Thursday 9 March 2017

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New Zealand hit 341 to lead South Africa by 33


DUNEDIN (AFP) - New Zealand were all out for 341 in their first innings to lead South Africa by 33 on the third day of the first Test in Dunedin on Friday.Kane Williamson made 130, Jeet Raval 52 and BJ Watling 50. For South Africa, Keshav Maharaj took five for 94.

Iraqi forces advance as US boosts Syria troops


MOSUL (AFP) - Iraqi forces advanced on the Islamic State group in west Mosul on Thursday as the United States nearly doubled its troops to help defeat the jihadists in their Syrian stronghold Raqa.The US-led coalition fighting IS said the United States was deploying another 400 troops against the jihadists in their self-proclaimed capital in Syria, joining 500 already on the ground.They are temporary forces, coalition spokesman US Colonel John Dorrian told reporters in Baghdad, adding the long-term authorised level of American troops in Syria would remain at 500.The announcement came as the State Department said the United States would host a meeting of the 68 members of the coalition fighting IS on March 22.The American military buildup comes amid calls by President Donald Trump for new plans to accelerate the pace of the war against the Sunni Muslim extremists.IS jihadists are facing simultaneous offensives in northern Syria by government forces, Turkish-backed rebels, and a US-supported alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters.In the latest sign they are feeling the squeeze, their chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was reported to have abandoned Mosul, leaving local commanders behind to fight the Iraqi forces.He was in Mosul at some point before the offensive.... He left before we isolated Mosul and Tal Afar, a town to the west, said a US defence official.He probably gave broad strategic guidance and has left it to battlefield commanders.Baghdadi, who declared ISs cross-border caliphate at a Mosul mosque in 2014, in an audio message in November urged supporters to make a stand in the city rather than retreating in shame.Iraq launched the offensive to retake Mosul -- which involves tens of thousands of soldiers, police and allied militia fighters -- in October.After recapturing its eastern side, the forces set their sights on the citys densely populated west.In recent days Iraqi forces have retaken a series of neighbourhoods and a museum where IS militants filmed themselves destroying priceless artefacts.Iraqs Joint Operations Command announced Thursday the elite Counter-Terrorism Service recaptured the Mualemeen neighbourhood in west Mosul.And forces from the Rapid Response Division, another special forces unit, and the federal police worked to clear roads and buildings in other areas, said the JOC.The area is located on the edge of Mosuls Old City, a warren of narrow streets and closely spaced houses that could see some of the toughest fighting of the battle.Currently there is no order from the operations command to advance toward the Old City. We will advance when this order is issued, said Lieutenant Colonel Abdulamir al-Mohammedawi of the Rapid Response Division.Hundreds of thousands of civilians are believed to still be trapped under IS rule in Mosul.Those who did manage to escape the city said the jihadists were growing increasingly desperate.We were used as human shields, said Abdulrazzaq Ahmed, a 25-year-old civil servant, who escaped along with hundreds of other civilians to Iraqi police waiting outside the city.Rayan Mohammed, a frail 18-year-old who was once given 60 lashes for missing prayers, said the jihadists were scrambling in the face of the Iraqi offensive.They ran away like chickens, he said.West Mosul is the most heavily populated area under IS control and one of two major urban centres it still holds, along with Raqa in Syria.In Syria, a US-backed alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters known as the Syrian Democratic Forces has been advancing on Raqa.The United States has been leading a coalition since mid-2014 carrying out air strikes against the jihadists in both Syria and Iraq.Strikes on an IS-held northern Syrian village thought to have been conducted by the coalition killed at least 23 civilians on Thursday.Among the dead were at least eight children and six women, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.The coalition said this month that its raids had unintentionally killed at least 220 civilians since 2014 in both countries.Elsewhere in Syria, Turkish troops and their rebel allies have pushed south from the Turkish border and driven IS out of the northern town of Al-Bab.Russian-backed government troops have meanwhile swept eastwards from Syrias second city Aleppo and seized a swathe of countryside from the jihadists.The Observatory said Thursday that 17 IS fighters from Morocco were killed in intense Russian strikes in the east of Aleppo province, where the group has lost swathes of territory.The US defence official said IS was now looking beyond the seemingly inevitable losses of Mosul and Raqa.They... are still making plans to continue to function as a pseudo-state centred in the Euphrates River valley, the official said.

Revised Trump travel ban facing new court challenges


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - President Donald Trumps revised travel ban faced mounting new legal challenges on Thursday as the state of Washington, along with several other states, vowed to block the executive order.The announcement came one day after Hawaii filed the first suit challenging the controversial new directive, which temporarily closes US borders to all refugees and citizens from six mainly-Muslim countries.Washingtons Attorney General Bob Ferguson, whose state was the first to sue over Trumps initial travel ban that created airport chaos worldwide and was eventually blocked, said at least three other states -- Minnesota, New York and Oregon -- are expected to join in the new legal battle.He said his motion calls on the court to apply an existing injunction against the first travel ban issued in January to the new executive order unveiled on Monday.My message to President Trump is --not so fast, Ferguson told reporters.After spending more than a month to fix a broken order that he rushed out the door, the presidents new order reinstates several of the same provisions and has the same illegal motivations as the original, he said.Consequently, we are asking Judge (James) Robart to confirm that the injunction he issued remains in full force and effect as to the reinstated provisions.Ferguson said although the revised order was narrower in scope, it still could be challenged on constitutional grounds.The new order denies US entry to all refugees for 120 days and halts for 90 days the granting of visas to nationals from Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan. It is due to take effect on March 16.The first order had also applied to citizens of Iraq but the country was dropped from the new list.Hawaii on Tuesday filed the first lawsuit over the new ban, saying it remained unconstitutional despite the changes.This second executive order is infected with the same legal problems as the first order -- undermining bedrock constitutional and statutory guarantees, said the suit, which was filed Wednesday in a federal court in Honolulu.Judge Derrick Watson put the suit on a fast track, scheduling a hearing on whether to impose a national restraining order on March 15, the day before the executive order goes into effect.The White House cites national security in justifying the ban, arguing that it needs time to implement extreme vetting procedures to keep Islamic militants from entering the country.It comes amid a broader US crackdown on undocumented immigrants, following on Trumps campaign promises of mass deportations and to build a wall on the Mexican border.Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday the orders toughening immigration enforcement have driven down illegal entries -- as measured by apprehensions at the border -- by 40 percent from January to February.But Trump suffered a major black eye in January when his first attempt to impose the travel ban erupted into heart-rending scenes of families being detained and deported at US airports and, eventually, a slap from the courts.Polls show American public opinion is deeply divided on the issue. Most indicate a slight majority of voters opposed, with strong support among Trumps political base.Arguments that the ban had caused irreparable harm proved crucial in a San Francisco appellate courts decision to uphold the lower courts move to block enforcement.The challenge facing Hawaii will be to show that the ban violates constitutional guarantees against discrimination on the basis of religion.The White House has modified the latest version of its decree so that it can pass legal muster, stripping away a reference to religion while also explicitly exempting legal permanent residents and current visa holders from the ban.There also has been 10 days notice before it goes into effect, in a clear attempt to avoid the chaos that broke out when the first ban was imposed with no advance warning on January 27.In its suit, however, Hawaii argues that the second order began life as a Muslim ban.As evidence of the administrations intentions, the suit detailed numerous instances during the campaign that Trump referred to it as a Muslim ban.Hawaii also claimed that the order violates constitutional protections against discrimination on the basis of nationality, the right to travel, fair process in determining who can enter or leave the country, as well as violations of US immigration law.Nothing of substance has changed: There is the same blanket ban on entry from Muslim-majority countries (minus one), Hawaii Attorney General Douglas Chin said in a statement.The courts did not tolerate the administrations last attempt to hoodwink the judiciary, and they should not countenance this one, Chin wrote.

Iran successfully tests naval missile: reports


TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran has successfully test-fired a naval missile which hit its target 250 kilometres away, local news agencies reported Thursday.We have this week tested the Hormuz-2 missile, the Fars and Tasnim agencies quoted the commander of the air wing of the elite Revolutionary Guards, General Amir-Ali Hadjizadeh, as sayingThe missile succeeded in destroying its target 250 kilometres (155 miles) away, in the Gulf of Oman, Hadjizadeh added.According to the local news agencies the new Hormuz-2 missile has a maximum range of 300 kilometres.The missile test was carried out at a time of heightened tension between Iran and the United States.On Wednesday a senior Revolutionary Guards official accused the United States of provoking tensions after two separate incidents in the Gulf last week.A US Navy ship crossing the Strait of Hormuz changed its international route and approached to within 550 metres of Revolutionary Guards boats in an unprofessional way, Mehdi Hashemi told the Guards website Sepahnews.He said actions by the United States and the United Kingdom in recent days showed they have harmful, illegitimate and provocative objectives.The Pentagon on Monday blasted the unprofessional behaviour of the Iranian navy.The spike in tensions follows the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president.Washington imposed fresh sanctions on Iran following a missile test in late January.

'Hooligan' Tusk wins EU fight


BRUSSELS (AFP) - Once a self-confessed football hooligan, Polands Donald Tusk handily won his fight with his own country to remain European Council president.The 59-year-old former Polish premier again took the top Brussels job he first snagged in 2014, symbolising the former Soviet-ruled easts rise to the heart of the new Europe.A native of the port city of Gdansk where the Solidarity anti-communist trade union was born, he had to learn English from scratch when he took up the EU post.His learning curve in the job was equally steep but he has gradually won over EU leaders for his handling of crises ranging from migration to Greeces economic plight to Britains vote to leave the EU.Tusks job in a second term as head of the European Council, which brings together the EU leaders, will be to maintain unity as they prepare for tough Brexit negotiations.Ironically his own candidacy proved a fresh cause for disunity, as Polands right-wing government desperately tried to block him, even if it ended up alone in the effort.Be careful of the bridges you burn because once they are gone you can never cross them again, Tusk told a summit press conference.EU leaders were alarmed at the fact that his bitter enmity with Polands ruling Law and Justice party during his seven years as premier had finally spilled onto the international stage.Angela Merkel, the German chancellor and Europes most powerful leader, said before the vote it would be a sign of stability if he was re-elected.With his direct manner and piercing blue eyes, Tusk was a contrast to his haiku-writing, consensus-building Belgian predecessor Herman Van Rompuy when he took office two and a half years ago.But he initially seemed unwilling to get his hands dirty.In the first year you could realise how difficult it was for him. He did not really want to get involved in the Greek crisis, analyst Janis Emmanouilidis told AFP.But eventually he had to take things in his hands. At the Euro summit in July 2015 he forced all sides to find a compromise and participated to prevent the worst.Since then, Tusk has won a reputation for plain speaking with a penchant for colourful and sometimes apocalyptic warnings about the existential crisis that Europe faces.Of Brexit, he warned for example that there will be no cakes on the table for anyone, there will be only salt and vinegar.He has since taken a tough stance on Russia in particular, and also on migration, arguing for tougher control of the EUs borders.In the refugee crisis he supported very fast the security faction and not the solidarity camp led by Chancellor Merkel. That annoyed Merkel, Emmanouilidis said.But in the end Tusk backed the right horse, because Merkel had to recalibrate her policy.Tusks roots as a fighter go back to his upbringing in Gdansk on the Baltic Sea.As a child, as a young man, I was a typical hooligan... We would roam the streets, you know, cruising for a bruising after fights or football matches, he told the Financial Times in 2014.Football has continued to be an obsession, with Tusk able to recite football results from major tournaments held decades ago off the top of his head.Gdansk later became the cradle of the Solidarity movement and it was here that Tusk forged his credentials as something of a Cold War warrior.First a trade unionist and journalist and historian, he became involved in liberal politics.He took power in 2007 from the ultra-conservative Kaczynski twins, serving until he left for Brussels in 2014.He is married to historian Malgorzata Tusk and has two adult children, one of whom is a well-known fashion blogger in Poland.But Tusk remains a hate figure for the Law and Justice party that the Kaczynskis founded, and from which Prime Minister Beata Szydlo hails.Jaroslaw Kaczynski remains a bitter enemy, accusing then premier Tusk of having moral responsibility for the death of his brother Lech, the then-president, in an air crash in Russia in 2010.

Axe attacker injures seven at German station: police


DUSSELDORF (AFP) - An axe-wielding attacker suffering from mental health problems injured seven people at the main train station in the German city of Dusseldorf late Thursday, police told AFP.Previously police had said several attackers were involved and two were arrested but they later said one suspect was behind the assault, a 36-year-old man from the former Yugoslavia.An assailant probably armed with an axe attacked people at random at about 8.50 pm local time (1950 GMT), city police said in a statement.Police initially gave the number of injured as five, but updated that to seven in a later statement.While trying to escape the man jumped from a bridge and suffered serious injuries from the fall, the statement said. He was not in a position to be interrogated, German news agency DPA reported.Large numbers of police, including special units, were deployed at the station and traffic was halted. Bild newspaper reported that helicopters flew overhead.Interruption at the central station in Dusseldorf. We cant say when the trains will start running again, regional police said on Twitter.We were on the platform waiting for the train. The train arrived and suddenly someone with an axe came out and started attacking people, an unnamed witness told Bild.There was blood everywhere, the witness was quoted as saying.Peter Altmaier, a close adviser to Angela Merkel, wrote on Twitter: What happened at the central station in Dusseldorf, our compassion and our thoughts go out to the injured.Thomas Geisel, city mayor, also reached out to victims, according to Bild.Its a huge blow for Dusseldorf. Many people are in shock. Id like to thank the police. My thoughts go out to the victims and their families, he said.German authorities have been on alert for terror attacks, especially since an assault claimed by the Islamic State group in December when a hijacked truck ploughed into a Berlin Christmas market, killing 12 people.According to German security services, there are about 10,000 radical Islamists in the country, of whom 1,600 have suspected links to terror groups.There was another axe attack on a train in 2016 in Germanys Bavaria, but no-one was killed and the attacker was found to be mentally unbalanced.

Football: Mkhitaryan helps Man Utd to draw in Russia


ROSTOV-ON-DON (AFP) - Henrikh Mkhitaryan bagged a precious away goal as Manchester United came away from their trip to Russia with a 1-1 draw in the first leg of their Europa League last-16 tie against Rostov on Thursday.On an awful pitch, the state of which had United manager Jose Mourinho fuming on the eve of the game, Mkhitaryan turned in the opener 10 minutes before half-time.But Aleksandr Bukharov levelled for the home side in the 53rd minute at the Olimp 2 stadium, keeping Rostov hopes alive ahead of next weeks return at Old Trafford.The build-up to the match had been overshadowed by Uniteds complaints about the playing surface and about concerns travelling fans could be targeted by Russian hooligans.However, the evening passed off without incident inside the ground, where a little over 200 United supporters were in attendance along with ex-United assistant boss Carlos Queiroz.It was a very good performance in relation to the conditions. It was impossible to play better, impossible to play a passing game, Mourinho told BT Sport.We played what the game demanded and we played well. We made one defensive mistake.I remember as a kid some matches like this in Portugal -- non-league and amateur pitches. To see my players coping with it and the humility to fight for every ball is a good feeling for me.We have an open result for the second leg with a little advantage for us. There are no injuries.The result saw the visitors extend their recent unbeaten run in all competitions to 10 games as Mourinho made seven changes to the team held by Bournemouth last weekend.One of those brought back into the starting line-up was Mkhitaryan, and it was he who swept United in front in the 35th minute from close range after good build-up play involving Marouane Fellaini and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.Nevertheless Rostov, who are seventh in the Russian Premier League but had already won at home to Ajax and Bayern Munich in Europe this season, drew level thanks to a fine goal shortly after the break.Timofei Kalachev delivered a ball over the top that was controlled on the chest inside the box and then fired home by Bukharov to secure the draw.There was greater entertainment in France, where Lyon took the lead, then went behind before coming back to beat Roma 4-2 in a superb encounter.Young defender Mouctar Diakhaby turned in an early opener after Rafael had helped on a Mathieu Valbuena free-kick, but his slip allowed Mohamed Salah in to equalise for Roma in the 20th minute.Federico Fazio then headed in a Daniele De Rossi cross to put the Italian side in front before the interval, yet the hosts fought back again in the second period.Corentin Tolisso combined with Alexandre Lacazette before beating Alisson Becker with a fine strike, and Nabil Fekir came off the bench to score a superb third for Lyon in the 74th minute.Roma, currently second in Serie A, would still have been hopeful of turning things around in next weeks second leg but Lacazette thundered in the hosts fourth in stoppage time to give Lyon a two-goal cushion.Meanwhile, Schalke came from behind to draw 1-1 at home to Borussia Moenchengladbach in the all-German tie in Gelsenkirchen.Gladbach won 4-2 at home to Schalke last weekend and went in front on Thursday through Jonas Hofmann, only for Guido Burgstaller to equalise for the hosts.Claudio Beauvue netted in the last minute as Celta Vigo beat Krasnodar 2-1 in Spain, while Vincent Aboubakar cancelled out Esteban Cambiassos goal as Besiktas of Turkey drew 1-1 away to Olympiakos in Greece.Elsewhere, Genk won 5-2 away to Belgian rivals Gent, FC Copenhagen beat Ajax 2-1 in Denmark with Andreas Cornelius heading in the winner, and Anderlecht beat APOEL 1-0 in Cyprus.

Tennis: Djokovic seeks to turn up heat in California desert


INDIAN WELLS (AFP) - Five-time champion Novak Djokovic will be out to reassert his dominance on the hard courts of Indian Wells this week, seeking to shake off the slump that has dogged him into 2017.Djokovics five titles in the California desert include the last three.But the Serbian star arrives at a tournament he has owned shaken by a second-round exit at the Australian Open, which was followed by a shocking quarter-final loss to young Australian Nick Kyrgios in Acapulco.The setbacks come on the back of a troublesome second half of 2016, when he lost his world number one ranking to Andy Murray and relinquished his Wimbledon and US Open titles.Acknowledging that his longed-for first French Open crown last year left him emotionally depleted, Djokovic nonetheless says his game remains good enough to get him back to the summit.Right now I feel like it was better than it was, especially in the second part of last season, Djokovic said Thursday as unseeded men swung into action in the first ATP Masters tournament of the year.Particularly after the US Open I had those couple months where I wasnt myself on the court. Now Im at the better place and I believe that Im headed in the right direction.Djokovic, who lifted the trophy in Doha this year before his Australian Open defeat, insisted the latest setbacks havent discouraged him.Generally if I see myself kind of (in) larger perspective today compared to end of last season, Im a different player, he said. I feel more comfortable, I feel more fresh. I look forward to competing and I feel more confident on the court.But hes got a monumental task in Indian Wells, where he anchors a bottom quarter that also includes four-time champion Roger Federer, and three-time winner Rafael Nadal.The talent-laden section also includes former US Open winner Juan Martin del Potro, Kyrgios and young German Alexander Zverev.I havent had too many draws like that, Djokovic said. Its quite amazing to see that many quality players are in one quarter.It is what it is, he added. Obviously Nadal and Federer are starting to build their rankings. They havent played, especially Roger hasnt played for six months of the last season.Winning the Australian Open he got in the top 10 but hes still not top eight, obviously thats potentially putting him in position to play last 16 with a top eight player.Well see what happens. I guess in the first four or five days of the tournament well have some very, very strong matches.Murray heads the draw that gives all 32 seeded players a first-round bye.Among Thursdays matches, Italys Paolo Lorenzi downed Robin Haase of the Netherlands to book a first-round meeting with third-seeded Swiss Stan Wawrinka.Canadian qualifier Vasek Pospisil and Taiwans Lu Yen-Hsun were squaring off for a chance to take on Murray, while Moldovan qualifier Radu Albot took on Frances Jeremy Chardy with the winner to take on eighth-seeded Austrian Dominic Thiem.The 23-year-old Thiem, who won his eighth ATP title in Rio last month, is among the young players keen to muscle in on the games Big Four of Murray, Djokovic, Nadal and Federer.Even after his 2016 Australian Open victory more than a year ago, Djokovic indicated he could feel them coming, telling reporters that wolves running up the hill are hungrier than the wolf at the top.I guess Im one of the wolves going up now, Djokovic said Thursday. And Im hungry.

Tennis: Russian team boss slams Sharapova wild card critics


MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian tennis supremo Shamil Tarpishchev on Thursday blasted players who oppose Maria Sharapovas hopes of winning a French Open wild card, describing the former world number one as irreproachable, and a true professional.Sharapova will return to the sport in Stuttgart on April 26, the day her 15-month doping suspension ends.However, the five-time Grand Slam title winner will need French Open organisers to hand her a wild card at Roland Garros, where she is a two-time winner, as her world ranking was wiped off during her ban imposed for testing positive for meldonium at the 2016 Australian Open.Frances world number eight Jo-Wilfried Tsonga said he didnt think Sharapova should get a Paris invitation.I would not do it, he said. Its like if you give a sweet to a kid who did a bad thing, the kids going to do it again. It sends the wrong message.But Tarpishchev told Tsonga to keep his opinions to himself.It wasnt a smart move from him (Tsonga) to comment on Marias situation, quoted Tarpischev as saying.He added: Sharapova has no relation with doping whatsoever. Furthermore, it was proved meldonium is not doping, its a prohibited drug.Sharapova is an irreproachable athlete, a true professional. We all want her to gain her top form as soon as possible, to return to the sports elite.

Badminton: Olympic champ Chen Long out of All England


BIRMINGHAM (AFP) - Chinas Olympic champion Chen Long was dumped out of the All-England Open on Thursday, losing in the second round to Tanongsak Saensomboonsuk, the world number 12 from Thailand, 21-16, 21-19.Seven months and an absence of competition made Chen vulnerable and so did Tanongsaks sensible strategy of not too frequently attacking an opponent who creates brick-wall mid-court defence and turns it into damaging counter-attack.Chen fought hard to close a five-point deficit to 19-19 in the second game, and might well have improved had the match gone to a decider.Instead on the next point he hurtled a smashed wide, and then lifted the shuttle a little too short to defend against Tanongsaks attack on match point.Every player wants to win this title and I did too, said 28-year-old Chen. My ambition is to get back my form.The upset could help Lee Chong Wei, the top-seeded three times former champion from Malaysia, who survived for the second day with an ailing knee and who might now meet Tanongsak in the semis.Lee again proved himself once again a master of adaptability and economy while enduring the discomfort of his knee injury and overcoming Wang Tzu Wei, a young and ambitious world number 21 from Taiwan, en route to the quarter-finals.Lee defended economically, controlled most of the rallies at a pace at which he felt comfortable, and mixed up the patterns cleverly as he squeezed through 21-18, 21-18.I just tried to forget my injury, the world number one said, when asked what he had been trying to do.One hour after Chens defeat, the other Olympic singles champion almost followed him to the exit.Carolina Marin was within two points of defeat at 17-19 in the second game against He Bingjiao, a 19-year-old left-hander who looks like Chinas next great womens singles hope, before surviving 15-21, 21-19, 21-10.Marin next plays Ratchanok Intanon, the former world champion from Thailand, while the top seeded Tai Tzu Ying saved three game points in a 27-25, 21-11 win over Minatsu Mitani of Japan and faces Pusarla Sindhu, the Olympic silver medallist.The other Indian, Saina Nehwal also reached the last eight, despite an ongoing recovery from a knee operation.So did Lin Dan, the three-time Olympic champion and mens titleholder, who moved well enough during a 21-16, 21-11 win over compatriot Huang Yuxiang, and kept alive sentimental hopes of a Lee-Lin farewell in Sundays showdown.Lin next plays Viktor Axelsen, the World Super Series champion from Denmark, who overcame Zhao Junpeng of China, 21-10, 21-11.Ng Ka Long, the eighth seed from Hong Kong, was beaten 21-16, 21-14 by Shi Yuqi, the 21-year-old world number 10 from China, while Jan Jorgensen, the second seeded Dane, was beaten 21-16, 21-13 by Kazumasa Sakai, the world number 53 from Japan.

Boxing: Plans for $50 million global tourney unveiled


NEW YORK (AFP) - Organizers of a new $50 million boxing tournament unveiled plans Thursday for the World Boxing Super Series, a September-to-May event with two weight classes of fighters chasing the Muhammad Ali Trophy.While developers were hopeful of a Champions League-style event, using top talent to produce global attention and an ultimate winner, they have no deals with promoters or fighters and arent certain what divisions will be featured when brackets are revealed in June.The goal, really, is to try to attract at least two champions from each weight class, said Richard Schaefer, chairman of the event, with past champions and rising young stars planned to complete the ideal bracket.Advanced talks were underway with US telecaster Showtime, Schaefer said, but a final deal would depend on the weight classes involved.Welterweights offer some of the sports biggest names, such as Manny Pacquiao, Keith Thurman, Kell Brook and Amir Khan. But dont expect that star-studded lineup.A year ago... I felt the proper class to take would be the welterweights, Schaefer said. Today its a little bit different. They sort of have a tournament already. I dont think the welterweights would be a class wed be looking at.We want to focus on weight clases that might have been a bit ignored... I could see a 154-pound weight class. I could see a cruiserweight class. I want to see what comes back to see what would be the best.That might scale back the Champions League aspirations to Stoke City or Eintracht Frankfurt levels rather than the Bayern Munichs and Barcelonas of the boxing world.Still, the junior middleweight (154-pound) realm offers Saul Canelo Alvarez, unbeaten US twins Jermall and Jermell Charlo and former Cuban amateur star Erislandy Lara.The cruiserweight ranks have Englands Tony Bellew, Ukraines Oleksandr Usyk, Russias unbeaten Murat Gassiev and Polands Krzysztof Glowacki.Fighters ranked among the top 15 by at least one of the four largest global sanctioning bodies would compete.The inaugural season will feature two weight classes, which along with the boxers involved will be revealed in June at a Draft Gala in which four top-seeded rivals will select their quarter-final foes from the other fighters.That would set the stage for quarter-final bouts next September and October, semi-finals next January and February and championship bouts in May 2018, with fights staged mainly in US and European venues, each headlining a card of its own.Prize money would be divided among all fighters with higher payouts going to winners, the biggest of all to the eventual champion.Berlin-based Sauerland Promotions, Swedish media company Modern Times Group and Swiss-based event marketing firm Highlight Event and Entertainment have united behind the project as Swiss-registered Comosa AG.

Massive traffic jams as tourists throng Murree to enjoy snowfall


MURREE (Dunya News) – Snowfall continues in Murree as tourists from all parts of Pakistan thronged the ‘Queen of Hills’ to enjoy weather, causing a massive traffic jam on roads from Aliot to Lower Topa.Long queues of cars leave the tourists helpless, people waiting for roads to open for hours. The machinery of Punjab Highway failed to clear the roads due to traffic jam.Meanwhile, provincial minister Raja Ashfaq Sarwar has asked the highway authorities to utilize all the resources to clear the roads and restore traffic.

Williamson ton draws New Zealand close


DUNEDIN (AFP) - Kane Williamson notched his 16th Test century as he led New Zealand to within 61 runs of South Africas 308 on day three of the first Test in Dunedin on Friday.New Zealand were 247 for five at lunch in an evenly balanced contest with Williamson on 111 and BJ Watling on 20.Williamson has drawn level with Ross Taylor as New Zealands second-most prolific century makers, one behind the record of 17 held by the late Martin Crowe.Taylor, who was on eight when he hobbled from the field early in the New Zealand innings with a calf tear, confirmed he will continue his innings if necessary.Williamson, who resumed on 78, was at the crease for nearly an hour and faced 27 deliveries before his first scoring shot of the day, a single off Kagiso Rabada.After cautiously working his way up to 99, he was gifted the ton when South Africa flicked the ball to part-time spinner JP Duminy whose first delivery was a full toss which Williamson turned down the leg side for a single.New Zealand, 177 for three at stumps on Thursday, added 70 for the loss of two wickets in the first session on the third day.Nightwatchman Jeetan Patel added a quick seven to his overnight nine before being caught by an exceptional piece of athleticism by Faf du Plessis at second slip.Patel edged a Vern Philander delivery that flew towards du Plessis who instinctively flung out his right hand to stop the ball which then rebounded in the air and he grasped it at the second attempt.Morne Morkel claimed his first wicket on his return to Test cricket on a marginal call when Jimmy Neesham was caught behind for seven.With video replays inconclusive as to whether the delivery was a no ball, third umpire Rod Tucker ruled in favour of the bowler.But New Zealand won a decision from the Australian when Watling on three was given out lbw to Keshav Maharaj only for replays to show the ball came off his arm and would have bounced over the stumps.

Vehari: Two killed in car, trailer collision


VEHARI (Dunya News) – According to details, a speeding car collided with a sugarcane-loaded trailer parked on the Ludan Road near Vehari on Thursday, killing at least two people and injuring three others.The ill-fated car was going to Hasilpur from Kacha Kho and collided with the trailer when it reached near Vehari.The car was completely destroyed in the accident. Police and rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the dead and injured to District Headquarters Hospital.

Waseem Akhtar to move court to obtain local government powers


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Karachi Mayor Waseem Akhtar has decided to move court to obtain local government powers, Dunya News reported on Thursday.Sources said that Waseem Akhtar has finalized all arrangements to file the case in the court. The case will be filed under Article 140-A.Waseem Akhtar will announce the decision to file the case in a couple of days. Known lawyer Barrister Ferogh Nasim will represent Karachi Mayor in the court.

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