Saturday 18 March 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Pope to visit Egypt to meet imam, persecuted Copts


VATICAN CITY (AFP) - Pope Francis is to visit Cairo next month for talks with the grand imam of the capitals famed Al-Azhar mosque, but also to show solidarity with Coptic Christians targeted by violence in Egypt.The pontiff, co-invited by Egypts president for the April 28-29 visit, had hosted Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb at the Vatican last May, in a landmark meeting with one of Islams top clerics.That encounter was the culmination of a steady improvement in a relationship that had broken down because of a series of spats under Franciss predecessor Benedict XVI.The current pope has made interfaith dialogue and reconciliation a leading theme of his pontificate and has also overseen an improvement in relations with the Orthodox and Protestant wings of christianity.The Argentine pope has a long-standing invitation to visit Egypt, issued by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi when he met Francis at the Vatican in 2014.The pope will meet both the president and the grand imam, the Egyptian presidency said in a statement.It added that this important visit will contribute to reinforcing the message of peace as well as the spirit of tolerance and humanitys dialogue between all the religions and the rejection of... terrorism and fanaticism.Francis will become the second Roman Catholic pope to visit Egypt, following John Paul IIs historic trip there in February 2000.Relations were derailed under Benedict after rows over a 2006 speech in which he was seen as having linked Islam to violence and 2011 comments condemning an attack on a Coptic church in Alexandria which Al-Azhar denounced as meddling in Egypts affairs.

US issues trade challenge at fraught G20


BADEN-BADEN (AFP) - The United States on Saturday challenged long-standing global principles surrounding free trade, refusing to renew past anti-protectionist pledges and threatening to reopen negotiations on World Trade Organization deals.In a first sign of what Donald Trumps America First push spells for the world, finance ministers from the G20 group of developed and emerging nations failed to get Washington to sign off on a pledge to reject protectionism in a closing statement.Commitments of support to the existing multilateral trade system, including the World Trade Organisation (WTO), were also conspicuously missing from the final communique.And an entire section on action against climate change was dropped from the final document, sparking dismay among Americas partners as well as environmental activists.But Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin shrugged off the outcry.The historical language was not relevant and, what is relevant is what we agreed as a group: to strengthen the contributions of trade to our economies and we will strive to reduce excess global imbalances to promote inclusiveness and fairness and reduce inequality, he said.I think that accurately reflects what we as a group talked about.He stressed that what Washington seeks is free and fair trade that is good for both Americans and the world.But trade deals that currently exist are not always balanced, he said, warning that Washington will not hesitate to renegotiate them.We want to reexamine certain agreements, we have talked about reexamining NAFTA, he told journalists, referring to the North American Free Trade Agreement between Canada, Mexico and the United States.We think there are parts of the WTO (World Trade Organisation) that are not being enforced, and will look to aggressively enforce things in the interest of American workers, and to the extent the agreements are old agreements and need to be renegotiated, well consider that as well, he added.- Free but fair trade -=========================Carried to power on the back of a political storm over deindustrialisation in vast areas of the US, Trump vowed in his inauguration speech to follow two simple rules: buy American and hire American.His strategy includes threats to penalise companies that manufacture abroad by heavily taxing their productsSince taking office, Trump has also withdrawn the US from a trans-Pacific free trade pact and attacked export giants China and Germany over their massive trade surplusHis stance has been condemned by Washingtons trading partners, and led Beijing to issue a stern warning against sparking a trade war.Trump himself insisted at a tense Washington press conference Friday, following his first meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that Im a free trader but also a fair trader.He also rejected a description of his policies as isolationist.French Finance Minister Michel Sapin expressed regret that our discussions today were unable to reach a satisfying conclusion on two absolutely essential priorities, trade and climate.Our world and France would have liked to see the G20 continue to take firm and concerted action, he went on.Host German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble however struck a conciliatory tone, suggesting that Mnuchin was not empowered to act on some issues.- Cant happen again -========================The treasury chief himself acknowledged that environmental issues such as the 2015 Paris agreement were not in my trackPresident Trump is looking at the Paris treaty and other treaties and the administration will have views on that as they consider their policies, he said, adding that was more of an issue for G20 leaders and less of an issue for finance ministers.But activists say the exclusion of climate marked a new setback for environmental action, after Trump proposed to take the axe to green financing.Under his first national budget proposal, he suggested cutting financial resources for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by a third, as well as eliminating contributions linked to UN climate change programmes.On the campaign trail, Trump had threatened to pull the US out of the Paris Accord on combating climate change.The lack of attention to climate in the G20 finance statement is no doubt due to the Trump administrations irresponsible and isolated approach to climate change, said Li Shuo, senior climate policy advisor at Greenpeace East Asia.Other countries should not allow this to happen again, added Li.EU Economy Commissioner Pierre Moscovici acknowledged that it was a complicated meeting with a temporary conclusion that could be better but we are working on it.And I hope for a better conclusion in four months in Hamburg, he said, adding that given that it was the first contact with this new administration, it would have made no sense to enter into a fight.

Maxwell mocks Kohli's shoulder injury


RANCHI (AFP) - Australian allrounder Glenn Maxwell Saturday mocked India skipper Virat Kohlis shoulder injury as fiery exchanges between the two sides continued on day three of the third Test in Ranchi.Kohli had an injury scare on the opening day on Thursday after hurting his right shoulder while diving on the field in Australias first innings.The star batsman left the ground clutching his shoulder in pain but was later cleared by the Indian boards medical team as scans revealed no serious injury concerns.Kohli, who stayed out for 400 minutes due to the injury, came out to bat at his usual number four position only to be dismissed cheaply for six off fast bowler Pat Cummins.But Maxwell was seen imitating Kohli a ball before the batsman got out as he completed a successful chase on the boundary rope and held his shoulder with his arm.However Indian opener Murali Vijay played down the incident at the post-day press conference, insisting the the hosts want to keep their focus on the game.India ended day three on 360 for six, still 91 short of Australias 451.A lot of things are happening but we are really focused on the game. We have a match in hand, we have to go close to the target -- these are things running in our heads in the dressing room, said Vijay.All the players are aware of it (Maxwells mocking). Whatever they are doing, we take it sportingly. Theres going to be a second innings, so if they can take it that way, it would be great, Vijay added.Relations between the two teams have been on the boil since Kohli accused Australia and his opposite number Steve Smith of abusing the Decision Review System (DRS) during the second Test in Bangalore.Smith had looked up to the dressing room for guidance while mulling an lbw review and later termed it as brain fade but Kohli insisted the incident was not one-off.While the captains stuck to their respective versions, the cricket boards of the two sides closed the matter with a joint statement.The four-match series is tantalisingly poised at 1-1.

Tensions show as Trump and Merkel meet for first time


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Stark differences between President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on everything from trade to immigration were in full view during an icy first meeting at the White House Friday.In a frequently awkward joint press conference, Trump and Merkel showed little common ground as they addressed a host of thorny issues including NATO, defense spending and free trade deals.For most of the 30 minutes in the East Room, Merkel was stony-faced as Trump ripped into Washingtons NATO allies for not paying for their fair share for transatlantic defense and demanded fair and reciprocal trade deals.The veteran German chancellor had arrived at a snowy White House hoping to reverse a chill in relations after Trumps incendiary election rhetoric.The visit began cordially, with the pair shaking hands at the entrance of the White House.But later, sitting side-by-side in the Oval Office, Merkels suggestion of another handshake went unheard or ignored by Trump -- an awkward moment in what are usually highly scripted occasions.There was never going to be an easy rapport between the cautious German chancellor and impulsive US president.For years, Merkel -- a trained physicist -- had been president Barack Obamas closest international partner, with the two sharing a strong rapport and a similar deliberative approach.Before coming to office in January, Trump had set the tone by calling Merkels acceptance of refugees a catastrophic mistake and suggested she was ruining Germany.In a similar vein, Merkel has sought to remind -- some in the White House would say lecture -- the real estate mogul about democratic values.Comments like that have prompted some of Trumps fiercest critics to declare Merkel the new leader of the free world -- a moniker normally taken up by the occupant of the White House.During the press conference, Merkel said its much, much better to talk to one another and not about one another, and I think our conversation proved this.But even the lighter moments were tinged with tension.Amid a furor over Trumps unfounded allegations that he was wiretapped by Obama, the new president cracked a joke referring to past revelations that Merkels phone had also been bugged by his Democratic predecessor.As far as wiretapping, I guess, by this past administration, at least we have something in common perhaps, he said.Merkel appeared not to find the humor in what had been a major political scandal.And neither side tried to make small talk about Trumps own background.His family hails from Kallstadt, a tidy village nestled in southwest Germanys lush wine country. His grandparents left for America more than a century ago fleeing poverty and later, after a brief return, trouble with the law.- Voice of Europe -===================Although Trump has tempered his criticism of NATO and the personal attacks against European leaders, officials still fret that Trump has too closely embraced the nationalist ideology of key advisor Steve Bannon.Bannon has championed trade protectionism and opposed the European Union and other multilateral institutions that underpin the world order.Trump on Friday pledged to respect historic institutions but Bannon, also in the East Room, gave a chuckle as Merkel was asked whether she believed Trump had lied and treated the European Union disrespectfully.Trump insisted he was not isolationist, saying: Im a free trader but also a fair trader.Merkel rejected Trumps suggestion that individual European countries should negotiate free trade deals with the United States, rather than under existing EU-US negotiations.I hope we can come back to the table and talk about the agreement between the EU and US, she said.Trump departed Washington later Friday, arriving in Florida where he will spend the weekend at his Mar-a-Lago estate, accompanied by his youngest son Barron, wife Melania and the first ladys parents.

Will return to Pakistan soon, says ex-President Musharraf


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Pervez Musharraf addressed the workers convention of All Pakistan Muslim League on Saturday. The retired general told that he would be returning to Pakistan soon.Ex-President told that all other political parties of the country were nationalists. He was taken on video call by the workers convention at a local hall in Karachi.VIDEO: APML Workers Convention“APML is a party that represents the whole country”, he said. Pervez Musharraf addressed the party workers and told them to open offices in different areas of Karachi, especially with Urdu-speaking majority.“We have to unite for Pakistan’s best interests”, he added.

Security forces detain 35 suspects in search operations


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) revealed that as many as 35 suspects were arrested in the last twenty four hours as Operation Radul Fasad continues against terrorists.As per details, at least six operations were carried out based on the intelligence reports, during the last twenty four hours as thirty-six cordon and search operations were also carried out meanwhile.Apart from 35 suspects being apprehended, ammunition, passports and international currency was also recovered during these operations.ISPR also revealed that Rangers, police and intelligence agencies carried out combined operation in D G Khan, Rahim Yar Khan, Islamabad, Attock and Rawalpindi.The apprehended suspects also include an Afghan national.

Karachi: Sajjada-Nasheen of Dargah Nizam ud-Din Aulia resurfaces


KARACHI: (Dunya News) – Dargah Nizam ud-Din Aulia Sajjada-Nasheen on Saturday arrived in Karachi along with his companions. The Indian citizens were missing for several days, reported Dunya News.Sajjada-Nasheen Asif Nizami and his companion Nazim Nizami had lost contacts with their families three days ago. The information was provided to Indian High Commission in Islamabad, who informed Pakistani authorities about the situation.The religious figures were looked for in Sindh and Punjab for three days but they surfaced in Karachi on Saturday evening.The sources told that Asif Nizami had gone to interior Sindh to see his disciples and there is no mobile network available there. Both the people are now in Karachi. Asif Nizami and Nazim Nizami will leave for India on March 20.

Land scandal case: Justice Mansoor forms judicial commission for probe


LAHORE: (Dunya News) – Chief Justice Mansoor Ali Shah has on Saturday formed a judicial commission to investigate the biggest land scandal in Pakistan’s history. The story of the land scandal involving 193,000 kanals of land was broken by Dunya News.Chief Justice Mansoor Ali Shah formed the commission under the headship of Lahore Session Judge Abid Hussain Qureshi. The other members of the commission include retired session judge Syed Nasir Ali Shah, Javed Rasheed Mehboobi and Zawaal Shah.The commission will complete the investigations regarding the fake judicial decisions in the land scandal within one month. Its first meeting will be held on March 20. It will recommend the action against the perpetrators.

Provocative speech, attack on media: Qamar Mansoor's bail approved


KARACHI: (Dunya News) – Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Qamar Mansoor’s bail pleas have been accepted in five cases on Saturday including the facilitation of provocative speech, attack on media houses and others, reported Dunya News.In its report submitted before the anti-terror court today, police expressed its helplessness in arresting the suspects in the case. The court accepted the bail pleas of Qamar Mansoor and handed the investigations of three cases, including the provocative speech case, to Malir SSP Rao Anwar.The three cases registered in Site Super Highway, Quaidabad and Steel Town have been shifted to Malir district. MQM leaders Dr Farooq Sattar, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, MQM founder and other suspects are currently fugitive.The court has postponed the hearing till April 18. Talking about the cases, Rao Anwar said that arrests will be made if need be. “Investigations will be on merit; whoever turns out to be innocent will be released”, he said.Police also submitted its report regarding declaring Dr Farooq Sattar and Amir Khan as ‘wanted’ under sections 87 and 88. The report says that police tried its best to arrest the two MQM leaders and even published ads in newspapers but failed to arrest them.The report further states that the details of the declared and undeclared properties of the suspects have also been obtained. It added that the fugitive leaders weren’t cooperating with police deliberately.

NAB gives a clean chit to Islamabad Metro bus project


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – After a thorough investigation, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has given a clean chit to Islamabad metro bus project, reported Dunya News.NAB officials confirmed that the accounts of Chairman Islamabad Bus Authority Hanif Abbasi and Punjab Chief Secretary Zahid Saeed were thorough checked in order to trace any kind of corruption.The officials also revealed that record of the accounts were also obtained from the State bank of Pakistan, however no evidence regards to corruption came into notice.According to NAB officials, the initial inquiry into Metro bus project was started after complaints were lodged by the inquiry commission regards to the matter.However, no evidence of any kind of corruption in the mentioned project could be found.It is worth mentioning here that the Punjab Chief Secretary was serving as Commissioner Rawalpindi when the project was under process.

New challenge for Karachi mayor as property leasing authority reduced


KARACHI: (Dunya News) – Karachi Mayor Waseem Akhtar has on Saturday been dealt another blow as Sindh government put a limit to his authority to lease the municipal corporation property. Now he’ll be able to lease the property for a maximum of one year, reported Dunya News.According to the notification issued by Sindh government, the authority to lease municipal corporation property has been limited to just one year.The auction of the property will be subject to prior approval of the government and only the provincial government will be able to lease a property for a over a period of one year.

Some MQM people were involved in violence in past: Farooq Sattar


KARACHI: (Dunya News) – Two of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leaders have on Saturday admitted on Dunya News what MQM had been denying for the last 33 years. They admitted that MQM had been involved in target-killing and extortion in the past, reported Dunya News.Talking on two different programs of Dunya News, two of MQM’s doctors, Dr Farooq Sattar and Dr Ishrat ul-Ibad, admitted the oft-repeated allegations on the party. While one of them admitted that some of the party members were involved in target-killing, the other accepted that some were also involved in extortion.The history of Karachi’s largest political party has been marred with violence, aggression and murder, admitted two of its senior most members.Former Sindh Governor Dr Ishrat ul-Ibad was the first to admit all this. Later, Farooq Sattar, talking to Masood Raza on the program Mahaaz, said that violence was never the party policy but some people have been involved in violence. He complained that his party wasn’t being accepted even after ‘Minus-1’.

Sattar should be believed about separation with London: Khurshid Shah


SUKKUR: (Dunya News) – Opposition Leader in National Assembly Syed Khurshid Shah has on Saturday said that Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Dr Farooq Sattar should be believed when he says that the party has parted ways with London, reported Dunya News.Talking to media, Khurshid Shah said that Farooq Sattar’s arrest was a wrong decision. “He should be believed when Farooq Sattar says that his party has parted ways with London”, he said.Responding to a question, Shah said that if the Election Commission’s decision is challenged, Chief Justice must decide within three days.The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader said that the rulers didn’t like to accept the judiciary’s decisions. “If the decision suits them, it’s good but if it isn’t, they attack the court”, he said.

NADRA demands Rs 10 per SMS for census data verification


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – It was reported on Saturday that National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) demanded Rs 10 per SMS for verification of data collected through nationwide census 2017.The authority’s database contains about 130 million people. Considering the large number, it has demanded a hefty sum of money for data verification.Census 2017: Head-count begins across countryAlso, NADRA officials stated that verification of record of all citizens was impossible, adding that NADRA verification could be used in cases of doubt. Its database can prove fruitful in the nationwide census.Sources told that the procedure of verification was being settled. It is expected that instead of verifying all the data, only the information of suspicious persons would be overviewed.

Sarfraz's performance is exemplary for all: Kamran Akmal


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Kamran Akmal praised the newly appointed ODI skipper Sarfraz Ahmed in his recent interview. “Sarfraz Ahmed’s performance is exemplary for all”, he added.The right-hand batsman admitted that his brother Umar Akmal had failed the fitness test. He said, “Things like these happen. Umar Akmal had been dropped from West Indies tour on the basis of his performance in fitness test.Also, the highest run scorer of PSL 2017 specially admired both Misbah ul Haq and Younis Khan. He told that they were superb in terms of performance and fitness. “They shouldn’t be judged on their age”, he added.VIDEO: Interview with Kamran Akmal

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