Tuesday 1 August 2017

Dunya TV

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At least 29 killed in Afghan Shiite mosque attack


HERAT (AFP) - A suicide bomber and a gunman killed at least 29 people and wounded 63 at a packed Shiite mosque in Afghanistans main western city of Herat Tuesday, the latest attack to highlight the countrys deteriorating security situation.The assault on the Jawadya mosque in Herat, which is close to Afghanistans border with Iran, came a day after the Islamic State group claimed a deadly attack on the Iraqi embassy in Kabul.The Herat attack was the latest in a series of assaults on Afghanistans minority Shiite population.The death toll has risen to 29 killed and 63 wounded. Some wounded are in a critical condition so the toll may go up, hospital spokesman Rafeeq Shirzai told AFP.Herat police spokesman Abdul Ahad Walizada said the assault happened around 8:00 pm (1530 GMT) when a terrorist attack was carried out on a (Shiite) mosque in the third security district of Herat city.Based on our initial information two terrorists were involved, one of them wearing a suicide vest who detonated himself while the second one was armed with a rifle. They are both dead, he added.A reporter for AFP said he had seen a number of bodies brought out of the mosque, leading to fears of a heavy death toll.He reported seeing a body torn to pieces at the entrance, possibly that of the attacker, while others were lying in pools of blood inside, some still crying and moving.Photos posted on social media showed large crowds had gathered at the hospital.There was no immediate claim of responsibility but IS has been targeting Shiite minority crowds and mosques in Afghanistan for around a year. The Taliban specifically denied that it was involved.The attack comes a day after an assault on the Iraqi embassy in Kabul, which was claimed by the Islamic State group (IS), killed two people.IS has been expanding its footprint in eastern Afghanistan and has recently claimed responsibility for several devastating attacks in the capital.But experts have previously questioned whether there are direct links between the groups local affiliate Islamic State Khorasan Province (IS-K) and the central IS command.On Monday a suicide bomber blew himself up outside the embassy, allowing at least three other militants to breach the compound, unleashing an hours-long gun battle that killed two people.A security source, who declined to be named, said IS could prove to be more dangerous than the Taliban in Afghanistan.Unlike the Taliban which has friends and foes among the international community, IS considers everyone their enemy and will keep attacking soft targets, he said.Shiites, of which there are around three million in Afghanistan, have regularly been targeted in recent years.In June, IS claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on a crowded Shiite mosque in Kabul which killed four people.November last year saw a massive suicide blast kill at least 27 people and wound 64 at a Shiite mosque, again in the Afghan capital.In July 2016 IS jihadists claimed responsibility for twin explosions that ripped through crowds of Shiite Hazaras in Kabul, killing at least 85 people and wounding more than 400.Afghanistans national unity government said it strongly condemned the Herat attack, describing it in a statement as an anti-Islam act.It also called on the Muslim people of Afghanistan, as well as on the religious scholars, to stand united against the barbaric actions of the terrorists.President Ashraf Ghani added that terrorists cannot create sectarian divisions among our people.

Muslim states slam 'provocative' Israel actions in Jerusalem


ISTANBUL (AFP) - The main grouping of the worlds Muslim nations on Tuesday accused Israel of staging provocative actions and inflaming tensions with the Palestinians in a crisis over security measures at a key holy site in Jerusalem.Turkey hosted an extraordinary meeting in Istanbul of foreign ministers from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that Ankara called to discuss the tensions in its current capacity as chairman of the body.Turkey has full diplomatic relations with Israel after resolving last year a crisis in ties but President Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains vehemently critical of the Jewish states policy towards the Palestinians.The meeting brought together foreign ministers and top officials from key Muslim nations, including Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir and Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif, whose rival nations are locked in a bitter feud.Israel angered the Islamic world by installing metal detectors and security cameras at the Haram al-Sharif holy site in Jerusalem, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, following a July 14 attack in which gunmen killed two policemen.The move sparked Muslim protests and deadly unrest, and last week the Israeli government removed the detectors and cameras. The site includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the holiest sites in Islam.A joint communique issued after the gathering said the meeting strongly condemns Israels recent provocative actions at the holy site.It accused the Jewish state of employing collective punishment measures and the use of lethal and excessive force against peaceful Palestinian worshippers at the site.And despite the Israeli climbdown on the metal detectors, the OIC statement accused the government of persistent public statements... that incite religious sensitivities, feed tension and incite violence.It urged world powers not to support or encourage Israels illegal colonisation and annexation of East Jerusalem, which Israel occupied in 1967 before later annexing.Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Malki told the meeting that Israels move to remove the detectors was a small victory in the long battle for freedom. But he accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of seeking to change the longstanding agreement whereby only Muslims are allowed to pray inside the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, although anyone can visit, including Jews.Netanyahu will try again to impose his status quo and we should prepare for the next round which could come very soon and be very nasty, he added.Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said it was time Muslim countries started to help the Palestinians not just with words but with actions.We must act to protect the Al-Aqsa mosque and Palestine, he said. He reaffirmed a call made by Erdogan on all Muslims to visit Jerusalem.In its statement, the OIC accused the Israeli government of neither (being) committed to peace nor interested in the two-state solution, saying its actions were the most dangerous threat to the prospects of peace.Last year Turkey and Israel ended a rift triggered by Israels deadly storming in 2010 of a Gaza-bound ship that left 10 Turkish activists dead. The two sides have since embarked on a close energy cooperation venture to pipe Israeli gas to Turkey.But Erdogan, who considers himself a champion of the Palestinian cause, is still often critical of Israeli policy. His comments on the crisis have been among his toughest on Israel since the reconciliation deal.

White House admits Trump 'weighed in' on son's Russia statement


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The White House admitted Tuesday that Donald Trump helped draft a misleading statement about his sons meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer -- deepening the presidents entanglement in the saga over his teams ties to Russia.White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump had weighed in, offered suggestions, like any father would do.Trumps personal intervention, first reported by The Washington Post, casts doubt on claims he knew nothing about a meeting during the 2016 campaign that is now central to a federal investigation.It also paints a picture of a president acutely aware of the scandal -- and determined to manage it down to a minute level.Allies fear that such a level of involvement, if proven, could put the Republican billionaire leader in legal jeopardy.Politically, it will only intensify allegations that the White House is trying to cover up connections with a foreign government accused of trying to tilt the November election in Trumps favor.This was... unnecessary, one presidential adviser told the Post on condition of anonymity.Now someone can claim hes the one who attempted to mislead. Somebody can argue the president is saying he doesnt want you to say the whole truth.Trumps lawyer Jay Sekulow dismissed the report as misinformed.Emails show that Trumps eldest son Donald Jr, his son-in-law Jared Kushner and his then campaign manager Paul Manafort met Kremlin-connected officials in June 2016 in the hope of getting dirt on Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.On the other side of the table were government-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, Russian real estate player Ike Kaveladze and Rinat Akhmetshin, who has denied long-standing allegations that he works for Russian intelligence.A British middleman pitched the meeting as an opportunity for the Trump campaign to obtain very high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its governments support for the now president.In a statement -- allegedly dictated by Trump on Air Force One coming back from a Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Germany -- Don Jr said the meeting primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children.Trumps lawyers had claimed he was not involved in the meeting or its aftermath, and the Republican billionaire had rushed to his sons defense, accusing the media of a political witch hunt.One Republican congressman, Lee Zeldin of New York, told CNN: I would be really interested in knowing what the president knew at that time.Possible Trump-Russia collaboration is the subject of several Congressional investigations as well as a sweeping federal probe led by special counsel and former FBI director Robert Mueller.The scandal has overshadowed Trumps first six months in office and threatened to ensnare his whole administration in a legal thicket.In recent weeks, the scandal has taken a back seat to White House chaos amid the departure of Trumps chief of staff Reince Priebus, his short-lived communications director Anthony Scaramucci and press secretary Sean Spicer.This latest drip-drip of Russia-related information has overshadowed what the White House was hoping would be a fresh start with new chief of staff John Kelly.The four-star retired Marine general on Monday began his quest to impose order on an administration careening out of control.On Tuesday, Trump focused on the American economy, a bright spot on the otherwise gloomy political landscape.Stock Market could hit all-time high (again) 22,000 today. Was 18,000 only 6 months ago on Election Day. Mainstream media seldom mentions he said on Twitter.Later in the day, he participated in a White House event with small businesses, at which he reiterated his comments on Wall Street.But just in case there were any illusions that Kelly could tame Trumps Twitter venting, the president was at pains to dispel them.Only the Fake News Media and Trump enemies want me to stop using Social Media (110 million people). Only way for me to get the truth out he tweeted.During his meeting with small business leaders, Trump jokingly complained out loud that Kelly had not made journalists give him credit for a years-long economic recovery.I keep telling General Kelly, General, come on, lets go, youre chief of staff, Trump said in a subtle dig.

Tillerson: US-Russia ties could still get worse


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Tuesday he will meet with his Russian opposite number Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov over the weekend, but warned US-Russia ties could still get worse.Some in Moscow and Washington had hoped relations between the former Cold War foes might improve under US President Donald Trump, who has had warm words for President Vladimir Putin.But the great power rivals remain divided over Russias intervention in Ukraine, US sanctions against Kremlin allies and Moscows support for Bashar al-Assads Syrian regime.Tillerson has never tried to sugarcoat the problems, and admitted in March after a visit to the Kremlin that ties were at a historic low with little sign of improvement.But now Trump is poised to sign into law a bill to further tighten sanctions and Putin has ordered the US diplomatic mission in Russia to cut hundreds of staff.And the question, I think, of the events of the last week or so, is it getting worse or can we maintain some level of stability in that relationship? Tillerson asked.Tillerson said the US Congress decision to pass the sanctions bill had made attempts to thaw ties more difficult, but that all the indications are that Trump will sign it.In the meantime, Tillerson plans to meet Lavrov in Manila on the sidelines of an ASEAN ministerial meeting.A special prosecutor is investigating whether Trump advisers colluded with what US intelligence has concluded was an attempt by Russia to covertly support his 2016 campaign.The US president, who often called for warmer ties with Moscow during the White House race, has furiously denied the charge, which has further clouded relations.

Karachi: One killed, three injured in firing incident


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Firing in Landhi area of Karachi on Tuesday claimed life of a minor boy while his father, mother and sister were wounded, Dunya News reported.According to police, a man named Ziarat Gul opened fire and killed his two and a half years old grandson and wounded his son Nasir, daughter-in-law Rubina and granddaughter Madiha over a family dispute.Police and rescue teams shifted the dead and injured to Jinnah Hospital. Police have also started investigation.

New Federal Cabinet to take oath today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Race is on to grab a slot in the new federal cabinet after Shahid Khaqan Abbasi was sworn in as Prime Minister of Pakistan on Tuesday evening.The new federal cabinet is expected to take oath today (Wednesday). The oath-taking ceremony will be held at the Aiwan-e-Sadr in Islamabad in the evening.Former interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan and finance minister Ishaq Dar will not be part of the interim federal cabinet. Most of the members of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif cabinet are expected to retain their portfolios.

Lahore: Police nab 24 suspects during search operation


LAHORE (Dunya News) - At least 24 suspects were taken into custody during police search operation in different parts of Lahore on Tuesday night, Dunya News reported.According to details, search operation was conducted in Cantt, Shahdara, Manawan, localities around Gaddafi Stadium, Muslim Town, Icchra, Iqbal Town, Harbanspura, Garden Town, Shad Bagh, Sanda, Township, Batapur and Shera Kot areas of the city.Police search hotels, hostels and also carried house-to-house search in these localities. Biometric device was used for the identification of the residents and 24 persons were taken into custody who failed to produce any identity document.Police sources informed that the search operation was conducted on intelligence report that criminal elements are present in the area. Sources further informed that the arrested persons were shifted to police station for further investigation.

Lahore: Blaze gutted cardboard godown


LAHORE (Dunya News) – According to details, fire broke out in a cardboard godown situated at Band Road near Thokar Niaz Baig in Lahore on Tuesday which spread very quickly.Police and rescue teams reached the spot after getting information and brought the fire under control after a hectic effort of one hour.The rescue sources said that no one died or wounded in the blaze. However, goods worth million of rupees were destroyed by the fire. Sources further said that the cause of fire is still not known.

PTI treats women leaders, workers with respect: Shireen Mazari


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Shireen Mazari while addressing a press conference on Tuesday categorically rejected the accusations leveled by party’s former lawmaker Ayesha Gulalai against PTI chief Imran Khan and other leaders.Shireen Mazari said that PTI and its chief Imran Khan treat all women leaders, workers and activists with respect. Mazari termed Gulalai as an opportunist and said that she quit the party because she was denied a party ticket for National Assembly constituency NA-1.Mazari said that Gulalai could have left the party if she had wanted to but should not have hurled false accusations against Imran Khan.

Chandimal returns to lead against India


COLOMBO (AFP) - Sri Lanka on Tuesday named a 16-man squad led by Dinesh Chandimal for the second Test in Colombo against India starting Thursday.Chandimal has recovered from a bout of pneumonia which forced him to sit out the first Test in Galle. Sri Lanka lost to India by 304 runs.He was given the top slot last month after Angelo Mathews stepped down following a 3-2 defeat to Zimbabwe in a five-match one-day international series played at home.Sri Lanka are also battling injuries ahead of the second Test, where they are bidding to stay alive in the three-Test series.All-rounder Asela Gunaratne fractured a thumb during the first Test in Galle, and veteran bowler and stand-in captain Rangana Herath also injured a middle finger.Sri Lanka’s cricket manager Asanka Gurusinha said Chandimal should be fit for Colombo after his bout of pneumonia. Left-arm spinner Herath, who was unable to bat in the second innings, is still not certain.We will give him (Herath) till the last minute to make sure that he is fit. The day before the Test we will see whether he can drift the ball, it will come down to that, said Gurusinha.Batsman Danushka Gunathilaka, who made his Test debut in Galle, is likely to give up his place to Chandimal, while Kusal Mendis is expected to return to his number three batting position.Sri Lanka: Dinesh Chandimal (captain), Angelo Mathews, Upul Tharanga, Dimuth Karunaratne, Niroshan Dickwella, Kusal Mendis, Dananjaya de Silva, Danushka Gunathilaka, Lahiru Kumara, Vishwa Fernando, Nuwan Pradeep, Rangana Herath, Dilruwan Perera, Malinda Pushpakumara, Lakshan Sandakan and Lahiru Thirimanne.

England's Ali picks his moment for first hat-trick


LONDON (AFP) - Moeen Ali chose a fine time to make both personal and cricket history after his first hat-trick at any level sealed Englands 239-run win in the third Test against South Africa at The Oval.A match imbued with historical significance -- this was the 100th Test at The Oval -- saw off-spinner Ali create some of his own.His was just the 14th England hat-trick at this level and the first in south London ground The Ovals 127-year history as a Test venue.Dean Elgar did his best to prevent England going 2-1 up in this four-match series with a gutsy innings of 136.The left-handed opener was, however, the first of Alis hat-trick victims on Mondays fifth day, edging to Ben Stokes at first slip.Kagiso Rabada exited in similar fashion next ball but that was the end of the over.But with South Africa surviving the ensuing Stokes over, it was left to Ali to have last man Morne Morkel lbw with his next delivery.It needed an England review of West Indian umpire Joel Wilsons not out decision, however, to confirm that the Proteas, set a mammoth 492 for victory, were all out for 252 after lunch on Mondays fifth and final day.Ive never taken a hat-trick in any sort of cricket, said the 30-year-old Ali.Ive scored a few hat-tricks in football warm-ups, but this is a different sort of feeling ... a better feeling.England captain Joe Root added: It was a special way to finish, and quite a fitting one in the 100th Test here, and summed up a really good week for us.Ali, Englands lone specialist spinner at The Oval, has now taken 18 wickets this series and 116 in his Test career in total.Not that England will care if Ali, who had innings figures of four for 45 on Monday, keeps taking wickets.Mo quite likes having that feeling of having maybe a little bit less pressure, explained Root.When we need to take wickets in the fourth innings of a Test match, hes able to do it, he added.Several former England captains had slammed Roots men for an inability to graft out a score during a 340-run thrashing by South Africa in the second Test at Trent Bridge.But with all-rounder Stokes, the man-of-the-match, making 112 in a first innings 353, England established a commanding position at The Oval that they never let slip.It was obviously a difficult week up in Nottingham, but the way the guys responded and character they showed to come back was outstanding, said Root after just his third Test as captain.But if the pattern of this see-saw series continues, South Africa should secure an equally huge win in the fourth Test at Old Trafford starting on Friday.Weve not done things by halves so far in this series, Root admitted.Its just important that we take (with us) the way weve played this week -- especially the way we batted, which I thought was exceptional.Stokes led the way and Root said: He thinks really well and hes got a great cricket brain, which he doesnt always get a lot of credit for.Hes a person you know you can turn to under pressure to wrest a game back in your favour.Elgar battled hard to keep England at bay during an innings where he copped both physical and verbal blows.Its part of the game - you have to roll with the punches and take the blows when they come your way, he said.As for the verbals, Elgar insisted he enjoyed it, adding: England are a big huff-and-puff bowling attack and when they are on top, they are definitely going to bring their mouths as well.If the shoe was on the other foot Im sure wed be doing the same thing.

How a harmless photo created spark in Norway


(Web Desk) Refugee crisis, emanated from the war-torn Middle East after the much trumpeted “Arab Spring”, and exacerbated after 2015, have precipitated unprecedented Xenophobic sentiments among Europeans, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.From the rise of Trump to the unprecedented Brexit, from Le Pen in France to the elevation of right wing parties across the European continent, the tentacles of ethnocentrism, Islamophobia and Xenophobia have spread in every nook and canny of the erstwhile pluralistic Occident. This spectre of racism has not spared even the most stoic parts of North-Western Europe: Scandinavia. Last week, a Norwegian journalist posted a photo on an anti-immigrant private Facebook group called ‘Fatherland first’, showing six burqa-clad women occupying a bus seats.The photo, according to the users, was a concrete manifestation of the problems facing Norway after a prodigious influx of Muslim refugees.The only problem is that those bus seats were not occupied by any group of women, let alone burqa wearing one. The photo, in fact, captured vacant seats only, appearing as though some women wearing burqas are travelling around, due to the colour of the seat covers and a shadow further blurring the difference. More than 100 group members commented that it was scary to see burqa-clad women roaming around our streets, as they could be terrorists, hiding firearms under cover. Some users even shared the photo to further instigate their likeminded, right wing, friends. The photo managed to attract over 3,000 likes, hundreds of comments and a whopping 1,600 shares.Norway is among the countries in Europe that have recently proposed actions restricting wearing of burqa and niqab. Critics opine that such restrictions may further isolate already cornered Muslim immigrants, not to mention their potential to create dangerous stereotypes, as manifested in the aforementioned photo saga.

Imran, Nisar met at Islamabad eatery: reports


(Web Desk) – Journalist with The New York Times has claimed on Tuesday that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan met with former interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan at an Islamabad eatery.Pakistan correspondent for The New York Times, Salman Masoon stated that Khan and the former minister met at Aylanto Café in F-7 of Islamabad.However, no explanation has been offered by either of the two leaders whose meeting would be a national news given the current political scenario following Nawaz Sharif’s dismissal under Article 62 and Article 63 on July 28.The journalist stated on the social media platform: “Imran Khan goes to cafes and restaurants often, mostly Kohsar market. Ch Nisar not known for dining out much. Meeting isnt a coincidence”.A day before the top court ordered disqualification of the former premier, Chaudhry Nisar addressed a press conference and asserted that he would relinquish the ministry irrespective of verdict of the court in Panama Papers case.Nawaz Sharif was disqualified after PTI, Awami Muslim League (AML) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) took to the apex court last year.After around four months of hearings, the top court reserved its verdict and delivered it on April 20.Supreme Court (SC) ordered formation of a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) to probe assets of the first family of Pakistan and file a report within 60 days.The subsequent report stated that the family could not satisfy the six-member probe team over oppositions accusations of money laundering and graft, paving way for the top court to order election commission to disqualify Nawaz Sharif.

Real Madrid forward Ronaldo says his 'brilliance' bothers people


LISBON (AFP) - Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo said Tuesday his brilliance annoys people, a day after he was quizzed by a Spanish judge investigating whether he evaded paying millions of euros in taxes.What bothers people is my brilliance, insects only attack lamps that shine the Portuguese wrote in an Instagram message that received over a million likes within an hour of being posted.Ronaldo spent over 90 minutes on Monday answering the questions of investigating judge Monica Gomez at a closed door hearing in Pozuelo de Alarcon, the wealthy suburb of Madrid where he lives.Prosecutors accuse the four-time world player of the year of having evaded 14.7 million euros ($17.3 million) in tax.Ronaldo, 32, has denied any wrongdoing. He told the judge he has always filed his tax returns and never had the intention of evading taxes, according to a statement from his representatives.Spanish daily El Mundo said the player -- the worlds highest paid athlete according to Forbes magazine -- implied during his court hearing that he was only being investigated because of who he is.I am only here because my name is Cristiano Ronaldo, the player told the judge, according to the newspaper.Ronaldo had been expected to speak to the throng of reporters gathered outside of the court after the hearing but instead his spokesman Inaki Torres emerged from the building to announce the player was on his way home, prompting jeers from the press.Portuguese television SIC reported that Ronaldo aborted the appearance at the podium set up outside the court because the court hearing had gone badly, with many moments of tension between him and the judge.Ronaldo is not the only footballer to fall foul of authorities in Spain.His arch-rival, Barcelona forward Lionel Messi, was found guilty of tax evasion last year.Other footballers have also recently run into trouble with Spains taxman, some of them already convicted and others under investigation.

One court would be established to be big in proportionality, Khaqan addressed to the parliamentarian


I am grateful to the ones participated in the democratic act, Nawaz Sharif, and the activists of PTI who always remember us in hot debate. He further mentioned, Nawaz Sharif immediately left the PM house and relocated to his own home without making any remarks over the judgement of the SC, setting a precedent of decency against the bark of dog.Islamabad (dunya news): Shahid Khaqan after having been elected to the level of interim PM, he addressed to the parliamentarians:1.There is no charge of corruption on Nawaz Sharif.2.The defect of Nawaz is that he strengthened Pakistan with nuclear power.3.The deficiency of Nawaz is that he arranged generation of 10000MW of energy in the main supply. In doing so, load shedding would expectedly be ended in November.4.There is no legal expert who could admit this decision.5.Out of 200 candidates there was no candidate selected for interim PM except the one standing before you.6.Almost every MNA intends to reach the level of PM, but none of the MNAs of PMLN asked for.7.It is the precedent of our leader not to oppose all viewpoints of other political parties.8.The process of democracy continued after four days despite the ouster of the PM.9.One more court would be established to be larger in proportionality. And there would be no JIT in that.10.We are the witness that there is no corruption scandal on Nawaz Sharif.Meanwhile, Sheikh Rashid intercepted his address by raising slogans against him, saying that the separatist of Nawaz got only 26 votes.11.Even the JI, ANP and MQM would also witness that Nawaz has never asked for making corruption.12.I have been with Nawaz for 30 years he has never asked me of making corruption.13.The interests based candidates have sadly got only 26 votes.14.Nawaz has strengthened Pakistan with nuclear weapons.15.Nawaz has brought economic rise.16.Nawaz is sadly responsible for injecting LNG to run the power plants. Upon raising the question from the opposition desk, he responded that Son If you talk of LNG then make sure of your presence in the parliament.17.Nawaz is responsible for bringing 60 billion dollar to the country.18.NAwaz has set up the net of motorway.19.Musharaf has been in Power yet he failed to build any motorway and dam. They were those men who filled their own pocket.20.If ever opposition party performed a good work, it would have been at our place.21.I can realize the burden of this seat. This is that seat held by Liaquat Ali khan, Bhutto, Benazir and Nawaz Sharif .22.Whatever I earned through respect and hard-work. If you have a quantum of doubt then I can prove it.24.We should restore respect our parliament and also to run the country through constitution.25.Bureaucracy, military and intelligence agencies are sailing on the same boat, if ever the boat is punctured then all would be drowned.26.Whether I have to work for 45 min or days, I am not elected to keep the seat warm. If I am to remain for 45 minutes but I shall perform work of 45 days.27.Ishaq dar performs work for 24 hours. He has shored up the fiscal year.28.Employment would be generated through foreign direct investment.29.The parliamentarians have disappointed me on not filing their tax-returns. If they withhold taxation then how could the country grow and army would fight with enemy? If I be allowed by parliamentarians to crusade against the tax evaders then I would go against them.30.It is the responsibility of government to ensure social security.31.There is no state in the world where a common man carries ammunition openly. As like various militias have carried weapons outside of parliament. If I be allowed by parliamentarians then I would go against them.32.The federal government would return license on automatic weapons.33.Quality of education would be ensured in the country.34.Health sector would also be ameliorated by building new avenues of hospital.35.The government has installed more than 10,000 projects. Those areas would observe load shedding who avoid to pay the dues.36.The system of railway would also be improved.37.There is dire need on the improvement of situation of Karachi.38.I am also grateful to the brothers of FATA, Farooq Sattar, Molana Fazal, and Ejaz-ul-Haq.39.I request to the opposition leaders constitutional binding must be ensured in the country.40.I stand hopeful that Nawaz would soon be restored to his seat.

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