Sunday 8 October 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Islamabad: NAB arrests Capt (r) Safdar upon return from London


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) MNA, and son-in-law of former Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif, Captain (r) Safdar has on Monday morning been arrested by National Accountability Bureau (NAB) from Islamabad airport as he returned from London along with wife Maryam Nawaz, reported Dunya News.According to details, the accountability court had issued non-bailable arrest warrants of Captain (r)Safdar and had directed NAB to arrest him, and seek help from other institutions as well if necessary, to arrest Safdar and present him before the court on Monday, October 9.PML-N workers gathered at the airport in large numbers on the occasion and surrounded the NAB convoy. The workers held the convoy for about two hours despite appeals from senior PML-N members to let the NAB convoy move. Finally, the convoy started moving and Captain (r) Safdar was taken to Melody NAB office. The workers also followed the convoy and the security at the office was beefed up by the police.Meanwhile, Maryam Nawaz Sharif arrived at an undisclosed important personality’s house in Islamabad F-6(3) house, where she was phoned by her father Nawaz Sharif who expressed deep concern over Captain (r) Safdar’s arrest, terming the action as victimisation. He said that the Sharif family will continue appearing before the court despite serious reservations.PML-N leader MarviMemon, while talking to Dunya News, expressed concern over the arrest. She said that Maryam and Safdar had returned to Pakistan only to appear before the court and the step to arrest the son-in-law of the former PM was unnecessary. She added that it would be extremely difficult to hold the workers back if such actions continued.Captain (r) Safdar will be presented before the accountability court today. Maryam Nawaz is also going to appear before the court today.

Rangers deployment not sought for Maryam's accountability case hearing


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – At least 1,000 Frontier Corps and police personnel have been deployed in accountability court on Sunday ahead of daugher of ousted premier, Maryam Nawaz’s appearance for corruption case on Monday morning hearing and deployment of Rangers have not been written for.Administration has maintained that no letter has been written for deployment of the paramilitary force in the court premises.According to the security plan, attendees would have one entry and exit point and no leader of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz except those summoned by the court would be allowed to enter.Workers of the political party have also been advised to not appear at the court. However, media personnel will be allowed to enter the premises.Earlier this month, interior minister Ahsan Iqbal was not allowed to enter the court by Rangers personnel who had positioned themselves at 07:00am with the government claiming later that day that the troops were not ordered to show up.The interior minister warned to tender his resignation maintaining that he would not serve as a puppet minister.

NAB Lahore to arrest Capt (r) Safdar tonight


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Lahore has on Sunday decided to arrest Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) MNA, and former Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif’s son-in-law, Captain (r) Safdar tonight, reported Dunya News.The letter informing the National Assembly secretary about the possible arrest has been written. The letter states that a reference has been filed in Islamabad accountability court against Captain (r) Safdar and the accountability court has issued non-bailable arrest warrants against him.Therefore, the letter states, Captain (r) Safdar will arrested tonight. It is pertinent to mention here that Captain (r) Safdar will arrive in Islamabad from London tonight.

Prime Minister condoles deaths in Dasht road accident


ISLAMABAD (APP):Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Saturday expressed deep grief over the loss of lives in a road accident took place in Dasht area of Balochistan.The prime minister sympathised with the grieved families and prayed for early recovery of those wounded in the tragic incident, said a PM Office statement.

'Che' Guevara's life celebrated on 50th death anniversary


SANTA CLARA (AFP) - Tens of thousands of Cubans turned out on Sunday to pay tribute to Ernesto Che Guevara, the Argentine-born Marxist revolutionary and guerrilla leader, on the 50th anniversary of his death.An estimated 70,000 people thronged the streets outside a mausoleum in this town 300 kilometers (186 miles) east of the capital Havana which houses the remains of Guevara and of some of his former comrades.President Raul Castro, dressed in his generals uniform, was among those attending the ceremony in Santa Clara, which was the site of a December 1958 battle that finally sent Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista into exile.Raul Castro fought alongside Guevara during the Cuban revolution led by his brother Fidel Castro.The 39-year-old Guevara was captured and executed by a CIA-trained unit of the Bolivian army on October 9, 1967.This years ceremony was the first in the absence of Fidel Castro, who died last year, and an excerpt from one of his speeches honoring Guevara was played for the crowd.The anniversary comes amid the dying gasps of other Latin American guerrilla movements such as the FARC in Colombia, which last year reached a peace deal with the government and recently disarmed.The 86-year-old Raul Castro took a back seat at Sundays ceremony to Miguel Diaz-Canel, who is expected to replace him as president next year.Che is still hereDiaz-Canel, 57, denounced American imperialism in a speech and referred to increased tension in Cuba-US relations since Donald Trump became president.Cuba will never negotiate away its principles or give in to blackmail, he said.Elena Gonzalez, a 56-year-old textile worker, was among those who turned up at the crack of dawn to pay her respects to Guevara.Yes, we got up very early but its worth it, she said. Were keeping his example alive and his legacy of independence and sovereignty for Latin America and the world.For me, Che is still here -- his life, his work, his example, said 79-year-old Luis Monteagudo, who fought alongside Guevara in the Congo and was wearing a white T-shirt with his picture.Ches remains were transferred from Bolivia to Cuba in 1997 and interred in a mausoleum here which features a large bronze statue of the guerrilla leader.Born in the Argentine city of Rosario, Guevara traveled across Latin America in 1952 and 1953 -- a road trip that was immortalized in the 2004 film The Motorcycle Diaries -- and was shocked to see the economic disparity in the region.It convinced him that violence was necessary to overturn Latin Americas unjust social order.Spreading revolutionHis life changed dramatically when he met Fidel Castro in Mexico in 1955 and joined his guerrilla expedition to Cuba.In the early 1960s, Guevara worked with Castro to consolidate the revolution, supervising the repression of counter-revolutionaries, and even for a time heading the Central Bank and industry ministry.But his key motivation was to spread revolution elsewhere.In 1965, he bid farewell to Cuba in a letter to Castro in which he resigned his posts and wrote: Other nations of the world summon my modest efforts of assistance.After leading a group of Cuban revolutionaries fighting with Marxist guerrillas in the Congo, Guevara traveled to Bolivia in late 1966.Struggling with asthma, he led a small clutch of rebels in Bolivia for 11 months trying to spread revolution. But he was tracked, cornered and wounded in the mountains in a gun battle that wiped out most of his remaining forces.The Bolivian army and two Cuban-American Central Intelligence Agency agents captured him. He was executed in a schoolhouse in La Higuera the following day, October 9, 1967. The small revolution he had started in Bolivia died with him.Guevara remains omnipresent in Cuba, particularly visible in the iconic image of the bearded and beret-clad revolutionary that adorns posters and T-shirts the world over.

Sudan Airways seeks post-embargo Boeing, Airbus spare parts


KHARTOUM (AFP) - Sudans national carrier aims to revive its fleet by procuring new components from Boeing and Airbus after Washington lifted its 20-year-old trade embargo on Khartoum, a minister said Sunday.Sudan Airways, one of the oldest airlines in Africa, has 12 of its 14-strong fleet of aircraft grounded after failing to source spare parts from Boeing and Airbus because of the sanctions imposed in 1997.But on Friday, Washington lifted the embargo after months of diplomatic negotiations with Khartoum.The airline is now expected to be a key beneficiary of the move.We expect our cooperation with Boeing and Airbus to resume as we had excellent relations with them before the sanctions, Transport Minister Makkawi Mohamed Awad told AFP.Awad said the airline had been severely impacted by the sanctions as it had only Boeing and Airbus planes.One by one all our planes stopped flying until the entire fleet was grounded because we were unable to get spare parts, he said.You go to Khartoum airport and you will find all our planes parked.Sudan Airways declined to give access to AFP to photograph its aircraft on the ground.The top US envoy in Khartoum, Steven Koutsis, told reporters on Saturday that the US Department of Commerce had already addressed the issue of spares that Sudanese airlines or the countrys railways need.Only a few parts that have what we call dual use technology will remain prohibited, he told reporters.Washington imposed the sanctions over Khartoums alleged support for Islamist militant groups. Osama bin Laden, the slain Al-Qaeda founder, lived in Sudan between 1992 and 1996.The sanctions had put restrictions on international banking transactions, exchange of technology and spare parts. Combined with other cumbersome trade regulations, they hampered Sudans economic growth, especially sectors such as transport.With the lifting of the sanctions, Awad was optimistic that the airline will also be able to resume flying international routes, including to Europe.Sudan Airways still owns air slots to Europe, Asia and Africa. We can get our operating licences back now that the sanctions have been lifted, he said.

Ahsan Iqbal dares PTI to challenge his iqama, says those seeking entry through backdoor will fail


ISLAMABAD: (Dunya News) – Interior Minister Chaudhry Ahsan Iqbal has on Sunday dared Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to challenge his iqama in the court and said that he’d welcome such a move as ‘those seeking entry through backdoor’ won’t succeed anyway, reported Dunya News.In a statement, Ahsan Iqbal said that the alleged fake letter about the members of parliament having connections with the terrorists was a conspiracy against Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N).According to details, the demand coming from parliamentarians to investigate the origin of the letter has been accepted and the government has written letters to the concerned departments already. Ahsan Iqbal said that the alleged letter from Intelligence Bureau (IB) was fake, and announced that he will issue a statement on this issue on the floor of the house.Iqbal said that the letter was fake and an attempt to create rift among PML-N members. He added that Prime Minister and the federal cabinet had already given an explanation on the issue and IB had also declared the letter as fake and forged.

ICCI calls for rationalization of heavy taxes on real estate sector


ISLAMABAD (APP): President,Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) Sheikh Amir Waheed said that real estate sector was playing a key role in the economic development of the country.In a statement here, he called for rationalization in taxes on this important sector to facilitate the growth of business activities.He was addressing a delegation of Islamabad Real Estate Welfare Group that visited ICCI led by Group Leader Ch.Abdul Rauf to congratulate the new office bearers of the Chamber,said in statement issued by ICCI here on Friday.Sheikh Amir Waheed said that business of thousands of people was directly or indirectly linked with real estate sector.Muhammad Naveed Senior Vice President and Nisar Ahmed Mirza Vice President ICCI assured the delegation that Chamber would raise their issues at all relevant forums for solution and would fully cooperate in efforts to provide relief to this sector.Speaking at the occasion,Leader of Islamabad Real Estate Welfare Group Ch. Abdul Rauf and former resident,Islamabad Estate Agents Association highlighted various issues of real estate sector.He claimed that CDA has increased commercialization fee on real estate sector that has created additional problems and urged that CDA should bring down said fee.He said Chairman CDA had approved 14 reforms of real estate sector that have not been implemented as yet due to which problems still persisted.He said that G-13, G-14 and some other sectors were started long time ago, but were not developed as yet and called upon the CDA and Housing Foundation to focus on early development of old sectors to ease the problems of allottees.

PM Abbasi announces multibillion development package for Nowshero Feroz district


NEW JATOI (APP): Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Saturday announced a comprehensive development package worth above Rs 2.5 billion for infrastructural uplift of Nowshero Feroz district for provision of gas, electricity and the construction of roads.Addressing a public gathering here, the prime minister said a whooping Rs 1.5 billion grant would be spent for provision of gas and electricity to various areas of the district and another Rs 1 billion for construction of roads.The prime minister was accompanied by Governor Sindh Muhammad Zubair, federal minister Ghulam Murtaza Jatoi, minister of state Jam Kamal and other party leaders.The announcement of the mega development projects for the district of opposition-led Sindh province prompted the already charged gathering to chant full throated slogans in support of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the prime minister.The prime minister also announced the launch of his health insurance card scheme to support medical treatment of the poor families besides nodding to the party leaders’ demands of establishing a food processing plant, a railway stop and a grid station in the area.The prime minister also approved a fund of Rs 200 million for a town committee on the request of a party leader in the area.“This is the difference between the mindset selling the jobs and the one giving rights to the rightful people,” he commented criticizing the apathy of the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party to the issues of the people in their province.Prime Minister Abbasi said that the country could only achieve progress through democracy and recalled that the Charter of Democracy (CoD) signed between former prime ministers Nawaz Sharif and late Benazir Bhutto had committed to bring an end to political victimization and respecting the public mandate.Expressing his dismay over the non-adherence to the CoD, he called for carrying forward the same commitment as only democracy could guarantee the stability of the economy, provision of jobs and justice.He told the public gathering that the government accepted the July 28 verdict of the Supreme Court and new prime minister was nominated by the party with no aspirant in the party for the slot.Such a beautiful democratic transition put to rest all the rumors of disintegration of the party and desertion by the parliamentarians, he added.“The decision of July 28 was indeed a great ordeal but it was also a victory of democracy,” the prime minister remarked.He said only the PML-N and Nawaz Sharif ensured the integration of the country as he was the one who proved his agenda of public welfare and development through his actions, not merely words.He said after 18th amendment, like other provinces, the resources for Sindh too had been doubled but unfortunately those were going to corruption showing the failure of the provincial government.To the public demand of job opportunities, the prime minister said it was the issue across the country but the federal government was toeing a policy of giving jobs to the rightful aspirants on merit, not by minting money.He assured the people that China Pakistan Economic Corridor would help create employment opportunities and stabilizing the national economy.However, he reiterated that the issues would continue lingering on until the resources are duly utilized for public welfare, not the political interests.Prime Minister Abbasi recalled that it was always the Nawaz Sharif-led government that enhanced the country’s road network as currently motorways were being constructed across Sindh.He told the gathering that the incumbent government completed the Kachi Canal project costing Rs 28 billion that had been lingering on for the last three decades.He said a vast stretch of the canal passed through Punjab province without giving any share in the water that had been purely dedicated to irrigate thousands of acres of land in Balochistan.About the power generation, the prime minister said the government had produced around 10,000 megawatt during last four years against only around 20,000 megawatt generated since inception of Pakistan.The prime minister said the federal government believed in granting due rights to the provinces as all of their issues were discussed and resolved in Council of Common Interests leaving no province to complain about the distribution of resources.Prime Minister Abbasi said the world had now admitted that Pakistan’s economy was getting stronger against the previous notions about the country being on the verge of bankruptcy.He said the growth rate now stood at six per cent and the development projects executed by the government would not only resolve the current problems but would also cater to the future needs of the country. The projects of gas and electricity would address the energy issue till 2030 and the road network would suffice the needs for the next 50 years.He said consequent to the joint efforts by the government and sacrifices by the security forces, Pakistan had defeated the terrorist forces and would eliminate the residues as around 0.2 million soldiers were still engaged to fight the menace.The prime minister said Pakistan’s security had defeated the terrorism which could not be tackled by the whole world. Recalling a terror attack on a shrine which took place in Balochistan on Thursday, the prime minister said the terrorists chose to hit such peaceful places out of their inability to target any other place.He also asked the people to draw comparison between the peace situation in Karachi of today and four years ago and termed it a gift of the PML-N and Nawaz Sharif.After announcing the development package, the prime minister asked the people to give their verdict for the next five years in the elections scheduled to be held after some nine months.“The political decisions are not taken in courts and on streets. Neither they should be. This is democracy,” he remarked urging the people to compare the ongoing five-year tenure of the PML-N and the one completed by PPP earlier.Earlier, the prime minister also lauded the political career of Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Ghulam Murtaza Jatoi, former Sindh chief minister Arbab Ghulam Raheem and Syed Zafar Ali Shah, hoping they would continue upholding the positive political traditions in future too.

Pakistan all out for 262 in second Test


DUBAI (AFP) - Paceman Wahab Riaz took three wickets in a fiery spell but Sri Lanka were still in the driving seat after the third day of the second day-night Test in Dubai on Sunday.Riaz grabbed 3-10 to derail Sri Lankas second innings -- 34-5 at close -- but the visitors were still in a strong position with an overall lead of 254 runs with five wickets intact.Riaz dismissed Sri Lankan skipper Dinesh Chandimal leg before for nought in the last over before close to give Pakistan a faint hope of upsetting the tables, but it will be an uphill task for their faltering batsmen to improve in the second innings.Pakistan were dismissed for 262 in their first innings, conceding a big 220-run lead following Sri Lankas first innings 482.It was paceman Mohammad Abbas who started the slide, having opener Kaushal Silva caught behind for three before Riaz dismissed first innings centurion Dimuth Karunaratne for seven.He then had debutant Sadeera Samarawickrama out for 13 in a hostile spell of 3.3 overs. Leg-spinner Yasir Shah had nightwatchman Suranga Lakmal out for one as Pakistan started to stage a fightback.At close Kusal Mendis was unbeaten on eight.Sri Lankan spinners Dilruwan Perera (3-72) and Rangana Herath (3-84) had bundled Pakistan out just after dinner to put Sri Lanka in sight of a series win.They won the first Test by 21 runs in Abu Dhabi.Only Azhar Ali (59) and Haris Sohail (56) offered some resistance as the Pakistani batsmen once again flopped on a batting friendly Dubai Stadium pitch, losing their last six wickets for 82 runs.It was 21 runs short of the follow-on mark but Sri Lanka did not enforce it.Ali and Sohail lifted Pakistan from a precarious 109-4 during a battling fifth-wicket stand of 71, but once Ali was gone the innings unfolded.Herath trapped Ali leg-before and reviewed it to overturn a not-out decision, triggering the collapse. Ali hit six boundaries in his patient knock.Sohail was the eighth wicket to fall, trapped in front by Perera to end any hopes of Pakistan reaching a respectable total. He smashed four boundaries and two sixes.Skipper Sarfraz Ahmed made 14 before he miscued a sweep and was caught off Perera.When Pakistan resumed at 51-0, paceman Lahiru Gamage who took his first wicket in Test cricket, bowling Shan Masood through the gate after the opener had made 16.Sami Aslam was trapped leg before by Perera for 39 to leave Pakistan two down with 65 runs on the board.Asad Shafiq fell for 12 when he edged Lakmal to slip to continue his wretched form in the series. Babar Azam made eight.Lakmal finished with 2-41 while Gamage had figures of 2-38.

Gulistan-e-Jauhar markets empty as 'knife attacker' still at large


KARACHI: (Dunya News) – Gulistan-e-Jauhar markets seem quite empty compared to the past in the wake of the ‘knife attacks’ that have become a routine in the area since the attacker is still at large and the police seem helpless in the face of the challenge, reported Dunya News.According to police, four suspects are under arrest but the attacker is still at large and the women seem frightened in the areas of Gulshan-e-Iqbal and Gulistan-e-Jauhar. The Sunday Bazaar also seemed quite off colour. The shopkeepers say that the market is down in the area.The aged women still seen in the markets say that they feel scared going out of their houses.The grave challenge for the law-enforcing agencies has literally exposed the incapacity of these institutions. However, four people rounded up are being interrogated.Meanwhile, the police in Sahiwal also facing a similar situation as a ‘knife attacker’ there is also attacking random women in the locality.

Woman sit-in protests to marry Narendra Modi


(Web Desk) – A 40-year-old woman is a month into a sit-in in Indian capital New Delhi as she wishes to marry Prime Minister Narendra Modi claiming that he is alone like her, reported on Sunday.Om Shanti Sharma from Jaipur said that she was married but the relation ended and she has been alone for years now.She said that Modi is alone like her and she would help Modi. She denied the claims that her mental state was unhealthy. She lodged a sit-in protest at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on September 8.

At least 11 dead in Syria market air strike: monitor


BEIRUT (AFP) - At least 11 civilians including two children were killed on Sunday in air strikes on a market in northwestern Syria, a monitor said.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the strikes on the market in Idlib provinces Maaret al-Numan were probably carried out by regime forces.Much of Idlib province, including Maaret al-Numan, is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a group led by Al-Qaedas former Syria affiliate.Idlib is one of four so-called de-escalation zones under a deal brokered by Russia, Turkey and Iran in May.However, the HTS is not party to the agreement.Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said military aircraft had targeted the market in Maaret al-Numan, blaming the regime for the strike.At least 11 people were killed including two children, he said. There are around 20 wounded and the toll of victims could rise.The Observatory relies on a network of sources inside Syria, and says it determines whose planes carry out raids according to type, location, flight patterns and munitions used.The Observatory said that on Friday and Saturday, at least 13 civilians died in suspected regime air strikes around Khan Sheikhun, the site of a deadly April chemical attack.Despite months of relative calm in Idlib, Syrian regime and Russian forces have in recent weeks carried out air raids across the province, killing dozens of civilians, according to the Observatory.Pro-Turkey Syrian rebels are also preparing for an operation to oust HTS jihadists from Idlib province.Turkish forces fired seven mortar rounds across the border into Syria on Sunday, the Dogan news agency reported a day after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the operation.Ankara has massed forces and tanks on its border with Syria but the assault has yet to begin in earnest, monitors and sources on the ground said.

Herath's double rock Pakistan in second Test


DUBAI (AFP) - Left-arm spinner Rangana Herath inflicted a double blow on Pakistan to restrict them to 186-5 at dinner on the third day of the second day-night Test in Dubai on Sunday.Herath, who took 11 wickets in Sri Lankas 21-run win in the first Test in Abu Dhabi, removed a well set Azhar Ali for 59 after he dismissed Babar Azam for eight.Haris Sohail was 38 not out with Sarfraz Ahmed on five as Pakistan still trail Sri Lankas first innings total of 482 by 296 runs.They need another 97 to avoid the follow-on.Azhar had added an invaluable 71 for the fifth wicket with Sohail but Herath trapped him leg-before and reviewed it to overturn a not-out decision.Pacer Lahiru Gamage took his first wicket in Test cricket when he bowled Shan Masood through the gate after the opener had made 16.Sami Aslam was trapped leg before by off-spinner Dilruwan Perera for 39 to leave Pakistan two down for 65.Asad Shafiq fell for 12. Sri Lanka lead the two-match series 1-0.

Nadal 'destroys' agitated Kyrgios to win China Open


BEIJING (AFP) - Rafael Nadal won his sixth title of another remarkable year by beating an agitated Nick Kyrgios at the China Open on Sunday, while unseeded Caroline Garcia stunned the new number one.The 16-time Grand Slam champion Nadal saw the Australian Kyrgios hit with a penalty point as the Spanish number one eased to a 6-2, 6-1 victory on the Beijing hard courts.Nadal, for whom this was a landmark 75th ATP crown, came to the Chinese capital on the back of winning his third US Open.The 31-year-old saved two match points in his nervy opener against Frenchman Lucas Pouille, but was never really in trouble as Kyrgioss final hopes evaporated in acrimony.The 22-year-old Australian was upset with a call in the first game and appeared unable to let it go after that, earning a warning and then a penalty point.I have lot of respect for Nick, hes one of the players with more talent on the tour, Nadal, considered one of the best players ever, said.Nadal added that he hopes the temperamental Kyrgios, ranked 19 in the world, will one day fulfil his potential.The feeling is if he really wants to play and wants to work, he is one of the players that have more talent to achieve a lot of things in this sport, said Nadal, who will go immediately on next to the Shanghai Masters.Kyrgios, who was going after a fourth career title, said he had been destroyed by Nadal.I dont know, I just got super frustrated, he said.I mean, I obviously didnt react professionally. Obviously thats why I got a warning.But I mean, that didnt really matter today. He played well, I played terrible.Garcia stuns HalepUnseeded Garcia of France won her second title in as many weeks as she stunned new world number one Simona Halep in a closely fought final.Garcia is in the form of her life and edged out the Romanian second seed 6-4, 7-6 (7/3) to add the China Open to the Wuhan Open title she lifted last weekend.Garcias feat was all the more remarkable because she was carrying a leg injury that has required frequent on-court treatment and completed a mammoth three-set quarter-final win well past midnight on Friday evening.The 23-year-old, who is set to rise from number 15 to nine in the world, sank to her knees on the hard court when she finally sealed victory in the second-set tie break.I was like, seriously, this really happened? Garcia said afterwards, asked what was in her mind when she slumped to her knees.It was such an amazing two weeks, it went so fast, I have the feeling I started these tournaments yesterday or two days ago.To play every single day, it was just after every match you had to forget about what happened and be on the present again.With rain teeming down outside ahead of what turned out to be a cracker, a leak in the Diamond Court stadium roof had threatened to dampen proceedings.But that was soon fixed and there was little between the two players until Garcia broke Halep in the 10th game to grab the first set.The 26-year-old Halep had the superior mobility -- Garcia had her right thigh strapped -- but the French player was making the better shots.The second set was even more competitive and the attritional seventh game turned out to be a turning point.Garcia was 0-40 down on her own serve until dragging it to 40-40 and then saving half a dozen break points before somehow winning the game to go 4-3 up.The duo raced into the tie break, but Garcia now had the momentum and she held her nerve to make it a Wuhan-Beijing double.Despite her disappointment Halep -- thanks to reaching the final -- will officially become world number one for the first time when the latest rankings are out this week.

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