Friday 27 January 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Date for next Syria talks thrown into question


GENEVA (AFP) - The timing of the next Syria talks in Geneva was thrown into doubt on Friday after the UN said it could not confirm a Russian announcement that they had been postponed. Meeting in Moscow with minor Syrian opposition figures, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the UN-hosted talks planned for February 8 had been put back until the end of the month. But a spokeswoman for UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura said there was no confirmation the talks had been postponed.Lavrovs remarks were made three days after talks between Damascus and rebel representatives wrapped up in the Kazakh capital Astana without tangible progress.Ahead of the Geneva meet, de Mistura was scheduled to head to New York on Monday for talks with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and would also update the Security Council, his spokeswoman said. Were going to be sure when the special envoy is back, she said. UN spokeswoman Alessandra Vellucci also said the list of those invited to Geneva had not been finalised.Last month, the UN said it intended to hold the next negotiations on February 8, and de Mistura has since referred to that date as the target for the next round of talks. Key players Russia, Turkey and Iran backed the Astana talks and the main result was an agreement by the three sides to try to shore up a shaky ceasefire on the ground.Representatives from the two sides had been expected to hold their first face-to-face talks in the Kazakh capital, but the rebels refused and mediators had to shuttle between the two sides.The latest peace initiative comes after President Bashar al-Assads regime, with the help of Russian and Iranian firepower, dealt rebels a crushing blow by ousting them from eastern Aleppo last month. The main opposition groups stayed away from Fridays meeting in Moscow as the Kremlin seeks to impose its influence as the key powerbroker in Syria.Russia has sidelined the West with its diplomatic push to find a political settlement to the war in Syria, after its military support for Assad transformed the situation on the battlefield.On Thursday, Britain, one of the harshest critics of Moscows actions in Syria, signalled a possible policy shift, with Foreign Minister Boris Johnson saying Assad could be allowed to run for re-election and mentioning a possible arrangement with Russia.More than 310,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict since 2011.

Nobel Peace winner Malala 'heartbroken' by Trump order


NEW YORK (AFP) - Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani student activist and Nobel Peace laureate, said Friday she was heartbroken by Donald Trumps order on refugees and urged the US president not to abandon the worlds most defenseless.I am heartbroken that today President Trump is closing the door on children, mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war, said the 19-year-old, shot in the head by the Taliban in 2012 after publicly advocating education for girls in her home country.In this time of uncertainty and unrest around the world, I ask President Trump not to turn his back on the worlds most defenseless children and families, she added in a statement just moments after Trump signed the decree.Yousafzai is the youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, which she shared in 2014 with Indias Kailash Satyarthi, a fellow education activist.Now living in England, she made a remarkable recovery after undergoing medical treatment and has traveled the world as a campaigner.I am heartbroken that America is turning its back on a proud history of welcoming refugees and immigrants -- the people who helped build your country, ready to work hard in exchange for a fair chance at a new life, she said.The decree signed by Trump was entitled: Protection of the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States.The White House did not immediately make the wording public, but a draft text leaked to US media said it would suspend the entire US refugee resettlement program for at least 120 days while tough new vetting rules are established.In addition, it specifically bars Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until Trump decides that they no longer pose a threat.I am heartbroken that Syrian refugee children, who have suffered through six years of war by no fault of their own, are singled out for discrimination, said Yousafzai.She named a friend who had fled wars in Somalia, Yemen and Egypt to study in the United States, where she had hoped to be reunited with her sister.Today her hope of being reunited with her precious sister dims, she said.

Peru floods kill four, displace thousands


LIMA (AFP) - Floods and landslides in Peru have killed four people and displaced more than 11,000 families over recent weeks, the authorities said Friday.Three people drowned when their vehicle was caught in a flood in the southern Arequipa region, the National Civil Defense Institute said.Elsewhere, a woman was crushed when a wall of her house collapsed in the southeastern region of Huancavelica.Floods blocked roads and destroyed crops, buildings and bridges.The institute said 11,389 families were affected in total so far.The government has declared a state of emergency in four regions, Prime Minister Fernando Zavala said Friday.

Corruption would be over when powerful would be penalised: Siraj


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Jamaat Islami (JI) chief Sirajul Haq said on Friday that corruption would be finished when a powerful person would be penalised by the court, reported Dunya News.Siraj said that democracy would not be derailed, but become stronger if some people are penalised. He criticised government by saying that Rs 7 billion were spent on security of a family in one year.He also appealed to people that they should elect honest people for Nizaam-e-Mustafa (P.B.U.H).

Karachi: Accused killed in CTD operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to DSP Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) Hafeez Juneho, the CTD personnel conducted a raid in Bagh Korangi area on a tip-off that suspects are present in the area on Friday during which the suspects opened fire at the raiding party. The CTD personnel retaliated as a result one accused was critically wounded.The injured accused was shifted to hospital where he succumbed to his wounds. The deceased was identified as Waseem. The CTD sources said that other suspects managed to escape from the scene.

Fake cases registered against MQM leaders: Farooq Sattar


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Pakistan leader Farooq Sattar said on Friday that fake cases were registered against their partys leaders, reported Dunya News.Farooq Sattar was speaking at a press conference after parliamentarian Kunwar Naveed Jamil was released. He said that other members of MQM would also be released soon.Farooq Sattar said that courts ask for a lot of money to grant bail, which is why there was delay in release. He also added that there is lack of facilities in jails, which is why prisoners die. He held provinicial government responsible for their deaths.Kunwar Naveed Jamil said that a case was registered against him even though he was not present on 22 August. He also told that he had to pay Rs 3.3 million for bail.

Firing incident claims one life in Lahore


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to details, some unidentified persons opened fire and killed a youth in Shalimar area of Lahore on Friday night. The deceased was identified as Nisar.Police reached the spot and shifted the body to the hospital. Police have termed the incident as a case of old enmity.On the other hand, police conducted search operation in different parts of Lahore on Friday on the directives of CCPO Lahore Capt. (R) Muhammad Ameen Vance during which the law enforcers apprehended at least 18 suspects.Police carried out search operations in Nawan Kot, Anarkali, South and North Cantt and Naulakha during which 18 suspects were taken into custody who failed to produce any identity document. At least 12 Afghan nationals were among the arrested persons.

Rawalpindi: CTD arrests terrorist, recovers explosive material


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) arrested a terrorist from Koh-e-Noor Mill Bus Stop area in Rawalpindi on Friday, Dunya News reports.According to details, the Counter-Terrorism Department received an intelligence report that a terrorist named Majeed Khan will enter Rawalpindi from Bajor Agency on a motorcycle. The CTD set up a check post near Koh-e-Noor Mill Bus Stop in Rawalpindi and apprehended the terrorist.The CTD personnel also recovered 610 grams of explosive material, 500 ball bearings, five detonators and a motorcycle from the arrested terrorist and shifted him to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

Lahore: Police arrest 18 suspects in search operation


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to details, police conducted search operation in different parts of Lahore on Friday on the directives of CCPO Lahore Capt. (R) Muhammad Ameen Vance during which the law enforcers apprehended at least 18 suspects.Police carried out search operations in Nawan Kot, Anarkali, South and North Cantt and Naulakha during which 18 suspects were taken into custody who failed to produce any identity document. At least 12 Afghan nationals were among the arrested persons. Police also checked documents of the vehicles leaving or entering the areas.

Trump vows 'new vetting' to weed out Islamic radicals


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Donald Trump signed a sweeping new executive order Friday to suspend refugee arrivals and impose tough new controls on travellers from seven Muslim countries.Making good on one of his most controversial campaign promises, and to the horror of human rights groups, Trump said he was making America safe from radical Islamic terrorists.This is big stuff, he declared at the Pentagon, after signing an order entitled: Protection of the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States.The White House did not immediately make the wording of the decree public, but a draft text had been leaked to US media earlier in the week and was widely reported on.According to this unconfirmed version, Trumps decree suspends the entire US refugee resettlement program for at least 120 days while tough new vetting rules are established.In addition, it specifically bars Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat.Meanwhile, no visas will be issued for 30 days to migrants or visitors from seven mainly-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.During the suspensions of the refugee and visa programs, new rules will be devised for what Trump as called the extreme vetting of applicants backgrounds.Some exceptions will be made for members of religious minorities, which -- in the countries targeted by the decree -- would imply favorable treatment for Christians. Civil liberties groups and many counterterror experts condemned the measures, declaring it inhumane to lump the victims of conflict in with the extremists who threaten them.Extreme vetting is just a euphemism for discriminating against Muslims, said Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union.Romero argued that, by choosing countries with Muslim majorities for tougher treatment, Trumps order breaches the US Constitutions ban on religious discrimination.Ahmed Rehab, director of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said his group would mount legal challenges to fight the order tooth and nail.It is targeting people based on their faith and national origin, and not on their character or their criminality, he told AFP.Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and Nobel peace laureate who was shot in the head by the Taliban in 2012, said she was heartbroken.She urged Trump not to abandon the worlds most defenseless children and families.But the measure will be popular with Trumps nationalist base, and stops short of a threat made during last years campaign to halt all Muslim travel to the United States.Trumps supporters defend the measures as necessary to prevent supporters of Al-Qaeda or the Islamic State group from infiltrating the US homeland disguised as refugees.And the State Department, which with the Department of Homeland Security will have to implement the measures, said it was ready to put them into immediate effect.We will announce any changes affecting travelers to the United States as soon as that information is available, spokesman Mark Toner said.We take seriously our responsibility to safeguard the American public while remaining committed to assisting the worlds most vulnerable people, he said.Trump signed the order -- which will cut the number of refugees the United States plans to resettle this fiscal year from 110,000 to 50,000 -- in a ceremony at the Pentagon.Moments earlier, he had signed an order to rebuild the US military and had watched Vice President Mike Pence swear in respected former Marine general James Mattis as his new secretary of defense.Trump showered Mattis with praise and had earlier admitted he would allow the generals opposition to the use of torture to override his own enthusiasm for harsh measures.In what was a busy day from Trump, one week after his inauguration, he also met with Britains Prime Minister Theresa May, the first foreign leader to visit his White House.He hailed the most special relationship between the twin Atlantic powers and praised Britains decision to leave the European Union as a wonderful thing.When it irons out, youre going to have your own identity, and you are going to have the people that you want in your country, he said, in a nod to his own immigration stance. Youre going to be able to make free trade deals without having somebody watching you and what you are doing, he added.May conveyed an invitation from Queen Elizabeth II for Trump to come to Britain for a state visit this year, and thanked him for what she said was his 100 percent support of NATO.At the weekend, Trump is to make calls to Germanys Chancellor Angela Merkel, Frances President Francois Hollande and Russias President Vladimir Putin.He is keen to develop friendly ties with Moscow, but played down reports that he might quickly end US economic sanctions imposed on Russia for its intervention in Ukraine.

Golf: Woods frustrated after missed cut at Torrey Pines


LA JOLLA (AFP) - Tiger Woods long-awaited PGA Tour comeback came to a premature end on Friday after the former world number one missed the cut at the Farmers Insurance Open.Woods had started the day at Torrey Pines Golf Course needing a low second round score to extend his participation into the weekend after a wayward four-over-par first round 76 on Thursday.But despite perfect conditions on Torrey Pines more forgiving North Course, Woods again struggled to generate any momentum, carding a level par 72 which left him four-over after 36 holes.With the cut line projected at level par, Woods was left revising his plans for the weekend after a disappointing outing in his first PGA Tour event since August 2015.Its frustrating, not being able to have a chance to win the tournament, Woods told reporters afterwards. I didnt make the cut.Woods, who now heads to the Gulf for the Omega Dubai Desert Classic next week, took comfort from signs of improvement following his erratic opening round.Overall today was a lot better than yesterday. I hit it better, I putted well again, Woods said.I hit a lot of beautiful putts that didnt go in. But I hit it a lot better today which was nice, Woods said, adding that he will only get sharper after playing more tournaments.Playing tournament golf is a bit different to playing with your buddies in a cart. I need to get more rounds under my belt and more playing time and thats what Im trying to do, he said.Woods, who played in the unofficial Hero World Challenge invitational last month, is stepping up his comeback with a demanding series of tournaments as he targets Aprils Masters at Augusta.But the 41-year-old could only reflect on a frustrating outing at Torrey Pines, the picturesque coastal course nestling against the Pacific Ocean just outside San Diego where he has won no fewer than eight times.Teeing off on the 10th, Woods got off to a perfect start with a birdie on the opening hole to drop to three over.But a bogey on his third hole of the day stunted any hopes of a birdie spree, and he battled his way around the remainder of the front nine with six pars and few real birdie chances.The writing was on the wall after a bogey on his 12th hole, the par-three third, to drift out to five over. He pulled a shot back with a birdie on the par-five fifth, but it was too little too late.Woods was not the only high-profile casualty on Friday, with world number one Jason Day and world number three Dustin Johnson also finishing outside the cut line.

Black Caps out for revenge against Australia


AUCKLAND (AFP) - New Zealand will seek revenge against an under-strength Australia in the one-day series beginning in Auckland on Monday after a humiliating whitewash in the return fixture last year.Australia dominated the Black Caps 3-0 to hoist the Chappell-Hadlee Trophy in December and coach Mike Hesson said his team were keen to make amends on home soil.We only played them a short time ago and we werent at our best. We probably didnt have the resources that weve got available now, he said.Its a huge series for us, an exciting series for us and playing in front of some big home crowds is going to be really important for us.Australias top priority at the moment is the upcoming tour of India, where they have not won a Test since 2004, and they have rested vice-captain Dave Warner and batsman Usman Khawaja for the New Zealand series.Captain Steve Smith is also out with an ankle injury, forcing wicketkeeper Matthew Wade to don the skippers armband and leading to youngster Sam Heazletts call-up.The Black Caps will not miss Warner in particular, who was their chief tormenter in the December series, amassing 299 runs at 99.66 from the three matches.Australia, the worlds top ranked ODI team, have added Aaron Finch and Shaun Marsh to the batting to face New Zealand, who are ranked fourth.The Australians are coming off a 4-1 series win over Pakistan and, while they appear a weakened side on paper, Hesson said they could not be underestimated.Theyve still got plenty of good players, he said.But Hesson said the hosts were buoyed by their own recent success against Bangladesh in all three forms of the game, particularly since their pace attack finally showed signs it was firing in the final Test.The Black Caps also have a stronger batting line-up than the last time they played Australia thanks to the introduction of Ross Taylor and Neil Broom.The classy Taylor missed the last series due to eye surgery while Broom has impressed since being recalled against Bangladesh after six years in the wilderness.The second ODI will be in Napier on Thursday, with the third in Hamilton on Sunday.

Football: Morgan's late leveller rescues Leicester


DERBY (AFP) - Wes Morgan spared Leicesters blushes as his late equaliser rescued a 2-2 draw against second tier Derby in the FA Cup fourth round on Friday.Claudio Ranieris spluttering side were just four minutes away from an embarrassing exit at the hands of their local rivals when Foxes defender Morgan headed home to force a replay.Derby striker Darren Bent had given Leicester an early lead with a bizarre own goal before making amends with a glancing header.Craig Brysons fine finish just before half-time put Derby ahead and the left Premier League champions reeling again before Morgan came to their aid in the nick of time.It was a tough match. We started well and scored but slowly we lost our calm, Ranieri said.We have to concentrate. Too many times we concede. We can only work and be more focused.In the second half we again started well. It was tough to score but thankfully Morgan got one for us.After so many poor results of late, things were looking up for Leicester when Bent sliced his attempted goal line clearance into the net after Robert Huths header struck Chris Baird and bounced towards the net in the eighth minute.Bent soon had a chance to redeem himself following good work by Johnny Russell, who cut into the penalty area from the left, but he scuffed his shot eight yards out.However, Bent equalised after 21 minutes, proving he is much more effective at the other end, glancing home a header from Will Hughes clipped cross.Shinji Okazakis driving run and shot brought a fine fingertip save from Scott Carson as he helped the shot over the crossbar before a similar surge forward from Jamie Vardy saw his shot deflected just wide.Derby deservedly led at the break after Brysons strike. The midfielder won the ball 30 yards from goal before breaking into the penalty area past Morgan and sending a left-footed shot beyond Kasper Schmeichel and into the far corner of the net.Ranieri made an attacking change at half-time with Demarai Gray replacing Christian Fuchs and it almost paid dividends immediately.Gray saw a shot from the left side of the box come back off the far post and this time Okazaki sent the rebound straight at the grounded Carson.Carson was also in the right place again to catch Vardys powerful header after Derby switched off from a throw-in.Leicester and deservedly equalised when Morgan headed home Grays inswinging corner three minutes from time.Huth survived a penalty appeal when Tom Inces effort struck his hand and the neighbours will meet again at the King Power Stadium next month.

Law named as new West Indies coach


ST. JOHNS (AFP) - Former Australian international Stuart Law was Friday named as the new coach of the West Indies on a two-year deal.The 48-year-old will bring the experience of being a former head coach of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh to the job.I am excited at the opportunity to contribute to what I think is an interesting time for West Indies. I think this assignment has come at an important time of my career, said Law.Law played just one Test for Australia in his career but featured in 54 one-day internationals while building a solid first-class career with Queensland, Essex, Lancashire and Derbyshire.He was also a successful captain in Australias domestic cricket with five first class and two one day titles. He scored the most runs at that level -- 27,080 runs in 367 matches.Law was also named one of five Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1998.Outgoing director of cricket at the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB), Richard Pybus said: We are delighted to welcome Stuart, he comes at an exciting and critical time in the development of the West Indies mens team.He has great experience and breadth of knowledge as a player and coach and his cross-cultural experience and winning attitude will be key assets in the development of the team.

Tennis: Long lay-off put Federer quest back on track


MELBOURNE (AFP) - Resurgent Roger Federer said a long period of rest when he took six months out with injury had fuelled his incredible shot at more Grand Slam glory at the Australian Open.The 35-year-old Swiss veteran is wowing the tennis world with his wholly unexpected run through to Sundays final, raising the prospect of an unprecedented 18th major title.Federer, whose ranking has dipped to 17 after a knee problem ended last season following Wimbledon, has defied the doubters by reaching his 28th Grand Slam title match.After a fighting, five-set semi-final win over fellow Swiss Stan Wawrinka, he became the oldest man to reach a major final since Australias Ken Rosewall (39 years 310 days) at the 1974 US Open.Federer said much of his rejuvenation stemmed from his injury break, the longest of his career, which followed surgery on his knee earlier in the season.It was a good thing to do. You can only ever do so much treatment to feel decent, said Federer, whose 19-year playing career has been largely injury-free.What Ive come to realize is when you dont feel well, you have too many problems going on, you just wont beat top-10 players.All the time all youre doing is fighting the fire. From that standpoint, yeah, the six months definitely gave me something in return.The Swiss marvel has spent a total of 13 hours 40 minutes on court in his six matches to get to his sixth Australian final, but he says he feels in good shape.I just wanted to get healthy again. Im happy this week has been a good one, he said.So I will leave it all out here in Australia and (even) if I cannot walk for another five months, I will give it all I have.Federer, a staunch tennis traditionalist, said it meant a great deal to be linked with a record set by Rosewall, an eight-time Grand Slam-winner, by reaching the final. We dont speak about him enough. I think hes a wonderful man, he said.He wrote me a letter again this week to wish me well again. He does it every year at the Australian Open. Still havent seen him, unfortunately. I know hes around.I love that generation of players with Tony Roche, Rod Laver, Ken Rosewall, Roy Emerson. I know hes a few years older, but I know he had a tremendous career. So to be in the same breath like these guys, its a great feeling.I love these guys. It means a lot to me to have equalled something like this since a long time.Federer said his charge through the top half of the mens draw, aided by the shock exit of world number one Andy Murray, had surprised even him.All the same, he needed to give himself a talking-to before completing Thursdays three-hour, 7-5, 6-3, 1-6, 4-6, 6-3 win over Wawrinka.Its gone much better than I thought it would. Thats what I was telling myself in the fifth set, he said.I was saying like, just relax, man. The comeback is so great already. Let it fly off your racquet and just see what happens.I think thats the mindset I got to have, as well, in the finals. Sort of a nothing-to-lose mentality.Its been nice these last six matches to have that mentality. It worked very well so Ill keep that up.

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