Tuesday 4 April 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Britain, France, US present UN draft resolution on Syria chemical attack


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Britain, France and the United States on Tuesday presented a draft resolution to the UN Security Council condemning the suspected chemical attack in Syria and demanding a full investigation.The text, obtained by AFP, called on the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to report quickly on the findings of its fact-finding mission on the attack that killed at least 58 civilians including children in a rebel-held town in Idlib province.The measure was circulated to the 15 council members on the eve of an emergency meeting requested by France and Britain to discuss the attack carried out in the early hours on Tuesday in the town of Khan Sheikhun.Britain, France and the United States are pushing for a vote on the draft text during the meeting on Wednesday, but it remained unclear if Russia would support it, diplomats said.The draft resolution condemns in the strongest terms the use of chemical weapons in Syria, in particular the attack on Khan Sheikhun and expresses outrage over the use of toxic gases in the six-year war.It requests that the joint UN-OPCW investigative panel set up to determine who is responsible for chemical attacks in Syria begin work immediately to identify the perpetrators of the latest attack.The text calls on Syria to provide flight plans, flight logs and other information on its military operations on the day of the assault.Damascus would be asked to provide the names of all commanders of helicopter squadrons to UN investigators and allow them to meet with generals and other high-ranking officials within five days of their request, the draft resolution said.Syria would also allow UN and OPCW teams to visit air bases from which the attacks involving chemical weapons may have been launched, according to the text.The draft resolution also threatened to impose measures under chapter 7 of the UN charter, which provides for sanctions.Britain, France and the United States blame President Bashar al-Assads forces for the attack, but the Syrian army has denied any involvement.At least 11 children were among the 58 dead, and dozens more civilians suffered respiratory problems and symptoms including vomiting, fainting and foaming at the mouth, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.An AFP correspondent in Khan Sheikhun saw many kids on respirators as they were treated for breathing problems.This is clearly a war crime, British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft told reporters.I call on the Security Council members who have previously used their vetoes to defend the indefensible to change their course.In February, Russia and China vetoed a Security Council resolution that would have imposed sanctions on Syrians accused of being behind chlorine gas attacks on villages in 2014 and 2015.A UN-led investigation concluded in October that the Syrian air force had dropped chlorine barrel-bombs from helicopters on three opposition-held villages in 2014 and 2015.The council on Wednesday will hear from Virginia Gamba, the head of the investigative panel, and top UN disarmament official Kim Won-soo, on details of the attack including whether deadly sarin gas was used.The perpetrators must be held accountable. We need to address this issue at the Security Council, as soon as possible, said French Deputy Ambassador Alexis Lamek.

Trump, Xi hold first summit with N. Korea at the fore


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Donald Trump and Xi Jinping meet face-to-face for the first time Thursday, opening a new chapter in the worlds most consequential relationship amid growing crises over North Korea and trade.The presidents of the worlds two pre-eminent economic and military powers will rendezvous in the south Florida sun at Trumps Mar-a-Lago estate for a summit already clouded by geopolitical storms.North Koreas provocative missile launch Wednesday -- barely 48 hours before the summit starts -- will only accentuate differences over whether to confront or contain that recalcitrant regime.The Trump White House worries Pyongyang is just months away from marrying nuclear and long-range missile technology and putting the west coast of the United States within striking distance.During his first meeting with then president Barack Obama in November, Trump was warned he may have to make an early decision on the use of force against North Korea.The tough-talking new president has repeatedly and very publicly indicated his openness to military action.Even before news of the latest missile test became public, a senior US official echoed that message, saying the clock has now run out on dealing with the North Korean threat and all options are on the table for us.Secretary of State Rex Tillerson responded to the missile test with a terse statement, saying: The United States has spoken enough about North Korea.But according to the official, Trump is also willing to consider other ways of pressuring the regime, including sanctioning Chinese banks who do business with Pyongyang if Beijing does not move to choke the Norths finances.That could have a chilling effect on global finance, even though diplomats say North Korea is increasingly alive to the risk and has steadily been funneling cash to Singapore and other jurisdictions outside China.Xis government -- which is treaty-bound to defend North Korea -- fears US military action would set off a general war on the Korean Peninsula and generate millions of refugees.And Chinese analysts scoffed at the idea that Trumps tough talk would have any impact on Beijings approach to its renegade neighbor.China has established principles on the DPRK issue, said Yang Xiyu, researcher at China Institute of International Studies.There will definitely be in-depth discussion of the DPRKs denuclearization, but the Chinese side will not change its positions because of anything Trump says.But behind the tactical differences in how to approach North Korea is a broader strategic struggle -- one that pits an established hegemon against a fast-rising challenger.Increased tensions in North Korea would almost certainly prompt an larger US military presence in Northeast Asia, encroaching on what China increasingly sees as its sphere of influence.Beijing has already expressed its displeasure at the deployment of a US anti-missile system in South Korea.On trade, there may be more room for maneuver.Experts predict that Xi could come bearing concessions on sectors like steel, or repackage already planned Chinese investments in the United States.That would offer Trump the prospect of a triumphalist tweet about bringing jobs to the United States and forestall measures to levy heavy tariffs on Chinese exports.How much tensions are soothed or exacerbated may depend on the chemistry between the two men.But no one -- not diplomats, not even aides planning the meeting -- are 100 percent sure what will happen when the most powerful Chinese leader in a generation meets a mercurial American president who has been in office fewer than 100 days.China is hoping that Trumps sun-kissed beach club -- beloved of realtors and Rotarians -- while an unlikely setting for a superpower summit, will help build rapport.In 2002, George W. Bush hosted Jiang Zemin at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Obama met Xi at the Sunnylands resort in the California desert.Trump has delighted in warmly welcoming his guests on his frequent visits to what he calls the winter White House, shaking hands with them as they enter and doing the rounds of each table at formal daily dinners.Xi will hope he is greeted by Trump the gracious host rather than the rhetorical bomb thrower who has spoken about Chinas rape of the US economy and predicted a very difficult meeting with Xi.

North Korea fires missile into Sea of Japan


SEOUL (AFP) - Nuclear-armed North Korea on Wednesday fired a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan, South Korea and the US military said, days after Pyongyang warned of retaliation if the global community ramps up sanctions.South Koreas defence ministry said the missile had flown some 60 kilometres (about 40 miles).The military is keeping a close watch over North Koreas provocative moves and maintaining a high defence posture, it said.The US military said it was a KN-15 medium-range ballistic missile which they had determined posed no threat to America.US Pacific Command is fully committed to working closely with our Republic of Korea and Japanese allies to maintain security, the military command in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region said.US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson confirmed Pyongyang had launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile.The United States has spoken enough about North Korea. We have no further comment, he said in a statement.Japan condemned the launch and said it violated UN Security Council resolutions.Japan never tolerates North Koreas repeated provocative actions. The government strictly protested and strongly condemned it, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said.The launch will fuel international concerns about the hermit states weapons programme.Pyongyang is on a quest to develop a long-range missile capable of hitting the US mainland with a nuclear warhead, and has so far staged five nuclear tests, two of them last year.The latest launch came after President Donald Trump threatened the US was prepared to go it alone in bringing the North to heel if China did not step in, and ahead of a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.North Koreas foreign ministry on Monday assailed Washington for its tough talk and for an ongoing joint military exercise with South Korea and Japan which Pyongyang sees as a dress rehearsal for invasion.The reckless actions are driving the tense situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of a war, a ministry spokesman was quoted as saying by the official KCNA news agency.The idea that the US could deprive Pyongyang of its nuclear deterrent through sanctions is the wildest dream, it said.Trump and Xi will hold their first face-to-face meeting Thursday at the US presidents Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida where the growing tensions on the Korean peninsula are expected to be high on the agenda.The hardened US stance followed recent North Korean missile launches that Pyongyang described as practice for an attack on US bases in Japan.In February the North simultaneously fired four ballistic missiles off its east coast, three of which fell provocatively close to Japan.Last August Pyongyang also successfully test-fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile 500 kilometres towards Japan, far exceeding any previous sub-launched tests, in what the Norths leader Kim Jong-Un hailed as the greatest success.A nuclear-capable SLBM system would take the Norths threat to a new level, allowing deployment far beyond the Korean peninsula and a second-strike capability in the event of an attack on its army bases.Analysts say that while Pyongyang has made faster progress in its SLBM system than originally expected, it is still years away from deployment.Pyongyang is barred under UN resolutions from carrying out ballistic missile launches or nuclear tests.

More than half a million sign Melania Trump petition


NEW YORK (AFP) - More than half a million people have signed a petition demanding that First Lady Melania Trump move into the White House or foot the expense of living in New York herself.The Slovenian-born former model and mother of one has continued to live at her Manhattan penthouse apartment more than two months after husband Donald Trump was sworn in as 45th president of the United States.The first lady has said that she and 11-year-old son Barron will move to Washington after the current school year ends in the summer.New York expects to spend an average of $127,000-$146,000 a day for the police and $4.5 million annually for the fire department to protect the first lady and her child while they live in Trump Tower, city police chief James ONeill wrote February in a letter to local members of Congress.Police spent $24 million on protecting the family from election day on November 8 2016 to inauguration day on January 20, on the eve of which the New York real estate tycoon moved to Washington.The US taxpayer is paying an exorbitant amount of money to protect the First Lady in Trump Tower, said the petition set up on Change.Org.As to help relieve the national debt, this expense yields no positive results for the nation and should be cut from being funded, it added.The petition, which was started two weeks ago, has already been signed by more than 514,200 people. It has a goal of reaching one million supporters.The petition is to be delivered to Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, both prominent Trump opponents on the left of US politics.The president has not returned to New York since moving to Washington but has spent multiple weekends at his estate in Palm Beach, Florida to the frustration of some residents there.Signatories to the petition have left less than savory words for the first familys living arrangements.Melania not living in the White House is not only expensive but an insult to Americans, wrote Gary Strauss from Madison, Wisconsin on Tuesday.This exposes one of the many hypocrisies of this administration, added Roderick Grant of Huntington Station, New York.

5 dead, 3 missing in Portugal firework factory blast


LISBON (AFP) - An explosion at a fireworks factory in northern Portugal left at least five people dead on Tuesday, with three others missing, rescue services told the Lusa news agency.More than a hundred firefighters were dispatched to battle the fire sparked by the explosion at the factory in the town of Lamego.By the late evening rescuers were still waiting for conditions to be safe enough to enter the building and search for the missing, but there was little hope of finding survivors.Local media reported that the owner of the factory and his daughter were among the victims.

4.9 magnitude earthquake jolts Malakand


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) - An earthquake measuring 4.9 on the Richter scale rocked Malakand, Swat, Upper Dir, Lower Dir and adjoining areas on early Wednesday morning, Dunya News reported.People came out of their homes in panic and started reciting verses from the Holy Quran. No loss of life was reported due to earthquake.According to National Seismic Monitoring Centre, the epicenter of the quake which struck on early Wednesday morning was located 49 km northwest of Chitral at the depth of 100 kilometre.

Combing operation: Ranger, police nab 10 suspects


LAHORE (Dunya News) – At least 10 suspects were taken into custody during search and combing operation jointly conducted by Rangers and police in Lahore on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, Rangers and police personnel conducted search and combing operation in Taki Gate area of Lahore and arrested five persons. The law enforcement agencies also recovered huge quantity of arms from the arrested persons.The law enforcement agencies also checked identification documents of the residents during the search operation in the area. Biometric device was also used for the identification of the resident. At least five suspects were taken into custody who failed to produce any identification document.

Pakistan determined to uproot terrorism from country: Aizaz Chaudhry


WASHINGTON (Dunya News) - Pakistan Ambassador to the United States Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry on Tuesday said that Pakistan is not waging war against terrorism for any other country. He said that the elimination of terrorism is in the best interest of Pakistan.This he stated while addressing a press conference in Washington on Tuesday. Aizaz Chaudhry said that Pakistan is determined to uproot terrorism from country.Aizaz Chaudhry said that peace in Afghanistan is also in the interest of Pakistan. He further said that Pakistan will continue to play its role for peace and stability in the region.He said that China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was poised to benefit the people of the entire region by creating new jobs and opening new vistas for economic cooperation.

Somali pirates hijack Pakistani cargo vessel


MOGADISHU (Agencies) - A Pakistan-owned cargo vessel MV Salama 1 has been hijacked by Somali pirates, a day after an Indian commercial vessel was similarly commandeered by the buccaneers.The Pakistani cargo vessel was carrying food when they were captured by the pirates, US media reported. The number of crew on the ship named MV Salama 1 remains unknown.The MV Salama 1 hijacking was the fourth piracy attack in three weeks. On March 13 pirates hijacked the Sri Lankan-flagged oil tanker Aris 13. It was taken to the coast of Alula town in Puntland but released three days later, after regional Somali forces threatened force. No ransom was paid although local officials said the pirates were given immunity from prosecution.Then, on March 24, pirates seized the MV Casayr, a Somali fishing boat, to use as a mother ship to attack other ships at sea. Ten Yemeni crew aboard the boat were reportedly dumped on shore.Piracy on the high seas near off Somalia had reached its peak between 2008 and 2012, but had since subsided.At the peak of the piracy crisis in January 2011, 736 hostages and 32 boats were held.But analysts believe the resurgence of piracy is owing to the growing influence of Islamic State, corruption, drought and famine.

PPPs CEC meeting decides to establish think tank for elections


NAUDERO (Dunya News) – A joint session of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Central Executive Committee (CEC) and People’s Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) has decided to establish think tank for elections, Dunya News reported on Tuesday.The joint meeting of the PPP’s Central Executive Committee and Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians was held in Naudero on the 38th death anniversary of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and was presided by PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari.A coordination committee was also established to formulate party’s election manifesto. Sherry Rehman and Farhatullah Babar were named coordination committee members.In his address during the CEC meeting, Asif Ali Zardari said that the real competition in the upcoming general elections in the country will be between PPP and PML-N and added that Punjab will be the centre of his party’s election campaign.The CEC meeting also expressed concern over the non-implementation of the National Action Plan. PPP leader Farhatullah Babar also demended of the government to announce verdict in reference against Zulfiar Ali Bhutto’s judicial murder.

Walton called up for Pakistan ODIs


GUYANA (Agencies) - Chadwick Walton’s good run in the recently concluded Twenty20 International series earned him a vote of confidence from the West Indies selectors, as they picked the wicketkeeper-batsman for the first two One-Day Internationals against Pakistan, with the first match on April 7.Walton, 31, is the only new face in the 13-member squad which lost to England 3-0 last month. Carlos Brathwaite, the West Indies T20I skipper, and Kraigg Brathwaite are the two names missing from the squad which featured in the earlier series.Shannon Gabriel, who was replaced by Miguel Cummins in the final ODI against England due to a side strain, has been included in the squad.Walton, who scored 80 runs from four T20Is, is the second wicketkeeper-batsman in the squad along with Shai Hope. Walton played the last of his five ODIs in January 2014.The squad, which has only six members as carryovers from their T20I squad, will take part in three ODIs at the Providence Stadium in Guyana.West Indies lost the T20I series 3-1, and will be looking to make amends in the ODIs. The 50-over contests will bee followed by three Tests, with the first five-day game starting on April 22.West Indies squad for first two ODIs: Jason Holder (capt), Devendra Bishoo, Jonathan Carter, Miguel Cummins, Shannon Gabriel, Shai Hope, Alzarri Joseph, Evin Lewis, Jason Mohammed, Ashley Nurse, Kieran Powell, Rovman Powell, Chadwick Walton.

Bangladesh skipper Mashrafe quits Twenty20 cricket


COLOMBO (AFP) - Bangladeshs limited-overs captain Mashrafe Mortaza announced on Tuesday his retirement from Twenty20 international cricket after he completes the ongoing two-match series against Sri Lanka.Mashrafes decision came just before the first match of the series against the home side in Colombos R. Premadasa Stadium.It has been a great honour for me to represent Bangladesh in T20I for more than 10 years, Mashrafe said on his official Facebook page.I believe that this team is currently a balanced one and there are some promising young stars.This is high time for me to say good-bye to T20 format so that many youngsters can get the opportunity to showcase their talent, he said.Mashrafe made his Twenty20 international debut against Zimbabwe in 2006, the first ever game played by the South Asian country in the shortest format, and has been an integral part of the side ever since.Beloved by fans, the 33-year-old played 52 Twenty20 internationals to claim 39 wickets and score 368 runs.He led Bangladesh in 27 of his 52 Twenty20 internationals and won nine matches.But he was hobbled by knee injuries during much of his career, forcing him to avoid Test cricket since 2009 and to undergo a series of operations in Australia.Bangladesh selectors welcomed his decision to retire from Twenty20 international cricket.Mashrafe is a true legend of our game and he has made the right decision, Bangladeshs chief selector Minhajul Abedin told AFP by phone.He will now play his final Twenty20 international against Sri Lanka on April 6 in Colombo.He is expected to continue to lead Bngladesh in one-day internationals.

Perera guides Sri Lanka to six-wicket win


COLOMBO (AFP) - Kusal Perera struck a quick-fire half century to steer Sri Lanka to a six-wicket win over Bangladesh in the first of their two-match Twenty20 International series in Colombo on Tuesday.Perera, who passed a late fitness test to be included for the game, hit 77 off 53 balls as Sri Lanka reached 158-4 in 18.5 overs after restricting Bangladesh to 155-6.Sri Lanka never lost their grip on the match after Perera and captain Upul Tharanga put on 65 runs in the opening stand, though a double strike by Bangladesh captain Mashrafe Mortaza slowed their progress.Mashrafe, who announced his retirement from Twenty20 International cricket before the game, removed Tharanga for 24 and took a catch off his own bowling to dismiss Dilshan Munaweera for eight.Perera, who smashed nine fours and a six, was out in the penultimate over hoisting a catch to Soumya Sarkar at mid-off off Taskin Ahmed but Seekkuge Prasanna (22 not out) and Thisara Perera ( four not) ended the game in the same over.I tried to finish the game. (I) had a couple of injuries but recovered well, said Kusal Perera. Every player has a couple of bad patches, (you) have to get over it, do the hard work and get out of bad patches.Mashrafe finished with 2-32 but other Bangladeshi bowlers struggled as Sri Lanka took a 1-0 lead in the series.Earlier, Mosaddek Hossain top-scored with 34 not out to help Bangladesh revive the innings with a 57-run sixth wicket stand with Mahmudullah after some disciplined bowling by Sri Lanka left the visitors reeling at 82-5 at one stage.Mahmudullah made 31 off 26 balls while Soumya chipped in with 29 in Bangladeshs stop-start innings at R Premadasa Stadium.Mashrafe won the toss and opted to bat first but Bangladesh were rocked by Lasith Malingas second ball strike.Making a comeback in international cricket after weeks of injury lay-off, Malinga bowled opener Tamim Iqbal for a duck, though Sri Lanka could not capitalise on the wicket of the visitors batting mainstay .Soumya and Sabbir Rahman put on 57 runs for the second wicket to put Bangladesh back on track before a run-out of Sabbir for 16 triggered a Bangladesh collapse and choked the visitors in the middle overs.Soumya left in the same over before quick dismissals of Mushfiqur Rahim (11) and Shakib Al Hasan (11) threatened to derail Bangladesh completely.The way we batted in the first six overs was brilliant, but we lost too many wickets in the middle... we need to be more calculating while batting, Mashrafe said after the match.Malinga finished with 2-38. Tharanga praised Malinga for his efforts. Malinga is one of the best bowlers in the world, he said.The second and final match of the series will be held at the same ground on April 6.

British policeman appointed anti-corruption manager


LONDON (AFP) - Experienced British policeman Alex Marshall will replace Yogendra Pal Singh as general manger of the International Cricket Councils Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU), it was announced on Tuesday.The 55-year-old, who served as Hampshire Chief Constable from 2008-2013, will take up the post in September, becoming the units fourth general manager.I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Alex Marshall as the new general manager, said the ACUs chairman and another former senior policeman, Ronnie Flanagan.Alex brings with him from his distinguished police career, a tremendous wealth of knowledge, expertise, experience and commitment which I know will further bolster the ACU in its fight against corruption in cricket, added Flanagan.Marshall -- who joined the police in 1980 -- is presently the Chief Executive of the College of Policing which is the professional body for police in England and Wales.Singh, in his post since 2011 when he replaced compatriot Ravi Sawani, had a 30-year career in the Indian police force including being joint-head of the unit fighting corruption at the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

South African paceman De Lange joins Glamorgan


LONDON (AFP) - Pace bowler Marchant de Lange has been hailed a match-winner by Glamorgan coach Robert Croft after the South African signed a three-year contract on Tuesday.The 26-year-old, who has adapted his bowling action since suffering a stress fracture in his back in 2012, is especially effective in the shorter formats of the game and has played in Twenty20 franchise teams round the world.Marchant is a match-winner. He has pace, aggression -- and hes the right age and at the right stage of his career to make an impact for us, said Croft.He will be a great addition to our squad.De Lange, who played the last of his two Tests for South Africa in 2012 and his last one-day international in 2014, is in the prime of his career, said Glamorgans director of cricket Hugh Morris.We are delighted to have signed Marchant de Lange and to see him arrive in Wales today, said Morris.Glamorgan open their second division County Championship campaign against Northamptonshire on Friday.

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