Wednesday 8 March 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Iraq forces hunt for bombs, jihadist holdouts in Mosul


MOSUL (AFP) - Iraqi forces worked to clear bombs and flush out any remaining jihadists in retaken areas of west Mosul Wednesday to set the stage for an offensive against the Old City.Supported by US-led air strikes, the forces have made steady progress in their battle to seize Iraqs second city from the Islamic State group, announcing the recapture of three more areas on Wednesday.IS overran large areas of Iraq and Syria in 2014, with its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declaring a cross-border caliphate in his last public appearance at a Mosul mosque in July that year.A US official Wednesday said Baghdadi was no longer in Mosul, and that the hunt for the enigmatic figure is being led by groups outside the US-led anti-IS coalition, including US special operations forces.Iraqi forces launched the massive operation to retake Mosul on October 17, first recapturing its eastern side before setting their sights on its smaller but more densely populated west.The jihadists are under mounting pressure from twin US-backed ground offensives targeting Mosul and their other main stronghold, Raqa in Syria.They have fought back with suicide car bombs, roadside bombs, snipers and weaponised drones.Iraqi forces have recaptured a series of neighbourhoods in Mosul as well as the provincial government headquarters and the museum where IS militants infamously filmed themselves destroying priceless artefacts.The focus on Wednesday was on clearing the newly retaken areas and defusing bombs in booby-trapped houses, said Lieutenant Colonel Abdulamir al-Mohammedawi of the elite Rapid Response Division.The battle for the Old City may see some of the toughest fighting in west Mosul.The liberation of the city centre is a first and very important step for beginning the liberation of the Old City, Mohammedawi said, referring to an area near the Old City that Iraqi forces have recaptured in recent days.The Old City is a very difficult area of narrow streets and closely spaced houses, he said.Hundreds of thousands of civilians are believed to still be trapped under jihadist rule in the Old City.Iraqs Joint Operations Command (JOC) said Wednesday the elite Counter-Terrorism Service had recaptured the neighbourhoods of Al-Mansur, Al-Shuhada al-Oula and Al-Shuhada al-Thaniya in west Mosul.It said soldiers and pro-government militiamen had retaken Badush prison northwest of Mosul where IS reportedly killed up to 600 people execution-style and also were said to have held more than 500 kidnapped women from the Yazidi minority.The JOC did not specify whether anyone was still being held at the prison when it was recaptured.The fighting in the citys western districts has forced more than 51,000 people to flee their homes, says the International Organization for Migration.But 750,000 people are believed to have remained in west Mosul under IS, whose fighters have used civilians as human shields to defend themselves from approaching forces.We couldnt go outside because of the IS fighters, said Manhal, a 28-year-old resident of Al-Danadan, a district now under Iraqi control.Those who went out were taken hostage. The fighting was very violent. Mortar rounds fell on our roof and inside our yard, he added.Federal police said anti-IS forces were now setting up defences in recaptured areas of Mosul as they eyed the next phase.Berms and barriers were set up to protect (the) forces and they began search operations in Al-Dawasa and Al-Danadan and Al-Agaidat areas to find (IS) remnants to prepare for the completion of offensive operations, said Lieutenant General Raed Shakir Jawdat.In neighbouring Syria, a US-backed alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters has been advancing on Raqa and on Monday they reached the Euphrates River cutting the main road to the partly IS-held city of Deir Ezzor downstream.Turkish troops and their Syrian rebel allies meanwhile have pushed south from the Turkish border and driven IS out of the northern town of Al-Bab.Russian-backed government troops have swept eastwards from Syrias second city Aleppo and seized a swathe of countryside from the jihadists.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said heavy Russian bombing struck IS positions near the town of Al-Khafsah, where regime forces retook a key water pumping station the day before.State television said more than 260 explosive devices had been defused at the pumping station as the area was cleared for work to start on restoring water to Aleppo city.An AFP correspondent saw dozens of trucks and cars full of suitcases and bedding waiting on the road between Al-Khafsah and the town of Manbij.The shelling began and we fled -- wherever we found somewhere safe, wed settle there, said Abu Hammoud, an elderly man who left his home near the pumping station.We need help for the children. Theyre sleeping in the open air. Theres no food here. Everyone can see us, but no one is doing anything.

New round of Syria talks set for March 23: UN envoy


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Syrias government and opposition groups are invited to resume peace talks in Geneva on March 23, the UN envoy said Wednesday, as the United States pledged support for the negotiations.Staffan de Mistura announced the date after reporting to the Security Council on the results of the last round of talks on ending Syrias six-year war.My current intention is to bring the invitees back to Geneva for a fifth round, with a target date of the 23rd of March, he told reporters after the meeting.The new round will focus on governance, constitutional process, elections and counter-terrorism and there may also be discussions on reconstruction, said De Mistura.The European Union and the United Nations will host a conference in Brussels on April 5 on Syrian reconstruction but the assistance will only start flowing once a political transition is in place.US Ambassador Nikki Haley told reporters after the meeting that the new US administration supports the Syrian peace process and wants the talks in Geneva to continue.This is very much about a political solution now at this point and that basically means Syria can no longer be a safe haven for terrorists, she said.Weve got to make sure that we get Iran and their proxies out, she added.Russia and Iran are backing President Bashar al-Assad militarily in the war against a myriad of opposition fighters backed by Turkey, the United States and Gulf countries.We are going to continue to watch the process, but its one that we support and one that we want to see a solution to, she said.Russia, Turkey and Iran are expected to convene a new meeting in the Kazakh capital of Astana to prepare for the Geneva talks.Previous rounds of peace talks have hit a wall over the future role of Assad, accused by the West of stoking the violence that has left 310,000 dead since March 2011.The UN envoy sounded cautiously optimistic, saying that while there were no miracles during the last round, we achieved much more than many people had imagined we could have.No one left. Everybody stayed. They were focused. We got an agenda. We got a timeline and we got some agreement, even on substance, he said.

Britain's Johnson backs two-state solution on Mideast trip


RAMALLAH (AFP) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson said Wednesday his government remained committed to a two-state solution to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict as he visited for talks with leaders from both sides.His comments came with US President Donald Trump casting uncertainty over the Wests long efforts to foster a two-state solution.Trump backed away from the US commitment to a two-state solution when he met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House in February, saying he would be open to a single state if it led to peace.The policy of our government in the UK is absolutely unchanged, Johnson told reporters in Ramallah after meeting Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Malki on his one-day visit.We remain committed to a two-state solution, to that vision, for the resolution of this conflict. You know, I really think it is possible.However, he said he believed the new administration in Washington represented an opportunity.There is a willingness to look at things with fresh eyes, and what it will require is leadership on both sides -- leadership and vision and courage, he said.Johnson later met Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in Ramallah and was to hold talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem in his first working visit since taking over as foreign secretary in July.He met Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, whose role is mainly ceremonial, earlier in the day.Johnson also received a briefing from anti-settlement NGO Peace Now on Israeli settlement building, a British embassy official said on condition of anonymity.Israeli settler leaders had also called for Johnson to meet with them, but the official said the brief visit allowed no time to do so.Johnson criticised Israeli settlement building in his comments in Ramallah, but also spoke out against Palestinian violence.There is of course the need for the Israeli people to feel that they can live in security without the fear of terrorism and violence, he said.But on the other hand, its vital too that obstacles such as the accelerating pace of settlement building, the accelerating pace of demolitions, which we also discussed.The gaffe-prone Johnson stirred controversy when he visited Israel in November 2015 while still mayor of London by calling those advocating a boycott of the country over its occupation of Palestinian territory corduroy-jacketed lefty academics.Afterwards, a number of Palestinian groups refused to meet him and he was informed his comments had led to additional security risks if he were to visit the West Bank.He however still met with Palestinian prime minister Rami Hamdallah.Britain voted in favour of a UN Security Council resolution passed in December demanding a halt to settlement construction. The vote prompted Israel to temporarily scale back relations.But Britain refused to sign the final statement of a Middle East peace conference held in Paris in January that was strongly opposed by Israel.Netanyahu met British Prime Minister Theresa May in London in February, saying at the time that all responsible nations should back new sanctions against Israels arch-foe Iran.

Women's rights protesters rally in New York, Washington


NEW YORK (AFP) - Throngs of demonstrators, mostly women and many wearing red, rallied in New York and Washington on Wednesday to protest against President Donald Trumps policies toward women on International Womens Day.In New York, nearly 2,000 people gathered on an unseasonably warm day at the edge of Central Park two blocks from Trump Tower, the Republican presidents long-standing New York home and headquarters of his property company.Red was everywhere, in a hat, bandana or coat, while others wore the pink pussy hats that came to symbolize the giant womens march on Washington the day after Trumps January 20 inauguration.From the podium, Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour and a range of other community activists exhorted demonstrators to keep resisting and keep motivated. Another New York rally is scheduled Wednesday night.Arielle Datz, who works in publishing, said she took the day off -- dubbed Day Without a Woman -- to take part in the demonstration and described the speeches as very inspiring.We hope it wont be four years... but we will keep it up as long as we have to, she told AFP in reference to Trumps four-year term.Many men also were protesting, such as Corey Ford, who closed his small venture capital firm to take to the streets.Fifty percent of our team, eight employees, and 50 percent of the CEOs of our companies are women, he said. This is a womens demo, anti-Trump is part of it but its not all of it.In Washington, at Lafayette Park across from the White House, many of the several hundred demonstrators carried signs decrying Trumps order blocking US aid to foreign nonprofits that provide or actively promote abortions.Donald Trump has got to go and This is what democracy looks like the crowd chanted.Susanne Lowen, a 55-year-old baker, decried the presidents plan to link foreign aid to a prohibition against disseminating information on birth control as cruel and immoral.Plenty of anger was also directed at other Trump administration policies.Sheila Collins choked on her words when she tried to explain the many reasons she was protesting, ranging from Trumps refusal to release his tax returns to controversial statements by cabinet officials like Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.Every day I wake up thinking, this cant be real, said the 40-year-old marketing director with a sign that read Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Vote.They are doing things to undermine our democracy, she said.As the crowd streamed into Lafayette Park, knots of demonstrators broke off and paused to take selfies with the White House as a backdrop.Police officers clad in black, several on bicycles, discreetly eyed the crowd from a distance.For demonstrator Tess Thapalia, 20, the main issue was what she described as reproductive justice.These are our bodies. And we decide what to do with them. For anyone else to say what to do with them is truly shameful, said Thapalia, a college student from New York.

20 teenage girls die in Guatemala shelter blaze


SAN JOSE PINULA (AFP) - At least 20 teenage girls died Wednesday in a fire in an overcrowded Guatemala shelter for children under government care, following an overnight rebellion against staff accused of sexual abuse.All those killed were aged between 14 and 17.For the moment we have confirmation of 20 girls killed, the secretary general of the public ministry, Mayra Veliz, told reporters.Seventeen of the bodies were charred. The condition of the other two victims was unknown. We havent yet processed all of the scene, Veliz said.The fire broke out in the adolescent female wing of the state-run Virgin of the Assumption Safe Home.The facility, built in 2006, is located in San Jose Pinula, a village 10 kilometers (six miles) east of the capital Guatemala City.The blaze was believed to have started during disturbances in the packed center, which holds nearly double the 400 people it was designed to house.Guatemalan media said the shelters occupants had revolted overnight and into Wednesday against alleged sexual abuse by staff, and over poor food and conditions.The United Nations childrens fund UNICEF called the fire and the deaths a tragedy. It added in a Twitter post that these children and adolescents must be protected.Another 25 people were injured, suffering first-, second- and third-degree burns, according to the firefighting service. They were taken to hospitals in Guatemala City.The center, supervised by state authorities, hosts minors under age 18 who are victims of domestic violence or found living on the street.They are sent there by court order and are under the responsibility of the social welfare ministry.The shelter has been the target of multiple complaints alleging abuse. Dozens of children have run away in the past year, reportedly to escape ill treatment inside.Guatemalas prosecutor for upholding childrens rights, Hilda Morales, told reporters she was requesting the shelter be closed due to welfare authorities inability to manage it.We are going to ask for the immediate closure of the center, and attribute administrative and criminal responsibility against those in charge of the center for not fulfilling their duty, she said.She noted that last year the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights had found in favor of several adolescents who had alleged maltreatment and sexual abuse in the shelter.She stressed that those sent to the center should receive better protection than in their families where they were abused.Another prosecutor tasked with protecting children in the country, Harold Flores, told the radio station Emisoras Unidas that since last year complaints had surged against the shelter over minors fleeing to escape alleged sexual abuse there.He said an investigation was underway to find the reasons and those responsible for Wednesdays tragedy.In Guatemalas Congress, lawmakers held a minute of silence for the victims of the fire before demanding those in charge of the center be dismissed.

South Africa all out for 308 in New Zealand


DUNEDIN (AFP) - Neil Wagner ignited an inspired New Zealand fightback to end the South Africa first innings at 308 on day two of the first Test in Dunedin on Thursday.The last six wickets fell for 56 runs, with the innings mopped up five overs after lunch, following South Africa resuming the day at 229 for four.Wagner started the rout in the 13th over of the day with the removal of South Africas batting mainstay Dean Elgar for 140.He caught the edge of Elgars bat three times in a barrage of bouncers with one ball sailing over the slip cordon and one falling just short of Ross Taylor at first slip before the third nick went straight to wicketkeeper BJ Watling.Elgar had added 104 runs from the time he was dropped by Watling on the first day and also posted his hishest Test score, surpassing the 129 he scored against Sri Lanka two months ago.Temba Bavuma, who put on 104 with Elgar for the fifth wicket, was the first of three wickets on day two for Trent Boult who finished with four for 64.Wagner took three for 88 and Jeetan Patel two for 85 including Quinton de Kock for the third time in as many innings this tour, restricting the usually prolific batsman to 10.

Oil prices fall to 2017 low as US petroleum supply surges


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices slumped to their lowest level of 2017 Wednesday following a bearish US supply report that also dented American petroleum-linked shares.The US oil benchmark, West Texas Intermediate, slid more than five percent to $50.28 a barrel, its lowest price since December. International oil benchmark Brent also ended the day at a low for 2017.The retreat in oil prices came on a choppy day for global stocks, with US equities finishing mostly lower, Asian markets mixed and European equities close to flat.US stocks have been under pressure all week in a retreat seen as a consolidation after Wall Street set multiple records last week.US investors also have questions about an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike next week, and doubts about whether President Donald Trump can rapidly enact tax cuts and other key aspects of his agenda.With the Q4 2016 profit-reporting period behind us, investors are now focusing on the nations capital for possible trend-altering events, and are unnerved by what they see, said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA.Oil prices have held solidly above $50 a barrel throughout the first part of 2017, a move that has incentivized US shale producers begin to ramp production back up after a two-year slump in oil prices.But US Energy Departments inventory report Wednesday showed a hefty increase of eight million barrels in petroleum stocks in the latest week, with higher domestic production and increased stockpiling at the closely-watched Cushing, Oklahoma trading hub.People are nervous because they dont understand where all this oil is coming from, said Phil Flynn of the Price Futures Group. Is it US production, is it imports, is it because OPEC is not joining in? Because of these fears people are getting out of the market.The sharp drop in oil prices dented leading petroleum-linked stocks, pushing both the Dow and S&P 500 into negative territory. ExxonMobil and Chevron both shed almost two percent and Halliburton tumbled 3.2 percent.The dollar pushed higher against the euro ahead of a European Central Bank meeting at which monetary policymakers are expected to resist calls to end a flood of cheap money.The euro could get a bounce if the ECB hikes its economic forecasts, yet ECB chief Mario Draghi will most likely talk down the currency and that could erase any earlier gains, predicted BK Asset Management managing director Kathy Lien.Meanwhile, British finance minister Philip Hammond predicted the economy would grow by 2.0 percent this year -- much higher than the governments previous 1.4-percent GDP forecast.He also said that Britain would borrow far less this year than predicted last year.But the pound still fell against the dollar, reflecting anxiety towards the next step in Britains divorce from Europe, noted Lien. Prime Minister May has vowed to activate Article 50 of the EUs Lisbon Treaty in the next three weeks.Investors remain nervous about holding sterling ahead of the potential trigger of Article 50, Lien said.

Football: Barca hit PSG for six in historic late fightback


BARCELONA (AFP) - Sergi Roberto scored in the fifth minute of stoppage time as Barcelona capped a sensational Champions League fightback to thrash Paris Saint-Germain 6-1 and reach the quarter-finals on Wednesday.Despite Luis Suarezs early opener, a Layvin Kurzawa own goal and Lionel Messis penalty, Barca, who lost the first leg 4-0, looked down and out when Edison Cavani volleyed home what seemed to be the vital away goal for PSG.However, Neymar restored Barcas belief as he firstly fired home a sensational free-kick two minutes from time and then converted from the penalty spot.And Roberto capped the biggest comeback in Champions League history when he stretched to turn home Neymars dinked cross to the delight of a near 100,000 at a rocking Camp Nou, making the score 6-5 on aggregate.I threw myself at it with everything, Roberto told BeIN Sports Spain.We left Paris very down and now this is incredible. We were prepared for all this. The fans were like 10 extra players and in the end this is all for them.Teammate Ivan Rakitic added: Its crazy. After Paris, many people spoke hard about our team but tonight was special, we made history. We know we are the best team in the world.Barca also enter the record books by reaching the quarter-finals for a 10th straight season.PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi was blunt in his summary.Its a nightmare for everyone. Three goals in seven minutes is very difficult. Everybody is upset but now is not the time to talk about it.Outgoing Barca coach Luis Enrique warned the French champions on Tuesday that his side were capable of scoring six and they needed the full 95 minutes to pull of a miracle revival.No side had ever come back from a 4-0 first leg deficit in the Champions League, but after much pre-match hype of a historic turnaround, Barca truly believed when Suarez opened the scoring after just three minutes.The PSG defence was stationary as Marquinhos headed Rafinhas cross high into the air and Suarez nipped in ahead of the flapping goalkeeper Kevin Trapp to nod in despite Thomas Meuniers best efforts to clear off the line.In a role reversal from the first leg, Barcas high pressing wasnt allowing the visitors any respite, whilst PSG failed to take advantage of the huge spaces in behind the Barca defence on the counter-attack.Neymar was inches away from delivering a spectacular second when he drilled just wide from well outside the area before Trapp easily collected a Suarez effort from an acute angle.However, Barcas hopes were further raised five minutes before the break thanks to more shambolic PSG defending.Andres Iniesta reached Suarezs hopeful through ball and his backheel provoked Kurzawa into shanking the ball into his own net on his weaker right foot.The second period started just as the first ended as Barca edged closer to the history books when Neymar was clipped by the prone Meunier and, after consultation with one of his assistants, German referee Deniz Aytekin pointed to the spot.Messi made no mistake with the penalty to rifle home his 11th Champions League goal of the season.Only when 3-0 down did PSG begin to come out in search of the crucial away goal and were nearly rewarded immediately as Meunier got to the by-line and his low cross was turned onto the post by Cavani.The Uruguayan had to wait just 10 minutes more, though, to find the net.Kurzawa made amends for his earlier error by heading down a free-kick and Cavani connected sweetly on the volley to register his 38th and seemingly most important goal of the season.PSG were then to rue to huge missed chances to put the tie completely beyond Barca.Firstly, Cavani should have had his second as he was played in by Draxler, but this time Marc-Andre ter Stegen stood up to block with an outstretched leg.PSGs two-goal hero from the first Angel di Maria had started on the bench, but the former Real Madrid man should have rubbed salt in Barcas wounds five minutes from time when he somehow skewed wide with just Ter Stegen to beat.Just when Barca looked down and out Neymar restored hope when he curled home a sensational free-kick high into the top corner.And as the match entered stoppage time, Barca were awarded a second controversial penalty when Suarez tumbled under a challenge form Marquinhos.Neymar this time took responsibility to send Trapp the wrong way.And the Brazilian also showed a cool head amongst a mad final minute when he cut inside before chipping into the box for substitute Roberto to extend his right leg just enough to beat Trapp and leave PSG floored.

Football: Aubameyang hat-trick fires Dortmund into quarters


DORTMUND (AFP) - A hat-trick by Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Christian Pulisics dazzling display fired Borussia Dortmund into the Champions League quarter-finals with a 4-0 thrashing of Benfica on Wednesday.The result saw Dortmund win the round-of-16 tie 4-1 on aggregate after Aubameyangs early goal cancelled out Borussias 1-0 defeat in Lisbon last month.The Gabon hot-shot has now scored seven times in his last three games and has seven Champions League goals in as many matches this season.He is on 28 goals for the season as Dortmund reached the last eight in Europe for the first time since 2013/14.But it fell to US international Pulisic, who only turns 19 in September, to net the Germans crucial second on 59 minutes, which put Dortmund ahead for the first time on aggregate.Pulisic, in for injured Germany winger Marco Reus, claimed his first Champions League goal and set up Aubameyangs opening goal in an impressive all-round display.After Kostas Mitroglou sealed Benficas 1-0 first-leg victory, Dortmund took just four minutes to cancel out the advantage.Ousmane Dembeles corner was flicked on by Pulisic to Aubameyang, who headed home at the far post to delight the sell-out Signal Iduna Park crowd.It was redemption for the Gabon striker, who had a night to forget in the first leg, missing four clear chances including a penalty in Lisbon.After a strong start from the hosts, Benfica clawed their way back with captain Luisao heading straight at Dortmund goalkeeper Roman Burki from a free-kick midway through the half.Dembele showed his youth, needlessly picking up a booking from English referee Martin Atkinson late in the first half for bitterly complaining after conceding a free-kick with a push on Andreas Samaris.Benfica grew in confidence as the half wore on and Dortmunds defence wobbled, but it finished 1-0 at the break.Dortmund had a big let-off soon after when Lukasz Piszczek failed with a clearance, which Franco Cervi snapped up on the edge of the box, but his shot was blocked.Aubameyang then squandered three golden chances at close range before Pulisic finally got the breakthrough.The US starlet chipped his shot over the advancing Ederson on 59 minutes after Piszczeks superb pass into the area.Aubameyang grabbed his second just two minutes later when he stabbed home Marcel Schmelzers pass.He hit his third goal of the night on 85 minutes when Erik Durms run and cross from the right handed him a simple tap-in.

Football: City fail to fire in Stoke stalemate


MANCHESTER (AFP) - Pep Guardiola saw his team squander the opportunity to gain ground on Premier League leaders Chelsea in a disappointing 0-0 draw with Stoke City at the Etihad on Wednesday.It was a strangely subdued performance by City, the result perhaps of Guardiola having opted to rest David Silva and Raheem Sterling from his all-star cast of attacking talent.But given the fact that City had the chance to close the gap to Chelsea to eight points and move above Tottenham into second place, Guardiolas players were well below their best.In fact, the best chances of the first period fell to Stoke, led by former City manager Mark Hughes, who were looking to improve on a record of defeats in five of their last six away games.They could have been well on the way to that target after just five minutes when Eirk Pieters crossed from the left wing and Gael Clichy slipped as he attempted to mark Mame Biram Diouf on the six-yard line.Fortunately for the City defender and the home supporters, Clichy still managed to provide an obstacle and Dioufs shot lacked the power to beat Willy Caballero in goal.Another good attack saw Saido Berahino, starting his first game for Stoke since his controversial transfer from West Brom, play in Ramadan Sobhi, who might have won a penalty had he gone down under a challenge from Nicolas Otamendi, but played on and had his cross cut out by the goalkeepers outstretched leg.Soon after Phil Bardsleys free-kick into the City area picked out the unmarked Bruno Martins Indi although the big Stoke defender was unable to control the ball.As the half wore on City began to exert more control but without providing visiting keeper Lee Grant with too many moments of concern.Aleksandar Kolarov came closest to scoring for City in that period with a superbly judged free-kick which rose and dipped over the Stoke wall and required Grant to punch away to safety.But all too often City seemed to over-complicate their approach play and, with Silva watching from the bench and the rested Sterling not even in the squad, lacked their usual cutting edge.Jesus Navas had a rare chance to provide quality service but his near-post cross was well handled by Grant and, in first-half injury time, Otamendis long ball looked about to be gathered by Kevin De Bruyne with just the keeper to beat but the ball ran beyond his reach.Guardiola needed just 13 minutes of the second half to have seen enough and brought on Silva to replace the ineffective Navas.Indeed, the situation might have been even worse but for a solid piece of defending from Otamendi who blocked an attempt from Berahino soon after the restart.Citys frustration was growing, with Leroy Sane cautioned for simulation as he went to ground on the edge of the Stoke area although the German almost made amends on 54 minutes when he led a counter and set up Sergio Aguero for a shot which hit Pieters and flew over.After Silvas introduction City seemed to have more attacking threat with the Spaniard starting a move which ended with De Bruyne crossing to the penalty spot from where Sanes mis-hit shot failed to test Grant.City continued to improve with Yaya Toure shooting over, Sane almost turning in Agueros touch at the far post and Silva playing a superb one-two with Fernandinho and sending a low shot narrowly wide of the post.

Tennis: USA to host Czechs at Tampa Bay in Fed Cup semi


NEW YORK (AFP) - Three-time defending champion Czech Republic will play host United States on an outdoor clay court near Tampa, Florida, in next months Fed Cup semi-finals, the US Tennis Association announced.The April 22-23 tie will be staged at the Saddlebrook Resort north of Tampa with the winner advancing to Novembers final against either Switzerland or Belarus in the womens team competition.The Americans have won the trophy a record 17 times, but not since 2000, while the Czechs have captured five of the past six Fed Cup titles, including a 3-2 finals triumph last year at France.Saddlebrook is an iconic tennis venue and we are very pleased that Fed Cup will be showcased here for the first time, USTA president Katrina Adams said. It will be a perfect site for our Fed Cup matchup against the Czech Republic.Karolina Pliskova, last years US Open runner-up, and Lucie Safarova, ranked second in the world in doubles, are likely to play for the Czechs.The US women own a 9-2 edge over the Czechs in their Fed Cup rivalry, including a 3-2 victory in their most recent matchup in the 2009 semi-finals. The Czechs last beat the Americans in 1985.

Badminton: Lee Chong Wei back from brink to battle through


BIRMINGHAM (AFP) - World number one Lee Chong Wei admitted Wednesday he had been within a hairs breadth of quitting the last All-England Open of his career before surviving a first-round test into the unknown.The three-time former champion, Malaysias most successful Olympian, won 21-15, 21-12 against Brice Leverdez of France, but knows he may have to finish the tournament without ever being at his best.Lee played with heavy strapping over the knee he injured training a month ago and had little idea how or even whether he would be able to perform in Birmingham.I just know it is not one hundred percent, the 34-year-old said. I was so very close to pulling out. But this is the All-England and I said I will play.Im just going on court and trying to forget my injury and do my best. I didnt play well, but at least I think I tried to play every shot.Lee was a little fortunate that Leverdez, who beat him in the Danish Open in October and led 14-11 this time, relinquished his lead with mistakes.Lee next plays Wang Tzu Wei, the world number 25 from Taiwan, and must hope the ligament damage continues to recede before a possible quarter-final with Tian Houwei, the seventh-seeded Chinese player.Tian came from 18-14 down to win 21-19, 21-18 over Tommy Sugiarto, the Asian champion from Indonesia.Some now consider Olympic champion Chen Long, a potential semi-final obstacle for Lee, the favourite despite being seeded down at five.Chen has competed little since his Rio triumph, though Wednesdays 21-17, 21-7 win over Marc Zwiebler, a former semi-finalist from Germany, suggested Chen may recover full match fitness quickly.Chen may have been aided by the departure from his quarter of the draw of Son Wan-Ho, the fourth-seeded South Korean, who withdrew with an ankle injury after only five points, allowing Sony Dwi Kuncoro from Indonesia a shortcut into the second round.The womens top seed, Tai Tzu Ying, who still denies that the world number one ranking means much to her, made a start which suggested that the worlds oldest title may mean a great deal.The World Super Series champion from Taiwan came from 18-16 down against Nitchaon Jindapol, the world number 16 from Thailand, to deliver a professionally taken 21-18, 21-14 win.Quizzed about the reported quote that the world number one ranking didnt mean much to her but might mean a lot to her family, Tai answered: Maybe not so much to them either, before adding: But perhaps to the people of Taiwan.In the same half of the draw Saina Nehwal, the eighth-seeded former world number one from India, won one of the most improbable first-round matches the tournament has ever contrived, overcoming Nozomi Okuhara, the defending champion from Japan, 21-15, 21-14.Okuhara was unseeded after being sidelined for seven months with injury, though Nehwal too is only just beginning to find her way back after a knee injury and surgery.I wont know how the knee is until tomorrow, Nehwal said. Im just happy to be playing again. But it was a very surprising match.

Lahore: Youth commits suicide over 'failed' love affair


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to police sources, a 25-year-old man named Mustafa committed suicide by jumping off from the third floor of the Libery Parking Plaza in Lahore on Wednesday.Police said that Mustafa parked his car at the third floor of the Libery Parking Plaza during which he exchanged harsh words with his girlfriend who was also sitting in the car. Mustafa became very upset after the verbal fight and jumping off from the parking plaza and was critically wounded.Police and rescue teams reach the spot and shifted the injured youth to General Hospital where he succumbed to his wounds. Police have registered a case and started investigation.

Karachi: 5 suspects nabbed during search operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Crackdown against criminal elements under National Action Plan (NAP) continues in Karachi and law enforcement agencies apprehended five suspects during a search operation in the city on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, law enforcement agencies conducted a search operation in Mawach Goth area. All the entry and exit points were sealed before the start of search operation.The law enforcement agencies personnel checked the identity document of residents during house-to-house search and arrested five suspects.Sources said that the arrested persons were shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

PM Nawaz will address public meeting in Thatta today


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will address a public meeting in Thatta today (Thursday), Dunya News reported.The Prime Minister will reach Old Terminal of the Karachi airport at 12:30pm and then travel to Thatta on a helicopter to address a public meeting arranged by Shirazi Brothers.PM Nawaz will return to Karachi after attending the public meeting and leave for Islamabad in the evening.

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