Friday 17 March 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Trump administration appeals block of revised travel ban


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Trump administration on Friday appealed a Maryland courts block of its revised travel ban, aiming to reinstate the temporary halt to immigrants and visitor arrivals from six majority Muslim countries.The Justice Department filed a notice of appeal with the district court in Greenbelt, Maryland, two days after that court and one in Hawaii dealt a new blow to the White Houses travel ban, both ruling that it discriminated against Muslims.The case now goes to a federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia.Trump has said a travel ban is needed to preserve US national security and keep out extremists.His first effort, in January, banned travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries and all refugees but was blocked by a court in Washington state on the grounds that it violated the constitutions prohibition of religious discrimination.That block was upheld on appeal, and the administration said it would revise the ban to better adhere to the law.But the new ban has run into the same problems.It aims to close US borders to nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, and all refugees for at least 120 days. Iraq was on the original ban but removed in the revision.The White House said the six countries were targeted because their screening and information capabilities could not meet US security requirements.While the ban does not mention Muslims, the courts have accepted arguments that Trumps statements while he was running for president last year that he would open his White House term with a ban on Muslim arrivals effectively defined his approach.Arguing the case in Hawaii, Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall said of Trumps comments: There is a difference between a president and a candidate.This order doesnt draw any religious distinction at all, he added.The American Civil Liberties Union had filed the lawsuit in Maryland on behalf of several refugee assistance groups and was optimistic about its chances in the appeals court.President Trumps Muslim ban has fared miserably in the courts, and for good reason -- it violates fundamental provisions of our constitution, said Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLUs Immigrants Rights Project.We look forward to defending this careful and well-reasoned decision in the appeals court.

Iraq forces seize ground in Mosul Old City


MOSUL (AFP) - Iraqi forces said Friday they had seized ground inside Mosuls Old City, a district expected to see some of the fiercest clashes in the battle for the jihadist stronghold.An operation began on February 19 to retake Mosuls west, the last major Islamic State group urban bastion in the country, which includes the Old City.Iraqi forces have since retaken several neighbourhoods despite bad weather that has hampered air support. But as they close in on the ancient central district they face particular difficulties.Hundreds of thousands of civilians are believed to be trapped under IS rule in the warren of densely populated, narrow streets which restrict the use of large armoured vehicles.Federal police commander Lieutenant General Raed Shakir Jawdat said Friday that Iraqi forces backed by artillery and drones had advanced in the district.Federal police and Rapid Response units imposed their complete control over the Al-Basha Mosque... and the Bab al-Saray market in the Old City, he said.The two sites lie on the edge of the district in the heart of Mosul, next to the Tigris river that slices the city in two.Further west, forces from the elite Counter-Terrorism Service have pushed into the Al-Rissala and Nablus quarters, senior commander Staff Lieutenant General Abdulghani al-Assadi said.The situation is good, he said.The fall of Mosul, Iraqs second city, would be a major setback for IS following months of losses in Iraq and neighbouring Syria.Mosul has huge symbolic significance for the group: it was from the Old Citys Al-Nouri mosque that its secretive chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared the establishment of his caliphate in July 2014.Iraqi forces backed by an international US-led coalition launched a vast, long-awaited operation in October to oust the jihadists from Mosul, completing their recapture of the east in January.Since launching their assault on the western sector, Iraqi forces have taken several districts and key buildings including the headquarters of Nineveh provinces regional government and a railway station.But the United Nations has warned that the exodus of tens of thousands of west Mosul residents could overwhelm aid groups trying to help them.The number of people is higher than expected, Lise Grande, the UNs humanitarian coordinator in Iraq, said. If the pace accelerates further, its going to stretch us to the breaking point.Iraqs Ministry of Migration and Displacement says more than 150,000 people have so far fled their homes in Mosuls west, with two-thirds taking refuge in camps near the city where they receive food, blankets and foam mattresses.Grande said the UN was concerned for the plight of people still trapped inside the city, forced to choose between staying amid the fighting or risking being targeted by jihadists if they decide to flee.We fear the civilians there might be trapped in an extremely difficult situation, she said.The Reach Initiative, a group that helps aid groups collect data on humanitarian crises, said the situation in west Mosul was severe to extremely severe.In areas still under (IS control), there is no access to markets and people are surviving on depleting food and water stocks, without access to electricity, fuel and healthcare, it said.

Tensions show as Trump, Merkel meet for first time


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Stark differences between President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on everything from trade to immigration were in full view during an icy first meeting at the White House Friday.In a frequently awkward joint press conference, Trump and Merkel showed little common ground as they addressed a host of thorny issues including NATO, defense spending and free trade deals.For most of the 30 minutes in the East Room, Merkel was stony-faced as Trump ripped into Washingtons NATO allies for not paying for their fair share for transatlantic defense and demanded fair and reciprocal trade deals.The veteran German chancellor had arrived at a snowy White House hoping to reverse a chill in relations after Trumps incendiary election rhetoric.The visit began cordially, with the pair shaking hands at the entrance of the White House.But later, sitting side-by-side in the Oval Office, Merkels suggestion of another handshake went unheard or ignored by Trump -- an awkward moment in what are usually highly scripted occasions.There was never going to be an easy rapport between the cautious German chancellor and impulsive US president.For years, Merkel -- a trained physicist -- had been president Barack Obamas closest international partner, with the two sharing a strong rapport and a similar deliberative approach.Before coming to office in January, Trump had set the tone by calling Merkels acceptance of refugees a catastrophic mistake and suggested she was ruining Germany.In a similar vein, Merkel has sought to remind -- some in the White House would say lecture -- the real estate mogul about democratic values.Comments like that have prompted some of Trumps fiercest critics to declare Merkel the new leader of the free world -- a moniker normally taken up by the occupant of the White House.During the press conference, Merkel said its much, much better to talk to one another and not about one another, and I think our conversation proved this.But even the lighter moments were tinged with tension.Amid a furor over Trumps unfounded allegations that he was wiretapped by Obama, the new president cracked a joke referring to past revelations that Merkels phone had also been bugged by his Democratic predecessor.As far as wiretapping, I guess, by this past administration, at least we have something in common perhaps, he said.Merkel appeared not to find the humor in what had been a major political scandal.And neither side tried to make small talk about Trumps own background.His family hails from Kallstadt, a tidy village nestled in southwest Germanys lush wine country. His grandparents left for America more than a century ago fleeing poverty and later, after a brief return, trouble with the law.Although Trump has tempered his criticism of NATO and the personal attacks against European leaders, officials still fret that Trump has too closely embraced the nationalist ideology of key advisor Steve Bannon.Bannon has championed trade protectionism and opposed the European Union and other multilateral institutions that underpin the world order.Trump on Friday pledged to respect historic institutions but Bannon, also in the East Room, gave a chuckle as Merkel was asked whether she believed Trump had lied and treated the European Union disrespectfully.Trump insisted he was not isolationist, saying: Im a free trader but also a fair trader.Merkel rejected Trumps suggestion that individual European countries should negotiate free trade deals with the United States, rather than under existing EU-US negotiations.I hope we can come back to the table and talk about the agreement between the EU and US, she said.Trump departed Washington later Friday, arriving in Florida where he will spend the weekend at his Mar-a-Lago estate, accompanied by his youngest son Barron, wife Melania and the first ladys parents.

Rebel missile attack kills 26 Yemen soldiers in camp


ADEN (AFP) - A rebel missile attack killed at least 26 members of pro-government forces in a camp Friday east of the Yemeni capital Sanaa, hospital officials in the town of Marib said.A loyalist military source said the attack, targeted the mosque at Kofel camp in Marib province during Friday weekly prayers.The attack was carried out with Katyusha-type rockets, said a military official in Marib.Shiite Huthi rebel-controlled news agency Saba said rebels had carried out the attack.It said the main weapon used was Zelzal-1 Iranian-made missiles and it was followed by artillery fire.Dozens of bodies of burned soldiers were evacuated from the site, it said, without mentioning that a mosque had been hit.Pro-government forces have retaken large parts of Marib province from Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels since the March 2015 launch of a Saudi-led intervention in favour of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.

Flash floods hit Peru, stranding thousands


LIMA (AFP) - Torrential rains triggered flash floods in the Peruvian capital Lima, stranding thousands of people Friday and forcing rescuers to find ways to evacuate them across roads turned to raging rivers.After weeks of heavy rain, some residents on the outskirts of the capital of 10 million people awoke Friday to the realization their bedrooms were filling with water.Others found themselves cut off by mudslides that blocked portions of the main highway linking Lima to the center of the country.In one dramatic scene, rescuers used zip lines to help residents of Limas Huachipa neighborhood escape over the torrid river of brown water that was once their street, as it swallowed up cars and trucks.Three people were killed in a flood in the La Libertad region in northern Peru, bringing the number of deaths in natural disasters this year to 65.The floods have been triggered by El Nino, a warming of surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean that wreaks havoc on weather patterns every few years.This year it has hit Peru particularly hard.Its a difficult situation, theres no doubt about it. But we have the resources to deal with it, said President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.The government announced it would release 2.5 billion soles ($760 million) in emergency funds to rebuild affected areas.

Planes collide over Canada shopping mall, killing one


MONTREAL (AFP) - Two small planes collided mid-air over a busy Canadian shopping mall Friday, killing one pilot and injuring the other but miraculously avoiding numerous casualties, police said.One of the planes crashed into the roof of the Promenades Saint-Bruno mall -- about 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) east of Montreal -- while the other fell into the parking lot, 20 meters (65.6 feet) from one of the main entrances.One of the pilots was killed and the other was seriously injured, said police spokeswoman Nancy Colagiacomo.The two planes were Cessna 152 aircraft belonging to the nearby Cargair flight school, said Canadas transport safety authority, which has opened an investigation.The cause of the accident, which happened in sunny, still skies over one of the largest malls in the area, was not yet known.In an extract of conversations between the control tower and the pilots, obtained by the TVA network, the controller asks one of them to turn left to avoid traffic.Are you listening? repeats the controller to the pilot, telling him he is only 800 meters from the other plane.The two planes were heading for Saint-Hubert airport -- where the Cargair flight school is also based -- less than 400 meters as the crow flies from the shopping center.

Tennis: Federer to face Sock after ailing Kyrgios withdraws


INDIAN WELLS (AFP) - Roger Federer reached the 10th Indian Wells Masters semi-final of his career by walkover on Friday as Australian Nick Kyrgios withdrew from their highly anticipated quarter-final with food poisoning.Federer, a four-time champion in the California desert, will take on 17th-seeded American Jack Sock, who toppled fourth-seeded Kei Nishikori of Japan 6-3, 2-6, 6-2.Unfortunately I am unable to play today due to sickness, Kyrgios said on Twitter. At this stage we think its food poisoning, and Im praying its nothing more.Kyrgios had been due to face Federer after knocking out Novak Djokovic in the last 16 on Wednesday.The Australians illness is a cruel twist of fate for the talented 21-year-old, who has shown signs of finally starting to deliver on his promise in recent weeks after a young career marked by controversy.His stylish win over Djokovic was the second time in as many weeks he had beaten the former world number one after also defeating the Serb in Acapulco.In his statement on Friday, the world number 16 said he had taken the decision to pull out in California with a heavy heart.After a restless night of being sick I have nothing left and to play a great champion like Roger I need to be at my best to have a chance, Kyrgios said.I dont take this decision lightly, these are the matches we train for, but Im in no fit state to take to the court, he added.Im sorry to the fans... but I have to put my health first and I hope you understand.Federer, meanwhile, tweeted his support to the Australian youngster.Hope you feel better @NickKyrgios, said the Swiss ace, who took the court briefly on Friday to speak to disappointed fans.I was actually really looking forward to the match, said Federer, who had looked sharp in a 6-2 6-3 dismantling of Rafael Nadal in the fourth round -- a reprise of his thrilling five-set victory over his old foe in the Australian Open final.Federers 18th Grand Slam title in January came after a frustrating 2016 campaign marred by injury.I think the six months off last year was really difficult, Federer said. I played one tournament where I felt normal. All the other tournaments either I was sick, hurt or injured.To be back on court feeling normal again is so nice, you feel just happy and fresh and I think it translates also to my game. I can play freely, take chances like I have nothing to lose -- it might be one of the first times in a long, long time I feel this way.That could be bad news for Sock, whose victory over fifth-ranked Nishikori was his first career win over a top-five player.The American is ranked at a career-high 18th in the world after titles at Auckland and Delray Beach this year.But hes had to battle to get this far in Indian Wells, where he saved four match points against Grigor Dimitrov in the third round and was two points away from defeat against Malek Jaziri in the fourth.After saving two break points in the opening game of the match, Sock broke Nishikori for a 2-0 lead and that was enough to give him the set.Nishikori responded in the second with breaks in the fourth and eighth games to level the match, but Sock broke him to open the third to take control.Sock out-lasted Nishikori for a decisive break in the fifth game, the Japanese star succumbing after fending off four break points.

Football: Stage set for 'classic' as Real draw Bayern


NYON (AFP) - Holders Real Madrid will face Bayern Munich and a reunion with master Carlo Ancelotti after Zinedine Zidane got his wish and avoided Leicester City in Fridays Champions League quarter-final draw.Leicester will play Atletico Madrid -- a massive challenge, said Leicester manager Craig Shakespeare -- and the Italian and Spanish champions clash with Juventus drawing the miracle men of Barcelona.The final tie in Europes premier club competition pits Manchester Citys slayers Monaco against Borussia Dortmund.Zidane, Ancelottis assistant when Madrid won their 10th European Cup in 2014, said: It will be master against pupil for sure.I learned a lot from him, he is a great person and we all know what we did here.Bayern boss Ancelotti is similarly relishing their reunion and a return to the Bernabeu in the pick of the last-eight pairings.It is going to be exciting to play against them. We are very confident and want to win the Champions League this season, said the Italian, who also won the European title twice with AC Milan.Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge anticipates a classic between the two footballing superpowers when they go head to head over two legs next month.All football fans in the world can look forward to it, the prolific former Germany striker said.But not everyone was so enthused.It is one of the worst draws we could have got without a doubt, but it is also for them, said Real Madrid director Emilio Butragueno.We would have liked to have faced them further on in the competition. The whole world will be watching these two games.Leicester, making their debut in the Champions League and rank outsiders, will have to upset the European elite all over again after landing last years beaten finalists in the draw in Nyon, Switzerland.British bookmakers promptly slashed the odds, making Atletico Madrid third favourites to lift the trophy in the June 3 final at Cardiff, behind favourites Barcelona and Bayern.The Foxes, who last month sacked Claudio Ranieri despite him masterminding their unlikely charge to last seasons Premier League title, will travel to the Spanish capital for the first leg.Diego Simeones Atletico have reached the Champions League final in two of the last three seasons, losing to city rivals Real on both occasions, last year on penalties.Atletico Madrid are a very good team with some fantastic individuals with experience in the competition, but well be ready to give everything to progress, said Shakespeare, whose side are fighting for their lives at the wrong end of the Premier League.It will be a brilliant occasion for our supporters and for everyone at the club but, before the players can begin to think about these games, we have Premier League matches to come that are of huge significance to our season.Juventus captain Gianluigi Buffon was another who had said he wanted to avoid the enthusiasm of Leicester.He might now wish otherwise after they were paired with Barcelona and the competitions top marksman Lionel Messi.Barcelonas dramatic comeback from 4-0 down in the last 16, crushing Paris Saint-Germain 6-1 in a Neymar-inspired rout in the return fixture at the Camp Nou, was a chilling reminder of their potency.You need to be at your best for 180 minutes or more to overcome Barca, warned Juventus vice-president and former midfield general Pavel Nedved.But the Italians will have a whiff of revenge in their nostrils for their narrow 2015 final defeat against Barcelona.Its a fascinating tie. Juve have improved a lot since 2015 and this team can play without fear against Barcelona, Nedved added.Monaco stunned Manchester City in the last round and the French side, full of exciting young talent and goals -- they are they highest scorers in Europes top leagues -- face another goal-machine and a Monaco old boy in Borussia Dortmund predator Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.I saw Monacos match against Manchester City and I am aware that they have a goal difference of plus 58 in the league. Its a difficult match, said Dortmund chairman Hans Watzke.Monaco admitted that they could have had a worse draw but coach Leonardo Jardim said the Germans would have the edge.Dortmund are used to playing at this level, were not. But well play our own game, try and win it our way, said the Portuguese.The quarter-final first legs will be played on April 11-12 and the second legs on April 18-19.

Football: Man United draw Anderlecht in Europa League last eight


NYON (AFP) - Manchester United will face Belgian club Anderlecht in the Europa League quarter-finals after Fridays draw in Nyon, which saw Frances Lyon land Turkish champions Besiktas.Jose Mourinhos side are the only English club left in the competition after labouring to a 2-1 aggregate win over Russian side FC Rostov in the last 16.United are favourites to win the competition for the first time in Solna, Sweden on May 24 which could earn them a passage into next seasons Champions League, a fact not lost on Juan Mata, who scored Uniteds winner against Rostov.I still think we have the chance to get to the Champions League through the Premier League. I still think we can win a lot of games and get into the third or fourth positions, he said.But we will take it very seriously. Its very important - it could be one more trophy and it means we play Champions League.Anderlecht president Roger Vanden Stock said the United tie was the hardest possible draw for us but believes his side can pull off an upset.You never know, we didnt think we would beat Zenit either, he said referring to the away goals win over the Russians.Its a team at Champions League level with a lot of qualities. If we were to qualify, I would light a few candles.Anderlecht coach Herman van Holsbeeck was also looking on the bright side of a tough draw.It is of course a very nice fixture. A unique opportunity for our players to take on such a team and show themselves in Europe.It will be the fourth meeting between the sides, with United winning the three previous ones.Their record European victory was against Anderlecht, a 10-0 rout at Old Trafford in the European Cup preliminary round in 1956.Anderlecht are currently top the Belgian league ahead of the play-offs.Spanish sides have won seven of the last eleven second-tier European titles and hopes of further domination rest on Celta Vigos shoulders as they take on Belgian club Genk.Two former winners were pitched together as Dutch giants and 1992 champions Ajax face Germanys Schalke 04, who won in 1999, in home and away ties to be played on April 13 and 20.Schalkes Dutch striker Klass-Jan Huntelaar, formerly of PSV Eindhoven, tweeted Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, to show his delight at landing his former rivals.Lyon are seen as second favourites behind United to lift the trophy after overcoming AS Roma and were upbeat despite a tough draw.Theyre a great team and therell be an amazing atmosphere, said Lyon advisor Bernard Lacombe.Besiktas director Ali Naibi warned: Playing the second leg in front of our own crowd will help. Lyon have experienced and talented players, so itll be difficult.

Golf: Hoffman shoots 66 to seize lead at Palmer event


MIAMI (AFP) - Charley Hoffman fired a six-under-par 66 Friday to seize a one-shot lead after the second round of the Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill while Rory McIlroy continued to struggle.The 40-year-old American opened with a bogey but recovered with seven pars to stand on 10-under 134 after 36 holes at the famed Orlando course where Palmer, the golfing legend who died last September, hosted the US PGA event for many years.If you get in the fairway you can sort of attack, Hoffman said. The greens are surprisingly receptive. You can shoot at some of those pins that in the past you havent and I was able to take advantage of it. A pretty solid round. Im pretty happy. I hope I can keep it going the next few days.Hoffman finished one stroke ahead of Argentinas Emiliano Grillo -- who had two eagles, two birdies and two bogeys in a round of 68 -- and two in front of Britains Matthew Fitzpatrick, who had shared the 18-hole lead with Grillo.Northern Irelands McIlroy, preparing for his bid at a career Grand Slam in three weeks at the Masters, fired a 71 Friday to stand 11 adrift on 145.McIlroy, a four-time major champion, opened on the back nine with back-to-back bogeys, sending his first tee shot way left and his second into a fairway bunker.The world number three birdied the par-5 12th, sank a 30-foot eagle putt at the par-5 16th, then sent his tee shot at the par-3 16th into the water on the way to a double bogey.McIlroy, 27, completed the roller-coaster opening nine with a nine-foot birdie putt at 18 before closing with eight pars and a birdie at the par-5 fourth.World number two Jason Day of Australia was in a pack on 141 shooting 71 Friday, a nine-foot eagle putt at 16 his highlight.Hoffman, at Bay Hill for the first time since 2013, seeks his fifth US PGA crown and his first since last Aprils Texas Open.After his first-hole stumble when he was short of the green on his approach, Hoffman sank a 37-foot birdie putt at the fifth and birdied the par-5 sixth and par-4 ninth. He birdied the 11th, dropped a 32-foot birdie putt at 13, added another birdie at 16 and birdied 18 for the second day in a row, hitting a 10-foot putt to end his round.Its playing good and you can make some putts, Hoffman said. But I expect its going to firm up this weekend.Hoffman also paid tribute to Palmer, whose memory lingers this week after decades as the US face of golf, making the sport popular on television and becoming a sports marketing pioneer in the process.He was what we all wanted to be, a favorite of the fans, Hoffman said. He paved the way for all of us.Grillo, who started on the back nine, holed out from 35 yards on a bunker shot to eagle the par-5 12th and four holes later sank a 25-foot shot from off the green for another eagle.Fitzpatrick, a 22-year-old Englishman, sank a 25-foot birdie putt at the 10th and closed with back-to-back birdies to stay on Hoffmans heels.It was a good day, Fitzpatrick said. I didnt feel quite as in control of the golf ball as I did yesterday but I made a couple of good putts coming in and made a good score.

Williamson falls as South Africa apply pressure


WELLINGTON (AFP) - Kane Williamson again fell cheaply as South Africa ramped up their dominance in the second Test against New Zealand on day three in Wellington on Saturday.At lunch, New Zealand were 55 for two, still 36 runs in arrears after the South African first innings closed at 359 in the third over of the day.With Williamson removed for one following another low score by Tom Latham, New Zealand were 26 for two, leaving Jeet Raval and debutant Neil Broom to try to get them out of the hole.Raval was on 21 and Broom, who went for a duck in the first innings, was faring better with an unbeaten 20.Williamson, on whom so much depends in a New Zealand side and even more so without Ross Taylor for support, failed for a second time in the match when he was caught behind for one.The New Zealand batting ace is ranked the worlds second best Test batsman behind Australia captain Steve Smith but his form has deserted him in Wellington.In the first innings he was lbw for two, and in the second he feathered Morne Morkel to Quinton de Kock on the sixth ball he faced.The touch was so faint it eluded umpire Kumar Dharmasena but it was detected by the hotspot technology.Opener Tom Latham faced 15 balls before he went for six to go with his eight in the first innings and 10 in Dunedin.South Africa resumed the morning at 349 for nine and added a further 10 runs in three overs before Jeetan Patel shut them down when he bowled Morkel for 40.Patel had a chance to end it with the fourth ball of the first over but wicketkeeper BJ Watling was too busy appealing for a non-existent catch that he overlooked Morkel was out of his crease and a stumping chance was missed.Vernon Philander, who joined Morkel in a record 10th wicket partnership for South Africa against New Zealand of 57, was not out 37, two runs short of becoming the sixth South African to complete the 100 wickets and 1,000 runs Test double.

Fourth death anniversary of MM Alam today


LAHORE (Dunya News) - The fourth death anniversary of the 1965 war hero Muhammad Mahmood Alam, popularly known as MM Alam, is being observed today (Saturday).Alam was the eldest son of 11 siblings who was born in Calcutta on July 6 1935. He was brought up in Bengal, India but after Indo-Pak separation in 1947 his family migrated to the then called East Pakistan, now Bangladesh. Alam was granted commission in PAF (then RPAF) on October 2 1953.Alam is considered a national hero for Pakistan, most significantly, for his remarkable show of brilliance in the 1965 Pak-India war when he was posted at Sargodha. During this war he was involved in various dogfights while flying his F-86 Sabre fighter. He downed as many as nine Indian aircraft including six Hawker Hunters in the aerial fighting, and damaged two others.In one mission on 7 September 1965, Alam downed five Indian aircraft in less than a minute, the last four within 30 seconds, establishing a world record, with total of nine aircraft downed in the war.In 1982, Alam retired from PAF as an Air commodore and took up residence in Karachi. Alam died in Karachi on 18 March 2013 at age 77.

Census 2017: Head-count to begin today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The first phase of the 6th population census exercise continues in 63 districts across the country. House listing in the first phase of Census 2017 has been completed while head-count will start today (Saturday), Dunya News reported.As per the census calendar, during the first phase the census would be conducted in 16 districts of Punjab province, eight districts of Sindh, 14 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 15 districts of Balochistan, five districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and five districts of Gilgit Baltistan.For the first time, transsexual people will be counted separately. The forms had been printed well in advance of court decisions to include them in the count. Now enumerators have been informed that those surveyed will have three numeric choices for their gender: 1 for men, 2 for women, 3 for those who declare themselves transsexuals.According to Chief Census Commissioner Asif Bajwa, it was ultimate goal of the PBS to make the census process transparent and internationally acceptable and credible, so mechanism has been devised in a way to ensure its validity and credibility. He informed the media persons that only ball point would be used for filling the forms.Responding to a question, he said that if any house was missing in the house-listing operation they could access PBS through helpline for inclusion of that house in the process.….With input from APP.

Shakib, Mosaddek put Bangladesh on top


COLOMBO (AFP) - Shakib Al Hasan struck his fifth Test century and Mosaddek Hossain scored a fifty on his debut to put Bangladesh in control of the second Test against Sri Lanka in Colombo Friday.The visitors were all out for 467 runs to establish a 129-run lead in the first innings over their Sri Lankan hosts, who were bowled out for 338 on the previous day at the P. Sara Oval.Sri Lanka reached 54-0 at stumps on the third day with both openers Dimuth Karunaratne and Upul Tharanga unbeaten on 25 to reduce the gap to 75 overnight.Shakib made 116 and received strong support from Mosaddek (75) and skipper Mushfiqur Rahim, who scored 52 as Bangladesh put in one of their most impressive batting performances in their 100th Test match.The Bangladeshi lead looked like it was going to be even bigger at one stage before Sri Lankan skipper Rangana Herath polished up the last three wickets for 13 runs and finished with 4-82.Herath -- Test crickets most successful left-arm spinner -- in the process became only the second Sri Lankan after Muttiah Muralitharan to claim 1,000 first-class wickets.Left-arm spinner Lakshan Sandakan also impressed among the Sri Lankan bowlers, finishing with figures of 4-140.It was Sandakan who ended Shakibs 131-run seventh wicket stand with Mosaddek when the Bangladesh talisman lofted a catch to Dinesh Chandimal at midwicket.Skipper Mushfiqur earlier shared a 92-run sixth wicket partnership with Shakib to help revive the tourists innings after a shaky end to their run chase on day two.The visitors lost three wickets in the space of seven balls in the final half-hour on Thursday but Mushfiqur was his usual composed self on Friday morning as he brought his 17th Test half-century with a glorious off-drive off Dilruwan Perera through extra cover.Mushfiqur survived a close shout for lbw after completing his fifty before Lakmal broke through his defence with an in-swinger that kept low.Shakib, who rushed to 18 off eight balls on Thursday afternoon, completed his 50 off 69 balls with a single off Lakmal after surviving a run out while on 40.I had the chance to rethink about my batting overnight, Shakib said about his changed approach on the third day.I looked at the innings of (Dinesh) Chadimal, the way he batted in the first innings. There was a lot to learn from him, he said, referring to the Sri Lankan batsmans 138-run innings that lifted his side from 70-4 to 338.He hit 10 boundaries overall in his 159-ball innings, bringing up his century by sweeping Dilruwan Perera to the boundary.Mosaddek then added 33 runs with Mehedi Hasan (34) to stretch Bangladeshs advantage before Herath underlined his quality.Bangladeshs innings ended when Mosaddek was stumped by wicketkeeper Niroshan Dickewella after hitting seven fours and two sixes in his debut Test knock.

India reply strongly after Smith's epic knock


RANCHI (AFP) – All-rounder Glenn Maxwell hailed his awesome skipper Steve Smith after the duos 191-run partnership helped Australia post a formidable first innings total against India in the third Test in Ranchi Friday.Maxwell, returning to the five-day side after nearly three years in the wilderness, cracked his maiden Test century on day two but it was Smiths unbeaten 178 that was the bedrock of the tourists 451.Opener Lokesh Rahul led Indias strong reply in the final session with the hosts ending the day on 120 for one. India still trail the visitors by 331 runs.Murali Vijay (42) and Cheteshwar Pujara (10) were batting at the break after Rahul was out caught behind for 67 off fast bowler Pat Cummins.Rahul, who hit 9 fours in his 102-ball stay, registered his fourth fifty of the series to put on 91 runs with opening partner Vijay.But it was the epic partnership between Smith and Maxwell that steered Australia to the highest total of the series so far after the visitors resumed the day on 299-4.I think we were 4-140 and luckily I had Steve at the other end who is quite experienced, Maxwell told reporters.He probably lifts the team to another level because he makes the game look so easy.We watch him play and everyones in awe of the way he goes about it.So hes a guy that people feed off. And hes a very inspirational leader with the way hes gone about his career, Maxwell said of his skipper who is the worlds top-ranked Test batsman.Left-arm spinner Ravindra Jadeja claimed his eighth five-wicket haul in his 29th match to return with figures of 5-124.Jadeja ran out last man Josh Hazlewood (0) to deny Smith the chance of posting the second double century in his 53rd match of his career.Smith though registered the highest score by an Australian captain on Indian soil after surpassing Michael Clarkes 130 in Chennai in the 2012-13 series.It was an especially satisfying innings for the Australian captain after the build-up to the match had been dogged by accusations that he had systematically abused the decision review system (DRS) in the last Test.The 28-year-old Maxwell set the tone for Australias continued dominance with his first Test ton in just his fourth game since making his debut in 2013.The right-handed allrounder, known for his explosive limited-overs exploits, was delighted to make an impression in the five-day format.I was so happy to be able to walk back on the field with the Australian Test team with the Baggy Green cap on, said an elated Maxwell.I know how bad it felt when I played that last game in Dubai (in 2014) and didnt play again... I just wanted to make it count, every opportunity I get.Indias plight was deepened by the absence of skipper Virat Kohli who has been off the field since Thursday afternoon with an injured shoulder.While vice-captain Ajinkya Rahane stood in as skipper, Kohli is expected to don the pads and bat in what remains a crucial Test for the hosts.Fast bowler Umesh Yadav, who took three wickets, said that Kohli is fit to play after having taken to the nets and added that the pitch has more runs to offer.Difficult to stop runs on this wicket. They took four-and-half sessions to score 450. Its a 100-run-a-session wicket. We also made 120 today...Plus minus 20-30 runs, but well try to get there, said Yadav.The series between the worlds top two sides is tantalisingly poised at 1-1 with India needing at least a draw to have any chance of winning back the Border-Gavaskar Trophy.

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