Wednesday 4 May 2016

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Boxing: Amir Khan ready for 'dream' showdown with Alvarez


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Amir Khan insisted Wednesday he is ready for the fight of his life when he steps up two divisions to take on Mexican world middleweight champion Saul Canelo Alvarez in Las Vegas this weekend. The British boxer, who normally boxes at welterweight, faces a daunting battle against the hard-hitting Alvarez on Saturday in a fight which many believe is a risk too far for the 29-year-old from Bolton. However Khan insists he is relishing the prospect of star billing after enduring years of frustration trying unsuccessfully to land a bout against the now retired Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. Its my time and Im going to grab it with both hands, Khan told a press conference.Its been my dream to get a big fight like this in Las Vegas and Im not going to let it go. Come this fight youre going to see the best Amir Khan. Canelos a tough guy. Hes strong but were going to be ready for what he brings to the table, added Khan, who is 31-3 with 19 knockouts. Khan, who is of Pakistani descent, also referenced the US presidential election campaign rhetoric of likely Republican nominee Donald Trump, who has vowed to bar Muslims from entering the United States while promising to build a wall on the US-Mexico border. Who knows? This could be the last fight for me and Canelo in Las Vegas if Donald Trump becomes president, joked Khan, a Muslim. World Boxing Council middleweight champion Alvarez (46-1, 32 knockouts) meanwhile said he was confident his power would be too much for Khan. Im very happy with the work that Ive done -- hes a very fast, elusive, tricky fighter. I know the work Ive done and Im confident I can go in there and break him down, Alvarez said through an interpreter.The bouts promoter Oscar De La Hoya described the fight at Las Vegas new T-Mobile Arena as a classic case of speed versus power. De La Hoya insisted that the idea of a Khan upset was not outside the realm of possibility -- citing the example of Leicester Citys remarkable title triumph in the English Premier League. Whovever thought that Leicester City, a 5,000-1 shot could win? Whoever thought that Muhammad Ali could knock out George Foreman?, De La Hoya said.This is a fighter who is willing to fight the very best. Theres a reason why Floyd Mayweather didnt want to fight him, why Manny Pacquiao didnt want to fight him.

US, Russia win truce promise in Syria's Aleppo


ALEPPO (AFP) - Under pressure from Russia and the United States, the Syrian army agreed on Wednesday to respect a two-day truce in the war-ravaged city of Aleppo.The Syrian climb-down came after Washington said the United States and Russia had agreed to push the warring parties to extend their shaky ceasefire.A truce will be in place in Aleppo for 48 hours from 1:00 am on Thursday (2200 GMT Wednesday), Syrian army command said, according to state media.The Russian defense ministry said Russian ceasefire monitors had agreed with their US counterparts to oversee this truce until midnight on May 6. But for his part, US Secretary of State John Kerry said a new Aleppo truce had already begun at 2101 GMT and that violence had already fallen off.On the ground, AFP correspondents said fierce fighting continued in both Aleppo and an area west of Damascus that was already under the ceasefire regime.Weve seen an overall decrease in violence in those areas even though there are some reports of continued fighting in some locations, Kerry said.Kerry added that US officials in Geneva are coordinating with their Russian colleagues on enhanced monitoring efforts for this renewed cessation.And he stressed that for Washington, the cessation of hostilities must spread nationwide and underpin a return by both sides to peace talks in Geneva.Russia and the United States were joint sponsors of a previous February 27 ceasefire agreement that had begun to fall apart, especially around Aleppo.The city is divided between Bashar al-Assads government forces, Western-backed opposition forces and Al-Nusra Front rebels not party to the ceasefire.Last week, Russia agreed to a ceasefire in Latakia and a suburb of Damascus but said Assad should be allowed to fight Al-Nusra terrorists in Aleppo.Intense fighting continued in the city, and hospitals in both rebel and government-held areas were hit, amid some of the worst civilian casualties of the war.On Sunday, Kerry flew to Geneva for talks with UN peace envoy Staffan de Mistura, who in turn went to Moscow for talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.By Wednesday, Kerry felt confident enough in Russias buy-in to the process that the State Department was able to announce what it hopes will be a new truce.Nevertheless, in Aleppo, new explosions could be heard.Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the fighting was the most violent in Aleppo in over a year.According to the Syrian state news agency SANA, in recent days rebels have fired a barrage of rockets into regime-held neighbourhoods in western Aleppo.Three more civilians were killed in the attacks early on Wednesday, it said.Regime warplanes struck the advancing rebels, giving opposition-held areas of eastern Aleppo a respite from the bombing, an AFP correspondent in the city said.Suspected regime strikes also pummelled the rebel stronghold of Eastern Ghouta near Damascus, after a temporary freeze in the area expired overnight.Kerry confirmed these strikes, but said the joint US-Russian ceasefire monitoring centre which is being set up in Geneva would redouble its efforts.Russia had said on Tuesday it hoped a new ceasefire could be agreed within hours but on Wednesday said truce efforts had been stymied by jihadists.Russian military spokesman Igor Konashenkov said a plan had been agreed for Aleppo but fell apart after rocket attacks by Al-Nusra, an Al-Qaeda affiliate.The United Nations said the Syrian government had refused a request for aid access to rebel-held eastern Aleppo, warning that the area could soon be besieged.The diplomatic push aims to restore peace talks aimed at ending a five-year war that has left more than 270,000 dead and forced millions from their homes.France announced on Wednesday that it would also host talks with the Saudi, Qatari, Turkish and Emirati foreign ministers on Monday next week.These countries back the Syrian opposition, and French government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said they would focus on efforts to move deadlocked peace talks forward.On Wednesday, the UN Security Council was to meet to discuss the crisis in Aleppo.Frances UN ambassador Francois Delattre said the city is to Syria what Sarajevo was to Bosnia, recalling the bloody 1990s siege of the Bosnian capital. Syrias civil war erupted in 2011 after Assad brutally suppressed anti-government protests, and quickly escalated into a multi-front conflict.Jihadist forces, including the Islamic State group, seized large tracts of the country, leaving civilians and opposition rebels besieged in western cities.

UN warns of war crimes over Aleppo carnage


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Two top UN officials told the Security Council Wednesday that those responsible for hospital attacks and starvation sieges in Syrias frontline city of Aleppo should face trial for war crimes.The 15-member council met to discuss the crisis in Aleppo just as the United States and Russia agreed to extend a truce to end nearly two weeks of near-constant attacks in the northern city.Let me be absolutely clear once again: intentional and direct attacks on hospitals are war crimes, said the UNs top political affairs official, Jeffrey Feltman.Using starvation as a weapon during conflict is a war crime.Feltman demanded that Syria be referred to the International Criminal Court in The Hague for war crimes prosecutions.Those responsible for war crimes must be held to account, he said.A bid by the council in 2014 to refer Syria to the ICC was blocked by China and Syrian ally Russia, and it appeared unlikely that a new push for such action would garner enough support.UN aid chief Stephen OBrien said life for people in Aleppo is horrendous as he condemned the inexcusable, deeply disturbing attacks on medical facilities.Those responsible for the attacks must understand that these acts cannot and will not be forgotten, said OBrien.Those who are responsible must know that they will one day be held accountable, he added.Hospitals in both rebel and government-held areas of Aleppo have been hit, triggering global outrage and calls for an end to the fighting.The upsurge in Aleppo has left hundreds dead and is threatening to derail international efforts to resume peace talks in Geneva this month and push ahead with a plan to end the five-year war.The United States, France and Britain put the blame squarely on the regime for the escalation, but Russia insisted Bashar al-Assads forces are fighting terror groups in the city. The regime has launched more than 300 air strikes, 110 artillery strikes and 18 missiles, and dropped more than 68 bombs on the city over just these last two weeks, US Ambassador Samantha Power told the council meeting.Power rejected Russian and Syrian claims that the attacks were directed at extremists, saying recent targets included an ambulance, a market, a bakery, a school and a mosque. Syrias Deputy UN Ambassador Mounzer Mounzer said regime forces were taking on terror groups in Aleppo.What the Syrian government has been doing in the city of Aleppo is merely the fulfilment of its obligations to protect its citizens from terrorism, he told the council.Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin insisted that jihadist groups in Aleppo were not covered by the ceasefire agreed in late February and that to make a pause in the combat of terrorism and allow them to regroup is unacceptable.Syrias conflict erupted in 2011 after anti-government protests were put down. Fighting quickly escalated into a multi-faceted war that has killed more than 270,000 people and forced millions from their homes.

Qaeda threatens attacks on homes of Yemeni forces


MUKALLA (AFP) - Al-Qaeda in Yemen threatened Wednesday to target the homes of officers and soldiers who took part in a government offensive that drove militants out of key areas.But militants in Zinjibar appear to have agreed to leave the Abyan provincial capital following tribal mediation to spare the city destruction, said the regions security chief Colonel Nasser Hadi.Government troops backed by air and ground support from a Saudi-led coalition launched last month a widespread operation against jihadists in south and southeastern Yemen. We warn all military leaders and soldiers who participated in the campaign that their houses are now legitimate targets for us, said an online statement issued by the Abyan branch of Ansar al-Sharia, another name used by Al-Qaeda in Yemen.We advise their wives and children to leave their houses because they (the houses) will be our next target, the statement said.Al-Qaeda fighters had remained in Zinjibar after government forces advanced towards the city in late April. Residents took to the streets demanding the extremists leave to spare the city any fighting.Abyans security chief said Wednesday that Al-Qaeda militants demanded a safe exit from the city and nearby Jaar town, adding the militants promised to clear the mines and explosives they planted on the edges of Zinjibar. He said a tribal dignitary led mediation with the militants to spare the city destruction and war.Witnesses said however that Al-Qaeda fighters were still visible in Zinjibar and Jaar. The militants last month fled the key southeastern city of Mukalla, the capital of Hadramawt province, and other coastal areas, due to the government offensive.Earlier in April, government troops pushed Al-Qaeda fighters out of Huta, the capital of Lahj province.Yemen-based Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is regarded by Washington as the networks most dangerous branch, and AQAP militants have come under repeated US air and drone strikes.The Saudi-led coalition intervened in Yemen in March 2015 in support of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi against Shiite Huthi rebels who had seized the capital Sanaa and other areas.But it has recently turned its firepower against jihadists impeding the governments bid to firm up its grip on southern areas recaptured from the rebels.

Bangladesh capital on alert ahead of war crimes verdict


DHAKA (AFP) - The Bangladesh capital was on high alert Wednesday ahead of a Supreme Court verdict on the nations top Islamist leader that could clear the way for his execution for war crimes within days.Jamaat-e-Islami party leader Motiur Rahman Nizami, 73, will likely face the gallows in less than a week if the court dismisses his final appeal Thursday over crimes committed during the countrys independence war. Police said they had stepped up security in Dhaka ahead of the verdict because of fears of Islamist violence, although they added there were no specific threats from any group. Weve enhanced security in the capital. Officers have been kept on alert, Dhaka Metropolitan Police spokesman Maruf Hossain Sorder told AFP.Nizami was originally convicted of murder, rape and orchestrating the killing of top intellectuals as a militia leader during Bangladeshs 1971 war of independence against Pakistan.The Supreme Court upheld the verdict in January this year, but Nizamis lawyers filed a final appeal. Previous convictions of Jamaat officials triggered the countrys deadliest violence in decades, with around 500 people killed, mainly in clashes between Islamists and police.There will be extra security at the Supreme Court and at important sites in the city, assistant commissioner of police Shiblee Noman told AFP.The judgement comes as the Muslim-majority nation reels from a string of killings of secular and liberal activists and religious minorities by suspected Islamist militants. In the last two weeks alone, two gay rights activists, a liberal professor and a Hindu tailor who made derogatory comments against the Prophet Mohammed have been hacked to death.Nizami, Jamaats leader since 2000 and a former government minister, could still avoid the gallows if he is granted clemency by the president.Three senior Jamaat officials and a key leader of the main opposition party have been executed for war crimes since December 2013.Since it was established by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinas government in 2010, the International Crimes Tribunal has sentenced more than a dozen opposition leaders for war crimes.Rights groups say the trials fall short of global standards and lack international oversight.

IS has capacity to hit United States: top US spy


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US National Intelligence Director James Clapper says the Islamic State group is capable of conducting a Paris-style attack in the United States, CNN reported Wednesday. They do have that capacity, Clapper said in an interview with the US news network. Thats something we worry about a lot in the United States, that they could conjure up a raid like they did in Paris or Brussels, he added. Coordinated attacks across Paris in November left 130 dead, and suicide blasts at Brussels airport and the Maalbeek subway station killed 32 people.Both attacks have been claimed by the Islamic State group and appear to be linked to the same cell of attackers.Despite Clappers assessment, President Barack Obama and other senior national security officials told CNN they saw things less bleakly. We, here in the United States, face less of a threat than Europe from the IS group, Obama told CNN.

India bus crash kills 13, injures 53: media


NEW DELHI (AFP) - At least 13 people died and 53 others were injured after a bus skidded off a bridge and overturned in northeast India, media quoted police as saying. The bus was travelling from Jharkhand state to Raipur, state capital of Chhattisgarh, when it came off the road at around 10.30 pm local time (1700 GMT) on Wednesday, national news agency Press Trust of India reported. The driver saw a motorcycle at a sharp bend and swerved to avoid him but lost control of the wheel, causing the bus to come off the bridge and flip over two or three times, local police superintendent Sadanand Kumar told PTI.Of those injured, 16 were in a critical condition, he added.Fatal traffic accidents are common in India, which has some of the worlds deadliest roads with more than 200,000 fatalities annually, according to the World Health Organization.Last month, a bus carrying performing artists plunged 76 metres (250 feet) into a gorge in the east of the country, killing at least 27 people, including a child.And in February, a packed passenger bus plunged off a bridge into a river in western India, killing at least 37 people in one of the countrys deadliest road accidents in recent years.

'Catastrophic wildfires' force thousands to flee in Canada


EDMONTON (AFP) - The Canadian city of Fort McMurray remained under threat from catastrophic wildfires Wednesday, authorities warned, after more than 80,000 residents were forced to flee the raging inferno sweeping through Albertas oil sands region.No casualties have been reported from the monster blaze, which lashed at residences and motor home parks, causing traffic chaos as people scrambled to safety.But the authorities warned that the next 24 hours would be critical.This fire is absolutely devastating, said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Its a loss on a scale that is hard for many of us to imagine.Alberta emergency services announced shortly before midnight Tuesday that all of Fort McMurray, a city of about 100,000, was under a mandatory evacuation order.Footage from the area overnight showed trees ablaze near highways crowded with bumper-to-bumper traffic, while black smoke billowed as the flames ate away at buildings.Mayor Melissa Blake said predictions of what would happen not only came true but were worse than imagined.This is a very explosive situation, warned Bernie Schmitte of Albertas agriculture and forestry ministry. These are catastrophic wildfires.The fire has destroyed some 2,000 residences in the citys most outlying districts and ravaged 10,000 hectares (25,000 acres), he said.More than 80,000 have fled the city, located 400 kilometers north (250 miles) of the provincial capital Edmonton, according to Scott Long of Albertas emergency management agency. The area around the airport is the only one not under an evacuation order.Warning that the next 24 hours were critical, Schmitte launched an urgent appeal to the population as firefighters noted that winds were fanning the flames in various parts of the city.We are going to ask you to stay where you are so that we can utilize all roads, he said.Nine air tankers, a dozen helicopters and some 250 firefighters were battling the flames, and the military was put on alert.Obviously, Fort McMurray being evacuated has been extremely difficult, not just for the province and officials, but for the folks who live there, Trudeau said.The prime minister added he had spoken with Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and offered her our total support as a government to anything needed in the short-term but obviously anything in the long-term.Notley said that no casualties had been reported, noting that everything possible was being done to ensure the populations safety.I believe at this point we have the resources that we need and we are continuing to work very hard to get the fire under control, Notley told a news conference, adding that the view from the air is heartbreaking.Since 8:00 am (1400 GMT) Wednesday, flights to the city have been suspended.Wind fans flamesOil companies crucial to the region such as Suncor, Syncrude and Shell reduced operations to facilitate the evacuation of non-essential employees.Public Security Minister Ralph Goodale, working in connection with the armed forces, said a number of federal air assets are now positioned in the neighborhood to help with evacuation.The fire, which had been contained until Monday south of Fort McMurray, was pushed toward the city by winds of 50 kilometers per hour and quickly reached homes, helped by a drought in Alberta.The province saw record temperatures of nearly 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit).The fire quickly expanded, with blazes forming in several places and forcing the citys evacuation.City resident Russell Thomas told CBC television he found a wall of fire as he turned back from a gas station that exploded suddenly.The evacuation has caused huge traffic jams, especially around gas stations where some drivers waited hours to fill their tanks. With some pumps in the 400 kilometers between Edmonton and Fort McMurray to the north empty, the Alberta government has said it sent a tanker under guard to help rescue stranded vehicles.Charred carsThe authorities said the inferno had reached the neighborhood of Beacon Hill, only five kilometers from downtown Fort McMurray.Seventy percent of homes there had been destroyed, they said.In the Waterways neighborhood, 90 percent homes have been lost.Firefighters said houses had been damaged in all Fort McMurray neighborhoods and that numerous empty vehicles near wooded areas had gone up in flames.A large motor home park had also been destroyed, leaving charred and smoldering remains, according to TV footage.Oil companies had set up emergency shelters in their huge bungalow communities for Canadian and foreign workers.These camps have been partially deserted for the past two years due to the drop in oil prices and the thousands of layoffs that followed.

PM orders arrest of culprits involved in harassing women at PTI rally


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif Wednesday took notice of the incident of harassment of women at Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) rally in Lahore. PM has ordered an immediate arrest of the culprits involved in the condemnable act.Meanwhile Federal Minister for Interior Chaudhry Nisar has also offered PTI chairman Imran Khan to form an Opposition’s joint investigation team for probing the incident.Speaking at a press conference, Nisar suggested that media and the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) may also be included in the committee who may help in identifying those responsible.Nisar declared that the PTI chairman’s accusations against Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) and Punjab police were disappointing. He questioned why such incidents only took place during PTI’s rallies.On the other hand, five culprits involved in the incident have been identified. Punjab government has forwarded stills captured using CCTV cameras’ footages to NADRA and summoned details of the felons.

Terror bid foiled, 8 terrorists killed in Sheikhupura


SHEIKHUPURA (Dunya News) - Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) foiled a major terror bid when eight terrorists of a banned organization were killed in an encounter at the Sharaqpur Road near Sheikhupura on early Thursday morning, Dunya News reported.According to details, personnel of Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and Anti-terrorism Department conducted an operation at the Sharaqpur Road near Sheikhupura on a tip-off that terrorists were present in the area. The terrorists present in the area opened fire at the security officials. The law enforcement agencies returned fire as a result of which eight terrorists were killed while six of their accomplices managed to escape from the scene. A huge cache of arms, explosive material and maps of sensitive installations were also recovered from the dead terrorists. The law enforcement agencies have cordoned off the area and launched search to apprehend more terrorists.The bodies of the dead terrorists were shifted to the District Headquarters Hospital Sheikhupura.Watch Video Below:

Abid Sher Ali slams MQM's Salman Mujahid, criticises Ejaz Chaudhry


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Federal Minister for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali Wednesday slammed Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) leader Salman Mujahid Baloch and also criticised Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) leader Ejaz Chaudhry as a heated argument broke out amongst the three during Dunya News program ‘On The Front’.The three leaders of opposing parties hurled accusations and also exchanged harsh words.Sher Ali first lambasted the MQM leader and then went for the PTI’s Chaudhry. The PTI leader was not far behind as he too responded with equally vocal rebuttal.Watch Video Below:

Rangers initiate investigation of Aftab Hussain's death


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Sindh Rangers Wednesday have intitiated an investigation into the death of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Aftab Hussain. The MQM leader passed away earlier this week while being in the custody of Rangers.According to Rangers sources, the investigative team is analyzing Hussain’s death from multiple perspectives.Rangers’ officials are also being questioned on Hussain’s death.Meanwhile MQM observed a day of mourning today after MQM leader Dr Farooq Sattar’s coordinator, Aftab Hussain died in Jinnah hospital two days after arrest.The party had announced on Tuesday to observe day-long mourning.Dr Sattar had called for a fair probe into Hussain’s death. He said that Hussain’s family should be assured that he died of natural causes.Rangers had taken Hussain in custody from his Federal B Area residence two days before his death. The paramilitary force had acquired 90-day remand of the suspect a day before he was admitted in hospital.He was shifted to the hospital early Tuesday morning while the administration there stated that he died at 8:20am. Spokesperson of the armed force said that Hussain died of cardiac arrest after he was brought to the hospital.In contrast to Rangers’ stance, MQM stated that he was tortured in Rangers custody and died because of that.However, Rangers Sindh Director General (DG) Major General Bilal Akbar has formed a committee to probe the incident.Funeral prayer of the deceased was offered in Numaish Chowrangi.

Punjab Police deducts officers' salaries without reason


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Punjab Police Department Wednesday deducted the salaries of more than 10,000 of its officers ranging from Constable to Inspectors without any apparent reason.According to police sources, a deduction ranging from Rs. 200 to 12000 has been made.No written reasoning has been provided for the action.Meanwhile the accounts department of Punjab police stated that the deductions were made on the orders of high officials.

Karachi: Administration cuts down shady trees amidst heat stroke season


KARACHI (Dunya News) – In an incomprehensible move, Karachi’s administration Wednesday cut down thick, shady trees of Shahrah-e-Faisal’s central greenbelt amidst a season where heat stroke incidents are still frequent. The tree cutting continues in other areas as well despite the fact that these trees provide a much needed, cool shade to the citizens thus preventing the life threatening condition of heat stroke.4 large, shady trees planted at Shahrah-e-Faisal’s central greenbelt were cut down. A contingent of police was present as well while the trees were being brought down.Administration has stated that some of the trees were cut down as they were affecting the flow of traffic.Tens of thousands of citizens were affected with thousands losing their lives in the previous year due to the heat stroke and dehydration as temperatures soared. The deadly condition has affected several this year as well.Heatstroke treatment centers were set up around the city while citizens were educated as well about its treatment and prevention.

Merkel, Abe differ on how to fix world economy


MESEBERG (AFP) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Wednesday disagreed on how best to kick-start the global economy ahead of a G7 meeting this month.While Abe made a characteristic pitch for large-scale stimulus spending, Merkel suggested Germany was already doing enough, pointing to the extra economic activity brought by the arrival of one million refugees and migrants last year.The leaders of the major European and East Asian export powers will outline their competing visions when Japan later this month hosts a meeting of the G7 advanced industrial countries -- also including Britain, Canada, France, Italy and the United States.Abe -- known for his Abenomics attempts to stimulate economic growth through increased public spending -- has been rallying G7 member nations to make a pitch for jointly providing a boost to the global economy.We spoke about the global economic situation and that we cannot just wait for normal economic cycles but have to proactively tackle the risks to rejuvinate the world economy, he said.We need a speeding up of structural reforms and expansive fiscal policies, he told a news conference, according to the German translation, after their meeting at Germanys state guest house, a Baroque castle north of Berlin.Merkel on the other hand suggested Germany, Europes top economy, was already doing enough.With the many refugees we took in last year, we saw a boost to domestic demand which, in my view, was a good contribution to the development of the world economy, she said.She said Berlin supported a three-way strategy of structural reforms, the monetary policy of independent central banks, and fiscal policy, including ongoing investment in digital infrastructureWe are seeking to combine solid budgetary policies with sustainable growth policies and more investment. I think with that we are making our contribution for the good development of the world economy, and we will be discussing the details in depth in Japan.Abe said that at the summit the G7 will, as leading G7 powers, discuss and make a good contribution to world economic growth. That means that we have to send a concrete message with a united voice.Abe came to power in December 2012 vowing to rejuvenate the worlds third-largest economy by ending deflation -- a debilitating decline in consumer prices that has suppressed spending for years.His eponymous Abenomics policies include the Bank of Japan buying massive amounts of government bonds and introducing a negative interest rate.Abes plan had some success at first as the yen weakened sharply, inflating exporters profits and setting off a stock market rally. But a promised recovery has failed to take hold and the yen has recently reversed course as traders flock to the Japanese unit, which is considered a safe bet in times of turmoil.Abe stressed the importance of currency stability, adding: We are watching currency markets and if needed we need to act.

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