Wednesday 12 April 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Malala Yousafzai has become an honorary Canadian citizen


OTTAWA (AFP) - Nobel Peace laureate Malala Yousafzai became only the sixth person to receive honorary Canadian citizenship Wednesday, as she called on the country to be bold in advocating for girls education.Wearing a bright orange scarf to cover her head in accordance with Muslim tradition, the Pakistani activist was welcomed to the seat of Canadas democracy by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.At age 19, Yousafzai is the youngest person to speak to Canadian members of parliament and senators in a joint session.She is also the youngest to receive honorary Canadian citizenship -- a privilege previously granted to five others including Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and Myanmars Aung San Suu Kyi.Dear Canada, Im asking you to lead once again, she said, to a standing ovation.She urged Canada to use its turn as president of the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized nations in 2018 to press for the education of girls and refugees.We should not ask children who flee their homes to also give up their dreams, she said.Yousafzai said Trudeau also must ask other world leaders to do more for education.If Canada leads, I know the world will follow, she said.Yousafzai had fought for years for the right of girls to education in her strictly Muslim home region in Pakistan.She leapt to global fame after a Taliban gunman shot her in the head on a school bus in October 2012 for defending her right to attend school.Since a successful operation following the attack, she has lived in the British city of Birmingham, where she continues to advocate for womens rights.During a brief ceremony, Yousafzai was given the Canadian flag from atop the Peace Tower at the entrance of parliament, and a copy of her 2013 book I Am Malala was added to the parliamentary library.- Praise for Trudeau -======================She thanked her hosts and expressed excitement in particular about meeting Trudeau, whom she praised for speaking out on behalf of womens rights, gender equality, and refugees during a time where the world is hopeless.I wanted to say that Trudeau is an amazing person and an inspiration, she said, later noting in her speech that he does yoga, he has tattoos... Everyone was telling me (to) shake the prime ministers hand and, like, let us know how he looks in reality.In introducing Yousafzai to lawmakers, Trudeau praised her for her advocacy.Yours is a story of an ordinary girl doing extraordinary things, an everyday hero... a fearless advocate for girls who wants nothing more than to see more kids in classrooms, he said.And on top of that, youre impossibly humble. We Canadians are all about that.Trudeau said his past experience as a teacher taught him that going to school is more than just learning about how to read and write.Education has the power to change the world, he said. It can end poverty, fight climate change, prevent wars. But in order to achieve progress, we all have to make sure that all children, girls as well as boys, get to go to school.- Postponed honor -===================Yousafzai had been invited to Canada by the previous Conservative government in 2014 -- when she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize -- to receive Canadian citizenship in Toronto.But the ceremony was postponed due to the shooting of a ceremonial guard and an attack on parliament the same day.Yousafzai decried the violence, saying: The man who attacked Parliament Hill called himself a Muslim. But he did not share my faith. He did not share the faith of 1.5 billion Muslims living in peace around the world.In her speech, she challenged Canadian youth to step up and make a difference.I wanted to tell the children of Canada that when I was little, I used to wait to be an adult to lead. But I have learned that even a childs voice can be heard across the world, she said.She added she was humbled and honored to be given honorary citizenship, though I still require a visa to enter the country, she quipped.The honor is mostly symbolic, coming with no obligations or benefits.Earlier Wednesday, Yousafzai joined the prime ministers wife Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau for a talk with students at a local high school.The message I am spreading around the world to our leaders, to our politicians, (is) that they must prioritize education for each and every child around the world, she said.

Alexandria church suicide bomber identified: Egypt


CAIRO (AFP) - Egypts interior ministry said on Wednesday it had identified the suicide bomber behind a deadly attack at the weekend outside a church in the coastal city of Alexandria.The ministry also said it was pursuing its efforts to identify another attacker who targeted another church in the Nile Delta city of Tanta hours earlier on Sunday.The Palm Sunday bombings killed 45 people and were claimed by the Islamic State group.

Amjadullah Khan parts ways with MQM-London


KARACHI (Dunya News) – One of the senior leaders of MQM-London Amjadullah Khan has announced to part ways with his party, reported Dunya News.Amjadullah Khan let it be known that it was clear to him when he was in jail that the service to masses and MQM-London could not go hand in hand.He professed that he chants Pakistan Zindabad and do not support MQM founders asking Modi for help.Amjadullah expressed that there are certain people who are making statements against Pakistan while residing in London.He went on to say that he would have nothing to do with those who harm Pakistan from now onwards.Amjadullah also announced that he would not make politics as his profession.

Mustafa Kamal invites MQM-P to join sit-in


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The sit-in of Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) outside the press club also continued on its seventh day as Mustafa Kamal also invited MQM-Pakistan to join the demonstration.PSP chairman Syed Mustafa Kamal let it be known at the occasion that the the workers of MQM-Pakistan should not wait for the flower petals to be sprinkled over them, instead they should come and join the sit-in.PSP chairman revealed that the same kind of behavior will be adopted like it is exhibited by the government.He went on to say that the struggle for rights of the masses will continue till the last breath.

US, Russia ready for 'uncompromising' fight against terrorism: Lavrov


MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday Moscow and Washington were committed to fighting terrorism after talks with his US counterpart Rex Tillerson.We confirmed our common intention of leading an uncompromising fight against international terrorism, Lavrov said at news conference following the talks. Despite the quantity of existing problems... there are considerable prospects for joint work, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a news conference after talks with Tillerson and Russian President Vladimir Putin.Russia is open to this, open to dialogue with the US in all different areas, not only to dialogue but to joint action aimed at results in the areas where this corresponds to the interests of both countries.Tillerson, who met with Putin earlier Wednesday, deplored the low level of trust between the countries, whose relations have dropped to a post-Cold War low over Ukraine and Syria.The worlds two foremost nuclear powers cannot have this kind of relationship, Tillerson said.Lavrov said both sides were set on leading an uncompromising fight against international terrorism.He said Moscow was ready to resume a deal with Washington to avoid incidents in Syrian airspace as the two countries lead separate bombing campaigns.Today the president confirmed our readiness to return to its implementation on the understanding that the original aims of the air forces of the American coalition are reaffirmed, namely the fight with IS and Al-Nusra, Lavrov said.The deal was suspended after US strikes against a Syrian airbase following last weeks suspected chemical attack in Idlib province, in an act Moscow labelled aggression against a sovereign state.Lavrov however said that the two sides still diverge over their evaluation of the alleged chemical attack, which Washington has blamed squarely on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.Despite initial hopes in Moscow of better ties with the US under President Donald Trump, the two powers have descended into a furious war of words over the attack in the town of Khan Sheikhun and the retaliatory US strike against the forces Kremlin ally Assad.Putin admitted that relations have worsened in the three months that Trump has been in office.

Unrest spikes again in PU as students protest at Campus Bridge


LAHORE (Dunya News) – A protest was staged beside Campus Bridge against the alleged torture of Punjab University’s one student group on another. Over hundreds of vehicles remained stranded due to blockage.According to reports, a fight between two groups of the varsity took place at the New Campus Bridge Block.The residents of Lahore faced trouble with the ongoing traffic jam on Canal Road due to the protest. The protestors claimed that a rival group tortured some of the students before they were admitted to Jinnah Hospital owing to severe injuries.They demanded justice and asked the police to take action against the oppressors. A large deployment of police officers brought the matters under control and traffic flow was finally restored.

Will do whatever it takes to help Jadhav: Rajnath


NEW DELHI (Dunya News) – Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh has said that India will do everything possible to get justice for Kulbhushan Jadhav.He let it be known that India will do whatever it takes to release the Indian spy.It is pertinent to mention that the Field General Court Martial (FGCM) on Monday gave Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav the death sentence after trial for his involvement in espionage and sabotage activities in Karachi and Balochistan.While talking to media, the Indian Home Minister admitted to usage of pellet guns within Indian-held Kashmir.However, Rajnath Singh also accused Pakistan for destabilizing India.He revealed that the matter of Kulbhushan Jadhav will be raised on international forums.The Indian Home Minister accused that Jadhav wasnt even given consular access despite India asking Pakistan for it several times.

United Airlines CEO says he will not resign


NEW YORK (AFP) - United Continental chief executive Oscar Munoz said Wednesday he would not resign his position, and again apologized for forcibly removing a customer from an overbooked flight.Munoz was asked about calls for his resignation as leader of the embattled airline on the ABC show Good Morning America following widespread outrage at the companys actions in the incident Sunday.I was hired to make United better and weve been doing that and thats what Ill continue to do, Munoz said.Munoz reiterated his regret at the incident, which mushroomed into a global public relations disaster after video showing passenger David Dao, 69, his face bloodied, being dragged off the plane went viral.Probably the word is shame comes to mind, Munoz said after days of criticism and ridicule of the company on social media.United Airlines apologizes for passenger dragging incidentThe first thing I think is important is to apologize to Dr. Dao, his family, the passengers on the flight, the customers, our employees, he said.That is not who our family at United is, Munoz said. And you saw us at a bad moment and this could never -- will never happen again on a United Airlines flight. Thats my premise and thats my promise.Munoz expressed regret for his widely-criticized initial response to the debacle in which he appeared to put partial blame for the incident on the passenger, saying he had defied authorities and compounded the incident.Munoz -- who last month was named US Communicator of the Year by PR Week -- pledged a thorough review of the airlines procedures and said the carrier would not send law enforcement officials onto planes remove passengers.The incident has spotlighted the common practice of overbooking and bumping passengers from flights, which airlines rely upon to avoid losing money on seats left empty by no-show passengers.In this case, United needed to make room for a flight crew and called security personnel when no passengers volunteered to give up their seat.A group of 21 senators on Tuesday sent a letter to Munoz announcing plans to examine the incident, while New Jersey governor Chris Christie called for the US Department of Transportation to suspend airlines from overbooking flights pending a review.But Delta chief executive Ed Bastian called overbooking a valid business process that is sometimes unavoidable due to weather delays and other factors.There are things that happen that create overbooking situations beyond just pure oversales, Bastian said on an earnings conference call with analysts and reporters Wednesday.Its not a question in my opinion as to whether you overbook; its how you manage an overbook situation, he said.Delta in 2016 had 1,200 denied boardings for the entire year, or one in 100,000 passengers. Management of the problem, which involves compensating inconvenienced travelers with gift cards of as much as $1,000 or more, was praised in some media in comparison with Uniteds conduct.The key is managing it before you get to the boarding process, Bastian said. And thats what our team has done a very effective and efficient job over.VIDEO: Passenger forcibly dragged off a United Airlines plane

India well aware there are numerous proofs against Jadhav: Abdul Basit


NEW DELHI (Dunya News) – Pakistani High Commissioner in the Indian capital, Abdul Basit has said on Wednesday that the neighbouring authorities are well aware that there are numerous proofs against Kulbhushan Jadhav, an Indian spy on death row.In an interview, Basit maintained that Jadhav is not a commoner but an officer of the armed force which is why he was tried by the military court of Pakistan.He demanded off Indian government to call a spade a spade and not add to the tensions. India should not call ‘apples, oranges’, he said.He also demanded off Modi-government to explain why Jadhav used to travel using a passport issued under a fake name. Basit said that the charges against Jadhav called for a trial in a military court and not the civil court.Kulbhushan Jadhav was sentenced to death earlier this month by an army court after a three-month long trial during which he was provided with a legal council as per the law.The spy was held in Mashakel of Balochistan in March last year.Minister for External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj has branded Jadhav the son of the nation while Rajnat Singh, Union Home Minister has vowed to save the culprit from the gallows at all costs.

Putin slams Trump ties as top diplomats spar on Syria


MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said ties with the United States have deteriorated under the administration of Donald Trump as their top diplomats locked horns Wednesday over the Syrian conflict.Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held several hours of talks with Russian counterpart Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow in what he said was an attempt to narrow areas of sharp difference, but Washingtons envoy was kept waiting over whether he would meet Putin.The powers are at odds over the fate of Moscows longtime ally President Bashar al-Assad, a rift exacerbated after an alleged Syrian chemical attack last week that triggered a punitive US missile strike.Russia has slammed Washingtons attack on a Syrian airbase and, as the top diplomats met, Putin admitted that relations between Washington and Moscow have worsened in the three months that Trump has been in office.You can say that the level of trust on a working level, especially on the military side, has not improved but most likely worsened, Putin said in the transcript of an interview with Mir television released by the Kremlin.At the start of his meeting with Lavrov, Tillerson said he wanted to clarify areas of common objectives, areas of common interest -- even where our tactical approaches may be different -- and further clarify areas of sharp difference.He was expected to challenge Russia to distance itself from Assad and his Iranian backers, an idea that the Kremlin dismissed as absurd amid a war of words between the two sides.In a further indication of the stark differences, Russia also slammed as unacceptable a proposed UN resolution put forward by the US, Britain and France on the alleged chemical attack, and said it would veto it in its current form at a vote expected later Wednesday.Real intentionsAt their meeting, Lavrov told Tillerson Moscow was hoping to understand Washingtons real intentions and warned that Moscow considered it fundamentally important to prevent more unlawful US strikes against its ally Syria.He said the visit -- the first to Moscow by a senior Trump administration official -- offered an opportunity to clarify the chances of cooperation above all on the formation of a broad anti-terrorist front.Despite hopes of an improvement in ties under Trump, the fallout over the alleged chemical attack and US bombing meant the Syrian conflict -- in which more than 320,000 people have died -- has dominated Tillersons visit.US officials have suggested Russian forces may have colluded in the latest atrocity blamed on Assads regime, and it remained unclear if Tillerson will be invited to meet Putin.Ahead of the talks, far from trying to calm tempers, both sides escalated their rhetoric as the US tried to prise Moscow and Damascus apart.Putin accused Assads opponents of planning to stage chemical attacks to be blamed on Damascus in order to lure the United States deeper into the conflict.The Kremlin leader again slammed the US missile strike and angrily rejected the allegation that Assads forces were behind the suspected chemical attack on the town of Khan Sheikhun that left 87 civilians dead including children.Where is the proof that Syrian troops used chemical weapons? There isnt any. But there was a violation of international law. That is an obvious fact, Putin told Mir.Anger over Hitler commentsThe White House in turn compared Assads tactics to those of World War II Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, sparking widespread criticism for apparently ignoring the Holocaust.Trumps spokesman Sean Spicer said Tillerson would aim to make sure we let Russia know that they need to live up to the obligations it has made to halt Assads chemical weapons use.US Defence Secretary James Mattis said Washington has no doubt that Assad was behind the massacre.He warned that the US cruise missile strike in response demonstrates the United States will not passively stand by while Assad ignores international law and employs chemical weapons he declared destroyed.US relations with the Kremlin have become politically toxic for the White House on the back of claims Putin conspired to get Trump elected.Tillerson, a former oil executive, might once have looked like the perfect envoy to mend strained ties, having worked closely with the Kremlin while negotiating deals for energy giant ExxonMobil.But the underlying tensions between the former Cold War foes never went away and last weeks chemical attack has left ties once again in crisis.

Rio's ex-mayor denies Olympics corruption


RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) - Rio de Janeiros ex-mayor Eduardo Paes has denied allegations that he took millions of dollars in bribes from construction giant Odebrecht in the run-up to last years Olympic Games.Paes oversaw preparations for the hosting of South Americas first Olympics and stepped down at the end of his term shortly afterward.Brazils Supreme Court revealed late Tuesday that Paes is among about 100 other politicians facing probes into alleged involvement in a vast embezzlement and bribery scheme in which Odebrecht was a central player.In a statement, Paes responded that he strenuously denies having accepted bribes to work in the interest of Odebrecht.The allegations against Paes and the other politicians targeted in the wave of new probes come from testimony given in plea bargains by 77 former Odebrecht executives.According to the allegations, Paes took at least 15 million reais from Odebrecht during his 2012 reelection campaign, when Rio was busily building the stadiums and other major infrastructure for the Olympics. That was about $7.5 million at the time, or $5 million today.The alleged bribes were given to facilitate contracts related to the Olympic Games, according to a Supreme Court document quoted by multiple reports in the Brazilian media.Former Odebrecht executive Benedito Barbosa da Silva -- who testified in return for a possible reduction in his own sentence after pleading guilty to corruption -- said that Paess codename in the huge bribery network was the little nervous one.About a third of the alleged payments were made in a foreign account, he testified.In his denial of the allegations, the former mayor said he had never had a foreign bank account and that all funds for the reelection campaign were properly declared.Paes won the election with 65 percent of the vote.Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction contractor with major projects around the world, took part in refurbishing the Maracana football stadium ahead of the 2014 World Cup and the Olympic Park and athletes village, among other facilities, ahead of the Games.The park and nearby athletes village are among the facilities that have been branded white elephants in the wake of the Games, with few users and uncertain futures.

Trump ordered Syria attack while enjoying dessert


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Donald Trump gave the order to strike Syria with dozens of cruise missiles during dessert with visiting Chinese leader Xi Jinping, he said in an interview aired Wednesday.We had finished dinner. Were now having dessert. And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that youve ever seen and President Xi was enjoying it, Trump told the Fox Business television network.Given word that US warships in the Mediterranean were locked and loaded, Trump said the decision was made then to do it, so the missiles were on the way.And I said, Mr. President, let me explain something to you -- this was during dessert -- weve just fired 59 missiles.Trump said Xi paused for 10 seconds and then asked the interpreter to say it again. I didnt think that was a good sign.But then, Trump said, Xi responded that anybody that was so brutal and uses gases to do that to young children and babies, its OK.... He was OK with it. He was OK.Trump had been hosting Xi at his private Florida resort Mar-a-Lago on April 6. The US missiles struck a Syrian air base in retaliation for Syrias alleged chemical attack on a rebel-held town, killing 87 civilians, many of them children.Pentagon chief Jim Mattis said Tuesday there was no doubt the Syrian regime was behind the chemical attack. But Russia, Syrias ally, disputes that, saying no evidence has been produced.Trump regularly spends his weekends at his Mar-a-Lago resort, which his staff has nicknamed the Southern White House.Members of the club pay a $200,000 fee, which gives access to its amenities and its eateries.

Law enforcers should abide by rule of law, constitution: CM Sindh


KARACHI (Dunya News) – During his address in Sindh Assembly, Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah professed that the institutions should abide by the rule of law and constitution.Murad Ali Shah expressed that if the missing persons are in the custody of agencies, they should immediately be presented forward.He let it be known that regardless of someone is a terrorist or a criminal; he should be presented in front of the court within 24 hours.CM Sindh expressed at the occasion that the country would run according to constitution and law.MQM-Pakistan leader Faisal Subzwari expressed at the occasion as to why there is a difference between our missing persons and those that belong to your party.Murad Ali Shah responded to Faisal’s statement while expressing that everybody saw on August 22 as to why MQM is linked with terrorism.

Federal cabinet lifts moratorium on gas connections


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Federal Cabinet has on Wednesday lifted moratorium on industrial and domestic connections, reported Dunya News.While briefing on the decision, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Maryam Aurangzeb let it be known that the restriction on business, industrial and domestic gas connections had been lifted after six years.She let it be known that the industrial activities would boost up with the recent lifting of restrictions.Maryam also revealed at the occasion that the government is also considering to built new houses for poor masses.Sitting alongside Maryam Aurangzeb, Minister of State for Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry expressed at the occasion that the policy to make the government officials permanent has also been devised.While responding to question on Kulbhushan Yadav, Tariq Fazal Ch expressed that anyone found guilty of espionage within Pakistan would be punished in the same way.

Flour price drops by Rs 20 per bag


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Owing to the vast supply of wheat these days, its price has also decreased in the local market and the impact could also be seen in flour prices.As per details, the government has recently announced the decrease in prices of flour as 10 kg bag will now be available at Rs 355 as compare to the previous price of Rs 375 per bag.Meanwhile, the wheat crop production is expected to enhance during this season as the farmers have also demanded that the government should assure the sale price of wheat as 1300 per maund.

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