Wednesday 10 August 2016

Dunya TV

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Clinton warns Trump 'crossed the line' with gun comment


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Hillary Clinton on Wednesday sternly warned her Republican presidential rival Donald Trump about his casual inciting of violence, saying his startling remarks suggesting gun rights supporters could act against her crossed the line.It was the Democratic nominees most forceful denunciation after Trump caused a firestorm by suggesting to supporters in North Carolina on Tuesday that Second Amendment people -- those who support gun rights -- could take action to stop Clinton from appointing US Supreme Court justices as president.Yesterday we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments by Donald Trump that crossed the line, Clinton told a rally in Des Moines, Iowa.Words matter, my friends. And if you are running to be president, or you are president of the United States, words can have tremendous consequences.Trump and his campaign had quickly sought to douse the flames, insisting the Republican flag bearer was merely urging gun rights supporters to reject her candidacy at the ballot box.Clinton appeared to reject the Trump campaigns defense, warning of the dangers of reckless language during a presidential race.She slammed Trumps casual cruelty to a gold star family, referring to the billionaires clash with the parents of a Muslim American soldier who was killed in action.His casual suggestion that more countries should have nuclear weapons, and now his casual inciting of violence, she added.Every single one of these incidents shows us that Donald Trump simply does not have the temperament to be president and commander in chief of the United States.With Team Trump seeking to dig the candidate out of a deepening hole, former New York mayor and Trump backer Rudy Giuliani insisted the uproar was triggered by the Clinton spin machine.CNN reported the Secret Service -- tasked with protecting the president and presidential nominees -- spoke with Trumps campaign about his remarks.Trump denied the report, calling it a made up story and accusing the cable television station of trying to boost low ratings. In an unnerving example of campaign security tensions, an animal rights activist appeared to rush the stage as Clinton spoke Wednesday, but was tackled and removed by security.Another attention-seeker dominated cable news Wednesday afternoon when he used suction cups to scale Manhattans Trump Tower, the Republican nominees home and campaign headquarters, before police captured him through an open window.The 20-year-old Virginia resident and apparent Trump supporter wanted to meet the real estate tycoon, police said.Clinton meanwhile launched an open appeal Wednesday to independents and Republicans repulsed by Trump over his string of controversial statements.The campaign unveiled a new website,, that lists dozens of Republicans and independents who back Clinton, including former director of national intelligence John Negroponte and former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg.Regardless of party, voters are increasingly concerned that Trumps tendency to bully, demean and degrade others sends the wrong message to our children, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said.Lawmakers, former national security officials and other critics expressed concern that Trump had advocated violence, possibly in jest, against Clinton or her Supreme Court nominees.If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks, Trump, 70, said Tuesday. Although the Second Amendment people -- maybe there is, I dont know.Trump on Wednesday steered clear of the controversy at a Virginia rally, although he reiterated that the Second Amendment remained under siege.Trump has suffered what critics insist is a long string of missteps that have marred his campaign since he officially won the nomination last month.He has clearly roiled the party with his unorthodox remarks, with some Republicans frustrated at his apparent inability to stay on message.A Reuters/IPSOS poll Wednesday found that 19 percent of Republican voters want Trump to drop out of the race, while 70 percent think he should stay and 10 percent say they dont know.The RealClearPolitics national poll average shows Clinton leading Trump by 48 percent to 40 percent.Fifty prominent Republican national security experts announced in an open letter this week they would not vote for Trump, saying he lacks the character, values and experience to be president.Six GOP senators and a number of House Republicans have disowned him too.Meanwhile, Clinton was enduring a fresh round of criticism over her emails from her time as secretary of state, which have been a thorn in her side and hurt her trustworthiness among voters.Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch released a batch of emails that raise questions about the State Departments relationship with the Clinton Foundation.The Trump campaign seized on the latest emails to blast Clinton as corrupt, with critics saying the messages showed the foundation sought improper preferential treatment from the department.

45,000 IS fighters killed in past two years: US general


WASHINGTON (AFP) - About 45,000 jihadists have been killed in Iraq and Syria since the US-led operation to defeat the Islamic State group began two years ago, a top general said Wednesday.We estimate that over the past 11 months, weve killed about 25,000 enemy fighters. When you add that to the 20,000 estimated killed (previously), thats 45,000 enemy (fighters) taken off the battlefield, said Lieutenant General Sean MacFarland, who commands the US-led coalition campaign against IS.MacFarland said estimates for the overall remaining strength of IS vary from about 15,000 to 30,000 but he noted the jihadists are having increasing difficulties replenishing their ranks. The number of fighters on the front line has diminished. Theyve diminished not only in quantity but also in quality -- we dont see them operating nearly as effectively as they have in the past, which makes them even easier targets for us, MacFarland told Pentagon reporters via a videocall from Baghdad.As a result, their attrition has accelerated here of late, he added.Officials also estimate IS has lost 25,000 square kilometers (9,650 square miles) of the territory it once held in its self-declared caliphate in Iraq and Syria, or about 50 percent and 20 percent respectively in each country.The US-led military effort against the Islamic State group started exactly two years ago, aimed at halting the jihadists as they swept across Iraq and Syria.MacFarland was upbeat about the eventual recapture of Mosul in Iraq and Raqa in Syria, saying it would herald the beginning of the end of the campaign.But critics have blasted the pace of the war, which got off to a slow start and, despite more than 14,000 air strikes and an intense effort to train partner forces, still has not routed IS from much of its territory.MacFarland, who has headed the US-led coalition for almost a year, said he had seen major progress.You dont hear the word stalemate anymore. Thats because over the past year with our partners, we were able to seize the initiative, MacFarland said.We now talk about maintaining the momentum of the campaign in both Iraq and Syria. In other words, we spend more time thinking about what we will do to the enemy than we spend thinking about what the enemy might do to us.Experts do foresee the eventual collapse of IS, but the jihadists are fighting back by calling on followers to launch attacks across the globe and are likely to persist for years as a terrorist organization.

Trump Tower climber captured after three-hour ascent


NEW YORK (AFP) - A man spent three hours Wednesday scaling Trump Tower, the New York home and headquarters of the Republican nominee for US president, before police captured him through an open window.Live television footage showed uniformed New York police officers reaching out and grabbing the young man with curly auburn hair -- dressed in grey shorts, an olive T-shirt and white cap -- some three hours after he started his ascent using five suction cups.The 20-year-old Virginia man wanted to meet Trump, police said, without providing his name.He had been edging his way up the side of the building gingerly -- sometimes with his feet dangling precariously as he gripped the suction cups -- on a hot and steamy afternoon.New York billionaire Donald Trump was outside the city on Wednesday, holding a rally in Virginia with another event planned later in Florida.Police who received an emergency call around 3:30 pm (1930 GMT) initially believed they were dealing with someone who wanted to jump from the building.We were able to break a window and establish some type of dialogue and we then secured three jumper air bags and numerous amounts of equipment for a high-angle rescue job, Manhattan South police commander William Morris told reporters after the incident.A crowd of mesmerized onlookers watched the climber along with reporters and police, who cordoned off the block between Fifth and Madison Avenues.The climber wanted a face-to-face meeting with Trump, as explained in an anonymous YouTube video, Morris said.At no time did he express that he wanted to hurt anybody, he added. His sole intention was to meet with Mr Trump.In the video, titled Message to Mr Trump (why I climbed your tower), a young man dressed in a black hoodie with his face partially obscured exhorted Americans to vote for the Republican in November.The reason I climbed your tower was to get your attention, the man said, addressing the White House candidate and identifying himself as an independent researcher.As for anyone else whos watching, please help make this video go viral so that it gets to Mr Trump and be sure to get out and vote for Mr Trump in the 2016 election, he added.There was no immediate confirmation about the videos authenticity.Police removed two windows from the 21st floor and it was there that officers grabbed him around 6:35 pm (2235 GMT).The climber had started his ascent from a terrace area on the fifth floor and managed to initially evade police by climbing around an opened window and washer scaffold.Police took him to a hospital for a psychological evaluation, after which he would be arrested, Morris said.Were working with the Manhattan District Attorneys office to determine the appropriate charges, he said.Trump lives in a marble triplex at the top of the 68-story building, which is also the headquarters of his Trump Organization and election campaign.The Republican nominee unleashed a firestorm on Tuesday when he suggested that Second Amendment people -- those who support gun rights -- could take action to stop Hillary Clinton from appointing US Supreme Court justices as president.Since he launched his controversial, media-saturated bid for the White House, the tower on New Yorks prestigious Fifth Avenue has become a magnet for tourists.Members of the public are free to roam inside the atrium until 10 pm most days as part of an agreement that allowed Trump to build 20 stories higher.

Southern France battles bush fires as 1,000 evacuated


VITROLLES (AFP) - France mobilised 1,500 firefighters Wednesday to deal with wildfires in countryside north of Marseille that have gutted buildings and forced more than 1,000 people to flee their homes.Whipped up by strong winds, the blaze took hold around 3:30 pm (1330 GMT) and has spread over 2,260 hectares (5,600 acres) of scrubland, grass and some wooded areas, according to firefighters.We havent seen a situation like this for a very long time, the fire service said, first calling the wildfires out of control but later describing more favourable conditions in the night.Homes were destroyed in the town of Vitrolles, some 30 kilometres (20 miles) north of Marseille, with more than 1,000 people forced to seek shelter in local sports centres.Dramatic images showed a helicopter battling to douse a blazing hillside with water just metres from a motorway close to Vitrolles, while one person was seriously injured in nearby Rognac.The blaze -- which comes after low rainfall in winter and spring left southeast France extremely dry -- sent a huge pall of smoke into the sky over the port city of Marseille.The fire seems to be less intense than before but is not yet under control, Marseille mayor Jean-Claude Gaudin said in a tweet.Further west in Herault, four firefighters were injured battling another blaze when their vehicle was surrounded by the flames.Hundreds of extra firefighters have been drafted in from elsewhere in France to tackle the blaze.Road and air transport were badly affected by the fire on Wednesday evening, with two motorways closed and some flights cancelled at Marseille airport.

Major terror bid foiled, 4 terrorists killed in Karachi


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The law enforcement agencies foiled a major terror bid when four terrorists were killed in an encounter in Manghupir area on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police and Rangers carried out a search operation in Manghupir during which terrorists present in the area opened fire. The law enforcement agencies returned the fire as a result four terrorists were killed.A Rangers spokesman said that arms and explosive material was recovered from the dead terrorists. The spokesman further said that the dead terrorists were planning major militancy activities on Independence Day.On the other hand, Rangers launched a search operation in Bheempura area on Wednesday night and apprehended three terrorists. Arms were also recovered from the arrested terrorists.

Lahore: Police arrest 30 suspects during search operation


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to details, police on a tip-off conducted search operation in different parts of Lahore on Wednesday and arrested 30 suspects, Dunya News reported.Police with the help of intelligence agencies carried out search operation in Lari Adda, Nawan Kot, Wahdat Colony, Naulakha and localities near Wahga Border and checked identity documents of the residents. Police detained at least 30 persons who failed to produce identity documents.The arrested persons were shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation.

Gujranwala: 24 detained in intelligence agencies, police operation


GUJRANWALA (Dunya News) - Intelligence agencies and police carried out a joint search operation in Pondawala Chowk, Devi Wala Talab, Landa Bazar and Chamra Mandi areas of Satellite Town in Gujranwala on Wednesday and arrested at least 24 suspects, Dunya News reported.The arrested persons were shifted to some undisclosed location for further investigation. On the other hand, the security was put on high alert in Gujranwala and check-posts have been erected at all entry and exit points of the city.

World Bank suffering 'leadership crisis,' staff say


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Staff at the World Bank delivered a broadside against its sitting president this week, saying the global lender faced a crisis of leadership and risked irrelevance on the world stage.The rebuke, made in an open letter from the Banks staff association, came as informal talks have reportedly begun on choosing the Banks next president.Jim Yong Kim, the current president, whose term ends in less than a year, has not officially declared whether he wishes to stay on.Since taking office in 2012, Kim has undertaken a cross-cutting structural reform which has left some staff members uneasy. Internal surveys have shown that large proportions of Bank staff feel distrustful of senior management.At the World Bank Group, we preach principles of good governance, transparency, diversity, international competition and merit-based selection, said the letter from the staff association, which represents more than 15,000 employees.Unfortunately, none of these principles have applied to the appointment of past World Bank Group Presidents.Instead, we have accepted decades of backroom deals which, twelve times in a row, selected an American male, the letter said.Following an unwritten rule, European governments choose the head of the International Monetary Fund while the United States names the president of the World Bank.The Bank is also facing competition from other actors in the development world, such as China.The annual internal employee surveys show the Bank is experiencing a crisis of leadership, the letter said.Only one in three (staff members) understand where the senior management team is leading us, the letter said. Even fewer believe that our senior management creates a culture of openness and trust.The letter called for the selection process to consider men and women on the basis of clear criteria in a transparent manner.The world has changed and we must change with it, the letter said. Unless we revisit the rules of the game, the World Bank Group faces the real possibility of becoming an anachronism on international stage.Contacted by AFP, the World Bank said its board of directors, which represents 189 members states, had in 2011 adopted rules that guaranteed and open, merit-based process.These principles were used in the 2012 selection and will govern the upcoming presidential selection process, the Bank said in an email.In 2012, Kim was chosen by the Banks largest shareholder, the United States, but, in a first, faced competition from Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

Oil falls again on high US stocks, Saudi production


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices continued to fall on Wednesday, driven in part by elevated US crude inventories and Saudi Arabias record oil production.On the New York Mercantile Exchange, a barrel of West Texas Intermediate for September delivery fell $1.06 to $41.71.In London, North Sea Brent for October delivery fell 93 cents to $44.05 on the Intercontinental Exchange.Weekly figures released Wednesday by the US Energy Department showed that crude stocks remained high last week at 523.6 million barrels, up 0.2 percent from the prior week and still more than 15 percent above the same point last year.Gasoline inventories declined 1.2 percent to 235.4 million barrels. Meanwhile, domestic production was down marginally at 8.4 million barrels per day, representing a 5.7 percent year-on-year decline.A monthly report from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries showed Saudi Arabian oil production at nearly 10.5 million barrels per day in July.While it is not unusual to see Saudi production ramping up in the summer given higher demand for crude to be used for power generation, what is unusual is that production is now at a record high, above the peak seen last summer, Matt Smith of ClipperData wrote in a blog post.According to Andy Lipow of Lipow Oil Associates, trading also reflected investors short covering.Yesterday the market was led up by gasoline to the inventory draw and that precipitated some short covering on the market as it had gotten very bearish, Lipow told AFP. Now that short covering is continuing.

Dollar weakens as jobs report bump dissipates


NEW YORK (AFP) - The dollar fell against the euro and the yen on Wednesday as enthusiasm from recent employment figures began to fade.Toward 1800 GMT, the euro was at $1.1183, up from $1.1115 at 2100 GMT the day before. Meanwhile, the dollar fell slightly against the yen, standing at 101.26 yen versus 101.88 on Tuesday.The euro was unchanged against the yen at 113.25.The dollar gained a rush of strength on exchange markets following Fridays US government jobs report, which blew past expectations at 255,000 positions created in July.But the US Labor Department announced Tuesday that productivity had declined 0.5 percent in the second quarter, helping nudge markets back into the doldrums.Traders have come in to sell USD from a higher level, driving price action right back down to the support zone seen last week, said James Stanley of DailyFX.

Stubborn West Indies fighting back


GROS-ISLET (AFP) - West Indies were making a solid reply at 107 for one at stumps after centuries by Ravichandran Ashwin and Wriddhiman Saha lifted India to a total of 353 on the second day of the third Test at the Darren Sammy National Stadium in St Lucia on Wednesday.Contrary to what had prevailed previously in the series, Indias bowlers found the West Indies top order to be particularly obdurate in navigating through 47 overs for the loss of only Leon Johnsons wicket.Playing his first Test for 19 months, the Guyanese left-hander survived a chance at slip off Mohammed Shami just before tea before being run out for 23 by Lokesh Rahuls direct throw to the bowlers end after an opening partnership of 59 with Kraigg Brathwaite.Brathwaite (53 not out) and Darren Bravo (18 not out) will carry the battle for the West Indies into the third morning seeking to match the determination and discipline of Ashwin and Saha in their record 213-run sixth-wicket stand that spanned almost five hours.West Indies seemed resigned to another day of generally fruitless toil as Ashwin and Saha, who came together just before tea on day one with India struggling at 126 for five, pushed their sixth-wicket stand beyond the 200-run mark after lunch, reaching hundreds along the way.Reinforcing his affection for Caribbean bowling, Ashwin reached his fourth Test century and second in three matches in the series with a six off off-spinner Roston Chase. All four of his three-figure scores in the traditional format of the game have come against the West Indies.Saha followed shortly after in getting to the landmark, his first in Test cricket, but fell shortly after for 104. Chasing a wide delivery from Alzarri Joseph, the wicketkeeper-batsman edged a catch to his West Indian counterpart Shane Dowrich to give the debutant fast bowler his third wicket of the innings.His innings occupied just over five hours in which he faced 227 deliveries in an effort embellished with 13 fours. Sahas partnership with Ashwin was a new Indian record for the wicket in Tests against the West Indies, eclipsing the 170 posted by Sunil Gavaskar and Ravi Shastri in 1983 in Chennai.In stark contrast to the lengthy defiance of Ashwin and Saha, the lower half of the Indian batting order folded meekly with the last four wickets falling for just one run, Miguel Cummins being the prime beneficiary as the fast-medium bowler claimed his first three wickets in Test cricket after going wicketless on debut in Jamaica a week earlier.Ashwin was one of his victims, being ninth out when he fended a lifting delivery to Jermaine Blackwood at gully. His generally watchful innings of 118 spanned over six hours and included one six and just six fours over 297 deliveries.

England unchanged for Pakistan finale


LONDON (AFP) - England will field an unchanged team for the fourth Test against Pakistan at The Oval, captain Alastair Cook said Wednesday.The selectors thought about handing a home debut to leg-spinner Adil Rashid but have now stuck with the same XI that won the third Test by 141 runs at Edgbaston on Sunday.As a result, Englands five-man attack will again feature four seamers and off-break bowler Moeen Ali as the specialist spinner. England lead the four-match series 2-1 heading into Thursdays match in south London.I think the pitch will turn later in the game, but we feel the seamers are bowling well and Mo took a massive stride in the last game, Cook told reporters at The Oval on Wednesday.England will hold all nine bilateral series titles against the worlds other Test-playing nations if they avoid defeat at The Oval.Should England take the series 3-1 and India do not win both of the remaining matches in their series away to the West Indies, Cooks men could go top of the world Test rankings.With plenty resting on the outcome of this match, Cook said now was not the time to bring in Rashid so the Yorkshireman could gain more experience ahead of Englands upcoming tours in the more spin-friendly conditions of Bangladesh and India.This series is very much alive and we want to play well and win the series rather than look ahead and prepare for the winter, said Cook.He (Rashid) is going to keep gaining experience in the one-day internationals.In an ideal world youd like to give him a go, but international cricket is not about giving people a go.The guys are in a good space.Cook was a member of the last England side that went to the top of the International Cricket Councils Test rankings back in 2012.And the opening batsman said an emerging England team had some way to go to match the experienced side of four years ago.I genuinely would say it has come a little bit early for this side, said Cook.If it comes (going to the top of the rankings) it would be a brilliant achievement. There are still questions to be answered.Were not at the same level as 2012.England squad:Alastair Cook (capt), Alex Hales, Joe Root, James Vince, Gary Ballance, Jonny Bairstow (wkt), Moeen Ali, Chris Woakes, Stuart Broad, Steven Finn, James Anderson.

Sodhi stars as New Zealand secure Zimbabwe series


BULAWAYO (AFP) - Ish Sodhi finished with seven wickets in the match as New Zealand wrapped up a 254-run victory over Zimbabwe in the second Test on Wednesday to sweep the series 2-0.Although Zimbabwe showed some fight early on day five when nightwatchman Donald Tiripano and first-innings centurion Craig Ervine stood firm for the better part of 90 minutes, once they had fallen to some contentious umpiring decisions the hosts folded quickly.Sodhis leg-spin claimed three of the last four wickets to go down, while part-timer Martin Guptill finished with figures of 3 for 11 as Zimbabwe were bowled out for 132 in their second innings at the Queens Sports Club.We knew it was going to be especially tough to take 20 wickets on this surface, so I think a lot of credit needs to go to the bowlers for managing to do that, reflected New Zealand captain Kane Williamson, a centurion in the tourists huge first-innings 582 for four declared.Zimbabwe were all out for 362 in reply before New Zealand declared their second innings on 166 for two.Zimbabwe started the day on 58 for three, and while their official target was 387 for victory, a face-saving draw was their real aim.That goal began to look within their grasp when Tiripano and Ervine batted out the first 22 overs of the day, seeing off everything that the New Zealand seamers could throw at them.However, first Tiripano was given out lbw to left-arm spinner Mitchell Santner for 22 when the ball looked to be missing leg stump, then Ervine was adjudged caught behind off Guptill for 27.Replays confirmed that Ervine had not made contact with the ball as it turned past his outside edge.Australian Paul Reiffel was the umpire on both occasions, and produced another questionable decision after the lunch interval when Graeme Cremer was given out lbw to Guptill despite a clear inside edge.Sodhi went on to clean up the tail and finish off the match, leaving New Zealand to look forward to a two-Test series against South Africa that begins in Durban on August 19.There were some really good things that we can take from this, said Williamson.The way the seamers bowled was fantastic, our batsmen spent a lot of time in the middle and the way the spinners performed was also pleasing. Despite another heavy loss, Zimbabwe could reflect on an improved effort from the first Test, which they lost by an innings inside four days.The hosts went into that game after a 20-month hiatus from Test cricket.When you dont play enough cricket you can come into a Test match and be shellshocked, and thats what happened, said captain Cremer.I knew the guys were going to fight back in this game. It was good to see guys learn and be willing to get stuck in.

Hernandez wins first boxing medal for US in Olympics since 2008


RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 10, 2016 (AFP) - Light flyweight Nico Hernandez won the first Olympic medal for American mens boxing in eight years on Wednesday -- and then said he was driven on by the fear of disappointing his parents.Hernandez, 20, battled to a unanimous points decision to reach the semi-finals in Rio and ensure he takes home at least a bronze, to help banish the bitter memories of London 2012 when the American men came home empty-handed and were pilloried for it.There were some nervous moments for Hernandez against Ecuadors Carlos Quipo Pilataxi, 26, who slumped to his knees in the centre of the ring when the result was read out.Hernandez, who has surpassed expectations in getting this far, said his parents were watching ringside and he could hear them throughout.My parents here, seeing them in the crowd, really inspires me and there has been a lot of support on social media so I just want to keep going and get some more victories.I can definitely hear my parents so that inspires me a lot too, hearing their voices and I didnt want to lose in front of my parents.And if that was not inspiration enough, Hernandez said Team USA were also eager to make up for the abject failure of London.We didnt get a medal in the last Olympics so that gave me and my team-mates a lot of motivation, he said.Weve all been together since we were on the youth team so we all push each other, we are very competitive so they definitely help me out a lot in that.

Rio Olympics: Japan's Baker wins 90kg gold in Judo


RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 10, 2016 (AFP) - Mashu Baker secured a golden double for Japan at the Rio Olympics on Wednesday following team-mate Haruka Tachimotos own success.Baker, whose father is American, edged out Varlam Liparteliani of Georgia in the mens under-90kg final by a minimum yuko score.Tachimoto had earlier beaten three-time world champion Yuri Alvear of Colombia to win womens under-70kg gold.World champion Gwak Dong-Han of South Korea and Cheng Xunzhao of China won the mens bronze medals.

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