Saturday 9 April 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Sanders wins Wyoming, prepares to take on Clinton in New York


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders won the U.S. presidential Democratic nominating contest in Wyoming on Saturday, besting rival Hillary Clinton and adding to a string of recent victories as the two candidates gear up for a crucial matchup in New York.Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, has won seven out of the last eight state-level Democratic nominating contests, trying to chip away at Clintons big lead in the number of delegates needed to secure the partys nomination.Wyomings 14 Democratic delegates - fewer than any other state - are awarded proportionally based on support from individuals participating in the nominating contest.Early estimates showed that while Sanders won the contest, both he and Clinton would likely receive seven delegates each in the close race, maintaining Clintons lead overall.Going into Wyoming, Clinton had more than half of the 2,383 delegates needed to win the nomination. Sanders trailed her by 250 pledged delegates, those awarded based on the results of the state nominating contests.Clintons lead widens when superdelegates, Democratic leaders who can decide whom to support at the partys July convention, are included in the tallies.Clinton and Sanders both spent Saturday campaigning in New York, which holds its contest on April 19 and where a total of 291 delegates are up for grabs, more than 10 percent of the tally needed to win the partys nomination.Sanders wife, Jane Sanders, went onstage where he was speaking at a community college in Queens, a borough of New York City, to alert him to Saturdays victory.News bulletin - we just won Wyoming Sanders said to cheers.Speaking to reporters after the event, Sanders said he believed he had enough momentum to secure the nomination.We are closing very fast, Sanders said.Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, campaigned in the nearby borough of Brooklyn, where her campaign is based.Clinton represented New York as a U.S. senator and considers the state her home turf. Recent polls have shown Clinton more than 10 points ahead in the state.Tension between the two candidates flared earlier this week in a party race that has typically focused on policies and not personal attacks. The candidates dialed back their criticism of one another on Friday.In Wyomings Republican contest last month, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas beat New York billionaire Donald Trump, the partys front-runner. Cruz is trying to block Trump from receiving enough delegates to win the nomination outright, which would lead to a contested convention in July.A new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that a third of Trumps Republican supporters could consider abandoning the partys candidate if Trump is denied the nomination at a contested convention.

Nisar says won't allow public gathering at D-Chowk, PTI remains adamant


KALLAR SYEDAN (Dunya News) – Federal Minister for Interior Chaudhary Nisar Saturday stated that no will be allowed to stage a sit-in, whether it is Islamabad’s D-Chowk or F-9 Park. Nisar admitted that two retired Judges had excused themselves from heading the judicial commission for probing Panama Leaks. Meanwhile Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) remains adamant that it will hold a rally at F-9 Park on 24th of April.Talking to the media in Kallar Syedan, the Federal Interior Minister offered Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan to hold a rally in Kallar Syedan. He added that nobody will be allowed to run up to Islamabad for protests.The Interior Minister also stated that the government was not silent over the issue of Indian RAW agent’s arrest. He added that the enemies of Pakistan wanted to create conflict between the civil-miltary relations.Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar on Saturday made it clear that chairman Imran Khan cannot address the nation on Pakistan Television (PTV), Dunya News reported.“It is only privilege of the President or Prime Minister of a country to address the nation through state television,” Ch Nisar told reporters in Kallar Syedan.He said that no opposition leader has ever addressed the nation through state TV in the history of the world.“He (Imran Khan) is not even an opposition leader. His party has only 30 seats or so in the National Assembly,” the minister said.

Pakistan's law not applicable to PM's son residing abroad: Punjab CM


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Shehbaz Sharif Saturday stated that Pakistan’s laws were not applicable to Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif’s son Hussain Nawaz who is residing abroad. He added that everything will be clear after the formation of commission to probe Panama Leaks. He added that the names of those who had waived loans should also be brought to light.In an exclusive talk with Dunya News during its program ‘Mahaaz’, Punjab CM stated that Pakistan Tehreel-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Jehangir Tareen waived loans worth billions of rupees but nobody was questioning him.Speaking on Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the CM stated that the army and government were on the same page. He added that instead of point scoring on incidents of terrorism, everybody should put in a united effort for the fight against it.On the question of becoming the PM, CM Shehbaz smiled and only stated that Nawaz Sharif is his leader.The CM further stated that just a handful of people were opposing the Orange Line Train project. The CM added that he is willing to face any punishment if corruption was proven in developmental projects.

Lahore: Police search operation around churches, 35 taken into custody


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Police late Saturday night conducted a search operation on suspicion of terrorism in the areas surrounding various churches of the city. 35 people were taken into custody for failing to provide complete identification documents.The identification documents were verified using National Database and Registration Authority’s (NADRA) biometric system.An interrogation is being conducted from those taken into custody.

Sindh CM's PSO Akram Abro forcibly takes away son from police custody


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Sindh Chief Minister’s (CM) PSO and Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Akram Abro Saturday stormed the Clifton police station and forcibly took away his son, Shahzaib, who had been taken into custody earlier by the police. SSP Abro had also dismissed the Sub-Inspector Wali Khan who had placed Shahzaib under police custody. The Sub-Inspector was later reinstated after Dunya News highlighted the issue.According to the details, SSP Abro’s son was earlier was earlier found driving his car around with black tinted windows. Upon being caught by the police, Shahzaib had started threatening the officers, after which the Sub-Inspector Khan had taken him into custody.Inspector-General (IG) Sindh reinstated suspended Sub-Inspector Khan and ordered a complete investigation into the case, after Dunya News highlighted the incident.A crackdown against fancy license plates, black tinted car windows and the display of ammunition continues in the Southern District.

Karachi: Rangers decide on action against suspects attacking LEA


KARACHI (Dunya News) – A high level meeting chaired by Director-General (DG) Rangers Major-General Bilal Akbar was held Saturday at Rangers Head Quarters. The meeting, attended by high level officials of police and Rangers including the Chief of Police and Sector Commander, decided on initiating action against elements involved in the attacks on Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA).According to the Rangers Spokesperson, the on-going operation in Karachi was also discussed during the meeting. A tribute was also paid to the sacrifices made by martyred police and Rangers officials.The Rangers Spokesperson also stated that some elements involved in spreading instability in the city will also be brought to justice.

Karachi: Police arrest 3 in crackdown against crime


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Police late Saturday arrested 3 suspects during crackdown against crime in several areas of the city.Police apprehended a suspect in injured condition after clash with the officials in Manghopir area. Ammunition was recovered from the felon. The arrested suspect Amir Baksh was wanted by the police for involvement in several cases.Police also arrested 2 suspects from Saudabad area. The perpetrators were wanted for cases of armed robbery and other street crimes.On the other hand, traders in the area of Aram Bagh captured 2 dacoits and thrashed them violently. Rangers’ officials arriving on the scene quickly took both suspects into custody. Dunya New has obtained the CCTV footage of the incident.According to the footage, the traders can be seen violently beating up the bloodied suspects.

JOCC to initiate action against terrorists, facilitators in Punjab


LAHORE (Dunya News) – A meeting of the Joint Operation Coordination Committee (JOCC) was held Saturday in Lahore. The meeting was attended by top military and civil intelligence officials. A decision to initiate indiscriminate action against terrorists and their facilitators along with their hideouts in Punjab was taken during the meeting. It was also decided during the meeting that the use of force will be according to the level of the operation.Consensus was also reached that all operations will be monitored by the JOCC and the operations will be conducted by the army, Rangers, Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and police.The military and civil intelligence leadership also decided that the security mechanism on both district and divisional level will be made completely functional for the intelligence department’s action.

Sanctity of constitution requires its safety with implementation: Zardari


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari Saturday stated that the sanctity of the constitution requires that along with its implementation, it should be protected as well. He added that those ridiculing the constitution are traitors of the nation.In a message regarding Constitution Day, Zardari stated that tearing up the constitution was similar to tearing up the soul of the nation. He stated that a dictator not only violated the constitution but also ridiculed it by calling it a 15-page document.The PPP leader hoped that the Constitution Day will prove to be effective in helping the nation of the significance of the constitution as it was the guarantor of rights to the citizens and it was a social agreement between the state and its citizens. He added that it was due to the constitution that Federation and its entities were linked with one another.Zardari stated that the unanimously agreed upon constitution was a major achievement of PPP founder Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.He stated that Bhutto unified all segments of the society on the basis of constitution for which a tribute should be offered to him.Zardari further stated that after Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto also upheld the rule and honour of the constitution and democracy up until her last breath.

Panama Leaks: PPP rejects Suddle leading investigation commission


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has rejected Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) suggestion to appoint Shoaib Suddle to lead the investigation regarding the Panama Leaks, reported Dunya News.Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly (NA) Syed Khurshid Shah stated that a commission led by the Chief Justice (CJ) should be formed to probe the Panama Leaks. He further added that a Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) officer or retired judge will not be able to conduct investigation regarding such massive allegations.Earlier, PTI Chairman Imran Khan suggested that Shoaib Suddle should be appointed to lead the investigation commission to probe the Panama Leaks.

Commission headed by CJ should be formed for Panama Leaks: Sindh CM


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Sindh Chief Minister (CM) Qaim Ali Shah Satruday stated that a commission headed by the Chief Justice (CJ) of Pakistan should be formed, which will conduct a fair and transparent investigation of the hotly debated issue of Panama Leaks.Sindh CM was visiting the families of five Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) workers for condolences. The workers lost their lives in a traffic accident. Shah distributed cheques worth Rs. 2 lac for each amongst the families of the victims and also announced to give government jobs to the children of the deceased.Talking to the media during the visit, Shah stated the Panama Leaks investigation should be conducted under CJ and further added that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan was leading a protest campaign and every party had the right to do so.

Khan should name an FIA officer if he's serious about the investigation: Pervaiz Rasheed


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Federal Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed has stated that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan must name a Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) officer to lead the Panama Leaks investigation if he is really is concerned about it, reported Dunya News.Rasheed further added that the commission will have complete authority to call anyone and conduct investigation.Responding to the issue regarding PTI chief’s address to the nation, Rasheed stated that Imran Khan addressed to empty chairs during a period of 126 days during the protest in Islamabad, “he can do whatever he wants in his home”.Information Minister said that no one would be safe if others begin to plan attacking the houses of their adversaries.

PSP continues public contact campaign in second day


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Pak Sarzameen Party’s (PSP) public contact campaign continued on the second day as the party leaders visited various areas of the city and distributed pamphlets regarding the party’s procession on April 24, reported Dunya News.The PSP caravan led by Mustafa Kamal reached Zainab Market where they were given a warm welcome by the people. Party leaders distributed pamphlets in the public and announced that the procession on April 24 will be the biggest in the history of the country. PSP leaders also stated that they will head to Azizabad in regards to their public contact campaign.The party’s caravan then reached Teen Talwar, where Kamal and his fellows were received by a pulsating crowd. Raza Haroon and Anees Advocate distributed pamphlets among the shopkeepers.At the end of the proceedings, Kamal addressed the media at his residence and stated that the plot to make brothers fight one another will never become a reality, adding that the “satan will be told in the procession on April 24 to head somewhere else.PSP announced to enhance its outreach to Quetta, Lahore and Islamabad after getting done with its procession in Karachi.

Imran Khan to address nation from Bani Gala today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan will address the nation in regards to the Panama Leaks from Bani Gala today (Sunday) at 6pm, reported Dunya News.Khan requested the Pakistan Television (PTV) to allow him to address the nation using its platform but his request was not entertained.PTI chief has requested private media to broadcast his address. However, Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly (NA) Syed Khurshid Shah clarified that he did not back Khan’s demand to address the nation via PTV.Pakistan Television rejected Imran Khan’s request to address the nation using its platform and stated that only the President of the country and the Prime Minister have the authority to address the nation through PTV.

Panama Leaks: Siraj demands to form commission led by CJ


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – Ameer Jamat-e-Islami (JI) Sirajul Haq has demanded that the government should form a commission led by the Chief Justice (CJ) to conduct investigation in regards to the Panama Leaks, reported Dunya News.While addressing a minorities’ convention in the District Council hall, Peshawar, Siraj stated that the revelations made through the Panama Leaks regarding the businesses of the Prime Minister’s (PM) sons and other named individuals are quite shameful.Siraj stated that JI will continue its jihad against corruption as the rights of the ordinary citizen get curbed because of the prevailing corruption in the country.He further added that his party intends to provide free education and health facilities to those who cannot afford them, adding that efforts are being made to put an end to the VVIP culture.JI chief stated that corruption worth Rs 480 million is done each year in the country as there is no accountability.Members of the Christian community along with provincial leaders of the party took part in the convention.

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