arrested the employees of a Sheesha café, including the manager. 17 Sheeshas were confiscated and the café was sealed during the raid.Police also conducted a raid in Orangi Town number 10 and apprehended a female dacoit involved in incidents of street crime, while her accomplices managed to escape. Ammunition was also recovered from the suspect.On the other hand, police managed to nab 2 felons during a clash in Site area and recovered a stolen truck carrying clothes.

Oil prices surge on report Saudi plans to reduce drilling


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices rose sharply on Tuesday, gaining a lift from speculation that Saudi Arabia is planning to cut back drilling as the market worries about excessive global supplies.The market, already heading higher from the start of trade, seems to have got an extra boost from a report out of Nabor Industriess earnings call, said Bob Yawger of Mizuho Securities. He said the drilling company claimed the Saudis have plans to reduce their rig counts by 10 per cent.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for delivery in June rose US$1.40 (3.3 per cent) to US$44.04 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, its highest close since November.Similarly, Brent North Sea crude for June delivery, the European benchmark, rose 2.8 per cent in London trade, finishing US$1.26 higher at US$45.74 a barrel.Analysts said the rebound from Mondays losses was also possibly prompted by a slightly weaker dollar and poor US data on durable goods orders and consumer confidence.While short-term price movements may be driven by financial demand related to a weaker dollar, we continue to see a physical market that remains very well-supplied, cautioned Tim Evans of Citi Futures.Meanwhile Bloomberg News reported that Saudi Arabia sold a spot cargo to a small independent Chinese refiner, Shandong Chambroad. The 730,000-barrel shipment is unusual for Saudi Arabia, which generally makes sales under long-term contracts, and underscores its desire to expand market share in Asia.Saudi Arabia is reportedly making spot sales to a teapot refiner in China as a more aggressive competitive move than has been typical, Evans noted.

Dollar weakens ahead of Fed rate decision


NEW YORK (AFP) - The dollar extended losses against the euro and pound on Tuesday after disappointing US economic data helped cement expectations the Federal Reserve will leave interest rates unchanged the next day.US durable goods orders rose much less than expected in March, adding further evidence of weakness in the manufacturing sector. Consumer confidence in April unexpectedly fell, according to the closely watched Conference Board survey.The data came as the Federal Reserve opened a two-day monetary policy meeting. All eyes in the market were focused on the Feds post-meeting statement, due at 1800 GMT on Wednesday.While no change in rates is expected from the Fed tomorrow, its policy statement could help shed light on the outlook for borrowing costs over the months ahead, said Omer Esiner Commonwealth Foreign Exchange.In particular, investors want to see if the Fed acknowledges any improvement in domestic or international economic conditions, which could make a quarter-point rate hike in June more likely.The dollar, which had weakened Monday, slipped 0.3 per cent to US$1.1298 per euro. The greenback, meanwhile, edged higher against the yen.With the US central bank likely on hold for the time being, and absent any strong signals with respect to the timing of the next interest rate increase, we continue to expect only moderate US dollar performance in the near term, said Eric Viloria, currency strategist at Wells Fargo Securities.

Federal Cabinet meeting to be held after 7 months under PM today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Meeting of the Federal Cabinet will be held today (Wednesday), after a period of 7 months, under Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif. Proposals on budget for the new financial year will also be discussed during the meeting.According to the sources, Federal Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar will give a briefing on the proposals for the budget to the Cabinet meeting. The meeting will also discuss the country’s political and security situation.PM Nawaz will also take members of the Cabinet into confidence in the meeting over the Panama Leaks issue and the formation of a judicial commission for investigating the matter.The meeting will also discuss contacting other political parties over the Panama Leaks issue and Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz’s (PML-N) upcoming public contact campaign.

Nisar meets British counterpart, discusses Imran Farooq murder case


LONDON (Dunya News) – Federal Minister for Interior Chaudhry Nisar Tuesday met with his British counterpart in London. Talking to the media, Nisar stated that a discussion on Dr. Imran Farooq’s murder case, money laundering and Indian intelligence agency RAW’s alleged funding of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) was held during the meeting. Nisar has stated that results and developments made in these cases will surface in 2 weeks time.Prior to this, the Federal Interior Minister, addressing a gathering at National Institute of Strategic Studies, stated that Pakistan had been abandoned several times during war against terrorism. He added that even though no Pakistani was involved in the 9/11 attack in the US, the whole burden of its aftermath was put on Pakistan.Nisar stated that Pakistan was still paying the price for the wrong decisions taken by former President Pervaiz Musharraf.Nisar further stated that terrorism and extremism could not be fought unless 1.5 billion Muslims were united.

5 rounded up during police operation in Karachi


KARACHI (Dunya News) – At least five accused, including a woman, were apprehended during police operations in different parts of Karachi on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police raided a shisha café in Defence Boat Basin area and its manager and all employees. Police also arrested an accused during operation in Maripur area.Police arrested two accused from SITE area after an encounter and recovered a stolen truck from them. Police also arrested a woman robber from Orangi Town Mo 10 and recovered arms from her.On the other hand, six persons were wounded in a clash between two groups of a political party in Quaidabad area of Landhi.

Imran Farooq murder: British investigative officers question MQM chief


LONDON (Dunya News) – British investigative officers Tuesday met with Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain. Hussain was questioned regarding slain MQM leader Dr. Imran Farooq. The British officials also questioned the MQM head on information provided by Pakistan.According to sources, three investigative officers interrogated Hussain for nearly 2 hours. A complete file of the murder case had been provided to the officials by Pakistan.A discussion on confessional statements of the prime suspects of the case was also held during the meeting.On the other hand, Spokesperson for London’s Scotland Yard has stated that developments have been made regarding the money laundering and Dr. Imran Farooq murder case, however, the details of it cannot be revealed to the media.Earlier on December 31st of the previous year, Shamim and Mohsin Ali had confessed to the crime in front of the judicial magistrate in Pakistan.Shamim had admitted that a key MQM personality wanted to get Farooq out of his way. He said that the directives to assassinate Farooq came from London.Farooq, 50, a founding member of MQM was stabbed to death in Edgware, northwest London in September 2010.He claimed asylum in Britain in 1999 and was wanted in Pakistan over different charges including torture and murder but always claimed the accusations were politically motivated.He had twice been elected an MP in Pakistan, but went into hiding in 1992 when the government ordered a military crackdown against party activists in Karachi.

Lahore: 11 suspects arrested during police, CTD operation


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Police and Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) conducted a joint operation in Najaf Block in Iqbal Town area of Lahore on Tuesday and apprehended 11 suspects, Dunya News reported.The law enforcement agencies used biometric system for the identification of residents during the search operation in the area.The identity documents of shopkeepers, motorcycle riders and car riders were also checked during which 11 persons, who failed to produce identity documents, were arrested.

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