Tuesday 31 January 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Karachi: Govt officer accused of kidnapping, case filed


KARACHI (Dunya News) - A government officer, former project director Surjani Shahzad Ahmad was accused of kidnapping and a case was filed against him on Tuesday, reported Dunya News.According to detail, Shahzad Ahmad was accused of kidnapping Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) member Muhammad Akram Khan. Before this police officers were also accused of kidnappings.The father of Akram, Nizaam Khan told that his son was kidnapped by Shahzad Ahmad as he was PTI candidate in 2013 elections.

Syria peace talks postponed until Feb 20


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN-led peace talks on Syria have been postponed until Feb 20 to allow a ceasefire to take hold and to give the opposition time to present a united front, the UN envoy said on Tuesday.The talks in Geneva had been scheduled to begin on Feb 8 but Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov last week announced they would be delayed, without providing reasons.UN envoy Staffan de Mistura told a closed meeting of the Security Council that the postponement would help bolster preparations for the talks aimed at ending the nearly six-year war.We want to give a chance both to the government to become seriously engaged in discussions and the opposition (...) to actually be able to be given a chance to come with one unified opposition, De Mistura told reporters after the meeting.Russia, Iran and Turkey last week led talks in the Kazakh capital of Astana on shoring up a ceasefire in Syria, where more than 310,000 people have died.If the ceasefire becomes as solid as we hope that will only help the Syria talks, said the envoy.The Syrian opposition has been divided over representation to the talks.De Mistura warned that if the opposition failed to agree on the composition of the delegation by Feb 8, he will select the representatives from the various groups who will come to the peace table.If by the 8th of February, the opposition will not be ready to come up with a unified group, I will have to ... actually select the delegation in order to make sure that it can be as inclusive as possible, he said.The council heard a report from De Mistura amid concerns that the Astana discussions could open up a new track of negotiations.During the Astana talks, Russia, Syrias main ally, presented opposition rebels with a draft constitution that was immediately rejected by the groups.The unilateral move by Russia raised concern in Western capitals.We have been concerned that the Geneva talks have been delayed and we would be concerned if there were any watering down of the basis of those talks, British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft told reporters.Its very important that there is confirmation that the UN will lead the next round of talks, said Swedish Ambassador Olof Skoog, this months council president.The UN has to be front and center in the political process, said French Ambassador Francois Delattre.He cited the need to respect the Geneva communique agreed with Russia that calls for a transition in Syria.We start with a transition, then the constitution, and then the elections, said Delattre. I think if we can all stay on this line, then we can move.Previous UN-led talks have broken down over disagreements on ensuring a transition in Damascus that would lead to President Bashar al-Assads exit from power.Western powers have for weeks questioned the purpose of the Astana talks and raised concern that they could sideline the Geneva talks.Turkey, which backs rebel forces, has for the first time conceded that a peace deal that excludes Assad from power might not be possible.The new date was announced after US Ambassador Nikki Haley meet with De Mistura on Monday to discuss the way forward in Syria.

Israel says will build 3,000 new homes in West Bank settlements


JERUSALEM (Reuters): Israel announced plans on Tuesday for 3,000 more settlement homes in the occupied West Bank, the third such declaration in eleven days since U.S. President Donald Trump took office.Trump has signalled he could be more accommodating towards such projects than his predecessor Barack Obama.A statement from the Israeli Defence Ministry, which administers lands Israel captured in a 1967 war, said the decision was meant to fulfil demand for housing and return to life as usual.The announcement came close to midnight as preparations began for the eviction of 330 settlers from an outpost in the West Bank. The Supreme Court had ruled that the Amona outpost must be evacuated by Feb 8. because it was built illegally on privately-owned Palestinian land.Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are due to meet in Washington on Feb. 15. The presidents chief spokesman said last week the two leaders would discuss settlement building.The muted response from the Trump White House so far on Israels settlement announcements has been a clear departure from Obama, whose aides routinely criticized settlement construction plans.An announcement a week ago by Israel that it would build some 2,500 more homes in the West Bank drew rebuke from the Palestinians and from the EU. It followed approval of more than 560 new homes in East Jerusalem days before.Palestinians want the West Bank and Gaza Strip for an independent state, with its capital in East Jerusalem. Israeli troops and settlers withdrew from Gaza in 2005.Most countries consider settlements illegal and an obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace as they reduce and fragment the territory Palestinians need for a viable state.Israel disagrees, citing biblical, historical and political connections to the land - which the Palestinians also assert - as well as security interests.

Trump picks conservative judge Gorsuch for US Supreme Court


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday nominated Neil Gorsuch for a lifetime job on the US Supreme Court, picking the 49-year-old federal appeals court judge to restore the courts conservative majority and help shape rulings on divisive issues such as abortion, gun control, the death penalty and religious rights.The Colorado native faces a potentially contentious confirmation battle in the U.S. Senate after Republicans last year refused to consider Democratic President Barack Obamas nominee to fill the vacancy caused by the February 2016 death of conservative justice Antonin Scalia.Gorsuch is the youngest nominee to the nations highest court in more than a quarter century, and he could influence the direction of the court for decades.Announcing the selection at the White House flanked by the judge and his wife, Trump said Gorsuchs resume is as good as it gets. Trump said he hopes Republicans and Democrats can come together on this nomination for the good of the country.Judge Gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous disciple, and has earned bipartisan support, Trump said.Depending on their age, a justice can be active for 50 years. And his or her decisions can last a century or more, and can often be permanent, Trump added.Gorsuch is a judge on the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and was appointed to that post by Republican President George W. Bush in 2006.Some Democrats in the U.S. Senate, which votes on whether to confirm judicial nominees, have already said they would seek to block whoever Trump nominates.Gorsuch is considered a conservative intellectual, known for backing religious rights, and is seen as very much in the mold of Scalia, a leading conservative voice on the court for decades.A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the choice of Gorsuch was seen by the White House as a significant departure from Supreme Court nominations from the recent past, given that many justices have come from the eastern United States. Gorsuch lives in Boulder, Colorado, where he raises horses and is a life-long outdoorsman.The official described Gorsuch as a mainstream judge who should easily be confirmed by the Senate. The official noted that the Senate confirmed him for his current judgeship in 2006 by voice vote with no one voting against him.The official said the White House feels Gorsuch has the qualities that Democratic senators said they wanted to see in a justice during visits with senior Trump officials about filling the vacancy.He plays it straight. He sticks to principles, and his opinions reflect a consistency regardless of who is in his courtroom, the official said of Gorsuch.Trump made his choice between two U.S. appeals court judges, Gorsuch and Thomas Hardiman of the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, according to a source involved in the selection process.Gorsuch became the youngest U.S. Supreme Court nominee since Republican President George H.W. Bush in 1991 selected conservative Clarence Thomas, who was 43 at the time.He is the son of Anne Burford, the first woman to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She served in Republican President Ronald Reagans administration but resigned in 1983 amid a fight with Congress over documents on the EPAs use of a fund created to clean up toxic waste dumps nationwide.Trumps selection was one of the most consequential appointments of his young presidency as he moved to restore a conservative majority on the Supreme Court that had been in place for decades until Scalia died at age 79 on Feb. 13, 2016.Trump, who took office on Jan. 20, got the opportunity to name Scalias replacement only because the Republican-led U.S. Senate, in an action with little precedent in U.S. history, refused to consider Obamas nominee for the post, appeals court judge Merrick Garland. Obama nominated Garland on March 16 but Republican senators led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell denied Garland the customary confirmation hearings and vote.Trump has said his promise to appoint a conservative justice was one of the reasons he won the Nov. 8 presidential election, with Christian conservatives and others emphasizing the importance of the pick during the campaign. Trump last week said evangelical Christians would love his nominee.Trumps fellow Republicans hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate. The minority Democrats, irate over Garlands rebuff, potentially could try to block the nomination with procedural hurdles.The new appointee would expand the courts conservative wing, made up of John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Kennedy long has been considered the courts pivotal vote, sometimes siding with the liberals in key cases such as the June 2016 ruling striking down abortion restrictions in Texas.The courts restored conservative majority likely would be supportive toward the death penalty and gun rights and hostile toward campaign finance limits. Scalias replacement also could be pivotal in cases involving abortion, religious rights, presidential powers, transgender rights, voting rights, federal regulations others.Gorsuch has strong academic qualifications, with an Ivy League education: attending Columbia University and, like several of the other justices on the court, Harvard Law School. He also completed a doctorate in legal philosophy at Oxford University, spent several years in private practice and worked in George W. Bushs Justice Department.Gorsuch joined an opinion in 2013 saying that owners of private companies could object on religious grounds to a provision of the Obamacare health insurance law requiring employers to provide coverage for birth control for women.As long as Kennedy and four liberals remain on the bench, the court is not expected to pare back abortion rights as many U.S. conservatives fervently hope. The Supreme Court legalized abortion in the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. In June, the justices ruled 5-3 to strike down a Texas law that restricted abortion access, with Kennedy and the liberals in the majority.The current vacancy is the courts longest since a 391-day void from 1969 to 1970 during Republican Richard Nixons presidency. After Abe Fortas resigned from the court in May 1969, the Senate voted down two nominees put forward by Nixon before confirming Harry Blackmun, who became a justice in June 1970. Aside from that one, no other Supreme Court vacancy since the U.S. Civil War years of the 1860s has been as long as the current one.Judicial Crisis Network, a conservative legal advocacy group, said it would launch the first part of a US$10 million media advertisement campaign on Tuesday night in favor of Trumps pick. The effort will hold Senate Democrats who face election in 2018 accountable for their choice on the Supreme Court, the group said.Liberal groups including People For the American Way and abortion rights advocate NARAL Pro-Choice America planned a nighttime rally in opposition to Trumps nominee outside the Supreme Court after the announcement.Some Democrats have threatened to pursue a procedural hurdle called a filibuster, meaning 60 votes would be needed in the 100-seat Senate unless its long-standing rules are changed. Trumps fellow Republicans hold a 52-48 majority, meaning some Democratic votes would be needed to confirm his pick.Trump said last week he would favor Senate Republicans eliminating the filibuster, a change dubbed the nuclear option, for Supreme Court nominees if Democrats block his pick.Trump during his presidency may get to make additional appointments to the Supreme Court. Liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who Trump called upon to resign last July after she called him a faker, is 83 while Kennedy is 80. Stephen Breyer, another liberal, is 78.If any of those three is replaced by a Trump appointee, conservatives would be eager to bring cases challenging the Roe v. Wade ruling in the hope it would be overturned, long a goal for many Christian conservatives.

Pakistan to face India in Blind Cricket T20 World Cup today


NEW DELHI (Dunya News) - Pakistan will take on arch-rivals, hosts India in their third match of the Blind cricket World Cup today, reported Dunya News.The players of national blind team were in high spirits ahead of the all important game. In first two matches, Pakistan had beaten New Zealand and Englands teams.In their last match Pakistan had beaten England by 98 runs as Muhammad Akram scored 105 whereas Riasat Khan added 83 runs.

Israel 'sorry for any hurt' with Mexico over wall tweet


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israels president told his Mexican counterpart on Tuesday that he was sorry for the hurt over a tweet in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to praise U.S. President Donald Trumps plans to build a wall on the Mexican border.In a tweet on Saturday that drew a rebuke from Mexico, the right-wing Netanyahu wrote: President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israels southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea.Netanyahu had earlier sidestepped Mexicos demand for an apology and echoed previous Israeli explanations - rejected as insufficient by Mexicos foreign minister on Monday - of his remarks on Twitter. He said his comments did not refer to ties between the United States and its southern neighbour.The office of President Reuven Rivlin, whose post is largely ceremonial, issued a statement taking a more conciliatory line.I am sorry for any hurt caused as a result of this misunderstanding, but we must remember that we are talking about a misunderstanding, and I am sure that we can put the issue behind us, Rivlin was quoted as telling Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.Mexicos foreign ministry acknowledged Rivlins apology.The ministry said Pena Nieto told Rivlin the tweet had upset Mexico and its Jewish community, before adding that Mexico wanted to maintain its friendship and cooperation with Israel.On Monday, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said he thought an apology would be appropriate for Netanyahus tweet while noting that Israel was a close friend of Mexico.Trumps planned border wall, which he says will keep out illegal immigrants, along with his threat to impose punitive taxes against Mexico to rebalance trade, has brought about the worst crisis in U.S.-Mexican relations for decades. Trump signed an executive order last week ordering construction of the wall.Netanyahu, in public remarks on Monday, said that in his tweet he had been referring to Trumps praise for the barrier Israel constructed along the Egyptian frontier, a fence with electronic sensors that has largely halted the influx of African migrants.I did point out the remarkable success of Israels security fence. But I did not comment about U.S.-Mexico relations. Weve had, and will continue to have, good relations with Mexico, Netanyahu said in English at a cybersecurity conference in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.Political commentators and opposition politicians in Israel said Netanyahus tweet had needlessly thrust Israel into the U.S.-Mexican feud.At the Tel Aviv conference, Netanyahu said that Israeli-Mexican ties are much stronger than any passing disagreement or misunderstanding.

Wenger stumped after Watford sink Arsenal


London (AFP) – Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger was at a loss to explain his side’s appalling first-half display during their surprise 2-1 defeat by Watford at the Emirates Stadium.His side mustered just three wayward efforts on goal in the opening 45 minutes as they allowed Watford to canter into a two-goal lead and damage further their tilt at the Premier League title.“It was not good in the first half, especially in the first 20 minutes. We were beaten in the duels and Watford were sharper than us,” Wenger admitted after Tuesday’s match.“Did we think subconsciously that we just had to turn up? I don’t know. Honestly we prepared well for the game. Looking at the preparation, I have no basic regret.“We knew that Watford would make it very physical and we prepared for that.“You do not make 47 points after 23 games in the Premier League if you don’t have physical power, but you have to switch it on 100 percent all of the time in the Premier League.“We didn’t start the way we wanted, but in the second half it was all us and let’s be fair, we didn’t deserve to lose this game.“We hit the bar and (Watford goalkeeper Heurelho) Gomes made fantastic saves as well, so I still think that if you look at the chances, we were unlucky to lose.“On top of that we were a bit unlucky with the free-kick for the first goal and then a deflected shot on top of that.”Younes Kaboul’s deflected free-kick gave Watford a 10th-minute lead and Watford added a second three minutes later when Troy Deeney tucked in the rebound from Etienne Capoue’s shot.Arsenal, who replied through Alex Iwobi, travel to leaders Chelsea on Saturday and Wenger insisted his team will not suffer from a hangover from this result.Nor was he comforted by draws for Chelsea, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur, which limited the ground Arsenal lost.– Taylor tribute –“We want to respond against Chelsea and win the game, of course. But we first have to analyse why we didn’t start well in this game,” said the Frenchman, whose team now trail Chelsea by nine points.“I’m responsible for the results of the team so I am very frustrated that we did not win the game. We are playing at home, we had a great opportunity and we had a start like we did.“We have to learn from that and respond very quickly and in a very convincing way. What the other teams do doesn’t matter.”Wenger confirmed that Welsh midfielder Aaron Ramsey had limped off with a calf strain.For Watford manager Walter Mazzari, the result justified his decision to rest almost his entire first team for Sunday’s FA Cup defeat by third-tier Millwall.The Italian made a point of dedicating the victory to former Watford manager Graham Taylor, who passed away on January 12.“My objective is for Watford to stay in the Premier League and to make my team grow game by game, week by week,” said Mazzarri, whose side sit 13th.“Of course the players need this victory to work better with me and also to believe that they can achieve great things.“I was very happy at the end because recently we deserved to win some games, but didn’t because luck was not on our side. We needed a big win, especially for the morale of the team.“Of course I would have liked us to play the whole 90 minutes like we did in the first half.“But we had at least four or five players coming back from injury and who hadn’t played 90 minutes for a long time, so they weren’t in condition to play the full 90 minutes at the same level.“Today was a great game and I want to dedicate this victory to a great person in Graham Taylor.”

Mourinho warns Manchester Uniteds Martial to prove his worth


Manchester - (AFP) – Anthony Martial still has work to do to convince Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho he is worthy of a regular starting place in his Premier League line-up.French forward Martial, signed from Monaco in 2015, has endured a difficult season since Mourinho’s arrival.Martial has scored just two league goals this term and has drawn criticism recently from his manager, leading to speculation that he might be leaving Old Trafford during the January transfer window.No move has materialised and Mourinho was adamant that the 21-year-old would be staying with the club.Martial was handed a starting opportunity in the weekend FA Cup win over Championship club Wigan.He improved after a poor first-half showing, assisting on two goals in the 4-0 victory.But as Mourinho prepared for his side’s next fixture, a home Premier League meeting with Hull on Wednesday, the United manager revealed Martial still has some way to go if he is to regain his trust.“He has done enough to be on the bench,” said Mourinho. “He has to perform better than the others who are competing for the same positions.“His position is one where we have lots of options. Do you want me to leave Mkhitaryan out after being man of the match and playing so well as he did? I can’t.“The players pick themselves. I am just there to analyse what they do and try to be fair with them. Such a good performance, Mkhitaryan has to play tomorrow. Simple.”The Wigan victory maintained United’s interest in all four competitions in which they started the season.And despite a gruelling February ahead, in which they will play seven fixtures in all four tournaments, Mourinho insists he will not follow the example set by a number of Premier League rivals who fielded severely weakened line-ups in the FA Cup at the weekend.– ‘Mistake’ –“I don’t do it,” said Mourinho. “Even if I am the manager of a club without the same ambitions as us, especially in the FA Cup.“I did it once, in my first year in England, I understood the mistake. I understood the dimensions of my decision.“It was a period where we had to play Barcelona in the Champions League. We went direct to the League Cup final against Liverpool.“In that period we played Newcastle in the FA Cup and I threw it away. I understood the dimension. The FA Cup deserves respect.“I don’t do that. If I am changing players I do it because I have to give chances to some other players. I have to give rest to some others.“I will change players against Blackburn because I have to give players a chance. I will change but I am not going with a team with seven kids. I can’t do that. I will risk but I can’t do that.”Similarly, Mourinho claimed that he will treat the Europa League with equal seriousness as it offers the chance of Champions League football next season should United advance past Saint-Etienne in the last 32 and go on to win the trophy.“Personally, I miss the Champions League,” he said. “Every match I don’t play in the Champions League means an incredible number of matches is not going up.“I am the youngest one to be in the club of 100. Every time I don’t play I am not happy.“But obviously Manchester United is much more important than me and my individual targets.“What matters is Manchester United and as everyone knows, Manchester United is a club that belongs to the Champions League.”

Calm prevails in Europe as football transfer deadline nears


Paris (AFP) – With Tuesday’s transfer deadline fast approaching, Europe’s major clubs have largely remained inactive this month with the exception of Manchester City, who completed the transfer of Brazilian starlet Gabriel Jesus, and Sevilla.European champions Real Madrid and city rivals Atletico Madrid were barred from signing new players under a FIFA imposed ban, while Barcelona elected to stand pat amid another fierce title battle in Spain.But Sevilla and revered sporting director Monchi actively looked to strengthen with the Andalusian club in the hunt for a first Liga crown since 1946 and through to the Champions League knockout phase.After snapping up France Under-21 defender Clement Lenglet, Sevilla plucked Montenegrin striker Stevan Jovetic from Inter Milan on loan while signing Argentine midfielder Walter Montoya from Rosario Central.However, there has been precious little movement elsewhere with Italy international Simone Zaza joining Juventus and Brazilian striker Alexandre Pato following the money trail by leaving Villarreal for China’s Tianjin Quanjian.Unfashionable Las Palmas pulled off a potential coup with the arrival of Paris Saint-Germain flop Jese Rodriguez, the Spanish forward returning to his home city after a difficult six months in France.In England, the arrival of Jesus at Eastlands remains the standout deal, but there has been a flurry of moves involving clubs fighting to avoid the drop and subsequent exile from the Premier League’s riches.City agreed to sign Jesus on a five-year contract in August, but the 19-year-old was immediately loaned back to Palmeiras until the end of the Brazilian season in December.– England’s top six unmoved –Title frontrunners Chelsea recalled Dutch defender Nathan Ake from Bournemouth, but the Blues have primarily offloaded players with Oscar moving to China’s Shanghai SIPG in an Asian record 60-million-euro ($63 million) deal and John Mikel Obi joining Tianjin TEDA.Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger said he had no need to make any last-ditch signings, with 20-year-old defender Cohen Bramall, signed from non-league Hednesford Town, the Gunners’ only January arrival.“I believe that number-wise and quality-wise, we have what is required to do well,” said Wenger, with top-four rivals Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool also standing firm in the transfer market.After their summer spending spree that included the return of Paul Pogba to Old Trafford in a world-record deal, Manchester United have made no new signings this month.Jose Mourinho instead sanctioned the departures of fringe first-team players Memphis Depay to Lyon and Morgan Schneiderlin to Everton, roughly recouping an initial 40 million euros for the pair.Second-bottom Hull City made Inter Milan centre-back Andrea Ranocchia their sixth recruit of the transfer window, joining fellow loan signings Oumar Niasse, Evandro, Omar Elabdellaoui and Lazar Markovic.Markus Henriksen has also arrived for an undisclosed fee from Dutch side AZ Alkmaar, while Jake Livermore and Robert Snodgrass have left to join fellow Premier League sides West Brom and West Ham respectively.– Germans gamble on youth –German clubs have shattered Bundesliga winter transfer spending records, forking out close to 100 million euros and largely gambling on the potential of youngsters like Leon Bailey and Alexander Isak.Promising Jamaican teenager Bailey joined Bayer Leverkusen for a reported 12 million euros, while Swede Isak — dubbed the ‘next Zlatan Ibrahimovic’ — turned down Real Madrid to sign for Borussia Dortmund.France’s Dayot Upamecano swapped Red Bull Salzburg for RB Leipzig for a reported 10 million euros, yet the trio are all in their teens and untested in Europe’s top leagues.Defending champions Bayern Munich completed a double swoop for Hoffenheim pair Niklas Suele and Sebastian Rudy, who will join Carlo Ancelotti’s side at the start of next season.In Italy, Inter Milan brought in Roberto Gagliardini on loan from Atalanta and have an option to buy the midfielder for around 25 million euros.Serie A leaders Juventus picked up Venezuelan international Tomas Rincon from Genoa, while Patrice Evra returned to France after a decade abroad as he signed for Marseille.Roma loaned injury-plagued France midfielder Clement Grenier from Lyon and sent the misfiring Juan Iturbe to Torino, while Napoli picked up striker Leonardo Pavoletti from Genoa.AC Milan reinforced their attacking options with the loan arrivals of Lucas Ocampos (Marseille via Genoa) and Gerard Deulofeu (Everton) to offset the departures of M’Baye Niang (Watford) and Luiz Adriano (Spartak Moscow).Reigning French champions Paris Saint-Germain splashed out on Germany international Julian Draxler, while adding Portugal’s Goncalo Guedes for around 30 million euros, as well as 20-year-old Argentine midfielder Giovani Lo Celso.Dimitri Payet completed a controversial return to Marseille from West Ham for a club-record 30 million euros following a well-documented and protracted struggle with his now former employers.OM have also recruited Evra, Montpellier midfielder Morgan Sanson and Bordeaux centre-back Gregory Sertic as the 1993 Champions League winners continue their rebuilding process under new billionaire American owner Frank McCourt.

United's big guns will return against Hull says Mourinho


Manchester (REUTERS) - Manchester United will field their strongest side at home to Hull City in the Premier League on Wednesday despite manager Jose Mourinhos concerns over their congested fixture list.Striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic, midfielder Paul Pogba, goalkeeper David de Gea and fullback Antonio Valencia are all likely to return after sitting out the FA Cup fourth-round victory over second-tier Wigan Athletic on Sunday.We always play a full strength team, it depends on the way you look at it but we always try to have a strong team, Mourinho told reporters on Tuesday having last week complained about the clubs crazy fixture list.Of course, we have had some players that didnt play the last match, some players with a lot of matches played already, like Valencia, Ibra, Pogba. Some of these players with lots of matches they didnt play, but will play tomorrow.Wayne Rooney, who this month became Uniteds all-time top scorer to match his England achievement, has reportedly been offered a lucrative deal by a Chinese Super League club but Mourinho said his captain will not go anywhere this season.Asked if Rooney would be staying until the end of the season, Mourinho said: Yeah... We already lost two players (Memphis Depay and Morgan Schneiderlin) from the squad.The Portuguese coach, who also confirmed that Ashley Young will not be leaving the Old Trafford club, suggested he had already drawn up his transfer plans for the close season.Were more focused on the summer period... If you ask me do I know what I want for the next transfer window? Yes I know. Is it possible to get? Ill try, always, to be realistic, he said.United, who are still competing in the League Cup, FA Cup and Europa League, are sixth in the Premier League with 41 points while visitors Hull are second-bottom with 16 points.But Mourinhos side wont underestimate the Tigers, who last week ended Uniteds 17-game unbeaten run in all competitions with a 2-1 win in a League Cup semi-final, second leg. United went through 3-2 on aggregate and will face Southampton.

Enrique backs video refs as La Liga prepares testing ground


Madrid (AFP) – Barcelona coach Luis Enrique stressed his desire for Spanish football to embrace video technology in crucial refereeing decisions on Wednesday, whilst league chiefs expect trials to take place from next season.Barca were denied a clear goal in Sunday’s controversial 1-1 draw at Real Betis when referee Alejandro Jose Hernandez failed to see the ball had crossed the Betis goal line and was unaided as, unlike Europe’s other major leagues, La Liga doesn’t have goal line technology.“I think we have to differentiate between video refereeing which means re-refereeing many things and I am not in favour of…and helping the referees with technology in key moments of the game,” said Enrique ahead of his side’s Copa del Rey semi-final, first leg at Atletico Madrid.“A ball over the line or disallowed goal or red card offence…these are the plays where the referees need help and would only lose two or three seconds to check and clarify.”La Liga president Javier Tebas has previously dismissed the use of Hawk-Eye technology used for goal line incidents in other leagues on cost grounds and believes the type of video refereeing, trialed by FIFA at December’s Club World Cup, is a cheaper and more practical resource for the future.“We have always defended the use of technology in football and in this case we believe video refereeing is the most advanced form,” Tebas said on Monday.“The cost was almost 4.5 million euros ($4.8 million). Every year there are seven or eight incidents like this and it seemed to us a fortune when there are other (technologies) in the market at a far lower cost.“In Spain we have to agree with the referees’ committee and we have already communicated to them that next year there will be trials like there are in the Bundesliga or Premier League.”And Tebas believes all the major leagues will move towards a system of video refereeing for controversial incidents by 2018 should FIFA approve.“By July 2018 if FIFA have already definitively approved it we will install (video refereeing),” added Tebas.“Given how the trials are going by July 2018 there will be video refereeing in all professional leagues.”

Karachi: Roof collapse kills two, injures five


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, roof of a dilapidated house in Neelam Colony area of Clifton in Karachi collapsed on Tuesday night, trapping several people under the debris including women and children.The rescue teams and locals of the area retrieved seven injured persons trapped under rubble and shifted them to hospital where two of them died. A woman was among the dead.The deceased were identified as Zeenat and Azeem Sadiq while Salim, Amir, Shabana, eight-year-old Danial and six-year-old Anthony were among the injured.The rescue operation was hampered as heavy machinery could not reach the spot due to narrow streets in the area. The rescue teams are still busy in locating more survivors.

Karachi: 8 accused nabbed in police operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Crackdown against criminal elements under National Action Plane (NAP) in Karachi continues as eight accused were apprehended in police operation in different parts of the city on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police arrested three dacoits in injured condition after an encounter in Karimabad area. Police also arrested a thief in Tibet Centre area while two of his accomplices managed to escape.Police also nabbed two accused during an operation in New Karachi area and recovered arms from their possession. Separately, police apprehended a woman burglar and her accomplice during an operation in Khawaja Ajmer Nagri area. Police sources said that accused Azra alias Ashi and Sajid were involved in motorcycle snatching cases.

Mamnoon hosts dinner in honour of Mahmoud Abbas


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News/APP) – Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain hosted a dinner in honour of President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas at the President House on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.President Mamnoon Hussain very warmly welcomed the visiting Palestinian leader and other dignitaries on arrival at the President House.Mamnoon Hussain also showed personal possessions of the Founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to visiting Palestinian leader, who evinced keen interest in them.Before the state banquet, President Mamnoon Hussain also briefed the visiting dignitary about the personal belongings of the Quaid-i-Azam.The Palestinian President also viewed a memorable portrayal of the Quaid-i-Azam with Grand Mufti Syed Amin-ul-Hussaini and extracts of Allama Iqbal’s poetry on Palestine.President Mahmoud Abbas and his delegation also showed keen interest in a model of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, which was presented by late Yasir Arafat during his visit to Pakistan.Appreciating the collection of personal belongings of the Quaid-i-Azam, President Mahmoud Abbas said the Quaid-i-Azam and Allama Iqbal were great leaders.

Karachi: Woman gives birth to quadruplets


KARACHI (Dunya News) - A woman gave birth to quadruplets – three boys and a girl -- at the Jinnah Hospital in Karachi on Tuesday, Dunya News reported. Three of the newborn babies died soon after birth.A woman from Barzata Line area of Karachi gave birth to four children, including three boys and one girl, through cesarean section on Tuesday. Two boys and the girl died soon after birth while the doctors are fighting to save life of fourth baby.

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