Wednesday 26 October 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Three dacoits killed in police encounters in Okara, Khanewal


KHANEWAL (Dunya News) – According to details, two real brothers involved in several cases of murder and robberies were killed in an alleged police encounter in the jurisdiction of Chap Police Station in Khanewal on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.Police have recovered two Kalashnikovs, one repeater, one pistol, Rs 50 thousand in cash and two motorcycles from the dead dacoits. Two other dacoits managed to escape from the scene.On the other hand, one dacoit was killed in an alleged police encounter in on Hojra Shah Moqeem area of Okara.

Karachi: 3 terrorists killed in encounter with CTD


KARACHI (Dunya News) – At least three terrorists of a banned organization were killed in exchange of fire with Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) near Korangi Causeway in Karachi on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, Counter Terrorism Department conducted a raid near Korangi Causeway on intelligence report during which the terrorists present in the area opened fire at the raiding party. The CTD personnel returned the fire due to which three terrorists were killed.According to SSP Counter Terrorism Department, the killed terrorists were members of a banned organization.

18-year-old girl dead as in-laws allegedly poison her


KARACHI (Dunya News) - 18-year-old girl Rukhsaar died on Wednesday night in Karachi after being poisoned allegedly by her in-laws and fiance, reported Dunya News.Police were reluctant to file a case initially but filed the case after relatives and neighbours of the girl protested. According to Superintendent Police City (SP) Shehla Qureshi, Rukhsaar had gone to meet her sister but investigations were going on to find out how she was poisoned and how she met her fiance.

Karachi: 53 suspects arrested during search operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Crackdown against criminal elements continues in Karachi as 53 suspects and two accused were taken into custody during police search operation in different parts of the city on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police conducted search operation under National Action Plan (NAP) in Jonejo Town and Dada Bhai Town areas of Baloch Colony and apprehended 37 suspects who failed to produce identity documents.Police also carried out a search operation in Pareedi area of Saddar and arrested 16 suspects. On the other hand, law enforcement agencies conducted an operation in Lyari’s Agra Taj area and arrested two accused. Sources said that the arrested persons were members of the Lyari gang war. The arrested gang war accused were shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

13 detained in search operation in Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to details, intelligence agencies and police jointly launched a search operation in Bagrian and its adjoining areas on Wednesday. The law enforcement agencies personnel checked the identity documents of the residents and detained seven persons who failed to produce any identity document.Police also launched a search operation in Qasim Baila and Gujjar Khada areas of Multan and apprehended at least six suspects during house-to-house search. Arms were also recovered from the arrested suspects.Police also conducted a combing operation in Chanchalwala area in Faisalabad and recovered some arms. However, no arrest was reported from the area.

PTI and PAT to have discussion regarding Islamabad sit-in today


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) will meet in Lahore today to discuss strategy for the Islamabad sit-in, reported Dunya News.PTI delegation led by Chaudhry Sarwar, would meet PAT leaders in Model Town. Mehmood-ur-Rasheed and Ejaz Chaudhry would also be present. They would share ideas about Islamabad rally and would make a strategy with mutual consent.

MQM to have a rally in Karachi on 25 December


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Farooq Sattar announced on Wednesday that they would have a rally in Karachi on 25 December, reported Dunya News.Farooq Sattar was addressing in general workers meeting that they would have to ask for their rights and have their dignity restored. He said that MQM has been treated like a step-mother and debate about new province must start. Farooq Sattar also said that next chief minister would be from MQM.On the occasion, Amir Khan said that they did not betray their nation and they do not want violence in Karachi.

Boxing: Pacquiao not slowing down in build up to Vargas fight


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Manny Pacquiao says that despite a punishing schedule which includes juggling two high-profile jobs in the build up to his return to boxing he has still managed to maintain his fire for the sport.Now that the Philippine Senate is on a break, the boxing legend says he is finally able to start training in earnest to face World Boxing Organization welterweight champion Jessie Vargas in Las Vegas.Three months after ending his brief ring retirement, Pacquiao is in the final weeks of preparations for the fight which will be held November 5 at the Thomas & Mack Center.It can be very difficult if you are not disciplined. But I feel good, the recently-elected Senate member Pacquiao said Wednesday at the Wild Card Gym in Hollywood.Every day I was able to run in the morning and then train after the Senate session. The gym is very close to the Senate.It is important to win this fight convincingly to prove that I am still there.Pacquiaos long-time trainer Freddie Roach said the 37- year-olds continued success is a result of the hard work he puts in in the gym.His work ethic is still the greatest I have ever seen, Roach said. I am amazed that after 15 years of working together he still has that passion.Hes beating the mitts and beating his sparring partners. He still has the speed and power. Manny will punch this guy out.Pacquiao looked impressive in April when he dominated Timothy Bradley in their third fight.If he gets past Vargas, as many think he will, Pacquiao could be looking at a fight against unbeaten Terence Crawford in 2017.

Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star Vandalized


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - An axe-wielding protester hacked out the gold lettering and television logo on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trumps star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Wednesday.A man who identified himself to a local news agency as James Lambert Otis said he was the vandal, and had originally intended to remove the entire star from the sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard.He said he was going to auction it and donate the proceeds to the women who allege they were groped or sexually mistreated by Trump -- charges the real estate tycoon denies -- but was unable to lift the slab.It was very difficult. The stone was like marble -- hard to get through, he said about an hour after the 5:45 am attack on the star.Dressed in construction overalls, Otis said he used a sledgehammer and pick to hack away Trumps name and the logo indicating the star had been awarded in the category of television -- for Trumps work on his reality show, The Apprentice.Otis said he still hoped to sell the pilfered pieces and return to do the star further damage.Im not frightened of jail and Im certainly not frightened of Mr Trump, said the man, who claims to have been arrested around two dozen times for protesting various causes.This is as bad as hacking the Statue of Liberty, said onlooker Melrose Larry Green, 65, who described the vandalism as disgusting.Someone doesnt want to vote for Donald Trump, thats fine, go and vote for Hillary Clinton. But this is disgraceful. All this is going to do is get more votes for Donald Trump.This is not the first time the 70-year-old Trumps Walk of Fame star, which he got in 2007, has been targeted.In July, a Los Angeles street artist built a six-inch (15-centimeter) wall of wooden planks topped with barbed wire around the monument.Trump has repeatedly vowed during his campaign to build a wall between Mexico and the United States, drawing criticism from rights groups.Last year, excrement was left on the star and someone drew a large yellow X over it.A swastika and a mute symbol were also drawn on the red tile earlier this year.Today is Hillary Clintons birthday and I have a feeling that somebody decided to give her a birthday present, said Angela Turner, 71, a bystander at the scene of the latest attack.Liliana Preciado, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Police Department, told AFP a male, Caucasian, approximately six feet (183 cm) tall had used a pickaxe and sledgehammer on the star.We have surveillance video as well as video that has been uploaded to the internet that our detectives are taking a look at and they are confident they will be able to identify the suspect, she added.

Drone strike targets senior Al Qaeda leader in Afghanistan: US official


ABOARD A US MILITARY AIRCRAFT (AFP) - A US drone strike targeted a senior Al Qaeda leader in northeastern Afghanistan and his deputy on Sunday, a US military official said.The strike in Kunar province targeted Farouq al-Qahtani, Al Qaedas emir for northeastern Afghanistan, and his deputy Bilal al-Mutaybi, the senior US defense official said.The US military believes the men were killed but has not confirmed the strike was successful.We feel pretty confident, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the matter.The Pentagon first started tracking Qahtani years ago. Military officials had him in their sights in 2012 and almost conducted a strike then, but the mission was scrapped at the last minute because of the risk of civilian casualties.Qahtani and his deputy were in Hilgal village in Kunars Ghazi Abad district, officials said. They were in two separate buildings a few hundred meters (yards) apart and were targeted almost simultaneously by multiple drones. Provincial spokesman Abdul Ghani Mosamem told AFP at least 15 insurgents were killed, including two Arabs. A number of Pakistani Taliban fighters were also among the fatalities, he said. An Afghan intelligence official in the province also confirmed two Arabs were killed in the strikes.Qahtani and Mutaybi are well-known senior Al Qaeda commanders in Kunar, and had been actively involved in recruiting local young people for the group. Qahtani was born some time between 1979 and 1981 in Saudi Arabia and is a Qatari national.In February this year, the US Department of the Treasury designated Qahtani, also known as Nayf Salam Muhammad Ujaym al-Hababi, as a specially designated global terrorist.Al-Hababi has a long history of directing deadly attacks against US forces and our coalition allies in Afghanistan, along with plotting Al Qaeda terrorist operations in the United States and around the world, Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Adam Szubin said at the time.In October 2001, in response to the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush launched military operations to dislodge the Taliban from Afghanistan and capture or kill Al Qaeda militants they were harboring.Their numbers have since been decimated, but the United States continues to target the groups remnants.Qahtani has operated in Afghanistan since at least 2009 and led an Qaeda battalion since at least mid-2010, Treasury officials said. They added that he had planned to carry out multiple attacks against the United States and other Western nations.

Iraq forces press assault, inch towards Mosul


KHAZIR (AFP) - Jihadists with the Islamic State group were shaving their beards and changing hideouts in Mosul, residents said, as a major Iraqi offensive moved ever closer to the city on Wednesday.With pressure building on the 10th day of the Mosul assault, Western defence chiefs were already looking ahead to the next target -- ISs other major stronghold of Raqa in Syria.Recent advances on the eastern front have brought elite Iraqi forces to within five kilometres (three miles) of Mosul, and several residents reached by AFP said the jihadists seemed to be preparing for an assault on the city itself. I saw some Daesh (IS) members and they looked completely different from the last time I saw them, eastern Mosul resident Abu Saif said.They had trimmed their beards and changed their clothes, the former businessman said. They must be scared... they are also probably preparing to escape the city.Residents and military officials said many IS fighters had relocated within Mosul, moving from the east to their traditional bastions on the western bank of the Tigris river, closer to escape routes to Syria.The sounds of fighting on the northern and eastern fronts of the Mosul offensive could now be heard inside the city, residents said, and US-led coalition aircraft were flying lower over it than usual.Tens of thousands of Iraqi fighters have been advancing on Mosul from the south, east and north after an offensive was launched on October 17 to retake the last major Iraqi city under IS control.The assault is backed by air and ground support from the US-led coalition -- which also includes Britain and France -- that launched a campaign against IS two years ago.Iraqi federal forces, allied with Kurdish peshmerga fighters, have taken a string of towns and villages in a cautious but steady advance over the past week in the face of shelling, sniper fire and suicide car bombings.About 3,000 to 5,000 IS fighters are believed to be inside Mosul, Iraqs second city, alongside more than a million trapped civilians.With the noose tightening on Mosul, officials from the 60-nation anti-IS coalition have increasingly pointed to the next phase of the fight.Both US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter and British counterpart Michael Fallon said Wednesday they expected an offensive on Raqa to be launched within weeks.It starts in the next few weeks, Carter told NBC News before arriving in Brussels for a two-day meeting of NATO defence chiefs.That has long been our plan and we will be capable of resourcing both, Carter said.If Mosul falls, Raqa will remain as the only major city in either Syria or Iraq under IS control, the vestige of a cross-border caliphate the jihadists declared after seizing large parts of both countries in mid-2014.An offensive against Raqa is likely to be far more complicated than the assault on Mosul however, because unlike in Iraq the coalition does not have a strong ally on the ground in Syria.Syrias five-year civil war has left the country in chaos, with jihadists, US-backed rebels, Syrian Kurds and President Bashar al-Assads forces all engaged on multiple fronts.Aid workers have warned of a major potential humanitarian crisis once fighting begins inside Mosul itself and civilians were already leaving in growing numbers.An Iraqi minister said Wednesday that more than 3,300 fleeing civilians had sought help from the government the day before, the most for a single day so far.There was a big wave of displaced people... the greatest number since the start of the military operation, Displacement and Migration Minister Jassem Mohammed al-Jaff said.The number of people who fled their homes since the start of the offensive on October topped 10,000, the UN said late Wednesday.The fighting has taken place in sparsely populated areas so far and while the numbers have been growing more rapidly this week, they are still a fraction of the huge displacement aid workers expect later.At a camp near Khazir, the number of recently displaced people being bused in was higher than usual.Were definitely better off here. We were being bombarded from all sides, by aircraft and tanks, said a man who fled the village of Bazwaya and gave his name as Abu Ahmad.The families joined a camp where hundreds of blue and white tents stood covered in the dust stirred up by the wind, as scores of aid workers distributed mattresses, blankets, food and water bottles.The humanitarian community fears it will be overwhelmed when the million-plus people believed to still be trapped in Mosul find a way out.

22 children killed in air strikeS on school: UNICEF


UNITED NATIONS, United States (AFP) - Air strikes that hit a school in Syrias rebel-held Idlib province killed 22 children and six teachers, the UN childrens agency UNICEF said Wednesday.This is a tragedy. It is an outrage. And if deliberate, it is a war crime, said UNICEF director Anthony Lake.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said warplanes -- either Russia or Syrian -- carried out six strikes in the village of Hass, including on a school complex, killing 11 schoolchildren.Lake said the school compound was repeatedly attacked, adding that it may be the deadliest attack on a school since the war began more than five years ago.A photograph circulated on social media showed a childs arm, seared off above the elbow, still clutching the strap of a dusty black rucksack.When will the worlds revulsion at such barbarity be matched by insistence that this must stop? added the UNICEF director.Asked about the attack, Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin responded: Its horrible, horrible. I hope we were not involved.Its easy for me to say no but Im a responsible person. I need to see what our minister of defense is going to say, he told reporters.Syrian government forces and their Russian ally have been accused by Western powers and rights groups of carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilian infrastructure.More than 300,000 people have been killed in Syria and over half of the countrys population displaced since the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests.

29 people found dead off Libya in migrant boat horror


ROME (AFP) - The French aid group Doctors without Borders (MSF) said Wednesday it had found the bodies of 29 migrants who perished in a pool of fuel and seawater on a crowded dinghy off Libya.The find adds to the grim evidence of the hazards of crossing the Mediterranean -- a journey that the UN said Wednesday has claimed more than 3,800 lives so far this year, a record.MSF said its chartered rescue ship, the Bourbon Argos, picked up 107 people aboard the inflatable boat 26 nautical miles off Libya on Tuesday.Its crew initially counted 11 corpses on the dinghys floor, which was flooded with a murky mixture of fuel and seawater.The Bourbon Argos was then called away to another rescue operation nearby, saving 139 people aboard another vessel.The crew returned to the dinghy and found on closer examination that 29 people had died, probably from suffocation, skin burns or drowning.The bodies were retrieved from the toxic mixture over a period of hours, with the help of a team from the German NGO Sea-Watch.The mixture of water and fuel was so foul that we could not stay on the boat for long periods. It was horrible, MSF project leader Michele Telaro said in a statement.Twenty-three survivors suffered burns from exposure to fuel, 11 of whom were seriously hurt. Seven survivors were taken to hospital, two of them by helicopter.The MSF team also provided psychological help to survivors, including a man who was left clutching his eight-month-old baby after his wife died.Its a tragedy, but sadly one cannot say that this was an exceptional day in the Mediterranean, said Stefano Argenziano, in charge of MSFs migrant assistance activities.Last week was terrible for our teams. They were engaged around the clock in rescue operations in which too many men, women and children lost their lives.To venture out to sea in such conditions, said Argenziano bluntly, is a headlong rush to the cemetery.In Geneva, the UNs refugee agency said fatalities on the Mediterranean migrant route had set a new, tragic record.We can confirm that at least 3,800 people have been reported dead or missing in the Mediterranean Sea so far this year, making the death toll in 2016 the highest ever recorded, spokesman William Spindler told AFP in an email, as the figures passed last years mark of 3,771. In Rome, Pope Francis pleaded on behalf of migrants and foreigners seeking a better life or safe haven abroad.Today, the context of economic crises unfortunately fosters the emergence of attitudes that are closed and unwelcoming, he said in his Wednesday address in St. Peters Square.In some parts of the world, walls and barricades are being erected. Closure (of borders) is not a solution, it ends up by encouraging trafficking. The only path towards a solution is that of solidarity.

Blast at Indian firecracker workshop kills five


NEW DELHI (AFP) - Five people were killed in an explosion at an illegal firecracker workshop in India, police said on Wednesday, ahead of the annual Diwali festival when demand hits its peak.The building housing the workshop was completely destroyed when a fire hit gunpowder stocks used to make the fireworks in northern Indias Uttar Pradesh state late Tuesday. There was a blast in the store room which caused the fire and the building collapsed due the impact. Six more are injured, local police inspector Ramesh Yadav told AFP.Four people were rescued and a case has been filed against the factory owner over illegal manufacture of firecrackers, he said.Such accidents are common ahead of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, which many celebrate by letting off fireworks. Last week eight workers were killed in an explosion in southern Tamil Nadu state, Indias firecracker manufacturing hub.

Strong twin quakes rock central Italy


ROME (AFP) - Twin earthquakes rocked central Italy on Wednesday -- the second registering at a magnitude of 6.0 -- in the same region struck in August by a devastating tremor that killed nearly 300 people.At least one person was reported injured in the quakes, with the mayor of one mountain town saying that many buildings had collapsed as authorities rushed to assess the full extent of the damage.The quakes were felt in the capital Rome, sending residents running out of their houses and into the streets. The second was felt as far away as Venice in the far north, and Naples, south of the capital.The US Geological Survey (USGS) registered a first 5.5-magnitude quake at 1710 GMT, with the second two hours later. In both cases the epicentre was near the village of Visso in the central Marche region.Many houses have collapsed. Our town is finished, Marco Rinaldi, mayor of Ussita, told Sky Italy television by telephone.The second quake was a long, terrible one, he said.Ive felt a lot of earthquakes but that was the strongest Ive ever felt. Fortunately everyone had already left their homes after the first quake so I dont think anyone was hurt.In Rome, the quakes rattled windows and doors. The imposing foreign ministry headquarters was temporarily evacuated.A Serie A football match between Pescara and Atalanta was halted for several minutes when the first tremor hit.In August, a 6.0-6.2 magnitude quake flattened the mountain town of Amatrice -- 70 kilometres (45 miles) from Visso -- killing 297 people and injuring hundreds of others.One person has been lightly injured, Fabrizio Curcio, head of the civil protection department, told a press conference in the central town of Rieti, revising down an earlier toll of two.Several other people were suffering from shock, he added.The mayor of Serravalle del Chienti, Gabriele Santamarianova, said the quake felt like bombs were falling.We saw a cloud of dust, we dont yet know what has fallen down. Well see once the sun comes up.Castel SantAngelos mayor Mauro Falcucci told Sky: There is no electricity. There are bound to be house collapses. On top of this there are torrential rains.The little town of some 300 people is near Arquata del Tronto, one of the areas worst hit in the August 24 earthquake.In Ascoli, another town hit hard in August, the mayor said spooked residents were fleeing by car.Schools here and around the affected region will not open Thursday to allow officials to carry out safety checks.Italys national geophysics institute said the latest quakes were linked to the August one, which was followed by thousands of aftershocks, some of them very strong.Aftershocks can last for a long time, sometimes for months, geologist Mario Tozzi said. Vissos mayor Giuliano Pazzaglini said telephone links in his town had been restored. But television images showed rubble piled outside a local church.Augusts disaster caused an estimated four billion euros ($4.5 billion) of damage, with 1,400 people still living in temporary accommodation.Around two-thirds of the deaths occurred in Amatrice, a beauty spot and popular tourist destination packed with holiday-makers when the quake struck at the height of the summer season.

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