Friday 31 March 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

'Real' Syria peace talks yet to start: UN


GENEVA (AFP) - The UN on Friday said incremental progress was made during a fifth round of talks between Syrias warring parties, but warned the real peace negotiations had yet to begin.Syrian government and opposition representatives had been serious and engaged during the latest nine days of talks in Geneva, UN mediator Staffan de Mistura told reporters.He said all sides were keen and ready to return to Geneva for a sixth round of talks, adding that he would announce the date after discussions next week with UN chief Antonio Guterres and the UN Security Council.The two sides, who met with de Mistura separately, did finally delve into some substance, after spending four previous rounds squabbling over the agenda.They began discussing four separate baskets of issues, on governance, drafting a new constitution, elections and combating terrorism in the war-ravaged country.There was never much hope of a breakthrough, with the sides hopelessly deadlocked over the fate of President Bashar al-Assad and violence persisting in a six-year conflict that has already claimed more than 320,000 lives.De Mistura previously warned not to expect miracles and on Friday hailed the fact that no one had walked out. He acknowledged though that the talks still remained in the preparation stage.In every negotiation there are certain issues that need to be prepared... before the real, real peace negotiations start... and it is clear, we are not quite there, he said.I cannot deny that there are serious challenges, and I am not seeing immediately this developing into a peace agreement, he added.He insisted that we must maintain this incremental momentum on the political process, even if it is only incremental.The negotiating sides hailed that negotiations on substance had finally begun, but appeared less optimistic than their mediator that progress was being made.Nasr al-Hariri, the chief negotiator for the opposition High Negotiations Committee (HNC), lamented to reporters that the opposition was dealing with a side that does not want to reach a political solution.The chief negotiator on the government side, Syrias ambassador to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari, was even more pessimistic.We were looking forward to achieving... at least some progress in this round, but this did not happen, he told reporters.He maintained that his opponents do not want a political solution, unless (it) is in accordance with their illusions... that we would hand over the keys to Syria to them.The Syrian government appears to have little reason to make concessions.The rebels increasingly find themselves on the back foot, both on the ground, where they have been haemorrhaging territory, and when it comes to international support.The United States, long the oppositions most powerful backer, acknowledged Thursday that it is no longer focused on ousting Assad as it seeks a new strategy to end Syrias civil war.Other opposition backers have been indicating the same, even as government supporters Russia and Iran wield increasing influence.De Mistura on Friday meanwhile dismissed a barrage of rumours he was preparing to step down.Only if and when you will hear it directly either from the Secretary General or from myself, then you have to take it very seriously, he told reporters.

Tillerson demands US's NATO allies pay up


BRUSSELS (AFP) - US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson pressed NATO allies Friday to ramp up military spending and denounced Russias ongoing hostility and occupation of Ukraine as the Trump administration toughened its tone toward Moscow.Tillerson delivered the message as he met fellow NATO foreign ministers for the first time ahead of a May 25 summit to be attended by leaders of the 28-nation alliance, including President Donald Trump.As President Trump has made clear, it is no longer sustainable for the US to maintain a disproportionate share of NATOs defence expenditures, Tillerson said in Brussels.He urged his fellow foreign ministers to agree at the May summit to produce plans by the end of the year to meet the spending pledge.NATO countries originally agreed at a summit in Wales in 2014 to contribute the equivalent of two percent of their gross domestic product to defence.Seeking to draw a line under the funding row, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said NATO members understood they had to boost spending not so much to please Washington but to counter new threats from both the east and the south.One option we are examining is national plans to deliver on the commitments we have made, Stoltenberg told a press conference ending five hours of talks.The former Norwegian premier set the tone early when he dismissed anew fears that Trump was less committed to the transatlantic alliance than his predecessors, citing words of support and increased US troop deployments in eastern Europe.We see a strong US commitment to NATO, Stoltenberg said.Tillersons remarks, reinforced later by those from Defence Secretary Jim Mattis in London, were tougher on Russia than those previously made by Trump or his cabinet officials.Trump had stressed the need to improve US relations with Moscow after they had sunk to a low under president Barack Obama over the crisis in Ukraine.Tillerson told the alliances forum with Ukraine co-chaired by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin that American and NATO support for Ukraine remains steadfast in the wake of Russias aggression against Ukraine three years ago when it annexed Crimea.Today, Russias ongoing hostility and occupation is compromising our shared vision of a Europe that is whole, free, and at peace, Tillerson said.He vowed that the US administraiton will keep sanctions in place until Russia reverses the actions that triggered them and oppose any further bid by Russia to redraw Ukraines borders.He also pressed Russia to fulfill its obligations under the Minsk agreements to end the war in eastern Ukraine, where he said Russian-led separatist forces are fighting Ukrainian government forces.Klimkin, speaking to reporters afterward, accused Russia of creeping annexation in the Donbass region of Ukraine.Allies have been alarmed at the prospect of Trump seeking to improve relations with Russia at the expense of support for the pro-Western government in Ukraine or NATO allies in former Soviet parts of eastern Europe.Their concerns were reinforced when Tillerson initially planned to skip the NATO meeting scheduled for next week, citing various commitments including a trip to Russia.However, they eased when he agreed to attend talks rescheduled for Friday.Tillerson arrived in Brussels following a visit to Turkey, a NATO ally and key player in both Syria and Iraq where Washington wants to defeat the Islamic State jihadists.In the last two years, IS has claimed or hailed a wave of deadly attacks in the United States and European cities, including Brussels.Saying building local capacity is the best way to fight terrorism, Stoltenberg announced the alliance will increase aid to the Iraqi government by training medical personnel and staff who maintain armoured vehicles.But the NATO funding row remains central.NATOs 2016 annual report said only five countries met the two percent target -- the United States, Britain, Greece, Poland and Estonia -- while Washington still accounted for nearly 70 percent of combined alliance defence spending.During a visit to NATO in February, Mattis voiced staunch support for NATO but warned that Washington could moderate its commitment if allies fail to pay up.Trump said after a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel this month that Germany owes vast sums of money to NATO and the US.But German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told reporters it was totally unrealistic for his country to meet the two-percent of GDP target.A NATO official later told reporters however that Tillersons funding demands were well received by the ministers, who told him what they were doing to meet their pledges.

US warns Israel on 'unrestrained' settlement building


JERUSALEM (AFP) - The United States warned Friday that unrestrained building of settler homes could hinder peace, after Israel approved a new settlement in the occupied West Bank for the first time in a quarter century.The Palestinians reacted angrily at what is widely seen as the most right-wing government in Israeli history presses ahead with settlement expansion in defiance of international concern.US President Donald Trumps administration refrained from criticising the new settlement, which was approved by the Israeli security cabinet late Thursday, but warned that further expansion could undermine peace efforts.While the existence of settlements is not in itself an impediment to peace, further unrestrained settlement activity does not help advance peace, a White House official said.Going forward... the Israeli government has made clear that Israels intent is to adopt a policy regarding settlement activity that takes President Trumps concerns into consideration.A spokesman for UN chief Antonio Guterres expressed disappointment and alarm at the Israeli announcement.EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said the new settlement building threatens to further undermine prospects for a viable two-state solution, which remains the only realistic way to fulfil the aspirations of both sides and achieve just and lasting peace.Senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat said Israel continues to destroy the prospects of peace.He also criticised the United Nations, European Union and United States for not doing enough to punish Israel for continuing to expand settlements in the West Bank.Peace is not going to be achieved by tolerating such crimes, he said.More than 400,000 Israelis live in existing settlements considered illegal under international law.The new settlement will be constructed north of the former wildcat Jewish outpost known as Amona, which was razed in February in accordance with an Israeli High Court order.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had promised to build a new settlement for its residents after their eviction.I promised to create a new community and we are going to respect that commitment and create it today, he said ahead of Thursdays security cabinet meeting.Oded Revivi, chief foreign envoy for the umbrella body representing settlers, welcomed the decision.We will be monitoring the government very closely to see that these plans come to fruition, enabling a new era of building, he said in a statement.Agriculture minister Uri Ariel also welcomed the announcement, saying it would allow the development of Judaea and Samaria, using a term right-wing Israelis apply to the West Bank.It will be the first entirely new settlement that an Israeli government has approved since 1991, the anti-settlement NGO Peace Now said.In recent years, construction had focused instead on expanding existing settlements.Peace Now said the new settlements location deep in the West Bank was strategic for the fragmentation of the West Bank, which Palestinians see as the bulk of their future state.Netanyahu is held captive by the settlers, and chooses his political survival over the interest of the state of Israel, the NGO said, adding it was pushing Israelis and Palestinians closer to apartheid.The international community regards all Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories as illegal and a major obstacle to Middle East peace.Israel draws a distinction between those it sanctions and those it does not -- so-called outposts.The cabinet also invited tenders for nearly 2,000 new homes in existing settlements and discussed retroactively legalising three outposts, Peace Now said.Ronen Bergman, senior correspondent for Israels Yediot Aharonot newspaper, said Netanyahu, who has faced corruption allegations, has been dragged further right to keep his government together.The far-right pro-settlement Jewish Home party, part of Netanyahus coalition, is often dictating the governments agenda, he added.He has been shifted more and more to the right since being re-elected.(Netanyahu) is not calling the agenda, he is chasing the agenda, Bergman told AFP.The former US administration of Barack Obama was deeply opposed to Israels expansion of the settlements and in December withheld its veto from a UN Security Council resolution condemning the policy.But since Trump took office in January, settler leaders have been emboldened by his far less critical stance and Israel has since announced more than 5,500 new homes in existing settlements.Netanyahu has been in discussions with the Trump administration on how to move ahead with further construction.Trump has pledged unstinting support for Israel but has also urged Netanyahu to hold back on settlements for a little bit while his administration looks for ways to restart Israeli-Palestinian talks.

Palestinian, UN alarm after Israel approves new settlement


JERUSALEM (AFP) - The Palestinians and the United Nations on Friday condemned the Israeli cabinets approval of the first officially sanctioned new settlement in the occupied West Bank in more than 25 years.The security cabinet gave its unanimous backing to the new settlement late on Thursday as what is widely seen as the most right-wing government in Israeli history presses ahead with settlement expansion in defiance of international concern.Senior Palestinian official Hanan Ashrawi said the move showed the government was pushing ahead with their systematic policies of settler colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing, showing a total and blatant disregard for Palestinian human rights.Israel is more committed to appeasing its illegal settler population than to abiding by the requirements for stability and a just peace, she said.A spokesman for UN chief Antonio Guterres, expressed disappointment and alarm at the announcement.The secretary general has consistently stressed that there is no Plan B for Israelis and Palestinians to live together in peace and security. He condemns all unilateral actions that, like the present one, threaten peace and undermine the two-state solution, Stephane Dujarric said in a statement.The new settlement will be constructed north of the former wildcat Jewish outpost known as Amona, which was razed in February in accordance with an Israeli High Court order.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had promised to build a new settlement for its residents after their eviction.I promised to create a new community and we are going to respect that commitment and create it today, he said ahead of Thursdays security cabinet meeting.Oded Revivi, chief foreign envoy for the umbrella body representing settlers, welcomed the decision.We will be monitoring the government very closely to see that these plans come to fruition, enabling a new era of building, he said in a statement.Agriculture minister Uri Ariel also welcomed the announcement, saying it would allow the development of Judaea and Samaria, the phrase right-wing Israelis use for the West Bank.It will be the first entirely new settlement that an Israeli government has approved since 1991, the anti-settlement NGO Peace Now said.In recent years, construction had focused instead on expanding existing settlements.Peace Now said its location deep in the West Bank was strategic for the fragmentation of the West Bank, which Palestinians see as the bulk of their future state.Netanyahu is held captive by the settlers, and chooses his political survival over the interest of the state of Israel, the NGO said, adding it was pushing Israelis and Palestinians closer to apartheid.The international community regards all Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories as illegal and a major obstacle to Middle East peace.Israel draws a distinction between those it sanctions and those it does not -- so-called outposts.The cabinet also invited tenders for nearly 2,000 new homes in existing settlements and discussed retroactively legalising three outposts, Peace Now said.Ronen Bergman, senior correspondent for Israels Yediot Aharonot newspaper, said Netanyahu, who has faced corruption allegations, has been dragged further right to keep his government together.The far-right pro-settlement Jewish Home party, part of Netanyahus coalition, is often dictating the governments agenda, he added.He has been shifted more and more to the right since being re-elected.(Netanyahu) is not calling the agenda, he is chasing the agenda, Bergman told AFP.The former US administration of Barack Obama was deeply opposed to Israels expansion of the settlements and in December withheld its veto from a UN Security Council resolution condemning the policy.But since Donald Trump took office in January, settler leaders have been emboldened by his far less critical stance and Israel has since announced more than 5,500 new homes in existing settlements.Netanyahu has been in discussions with the Trump administration on how to move ahead with further construction.Trump has pledged unstinting support for Israel but has also urged Netanyahu to hold back on settlements for a little bit while his administration looks for ways to restart Israeli-Palestinian talks.

Australia floods still rising with two dead, four missing


BEENLEIGH (AFP) - Flooded rivers were still rising Saturday in two Australian states with two women dead and four people missing after torrential rains in the wake of a powerful tropical cyclone.Queensland police warned that the Logan River, which runs through Beenleigh south of Brisbane, would not hit peak flood levels for several more hours while the city of Rockhampton to the north was also facing a major threat.Commissioner Ian Stewart warned there was still a major risk to the community around Logan and further south caused by that flooding situation.Rockhampton, with a population of over 80,000 on the Fitzroy River, was expected to suffer flood levels not seen for a century by Wednesday and Stewart urged residents in low-lying areas to leave.By Wednesday, we will be at peak flooding in Rockhampton, he said.It wont just be on Wednesday, it will be a gradual rise, so I encourage people to move now.Queensland police tweeted we currently have four people missing... that we have serious concerns about, but provided no further detail.Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from a string of towns in Queensland and New South Wales as the floods move south towards Ballina.Category four Cyclone Debbie hit northeastern Australia on Tuesday between Bowen and Airlie Beach ripping up trees and causing widespread damage that is still being assessed.It was downgraded to a tropical low as it tracked southeast. But the storm still packed damaging winds and dumped huge amounts of rain all the way down the east coast to Sydney and beyond before blowing out over the Tasman Sea.Police on Friday found the body of a woman who disappeared in floodwaters near Murwillumbah just south of the Queensland border.And a 64-year-old woman, whose vehicle was swept off a causeway on a property in Gungal, in the Hunter Valley south of Sydney was also found dead Friday.Lismore, south of Murwillumbah was among the worst flooded towns on Friday with Tweed Heads, Kingscliff and Murwillumbah also subject to evacuation orders.Just to the north the popular Queensland tourist city of Gold Coast and surrounds were also inundated.In areas further north where the cyclone made landfall, water and power were still being restored.Bowen, Mackay and the Whitsunday islands, where power went down for more than 50,000 people, bore the brunt of the cyclone.The military has mobilised 1,300 soldiers for the clean-up, with helicopters and planes deploying to restore infrastructure and supply emergency food, water and fuel.The Insurance Council of Australia declared the Queensland and northern NSW regions disaster zones, adding that the damage bill could top Aus$1 billion (US $770 million).The councils chief Rob Whelan compared Debbie it to Cyclone Oswald, a category five storm which hit in 2013 and caused over Aus$1 billion in damage.

Meningitis outbreak in Nigeria kills nearly 300


LAGOS (Agencies) - A meningitis outbreak has killed about 282 people in Nigeria, the countrys Center for Disease Control said.The agency reported a wide outbreak of cerebrospinal meningitis across 15 states.A new strain of the disease called stereotype C has emerged, and there are not enough vaccines against it, the Center for Disease Control warned.There is a vaccine available, Chief Executive Chikwe Ihekweazu said, but it is not commercially available for the stereotype involved in this specific outbreak, and we have to make application to the World Health Organization for the vaccines.Nearly 2,000 suspected cases have been recorded and 109 have been treated since the outbreak began in February.An emergency response team has been sent to the five states in the northwest of the country.As one of the 26 countries on the African meningitis belt, Nigeria records some of the highest incidences of the disease on the continent.The outbreaks peak in the dry season in certain states due to the low humidity and dusty conditions and usually end as the rainy season approaches, Ihekweazu added.Meningitis is a tough disease, especially during this period, and it is associated with overcrowding, understanding the living conditions in the country, people must keep their building ventilated, he said.According to the WHO, even when the disease is diagnosed early and adequate treatment begins, 5% to 10% of patients die, typically within 24 to 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.Some common symptoms are stiff neck, high fever, sensitivity to light, confusion, headaches and vomiting.Local and international organizations are working together to manage the epidemic. We believe that our concerted efforts will bring this outbreak under control, as we also work towards preventing outbreaks of this scale in the future, the Center for Disease Control stated.

Pakistan eye to seal T20 series against West Indies


PORT OF SPAIN (Agencies) – Following the success in the first two games of the four-match Twenty20 International (T20I) series, Pakistan will aim to seal the series when they take on hosts West Indies in the third game at the Queen’s Park Oval in Port of Spain today (Saturday).Pakistan came up with a commendable performance in the first T20I to beat West Indies convincingly by 6 wickets, while the second T20I too saw another praiseworthy performance from the visitors to drub the hosts once again by a slender margin of 3 runs and maintain their position in the driver’s seat in the series, as they now stand a chance to win the series.West Indies, meanwhile, did fail to put up a stellar show in the first fixture, but did well enough to show some resilience in the second game, only to be denied a win by just 3 runs. They will be hungry for a couple of wins in the next games, and Pakistan know that well enough.The match is once again being contested in Port of Spain, where the fast bowlers have traditionally done well. Therefore, it won’t be a surprise if the teams opt to move in with a bowling-heavy side.

Lahore: Three sustain injuries in firing incident


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Some unidentified persons opened fire in Shadbagh area of Lahore on Friday and injured at least three people, Dunya News reported.According to details, some miscreants opened fire at the shop of a man named Usman at Swami Nagar Raod in Shadbag due to which Usman, Ahsan and Mubashar were wounded.Heavy contingent of police reached the spot after the firing incident and shifted the injured to Mayo Hospital. Police have also launched investigation.

Plaza in Lahores Anarkali Bazaar catches fire


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Fire erupted at the second storey of a plaza in the Anarkali Bazaar in Lahore on early Saturday morning, Dunya News reported.The blaze spread very quickly and engulfed seven more buildings in the surrounding area. Fire brigade and rescue teams reached the spot and limited the blaze to just two buildings.At least 15 vehicles of fire brigade are busy in dousing the fire which is still raging with full intensity. However, no loss of life was reported in the incident.

Imran Khan meets Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan called on Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Friday, Dunya News reported.According to DG ISPR Major General Asif Ghafoor, the PTI chief felicitated General Bajwa on his promotion and appointment as army chief. He further said that various issues came under discussion during the meeting.According to PTI Central Information Secretary Naeem ul Haque the meeting between Imran Khan and General Bajwa was held in a very cordial atmosphere and lasted for an hour.He further said that national and international issues came under discussion during the meeting. War on terror and Afghan refugees issue were also discussed during the meeting.

Pakistan's Khalid Latif to contest fixing charges


KARACHI (AFP) - Pakistan batsman Khalid Latif will contest spot-fixing charges against him, his lawyer said Friday, in an ongoing scandal which has tainted Pakistani cricket and threatened years of work to clean up the countrys image.The 31-year-old is one of five players under investigation in the case, which surfaced during the Pakistan Super League (PSL) held in February-March this year.Latif appeared before a tribunal in Lahore on Friday. His lawyer Badar Alam told media outside that they would contest the charges because no one can be convicted on presumptions.Spot-fixing, an illegal betting practice, has been rife in Pakistan cricket in recent years. Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) officials have vowed zero tolerance in the current case, saying they have solid evidence.Fast bowler Mohammad Irfan, 34, became the first culprit to be punished when he confessed Wednesday to the only charge against him, of not reporting an offer of fixing.He was banned for one year, including six months suspended.Latif and Sharjeel Khan -- both openers for Pakistans Twenty20 team -- were provisionally suspended and expelled from the PSL in Dubai on February 10 on charges of meeting a suspicious man linked to an international betting syndicate.Sharjeel faces five charges on counts relating to fixing and failure to report it. Latif faces the same charges with an additional sixth charge of attempting to lure other players to fixing.The charges against them could result in a life ban.Sharjeel appeared before the tribunal last Friday and is also likely to contest the charges.Two other former Pakistan openers, Nasir Jamshed and Shahzaib Hasan, were also suspended in the case.Jamshed, who allegedly played the link between the players and bookies, was arrested along with an unnamed man in Britain in February, but both were released on bail until April.A two member PCB legal team will go to Britain to question Jamshed next week.Pakistan cricket has been rocked by fixing scandals over the past several years.Former captain Salim Malik and Ataur Rehman were banned for life after an investigation in 2000.Malik was punished for offering Australian trio Shane Warne, Tim May and Mark Waugh a bribe to underperform during their visit to Pakistan in 1995.In 2010 then Test captain Salman Butt, Mohammad Amir and Mohammad Asif were jailed and banned for five years for spot-fixing while leg-spinner Danish Kaneria was banned for life in a spot-fixing case in 2012.

IRSA works out formula for water supply in khareef season


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The meeting of the advisory committee of Indus River System Authority (IRSA) was held in Islamabad on Friday, reported Dunya News.It was decided in the meeting chaired by Chairman IRSA that all the provinces will be getting water according to their demand.The meeting was informed to the meeting that 11 crore acre feet water will went down through the river while 7 crore 60 lakh acre feet water could be stored in dams.Meanwhile, out of the available water 3 lakh acre feet water will be provided to Punjab, 3 crore acre feet water to Sindh, 8 lakh acre feet water to Sindh and 20 lakh feet water will be provided to Balochistan for khareef season.It is pertinent to mention that a deficit of 18 percent in water supply has been predicted for khareef season.IRSA spokesperson hoped that the deficiency of water is expected to end by the end of the season.

Corps Commander Lahore calls on CM Shehbaz Sharif


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Corps Commander Lahore General Sadiq Ali Khan called on Shehbaz Sharif at CM House, reported Dunya News.Both the leaders discussed professional affairs, security matters and progress in Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad in their meeting.At the occasion, CM Shehbaz and General Sadiq expressed their satisfaction over the operations against terrorists and their facilitators under Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad.CM Punjab let it be known at the occasion that the war against terrorists is in fact the war for survival of the country.

Tennis: Nadal reaches Miami Masters final


MIAMI (AFP) - Spains Rafael Nadal reached the final of the Miami Masters on Friday with a 6-1, 7-5 victory over unseeded Italian Fabio Fognini.Nadal, the fifth seed, is in the Miami final for the fifth time but is still in search of his first title.Hell face either 18-time Grand Slam champion Roger Federer or rising Australian talent Nick Kyrgios in the championship match.

PTI not eligible for allotment of election symbol: ECP


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has on Friday revealed that Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf is not eligible to be issued election symbol in the upcoming general electionsIn a statement issued by ECP, it was revealed that PTI has failed to conduct intra-party elections as per Sections 11 and 12 of Political Parties Ordinance, 2002 and that is why will not be eligible to be issued election symbol in the next election.The commission has cited Section 14 of the same act as a reason for ineligibility.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

IS propaganda team killed in Iraq air strike: coalition


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group said Thursday that it had killed a propaganda chief and associates in an air strike in the western Iraqi town of Al-Qaim.Ibrahim Al-Ansari was an important ISIS leader, said Colonel Joseph Scrocca, a spokesman for the Baghdad-based coalition, using an alternate acronym for Islamic State.The propaganda official was a leader in propoganda efforts to recruit foreign fighters and encourage terror attacks in western countries, Scrocca told reporters.The air strike took place on March 25, he said.The bombardment, which also killed four other IS jihadists, destroyed a multimedia operation team, said another Defense Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.Their propaganda efforts included brainwashing of young children to perpetuate ISIS brutal methods, the source said.The remote town of Al-Qaim is in the Euphrates Valley, at the border with Syria.According to the Pentagon, the Euphrates Valley could become the last bastion of the Islamic State following the fall of their strongholds in Mosul, Iraq, and Raqa, Syria.

Tennis: Federer, Kyrgios advance to Miami Open semis


MIAMI (AFP) - Roger Federer dramatically fought his way into the Miami Open semi-finals with a 6-2, 3-6, 7-6 (8/6) victory over Czech 10th seed Tomas Berdych on Thursday.The 35-year-old Swiss, who has already won the Australian Open and Indian Wells so far this year, extended his win streak over Berdych to seven matches.There was plenty of tension in the match-deciding tie-breaker, where Federer saved match point and then Berdych lost on a double-fault.I definitely got very lucky at the end, but I think I showed great heart today, Federer said. I fought and Tomas definitely started to step it up, but it was a great match at the end.Federer will face Nick Kyrgios in the semi-finals after the Australian came through an entertaining 6-4, 6-7 (9/11), 6-3 victory over 19-year-old German Alexander Zverev.Federer next will play the winner of Thursdays later quarter-final between two of the ATPs up and coming stars, Australias Nick Kyrgios and Germanys Alexander Zverev.Should Federer win Friday, there is a chance he will play Sundays final against long-standing rival Rafael Nadal, who faces Italys Fabio Fognini in the other semi-final.But Thursday could very easily have been the end of the tournament for the 18-time Grand Slam champion, who entered the match having not dropped a set over eight consecutive matches at Indian Wells and Miami.Berdych was broken in the opening game of the match and then Federer dealt with a break point in the second game. The Swiss was comfortable on his serve and then broke Berdych again at 4-2 to put the opening set beyond doubt.But then, the Czech dug deep and came out fighting.Berdych broke to go 5-3 up and took the contest into a third set, where Federer made the most of some unforced errors from his opponent to break at 4-2 but then, uncharacteristically, Federer let some sloppiness creep into his game.Federer was broken when serving for the match at 5-3 and was unable to convert on match-point at in the next game.Berdych led 6-4 in the tie-breaker but gave up two points and Federer blasted a superb ace to get in front before the double-fault from the Czech ended the contest.It was the second demoralizing defeat this month for Berdych. He lost at Indian Wells in the third round after leading 6-1, 5-2 against Japans Yoshihito Nishioka.Asked about his frustration, Berdych said: What should I do? Should I destroy the table? Then you see how much Im frustrated. I dont know.Its obviously not something that you want, to finish the tournament like that. But I got a lesson in the last tournament, so this is going to be fine to get over with. I think this is going to be a strawberry cake after that. Its going to be fine.Federer improved to 17-1 in 2017, his best start to a season since 2006, and has now won seven tie-breakers in a row.The Kyrgios-Zverev quarter-final was billed as a glimpse at the future of top-level tennis and if so, the sport should have an entertaining era ahead.The match featured huge serves from Kyrgios, audacious and expertly executed lobs from Zverev and an intense second set tie-breaker decided for the German after his rival tried unsuccessfully to return a lob on set point through his legs.Kyrgios, though, has added greater control to his always explosive game and finished strong to set up a fascinating clash with Federer.

Tennis: Wozniacki downs Pliskova to reach Miami final


MIAMI (AFP) - Caroline Wozniacki booked her place in the final of the WTA Miami Open by rallying to defeat Czech second seed Karolina Pliskova 5-7, 6-1, 6-1 on Thursday.The Dane, who has never appeared in the Miami final, will play the winner of Thursdays later semi-final between a resurgent Venus Williams of the United States and Britains Johanna Konta.Pliskova, who has won titles this year at Doha and Brisbane, also fell at the semi-final stage in Indian Wells two weeks ago but started the early afternoon contest in positive fashion.The Czech broke Wozniacki in the first game of the match but the Dane fought back and at 5-4 had three set points, which Pliskova manage to deny her.Wozniacki then double faulted to give the Czech a break point, which she took before serving out for the set.But former world number one Wozniacki, wearing down Pliskova with her solid defense, ran out a comfortable winner in the following two sets to earn a third final appearance of the year.Im not sure how I managed to do that, Wozniacki said. It is tough when you lose that first set -- especially having set points, it hits you a little bit. But I got a good start to the second set and that got me going, got me grinding.In her two finals this year, both in February, Wozniacki was beaten by Pliskova at Doha and by Ukrainian Elina Svitolina at Dubai.Pliskova, who began the year with a title at Brisbane, was philosophical about her second semi-final loss of the month.Im definitely positive, she said. Ive won a lot of matches this year. I cant be too disappointed but obviously I am disappointed to lose two semi-finals especially when I think I could have won both matches.Obviously I think I could have done a bit more this year but then again I have never had a start to a season like this.

Golf: France's Icher leads at wind-halted LPGA major


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Frances Karine Icher fired a five-under par 67 to seize the lead before high winds halted Thursdays opening round of the LPGA ANA Inspiration, the years first major womens event.Icher birdied three of four par-3 holes at Mission Hills Country Club in Rancho Mirage to stand one stroke ahead of American Michelle Wie, the 2014 runner-up, and South Koreans Ryu So-Yeon, Park Sung-Hyun and teen amateur Seong Eun-Jeong.The 38-year-old French standout has four wins on the Ladies European Tour, the most recent in 2005, and she has never won an LPGA event despite 43 career top-10 efforts over 14 years, her best in a major being a share of sixth at the 2005 US Womens Open.Im probably the player with the most top 10s without winning, so Im used to it, Icher said. Im going to keep focused and keep my game on and try to sink some putts, and well see from there.There were 51 players still on the course when play was halted for severe wind, with the first round to resume Friday morning.Icher birdied the par-5 second and ninth holes and answered her bogeys at the fourth and 16th holes with birdies on the next hole each time, taking only 27 putts.Im an accurate player, so I just aim for the fairway and then for the green, Icher said. I try to work on putting to put more putts in. Thats the secret. If you have good putting, you score well.Third-ranked Ryu, a runner-up last week, worked with coach Cameron McCormick on ball striking and it paid off with a 68.The one thing I really wanted to change is my ball has been starting to the left, so I really wanted to have a nice push draw, and it looks like that push draw is working right now, Ryu said.I know it sounds weird after I shot 68, but still my shot wasnt really sharp compared to the last few weeks. I really want to get the really sharp shot and hopefully have a really good round for the next three days.LPGA rookie Park fired a bogey-free 68.This is my second time here, but usually this course is always good, Park said. If I just play the way I play, I think the score will come out very well.Seong opened her first major with back-to-back birdies and added a hole-in-one at the par-3 fifth, the first ace by an amateur in the events history coming from 182 yards with a six-iron.I cannot see my ball, but my partner said, Oh, hole-in-one. Oh my God. This is my second hole-in-one in tournament. Thats why Im really excited, Seong said.My hands shake a little bit. But I was just playing very well, and my hole-in-one today, thats a good memory.

Pakistan defends Irfan sentence in fixing case


KARACHI (AFP) - A top Pakistan cricket official on Thursday defended a one year ban for fast bowler Mohammad Irfan, saying there will be zero tolerance on corruption in the sport.Irfan, 34, is the first casualty of the spot-fixing case which surfaced during the Pakistan Super League (PSL) held in February-March this year.Four other players -- Sharjeel Khan, Khalid Latif, Shahzaib Hasan and Nasir Jamshed -- were also provisionally suspended in February and face lengthy bans.Irfan, the tallest-ever international cricketer at over seven feet, was also fined one million rupees (10,000 dollars) for an agreed sanction after he confessed to the charges.Irfans ban includes six months suspended and if he co-operates with authorities he can return to international cricket, a sentence which come former players and experts believe too lenient.But PSL chairman Najam Sethi said the rules were followed in handing down punishment to Irfan.Irfan has been punished according to the rules in the code that are in some ways stricter than even ICC (International Cricket Council) rules, Sethi told AFP.Under the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) anti-corruption code the punishment for not reporting an offer is from six months to a life ban.A two-member delegation of the PCB will go to England next month to question Jamshed, who allegedly played the go between role between the players and a bookie.Jamshed and an unnamed person were arrested by Britains National Crime Agency last month before they were released on bail.Sethi said no one will be spared in fixing cases.We shall show zero tolerance for such corrupt activities and will continue to monitor players conduct on and off the field, said Sethi, who is also the chairman of PCBs executive committee.Pakistan has been rocked by match fixing allegations since 1995 when Shane Warne, Tim May and Mark Waugh alleged then-captain Salim Malik of offered them a bribe to underperform on Australias tour.That formed the basis of a judicial enquiry between 1998 to 2000, resulting in life bans on Malik and Ata-ur Rehman and fines on Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis, Mushtaq Ahmed, Inzamam-ul-Haq, Saeed Anwar and Akram Raza.Another spot-fixing scandal during Pakistans tour of England in 2010 ended in five year bans and jail terms for Salman Butt, Mohammad Amir and Mohammad Asif.Pakistans leg-spinner Danish Kaneria was also banned for life in 2012 for his role in a spot-fixing case.

SpaceX hails 'revolution' after recycled rocket launch, landing


MIAMI (AFP) - SpaceX chief Elon Musk hailed a revolution in spaceflight after blasting off a recycled rocket for the first time Thursday, using a booster that had previously flown cargo to the International Space Station.Experts cheered the launch as a historic moment for spaceflight, particularly private industry, as companies like SpaceX and its competitors scramble to lower the cost of space travel.The slightly scuffed Falcon 9 rocket soared into the sky over Cape Canaveral, Florida at 6:27 pm (2227 GMT), on a mission to send a communications satellite for Luxembourg-based company SES into a distant orbit.Its tall, columnar portion known as the first stage, or booster, had propelled the unmanned Dragon cargo ship to space in April 2016.About 10 minutes after launch, cheers erupted at SpaceX mission control in Hawthorne, California as the re-used rocket powered its engines and landed upright on a drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean marked with the words Of Course I Still Love You.The landing marked the ninth successful touchdown of a first stage rocket for SpaceX -- six on ocean platforms, or drone ships, and three on land.It also marked the first time a single rocket booster had ever been launched -- and landed -- twice.SpaceX, the California-based company headed by visionary entrepreneur Musk, has for 15 years been honing the technology of powering its boosters back to careful Earth landings on solid ground and in the water.The goal of the entire effort, Musk has said, is to make rocket parts just as reusable as cars, planes or bicycles.It is also a key part of his plan to one day establish human colonies on Mars.It is an amazing day, I think, for space (and) as whole for the space industry, Musk said in a video message after the launch.It means you can fly and refly an orbital class booster which is the most expensive part of the rocket, he added.This is going to be ultimately a huge revolution in spaceflight.Currently, millions of dollars worth of rocket parts are jettisoned after each launch.SpaceX officials have said that reusing hardware could slash costs -- with each Falcon 9 launch costing over $61 million -- by about 30 percent.While the exact life of the re-used boosters is uncertain, SpaceX hopes they could be redeployed as many as 10 or 15 times.SpaceX competitor Blue Origin, run by founder Jeff Bezos, has also successfully landed its New Shepard booster after launch, by powering its engines to guide it down for a controlled, upright landing.Praise and congratulations for SpaceX poured in on Twitter.Congratulations on another historic launch, the US space agency NASA wrote on Twitter.Congrats, SpaceX, said the Defense Advances Research Projects agency (DARPA).DARPA facilitated the first SpaceX launch, and now commercial space is coming into its own.As for the cost of Thursdays launch, Martin Halliwell, chief technology officer at SES, has declined to say publicly the exact amount.However, he dismissed naysayers this week and stressed the historic nature of the launch on what he has described as a flight-proven rocket.This is obviously hugely exciting, he told a press conference.When the mission was announced in August, Halliwell said the deal illustrates the faith we have in (SpaceXs) technical and operational expertise.The SES-10 satellite was sent to a geostationary transfer orbit, flying as high as 22,000 miles (35,000 kilometers) above Earth.The satellite aims to expand television, internet and mobile connections across Latin America.SES confirmed that the launch had successfully deployed its satellite, and congratulated SpaceX on sticking the landing of the rocket.

5 suspects arrested in search operation in Lahore


LAHORE (Dunya News) – At least five suspects were taken onto custody by police during search operations in different parts of Lahore on Thursday, Dunya News reported.The search operations in the city were supervised by SP Model Town and SP Iqbal Town. Police parties from Nishtar Colony, Sabzi Mandi, Muslim Town and Millat Park took part in the search operations.At least 110 houses and flats were search during the operation and biometric device was used for the identification of the residents.Police detained at the five suspects who failed to produce any identification document during the operation. The arrested persons were later shifted to police station for further investigation.

Karachi: Rangers recover huge cache of arms


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Rangers conducted an operation in Korangi on Thursday and recovered a large quantity of arms buried in Bagh Korangi Graveyard, Dunya News reported.According to details, Rangers launched the operation in Korangi after gaining information from an activist of a political party who is currently under police custody.The arms which were recovered included LMG rifles, 9MM pistols and hundreds of bullets. The ammunition was wrapped in cloths and plastic bags and buried in the graveyard.

Karachi: Security forces arrest close aide of Saulat Mirza


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, the security forces carried out an operation in North Nazimabad area of Karachi on Thursday during which an activist of a political party was arrested.Sources informed media that the arrested man is a close aide of notorious target killer Saulat Mirza who was hanged in 2016.Sources further said that the arrested man was later shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

Sialkot: Dunya News reporter escapes attempt on life


SIALKOT (Dunya News) – Dunya News reporter Hamid Raza Kahloon narrowly escaped an attempt on his life in Sialkot on Thursday while his wife was critically wounded, Dunya News reported.According to details, Dunya News reporter Hamid Raza Kahloon along with his wife was travelling in his car in Mianapura area of Sialkot when they stuck in a traffic jam. In the meantime, Arsalan alias Shani and Zohaib Ijaz came there and exchanged harsh words with Hamid Raza. Later, Arsalan alias Shani and Zohaib Ijaz sought help from their accomplices who came there on four to five motorcycles.The unidentified motorcyclists, who were 10 in number, opened fire at Hamid Raza but he remained unhurt in the attack. However, Hamid Raza’s wife was critically wounded in the attack and was shifted to Allama Iqbal Hospital.

5 killed, 20 injured as bus turns turtle in Faisalabad


FAISALABAD (Dunya News) – At least five people were killed and 20 others sustained injuries when a speeding bus turned turtle at the Jhomra Road in Faisalabad on Thursday, Dunya News reported.According to details, the ill-fated bus going to Lahore from Faisalabad turned turtle at the Jhomra Road after colliding with the container which was parked on the roadside, killing five people on the spot and wounding 20 others.Police and rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the injured of Allied Hospital. Rescue sources said that women and children were among the injured.According to rescue sources, the death toll may rise further as condition on 10 wounded parsons is stated to be critical. The driver of the bus managed to escape after the accident.

Rawalpindi: Couple booked for attacking polio team


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – According to police, a case has been registered against a man and his wife for attacking polio vaccination team in Joharpal area of Rawalpindi on Thursday and police have launched a search operation to arrest the couple.Sources said that the polio team during vaccination campaign marked the wall of a house in Joharpal area which was whitewashed and painted recently. The marking on the wall infuriated the couple and they attacked the polio team.The couple went into hiding after the attack. Police have registered a case against the couple and are conducting raids to arrest them.

Shadab shines again as Pakistan beat Windies by three runs


PORT OF SPAIN (AFP) - Shadab Khan gave another match-winning bowling performance and Hasan Ali held his nerve for Pakistan to sneak a three-run victory over the West Indies in the second T20 International on Thursday.The Queens Park Oval witnessed three collisions in a bizarre sequence of events in the second innings. Nine balls after the collision between Shadab and Lewis, Chadwick Walton rammed into Tanvir. In the same over, Shehzad collided with Walton and had to be stretchered off the field in an ambulance.Samuels had dabbed the ball in front of point, from where Shehzad ran in to attack the ball, but lost his balance. His neck crashed into the knees of Walton. Seven overs later, however, Shehzad returned to the field.Set a relatively modest target of 133 to level the series following a six-wicket defeat in the opening match in Barbados, the hosts were restricted to 129 for eight to suffer their fifth consecutive T20 loss to the visitors.Pakistan now hold an unbeatable 2-0 lead ahead of the final two matches at the weekend back at the Queens Park Oval in Trinidad.In the wake of an impressive senior international debut at Kensington Oval, Shadab snared four for 14 with his mesmerising mixture of leg-breaks and googlies to stymie the West Indies quest.His most important strike came on the last delivery of his four-over allotment when he had Marlon Samuels caught at the wicket for a top score of 44.Samuels imperious strokeplay, reminiscent of his two match-winning performances in World T20 finals, looked to be taking the home side to the target before he was undone by the confident 19-year-old.Getting Samuels was important for us to have a chance of winning, said Shadab after collecting his second straight Man of the Match award.This pitch had more bounce and encouragement than in Barbados so I am really looking forward to the final two matches.From that point the balance was tilting in favour of Pakistan although West Indies captain Carlos Brathwaite, who had earlier taken three wickets on a sultry afternoon, battled to keep his team on course in partnership with fellow all-rounder Jason Holder.But it came down to fast-medium bowler Ali retaining his focus and concentration in the final over after being smashed for boundaries by Sunil Narine off the first two deliveries.West Indies needed just six more runs to complete the victory but the bowlers excellent accuracy denied both Narine and Holder, who could only manage a single off the last ball when a boundary was needed to tie the scores and force a super over.Put in to bat after Brathwaite won the toss, Pakistan struggled to gain any sort of batting momentum against the twin spin threat of Narine and Samuel Badree.Narine claimed three for 22 and Badree two for 14.Pakistan were indebted to the ninth-wicket pair of Wahab Riaz and Shadab as they put on 36 quickfire runs off the final four overs to bring a measure of respectability to the total after they were put in to bat on a dry, turgid surface.They were in trouble from the very first over when Kamran Akmal was bowled by Badree without a run on the board.From that point on they laboured despite a 41-run stand for the second wicket between Babar Azam and opening batsman Ahmed Shehzad.Azam got to 27 before falling to Brathwaite while Shoaib Malik followed up his match-winning unbeaten 38 at Kensington Oval with a top score of 28.He was the second victim of the home skipper, triggering a slide which left Pakistan at 95 for eight in the 17th over and in danger of failing to bat through the full 20 overs.This was a match we should have won, said an obviously disappointed Brathwaite.Its easy to second-guess a lot of things in the course of play but we were in control for long periods - in the field and with the bat - but just didnt finish off the job.However Riaz and Shadab batted with determination and haste as 45 runs were taken off the last five overs to give themselves a fighting chance.

Ahmed Shehzad taken off the field in stretcher


(Web Desk) – Ahmed Shehzad was taken off the field in a stretcher after he had a collision with West Indian batsman Chadwick Walton during the second innings of the T20 match.An ambulance was brought in the field to stretcher off Shehzad during the second T20 between West Indies and Pakistan.VIDEO: Ahmed Shehzad injured in brutal collision

Sindh: Cheating mafia rules in matriculation exams, CM's orders rubbished


KARACHI: (Dunya News) – Cheating mafia rubbished the orders by Chief Minister (CM) Murad Ali Shah as it ruled in the matriculation exams on Thursday. Mobile phones were openly used during the exams while an invigilator in Hyderabad was arrested upon Dunya TV’s report, reported Dunya News.All the claims of having curbed the cheating mafia were tossed in the air today as neither the jammers were installed nor were the centers provided any security. Tenth standard’s Civics exam was held at Government Boys Secondary School, Cliton Road, where the candidates openly cheated. While some had copies with them, others had small papers in pockets.An invigilator was arrested from Hyderabad upon Dunya TV’s report while seven students were arrested from Nawabshah.The orders by Sindh CM released after a high level meeting in this regard were also rubbished by the board officials in the province today.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

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Football: Messi ban unfair: Barcelona


BARCELONA (AFP) - Lionel Messis four-match international ban for swearing at an assistant referee was unfair and totally disproportionate, his Spanish club Barcelona said Wednesday.FC Barcelona expresses its surprise and indignation at the decision by the FIFA Disciplinary Committee to suspend Leo Messi following the FIFA World Cup qualifying fixture between Argentina and Chile, Barca said in a statement.The club considers the four-match suspension imposed on the Argentine player to be unfair and totally disproportionate.Finally, FC Barcelona wishes to reiterate its support for Leo Messi, an exemplary player in terms of conduct, both on and off the pitch.FIFA suspended Messi for four of Argentinas five remaining World Cup qualification matches after he was caught swearing at an official in the victory over Chile last week.Spains La Liga president Javier Tebas told a press conference in Madrid on Wednesday he felt the sanction was heavy-handed.You have to put it into context, in an important World Cup qualifier a player can get overheated, Tebas said, although admitting he was unaware of what Messi had said to the official.It seems exaggerated to me, a one match ban or a heavy fine would have been more appropriate, he suggested.The FIFA announcement fell just hours before Messi was due to captain Argentina against Bolivia late Tuesday. Argentina went on to lose 2-0 to the Bolivians to deal a fresh blow to their 2018 World Cup qualification campaign.Messi will also miss Argentinas qualifiers in Uruguay on August 31, at home to Venezuela on September 5 and against Peru on October 5.

Football: Ibrahimovic hints at extending United stay


LONDON (AFP) - Zlatan Ibrahimovic has indicated he could prolong his time with Manchester United after saying Wednesday he will never leave a job unfinished.The 35-year-old striker has quickly established himself as a fans favourite at Old Trafford, having so far scored 26 goals in 41 appearances in his debut season after joining on a free transfer from Paris Saint-Germain.Ibrahimovic has the option of another year on his contract, with United manager Jose Mourinho -- under whom he played at Inter Milan -- making it clear he would like him to stay with the English giants.Im a person when I go into something I put my head 200 percent and I do what Im good at, said Ibrahimovic in comments reported by the Manchester Evening News.I go in, I go for the kill and I go out. And when I go out, there is no complaints, thats what I do. I never leave a job unfinished.Lets see what happens, we are talking. I have an option for another year, I want to do great as long as Im here, so let us see, there is a lot of time.Meanwhile Ibrahimovic made it clear how much he was relishing his time under Mourinho at United by adding: Im enjoying being at a fantastic club, without doubts, one of the biggest clubs in the world with a great coach. I know him before, hes a winner, hes the perfect coach for this club.Being a Manchester United player, I dont know how many people have that possibility but I am a Man United player, people wanted me here. I chose the best English club.

Islamabad: Bullets recovered from MQM MNAs bag


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – According to Airport Security Force (ASF) sources, least 100 bullets of 12-bore gun were recovered from the handbag of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)-Pakistan MAN Khawaja Suhail Mansoor at the Benazir International Airport in Islamabad on Wednesday.Suhail Mansoor was going to Karachi from Rawalpindi on a PIA flight. He informed ASF officials at the airport that packet of bullets was a gift.The ASF officials barred Suhail Mansoor from taking the bullets with him during journey after which he left for Karachi without them.

Pakistan fully backs Afghan reconciliation process: Aizaz Chaudhry


WASHINGTON (Dunya News) - Pakistan ambassador to the United States, Aizaz Chaudhry, during his talk at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington on Wednesday said that strong Pak-US relations are in the interest of both countries, Dunya News reported.Aizaz Chaudhry further said that peace and stability in Afghanistan is the top priority of Pakistan. He said that Pakistan fully backs the reconciliation process in Afghanistan.Aizaz Chaudhry also briefed the audience about the ongoing military operations in Pakistan against terrorism and added that governments economic policies are yielding new opportunities for investment in the country.

Gujrat: 5 terrorists of banned outfit gunned down


GUJRAT (Dunya News) - At least five terrorists of a banned organization were killed in exchange to fire with Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) personnel in Gujrat on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, the CTD personnel conducted a raid in Kunjah area of Gujrat on an intelligence report during which terrorists opened fire at the raiding party. The CTD personnel returned the fire as a result five terrorists were killed while three others managed to escape from the scene.The CTD sources said that the dead terrorists were members of banned Tehreek-e-Taliban and Al Qaeda. Sources further said that hand grenades, Kalashnikovs, pistols and three kilograms of explosive material was also recovered from them.A heavy contingent of police reached the spot after the incident and cordoned off the entire area and launched a search to arrest remaining terrorists.

Jacobabad: Police foil attempt to blow railway track, one arrested


JACOBABAD (Dunya News) – Khushal Khan Khattak Express escaped a major disaster when police caught a man who was planting a bomb in Attal More area near Jacobabad on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, SHO of A Section Police Station in Tehsil Thal on a tip-off arrested an accused named More s/o Miro Banglani for planting a bomb on railway track.Police also recovered three kilograms of explosive material, remote control, cables, bolts and ball bearings from his possession a registered a case under terrorism act against him at A Section Police Station.Sources said that the bomb was planted at the railway track to target Khushal Khan Khattak Express going to Peshawar from Karachi. It is pertinent to mention here that Khushal Khan Khattak Express was targeted six times in 2014 and 2015 in the same area.

Attock: Spare parts fighter plane recovered, four detained


ATTOCK (Dunya News) – According to details, police, Rangers and Pakistan Army personnel raided a house in Jawad Town area of Attock on Wednesday and arrested four suspects.The raid was part of ongoing Operation Raddul Fasad. The security forces also recovered spare parts of PAF Mushshak aircraft from the area after getting information from the arrested suspects.The arrested suspects were shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

Terrorist of banned outfit apprehended


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Karachi police carried out an operation in Lahore on Wednesday and arrested a terrorist of banned outfit, Dunya News reported.According to SSP Central, the name of arrested terrorist Hassan Raza Kashmiri was in Red Book and he was a close associate of a banned organization terrorist Asif Hussain Zaidi.The SSP Central further informed that Hassan Raza was involved in murder and attempted murder case in Rizvia area.On the other hand, a Lyari gang war accused involved in several killings in Karachi was taken into custody from Chakiwara area. According to SSP City, the arrested accused was close associate of gang war commander Faisal Pathan.

FBR declares Pakistan Railways defaulter, freezes bank account


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to the documents obtained by Dunya News, Pakistan Railways was declared defaulter of more that Rs 310 million for the year 2016-2017 by the Large Taxpayer Unit of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).A spokesman of the National Bank of Pakistan has informed Dunya News that a bank account of Pakistan Railways has also been frozen and the authorities have seized Rs 3.6 million.Large Taxpayer Unit has also claimed that Pakistan Railways was defaulter of Rs 1.7 billion from 2012 to 2017. On the other hand a Railway spokesman has said to take legal action against the freezing to bank account.

Pakistan wants cordial relations with neighbouring countries: Sartaj


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The Italian Undersecretary of State of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Benedetto Della Vedova, called on adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, in Islamabad on Wednesday.The two sides expressed satisfaction at the growing bilateral ties and underscored the importance of further augmenting these relations in a number of important areas, especially trade and investment.Sartaj Aziz highlighted the important progress made by Pakistan during the last four years in counter terrorism, economic growth and democratic consolidation. He stated that Italy was a close friend and a leading trade and investment partner of Pakistan and appreciated its cooperation in diverse areas.Sartaj Aziz also briefed the Italian Foreign Minister on the Prime Ministers initiatives for regional peace and stability and strong commitment to maintaining cordial relations with all neighbouring countries.The two sides also discussed regional and global issues. There was an understanding between both sides that as members of the Uniting for Consensus (UfC) Group, they would continue working closely on the issue of United Nations Security Council reform, aimed at making the body more democratic and accountable.

Oil shares gain as US stocks end mostly higher


NEW YORK (AFP) - Gains by petroleum-linked shares helped US stocks finish mostly higher Wednesday amid lingering uncertainty over Britains move to formally launch negotiations to leave the European Union.Shares of petroleum producers and suppliers were strong as oil prices rallied following a smaller-than-expected increase in American stockpiles. Halliburton rose 2.5 percent and EOG Resources 1.8 percent.Beyond that, there were relatively few trading catalysts during the US session as far as economic data or corporate news. Analysts cited unease at the start of the Brexit process, even though it was expected.The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the session down 0.2 percent to 20,659.32.The broad-based S&P 500 gained 0.1 percent to close the day at 2,361.13, while the tech-rich Nasdaq Composite Index climbed 0.4 percent to 5,897.55.Several leading retailers scored gains, with Target adding 2.9 percent, Dollar Tree 2.6 percent and Wal-Mart Stores 0.6 percent.Technology winners included Amazon, up 2.1 percent, and Google parent Alphabet, up 1.3 percent.Vertex Pharmaceuticals surged 20.5 percent after releasing promising clinical results of a drug therapy combination for the treatment of cystic fibrosis.Luxury furnishing retailer Restoration Hardware shot up 14.9 percent after projecting first-quarter revenues of between $530 million and $545 million, well above the $485 million expected by Wall Street analysts.

Windies to host Afghanistan series in June


ST. JOHNS (AFP) - West Indies will play Afghanistan in three one-day and three Twenty20 internationals in June after failing to qualify for the Champions Trophy, the West Indies Cricket Board said on Wednesday.The World T20 title-holders missed out on this summers 50-over showpiece in England, to be held June 1-18, after dropping outside the top eight in the ICC rankings at the September 2015 cut-off.We are looking forward to welcoming the Afghans to the Caribbean for this short series, said WICB cricket operations manager Roland Holder.The series promises to be compelling, considering the result of the match between the two sides at the last ICC World Twenty20 in India, and Afghanistans gradual improvement over the last few years.He added: It will also be an important series for our side, as they look to move up in the ICC World Rankings in the two formats, and continue their quest to qualify for the 2019 ICC World Cup in England and Wales.Hosts England and the top seven other teams will go directly into the 10-team World Cup, with the remaining two places decided in a 2018 qualifying tournament in Bangladesh.West Indies are ninth in the latest rankings.They will host Afghanistan in the first of three T20 fixtures to be played in St Kitts on June 2, with the ODI series to follow in St Lucia and conclude on June 14.

Aussie media slam 'classless' Kohli


SYDNEY (AFP) - Australian media labelled Indian skipper Virat Kohli classless and childish on Wednesday after his provocative comments at the end of a hard-fought but incendiary Test series.Newspapers laid into the winning captain for saying he no longer counted the Australian players as friends, and they also took umbrage at Indias apparent snub when invited to join the tourists for a beer.Kohli said he would not think of the Australians as friends ever again after India sealed a 2-1 victory in a pulsating series marked by flare-ups between the worlds number one and two teams.Virat Kohli had to shake hands and move on after series win but he acted like a child, read a headline in Sydneys Daily Telegraph, which also called Kohli an egomaniac.Beergate: Kohlis latest classless act, another headline said.The Australians Peter Lalor wrote: If there were any doubts about the poor spirit between the Indian and Australian sides it was confirmed after the series when the home side shunned a suggestion the two sides drink together.Kohlis behaviour was compared to that of his opposite number Steve Smith, who apologised for calling Murali Vijay a f***ing cheat after he claimed a catch when the ball had touched the ground.All Virat Kohli had to do was say sorry. Steve Smith did, wrote Herald Sun journalist Russell Gould.Kohli has repeatedly been a target of the Australian press during the series, to the extent that former captain Michael Clarke warned the criticism was getting out of control.Kohli initially stepped into the firing line when he accused Smith of systematically abusing the decision review system, after the Aussie captain admitted looking to his team dressing room when considering whether to appeal his dismissal in Bangalore.Smith struck a conciliatory tone at the end of the series, revealing that he reached out to Indias stand-in skipper Ajinkya Rahane with the offer of a beer -- an invitation that was declined.I asked if he wanted us to come in for a drink, this being the end of the series. He said hed get back to me. With Ajinkya, we get on well, Smith said of his Indian Premier League (IPL) team-mate.Despite the fireworks, and their series defeat after an eight-wicket loss in the final Test, it was a positive tour for Australia, just months after they suffered one of the worst runs in their history.The boys and the dressing room are hurting, Smith said in Dharamsala.But we have played a good style of cricket over here, we have competed in every Test match, and for that I am really proud of the boys.Cricket Australia chairman David Peever paid tribute to Smith, who scored 499 runs as Australia flirted with their first series win in India since 2004, highlighting the captains gracious demeanour.Steve showed yet again what an outstanding leader he is becoming, and his honesty and gracious comments at the end demonstrated the qualities that Australians expect from their Test captain, Peever said.Cricket at this level is highly competitive, and it is incumbent on all involved, players and administrators, to honour the protocols and standards of behaviour that underpin the spirit of cricket, he added.

South African coach Domingo undecided about future


HAMILTON (AFP) - South African coach Russell Domingo is uncertain about his future and said Thursday he has not yet decided whether he will apply to renew his contract after the July-August Test series in England.As the South African side prepared to fly home following their 1-0 series win over New Zealand, Domingo reflected on the past year in which he guided the Proteas from seventh to second in the world rankings.But what happens next is out of my control, he said. At the moment, Im going fishing for a couple of weeks so its the last of my worries.When I get back home I will select the squad for England, prepare the side well, well play in England and then well take it from there.Pressed on whether he wanted to continue coaching the Proteas, Domingo said: I dont know. Everybody wants to coach their national side. Its where you want to coach I suppose. Ive loved my four years but if my four years are up so be it.Cricket South Africa announced in January they will advertise after the England series for a national coach to take the side through to the 2019 ICC World Cup.I havent looked that far ahead to be honest, said Domingo, who replaced Gary Kirsten in 2013 and has so far had two extensions of his contract.I dont know what the process is. Im still waiting to find out what I need to do, or if I need to do anything, so once Ive got bit of clarity on that Ill make some decisions.Domingos position looked shaky in 2015-16 when South Africa lost successive Test series against India and England, then failed in the World Twenty20.But they have since won series against New Zealand (twice), Australia and Sri Lanka, winning seven Tests and losing one.In one-day internationals against the same three countries, South Africa won 13 of 15 matches.Lions coach Geoffrey Toyana is considered favourite to take over the Proteas should Domingo be replaced.

Markets take Brexit in their stride


LONDON (AFP) - European stock markets were mostly steady Wednesday as the British government formally set in motion the process to quit the EU over the next two years, with investors already having largely priced in Brexit in the nine months since last years referendum, dealers said.Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, Wall Street was fractionally weaker, as investors appeared to be almost oblivious to the so-called triggering of the Article 50 divorce proceedings between London and Brussels that have split Britain and thrown the future of the 28-nation bloc into question.We had been waiting nine months, and when it came it was not with a bang but with a whimper, said Manulife Asset Management analyst Will Hamlyn.Essentially, Article 50 is meaningless by itself. The real event to watch is April 4 and April 29, when we get the EUs declaration on Brexit and an EU summit on Brexit, said City Index analyst Kathleen Brooks.The polite opening to negotiations has helped supress volatility and limit market reaction.European markets barely flinched when the British ambassador to the EU formally handed over the historic letter announcing Britains intention to leave the bloc.Nine months after the shock British vote to quit the EU, Prime Minister Theresa May formally activated Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, meaning Britain is set to leave the bloc in 2019.The pound -- considered a barometer for market concerns over Brexit -- wobbled against the dollar.But financial markets have largely priced in Brexit after the nations surprise June 2016 referendum verdict.- Increased volatility ahead? -Its business as usual. Its been pretty muted, said David Papier, head of sales at ETX Capital.People have known about the trigger of Article 50 for months now, so people have been positioned accordingly and it looks like everything has been priced in. It certainly hasnt shown the volatility that we saw over Brexit (vote) or the US election, he told AFP.Once the terms of Brexit, once the costs of Brexit become clear, and once these trade deals have some clarity around them in terms of renegotiation, we might see some more volatility in the market.On the other side of the Atlantic, share prices on Wall Street opened slightly softer, as investors paused for breath following the previous days gains on the back of a strong US consumer confidence survey.News that the consumer confidence index had hit a 16-year high helped soothe worries that President Donald Trumps economy-boosting agenda could have been thrown off the rails by the collapse of his healthcare bill.Fridays debacle over repealing Obamacare hammered world markets on speculation the tycoon would not be able to ram through promised tax cuts and infrastructure spending.New York - Dow: DOWN 0.2 percent at 20,658.52 pointsLondon - FTSE 100: FLAT at 7,342.23Frankfurt - DAX 30: UP 0.4 percent at 12,202.18Paris - CAC 40: UP 0.1 percent at 5,051.83EURO STOXX 50: UP 0.1 percent at 3,467.53Tokyo - Nikkei 225: UP 0.1 percent at 19,217.48 (close)Hong Kong - Hang Seng: UP 0.2 percent at 24,392.05 (close)Shanghai - Composite: DOWN 0.4 percent at 3,241.31 (close)Euro/dollar: DOWN at $1.0757 from $1.0785Pound/dollar: DOWN at $1.2420 from $1.2442Dollar/yen: DOWN at 110.82 yen from 110.98 yenOil - Brent North Sea: UP 22 cents at $51.64 per barrelOil - West Texas Intermediate: UP 19 cents at $48.56.