Tuesday 18 April 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

At UN, US warns on human rights in Iran, Cuba, N.Korea


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The United States on Tuesday singled out North Korea and Syria over human rights violations and warned at the United Nations that new conflicts could be triggered by abuses in Iran, Cuba and North Korea.US ambassador Nikki Haley made the case at the Security Council that more attention should be focused on rights abuses to prevent conflict, a view challenged by Russia, China and other countries at the UN body.When a state begins to systematically violate human rights, it is a sign, it is a red flag, its a blaring siren -- one of the clearest possible indicators that instability and violence may follow and spill across borders, said Haley.Turning to Syria, she recalled that the war, now in its seventh year, began with anti-government protests, and took a swipe at the council for being reluctant to address the crisis early on.In North Korea, systematic human rights violations underwrite the countrys nuclear and ballistic missile programs, she argued.The next international crisis could very well come from places where human rights are widely disregarded. Perhaps it will be North Korea or Iran or Cuba, she said.Haley also mentioned cases of torture in Burundi and Myanmars crackdown on ethnic Rohingyas as human rights concerns.The United States, which holds the council presidency this month, was able to hold the meeting on human rights following negotiations with countries that did not want it to be a formal agenda item.Seven countries -- Russia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Bolivia, Senegal -- raised objections, with many arguing that the UN Human Rights Council was the venue for such discussion.In the end, human rights were discussed under the existing international peace and security agenda item at the Security Council.During the meeting, Chinese Ambassador Liu Jieyi devoted his remarks on poverty as one of the root causes of conflict and notably did not mention human rights.All nations should take development as a first priority, he said.Russian Deputy Ambassador Evgeniy Zagaynov argued that the Security Council would be extending its mandate of preserving peace and security if it were to tackle human rights.Such a move would lead to a politicization of the Security Council and lower trust in its work, argued the Russian envoy.In a jab at the United States, Bolivia argued that joining the International Criminal Court would help advance human rights. The United States has not signed the Rome statute establishing the ICC.Human rights groups were skeptical of the US push for the meeting, raising questions about President Donald Trumps commitment to ending violations.If the Trump administration wants to burnish its reputation on rights, it should address problems at home such as its discriminatory travel ban on people from six Muslim majority countries, said Akshaya Kumar, deputy UN director at Human Rights Watch.

Israel vows not to negotiate with Palestinian hunger strikers


JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israel vowed on Tuesday not to negotiate with hundreds of Palestinian detainees on the second day of a hunger strike led by prominent prisoner and popular leader Marwan Barghouti.More than 1,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons launched the hunger strike on Monday, issuing a list of demands ranging from better medical services to access to telephones.Issa Qaraqe, head of prisoner affairs for the Palestinian Authority, said on Monday that around 1,300 prisoners were on hunger strike and the number could rise.The Palestinian Prisoners Club put the number at 1,500.A spokesman for the Israel Prisons Service said around 1,100 prisoners started the hunger strike and roughly the same number were believed to be continuing on Tuesday.Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan vowed that Israeli authorities would not negotiate with the prisoners and said Barghouti had been moved to another prison and placed in solitary confinement.They are terrorists and incarcerated murderers who are getting what they deserve and we have no reason to negotiate with them, Erdan told army radio.He said Barghouti had been placed in solitary confinement because calling for the hunger strike was against prison rules.Some 6,500 Palestinians are currently detained by Israel for a range of offences and alleged crimes.Of those, 62 are women and 300 are minors.Some 500 are held under administrative detention, which allows for imprisonment without charge.Thirteen Palestinian lawmakers are also among the detainees.Palestinian prisoners have mounted repeated hunger strikes, but rarely on such a large scale.Barghoutis call for the strike has given it added credibility, with the 57-year-old serving five life sentences over his role in the second Palestinian intifada or uprising.He was convicted of attacks that killed five people.Barghouti is popular among Palestinians, with polls suggesting he could win the Palestinian presidency.Graffiti showing the iconic image of his cuffed hands raised above his head flashing a peace sign during his trial in 2003-4 has been daubed on walls across the occupied West Bank.Decades of experience have proved that Israels inhumane system of colonial and military occupation aims to break the spirit of prisoners and the nation to which they belong, by inflicting suffering on their bodies, separating them from their families and communities, using humiliating measures to compel subjugation, Barghouti wrote in a New York Times opinion piece.In spite of such treatment, we will not surrender to it.Hamas, the Islamist movement that runs the Gaza Strip, saluted the brave prisoners on hunger strike.Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas issued a statement on Monday calling on the international community to save the lives of the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.The start of the hunger strike coincided with Palestinian Prisoners Day.Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated in support of the inmates.It also comes ahead of commemorations this summer marking the 50th anniversary of Israels occupation of the West Bank, including now annexed east Jerusalem, in the Six-Day War.The hunger strike has met with harsh criticism from members of Israels right-wing government.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not comment directly on the protest, but on Tuesday called Barghouti an arch-terrorist.Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he wanted to take the approach of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, who publicly refused to accede to the demands of IRA hunger strikers in 1981, 10 of whom died.Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked told television that authorities would not hesitate to implement the law which authorises the force-feeding of detainees.The law voted in 2015 concerns hunger strikers whose life is deemed in danger.The United Nations said Tuesday it was following the situation closely.We are obviously aware of the situation and following the developments closely, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said, urging all parties to exercise maximum restraint.While many Palestinians view Barghouti as a hero, Israelis point to the bloody suicide attacks of the second intifada of 2000-2005 and his role in the uprising.For Palestinians, the prisons have become a stark symbol of Israels occupation. Barghouti refused to defend himself at his trial and did not recognise the courts legitimacy.Some Israeli analysts have sought to highlight the rivalry between Barghouti and Abbas within their Fatah party, suggesting that his call for a hunger strike was also related to internal politics.Those close to Barghouti have dismissed such suggestions.Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts have been at a standstill since a US-led initiative collapsed three years ago.Abbas is due to meet US President Donald Trump in Washington for the first time in the coming weeks as the White House seeks a way forward with peace efforts.

Trump's threatened 'armada' still far from N. Korea: official


WASHINGTON (AFP) - An aircraft carrier the US Navy said was steaming toward the Korean Peninsula amid rising tensions has not yet departed, a US defense official acknowledged Tuesday.The Navy on April 8 said it was directing a naval strike group headed by the USS Carl Vinson supercarrier to sail north, as a prudent measure to deter North Korea.Pentagon chief Jim Mattis on April 11 said the Vinson was on her way up to the peninsula.President Donald Trump the next day said: We are sending an armada. Very powerful.But a defense official told AFP Tuesday that the ships were still off the northwest coast of Australia. A Navy photograph showed the Vinson off Java over the weekend.They are going to start heading north towards the Sea of Japan within the next 24 hours, the official said on condition of anonymity.The official added that the strike group wouldnt be in the region before next week at the earliest -- it is thousands of nautical miles from the Java Sea to the Sea of Japan.At the time of the strike groups deployment, many media outlets said the ships were steaming toward North Korea, when in fact they had temporarily headed in the opposite direction.The United States ratcheted up its rhetoric ahead of North Koreas military parade and failed missile launch over the weekend, and Vice President Mike Pence on Monday declared that the era of US strategic patience in dealing with Pyongyang was over.North Korean leader Kim Jong-un responded with his own fiery warnings and threatened to conduct weekly missile tests.It was not clear if the issue was the result of poor communication by the Navy, but some observers were critical.Joel Wit, a co-founder of the 38 North program of the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, said the matter was very perplexing and fed into North Koreas narrative that America is all bluster and doesnt follow through on threats.If you are going to threaten the North Koreans, you better make sure your threat is credible, Wit said.If you threaten them and your threat is not credible, its only going to undermine whatever your policy toward them is.The strike group has been conducting drills with the Australian navy in recent days, the official said, though it scrapped a planned port visit in Australia as a result of the new orders.

Three dead as man goes on killing spree in California city


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - A 39-year-old man went on a shooting spree in the central California city of Fresno on Tuesday, killing three people and injuring another before being arrested, authorities said.The suspect, an African-American named Kori Ali Muhammad, is believed to have shot a security guard last week outside a motel in the city. The guard died in a hospital.Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer told reporters that Muhammad, who used the alias Black Jesus, shouted Allahu Akbar -- God is great in Arabic -- as he was being taken into custody.He added that Muhammad had also indicated in postings on his Facebook page that he hated white people and the government.This was a random act of violence, Dyer said. These were unprovoked attacks by an individual who was intent on carrying out homicides today.He added that there was every reason to believe Muhammad had acted alone but a probe was underway to determine if he had any terror links.Lieutenant Mark Hudson, a police spokesman, told AFP the FBI had been contacted about the killings.A spokeswoman for the FBI declined comment, referring media inquiries to local police.Dyer said Tuesdays victims were white males -- as was the security guard -- and one was shot while sitting in the passenger seat of a truck.He said the shootings, which took place at around 10:45 am at four different locations in the downtown area of the city, were unprovoked and that up to 16 rounds were fired during the minute-long rampage.Dyer said Muhammad had a criminal history including for weapons violations, drugs and making terrorist threats.He said he was known to be homeless at times and had associated with gangs.Muhammad faces four counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder, authorities said.Hudson said the weapon used in the killings had not been recovered.He said Muhammad would make his first court appearance within 48 hours.The rampage is likely to reignite a long-running debate in the US on gun control, an issue that has dogged successive administrations.More than 30,000 people are killed by gun violence in the United States every year, half of them between the ages of 18 and 35, according to statistics.So far this year, there have been 17,668 incidents involving guns nationwide and 4,399 fatalities, Gun Violence Archive, a not-for-profit group, said on its website.It said the victims include 183 children up to 11 years old and 910 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17.President Donald Trump has yet to spell out his policy on gun control but with Republicans in control of the White House and Congress, there are fears his administration will ease restrictions.

Karachi: 31 suspects nabbed in police search operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Crackdown against criminal elements under National Action Plan (NAP) continues in Karachi as police arrested at least 31 suspects during search operations in different parts of the city on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police conducted search operation in Subanagar area of Joharabad and arrested 10 suspects during house-to-house search. Police sources said that two arrested persons have confessed of snatching two motorcycles during initial investigation.At least ten more suspects were apprehended by police during search operation in Ajmer Nagri area. The arrested persons were shifted to police station for further investigation.Police also conducted a search operation in Dir Colony, Desilva Town and Pahar Ganj areas and arrested 11 suspects.On the other hand, police have also arrested a dacoit from Abbasi Shaheed Hospital who was wounded during a robbery attempt in the News Karachi area.

SC to hear Mashal murder case in open court today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - A three-member bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan will start proceeding on Mashal Khan suo motu notice today (Wednesday), Dunya News reported.The three-member bench headed by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Justice Saqib Nisar will hear the case in an open court.Notices were issued by the Supreme Court to the IG Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Advocate General and registrar Wali Khan University to appear before court today.Mashal Khan was killed by an angry mob at the Wali Khan University in Mardan on blasphemy charges.On the other hand, the report submitted by IG Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the Supreme Court revealed that no evidence of blasphemy was found against Mashal Khan.

Three youths gunned down in Rawalpindi


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Some unidentified persons riding on a motorcycle opened fire and killed three people in the jurisdiction of Gujar Khan Police Station in Rawalpindi on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, three young men were sitting near Yasir Road when some unidentified gunmen sprayed bullets on them and killed them on the spot.The deceased were identified as Umar, Abdur Rehman and Sohna and were close friends. Police have shifted the dead bodies to hospital and started investigation.

Two killed in truck, motorcycle collision in Lahore


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to details, race between two trucks at the Ferozepur Road in Chungi Amar Sadhu area of Lahore on Tuesday claimed lives of two teenagers.A speeding truck hit the motorcycle and killed two teenage boys on the spot. Police sources said that the identity of the 16-year-old and 18-year-old boys is still not known.Police have shifted the dead bodies to hospital for autopsy. The driver of the truck managed to escape from the spot.

Multan: Train drivers call off strike


MULTAN (Dunya News) – The train drivers went on strike on Tuesday after Awam Express driver and assistant driver were suspended by the railway authorities following an accident between Awam Express and a goods train.The Awam Express had collided with a stationary goods train after which the driver and assistant driver of the passenger train were suspended.The Drivers Association gave the strike call after the suspension of their colleagues and stopped five trains, including Musa Pak, Jaffar Express and Night Coach, at various railway stations.The Drivers Association called off their strike after DS Railway reinstated assistant driver Azhar and all the stranded trains started their journey again.

PM Nawaz to inaugurate Bhikki Power Plant today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will inaugurate Bhikki Power Plant today (Wednesday) for which preparations have been started, Dunya News reported.The Bhikki Power Plant’ inauguration had been scheduled for April 20 (Friday) but now work in underway on emergency basis for the inauguration of the power plant today.The Prime Minister is scheduled to inaugurate Bhikki Power Plant at 3:00pm today.

Unofficial result: PML-N wins PP-23 by-election


TALAGANG (Dunya News) - Pakistan Muslim League- Nawaz (PML-N) won the Punjab Assemblys constituency PP-23 Talagang by-election on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.According to unofficial and unconfirmed result, PML-N candidate Malik Sheharyar Awan secured 72,071 votes to win PP-23 by-election. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) Col (retired) Sultan bagged 49,910 votes to remain second.The seat fell vacant after the death of Malik Zahoor Anwar of the PML-N, who had won the seat in the 2013 general elections.At least 199 polling stations were established by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for 258,079 voters, including 121,152 women, in the constituency. Polling began at 8.00 AM and ended at 5.00 PM.

Australia planning Bangladesh tour, official says


DHAKA (AFP) - Australias cricket side is expected to tour Bangladesh later this year for their first Test matches there in more than a decade, an official said Tuesday.The worlds number-two side is expected to play two Tests against the cricket minnows in August and September in Dhaka, Bangladesh Cricket Board chief executive officer Nizamuddin Chowdhury said.We are now working on the schedule and other details with CA (Cricket Australia), he said.The cricketing heavyweights have not played a Test in Bangladesh since Ricky Pontings team toured there in 2006.Bangladesh were only granted Test status in 2000.Outside major international competitions, the two sides have only played two one-day series in the past 10 years, with Australia maintaining a clean victory slate.Australia were scheduled to play two Tests in Dhaka and Chittagong in October 2015 but the tour was cancelled amid security fears after a spate of attacks by Islamist extremists in the Muslim-majority nation.Australia also refused to send their junior team to last years Under-19 World Cup in Dhaka due to security concerns.Cricket Australias head of security Sean Carroll visited Bangladesh in October to monitor security arrangements as England toured the country for a month-long series.Since then the cricket authorities of the two nations have been negotiating a fresh chance for Australia to tour Bangladesh, and the possibility of limited over matches to complement the Test series.

No England reunion for Ireland's Rankin


LONDON (AFP) - Ireland paceman Boyd Rankin will miss next months two-match one-day international series against England with a back injury, it was announced Tuesday.Rankin returned to his original national side after an ill-fated spell with England that culminated in a solitary Test appearance against Australia.But his back problem means the 32-year-old, who plays for English county side Warwickshire, will be sidelined when Ireland face England at Bristol on May 5 and two days later when the Irish play their first ODI at Lords.But experienced batsmen Kevin OBrien and Paul Stirling, have both overcome injury problems to be included in Irelands 14-man squad.OBrien, who hit the fastest World Cup hundred when Ireland upset the odds to record a memorable victory against England at Bangalore in 2011, is fit following hamstring trouble while Stirling, who plays county cricket for Lords-based Middlesex, has recovered from a finger injury.The opportunity to play England in England and in particular at Lords is not only historic, but a great tribute to Irish cricket and its journey, said Ireland coach John Bracewell.The former New Zealand off-spinner added: The 14 selected give us the best balance available to take on England in early May.Ireland captain William Porterfield, a Warwickshire colleague of Rankin, said: Ive no doubt there will be a massive support at both venues given both the number of Irish around Bristol and in London, never mind the amount of people travelling over.He added: While well certainly respect England, theres absolutely no fear factor there.It helps that there are seven survivors from our World Cup win against them (England), so it shows just how much experience there is in the camp, as well as a number of younger players who have the hunger to make history again.England are set to be captained by former Ireland batsman Eoin Morgan who, in common with Rankin, switched allegiance to pursue the greater international opportunities that come with representing a fully-fledged Test nation.But Ireland themselves are now in sight of Test status and Porterfield, contemplating the prospect of leading Ireland out at Lords, said: Itll be a great honour and a special day for all in Irish cricket.I smile when I think that both myself and Eoin (Morgan) played for Ireland Under-13s together and here we will be captaining both sides in a one-day international at Lords. It shows just how far Irish cricket has come in a short space of time, but we still have more to travel and offer.Hopefully it wont be too long until we play a Test match at Lords.Ireland squad for England ODIs at Bristol and Lords on May 5 and May 7 respectively:William Porterfield (Warwickshire/ENG, capt, Andrew Balbirnie (Leinster Lightning), Peter Chase (Leinster Lightning), George Dockrell (Leinster Lightning), Ed Joyce (Sussex/ENG), Tim Murtagh (Middlesex/ENG), Andrew McBrine (NW Warriors), Barry McCarthy (Durham/ENG), Kevin OBrien (Leinster Lightning), Niall OBrien (NW Warriors), Paul Stirling (Middlesex/ENG), Stuart Thompson (NW Warriors), Gary Wilson (Derbyshire/ENG), Craig Young (NW Warriors).

Google Earth re-invented for new era


SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Google on Tuesday launched a re-imagined version of its free Earth mapping service, weaving in storytelling and artificial intelligence and freeing it from apps.This is our gift to the world, Google Earth director Rebecca Moore said while giving AFP an early look at the new version of the program that lets people range the planet from the comfort of their computers, smartphones or tablets.Its a product that speaks to our deepest values around education and making information available to people.A new Voyager feature enables people digitally exploring the planet to be guided on interactive stories told by experts, boasting partners including BBC Earth, NASA, Sesame Street, and the Jane Goodall Institute.Google artificial intelligence will be put to work for Earth users in the form of knowledge cards that let them dive deeper into online information about mountains, countries, landmarks or other places being virtually visited.It will also make suggestions on other locations armchair explorers might be interested in based on what they have searched in the past.This is the first time we have done this deep integration with the Google Knowledge Graph, Earth engineering manager Sean Askay said.Everything Google knows about the world, you can know about the world.There is also a newly installed Feeling Lucky? feature for people who want to let the software suggest hidden gems such as Pemba Island off the Swahili coast or the Oodaira Hot Spring in Yamagata, Japan.People can choose to fly around the world in Earth, using a 3-D button to see the Grand Canyon, chateaux of the Loire Valley and other stunning spots from any angles they wish.Because were doing a lot of the computing in the cloud, it allows you to have Google Earth right on your phone, so you can literally carry the whole world in your pocket, Earth product manager Gopal Shah told AFP at the New York launch.The new version of Google Earth is really about education, its really about immersing yourself in places you havent been before to get a little bit of an exposure, he added.Online explorers cruising the mobile version of Earth can also capture pictures on their travels, sending friends digital postcards.New Earth was launched on Googles Chrome and Android software, with versions tailored for Apple devices and other internet browsing software promised soon.Its the first time that Earth can be reached on a web browser instead of through applications installed on devices.The move allows Google to tap into more powerful computing power at data centers in the internet cloud instead of relying on the capabilities of smartphones and other devices.

SC to hear Mashal murder case in open court


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Supreme Court (SC) will hear Mashal Khan murder case in open court. The prime accused in the case, Wajahat, also said that the university administration was involved in the tragedy, reported Dunya News.SC has issued notices to Advocate General, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa IG and the university registrar to appear on Wednesday. An inquiry report has been submitted in the court in this regard.Mardan DIG has revealed before the senate committee that the university administration had had an old score to settle with Mashal Khan.On the other hand, KP Ig has said in his report submitted in SC that no evidence of blasphemy was found against Mashal Khan. Meanwhile, Wajahat, the prime accused, also told that university administration was involved in creating the situation.The report says that Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has been asked for help in order to determine the authenticity of social media accounts made in Mashal’s name.Alam Shinwari told the senate committee that the administration had filed an FIA against Mashal Khan in November 2016 and it was also involved in his murder, along with other people from outside of the university.The committee has directed to remove the video of the horrible incident from the social media. National Assembly also adopted a resolution condemning the murder. The resolution demanded strict action from the federal and provincial governments against the murderers.

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