Tuesday 5 April 2016

Dunya TV

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Boxing: 'No Trump' undercard packs punch for Hispanics


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - They say politics and sport should never mix -- but dont try telling that to veteran boxing promoter Bob Arum.The 84-year-old matchmaker is hoping to drum up interest for Saturdays Manny Pacquiao v Tim Bradley rematch by delivering a jab to controversial Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.Billed as the No Trump undercard, it will feature mostly Hispanic fighters in what Arum views as a gesture of solidarity with the Latino community.Arum told AFP he felt obliged to act in the face of Trumps campaign rhetoric branding Mexican immigrants as rapists and pledges to deport millions of undocumented workers.I have great roots in the Hispanic community and Im horribly offended by the positions Trump has taken, the statements hes making about these people being rapists and so forth, and deporting 11.5 million people, Arum said.I felt this was an opportunity since I had these terrific Hispanic kids to put them together on a card. I want to speak to the Hispanic community.Im reaching out to Mexican people because what Im saying is that Trump is not a joke. Take him seriously. Organize yourselves. The way to fight this now is at the ballot box.Saturdays card in Las Vegas will feature the unbeaten Mexican Gilberto Ramirez, who fights Germanys Arthur Abraham for the WBO super-middleweight belt and former Mexico Olympic team boxer Oscar Valdez.US Olympian Jose Ramirez is also on the card, an embodiment from the immigrant working class Trump has targeted.Ramirezs family moved from Mexico to work in Central Californias farming community and he himself worked in the fields in high school to earn money.I hope that people like me deliver a message that contradicts what Trump says when he speaks about Mexicans, the 23-year-old undefeated lightweight told AFP.To hear the things he has said about Mexicans -- theyre uneducated comments. We expect our President to have a little bit more education than that. Its just so disrespectful.Arum, who entered boxing during the racially charged 1960s when he gave up work as an attorney for the US Justice Department and began representing Muhammad Ali, attributes Trumps appeal to racism.People dont want to say it but hes appealing essentially to working class whites who see this country becoming, in 20 years or so, a non-majority white country, Arum said.Its all about racism. Its not about jobs. They dont want to go in the fields and do the work that the Hispanics are doing.Its about them not wanting to be a minority in what they consider to be their country. And thats what Trump is preying on.

Broken hearts at higher risk of failing: study


PARIS (AFP) - The death of a life partner may trigger an irregular heartbeat, itself potentially life-threatening, said new research Wednesday into the risk of dying from a broken heart.A trawl of data on nearly a million Danes showed an elevated risk, lasting about a year, of developing a heart flutter. Under-60s whose partners died unexpectedly were most in peril.The risk was highest 8-14 days after the loss, after which it gradually declined, said a study published in the online journal Open Heart.One year after the loss, the risk was almost the same as in the non-bereaved population.Much research has focused on explaining the observed phenomenon of people dying soon after their life partner.Several studies have shown that grieving spouses have a higher risk of dying, particularly of heart disease and stroke, but the mechanism is unclear.The latest study asked specifically whether bereaved partners were more likely than others to develop atrial fibrillation, the most common type of irregular heartbeat and a risk factor for stroke and heart failure.Researchers in Denmark used population data collected between 1995 and 2014 to search for a pattern.Of the group, 88,612 people had been newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF) and 886,120 were healthy.(T)he risk of developing an irregular heartbeat for the first time was 41 percent higher among those who had been bereaved than it was among those who had not experienced such a loss, said the study.Younger people, those under 60, were more than twice as likely to develop problems, and those whose partners were relatively healthy in the month before death, thus not expected to die, were 57 percent more at risk.The team cautioned that no conclusions can be drawn about cause and effect, as the study was merely an observational one, looking at correlations in data.Several factors that could throw the findings out of whack, such as the bereaved groups diet, exercise regime, or predisposal to AF, were not known.The loss of a partner is considered one of the most stressful life events.It can lead to mental illness symptoms such as depression, and can cause people to lose sleep and appetite, drink too much and stop exercising -- all known health risks.

Obama trashes Trump plan to force Mexico to pay for wall


WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday dismissed as half-baked Donald Trumps plan to force Mexico to pay for a border wall by holding hostage the money its citizens send home from the United States.The Republican frontrunners promise to build the wall and force Mexico to foot the estimated $8 billion bill is a cornerstone of his under-fire campaign to win the US presidency.In a memo that the flamboyant New York tycoon handed over to The Washington Post, the candidate said he would force Mexicos hand by threatening to cut off billions of dollars sent home by Mexican immigrants.This is just one more example of something that is not thought through and is primarily put forward for political consumption, Obama told a news conference in response.The notion that were going to track every Western Union bit of money thats being sent to Mexico: good luck with that, he said.Remittances are one of the most important sources of income for Mexico along with oil and tourism.In 2014, more than $24 billion was wired into Mexico from overseas, including payments from immigrants not just in the United States but in other countries such as Britain and Canada, according to the World Bank.The outgoing Democratic president said cutting off remittances, many of which come from legal immigrants sending money to their families, would be impractical.The policy was ill conceived, he said, warning that if the Mexican economy collapsed as a result, more immigrants would flock to the United States to look for work.People expect the US president and other elected officials to address serious problems by proposing effective policies that have been examined, analyzed and which take unintended consequences into account, he said.They dont expect half-baked notions coming out of the White House. We cant afford that.Intimidation tacticsIn the memo, Trump threatened to change a rule under the anti-terrorism Patriot Act that would cut off a portion of the funds sent to Mexico through money transfers, the Post reported.The paper said the feasibility of Trumps plan was unclear both legally and politically, and that the idea could decimate the Mexican economy and set up an unprecedented showdown between the United States and a key diplomatic ally.Trumps memo said the threat would be withdrawn if Mexico made a one-time payment of $5-10 billion to pay for the wall, the newspaper added.Its an easy decision for Mexico, it quoted Trump as saying in the memo, which the Post said was written on campaign stationery.Called Compelling Mexico to Pay for the Wall, the document included other potential intimidation tactics such as increased trade tariffs, cancelling visas, and higher fees for border-crossing cards, the Post said.The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request to comment.Asked if Trumps foreign policy proposals were already doing damage to US relations abroad, Obama said yes and also called out Trumps closest Republican rival, the evangelical conservative Ted Cruz.I am getting questions constantly from foreign leaders about some of the wackier suggestions that are being made, he said.I do have to emphasize that its not just Mr Trumps proposals. Youre also hearing concerns about Mr Cruzs proposals, which in some ways are just as draconian when it comes to immigration, for example.The Texas senator is leading Trump in the Republican contest for Tuesdays Wisconsin primary where a win for Cruz could bolster his chances of blocking the real estate moguls drive for the Republican nomination.Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has made clear there is no scenario in which his country would pay for a wall. He has compared Trumps rhetoric to the rise of European dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Obama: Destroying IS group my 'top priority'


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Barack Obama said Tuesday that destroying the Islamic State (IS) group remains his top priority at a time when the terrorist group continues to lose ground in Iraq and Syria.We continue to take on their leadership, their financial networks, their infrastructure, Obama said at a meeting with senior military officials in the White House.We are going to squeeze them and we will defeat them.As weve seen from Turkey to Belgium, ISIL still has the ability to launch serious terrorist attacks, he added, using another term for the IS group.Coalition forces must maintain pressure on the insurgents using diplomacy and intelligence as well as military operations, coordinating operations between various branches of government, he said.We can no longer tolerate the kinds of positioning that is enabled by them having headquarters in Raqqa and in Mosul, he said of cities in Syria and Iraq.Destroying ISIL continues to be my top priority.Obama spoke next to Defense Secretary Ash Carter, General Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and combatant commanders.Carter on Tuesday proposed changes to the military that would streamline its various forces of some 1.3 million soldiers and boost their ability to respond quickly by reviewing the current top heavy structure set out in the 30-year-old Goldwater-Nichols Act, which critics say is outdated.The fight against the Islamic State group has shown that the militarys various commands and special forces should better coordinate their efforts, he said.We intend to be more efficient by integrating functions like logistics, intelligence and plans, he said.Washington has led an international coalition staging airstrikes against the IS group in Syria and Iraq since September 2014, parallel to operations by the Syrian government and its ally Russia.The Syrian army and its allies on Monday retook Syrias central town of al-Qaryatain, one of the IS groups last strongholds in the region.The operation 75 miles (120 kilometers) southwest of Palmyra helped secure the governments retaking of that ancient city last week after the Islamic State group held it for 10 months, destroying important archaeological sites and executing 280 people.

Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders win Wisconsin


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Republican Ted Cruz and Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders snatched victories in the crucial Wisconsin presidential primary Tuesday, sending a message to frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that their march to the nominations are not foregone conclusions.US networks including Fox News and NBC called the race for the two underdogs within half an hour of polls closing in the Midwestern state that borders Canada.With seven percent of precincts reporting, Cruz, a conservative senator from Texas, was ahead with 49 percent of the vote compared to 35 percent for billionaire Trump.Ohio Governor John Kasich was a distant third at 14 percent.Cruzs win in the Badger State is a serious blow to Trump and could alter the trajectory of the Republican race.The New York real estate mogul predicted a surprise win Tuesday in Wisconsin, but now faces a narrower path to victory and the 1,237 delegates needed to sew up the Republican nomination.Tuesday also cements Cruzs status as the leading anti-Trump candidate, with Kasich far back in the nomination battle.On the Democratic side, Vermont Senator Sanders led with 57 percent versus 43 percent for Clinton.But the former secretary of state can look forward with some confidence to the upcoming races.She leads Sanders by double digits in New York, her adopted home state which votes April 19, and Pennsylvania, which casts ballots a week later.Trump also leads handily in his home state of New York and in Pennsylvania.

Football: Suarez double salvages Barca against 10-man Atletico


BARCELONA (AFP) - Atletico Madrid were left to rue Fernando Torress first-half red card as Luis Suarezs double handed Barcelona a 2-1 lead on Tuesday heading into the second leg of their Champions League quarter-final.Torres got Atletico off to the perfect start as he slotted home Kokes through ball for a vital away goal on 25 minutes, but saw two quickfire yellow cards to leave his side a man short for over an hour.A second-half onslaught from Barca ensued and Suarez turned the game on its head as he bundled home to equalise, before powering in a header for the winner 16 minutes from time.The sides meet once more to decide who will progress to the semi-finals at Atleticos Vicente Calderon on April 13.Obviously a sending off in the first half will affect the game, even more when its a great player, said Suarez.Everyone knows his quality, but he made two strong fouls. It was a pity, I would have liked to come back against 11.However, Atletico were incensed as Suarez twice escaped punishment for a kick out at Juanfran and an off-the-ball incident with Filipe Luis.There were more than two incidents involving Suarez, said Atletico boss Diego Simeone.I cant say what I think, but I am not angry with Fernando for sure.Luis went even further by implying UEFA are scared to see Barcelona not reach the final.I dont know what Barca players have to do to get sent off just like us, Luis told Spanish TV station MEGA.You can tell there is fear that Barca will be eliminated.Barca had been beaten for the first time in 39 games stretching back six months by Real Madrid on Saturday and were again far from their best as Atletico looked comfortable until Torres was given his marching orders 10 minutes before half-time.Lionel Messi was looking for his 500th career goal for club and country, but was unusually wayward as he pulled a shot beyond the front post and then miscued wildly on the volley from Jordi Albas dangerous cross.Atletico boss Diego Simeone had been brave in his search for an away goal by naming Yannick Carrasco alongside Torres and top-scorer Antoine Griezmann in attack.And the Argentine was rewarded when Kokes through ball exploited a huge gap in the Barca defence which Torres latched onto before rifling home his 11th goal in 17 games against Barca.Griezmann was desperately close to doubling the visitors lead moments later when only a brilliant save from Marc-Andre ter Stegen prevented the French internationals low effort from drifting in at the far post.Yet Barca were handed a lifeline by two moments of madness from Torres as he lunged in late on Neymar and then Sergio Busquets within six minutes to see red.Atletico retained a threat at the start of the second half as Carrascos dangerous low cross whistled across the Barca goal.Barcas superstar front three of Messi, Suarez and Neymar then came to life as the hosts camped Atletico inside their own half for the final 40 minutes.Messis acrobatic overhead kick flew inches wide of the target before Neymar curled against the bar.Jan Oblak was then forced into his first saves of the night from Neymars close range header and Messis drive from distance.Atleticos resistence lasted just over an hour until Neymar drilled Dani Alvess cross goalwards and Suarez was on hand to bundle home his 44th goal of the season.And his 45th followed 12 minutes later as he powered in another Alves cross to keep Barca on course to become the first side to ever retain the Champions League.However, Atletico bravely limited the damage in the final stages to maintain their hopes of repeating their feat of dumping Barca out at the quarter-final stage two years ago.

Football: Vidal gives Bayern slender lead against Benfica


MUNICH (AFP) - Arturo Vidal gave Bayern Munich a slender 1-0 lead for their Champions League quarter-final return leg at Benfica next week, after hitting the winner just 109 seconds into Tuesdays first leg.Bayern produced an off-key display at Munichs Allianz Arena and their fifth straight appearance in the Champions League semi-finals is far from assured.Rui Vitorias Benfica can take plenty of heart before the second leg at the Estadio da Luz on Wednesday April 13, after subjecting Bayern to a frustrating second half in Munich.However, the Portuguese league leaders will be without top-scorer Jonas after the 32-year-old picked up a second-half booking, his third of the tournament. In the build-up, Bayern coach Pep Guardiola had described Benfica as having perhaps the best back four in Europe, after leaking just 19 goals in the Portuguese league this season.But it took less then two minutes for Bayern to break the Benfica defence.Franck Ribery crossed from the left and Juan Bernat, untroubled by the Benfica defenders, found Vidal in space to nod comfortably past Ederson.Benfica failed to cope with Vidals late runs from midfield as he again got on the end of a cross with half-time approaching, but the ball bounced harmlessly onto the roof of the net.Having scored Bayerns winner with a spectacular bicycle kick last Saturday against Eintracht Frankfurt, Franck Ribery tried the trick again, but without the same success.Vidal took a painful blow for the Bayern team just before the break when he blocked a shot from Benfica captain Nicolas Gaitan with his nether regions.But as the game wore on, Benficas back four began to back up Guardiolas compliment by frustrating Bayerns attack, especially Robert Lewandowski and Thomas Mueller.Vitorias men will be without their Brazilian hot-shot Jonas, who has scored 30 goals in the Portuguese league, for the return leg after a 58th-minute foul on Vidal.In a bid to shut Benficas attacking game down, Bayern coach Pep Guardiola switched Joshua Kimmich for Spain international Javi Martinez with an hour gone.Bayern started to live dangerously.There was pandemonium in the Bavarians penalty area on 65 minutes when only desperate defending denied Jonas, who got off three shots.With 20 minutes to go, both coaches threw on game changers as Guardiola introduced fleet-footed France winger Kingsley Coman, then Mario Goetze for the final five.Vitoria brought on Mexico forward Raul Jimenez for Kostas Mitroglou.Bayern have only themselves to blame for not doubling their tally in the dying stages.Lewandowski got in behind the defence and drew Ederson, but his pass to an unmarked Philipp Lahm was too long, just a minute from the whistle.

Football: Infantino implicated in Panama Papers - report


BERLIN (AFP) - The signature of new FIFA president Gianni Infantino has cropped up in the so-called Panama Papers in connection with questionable TV rights sales in South America, the German newspaper behind the mass leaks reported on Tuesday.Swiss-Italian lawyer Infantino, 46, succeeded the suspended Sepp Blatter in February as the head of FIFA, which is reeling from the arrests of leading officials last year, as well as the clouds over the awardings of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to Russia and Qatar respectively.In his then-post as head of UEFAs legal department, in 2006 and 2007 Infantino signed TV rights contracts for Champions League and other football tournaments with a letterbox company headed by two men who are now defendants in the FIFA scandal, reported the Sueddeutsche Zeitung.But Infantino denied any wrongdoing in a statement sent to AFP.I am dismayed and will not accept that my integrity is being doubted by certain areas of the media, especially given that UEFA has already disclosed in detail all facts regarding these contracts, said Infantino.From the moment I was made aware of the latest media enquiries on the matter, I immediately contacted UEFA to seek clarity. I did this because I am no longer with UEFA, and it is they who exclusively possess all contractual information relating to this query. In the meantime, UEFA has announced that it has been conducting a review of its numerous commercial contracts and has answered extensively all media questions related to these specific contracts.As I previously stated, I never personally dealt with Cross Trading nor their owners as the tender process was conducted by Team Marketing on behalf of UEFA.I would like to state for the record that neither UEFA nor I have ever been contacted by any authorities in relation to these particular contracts.Moreover, as media themselves report, there is no indication whatsoever for any wrongdoings from neither UEFA nor myself in this matter.The two men who owned the company Cross Trading are Argentinian TV rights dealers Hugo and Mariano Jinkis, who have both been accused in the FIFA scandal by US investigators.The father and son team are accused in the US of having bribed FIFA and other football officials to be able to cheaply acquire TV rights and then sell them at inflated margins.In the rights deals signed with Infantino for UEFA, their company had also made huge profits, said the report -- buying the rights for a total of $140,000 (123,000 euros) and selling them on for $440,000.The transactions raise the question: Why did UEFA sell the TV rights obviously well below value?, asked the paper.The report said FIFA, UEFA and Infantino, its former general secretary, had repeatedly denied having ever had any business dealings with Hugo and Mariano Jinkis.Then, when confronted with the signed contract in late March, UEFA had confirmed to the newspaper that the contract indeed bore Infantinos signature.Sueddeutsche Zeitung said it was told by UEFA that the organisation did not know at the time who were the real owners of Cross Trading.The so-called Panama Papers, a massive leak of 11.5 million documents about secret offshore financial dealings implicating world leaders and celebrities, has prompted several countries to open investigations.

Golf: Mickelson ready to be a Masters threat at age 45


AUGUSTA (AFP) - Phil Mickelson would be the fourth-oldest champion in major golf history if he manages to win his fourth Masters title and sixth major crown on Sunday at Augusta National.And 30 years after Jack Nicklaus became the oldest champion in Masters history with a win for the ages, Mickelson warns that hes playing as well as he has in 10 years.I dont feel old at all. I feel great, Mickelson said. I feel like Im in some of the best shape Ive been in. Im driving the ball better than I have in well over a decade, and my game is coming along.Julius Boros, who won the 1968 PGA Championship at age 48, is the oldest champion in major golf history, followed by Old Tom Morris at the 1867 British Open and Nicklaus at the 1986 Masters, both 46.Mickelson will turn 46 on June 16, the day of the first round of the US Open at Oakmont, where Lefty will try and complete a career Grand Slam by finally capturing an event where he has been the runner-up a record six times.Mickelson has not won a title since capturing the 2013 British Open at Muirfield, but he was second at Pebble Beach, fifth at Doral and shared 13th last week at the Houston Open.I feel like the game is starting to be easy again, Mickelson said.Mickelsons driving distance average is the same this year as it was in 2003, although at 40th it ranks 15 spots lower than it did 13 years ago, a sign of the ball-bashing younger generation following his footsteps.I dont feel distance is any factor as far as holding me back, Mickelson said. Now that Im starting to drive the ball reasonably straight and not have as many wild drives, I feel like Im able to play and compete a lot easier, like the game is just a lot easier. So well see.Were here on a golf course that has suited me well in the past and for the first time, I really feel like coming into this tournament, Im not trying to find anything or search for anything.Mickelson would like predicted Thursday rain to stay away and keep the Augusta National layout hard and fast, the better to challenge those who dont know the course as well as he does.When the greens are soft and receptive, you can get away with a lot of mistakes. You can put the ball in the wrong spot and still have a shot and learning and knowing the golf course isnt as big a factor, Mickelson said. It eliminates a lot of the trouble and challenge of Augusta National.Im hopeful this year will be a firm, fast golf course because it gives me what I feel like is a slight advantage of the history and the knowledge, knowing where I need to be and having hit those shots to allow me to make easy pars.

Athletics: Bolt to launch 2016 campaign on May 14


KINGSTON (AFP) - Jamaican sprint king Usain Bolt will run his first 100m of the 2016 season next month when he races in the Cayman Invitational Meet, it was announced Tuesday.The 29-year-old six-time Olympic gold medallist, who is building towards the defence of his titles in Rio de Janeiro in August, will run at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex on May 14 in Grand Cayman.I am pleased to announce that I will be competing in the 100m at the Cayman International T&F meeting on May 14, Bolt said in a statement.Bolt, the world record holder over 100m and 200m, has not raced since last Augusts World Championships in Beijing, where he was victorious in the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay.It will be my first international competition in 2016 and my second time to run in Cayman, Bolt added. I always enjoy competing in the Caribbean and look forward to meeting my fans in Cayman.The meet will also feature world 400m champion and Olympic 200m gold medallist Allyson Felix and 2011 world 100m champion Carmelita Jeter.Felix is yet to decide which event she races at the meeting as she builds towards the Olympics and a likely crack at a 200m and 400m double.Felix has won 21 gold, seven silver and three bronze medals competing internationally for United States. The race will be her first major event of 2016.

Corps Commander Lahore meets Punjab CM, discuss action against terrorists


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Corps Commander Lahore Lieutenant General Sadiq Ali Tuesday met with Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Shehbaz Sharif at CM House in Lahore. During the meeting, both officials agreed to continue joint action of the army, Rangers, police and Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) against terrorists and their facilitators.According to the details, an overall situation regarding the implementation of National Action Plan (NAP) was discussed during the meeting. A decision was made during the meeting to further improve both the integrated security mechanism and the already working civil, military joint operations coordination centres.The need for effective action against terrorists, pertaining to the deadly Gulshan-e-Iqbal blast, was also stressed during the meeting.The developments made in operation being conducted in the Province were also analyzed during the meeting.

Offshore accounts unethical in my view: Tehmina Durrani


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News, Web Desk) – Tehmina Durrani, wife of Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Shehbaz Sharif, Tuesday broke her silence on the Panama Leaks case involving Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif’s two sons Hassan and Hussain and his daughter and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Maryam Nawaz.Durrani, also a social activist, expressed her views in tweets on social media website twitter.She stated that according to her point of view, keeping offshore accounts was an unethical act.Even if off shore companies ,foreign properties ,and accounts mite be legal, for ME they are unethical .— Tehmina Durrani (@TehminaDurrani) April 5, 2016 Durrani stated that doing something against the law was illegal while unethical acts were similar to selling you soul, the latter being a more grave offence.Illegal is law breaking, unethical is soul selling. The later is a worse crime— Tehmina Durrani (@TehminaDurrani) April 5, 2016 Durrani went a step further and advised the Sharif family that the only way PM’s family could distant themselves from the allegations was to bring back the money saved in offshore accounts and foreign countries to Pakistan. She added that the family should opt for a simpler way of life by returning the wealth to the nation and keep Quaid-e-Azam as an example.ONLY way to clear sharif name is to keep minimum, simplify life drastically, return all foreign and local wealth to the nation I.e JINNAH— Tehmina Durrani (@TehminaDurrani) April 5, 2016 Durrani further stated that if she was rich, her riches would have been god’s wealth which she would have reserved for the poor and the destitute of the nation.If I was rich , my money wld be Gods money , and belong to the poor suffering people of my motherland— Tehmina Durrani (@TehminaDurrani) April 5, 2016 The social activist stated that seeing her name in the media amongst the list of those who were extremely rich, in this poverty-stricken country, was embarrassing for her.

Prove Panama Leaks' allegations or apologise, tweets Maryam Nawaz


LAHORE (Dunya Newws) – After names of some of the family members of Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif were revealed in Panama Leaks, PM’s daughter and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Maryam Nawaz has said that the PM has presented himself and his family for accountability and now those hurling allegations against her and her family should either prove the allegations or apologise for their comments.The PML-N leader expressed these views in Tweet on social media website Twitter.Despite no allegations of wrongdoing or illegality, PM Sharif presents himself & family for accountability. Now prove or apologise.— Maryam Nawaz Sharif (@MaryamNSharif) April 5, 2016 She stated that PM Nawaz had not taken any wrong step and had not committed anything illegal.PM earlier addressed the nation in the evening and announced the formation of a judicial commission to investigate the allegations placed on him and his family through the Panama Leaks.PM said that the judicial commission will be led by a retired judge of the Supreme Court adding that those who put up a show on daily-basis should prove their allegations before the commission and prove the truth in their statements.The Panama Leaks, comprising 11.5 million documents from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca, shows how some of the world’s most powerful people have secreted their money offshore.Among those named are three of the PM’s four children: Maryam, who has been tipped to be his political successor and his two sons Hasan and Hussain, with the records showing they owned London real estate through offshore companies administered by the firm.

Election campaign ends for NA-245, PS-115 by-elections


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Election campaign for National Assembly constituency NA-245 and Sindh Assembly constituency PS-115 ended at midnight on Tuesday. Voting will be held on Thursday, Dunya News reported.At least 15 candidates, including Kamal Malik of MQM, Amjad Ullah of PTI and Shahid Hussain of PPP, are in the field for NA-245 by-election. It is pertinent to mention here that APML has withdrawn its candidate Naved Bohri in favour of MQM candidate.There are four lakh registered voters in NA-245. The Election Commission of Pakistan has set up 227 polling stations having 796 polling booths for the voters.At least 14 candidates, including Faisal Rafiq of MQM, Amjad Hamid of PTI and Saeed Chawla of PPP, are contesting election for the Sindh Assembly constituency PS-115. More than150, 000 registered voters will exercise their right to vote in this constituency on Thursday.

Lahore: CTD guns down six Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan terrorists


LAHORE (Dunya News) – The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) late Tuesday night gunned down six terrorists belonging to the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) at Syed Chowk in Shera Kot area of Lahore. With the addition of these six suspects, the total number terrorists killed in the city after the deadly Gulshan-e-Iqbal attack has risen to 11. CTD sources stated that 5kgs of explosives material, 2 Kalashnikovs, 4 pistols, 4 detonators, 3 motorcycles and bullets were recovered from the suspects.According to CTD sources, the security agency had received a tip off that 10 terrorists had been spotted near the river bank in the area of Kachi Abadi Talat Park. The information also revealed that the terrorists were plotting an attack against law enforcement agencies.The CTD officials initially demanded that the terrorists present themselves for arrest upon which the suspects opened fire on the officials.6 terrorists were killed during the retaliatory fire by CTD Sheikhupura’s commandoes at Sagian Pull, Syed Chowk. 4 accomplices of the perpetrators managed to flee using the cover of night.CTDF sources further stated that the exterminated terrorists belonged to TTP’s Ustad Aslam group. CTD sources also revealed that the terrorists wanted to target influential personalities as well, along with the law enforcement agencies.CTD sources say that they have started an investigation after shifting the dead bodies of the gunned down suspects to the mortuary for post-mortem, while a hunt for the escaped terrorists was underway.Earlier 5 terrorists were also shot dead by Crime Investigation Agency (CIA) police in Nawab Town area near Jubilee Town.

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