Tuesday 7 March 2017

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International Women's Day being observed


LAHORE (Web Desk) - International Women’s Day is being observed on March 8 worldwide to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.This year theme of the day is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030.”The idea of this theme is to consider how to accelerate the 2030 Agenda, building momentum for the effective implementation of the new Sustainable Development Goals, especially goal number 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; and number 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.The theme will also focus on new commitments under UN Women’s Step It Up initiative, and other existing commitments on gender equality, women’s empowerment and women’s human rights.Some key targets of the 2030 Agenda: By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and Goal-4 effective learning outcomes. By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and preprimary education so that they are ready for primary education. End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere. Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation. Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.To mark the day in Pakistan, various governmental and non-government organizations have planned to hold programs to pay tribute to the services of women.PM NAWAZ’S MESSAGEIn his message, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said the Constitution of Pakistan supports the equal status of women. Article 18 of the Constitution provides equal space to women in every lawful profession, while Article 25 lays down the principles of non-discrimination and affirmative action in their case.He mentioned that Pakistan is making wholehearted efforts to honor and implement its international commitments. The Government of Pakistan has ratified seven Core Human Rights Conventions, including the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).It is a national obligation to provide for the participation of women at every level to make them valuable and productive members of society, added the PM.“Our government is working on key human rights priority areas concerning women, which include formulation of national policy guidelines on Gender Based Violence, reviewing all discriminatory legislation against women, establishment of new crisis centers and strengthening of existing services at district, provincial and federal levels,” Nawaz Sharif stated.He further highlighted that the Government has taken several important initiatives including policy changes, legal reforms, access to justice, protection of women, children, minorities and vulnerable populations.In his message on the occasion, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres pledged to do everything to overcome entrenched prejudice, support engagement and activism, and promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Iraqi forces retake government HQ, museum in Mosul


MOSUL (AFP) - Iraqi forces said Tuesday they had seized the main government offices in Mosul and its famed museum as they made steady progress in their battle to retake the citys west from jihadists.The advances, which also included the recapture of three neighbourhoods, were announced on the third day of a renewed offensive against the Islamic State group in west Mosul -- the largest remaining urban stronghold in the caliphate IS declared in 2014.Supported by the US-led coalition bombing IS in Iraq and Syria, Iraqi forces began their push against west Mosul on February 19. The advance slowed during several days of bad weather but was renewed on Sunday.The latest gains have brought government forces closer to Mosuls densely populated Old City, where hundreds of thousands of civilians are believed to still be trapped under jihadist rule.Iraqs Joint Operations Command (JOC) said federal police and the elite Rapid Response Division had been able to liberate the Nineveh provincial government headquarters.They also seized control of the Al-Hurriyah bridgehead, it said, in a step towards potentially relinking west Mosul with the citys east, which government forces seized earlier in the offensive.All the bridges crossing the Tigris in Mosul have been damaged or destroyed, and Iraqi forces would either have to repair them or instal floating bridges to reconnect the two banks of the river dividing the city.Officers said Tuesday security forces had also managed to recapture the Mosul museum, where the jihadists destroyed priceless artefacts, releasing a video of their rampage in February 2015.The video showed militants at the museum knocking statues off their plinths and smashing them to pieces. A jackhammer was also used to deface a large Assyrian winged bull at an archaeological site in the city.Rapid Response entered the museum... there is nothing there, Lieutenant Colonel Abdulamir al-Mohammedawi said.The jihadists attacks on ancient heritage in Iraq and Syria have sparked widespread international outrage and fears for some of the worlds most precious archaeological sites.The museum was on a police list released Tuesday of sites recaptured from IS, which also included Mosuls central bank building, which the jihadists looted along with other banks in 2014, seizing tens of millions of dollars.The JOC also announced Tuesday that Iraqi forces had regained complete control of the west Mosul neighbourhoods of Al-Dawasa, Al-Danadan and Tal al-Ruman, and were advancing against the jihadists in other areas.In Al-Danadan, streets were left strewn with rubble and windows were blown out of many houses.There were mortar rounds falling on us, they fell on the roof and in the courtyard, said Manhal, a 28-year-old resident.The fighting in west Mosul has forced more than 51,000 people to flee their homes, according to the International Organization for Migration.But the number who have fled is still just a fraction of the 750,000 people believed to have stayed on in west Mosul under IS rule.Emerging from the chaos of the civil war in neighbouring Syria, IS seized control of large parts of Syria and Iraq in mid-2014, declaring its Islamic caliphate and committing widespread atrocities.The US-led coalition launched air strikes against the jihadists in both countries several months later, and has backed both Iraqi forces and fighters in Syria battling IS.The jihadists have been pushed from most of the territory they once seized but still control key bastions including west Mosul and the caliphates de facto Syrian capital Raqa.In Syria, they have faced offensives by three rival forces.Turkish troops and their Syrian rebel allies have pushed south from the Turkish border and driven IS out of the northern town of Al-Bab.Syrian government troops have driven east from second city Aleppo with Russian support and seized a swathe of countryside from the jihadists.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitor of the conflict, said Tuesday regime forces had recaptured a key water pumping station that supplies water to second city Aleppo.Regime forces took over the area of Al-Khafsa and seized the water-pumping station after the withdrawal of the IS jihadists, it said.Thousands of civilians have fled Al-Khafsa for Manbij since Monday, said a source in the Manbij Military Council.A Syrian military source quoted by state media said the army continued its advance to restore security and stability to Al-Khafsa and surrounding towns.A US-backed alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters has been advancing on Raqa, and on Monday reached the Euphrates River cutting the main road to the partly IS-held city of Deir Ezzor downstream.World powers have vowed increased cooperation in tackling the global threat from IS, which from its base in Syria and Iraq has organised or inspired a series of deadly attacks in foreign cities.Turkish, Russian and US military chiefs held talks on Tuesday in the southern Turkish city of Antalya on issues including cooperation in Iraq and Syria.Meanwhile, the White House said it will host Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Washington later this month.

Lords defy May for a second time on Brexit


LONDON (AFP) - Prime Minister Theresa May suffered her second defeat in a week over Brexit Tuesday when the House of Lords voted to give parliament the final say on how Britain leaves the European Union.Peers voted by 366 to 268 to amend the bill empowering May to trigger Article 50 of the EUs Lisbon Treaty -- the formal notification of Brexit, which she has promised to issue by the end of March.She remains confident she will meet that deadline, but the defeat is a setback -- as well as a taster of the domestic opposition she could face in the coming months of complex EU negotiations.The amendment would give parliament the power to reject the final Brexit deal agreed with the EU -- a move critics said was akin to a veto which would bind the governments hand in negotiations.Lawmakers would still be constrained by the strict Article 50 timetable, which means Britain will leave the EU after two years whether it has a deal or not.The defeat comes after the Lords voted last week to include in the bill guarantees for more than three million European citizens living in Britain after Brexit.Brexit minister David Davis said the result was disappointing, and accused some in the Lords of seeking to frustrate the process of leaving the EU.It is the governments intention to ensure that does not happen. We will now aim to overturn these amendments in the House of Commons, he said.The bill is expected to return on March 13 to the elected lower chamber, where Mays Conservatives have a slim majority.With an eye on future parliamentary battles ahead, some Conservatives are urging a snap election to bolster Mays support among MPs.The government could face many close votes, concessions or defeats as it tries to implement Brexit, former leader William Hague wrote in the Daily Telegraph.However, changing the law to bring the election forward from 2020 would not be easy, and for now Downing Street is publicly ruling it out. May had urged the Lords not to amend the two-clause bill, saying it was designed only to implement the June referendum vote for Brexit.She had agreed to let parliament vote on the final terms of the divorce, including any new trade deal to compensate for Britain leaving Europes single market.But this vote would only occur if May accepted the agreement on offer, and she has warned she would rather walk away with nothing than accept a bad deal.Opponents fear this scenario would cause chaos, as all trade deals and contracts between Britain and its 27 former EU partners would become void overnight.The amendment says only parliament can make that call. Former Conservative minister Michael Heseltine was among 13 Tory rebels who backed the motion, put by the opposition Labour party.He warned the future was highly uncertain and lawmakers could not give the government a blank cheque.I must make clear that in accepting the mandate to negotiate our withdrawal from the European Union, I do not accept that the mandate runs for all time and in all circumstances, he said.But another Tory grandee, Nigel Lawson, said the amendment would allow parliament to prevent Brexit altogether by refusing to allow the UK to leave the EU without agreement.Last weeks amendment on EU nationals dashed Mays hopes of securing approval for the bill this week, ahead of an EU summit starting on Thursday.While she should be able to overturn it in the Commons, reports suggest she could face a rebellion of up to 20 of her Tory MPs on the amendment on a final vote.Among them is former minister Anna Soubry, who warned: If we are faced with a potentially catastrophic falling off a cliff, the least we can do is provide a parliamentary safety net.The government had one success on Tuesday, when an amendment on holding another referendum on the final Brexit deal was defeated by 336 votes to 131.

Arab League to resist embassies' move to Jerusalem


CAIRO (AFP) - Arab League foreign ministers adopted a resolution Tuesday against any attempt to move diplomatic missions to Jerusalem, following Donald Trumps presidential campaign pledge to move the American embassy in Israel.The status of Jerusalem is one of the thorniest issues in the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Israel occupied the West Bank and east Jerusalem in 1967, later annexing east Jerusalem in a move never recognised by the international community.The League considers setting up any diplomatic mission in Jerusalem or moving it to the city an explicit attack on the rights of the Palestinian people and all Muslims and Christians, Tuesdays resolution read.The resolution, which did not explicitly mention Trump or the United States which has its Israel embassy in Tel Aviv, was adopted unanimously adopted by the 22-member bloc.Moving diplomatic missions to Jerusalem would be a serious violation of international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention, and relevant Security Council resolutions, it said.The Palestinians regard east Jerusalem as the capital of their future state, while Israel proclaims the entire city as its capital.Departing from Washingtons long-standing position, Trump promised while campaigning to recognise Jerusalem as Israels capital and relocate the American mission there, drawing a fierce rebuke from Palestinian officials and concern from the European Union.Last month Trump said he would love to see that happen, and on January 29, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Trump to keep his promise.On Sunday, US Congressman Ron DeSantis, chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, met Israeli leaders to examine the possibility of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, Israeli officials said.Israels deputy foreign minister Tzipi Hotovely, who met DeSantis, said she was optimistic it would happen.The League resolution asked states and Arab League missions to monitor and follow up on any move to breach the Security Council resolutions and international law regarding moving diplomatic missions to Jerusalem.The foreign ministers also tasked the Arab Group of States in New York to study effective measures to counter any such move through the United Nations, including the security council.

At least four die in US train, charter bus crash


MIAMI (AFP) - At least four people died and dozens were injured when a train crashed Tuesday into a charter bus in the southern US state of Mississippi, authorities said.The crash occurred shortly after 2 pm (2000 GMT) at a railroad crossing in the Gulf Coast city of Biloxi, police chief John Miller said.Its a terrible, chaotic scene right now but we have it under control, Miller said at a news conference.He said the charter bus had traveled from Austin, Texas, and was probably headed to a casino in Biloxi.Three people died at the scene and a fourth person died later, fire chief Joe Boney told the local Sun Herald newspaper.Of the 43 people on the bus, 35 were injured, according to the newspaper.Craig Robinson, who said he witnessed the crash, told the Sun Herald that the bus appeared to be stuck on the train tracks for about five minutes before the train plowed into it.

Three out of five terrorists killed in Swabi identified


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) - Three out of five terrorists, who were killed in a gun battle with security forces in Swabi on early Tuesday morning have been identified.According to Inter Service Public Relations (ISPR) press release, three dead terrorists were identified as Majid alias Khalid r/o Menai Teh Topi Dist Swabi, TTP Swabi Chapter, Yousaf alias Chota Khalid r/o Malakabad Teh Topi Dist Swabi and Jawad r/o Malakabad. The identity of the remaining two terrorist is not yet known and they look like Afghan nationals.It was further revealed in the press release that the terrorists were planning to target educational institutions and judicial complexes.The clash took place when security forces conducted raid on a militant compound during an intelligence-based operation in Malikabad area near Swabi on early Tuesday morning.Pakistan Army captain Junaid and Sepoy Amjad also embraced martyrdom during exchange of fire with the terrorists.

Karachi: Three accused nabbed in police operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Crackdown against criminal elements in Karachi under National Action Plan (NAP) continues as police arrested three accused during operation in the city of Tuesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police conducted an operation in Baldia Ittehad Town area and apprehended three accused involved in street crime.The arrested accused were identified as Jannat Gul, Saeed and Danish and were wanted by police in several cases of street crime.According to SP Baldia, arms and narcotics were also recovered from their possession. Police have also registered a case against them and started investigation.

Wagner's early double rocks South Africa


DUNEDIN (AFP) - Neil Wagner made an impressive return to the New Zealand line-up Wednesday as South Africa struggled for runs in the opening session of the first Test in Dunedin.Showing no sign of discomfort from the finger he broke on his bowling hand five weeks ago, the South African-born bowler took two for 23 as New Zealand restricted his former countrymen to 63 for three at lunch. After being 22 for three at one stage, Dean Elgar and Faf du Plessis mounted a rescue mission with an unbeaten 41-run partnership. Elgar was not out 36 with du Plessis on 18. South Africa captain du Plessis snapped a run of 22 Tests in New Zealand where the skipper winning the toss has opted to bowl. But his decision to bat did not produce the runs he wanted as New Zealand extracted life from a dry wicket. After the first hour produced just 16 runs from 16 overs, Wagner came into his own with his first over when he took two wickets in five balls. The conditions would not normally suit Wagner, a short-pitched specialist, but he adjusted to a fuller delivery to bowl Hashim Amla for one and then made a ball rise to have JP Duminy caught off the gloves, also for one. Trent Boult, who claimed the first wicket with Stephen Cook lbw for three, had one for eight off nine overs.Boults regular new-ball partner Tim Southee has been dropped for the Test to make way for a second spinner in Jeetan Patel. Patel was introduced to the attack in the sixth over and extracted immediate turn as he delivered a tight 12 overs for 27 runs.

COAS calls on Qatar Prime Minister


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) - Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa, who is on an official visit to Qatar met Prime Minister of Qatar, Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani on Tuesday.According to Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the Prime Minister acknowledged Pakistans contributions towards development and growth of Qatar. He also hailed Pakistan Armys contributions towards regional peace. He said that people of Qatar greatly value people of Pakistan and trust their time tested commitment for working in Qatar. He expressed his desire to learn from Pakistan Armys experience in security domain and also seeking assistance during forthcoming Football World Cup in Qatar including provision of manpower.The Prime Minister also shared his desire to move forward with Pakistan on multiple fronts including cyber security, defence production and ease of travel. COAS thanked the Prime Minister for his expression and assured him all possible cooperation in the desired fields.General Qamar Javed Bajwa also met Commander Qatar Emiri Land Forces, Major General Muhammed Ali Ghanim Al Ghanim and Commander Qatar Emiri Guard, Major General Hazza Bin Khalil Al Shahwani.During his meeting with Major General Muhammed Ali Ghanim Al Ghanim, Commander Qatar Emiri Land Forces, the host appreciated Pakistan Armys professionalism and performance in ongoing fight against terrorism. He showed his interest for joint training and field exercises. COAS thanked the General while also assuring him to work for undertaking training cooperation. COAS also visited the Qatar Emiri Guard Headquarters and met Major General Hazza Bin khalid Al Shahwani. COAS visited Ahmed Bin Mohamed Military College where Pakistani tri services contingent of 166 members is imparting training.

International Women's Day is being observed today


LAHORE (Dunya News/Agencies) - International Womens Day is being observed across the world, including Pakistan today (Wednesday). It has been observed since the early 1900s and is now recognised each year on March 8.In Pakistan working women in formal and informal sectors celebrate International Womens Day every year to commemorate their ongoing struggle for due rights, despite facing many restrictions.International Women’s Day is a worldwide event that celebrates women’s achievements – from the political to the social – while calling for gender equality.International Womens Day, originally called International Working Womens Day, is celebrated on March 8 every year. It commemorates the struggle for womens rights.The first International Women’s Day was observed on February 28, 1909 in the United States following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America. International Womens Day was first observed worldwide as a popular event after 1977 when the United Nations General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for womens rights and world peace.

Football: Ramos, Morata strike as Real crush Napoli hopes


NAPLES (AFP) - Captain Sergio Ramos and Alvaro Morata struck one apiece as 11-time winners Real Madrid secured a seventh successive Champions League quarter-final berth with a clinical 3-1 win over Napoli on Tuesday.Real, who took a commanding 3-1 first leg lead at the Santiago Bernabeu last month, looked to be facing a tough night in Naples after Dries Mertens finished off a great attacking move to give the hosts a 24th minute lead.But Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri had warned of the threat from the worlds richest club, with the best players a day earlier.And Zinedine Zidanes Galacticos emerged from the half-time interval in far more clinical fashion. Ramos rose to head Real level six minutes after the restart and a second header which deflected off Mertens at Pepe Reinas near post gave the Spaniards a 2-1 lead by the 57th minute.Napoli saw late claims for a penalty waved away when Mertens tumbled in the box and suffered more woe in the first minute of added-on time when ex-Juventus striker Alvaro Morata came off the bench to hit their third for a 6-2 aggregate score.Napoli required nothing short of a miracle if they were to reach the last eight for the first time -- although a bright opening reflected a growing belief in the football-mad southern city the Azzurri could cause an upset.Maurizio Sarris men had 11 shots in the opening period, the most Real had seen in a Champions League game since facing 15 against Juventus in 2013.Mertenss deflected shot flew over the bar for a corner after Amadou Diawaras inch-perfect pass early on.But Napoli saw captain Marek Hamsik, Lorenzo Insigne and Mertens fail to beat Keylor Navas in the Real net before before the Belgium midfielder sent the stadium into raptures.On Reals first real foray, Luka Modric outmanoeuvred Kalidou Koulibaly to deliver a back-post cross that Reina collected after a mix-up between Ronaldo and Karim Benzema.Insigne, who caught out Real with a long-range drive in Madrid, came close to another long-distance goal with a dipping shot from 35 yards that forced Navas down low at his near post.Gareth Bale escaped down the right to deliver a cross that Kroos, from the edge of the area, volleyed straight at Reina.But Real were left ball-watching on 24 minutes after a slick passing move between Hamsik and Mertens that saw the Belgian run in to beat Navas at his bottom left corner.The San Paolo erupted, but relief reigned moments later when Ronaldo rounded Reina to see his low drive come off the base of the post.Napoli could have had a second but after being sent though by Mertens, Hamsik fired high and wide before seeing his shot from the right byeline blocked by Navas.When Hamsik gave away possession minutes after the restart, Toni Krooss dangerous cross to the back post was cleared by the head of Mertens.But danger of Hamsiks error became apparent when Ramos rose to meet Krooss corner to stretch the back of the Napoli net.After Allan was cautioned for a challenge that left Casemiro writhing in pain, the Brazilian was replaced by Marko Rog.But Napolis dream died a minute later. Kroos delivered again from the corner flag and Ramoss glancing header at the near post came off Mertens to leave Reina rooted to the spot.Napoli hit back, Rog setting up Hamsik for a cross that Navas got down low to smother.As Napoli tired in the closing minutes, Morata ran in to meet the rebound after Reina spilled a Ronaldo strike.

Football: Bayern humiliate Arsenal to reach Champions League quarters


LONDON (AFP) - Bayern Munich condemned Arsene Wenger to more humiliation as 10-man Arsenal were eliminated from the Champions League with a crushing 5-1 defeat amid furious protests against the beleaguered Gunners boss on Tuesday.Aiming to stage an incredible recovery from a 5-1 first leg deficit, Wengers side briefly looked capable of a famous escape act when Theo Walcott opened the scoring in the first half at the Emirates Stadium.But any hopes Wengers recent problems would be erased in historic fashion were brutally dashed by Robert Lewandowskis second half penalty and Laurent Koscielnys dismissal for conceding that spot-kick.Wenger cut a forlorn figure as Arjen Robben and Douglas Costa netted before Arturo Vidals double fired Bayern into the quarter-finals with a 10-2 aggregate victory.It was the first time Arsenal had conceded five at the Emirates and by the closing stages, there was a funereal atmosphere on an evening that started with Arsenal fans staging a protest march calling for Wenger to quit and ended with a chorus of boos and banners held up proclaiming: Enough is enough - Wenger out.It was yet another chastening experience in the Champions League for Wenger, who has now seen Arsenal eliminated in the last 16 for seven successive seasons.With their Premier League title hopes in tatters and even a top four finish far from guaranteed, Wengers 184th Champions League match as Arsenal boss may well prove to be his last as speculation grows that he will terminate his 21-year reign at the end of a wretched season.Having restored Alexis Sanchez to his team despite reports the Arsenal forward wants to leave after being dropped for Saturdays loss at Liverpool, it was a sign of the misery to come for Wenger when Danny Welbeck was taken ill in the pre-match warm-up, forcing Olivier Giroud into the line-up.Arsenal would have to make history to go through as no team in the Champions League era had overturned a four-goal deficit and many Gunners fans gave them no chance judging by the swathes of empty red seats around the Emirates.Even the stay-aways wouldnt have predicted such an embarrassing loss when Walcott struck in the 20th minute.Taking possession wide on the right flank, Walcott advanced unchecked by the ponderous Bayern defence and, from an acute angle, he unloaded a powerful strike that flashed over Manuel Neuers unconvincing attempted save and into the roof of the net.Walcott had a penalty appeal turned down after Xabi Alonso caught the winger and he was close to a second goal when he surged onto Shkodran Mustafis pass before firing into the side-netting.But Giroud, unmarked eight yards out, wastefully headed over from Aaron Ramseys cross early in the second half, and that would prove Arsenals final chance.When Lewandowski got behind Koscielny in the 55th minute, the Arsenal defenders panicked response was to trip the Pole, conceding a penalty and earning himself a red card.Lewandowski picked himself up to send David Ospina the wrong way with a clinical spot-kick and the Emirates immediately fell into anarchy.Faced with an inevitable exit, Wenger retreated to the dug out as insults rained down on him from frustrated fans, and his players waved the white flag as well.Fittingly, Bayerns second goal in the 68th minute came about after Sanchez was caught in possession on the edge of his own penalty area, with Robben gleefully picking the Chileans pocket before slotting past Ospina.That opened the floodgates and Costa curled home in the 78th minute before Vidal punished woeful defending to make it four two minutes later.With Arsenals players just waiting to be put out of their misery, Vidal waltzed through to make it five in the 85th minute and Wengers agony was complete.

Football: Barca can hit PSG for six, says Enrique


BARCELONA (AFP) - Outgoing Barcelona boss Luis Enrique claimed his side have the firepower to stick six goals past Paris Saint-Germain as they attempt to make Champions League history by overturning a 4-0 first-leg deficit on Wednesday.If they can score four goals against us, we can score six. We have nothing to lose and a lot to win, said an uncharacteristically buoyant Enrique on Tuesday.The fierce criticism that came Enriques way after their humiliation in Paris three weeks ago has eased after he announced last week that he will step down after three seasons as coach at the end of the campaign.Rather than show any ill-effects from Enriques decision, optimism in the Catalan capital of a stunning fightback has soared after thrashing Sporting Gijon and Celta Vigo 6-1 and 5-0 respectively in their last two outings.Despite the fact that the result from the first leg is very one-sided we are only halfway through the tie, added Enrique.In 95 minutes an infinite amount of things can happen. I am convinced that at some point we will be close to qualifying.That isnt to say we will do it, but that we will be close. And when you are close our confidence will soar and theirs could start to diminish.No team in the history of the Champions League has turned around a four-goal deficit.However, the statistics back up Enriques confidence.The results from more than a third of his home games as Barca coach would be good enough to at least force the game to extra time.That record includes all three of Barcas Champions League games this season as they dismantled Celtic (7-0), Manchester City (4-0) and Borussia Moenchengladbach (4-0).Luis Suarez was also bullish as he claimed if there is one team capable of mounting a historic comeback, it is Barcelona.We are aware that it is a difficult situation to turn the tie around, but in football nothing is impossible, said Suarez.We have to be convinced that we can do it. If there is a team that can score four goals, I think it is Barcelona but with our philosophy of how to play and controlling the game.However, the Uruguayan striker pleaded for patience from an expectant near-100,000 fans at the Camp Nou.An away goal for PSG would mean Barca would have to score at least six to have any chance of reaching the quarter-finals for a 10th straight season.We are aware that the game lasts 94 or 95 minutes and we have to be ambitious but also patient, said Suarez.We hope that the fans understand and we are the first ones that want to make history, but we have to play with a cool head.PSG coach Unai Emery recognised the French champions will have to stand up to an intimating mix of the Camp Nou crowd and a fearsome Barca frontline containing Lionel Messi, Neymar and Suarez.He called on his side to show the personality they demonstrated in tearing Barca apart at the Parc des Princes.In 90 minutes many things can happen because Barcelona are a great team, said Emery, who has lost on all his previous 11 trips to the Camp Nou as coach of Almeria, Valencia, Spartak Moscow and Sevilla.The difference tomorrow is the atmosphere. We had the fans in our favour in Paris, tomorrow they will be for Barca. We must be able to keep our personality and our idea ofhow to play.Barca are at full-strength with captain Andres Iniesta replacing either Rafinha or Ivan Rakitic likely to be the Enriques only change from the side that thrashed Celta at the weekend.Fit-again PSG captain Thiago Silva will return for the visitors in the only expected change from the first leg.

Tennis: Injured Serena Williams out of Indian Wells, Miami


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - World number one Serena Williams has pulled out of upcoming WTA tournaments at Indian Wells and Miami because of a knee injury, organisers said on Tuesday.A statement issued by BNP Paribas Open organisers in California quoted Williams as saying she was withdrawing because of a problem with her left knee.Sadly, I have to withdraw from the BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells and the Miami Open, Williams said.I have not been able to train due to my knees and am disappointed I cannot be there. I will keep moving forward and continue to be positive. I look forward to being back as soon as I can.Organisers of this weeks event in Indian Wells, which gets under way on Friday, said a revised draw would be issued later.Williamss withdrawal means Germanys world number two Angelique Kerber will take over the world number one ranking at the conclusion of the BNP Paribas Open, which ends on March 19.Williams, 35, has not played since defeating sister Venus in the final of the Australian Open in January to clinch a record 23rd Grand Slam singles title.The American star finished runner-up in the Indian Wells final last year, a tournament she only started playing again in 2015 after a 13-year boycott.Williams has long been a staple at the Miami Open, winning the tournament a record eight times with her most recent victory coming in 2015.This years tournament runs from March 21 to April 2.

Formula One: Golden oldie Massa fastest in second test


BARCELONA (AFP) - Williams ace Felipe Massa upstaged former world champions Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel on the first day of Formula Ones second pre-season test in Barcelona on Tuesday.The Brazilian posted the second fastest lap in five days of testing so far with a time of 1min 19.726sec.The 35-year-old had retired at the end of last season only to reverse his decision when Williams had a vacancy after Valtteri Bottas joined Mercedes.However, the 2008 world championship runner-up showed he is in fine shape by also completing 168 laps - the joint highest individual days mileage so far this season as Williams bounced back in style from their troubles in last weeks first test.Very good Day for us @WiliamsRacing, 168 Laps. Not Bad for a old and ex retire Driver, Massa posted on his official Twitter account.Red Bulls promise to up their speed from last weeks first test was also fulfilled as Daniel Ricciardo recorded the second fastest lap.In terms of where we were last week I feel like the car is starting to come alive more, said Ricciardo.We definitely feel we can still get more out of the car - I think everyone can - but its looking alright.Ferraris promising pace from the first test continued as Vettel was over half a second faster than Hamilton with both on the same soft tyre compound in third fastest.Vettel also logged a mammoth 168 laps as, unlike others, Ferrari suffered no reliability issues.Three-time world champion Hamilton was restricted to just 49 laps as warmer temperatures caused the normally bullet-proof Mercedes a few troubles.We had some damage to the floor this morning, which is why we stopped early. I sacrificed a little bit of my time to make sure Valtteris car was fixed for the afternoon, said the Englishman.Hamilton is predicting a tougher fight for the championship after Mercedes dominance over the past three years, but still expects to be at the front of the grid come the first race of the season in Melbourne on March 26.Im confident by Melbourne well have the best car we can. Well have all the upgrade parts, an understanding of the set-up and where we need to put the car to make it fastest, added Hamilton.When we left here last week it looked like Ferrari was our closest rivals, today Red Bull look quick.Its going to be interesting over the next few days and when we arrive in Australia. The field will be close, thats for sure.Bottas managed an extra 86 laps for Mercedes in the afternoon session, but was marginally slower than Hamilton to finish fifth on the day.At the other end of the paddock, McLarens troubles continued.Belgian rookie Stoffel Vandoorne posted 80 laps in 10th fastest, but only after another change of the faltering Honda engine.We had an electrical problem on the engine so Honda decided to swap the power units with another one, said McLaren racing director Eric Boullier.Its frustrating for everyone because we have a heavy test plan. Last week already we couldnt do everything we wanted so we had to tear up the plan for this week and now we have to again take off from the list a few items we will not test this week.

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