Sunday 24 April 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Solar-powered plane lands in California after Pacific crossing


MOUNTAIN VIEW (AFP) - Solar Impulse 2, an experimental plane flying around the world without consuming a drop of fuel, has landed in California, one leg closer to completing its trailblazing trip.The Pacific is done, my friend. I love it, but its done, said clearly relieved Swiss adventurer Bertrand Piccard, who piloted the craft from Hawaii to California, just before landing.Its great to be in California, the land of pioneers, he said once on the ground, with Google co-founder and alternative energy enthusiast Sergey Brin on hand.Innovation and pioneering must continue. The clean tech revolution has to keep moving forward.Piccard, a 58-year-old doctor by training, said that enduring the 62-hour stretch between Hawaii and the Silicon Valley town of Mountain View was one of the most amazing experiences of his life.I bet that in 10 years, electric airplanes will be transporting up to 50 people. This will happen, he added.This is not science fiction. It is real, Piccard said.The arrival at Moffett Airfield southeast of San Francisco, marked the completion of the ninth of 13 legs in a journey that began last year in the United Arab Emirates.Piccard, who has been alternating the long solo flights with teammate Andre Borschberg, will now hand over to his teammate who will pilot Solar Impulse across the United States and to New York.The mission aims to promote the use of renewable energy, with an aircraft powered by 17,000 solar cells.The planes wingspan is wider than that of a jumbo jet but its weight is roughly the same as a cars.Solar Impulse 2 was grounded in July last year when its batteries suffered problems halfway through its 21,700-mile (35,000-kilometer) circumnavigation.The crew took several months to repair the damage from high tropical temperatures during the first Pacific stage, a 4,000-mile flight between Japan and Hawaii.The aircraft was flown on that leg by Borschberg, whose 118-hour journey smashed the previous record of 76 hours and 45 minutes set by US adventurer Steve Fossett in 2006.Born in Zurich, Borschberg is no stranger to adventure -- 15 years ago he narrowly escaped an avalanche, and then in 2013 he was involved in a helicopter crash that left him with minor injuries.The 63-year-old took catnaps of only 20 minutes at a time to maintain control of the pioneering plane during his arduous flight from Japan, in what his team described as difficult conditions.The Pacific crossing is the most dangerous due to a lack of landing sites in the event of an emergency.Traveling at altitudes of more than 9,000 meters (29,500 feet), Borschberg at times had to use oxygen tanks to breathe and experienced huge swings in temperature throughout.Alone throughout and utterly self-reliant in the unpressurized cockpit, he was equipped with a parachute and life raft in case he needed to ditch in the PacificPiccard said Saturday that he could not sleep more than 20 minutes at a time because after 20 minutes you have to wake up and control everything and if everything goes well then you can go back to sleep.The solar-powered plane, which stores energy in batteries for when the sun is not shining, will stop in New York before a transatlantic flight to Europe. From there the pilots plan to make their way back to the point of departure in Abu Dhabi.

Judge sentences defendant, spends night in jail with him


FAYETTEVILLE (AP) - A North Carolina judge sent a retired Special Forces sergeant to jail for violating probation — then spent the night in the cell with him.News media outlets report Joe Serna, 41, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder after three tours in Afghanistan, was diverted to Cumberland County Veterans Court after being charged with driving under the influence and other traffic offenses.The court is designed to help troubled veterans avoid jail time and get the help they need. Serna was told to stay sober and return to the court every two weeks.But when he appeared before Judge Lou Olivera, a Gulf War veteran, on April 12, Serna said he admitted that he had lied to the court and that his last urinalysis had been positive.Olivera sentenced him to a night in jail and the next day drove him to nearby Lumberton to serve the time.When Joe first came to turn himself in, he was trembling, Olivera said. I decided that Id spend the night serving with him.Serna said he was touched by the judges action.They take me to the cell, and Im sitting on my bunk. And, then, in walks the judge, he said. I knew this was a very compassionate man.He said the two spent the night talking about their military experiences.It was more of a father-son conversation as opposed to a judge talking to someone and sentencing them. It was personal, Serna said.Olivera said he hopes the experience helps Serna.They have worn the uniform and we know they can be contributing members of society. We just want to get them back there, the judge said.

Obama says deeply concerned about surge in Syria violence


HANOVER (Reuters) - US President Barack Obama said during a visit to Germany on Sunday that he was deeply concerned about a surge in violence in Syria, where government forces have stepped up bombing of rebel-held areas around the strategic city of Aleppo.Speaking after talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a 17th century palace near the northern city of Hanover, Obama spoke of a tragic humanitarian crisis in Syria and said he continued to believe in a political solution to the fighting there.Germany is the last stop on a six-day foreign tour where Obama has sought to shore up US alliances he views as important to increase trade, defeat Islamic State militants and counter Russian intervention in both Syria and Ukraine.We remain deeply concerned about the upsurge in fighting in Syria over the last several days, and we continue to agree that the only real durable solution is a political solution that moves Syria towards an inclusive government that represents all Syrians, Obama said.Merkel urged parties to peace talks in Geneva, which are at risk of collapse, to agree humanitarian zones where fleeing Syrians could feel free from bombardment. She and Obama made clear that they did not favor the creation of classical safe zones which would need to be protected by foreign forces.The two leaders, who have developed a strong, pragmatic relationship after a rocky start in which Merkel refused to allow Obama, then a senator campaigning for the presidency, to speak at the Brandenburg Gate in 2008, touched on a range of issues, including Ukraine, North Korea, Libya and free trade talks.Obama praised Merkel for her steady leadership and handling of Europe’s refugee crisis, saying her decision last year to welcome hundreds of thousands of migrants to Germany had put her on the right side of history.He joked that Merkel, who lacks his easy-going charm, had a really good sense of humor that she didn’t necessarily always share in public, drawing chuckles from the 61-year-old chancellor.Both leaders expressed concerns about violations of a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine and said sanctions against Russia, imposed by the West in response to Moscow’s intervention there, could not be eased before the situation on the ground improved.Obama was also asked about North Korea’s latest demonstration of military might - a submarine-launched ballistic missile test that Pyongyang described on Sunday as a great success. A series of tests in recent months have increased tension on the Korean peninsula, angering ally China and triggering new United Nations sanctions.What is clear is that North Korea continues to engage in continuous provocative behavior, that they have been actively pursuing a nuclear program, an ability to launch nuclear weapons, Obama said.And although more often than not they fail in many of these tests, they gain knowledge each time they engage in these tests, he added.Ties between Washington and Berlin were damaged in 2013 by revelations of widespread surveillance of German citizens, including the bugging of Merkel’s mobile phone, by the US National Security Agency.But in recent years, the two Cold War allies have patched things up, coordinating closely on the Ukraine crisis and pushing for agreement on a free-trade deal between the United States and European Union before Obama leaves office on Jan. 20.Negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have been difficult and time is running out.Thousands of protesters holding placards with slogans like Stop TTIP marched on Saturday to express their opposition to the deal. Europeans and Americans alike fear it could cost jobs and erode consumer protections.But Obama said he hoped the deal, which supporters say could boost economies on each side of the Atlantic by $100 billion, would be agreed this year.Time is not on our side, he said as he and Merkel opened the Hanover Messe, a massive industrial trade fair. If we don’t complete negotiations this year, then upcoming political transitions in the United States and Europe would mean this agreement won’t be finished for quite some time.Now in the last nine months of his presidential term, Obama came to Germany after spending three days in London where he urged Britons to vote to stay in the European Union in a June referendum, whose result could have global economic consequences.Earlier in the week, he met with Gulf leaders in Riyadh to try to allay fears that Washington had become less committed to their security, especially after the nuclear deal with Iran, the regional rival of Saudi Arabia.Before Obama returns to Washington late on Monday, he and Merkel will hold talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande, and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Among the issues they are expected to discuss will be closer intelligence sharing following Islamist militant attacks in France and Belgium.Everyone said things would slow down, Obama quipped about his final year in office. It hasn’t happened.

At least 26 killed as fighting rages in Syrias Aleppo


DAMASCUS (AP) - Air strikes and shelling pounded Aleppo for a third straight day on Sunday, killing two young siblings and at least 24 others in Syria’s largest city and former commercial capital.The northern city has been bitterly contested between insurgents and government forces since 2012. Opposition groups control the eastern part of the city but have come under intense strain as the government has choked off all routes to the area except a narrow and perilous passage to the northwest.At least 10 people were killed by rebel shelling on government-held areas in the city, according to activists and Syria’s state news agency, SANA. Rockets struck schools and residential areas, SANA reported. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said two young siblings were among the dead.Air strikes on the opposition side of the city killed 16, including a mother and her daughter, the Observatory said.A video posted on social media by the Syrian Civil Defense first responder group, known as the White Helmets and which operates in opposition-held areas, suggests some of the strikes hit a market in the neighborhood of Sakhour, with footage showing overturned vegetable carts strewed among the wreckage.The opposition High Negotiations Committee, which suspended its formal participation in peace talks with the government in Geneva last week, called the strikes an attack on the Geneva process that is the only possible pathway to peace.Salem Meslet, HNC spokesman, called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to hold its Damascus allies to the terms of a US and Russia-brokered cease-fire that parties signed onto nearly two months ago.The key to ending these attacks, and to making progress in the talks, lies in Moscow, said Meslet.The cease-fire is still technically in place, but may have completely unraveled on the ground — with violence returning to most of the contested areas of the country. The UN’s Special Envoy to Syria last week called on the two superpowers to salvage the truce before it totally collapses.The Aleppo Conquest rebel coalition on Saturday threatened to dissolve the truce if pro-government forces continued to strike civilians in opposition areas.The Al Qaeda branch in Syria, the Nusra Front, and its more powerful rival, the Islamic State group, are not included in the cease-fire. The Nusra Front is deeply rooted in the areas in northern Syria controlled by opposition forces, complicating the oversight of the truce.UN-mediated talks in Geneva have also been bogged down by the violence, with the Saudi-backed opposition delegation suspending its formal participation last week. The government delegation is nonetheless set to meet with UN envoy Staffan De Mistura Monday.Opposition groups have said reports of a new government offensive on the opposition-held side of Aleppo would wreck the peace talks.

Yemen government forces make key gains against Qaeda


MARIB (AFP) - Yemeni troops backed by Arab coalition air strikes on Sunday recaptured a southeastern provincial capital held by Al Qaeda for the past year and an oil terminal, military sources told AFP.The gains come after pro-government forces began an offensive aimed at securing parts of the country captured by jihadist militants who have exploited a 13-month war between Gulf-backed loyalists and rebels supported by Iran.The offensive coincides with UN-brokered peace talks in Kuwait after a ceasefire entered into effect on April 11, but from which jihadists groups are excluded.We entered the city centre (of Mukalla) and were met by no resistance from Al Qaeda militants who withdrew west towards the vast desert in Hadramawt and Shabwa provinces, a military officer told AFP by phone from the city the jihadists seized last April.The officer, who requested anonymity, said residents of Mukalla, home to an estimated 200,000 people, had appealed to the jihadists to spare the city the destruction of fighting and to withdraw.Yemeni military sources said Emirati military vehicles were used in the operation and that troops from the Gulf country, a key member of the Saudi-led coalition, were among the forces that entered Mukalla.AFP could not immediately confirm these reports from officials in the United Arab Emirates.The Arab coalition battling rebels in Yemen since March 2015 carried out air strikes against Al Qaeda positions in Mukalla to pave the way for the ground troops, military sources said.Troops also recaptured Mina al-Dhaba oil terminal in Shehr further east, the sources said.Earlier Sunday, military sources said pro-government forces seized Riyan airport and an army brigade headquarters Al Qaeda had held for a year on Mukalla’s outskirts.Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is regarded by Washington as the network’s most dangerous branch, and has carried out deadly attacks on the West in the past.Last month, a US air strike on an Al Qaeda training camp in Hadramawt province killed dozens of fighters in a major blow to the jihadists.A provincial official in Shabwa said jihadists also fled from the town of Azzan on Sunday which they seized in February.As the anti-jihadist offensive gained momentum, a bomb-laden vehicle exploded Sunday, killing seven soldiers and wounding 14. They were in a convoy entering another southern jihadist stronghold -- Zinjibar, capital of Abyan province, said military sources, blaming Al Qaeda for the attack.The coalition, led by Sunni powerhouse Saudi Arabia, has deployed Apache helicopters to support loyalists fighting on the ground.Forces loyal to internationally recognised President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi’s government have retreated from Zinjibar after entering it late Saturday, an officer in Abyan told AFP.The withdrawal was decided following information that Al Qaeda was preparing other car-bomb attacks against our troops, added the officer who requested anonymity.Government forces also launched an offensive Saturday to drive the jihadists from the neighbouring town of Jaar.Fighting on Saturday killed 25 Al Qaeda fighters and four soldiers as loyalists seized Al-Kud, five kilometres (three miles) south of Zinjibar, military and medical sources said.After our withdrawal, Apache helicopters will target Al Qaeda positions to secure the town, said another officer, adding that helicopters had foiled two attempts to attack troops using vehicle bombs in Al-Kud.Similar assaults have pushed the jihadists from other areas in the south in recent months.Coalition-backed forces have driven militants from Aden, the southern city declared by Hadi as Yemen’s temporary capital after the Shiite Huthi rebels overran Sanaa in September 2014.And last week, government forces expelled AQAP militants from Huta, the provincial capital of Lahj.When US President Barack Obama met Gulf leaders on Thursday in Saudi Arabia, they discussed the wars in Yemen and Syria.During the visit, Ben Rhodes, one of Obama’s closest advisers, urged all warring sides in Yemen to participate constructively in the Kuwait talks that began on Thursday, saying that a political solution would allow for a focus on AQAP in Yemen.

UN Security Council strongly condemns N Korea missile launch


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The UN Security Council joined an international chorus condemning North Korea on Sunday for firing what the hermit state claims was a successful submarine-launched ballistic missile.The North’s state-run KCNA news agency said Saturday’s test - which it said was personally monitored by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un - confirmed the reliability of the country’s underwater launching system.Kim hailed the test as an eye-opening success, state media said, and crowed that Pyongyang has the ability to strike Seoul and the United States at will.The UN Security Council condemned the test as a serious violation of past resolutions approved by the international body to thwart Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons drive.Such ballistic missile activities contribute to (North Korea’s) development of nuclear weapons delivery systems and increase tension in the region and beyond, the UN Council statement added.It urged Pyongyang to refrain from further actions in violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions.Washington and London denounced the SLBM test as a violation of UN Security Council resolutions, with US President Barack Obama urging China to increase pressure on Pyongyang after another this latest in a series of provocative weapons tests.North Korea continues to engage in continuous provocative behavior, Obama said in Germany, where he is wrapping up a three-nation tour that also included Saudi Arabia and Britain.We have cultivated cooperation with the Chinese to put pressure on North Korea, although it is not where we would completely like it to be, the US leader said.The launch came amid growing concern that Pyongyang is preparing a fifth nuclear test, but was followed hours later by a North Korean offer to impose a unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing if the United States suspends annual military drills with South Korea.Still images shown on state television showed Kim monitoring the test through binoculars and meeting the crew and scientists shortly thereafter.This eye-opening success constitutes one more precious gift the defense scientists and technicians are presenting to the great leaders and the party, KCNA quoted Kim as saying.South Korea’s defense ministry said the missile, fired from a submarine in the Sea of Japan (East Sea), flew around 19 miles (30 kilometers) and that the test showed certain technological progress in the North’s SLBM capability.It is believed ... that the North would be able to deploy the SLBM weapon within three to four years, or even sooner if it dedicates all its resources on the project, ministry spokesman Moon Sang-Gyun told reporters.Pictures showed the missile, with The North Star emblazoned on it, soaring out of the water and into the sky, trailed by a massive plume of smoke. State TV also showed what it claimed were underwater images of the missile being ejected from the submarine, using key cold launch technology.North Korea has been pushing to acquire an SLBM capability that would take its nuclear strike threat to a new level, allowing deployment far beyond the Korean peninsula and the potential to retaliate in the event of a nuclear attack.The isolated country has conducted a number of what it says have been successful SLBM tests, but experts previously questioned the claims, suggesting Pyongyang had carried out little more than pop-up tests from a submerged platform.This latest purported launch comes as the North gears up for a rare and much-hyped ruling party congress early next month - the first in 36 years - at which Kim is expected to take credit for pushing the country’s nuclear and missile weapons program to new heights.In an interview with the Associated Press in New York, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Su-Yong said Pyongyang would be willing to halt further tests if Washington announced an end to annual joint military exercises with Seoul.South Korea dismissed the proposal and warned it would seek further sanctions for the SLBM test it called an open provocation.We strongly urge the North to ... stop making a ridiculous attempt to link our regular joint military drills, which are defensive in nature, with a nuclear test that is banned under UN Security Council resolution, the foreign ministry said in a statement Sunday.The annual drills always raise tensions on the Korean peninsula, with the North condemning them as provocative rehearsals for invasion.Pyongyang made the same offer in January of last year - a deal flatly rejected by the United States.

Saudi king sacks utilities minister amid anger over prices


RIYADH (AFP) - The king of Saudi Arabia has sacked the country’s water and electricity minister, Abdullah al-Hussayen, amid public anger over price hikes, state media reported.King Salman issued a decree on Saturday ordering his dismissal and replacement in the interim by Agriculture Minister Abdel Rahman al-Fadli, said the official SPA news agency.His removal comes after the government reduced subsidies on electricity, water and other services.In March, the Arab News daily reported that Hussayen had called on citizens to get permits to dig their own wells in the face of increasing complaints about high water bills.And earlier this month the newspaper said that the advisory Shura Council appeared unconvinced when its members grilled Hussayen and his officials about the bills.In December, a series of unprecedented reforms were adopted in the desert kingdom, which has been hit hard by the steep fall in global oil prices over the past two years.Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is seen as the architect of the reforms, is to set announce on Monday a programme aimed at diversifying an economy that depends on oil for 70 percent of state revenues.But Prince Mohammed told Bloomberg News in an interview this month that the ministry’s implementation of the new water tariff was unsatisfactory.Now, we are working diligently on reforms within the water ministry so that things will be in accordance with the agreed plan, the prince has said, without elaborating.

Authorities: Teen shoots 2 outside prom before cop kills him


ANTIGO (AP) - An 18-year-old man opened fire with a high-powered rifle outside of a high school prom in northern Wisconsin, wounding two students before a police officer who was in the parking lot fatally shot him, authorities said Sunday.Investigators did not say whether they believe the two students were specifically targeted or discuss a possible motive for the shooting. But a school administrator said it appeared that the gunman — identified by police as Jakob E. Wagner — intended to go into the dance and start shooting randomly.The two prom-goers who were wounded were shot as the exited the building, according to Eric Roller, the chief of police in Antigo, a community of about 8,000 people roughly 150 miles north of Milwaukee.Officers were in the parking lot patrolling the activities and heard the shots and an officer immediately fired upon the shooter, stopping the threat, Roller said. He said the gunman was then taken into custody. Wagner died at a hospital.In a statement, the Unified School District of Antigo said Wagner approached the school with a high-powered rifle and a large ammunition clip. The district said the quick actions taken by police and district staff to secure the building prevented what might have otherwise been a disaster of unimaginable proportions.Interim district administrator Donald B. Childs told The Associated Press on Sunday that it appears Wagner intended to go into the building and shoot at people at the dance.We have no reason to believe at this point it was targeting anybody specifically, Childs said, adding that the shooting outside the entrance happened from some distance.The female victim was treated and released and the male victim was undergoing surgery for injuries that weren’t life-threatening, police said. Childs said the wounded boy, who was shot in the leg, attended the high school but that his date, who was grazed in the shooting, was from out of state.Friends said Wagner was a senior at Antigo High School in 2015, but Childs said he did not graduate with his classmates and was continuing to work on his diploma. He said the school of about 750 students will have counselors available when classes resume Monday.Friends expressed shock that Wagner was the suspect.For him to do that, something just isn’t right. He was a good kid, said Dakotta Mills, who said he had known Wagner since sixth grade and considered him a foster brother.Wagner was interested in guns and wanted to become a hunter, Mills said, but he wasn’t sure Wagner could afford a gun. He said Mills was raised by his mother and grandparents and was still living at home.Wagner loved video games and music, particularly violin and cello, and had been in the school marching band, Mills said.Dylan Dewey, who graduated from Antigo High last year, said Wagner had been dating a girl at the school who broke up with him last month. He described Wagner as an all-around good guy who enjoyed hanging out with friends.

Eight killed as golf ball hailstones, storms lash Myanmar


YANGON (Agencies) - Violent storms which saw hailstones the size of golf balls rain down across Myanmar have killed at least eight people in recent days, toppled pagodas and damaged thousands of buildings, officials said Sunday.The freak storms struck across five states on Friday and Saturday after weeks of heatwave temperatures regularly topping 40C (104F).From what we know now there are eight people killed and 7,500 houses destroyed during these days, Phyu Lei Lei Tun, director of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, told AFP, adding that the toll may increase as more information becomes available.Six of the victims died in Yay Tha Yauk village in the central region of Mandalay after flash flooding. Other regions that were struck included Sagaing and Magway as well as the states of Shan and Chin.Pictures and TV footage showed huge hailstones crashing onto flooded streets and clattering off metal roofs as residents rushed for shelter.I felt afraid of the strong wind, the rain and the hailstones when I looked out the window, Yin Myo, a resident of Mandalay, told AFP.Some hailstones were as large as golf balls, most about the size of ice cubes you put in drinks, she added, saying her aunt’s house had been damaged.The state-run Global New Light of Myanmar said more than 1,700 pagodas were damaged by gale- force winds in the southern state of Shan on Friday night.Pictures on social media showed some of the pagoda spires, which were hundreds of years old, lying shattered on the ground.Like much of the Greater Mekong region, Myanmar has been hit by drought in recent weeks amid a particularly fierce dry season.

Karachi: 4 accused apprehended during police operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Police crackdown against criminals continued in Karachi as four more accused were taken into custody from different parts of Karachi on Sunday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police conducted an operation in Abidabad area of Baldia Town and arrested an accused named Wasim and recovered arms and ball bomb from his possession. Police sources said that Wasim an activist of a religious party and was wanted in several cases of robberies and extortion.Police also conducted an operation in Pirabad area of Orangi town and apprehended three accused. Police sources said that the arrested persons were involved in cases of street crimes.

200 passengers of private airline stranded at China's Guangzhou airport


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Around 200 passengers, most of them traders, of a private airline have been stranded at China’s Guangzhou airport after flight NL-891 failed to depart for Lahore from the Chinese city due to unavailability of an airplane. The flight was supposed to reach Lahore at 2:00 am on Monday.Meanwhile the airlines’ administration has said that the next flight will be arriving to the airport at around 11:00 am.According to sources, the visas of many of the businessmen have expired due to which the Chinese immigration has decided to fine as well as blacklist these passengers.The passengers severely protested against the administration of the airlines at the Guangzhou airport.

MQM ends sit-in after successful negotiations with Nisar Khuhro


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) late Sunday night ended the sit-in protest it had staged for the release of its missing party workers. The protest was called off after a round of successful negotiations with Sindh’s senior Minister Nisar Khuhro. MQM’s leader Kanwar Naveed Jamil stated that the Sindh government has promised to approve the party’s demands.MQM’s sit-in outside Karachi Press Club had entered the second day. MQM leaders and family members of the missing party workers and of those who had been arrested took part in the sit-in in large numbers.Tensions escalated however as a large number of MQM workers started marching towards the Chief Minister’s (CM) House from the Press Club in the form of a rally, led by Farooq Sattar. Party workers and the police confronted one another.Resistance from the police increased as workers tried to continue their march, leading to a clash between the officers and workers. The latter then arranged a sit-in at the Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) Chowk.

Imran can fulfill desire of coming to Sindh, PPP not afraid: Chandio


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Advisor to Sindh Chief Minister (CM) for Information Maula Bakhsh Chandio Sunday responded to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan’s announcement of launching a campaign against corruption in Sindh. Chandio stated that the PTI chairman can fulfill his desire of coming to Sindh and he will welcome him and added that Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was not afraid of any political actors.Chandio said that he wonders who had suddenly changed Khan’s direction as he was on his way to Raiwind, adding that it seems that the effects of travelling with Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar have started to appear.Chandio further stated that political actors give some new advice to Khan everyday and that the PTI chairman was working on their signals. He stated that PPP was neither afraid nor will be of any political entity.Earlier, Khan, during his address on PTI’s 20th Foundation Day celebrations at Islamabad’s F-9 Park, has announced to initiate an anti-corruption campaign in Sindh from the 26th of April.

Panama Leaks: Opposition parties protest against govt in New York


NEW YORK (Dunya News) – Pakistans Panama Leaks fiasco has truly gone international as Opposition parties, after London, now held demonstrations in New York as well. The Opposition parties, including Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf ( PTI), Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Pakistan Muslim League Quaid e Azam (PML-Q) along with other opposition groups, protested against the government outside Pakistan Consulate in New York.According to the details, a large majority of people participated in the demonstration including women and children. Protesters holding placards said that they do not accept the government’s commission formed for investigating the Panama Leaks case.During their address, protesters demanded that Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif should bring back the finances being kept abroad to Pakistan. They further demanded that PM Nawaz should resign before the formation of commission.PTI’s demonstration was led by Asif Chaudhry, PPP’s by Latif Dalmia while Zakir Naseem led the PPP’s protest.

5.8 magnitude quake jolts parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) - An earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter Scale rocked different cities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on early Monday morning, Dunya News reported.The tremor was felt in Peshawar, Swat, Abbottabad, Chitral, Malakand, Bonair, Shagla, Swabi, Lower Dir and their surrounding areas.People came out of their homes in panic and started reciting verses from the Holy Quran. No loss of life was reported due to earthquake till filing of this report.According to National Seismic Monitoring Centre, the epicenter of the quake which struck at 02:43am on Monday was located in Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region at the depth of 116 kilometre.

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