Monday 22 May 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

US-Saudi arms mega deal looks to counter Iran


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Washington has announced a bumper arms deal with Saudi Arabia, heralding the package as a major boost to long-standing security ties and a way to further isolate Iran.Administration officials claim the agreement -- worth $110 billion over the next decade -- is the biggest single arms deal in American history, and it will see US defense firms flow everything from ships and tanks to the latest anti-missile systems to the kingdom.The deal also reportedly includes the renewed sale of precision-guided munitions that had been blocked under president Barack Obamas administration, for fear the Saudis would use them on civilian targets in Yemen, where Riyadh is prosecuting a war against Iranian-backed Huthi rebels.While not all its aspects have been made public, the thrust of the deal aims to help the Saudi military bolster its defenses to deter bitter rival Iran and its missile program.The agreement clears the way for the sale of Patriot and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile technologies, providing Riyadh with state-of-the-art capabilities that could thwart an Iranian rocket.This package of defense equipment and services support the long-term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of Iranian threats, while also bolstering the kingdoms ability to contribute to counterterrorism operations across the region, said Mike Miller, State Department director of regional security and arms transfers.While the Trump administration claimed the weapons package was the biggest ever and said it firmed up bilateral ties between the United States and the oil kingdom, many of the weapons sales had actually been in the pipeline for years.Observers are mixed about the significance of the deal, which comes under a broader series of investments that the State Department says could tot up to $350 billion.Both sides have an incentive to show this as a break with the past and an opening to a new era, said Derek Chollet, a former assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs and a senior advisor at the German Marshall Fund.But he sees the reality as more of a natural progression from a process begun under Barack Obama, who approved more than $100 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia.I ask myself if Hillary Clinton was president, what would have been different about this Saudi trip? In terms of the arms sales, maybe not a lot, Chollet told AFP.Many of the sales were set in motion months or years ago, but Trumps son-in-law Jared Kushner scrambled to ensure the deal was finalized ahead of the US leaders visit to Saudi Arabia.According to The New York Times, he even called Lockheed Martin chief Marillyn Hewson to see if she could knock down the price of the THAAD system.Lockheed is one of the big winners from the deal, which also includes the sale of the firms Multi-Mission Surface Combatant Ships and associated gear, for an estimated cost of more than $11 billion.These ships would allow Riyadh to increase patrols in the strategic Gulf and Red Sea straits in the face of Iranian threats.The naval modernization plan would make Saudi Arabia a much more important partner in dealing with the asymmetric threat Iran poses in the Gulf, said Anthony Cordesman, an expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.The sale of precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia has drawn broad ire internationally.For more than two years, Saudi Arabia has led an Arab coalition conducting air strikes and other operations against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen, in support of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.Rights groups have repeatedly criticized the coalition over civilian casualties.Yemen is on the brink of famine in part because the Saudis have intentionally destroyed transit hubs and key bridges, and blocked the delivery of humanitarian aid into Yemen, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy wrote in an opinion piece.By selling the Saudis these precision-guided weapons more -- not fewer -- civilians will be killed because it is Saudi Arabias strategy to starve Yemenis to death to increase their own leverage at the negotiating table. They couldnt do this without the weapons we are selling them.Israel has expressed concerns about US arms sales to Saudi Arabia eroding its own defensive edge in the region, but the deal does not include the sale of F-35 stealth fighters, which the Jewish state now owns.There is nothing in this package of sales, taken individually or as a whole, that will undermine Israels qualitative military edge, Miller said.The cozy relationship Trump is fostering with Saudi Arabia belies the views of many of his supporters at home, who blame the kingdom for the September 11, 2001 terror attacks against America.Of the 19 hijackers of planes used that day, 15 came from Saudi Arabia, also the birthplace of Al-Qaeda founder and attack mastermind Osama bin Laden.

UN envoy eyes new Syria peace talks in June


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Despite little progress in the latest round of Syrian peace talks, negotiations are set to resume in June, the UN envoy said Monday.Staffan de Mistura told the Security Council that important gaps remain between the parties on major issues following the sixth round in Geneva held last week.The Syrian government and the opposition took part in four days of indirect talks aimed at ending the war that has killed more than 320,000 people since 2011.De Mistura said all sides were ready to return to the table for a new round of talks which we intend to target sometime in June.The envoy said the talks are to lay the groundwork for a real negotiation and expressed hope that this will be possible before too long.Hopes for a breakthrough in the near future remain dim, with the fate of President Bashar al-Assad still a major stumbling block.The opposition insists that Assad must leave power as part of any peace deal but the government has rejected the demand.A series of expert-level talks will take place to pursue discussion on a range of issues including the thorny matter of a new constitution, but the UN envoy stressed that these would not be decision-making meetings.We are not seeking to draft a new Syrian constitution in Geneva, said De Mistura. We are laying foundations for the time when the Syrians can do that.Following closed-door Security Council talks, Uruguays Ambassador Elbio Rosselli, who holds the council presidency, said there were concerns about the slow pace of the peace process.The members obviously have concerns on the slow movement, but at the same time, (are) somewhat pleased in having moved a little bit forward, Rosselli told reporters.The council is also weighing whether to back a deal reached between Russia, Iran and Turkey to set up de-escalation zones in Syria where a ceasefire would be buttressed with a ban on flights and where aid deliveries would be ensured.France said it would not support the deal reached in the Kazakh capital of Astana on May 4 unless it has strong international monitoring and would allow for sanctions in case of violations.This is a key requirement from France, said Ambassador Francois Delattre.Britain also said monitoring was key and that there should be reports to the Security Council on implementation of the Astana deal.

UN vows to tighten sanctions on North Korea


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The UN Security Council on Monday vowed to push all countries to tighten sanctions against North Korea as it prepared for a closed-door meeting called in response to the latest missile launch.In a unanimous statement backed by China, Pyongyangs ally, the council strongly condemned the test-firing on Sunday and instructed the UN sanctions committee to redouble efforts to implement a raft of tough measures adopted last year.The council also agreed to take further significant measures including sanctions to force North Korea to change course and end its highly destabilizing behavior.The US-drafted statement was agreed on the eve of the emergency meeting requested by the United States, Japan and South Korea to discuss a course of action on North Korea.The United States has for weeks been negotiating a new Security Council sanctions resolution with China, but US Ambassador Nikki Haley said last week that no final draft text had been clinched.This is the same movie that keeps playing. He continues to test. Weve got to do action, Haley told MSNBC television.You know, some say, oh, but sanctions havent worked. First of all, when the entire international community speaks with one voice, it does work, she countered.It lets them know that they are on an island and were all against them and that they need to correct their behavior.North Korea on Sunday launched the Pukguksong-2, which was described by Washington as medium-range missile, from Pukchang in South Phyongan province.It traveled about 310 miles (500 kilometers) before landing in the Sea of Japan, according to South Koreas armed forces.The launch was the latest in a series this year as Pyongyang steps up its efforts to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States.These actions threaten regional and international security, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters.We call on the DPRK to stop further testing and allow space to explore the resumption of meaningful dialogue.The United States says it is willing to enter into talks with North Korea if it halts its nuclear and missile tests.Sundays missile test came as US President Donald Trump was on his first trip abroad, visiting Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Vatican.The latest missile tested uses solid fuel that allows for immediate firing, the state-run Korean Central News Agency said.So far almost all the Norths missiles have been liquid-fueled, meaning they have to be time-consumingly filled with propellant before launch.Solid fuel missiles can be fired far more rapidly, dramatically shortening the time available for any attempt to intervene and prevent a launch.North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un said with pride that the Pukguksong-2 was a very accurate missile and a successful strategic weapon, KCNA said, adding he approved the deployment of this weapon system for action.The launch completely verified the reliability and accuracy of the device, and its late-stage warhead guidance system, KCNA said, adding the test results were perfect.The test-firing came just one week after the North launched a Hwasong-12 intermediate-range missile, which according to Pyongyang was capable of carrying a heavy nuclear warhead.After that launch, the council met to discuss tightening sanctions but there was no concrete action.During last weeks closed-door meeting, China insisted that there be no mention of a resolution in remarks read by the council president at the end of the meeting, diplomats said.North Korea has carried out two atomic tests and dozens of missile launches since the beginning of last year in its quest to develop a missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the continental United States.The Security Council adopted two sanctions resolutions last year to ramp up pressure on Pyongyang and deny leader Kim the hard currency needed to fund his military programs.

Ousted S. Korean leader Park goes on trial


SEOUL (AFP) - South Koreas ousted president Park Geun-Hye went on trial Tuesday over the massive corruption scandal that led to her downfall.A grim-faced Park, wearing a blue trouser suit, a badge with her prisoner number, and no make-up, walked into the courtroom at Seoul Central District Court, avoiding meeting the glance of her longtime secret confidante and co-accused Choi Soon-Sil.The trial, expected to last for months, is the final act in the drama that engulfed Park, the daughter of a dictator who went on to be elected president herself before she was sacked by the countrys top court in March.Presiding judge Kim Se-Yun asked her: What is your occupation, the accused Park Geun-Hye?She responded: I dont have any occupation.The fallen head of state was brought to the building in handcuffs, transported from a detention centre in a justice ministry bus, with at least six guards on board.Park, 65, was impeached by parliament following revelations of her involvement in a massive graft scandal centred on Choi, her friend of 40 years, and implicating some of the countrys top businessmen.Soon afterwards she was detained and indicted.Tuesdays opening session was Parks first public appearance since she was taken into custody in March.The trial could shed new light on the ties between Park and the bosses of the family-run conglomerates that dominate Asias fourth-biggest economy and who allegedly bribed her.They include Samsung heir Lee Jae-Yong, who is being tried separately, and Shin Dong-Bin, the chairman of retail giant Lotte, the Souths fifth-biggest conglomerate, who was among the accused Tuesday.Park faces 18 charges including bribery, coercion and abuse of power for offering governmental favours to tycoons who bribed Choi. Choi, the daughter of a shadowy religious figure who was Parks mentor for years, is similarly accused of using her presidential ties to force top firms to donate nearly $70 million to non-profit foundations which she then used for personal gain.Park is also accused of letting Choi, who has no title or security clearance, handle a wide range of state affairs including senior nominations and even her daily wardrobe choices.Park has denied all wrongdoing, blaming Choi for abusing their friendship. At preliminary hearings her lawyers denied the charges.The proceedings took place under tight security, and hundreds of people flocked to the court to enter a lottery for seats in the public gallery.I am here to witness a new chapter of history being unfurled, spectator Lee Jae-Bong, 70, told AFP. I think Park must be punished thoroughly and never be pardoned so that such a bad thing may never happen again.If convicted of the most serious charges, Park faces a minimum sentence of 10 years in jail, and a maximum of life.The hearing comes only two weeks after the country elected left-leaning former human rights lawyer Moon Jae-In -- who lost the 2012 poll to Park -- as her successor.Park Young-Soo, who led the special prosecutors who investigated the case, has said the proceedings will be the trial of the century.Park grew up in the presidential palace as the daughter of late dictator Park Chung-Hee, who ruled from 1961 until his assassination in 1979, and rose to power largely on the back of his continuing popularity among the aged voters who benefited from rapid economic growth under his tenure.His mixed legacy of economic development and political repression has been a subject of heated debate for decades.Park is the third former South Korean leader to stand trial for corruption following Chun Doo-Hwan and Roh Tae-Woo, who served jail terms in the 1990s for charges including bribery and treason.In addition, ex-president Roh Moo-Hyun -- the mentor of new leader Moon Jae-In -- killed himself after being questioned over graft.

Fresh Venezuela clashes after man set alight


CARACAS (AFP) - Doctors rallied in Venezuela Monday in the latest street protests against President Nicolas Maduro, as a young man lay in hospital after being set on fire by an angry crowd.Three people were killed in violent riots in late president Hugo Chavezs home state of Barinas, bringing the death toll to 51 as the unrest entered its eighth week, the public prosecution service said.One of the victims was a 19-year-old man who died from gunshot wounds. An AFP reporter saw demonstrators burn a government office and a police car in the western town of Barinas in the state of the same name.Fresh clashes also broke out between protesters and police on the outskirts of Caracas, where demonstrators blocked streets with barricades.After marches by various civil groups, it was the turn of the Venezuelan Medical Federation to vent its frustrations in the streets.About 20,000 thousand of its sympathizers marched towards the health ministry in Caracas. Police fired tear gas to drive them back, in scenes that have become familiar after weeks of unrest.The country is verging on catastrophe. The health system is a disaster, said Fernando Gudayol, a 50-year-old surgeon.One is always afraid to come out, but we will carry on doing it until there is a change.The opposition is demanding elections to remove Maduro from power. They blame him for an economic crisis that has caused shortages of food, medicine and basic supplies.A simple infection can turn into something serious for a lack of antibiotics and any kind of supplies, and for a lack of maintenance of the equipment, said Eliecer Melear, a 41-year-old urologist.Maduros supporters staged a counter-demonstration near the presidential palace.What lack of medicine? asked medical student Rangel Vegas, 31. We are in the streets and in the clinics giving a response to what communities need.Maduros government repeated its claim that it was targeted by an international conspiracy.The government side is the victim of political and ideological persecution in Venezuela and internationally, Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez told a news conference.Maduro earlier called for a further march for peace on Tuesday.Maduro accuses the opposition of plotting a coup against him with US backing. He says the crisis is a capitalist conspiracy.The government and opposition accuse each other of sending armed groups to sow violence in the demonstrations.On Sunday, a man was beaten, doused in petrol and set alight during a protest in the capital Caracas.The government alleged he was attacked for being a Maduro supporter. Speaking on television, the president identified the man as Orlando Figuera, 21.He said Figuera was hospitalized with first- and second-degree burns over half of his body and six knife wounds.Elected in 2013, Maduro has resisted opposition efforts to remove him since January 2016.He has said there will be presidential elections as scheduled next year, but not before.Instead, he has angered the opposition by seeking constitutional reforms, which his rivals say aim to strengthen his grip on power.Maduro retains the public backing of the military and control of most state institutions.Street protests and international pressure could lead to divisions within the government or within the armed forces or between the government and the armed forces, said David Smilde, a Venezuela expert at the Washington Office on Latin America, a nongovernmental organization.But he added: It is hard to keep protest waves going. People have to work, study, eat and live their lives. The opposition needs to think about how to consolidate their gains. Otherwise, this movement too could lose steam.

Karachi: Intelligence agencies recover huge cache of arms


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Intelligence agencies carried out an operation near Landhi Police Station on the information gathered from an under custody accused and recovered large quantity of ammunition, Dunya News reported on Monday.Sources said that the recovered ammunition belonged to banned outfit Jamaat-ul-Ahrar.Separately, Rangers conducted a search operation in Janat Gul Town at the Super Highway. All the entry and exit points of the area were sealed before the start of the operation and arrested one operative of a banned organization and two other suspects during house-to-house search.The arrested persons were later shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.On the other hand, police have recovered a dead body of a woman from Afghan Basti in Sohrab Goth area. The identity of the deceased is not yet known.

19 killed in blast at Manchester concert: British police


MANCHESTER (AFP) - Nineteen people have been killed in a suspected explosion at the end of a pop concert by US star Ariana Grande in Manchester in northwest England that is being treated as a terrorist incident, police said.Eyewitnesses described a huge bomb-like bang and scenes of panic as young fans fled the venue.A fleet of ambulances was seen rushing to the venue and bomb disposal teams were dispatched soon after.So far 19 people have been confirmed dead, with around 50 others injured. This is currently being treated as a terrorist incident until police know otherwise, police said in a statement.The first unconfirmed reports of an explosion emerged shortly after 2145 GMT on Monday.We heard the last song go and then suddenly there was a massive flash and then a bang and smoke, said Gary Walker from Leeds who was with his wife waiting for their daughters to come out told BBC Radio 5 Live.Walker said he was hit by shrapnel in his foot while his wife sustained a stomach wound.Isabel Hodgins, who had been attending the concert, told Sky News: Everybody was panicking, there was pushing up the stairs.The corridor was full, it smelled of burning, there was quite a lot of smoke as we were leaving.Its just shocking and we just feel very shaken up. Were just lucky to have gotten away safely, she said.Majid Khan, 22, who was attending the concert with his sister, said: A huge bomb-like bang went off that hugely panicked everyone and we were all trying to flee the arena.Calvin Welsford, 18, from Bristol told the BBC: It almost sounded like a gunshot.I looked around and people were just spilling down, heading out of the building.I was actually having an asthma attack. It was sheer panic, he said.Manchester residents opened up their homes to people left stranded by the incident, sending messages with the hashtag RoomforManchester.Several media outlets reported that there had been two explosions from within the 21,000 capacity venue.Robert Tempkin, 22, from Middlesbrough, told the BBC: Everyone was screaming and running, there were coats and peoples phones on the floor. People just dropped everything.Some people were screaming theyd seen blood but other people were saying it was balloons busting or a speaker had been popped.There were lots of ambulances. I saw somebody being treated. I couldnt tell what had happened to him.The Manchester ambulance service warned people only to call for life threatening emergencies as it had a large number of resources at the incident.Suzy Mitchell, whose flat is opposite the venue said she heard a huge bang and came out of her flat to see everyone was running away in big crowds.Train services to and from Manchester Victoria Station -- located under the Arena -- had been cancelled.Disruption is expected to continue until the end of the day, National Rail said in a statement.British Transport Police said in a statement: Officers are at Manchester Arena following reports of an explosion within the foyer area of the stadium at 10.30pm this evening.The incident caused transport chaos, with traffic jams outside the venue.Emergency services are dealing with an incident near Manchester Victoria, resulting in all lines being closed, operator Northern Railway wrote on its website.

Lahore: 12 injured as van hit roadside pole


LAHORE (Dunya News) – A speeding van skidded off the road and hit a roadside pole at the Raiwind Road in Lahore on Monday, injuring at least 12 people, Dunya News reported.Police and rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the injured to Jinnah Hospital. Rescue sources said that condition of two wounded people is stated to be critical.Police sources said that the accident occurred when driver lost control of the vehicle due to over speeding. Police have also launched an investigation.

Weather to remain hot and dry in most parts of country


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has predicted hot and dry weather in most parts of the country during the next 24 hours, Dunya News reported.The Met Office said that a shallow westerly wave is present along northwest Balochistan and its adjoining areas. Mainly hot and dry weather is expected in most parts of the country durinf the next 24 hours. However, rain-thunderstorm is expected at a few places in Hazara, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Kalat, Quetta, Sukkur, Larkana divisions, upper FATA, Kashmir and its adjoining hilly areas.Meanwhile, weather remained hot and dry in most parts of the country during the past 24 hours. Dalbandin remained the hottest place in the country with mercury soaring up to 46°C.

Suicide attempt: Youth jumps from mobile phone tower in Multan


MULTAN (Dunya News) - According to details, 17-year-old Arsalan mounted a 90-foot mobile phone tower near his house at Masoom Shah Road in Multan on Monday and threatened to commit suicide by jumping from the tower over family dispute.Police and rescue 1122 teams reached the spot after getting the information. Arsalan’s parants, brothers and friends repeatedly requested him to come down but all in vain.After three hours, rescue team members mounted the pole to bring Arsalan down upon which he jumped and got seriously wounded. He was rushed to Nishtar Hospital where his condition is stated to be very critical.

Legend Sangakkara to retire from first class cricket


LONDON (AFP) - Sri Lankan cricketing legend Kumar Sangakkara said Monday he will retire from first-class cricket at the end of the present English county championship season in September.The 39-year-old -- fifth in the list of all-time Test run scorers averaging more than 57 runs in 134 Tests, making 11 double centuries -- is still in prime form having scored two centuries for Surrey in their match with Middlesex which finished on Monday.However, Sangakkara -- also one of the all-time great limited overs batsmen and a member of the Sri Lanka side that reached both the 2007 and 2011 World Cup finals (losing to Australia and India respectively) -- said he could sense the time was right to retire.You try to fight the inevitable but you need to get out while youre ahead, Sangakkara, who was a pivotal member of the Sri Lanka team that lifted the 2014 World Twenty20 trophy and lost in both the 2009 and 2012 finals, told the BBC.Its the last time Ill play a four-day game here. Ill be 40 in a few months, this is about the end of my time in county cricket.Sangakkara, who formed a swashbuckling partnership on many occasions with fellow Sri Lankan legend Mahela Jayawardene, said he didnt want to make the error of overstaying his welcome.The biggest mistake that sometimes you can make is that you think youre better than you really are, he said.Cricketers, or any sort of sportsperson, have an expiry date and you need to walk away.I have been very lucky to play for as long as I did so but theres a lot more life to be lived away from the game.

Latham wants more from New Zealand against Bangladesh


DUBLIN (AFP) - New Zealand captain Tom Latham is still looking for improvement when the Blackcaps aim for a clean sweep of victories in the final match of the one-day international Tri-Series against Bangladesh in Clontarf on Wednesday.An emphatic 190-run success against hosts Ireland at Malahide on Sunday ensured the Blackcaps will win the trophy but for Latham the important point was that a team missing many leading players was getting better with every game.You try to improve each game and we did that today, said Latham, who led from the front with a century against Ireland as New Zealand continued their build-up to next months Champions Trophy tournament in England.You talk about each player doing their jobs and playing their role and everybody did that today and that was the most pleasing thing, said Latham who is filling in as skipper until Kane Williamson returns from the Indian Premier League.We want to improve again against Bangladesh and give the selectors plenty to think about going into the Champions Trophy.The first two New Zealand players back from the IPL, Matt Henry and Corey Anderson, played on Sunday with Henry the most successful bowler, taking three for 36 as Ireland were dismissed for just 154 in response to the Blackcaps 344 for six.It was nice to have the experienced guys back from the IPL and playing a part, added Latham. That is important moving forward to the Champions Trophy and hopefully they can contribute again in the next match.But the players not in the Champions Trophy squad have also competed and thats the most pleasing thing. They have come in and done well.Latham made 104 from 111 balls, with nine fours and four sixes against Ireland.He received superb support all the way down the order - every batsman who came in reached double figures -- with Ross Taylor scoring his second half century of the series with 57.But it was Colin Munro who took the game away from Ireland with a sensational 44 from 15 balls featuring three fours and four sixes -- one of them a switch hit off Irelands fastest bowler, Peter Chase -- as the Blackcaps plundered 72 from the last four overs.He has done it before and it was great to see him do it today, said Latham.Colin finished the game against Bangladesh with plenty of time to spare and played a different role today.As that for that reverse sweep, I dont know how he plays that.Ireland captain William Porterfield was left to lick his sides wounds. We were out-skilled and we have to improve on that as players and look for more consistency, he said.It doesnt help Ireland, who could be granted Test status next month, that their next scheduled ODI is not until September when West Indies visit Belfast for a one-off match.

Light cigarettes linked to specific form of lung cancer


MIAMI (AFP) - So-called light cigarettes with holes in the filter could be the reason why a specific kind of lung cancer has been on the rise in recent decades, researchers said Monday.Adenocarcinoma is the most common form of lung cancer and occurs deep in the lungs.While other kinds of lung cancer have declined along with diminishing numbers of smokers in the past 50 years, cases of lung adenocarcinoma have climbed.Researchers believe that the higher rates of lung adenocarcinoma are due to filter ventilation holes, which allow smokers to inhale more smoke that also has higher levels of carcinogens, mutagens and other toxins, said the report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.The filter ventilation holes change how the tobacco is burned, producing more carcinogens, which then also allows the smoke to reach the deeper parts of the lung where adenocarcinomas more frequently occur, said lead author Peter Shields, deputy director of The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center.Our data suggests a clear relationship between the addition of ventilation holes to cigarettes and increasing rates of lung adenocarcinoma seen over the past 20 years, he said.What is especially concerning is that these holes are still added to virtually all cigarettes that are smoked today, he added, calling on US regulators to ban the practice.Manufacturers began issuing cigarette filters with holes in them some 50 years ago, marketing them as light and claiming these were low-tar.This was done to fool smokers and the public health community into thinking that they actually were safer, said Shields.Instead, the current study confirms previous research showing that light cigarettes are actually not better for the health than stronger varieties, said the report.These cigarettes have actually caused more harm, it said.The study was based on an analysis of existing literature, including chemistry and toxicology studies, human clinical trials and epidemiological studies.Researchers looked at peer-reviewed scientific literature and internal tobacco company documents.More than 36 million Americans smoke, and about 40 percent of cancers are linked to tobacco use, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

US services, manufacturing to see growth in 2017: ISM


NEW YORK (AFP) - US manufacturing and services executives expect to see increased revenue, hiring and capital spending in 2017, reflecting confidence in the economy, according to a survey released Monday.Purchasing and supply executives are optimistic about rising demand for their goods and services amid signs of solid consumer confidence, officials from the Institute for Supply Management said of the semi-annual business outlook survey.Overall, its the general business outlook that people are seeing and feeling, said Brad Holcomb, chair of the ISM manufacturing business survey committee.It all comes down to consumer confidence and even more so consumer activity.The survey showed manufacturers this year expect a 5.2 percent increase in capital expenditures, a 1.3 percent rise in employment and a 4.4 percent rise in revenues.In the services sector, respondents see an average of a 5.2 percent rise in capital spending in 2017, a 2.2 percent increase in employment and a 4.1 percent boost in revenues.The vast majority -- more than 70 percent -- of companies in both sectors who were boosting capital spending did so because of the general business outlook, the survey said.Among those boosting capital spending, 17.4 percent of manufacturers and 13.5 percent of services companies cited prospects for regulatory reform as the reason.Only a tiny fraction of respondents cited expectations of a tax cut as a reason for boosting capital spending, suggesting an underlying confidence among manufacturers in US growth, regardless of what happens with President Donald Trumps economic agenda, Holcomb said.Prospects for the Trump agenda have begun to look shaky in light of various controversies and missteps that could slow or derail his ambitious reform plans.Executives are not just reading the news but reading their order books, Holcomb said.But Anthony Nieves, chair of non-manufacturing business survey committee, said Trump administration pledges to ease regulations on banks has boosted lending, a key enabler of growth.The prospective availability of funds and lending is also helping the confidence level across the board, Nieves said.

National interest will not be compromised: Chaudhry Nisar


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan made it clear on Monday no compromise will be made on issues concerning national interest.He met senior members of Pakistan Broadcasting Association including Mian Amer Mahmood where he advised media persons to act as an obstacle against those who spread extremism, fanaticism and chaos in the name of free speech.Nisar said no compromise will be made on issues regarding national interest and violation of laws. Other members of PBA in the meeting included Sultan Lakhani, Mir Ibrahim Rehman, Shakeel Masood Hussain, Tahir A. Khan and others.The matters under discussion were media industry, national security, role of media in securing state interest, Axact scandal and other cases that damaged the countrys reputation. PBA members raised the issue of Axact scandal and foreign funding of certain TV channels. Nisar scheduled another meeting with media owners and journalist organizations regarding national security matters.While shedding light on media’s role, he stressed on superiority of law with the help of freedom of expression as well as autonomous journalistic practices. “Freedom of media can ensure unity and democracy,” he added.He also urged media to follow national strategy to fight terrorism.

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