Monday 24 April 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Xi urges 'restraint' over N. Korea as US carrier approaches


BEIJING (AFP) - Chinese President Xi Jinping urged restraint over North Korea in a phone call with Donald Trump Monday, as Japan joined exercises with an American supercarrier heading to the Korean peninsula.The US leader has repeatedly called on China, the Norths sole major ally, to do more to rein in Pyongyang, as tensions in the region soar amid speculation it will conduct another nuclear test.(China) hopes that the relevant parties can maintain restraint and avoid actions that would increase tensions in the Korean peninsula, Xi said, according to the foreign ministry.The only way to realise denuclearisation in the Korean peninsula and quickly resolve North Koreas nuclear problem is for each relevant party to fulfil its duties.The conversation -- the second since their summit at Trumps luxury resort in Florida early this month -- highlights rising concern in Beijing that tensions between Washington and Pyongyang could spiral into military conflict.The international situation is rapidly changing, it is essential that China and the US maintain a close contact and exchange opinions on important matters in a timely manner, Xi told Trump.Trump also spoke to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday, discussing the joint drills under way between the US carrier Carl Vinson and Japans Maritime Self-Defence Force.We completely agreed that we strongly demand restraint by North Korea, which has repeatedly taken dangerous provocative actions, Abe told reporters after the call.Tensions have soared in recent months as North Korean missile tests have brought ever-more bellicose warnings from Trumps administration -- and repeated demands for China do more to help.Despite its longstanding ties with the North, China has stepped up pressure, announcing in February that it was halting all imports of coal from North Korea -- a crucial earner for Pyongyang -- for the rest of the year.It also issued a stern warning earlier this month that a conflict over North Korea could break out at any moment.The comments came ahead of a failed missile test a day after the 105th anniversary of the birth of North Koreas founder Kim Il-Sung.Missile and nuclear tests are often timed around major dates and speculation is now focused on Tuesdays anniversary of the founding of its military.US Vice President Mike Pence said Saturday that the Vinson and its strike group would arrive in the Sea of Japan (East Sea) -- which sits between the Korean peninsula and Japan -- in a matter of days.South Korea also said it was considering drills with the carrier group, which is currently conducting joint exercises with Japan in the Philippine Sea.Confusion had clouded the carriers whereabouts after Trump earlier indicated the armada was steaming towards North Korea when in fact it was heading south and was photographed off Java.The Norths ruling party newspaper on Monday called the Vinsons deployment undisguised military blackmail.Such threat may startle a jellyfish, but can never work on the DPRK, it said, using the countrys official name.A separate editorial on the Norths propaganda website Uriminzokkiri said the dispatch of the Carl Vinson signalled that an invasion of the North is nearing day by day.In the event of an attack, it said, The world will witness how Washingtons rash nuclear aircraft carriers are turned into a huge pile of steel and buried at sea and how a country called America is wiped out from the Earth.Pyongyang has also detained a US citizen -- Kim Sang-Duk, or Tony Kim, who was lecturing at a foreign-funded university in Pyongyang, the university said Monday.Two other US citizens -- college student Otto Warmbier and Korean-American pastor Kim Dong-Chul -- are currently being held in the North after sentenced to long prison terms.North Korea has arrested and jailed several US citizens in the past decade, often releasing them only after high-profile visits by current or former US officials or former US presidents.The new US president has indicated he will not allow North Korea to achieve its goal of developing an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the western United States.Pyongyang insists it needs a powerful arsenal -- including atomic weapons -- to protect itself from what it says is the ever-present threat of invasion by hostile US forces.

Hollande urges French voters to block Le Pen


PARIS (AFP) - French President Francois Hollande on Monday urged voters to reject far-right leader Marine Le Pen in next months presidential runoff against pro-EU candidate Emmanuel Macron.Macron is the clear favourite to become Frances youngest-ever president after topping Sundays first round of voting with 24.01 percent of votes, ahead of National Front (FN) leader Le Pen on 21.3 percent, according to final results.The vote revealed a country deeply divided, with 39-year-old Macron, an advocate of open borders and free trade, leading the vote in cities and Le Pen topping the polls in rural areas that feel left behind by globalisation.In a solemn address to voters, Hollande warned of the risk for our country of a far-right victory and said he himself would vote for Macron, who served as his economy minister for two years.The Socialist president joined a long line of politicians urging voters to back Macron in order to thwart the anti-immigration, anti-EU Le Pen.Le Pen seized on the flurry of endorsements for Macron from the ruling Socialists and main opposition Republicans -- both of which crashed out in the first round -- as proof he was the choice of a discredited old guard.Visiting a market in the northern town of Rouvroy on Monday, 48-year-old Le Pen lashed out at the rotten old republican front -- the ad-hoc anti-FN coalition formed by mainstream parties whenever the party is at the gates of power.Ive come here to start the second round campaign in the only way I know -- on the ground with the French people, she said.She later told France 2 television: Nothing in either Mr Macrons policies or his behaviour suggests the slightest proof of love for France, and insisted, We are going to win.Le Pen, who is also FN leader, also said she was setting party affairs to one side in order to concentrate on the campaign.I will feel freer, I will be above partisan considerations, its an important act, Le Pen said.Macron received several congratulatory calls on Monday from European leaders relieved to find him in pole position.Thanking Hollande in a tweet for his support, the former investment banker called on the French to remain true to Frances values in the May 7 runoff.He and Le Pen will take part in a TV debate on May 3.According to two opinions that were carried out on Sunday night, Macron would beat Le Pen by 62-64 percent over 36-38 percent.Sundays results were a stunning blow to Frances traditional political class, with voters fleeing the ruling Socialists and conservative Republicans who have governed for the past half-century.Both Macron and Le Pen campaigned as rebels who transcended the left-right divide.Republicans candidate Francois Fillon was seen as the favourite until January when his campaign was torpedoed by allegations that he gave his British-born wife and two of his children fictitious jobs as parliamentary assistants.In the end, Fillon trailed in third with 20.01 percent, ahead of radical left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon on 19.58 percent.On Monday, Fillon told the partys top brass he lacked the legitimacy to lead them into parliamentary elections in June.I need to rethink my life and heal my familys wounds, he told them, according to a statement.Fillon and fifth-placed Socialist candidate Benoit Hamon have both rallied behind Macron.But Melenchon has pointedly avoided backing the centrist. The leaders of the Republicans squabbled Monday over whether to endorse Macron openly or simply urge supporters not to vote for Le Pen.Addressing thousands of flag-waving supporters in Paris on Sunday evening, Macron said he aimed to unite patriots against the threat of nationalists.Le Pen, who has been hoping to emulate Donald Trumps victory in the US, said the French faced a choice between runaway globalisation and a protectionist France.Her plans to restore Frances borders with its European neighbours, pull out of the eurozone and hold a referendum on leaving the EU had sown fear of another devastating blow to the bloc after Britains vote to leave.The euro and European stocks rose Monday, buoyed by expectations that Macron is the hot favourite for next president.Le Pen gained over 1.2 million new voters compared with her last presidential bid in 2012, securing 7.7 million ballots, a result she hailed as historic.But her share of the vote was far below a March poll high of 27 percent.She follows in the footsteps of her father Jean-Marie, who made it through to the 2002 presidential run-off in what was a political earthquake for France.Le Pen senior went on to suffer a stinging defeat when mainstream parties closed ranks to keep him out.Sundays first round capped a rollercoaster campaign in a demoralised France, which has been rocked by a series of terror attacks since 2015 and is struggling to shake off a deep economic malaise.

Two die in Venezuela protests


CARACAS (AFP) - Two people were killed in Venezuela on Monday in renewed violence, raising the death toll in three weeks of massive demonstrations against leftwing President Nicolas Maduro to 23, officials said.Several others were seriously injured and between life and death, said public defender Tarek William Saab.The latest casualties come on a day anti-Maduro demonstrators blocked major roads in the South American nation.Two government trucks in eastern Caracas were set alight on a freeway by masked protesters who poured oil on the road. Police nearby did not immediately intervene, AFP journalists saw.Elsewhere in the capital, riot police fired tear gas at another group of protesters who threw stones at them.However the majority of demonstrators, who numbered in the thousands, rallied peacefully.The return to violence in the streets of Venezuela after a weekend lull was certain to further stoke international concern over the country, whose economy is imploding despite vast oil reserves.Latin American countries and the United States have voiced concern at the unrest.The population is suffering shortages of food, medicine and basic supplies. Riots and looting have occurred in several places.The conservative-led opposition says government incompetence is to blame and calls the president a dictator. It wants early elections.But Maduro, who has the backing of the armed forces, says Venezuela is the victim of a US-led capitalist plot.He has stepped up a nationalization drive started by his late Socialist predecessor Hugo Chavez that has swept up plants and assets of foreign companies, including American ones.Authorities have also curbed the power of congress, which is dominated by opposition lawmakers.The two deaths on Monday happened in western Venezuela.Saab said one man in the city of Merida was demonstrating peacefully when he apparently received a gunshot. He added in a television interview that the killed man was a pro-government demonstrator.There were five people badly wounded in the city, he added.The other man killed was in the nearby town of Barinas, a source in the prosecutors office told AFP.The source did not specify whether he was an anti-Maduro protester or a pro-government activist.But an opposition party, Justice First, said the protest the man was in was against Maduro when it was targeted by pro-government paramilitaries. It said two other people were wounded.The government has ruled out a presidential election this year, maintaining that Maduro will see out his term into 2018. Elections for regional governors due in December have been postponed.Maduro said Sunday he wanted the regional elections now but did not indicate a possible date for those or local ballots that are due this year.I am ready for whatever the electoral authorities say, he insisted.The courts and electoral authorities have fended off efforts to remove Maduro since the opposition took over the legislature in January 2016.Analysts say street protests are now one of the few levers the opposition has for change.We are taking a stand so that Maduro knows he has to go, said Amalia Duran, a housewife of 41 who joined thousands of protesters under a scorching sun in Caracas. Many dressed in white and waved Venezuelas red, yellow and blue flag.We are hungry because of him, she said of the president. I cant find milk for my 16-month-old baby.I have come because I am tired of this. I went round 20 pharmacies looking for a simple antibiotic, said Yorwin Ruiz, 26.We cannot go on like this. I hope we at least manage to have elections.The captain of Venezuelas national football team, Tomas Rincon, joined other sports figures to appealing for an end to the crisis.No more repression he wrote on Twitter, offering himself to be a driving force in the rebirth of our country.Miguel Cabrera, a major league baseball player, wrote on Instagram that his native country was killing itself and those who have power in Venezuela are unable to do anything.Maduro won the 2013 election by a narrow margin over opposition candidate Henrique Capriles. But Maduros popularity has since dropped.A recent survey by pollster Venebarometro indicated that seven out of 10 Venezuelans disapprove of Maduro.The government and the opposition have traded blame for the deadly violence, with each side accusing the other of trying to mount a coup.Peaceful protests across the country will continue until Mr Maduro respects the constitution and ends his internal coup, Capriles tweeted Monday.If there is no answer from Maduros corrupt drug-trafficking leadership, at the end of the day we will announce further action.

Shab-e-Meraj observed with religious zeal and fervor


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Shab-e-Meraj, the night of ascent when the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to the highest levels of Heavens, was observed on Monday night across the country with religious devotion, serenity and traditional fervor.The Muslims every year observe the Shab-e-Meraj on 27th of Rajab (Islamic calendar), the night the Holy Prophet (PBUH) embarked on a special journey to meet Allah Almighty, crossing seven skies riding the heavenly ‘al-Buraq’.The word Meraj is derived from Arabic word Urooj, which means height, or ascension. During Meraj, the command for five daily prayers (Salat) was also given to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).The women devotees had arranged special gatherings inside their homes for offering special prayers all the night. Whereas males offered prayers in specially decorated mosques for seeking the blessings of Allah and pray for welfare of the entire nation and the Ummah.During the gatherings, various Islamic scholars highlighted the importance of Shab-e-Meraj and its blessings. Different Islamic and socio-cultural organizations also arranged special prayers and Mahafil in mosques and at other places to seek blessings of the Almighty.

Pakistan leadership wants stronger ties with US: Aizaz Chaudhry


WASHINGTON (Dunya News) – Pakistan ambassador to the United States, Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, called on US President Donald Trump in Washington on Monday and presented his credentials, Dunya News reported.Aizaz Chaudhry expressed best wishes for the improvement of Pakistan-US relations and said that the leadership and the people of Pakistan want stronger ties with US.Pakistan ambassador also conveyed best wishes from the leadership and the people of Pakistan for Donald Trump.

Ishaq Dar meets acting US Deputy Secretary of State


WASHINGTON (Dunya News) - Federal Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar held a meeting with acting US Deputy Secretary of State, Tom Shannon, in Washington on Monday, Dunya News reported.The meeting between Ishaq Dar and Tom Shannon was held at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington during which key issues came under discussion.Speaking on the occasion, Tom Shannon said that close and good relations between Pakistan and the United States are beneficial for both the countries.Ishaq Dar who is currently visiting the United States has held positive meetings with officials of Trump administration, representatives of IMF and the World Bank.

Karachi: Police nab 8 accused during raid on drug packing factory


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Police conducted a raid on a drug packing factory on Monday in Pak Colony, a hub of narcotics in Karachi, and apprehended eight accused.According to SSP Central, the raid was conducted on intelligence reports in ‘katchi abadi’ of Pak Colony where drug peddlers had established a factory to pack the narcotics for smuggling to other parts of the country.Police also recovered a huge quantity of narcotics and arms during the operation. Police have shifted the arrested accused to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

Pakistan eye win as Misbah, Yasir star


KINGSTON (AFP) - Yasir Shah ripped through the top order of the West Indies second innings in the final session of another long day to put Pakistan on course for victory at the end of the fourth day of the first Test at Sabina Park in Jamaica on Monday.After captain Misbah ul Haq became just the sixth batsman in Test history to be left stranded on 99 not out as Pakistan were dismissed for 407 in their first innings, the hosts, trailing by 121 runs, were reduced to 93 for four at stumps with Shah taking all four wickets.They go into the final day needing another 28 runs to erase the first innings deficit with the pair of nightwatchman, Devendra Bishoo and debutant Vishaul Singh, expected to be under immense pressure, especially from the rampant leg-spinner, when play gets underway on a wearing pitch on the final morning.Shah struck with his very first delivery, bowling Kraigg Brathwaite with a ball that skidded through on the opening batsman.He quickly added the scalps of newcomer Shimron Hetmayer and Shai Hope before finishing off with the important wicket of Kieran Powell, the opener taken at slip by Younis Khan for a well-played 49.That late drama was in contrast to the pedestrian progress through the first two sessions of the day as Misbah worked his team into a dominant position despite being left one run short of an 11th Test century.Last man and debutant Mohammad Abbas was trapped leg-before by Roston Chase on the stroke of the tea interval.In his usual phlegmatic manner, Misbah ensured Pakistan constructed their position of dominance via a succession of partnerships after they resumed on the fourth morning at 201 for four and facing the threat of the second new ball.Yet it was a far from a flawless effort as the West Indies extended their season of woe in the field, allowing the opposing skipper to escape when he should have first been taken at short-leg by Singh off Shannon Gabriel and then later on in the morning session by Alzarri Joseph running back at mid-off to the bowling of leg-spinner Bishoo.It was Bishoo who eventually broke an 88-run sixth-wicket stand between Misbah and Sarfraz Ahmed, the wicketkeeper batsman playing in his usual pugnacious manner in getting to 54 before he was bowled around his legs attempting a sweep shot just after lunch.I just wanted to upset the fast bowlers line by doing a few unorthodox things because they were bowling very well, Ahmed explained at the end of the day. Its all part of my game to be positive and today it came off.During the course of his innings, Ahmed went past 2,000 runs in his Test career.Misbah achieved a milestone of his own when he notched his 5,000th Test career run before reaching the half-century mark and began to play an increasingly important role through the afternoon session as the West Indies emerged from the listless indifference of the first session to finally get among the wickets.Joseph removed Mohammad Amir and Wahab Riaz in quick succession to finish with three wickets in the innings, the same as fellow opening bowler Gabriel.When substitute fielder Jermaine Blackwood ran out Shah, Misbah was on 68 with the score at 373 for nine.However, Abbas displayed determination and discipline in surviving with his captain for 45 minutes while Misbah controlled most of the strike and edged towards the coveted century.Just one run away, though, he was denied when Chase trapped the newcomer in front.Misbahs innings spanned nine minutes short of six hours, during which he faced 223 deliveries, striking three sixes and five fours.

Rahim Yar Khan: Policeman martyred in firing incident


RAHIM YAR KHAN (Dunya News) – One policeman was martyred and another sustained critical injuries when some unidentified persons opened fire at a police mobile in Khanpur area on Monday, Dunya News reported.The injured police official was shifted to District Headquarters Hospital Khanpur.Police sources said that a case has been registered and raid are being conducted to arrest the culprits behind the attack.

Karachi: Four terrorists killed in Rangers operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – At least four terrorists were killed in exchange of fire with Rangers in the Urdu Bazaar area of Karachi on Monday, Dunya News reported.According to details, Rangers launched a search operation on intelligence report in Urdu Bazaar area during which terrorists hiding in a flat hurled hand two grenades and also opened fire at the raiding party. Four Rangers personnel and two passers-by were wounded in the attack.All the injured were shifted to Karachi’s Civil Hospital. Heavy contingent of Rangers and Additional IG Karachi Mushtaq Mehar reached the spot after the incident.Rangers retaliated and exchange of fire between the law enforcement agency and the terrorists continued for several hours during which four terrorists were killed.Rangers personnel also recovered hand grenades and other ammunition from the dead terrorists. Anti-terrorist squad and Intelligence Wing personnel also participated in the operation.

Shab-e-Meraj being observed with religious fervor


LAHORE (Dunya News) - Shab-e-Meraj, the night when the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to the highest levels of heavens, is being observed across the country with religious devotion and traditional fervor.On Meraj night, the women devotees arrange special gatherings inside their homes for offering special prayers all the night, whereas males offer prayers in specially decorated mosques, homes for seeking the blessings of Allah and pray for welfare of the entire nation and the Ummah.During the gatherings, Islamic scholars highlight the importance of the day and its blessings. Different Islamic and socio-cultural organizations have arranged special prayers and Mahafil in mosques and at other places Monday night to seek blessings of the Almighty.The Muslims every year on 27th Rajab-ul-Murajab (Islamic calendar) observe Shab-e-Miraj in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) went on a special journey to meet Allah Almighty, crossing seven skies on the heavenly animal named al-Buraq.The word Meraj is derived from Arabic word Urooj, which means height, or ascension. During Meraj, the command for five daily prayers (Salat) was also given to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Misbah left on 99 as Pakistan open big lead


KINGSTON (AFP) - Misbah ul Haq became just the sixth batsman in Test history to be left stranded on 99 not out as Pakistan were dismissed for 407 in reply to the West Indies first innings total of 286 on Monday.Last man and debutant Mohammad Abbas was trapped LBW by Roston Chase to deprive the captain of his 11th hundred and second against the West Indies in this format of the game.However the consolation would have been playing a significant role in the tourists building a potentially decisive first innings head of 121 runs at tea on the fourth day of the first Test at Sabina Park in Jamaica.In his usual phlegmatic, pedestrian manner, Misbah ensured Pakistan constructed their position of dominance via a succession of partnerships after they resumed on the fourth morning at 201 for four and facing the threat of the second new ball.Yet it was a far from flawless effort as the West Indies extended their season of woe in the field, allowing the opposing skipper to escape when he should have first been taken at short-leg by debutant Vishaul Singh off Gabriel, and then later on in the morning session by Alzarri Joseph running back at mid-off to the bowling of leg-spinner Devendra Bishoo.It was Bishoo who eventually broke an 88-run sixth-wicket stand between Misbah and Sarfraz Ahmed, the wicketkeeper batsman playing in his usual pugnacious manner in getting to 54 before he was bowled around his legs attempting a sweep shot just after lunch.During the course of his innings Ahmed went past 2,000 runs in his Test career.Misbah achieved a milestone of his own when he notched his 5,000th Test career run before reaching the half-century mark and began to play an increasingly important role through the afternoon session as the West Indies emerged from their listless indifference of the first session to finally get among the wickets.Joseph removed Mohammad Amir and Wahab Riaz in quick succession to finish with three wickets in the innings, the same as fellow opening bowler Gabriel.When substitute fielder Jermaine Blackwood ran out Yasir Shah, Misbah was on 68 with the score at 373 for nine.However, Abbas displayed determination and discipline in surviving with his captain for 45 minutes while Misbah controlled most of the strike and edged towards the coveted century.Just one run away, though, he was denied when Chase trapped the newcomer in front.Misbahs innings spanned nine minutes short of six hours during which he faced 223 deliveries, striking three sixes and five fours.

CSA charges Tsotsobe with corruption


JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - Former South African fast bowler Lonwabo Tsotsobe has been charged with corruption over fixing allegations surrounding a 2015 RAM SLAM T20 Challenge Series fixture, Cricket SA said on Monday.The left-arm seamer, 33, is charged with seeking to accept accepting or agreeing to accept a bribe or reward to fix or contrive to fix or influence improperly a match or matches, CSA said in a statement. He will be temporarily suspended from involvement in any fixture under ICC rules.The charges against Tsotsobe follows a lengthy investigation which started around October 2015 by CSAs Anti-Corruption Unit, and the previous finding and bans imposed... for offences under the Code relating to the (tournament), it said.Tsotsobe has previously denied involvement in the case.Thami Tsolekile, Gulam Bodi Pumi Matshikwe Jean Symes Ethy Mbhalati and Alviro Petersen were found guilty of offences similar to those with which Tsotsobe is charged, local media reported. They were banned from all aspects of the game for between seven and 20 years.

Siddle dumped as Agar, Cartwright offered contracts


SYDNEY (AFP) - Fast bowler Peter Siddle and batsman Shaun Marsh were the biggest names to miss out as all-rounders Ashton Agar, Hilton Cartwright and paceman Billy Stanlake received their first Australia national contracts on Monday.The list of 20 mens players offered deals for the 2017-18 season on the basis of their performances over the past 12 months was released Monday by Cricket Australia.All-rounder James Faulkner, wicketkeeper Peter Nevill, Marsh, spinner Steve OKeefe and 62-Test veteran Siddle, who last played in November, were all overlooked.Hilton has thoroughly earned his spot in the list this year, chief selector Trevor Hohns said, adding that he was the second highest runs scorer in the Sheffield Shield last season.He is an exciting prospect for Australian cricket and we look forward to seeing him perform for Australia in the coming 12 months, if given his opportunity.Hohns also praised Agar as a talented young player who we consider offers a fantastic package with his batting, bowling and fielding.Tall Queensland paceman Stanlake is seen as one for the future.We want to be able to monitor his progress in the coming 12 months, not dissimilar to what we have done with Pat Cummins in the past, said Hohns.Young batsmen Matthew Renshaw and Peter Handscomb were on the list following their breakthroughs into Test cricket last season.Hohns said the players rewarded with contracts were seen as playing a part in next seasons home Ashes tour against England and an away Test series against South Africa.No contract figures are yet available while negotiations continue between CA and the Australian Cricketers Association over a new pay agreement.The minimum value of a contract for the 2016-17 season was Aus$270,000.Contracted list: Ashton Agar, Jackson Bird, Hilton Cartwright, Pat Cummins, Aaron Finch, Peter Handscomb, Josh Hazlewood, Travis Head, Usman Khawaja, Nathan Lyon, Mitchell Marsh, Glenn Maxwell, James Pattinson, Matthew Renshaw, Steve Smith, Billy Stanlake, Mitchell Starc, Matthew Wade, David Warner, Adam Zampa.

German DAX stock market index hits new all-time high


FRANKFURT (AFP) - Germanys blue-chip share index, the DAX, hit an all-time high Monday, as stock markets across Europe reacted with relief to pro-business French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macrons first-round success.The index of 30 leading stocks flirted with levels just below 12,400 points.It briefly touched 12,399.91, only slightly higher than the previous record of 12,391 reached in April 2015.By 0915 GMT, it had fallen back to around 12,390 points, up 2.85 percent since trading opened in Frankfurt.We dont expect a sustained jump above the old record, commented Wolfgang Albrecht of LBBW bank. May is being seen as an especially weak month for markets and that could negatively impact investors appetite for risk.With gains for almost all the major firms listed on the index, the biggest winners were lender Commerzbank, which gained 9.32 percent by 0915 GMT to trade at 9.09 euros ($9.88), while bigger rival Deutsche Bank added 7.39 percent to reach 16.72 euros.Stock markets across Europe shot up Monday after pro-business outsider Macron reached pole position in the first round of presidential voting in France, quieting fears that the continents second-largest economy could quit the EU and the euro single currency.While leftwing anti-EU firebrand Jean-Luc Melenchon is now out of the race, Macron must still face far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in a runoff on May 7.

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