Thursday 12 May 2016

Dunya TV

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New era for Brazil as Rousseff cedes power to Temer


BRASILIA (AFP) - Brazil entered a new era Thursday as interim president Michel Temer took power from suspended leader Dilma Rousseff, installing a business-friendly government that ends 13 years of leftist rule in Latin Americas biggest nation.The center-right former vice president wasted no time in putting his stamp on Brazil, naming a new government he said would restore credibility after months of economic and political turmoil.One key nomination was a respected former central bank chief, Henrique Meirelles, for finance minister, with the task of helping the huge economy claw out of the deepest recession in decades.We must significantly improve the business environment for the private sector, Temer said in the presidential palace just hours after Rousseff left, amid emotional scenes, to start her six-month suspension pending an impeachment trial on charges that she broke government accounting rules.It is urgent to restore peace and unite Brazil, said Temer, 75, who at one point lost his voice while addressing allies and a crush of journalists.White menTemer offered an olive branch to Brazils left, which accuses him of having engineered the impeachment process to mount a coup. He vowed dialogue and promised to maintain the generous social programs run by Rousseffs Workers Party, lifting tens of millions of people from shocking poverty.However there was immediate criticism of the fact that the entire new cabinet consists entirely of white males, without a single woman -- a dramatic shift from Rousseffs achievement in becoming Brazils first female president. She also had at least one Afro-Brazilian in her government.Its a government of white men and quite frightening, analyst Ivar Hartmann, a public law expert at the FGV think tank in Rio de Janeiro, said. Its the first time since the (1964-1985) dictatorship that there has not been a single woman. This is worrying.A small but noisy group of female protesters chanted putschist as Temer and his new ministers entered the executive building.Tears and defianceDefiant to the end, Rousseff used her final minutes in the presidency to denounce the coup and urge supporters to mobilize as she braces for an impeachment trial set to drag on for months, including through the Olympics opening in August in Rio de Janeiro.What is at stake is respect for the ballot box, the sovereign will of the Brazilian people and the constitution, Rousseff said in what could be her final address from the presidential palace, dressed in a white jacket and flanked by her soon-to-be-sacked ministers.Several of her staff were in tears.She then exited the building to shake hands, hug and wave to some 500 supporters in a cheering, red-clad crowd gathered outside the modernist capitals seat of power.There, she gave another fiery speech, while her predecessor and mentor, the once wildly popular Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, stood by her side, repeatedly wiping the sweat from his brow in the tropical heat.She was then whisked away in a convoy of black vehicles.Celebrations and selfiesHours earlier, a nearly 22-hour debate in the Senate closed with an overwhelming 55-22 vote against Rousseff, as pro-impeachment senators burst into applause and posed for selfies and congratulatory group photos.Only a simple majority of the 81-member Senate had been required to suspend Rousseff for six months pending judgment.A two-thirds majority vote will be needed at the end of the impeachment trial to force Rousseff, 68, from office for good.A onetime Marxist guerrilla tortured under the countrys military dictatorship in the 1970s, Rousseff was expected to hole up in her official residence, where she will continue to live with her mother during the trial. She will retain her salary and bodyguards.The leader of the Workers Party in the Senate, Humberto Costa, said his side would now work to convince senators to support Rousseff in the trial and turn the tide in her favor.Cautious reactionsThe international community responded cautiously to the change in leadership.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for calm and dialogue and said he trusts that the countrys authorities will honor Brazils democratic processes, his spokesman said.The United States said it was confident Brazil was strong enough to withstand the political turmoil.We intend to respect the government institutions and traditions and procedures, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.In Latin America, where the Workers Party is an emblem of a decade of left-wing dominance that lately appears to be waning, some reactions were more barbed.Venezuela categorically rejected what it called a coup, Cuba expressed its total solidarity with Rousseff, and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega condemned what he called a legal and political monstrosity.

Former Trump butler posts online about killing Obama


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Secret Service said Thursday it is aware that Donald Trumps former butler had repeatedly posted messages on Facebook about killing President Barack Obama and will conduct an investigation.The threatening posts by 84-year-old Anthony Senecal, who served as the presumptive Republican nominees butler for 17 years before becoming the historian at Trumps Mar-a-Lago estate, were made public by Mother Jones magazine.In a message posted Wednesday, only visible to his friends, Senecal said of Obama: this character who I refer to as zero (0) should have been taken out by our military and shot as an enemy agent in his first term.In April 2015, he posted that Obama needs to be hung for treason, and one month later, in an expletive-laden message, said he would help rid this America of the scum infested in its government even if it meant dragging Obama from the white mosque and hanging his scrawny ass from the portico.Senecal confirmed to Mother Jones that he had written the Facebook messages.The US Secret Service, which is responsible for the presidents protection, said it was aware of this matter and will conduct the appropriate investigation.When asked, Trumps campaign team said that Senecal had not worked at Mar-a-Lago in years.According to Senecal, he is not paid to be the historian at Mar-a-Lago, where he has lived since the 1950s and served in the role since 2009. But he makes money giving tours of the estate, he told Mother Jones.

Trump, Republican leaders hold 'positive' talks in Washington


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump fell short of winning an endorsement from House Speaker Paul Ryan Thursday but both men said they had taken a positive step toward unifying the party behind the billionaires remarkable White House run.Trump, facing a critical early test of his general election candidacy, met with Ryan to air their differences, and with other Republican leaders.Despite several Republicans acknowledging deep fissures within the party about a standardbearer whose policies often stray from conservative orthodoxy, Trump emerged from the meetings sounding optimistic about a rapprochement.Great day in D.C. with @SpeakerRyan and Republican leadership. Things working out really well he said on Twitter.In a joint statement afterward, Trump and Ryan called their meeting a positive step toward unification and stressed the partys paramount goal is to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton in November.But Ryan, who declared last week that he was not ready to support Trump as party flagbearer, withheld his endorsement.I think this is going in a positive direction and I think this is a first very encouraging meeting, Ryan told reporters. But again, in 45 minutes you dont litigate all of the processes and all the issues and the principles that we are talking about.Despite outstanding differences, Trump appeared to strike a delicate peace with the party establishment that he was so quick to attack on the campaign trail.While we were honest about our few differences, we recognize that there are also many important areas of common ground, the pair said in their statement.We will be having additional discussions, but remain confident theres a great opportunity to unify our party and win this fall, and we are totally committed to working together to achieve that goal.The real estate mogul, who has never run for elective office before, also met with top Senate Republicans, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has offered his support of Trump.Clear the airBut concerns about the tone and substance of Trumps campaign have trickled down to many in the congressional rank and file who fear a Trump nomination could doom their efforts to win the presidency and hold their majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives.Charlie Dent, a centrist House Republican who did not attend Thursdays meetings, told reporters Trumps Washington pilgrimage was an opportunity to clear the air.Trump has to convince many Americans, including myself, that hes ready to lead this great nation, he said. At this point I havent been persuaded, but Im ready to listen.Ryan, who at 46 is a generation younger than 69-year-old Trump, has pledged to overhaul the partys image and reach out to minority groups.But many GOP luminaries have watched aghast as the provocative Trump has insulted Mexicans, demeaned women and called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.In the latest sign he is tacking toward the center, Trump appeared to walk back his call for a Muslim ban, telling Fox News Radio Wednesday that it was just a suggestion.Ryan said he discussed core conservative principles with Trump, including constitutional and right-to-life issues and the separation of powers within the US government.But he acknowledged that he did not know Trump well enough yet.Going forward were going to go a little deeper into the policy weeds to make sure that we have a better understanding of one another, he said.Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, who also met with Trump, argued that Ryan was startled at how Trump suddenly prevailed last week, and that the speaker wanted to kick the tires a little longer before offering an endorsement.Outside RNC headquarters about a dozen protesters chanted Undocumented Unafraid in defiance of Trumps vow to deport millions of illegal immigrants if elected.Trump ignored the protesters and entered the building through a back door.While many upper echelon party figures including 2012 nominee Mitt Romney and the two Bush presidents are opposed to Trump, there are signs of a growing move to unite behind him.The chairmen of seven House committees endorsed the tycoon Wednesday, saying in a statement released by Trump that it is paramount that we coalesce around the Republican nominee and maintain GOP majorities in Congress.In a pickleDemocrats were quick to offer their analysis, with leaders in the party insisting their Republican counterparts enabled Trumps rise with anti-immigrant, anti-woman and obstructionist policies.The fact is, Senate Republicans have been governing from the Trump textbook for years, Senator Chuck Schumer, the likely Senate minority leader next year, told reporters, adding that Republican lawmakers are in a quandary over 2016.They embrace him, they have trouble. They run away from him, they have trouble, Schumer said. Theyre in a huge pickle.Some anti-Trump die-hards, including Senator Lindsey Graham, argue that Republicans in tough re-election fights would fare better if they distance themselves from The Donald.But even Graham appeared to be softening, saying he had a good 15-minute discussion by phone with Trump Wednesday about national security, part of Trumps outreach to party factions.This is a wise move on his part, Graham said.

UK hails progress, defends tax havens at corruption summit


LONDON (AFP) - Prime Minister David Cameron hailed progress on pursuing corrupt individuals at an international summit on Thursday, but rejected accusations he had failed to deliver transparency on Britains overseas tax havens.More than 40 countries signed a declaration to pursue and punish those who perpetrate or facilitate corruption, and individual nations agreed a range of initiatives to open up anonymous company ownership and recover stolen assets.Today we have seen the world unite against a shared enemy. Countries have gone further than ever before in condemning corruption and pledging to drive it out, Cameron said.The meeting, which included the leaders of Nigeria, Afghanistan, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as US Secretary of State John Kerry, was held amid outrage over the revelations in the Panama Papers.The leak of 11.5 million documents from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca revealed how global elites use anonymous companies, often incorporated in offshore hubs, to move their money around without being detected.Cameron announced that Nigeria, France, the Netherlands, Afghanistan and Kenya would, like Britain, be creating public registers of who ultimately owns shell companies.France goes the farthest, including trusts as well as companies.Six other countries -- Australia, Georgia, Indonesia, Ireland, New Zealand and Norway --- pledged to work towards a register.Campaigners hailed the move as significant progress, but expressed disappointment that it was not extended to Britains overseas territories.A short walk away from the summit, activists set up a tropical tax haven in Londons Trafalgar Square, complete with sand, palm trees and financiers in suits and bowler hats reclining in deck chairs.Inside, Mo Ibrahim, the Sudan-born telecoms tycoon whose eponymous foundation pushes for better governance in Africa, had described such companies as getaway vehicles for corruption.Legitimate business has no need for anonymous companies. Please ban them, he urged Cameron.In his closing remarks, the prime minister defended British financial hubs such as the Cayman Islands, Jersey and Isle of Man, saying they had made exemplary progress on transparency.The British Virgin Islands, where many of the companies named in the Panama leaks were incorporated, was notable by its absence.Cameron conceded that we should keep on going towards that gold standard of full public access to company information.But he accused campaigners of picking on small islands, adding: Id like to see the United States of America, China, everybody do that.Challenge akin to terrorismEarlier, US Secretary of State John Kerry told the summit that corruption was a global challenge akin to terrorism, and said the London meeting represented the beginning of something different.Corruption, writ large, is as much of an enemy because it destroys nation states as some of the extremists were fighting, he said.Washington is being urged to do more on addressing the situation in states such as Delaware, where anonymous companies can be set up for a few hundred dollars.Afghan president Ashraf Ghani urged the summit to maintain the momentum for change, saying: Anti-corruption should not be a fashion that is discarded with the next set of elections.Cameron began the summit on the defensive, after being caught on camera bragging that the leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries were attending, naming Nigeria and Afghanistan.Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, who has embarked on a widespread anti-corruption campaign since taking office last year, responded with a pointed request that Britain return assets stolen by corrupt officials who fled to London.Cameron announced a new international centre in London that will help coordinate the prosecution of corrupt individuals and the recovery of assets across borders.Harder to hidePlans were also unveiled to force foreign companies owning British property or bidding for government contracts to reveal their ultimate owners, as part of the new public register.If you dont know who owns what you cant stop people stealing from poor countries and hiding that stolen wealth in rich ones, Cameron said.Jose Ugaz, chairman of campaign group Transparency International, said the public registers of beneficial ownership will make it harder to hid, transfer and benefit from corrupt money.The summit has galvanised global attention on corruption and how to fight it. But we will need to see the laws in place and enacted before we can claim any victories, he said.Robert Palmer of campaigners Global Witness said the announcements so far represented good progress but the biggest piece of the puzzle is still missing -- the tax havens must open up.An initiative to improve global sports administration, the International Sport Integrity Partnership, which will meet in 2017 with the aim of spreading best practice after a series of corruption scandals in sport, was also announced at the conference.

Karachi: 3 terrorists apprehended in CTD, intelligence dept action


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Three terrorists of a banned outfit were apprehended late Thursday night during joint action conducted by the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and officials of the intelligence department in Mehmoodabad area of Karachi.According to the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) CTD 2 Junaid Sheikh, arrested terrorist Arifullah belongs to the banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi outfit while other 2 terrorists Shams-ud-Din and Naimatullah belong to the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) outfit.Shams-ud-Din had fought against the security forces during Lal Masjid operation.Police have stated that all 3 terrorists are trained and used to send Rs. 3 million to Afghanistan from Karachi, collecting the money on the pretext of donation or through extortion.On the other hand, police took 37 alleged suspects into custody during a crackdown against crime in the city.According to the details, police conducted the search operation in Orangi Town area. A heavy contingent of police sealed the entry and exit points of the area and searched each house during which 27 alleged suspects were taken into custody.Police also conducted the search in Baldia Ittehad Town area during which 9 alleged suspects were taken in custody. Police say an interrogation of those taken into custody is being conducted.

Lawyers advised PM against answering Opposition's questions: Aitzaz


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Panama Leaks fiasco continues in the country with government refusing to back down from the issue or take pressure from the Opposition. Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) senior leader Aitzaz Ahsan Thursday stated that Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif’s lawyers had advised him against answering to the Opposition’s question, warning that he will be trapped if he answered them.According to the details, Ahsan made the revelation during Dunya New program “Dunya Kamran Khan Kay Sath”. Meanwhile responding to Ahsan’s statement, Federal Minister for Privatization Muhammad Zubair stated that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan and the Opposition cannot ask questions from the PM like a ‘school master’.Zubair stated that PM will satisfy both the Parliament and the nation, adding that it does not matter at what day he comes. The Federal Minister further stated that the ownership claims of the flats in London cannot be proved.Ahsan responded to the Federal Minister saying that everything can be proven if the government approves the Terms of References (TORs) for the commission that will probe the Panama Leaks case.

Muzaffargarh: Police gun down 3 suspects including highly wanted dacoit


MUZAFFARGARH (Dunya News) – Police late Thursday night gunned down 3 suspects including a highly wanted dacoit Bilali Jakha in Alipur district of Muzaffargarh.According to the details, a heavy contingent of police raided Jakha’s hideout near the bank of River Sindh. Suspects opened fire on the police during the raid. Leader of the Jakha gang Bilali Jakha was shot dead along with his accomplices during retaliatory fire by police.Jakha had earlier escaped from Katcha during Pak Army’s operation in the area.

Tensions escalate as MQM, PSP clash in Hyderabad


HYDERABAD (Dunya News) – Tensions escalated late Thursday night as workers of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) clashed with one another during a confrontation that occurred at Halli Road. More than 8 workers of both parties were injured during the clash. Workers also opened fire on another.According to the details, the confrontation occurred during PSP’s flag hoisting ceremony. Workers hurled stones on one another due to which 3 members of PSP suffered injuries.Workers also raised slogans as PSP’s rally reached MQM’s Zonal Office. Workers also opened fire on one another due to which 5 members of MQM sustained injuries including a woman.On the other hand, unknown assailants also opened fire at Pakka Qilla. Unknown suspects also torched the office of a political party at Gul Shah Bukhari which burned goods placed in the office.Tensions are running high in Hyderabad after the incidents. A heavy contingent of police arrived at the scene and controlled the escalating situation.

Karachi: Police detain 37 during crackdown against criminals


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Crackdown against criminal elements continued in Karachi as police apprehended 37 suspects during search operations in different parts of Karachi on Thursday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police conducted a search operation in Orangi Town area. All the entry and exit points were sealed before the start of the operation. A heavy contingent of police carried house-to-house search in the area during which 27 suspects were taken into custody.On the other hand, nine suspects were apprehended during police crackdown against criminals in Baldia Ittehad Town area. The arrested persons were shifted to police station for further investigation.

US oil hits new 2016 high as IEA sees glut easing


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices rose Thursday, pushing US crude to a fresh 2016 high as the International Energy Agency predicted the crude oversupply would shrink in the second half of 2016.In its monthly report, the agency predicted solid growth in oil demand this year, after stronger-than-expected demand in the first quarter, mainly driven by India.Thought it kept its 2016 demand forecast unchanged at 95.9 million barrels per day, the Paris-based IEA said that was more likely to be revised higher than lower.We continue to trade on the idea this weak fundamental picture is going to change, said Gene McGillian, an analyst at Tradition Energy.The monthly report that came out from the IEA pointed toward a tightening picture with increasing demand.New Yorks West Texas Intermediate for delivery in June rose 47 cents to $46.70 a barrel on the New York Stock Exchange.In London, Brent North Sea crude for July, the European benchmark, finished at $48.08 a barrel, up 48 cents from Wednesdays settlement.The IEA report also noted a dramatic increase in Irans oil production in April to nearly 3.6 million barrels a day, a level last achieved in November 2011. Of that, two million barrels a day were exported. Overall OPEC production was at 32.8 million barrels a day, the highest level since 2008.

Pound gains despite Bank of England's Brexit warning


NEW YORK (AFP) - The British pound edged higher Thursday despite a bearish outlook and warning over the consequences of Brexit from the Bank of England.But the dollar was stronger against the euro and yen as two Federal Reserve officials laid out stronger arguments for an early interest-rate increase.The pound, pushing up to $1.4453, could have been expected to weaken as the Bank of England cut its growth forecast for this year to 2.0 percent, saying the economy had already slowed partly due to the possibility the country would pull out of the European Union. BoE Governor Mark Carney meanwhile said that should Britain vote on June 23 to leave the European Union, the country risks suffering a technical recession, as jobs disappear and the value of the pound slumps.Despite these warnings and downgrades, sterling recovered its initial losses quickly as investors view these updates as a stronger reason for Britons to vote to remain in the EU, said Kathy Lien of BK Asset Management.The two Fed policy makers, known inflation hawk Esther George, head of the Kansas City Fed branch, and Boston Fed president Eric Rosengren both said the time was nigh to begin raising rates.That boosted the dollar to $1.1377 against the euro.The Fed should be ready to gradually normalize interest rates, perhaps at a pace not currently anticipated by the federal funds futures market, said Rosengren in a speech. That suggested he favors a hike much sooner than the November date the market currently expects.

Ex-England cricket star denies wrongdoing after bribery report


LONDON (AFP) - Former England cricketer Phil Edmonds strenuously denied accusations of wrongdoing Thursday after a campaign group claimed he and a partner carved out an African business empire with bribery and dirty tricks.Sable Mining, a company co-founded by Edmonds and his business parter Andrew Groves, said a report the company had bribed African officials was based on unreliable testimony.Anti-corruption campaign group Global Witness had accused Edmonds and Groves of a multi-million dollar heist in an investigation it said was based on leaked emails and company files.Released on the eve of an international summit on corruption in London, the report accused the two of fleecing millions from investors as they carved out an African business empire with bribery and dirty tricks.It said Sable Mining spent hundreds of thousands of dollars bribing top officials to secure a mining concession in Liberia in 2010.Among the documents leaked was a spreadsheet of bribes to Liberian politicians that had been emailed to Sable Minings chief executive Groves, the campaign group said.In a statement to AFP, Sable Mining defended Groves, Edmonds and a non-executive director of the company, Aboubacar Sampil, who was also named in the report.Mr Groves, Mr Edmonds and Mr Sampil strenuously deny any wrongdoing, the statement said.It added that the company would undertake a review of the issues raised by the report.Sable is committed to ensuring that its business is conducted in a responsible and ethical manner and that any breaches in internal anti-bribery policies and procedures will result in disciplinary action, Chairman Jim Cochrane said in the statement.We have found no evidence to support or justify this attack on the Company or its directors, past and present.Edmonds was chairman of Sable Mining until 2014.

Pakistan to get $510mn tranche of IMF loan: officials


ISLAMABAD (AFP) - The International Monetary Fund announced on Thursday that it would release to Pakistan a further instalment worth $510 million of a three-year economic bailout package.The IMFs delegation head Harald Finger said in a statement that the decision was taken after a review of the countrys economic performance and after productive discussions with Pakistani authorities. Finger said in a statement that growth remains robust and is expected to reach 4.5 percent this fiscal year despite a weak cotton harvest, declining exports, and a more challenging external environment. Real GDP growth is expected to reach 4.5 percent in FY 2015/16 and 4.7 percent in FY 2016/17, helped by lower oil prices, rising investment, including related to the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), improvements in energy supply, buoyant construction activity, and acceleration of credit growth, the statement said.The IMF also voiced satisfaction with Pakistans progress on reforms, which were required under a $6.6-billion bailout agreed in 2013.The loan was granted on condition that Pakistan -- which was suffering an energy crisis -- carried out extensive economic reforms, particularly in the energy and taxation sectors.IMF stated that all end-March 2016 quantitative performance criteria, including the budget deficit target and the floor for the central banks net international reserves, have been met.It said the IMF staff mission, led by Finger, meet Pakistani officials in Dubai from May 2-11, 2016 to conduct discussions on the eleventh review of Pakistans economic program.Pakistans finance minister Ishaq Dar told reporters after the meeting with IMF officials that economic indicators have been positive and Pakistan has also succeeded in scaling down its fiscal deficit.

Broad out for revenge against Sri Lanka


LONDON (AFP) - Stuart Broad has said England will be out for revenge when they face Sri Lanka in the first of a three-Test series at Headingley next weekend.Two years ago, Yorkshires headquarters ground in Leeds played host to a thrilling match that saw Sri Lanka win the second of a two-Test campaign off the penultimate ball to seal a 1-0 series win when James Anderson, Broads new-ball partner, was dismissed after more than an hour of tail-end resistance.This home season sees England up against both Pakistan and Sri Lanka, the only two teams whove won their most recent Test series against Alastair Cooks men, and Broad wants to set the record straight. There is a bit of revenge to be had, said Broad at an event staged by series sponsors Investec in London on Thursday.Its a great motivation for us as a team that we have seven out of nine Test match trophies but Sri Lanka and Pakistan are the two we dont have.I played in the Test matches at the start of 2014 and that was a tough time to play. It was quite an emotional series, it really hurt us as a team to lose in our own conditions.We know when we play Sri Lanka they play with a lot of pride and passion, theyre always in the battle and they beat us in that battle last time.For retired Sri Lanka great Kumar Sangakkara, the memory of his countrys first Test series win in England, as opposed to victory in one-off matches, remains a treasured memory and one he believes the current tourists will do well to learn from.We were a bit behind the game (at Headingley), but once we started the second innings, we thought lets get to 200 in front. If we can, weve got a great chance of winning this Test.Sri Lanka captain Angelo Mathews, still the islanders skipper, led from the front with a superb innings of 160 and received excellent support from Rangana Herath in an eighth-wicket stand of 149.Sri Lanka set England a target of 350 and paceman Dhammika Prasad then piled the pressure with a four-wicket burst as the hosts collapsed to 57 for five at stumps on the fourth day.Nevertheless Moeen Alis hundred and Andersons defiance almost denied Sri Lanka what turned out to a 100-run win.Everyone was motivated individually and as a team. You saw that in the Herath went in and scored runs, while Angelo batted magnificently, said Sangakkara.Prasad broke the game open, but I didnt expect Jimmy to bat for an hour.They were two of the best Tests I ever played, said batting great Sangakkara, now playing for English county side Surrey after retiring from international duty last year We were outplayed for large portions, but when it counted we stood up. The players should learn from that and give themselves the chance to have an opportunity by staying in the game.Broad could find himself forming an attack at Headingley that includes fellow Nottinghamshire seamer Jake Ball, one of two uncapped players, along with Hampshire batsman James Vince, in a 12-man England squad announced Thursday.Ball has already taken 19 first-class wickets this season and Broad said: Jake is a player Ive seen a lot of in the last three or four years, hes developed so quickly in the last 18 months.Hes tall, hes got good pace. Hes a guy that takes big wickets. He gets top-order batsmen out. I know hes delighted with the call-up and its reward for good county season form.

Sangakkara hopes Perera gets recall after doping U-turn


LONDON (AFP) - Sri Lanka great Kumar Sangakarra on Thursday backed calls for Kusal Perera to be called up to the current squad after the talented batsman was cleared to play following an admission by officials that he had been suspended over a botched drug test.Perera was suspended during Sri Lankas tour of New Zealand last December, after a laboratory in Qatar, accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said he had produced a positive result in an out-of-competition test.But the International Cricket Council (ICC) lifted the suspension with immediate effect late on Wednesday when it described the test as an atypical finding that could not be construed as evidence of doping.Sangakkara, speaking at an event in London staged by sponsors Investec ahead of the start of next weeks England-Sri Lanka Test series, said he was extremely confused by recent events and added he hoped Perera would have a successful career from now on. Before this tour he would have been in the T20 World Cup, opening up with (Tillakaratne) Dilshan, which would have been a huge advantage, said Sangakkara, now retired from international cricket and playing for English county side Surrey. Im extremely confused as to whats happened. The labs in Qatar came back with an adverse finding in one of his urine samples and they named him, with the steroid that was found. Suddenly, over the last two days, theyve withdrawn that and said we might have made a mistake.The poor boy has been out for quite a long time. Hes very young, 25, one of the most exciting talents we have.Asked if Sri Lanka should fly Perera, whose three Tests have already yielded two fifties, to England, Sangakkara replied: I hope they do, because I think when youve gone through something like that, the best thing you can do is to be allowed to play cricket again. But the sad fact is that, I think, when you are provisionally banned, you cant even train or use the facilities that international teams use.Sangakkara added: Unfortunately, Sri Lanka have lost a remarkable player for quite a long time now and hopefully hell have a very successful career from here on in.Speaking in Colombo earlier on Thursday, Perera said he had gone through tremendous mental stress and indicated that returning for Sri Lankas home series with Australia in July was probably a more realistic goal.Sangakarra, one of the outstanding batsmen of his generation, retired from the international game last year with a superb record of 12,400 runs at an average of more than 57 with 38 hundreds.Last month, he scored 171 for Surrey against Somerset at The Oval in the County Championship.But the 38-year-old left-hander, appearing on a platform with England pacemen Stuart Broad and Steven Finn, said he had no regrets. I think Ive had my time facing Stuart (Broad) and Jimmy (Anderson) and fast bowlers at international level, said Sangakkara.I thought I might miss it more, but I am quite at peace with the decision Ive made.

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