Wednesday 30 August 2017

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Texas flood toll mounts amid chemical blast fears


HOUSTON (AFP) - New proof of the devastation wrought by monster storm Harvey emerged Wednesday as the bodies of six family members were plucked from receding waters in Texas and flooding triggered fears of a chemical explosion near Houston.While clouds parted in Americas fourth-largest city, bringing a welcome respite after the storm turned roads into rivers, rural areas of Texas were drenched as Harvey headed eastwards with the city of Port Arthur especially hard hit.Authorities in neighboring Louisiana scrambled to safeguard their state from the impact of Harvey, whose onslaught evoked painful memories of Hurricane Katrinas deadly strike 12 years ago -- but New Orleans escaped with minimal rain.Taking advantage of a lull in the rainfall in Houston, rescuers recovered the bodies of six family members from a van which was swept away by the floods over the weekend.Manuel and Belia Saldivar and four of their great-grandchildren ranging from six to 16 years in age went missing on Sunday.Our worst fears have been realized, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez told a press conference, confirming all six bodies had been found inside the van.So far, officials believe at least 33 people to have been killed in the storm, and there is little doubt the toll will rise further -- although many of those unaccounted for may simply have no access to phones or power.To those Americans who have lost loved ones, all of America is grieving with you, and our hearts are joined with yours forever, President Donald Trump said in a speech, a day after viewing some of the damage for himself on a trip to Texas.More than 30,000 people have found refuge in shelters across the Lone Star State, from the giant Houston convention center to small churches, according to the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Brock Long.In Houston, where Mayor Sylvester Turner issued an nighttime curfew to aid search efforts and thwart potential looting, the two major airports reopened on a limited basis, signalling a slow return to normality.Turner told a news conference Wednesday night that trash pickup and metro service will resume in some areas where flood waters have receded.Its my hope that despite how massive this storm has been, that the city of Houston will quickly move to get back to where we were and then beyond that, Turner said.The National Hurricane Center downgraded Harvey to a tropical depression Wednesday night, but warned that life-threatening flood conditions remain in southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana.But at least a quarter of Harris County, which includes Houston, is still under water -- and the operators of an organic peroxides plant outside the city warned they were bracing for the risk of an explosion after flooding caused them to lose all power.Right now, we have an unprecedented six feet of water at the plant, Rich Rowe, president and chief executive of plant operator Arkema Inc, said in a statement.We have lost critical refrigeration of the materials on site that could now explode and cause a subsequent intense fire, he said. The high water and lack of power leave us with no way to prevent it.As a precaution, officials had already ordered the evacuation of an area within 1.5 miles (three km) of the plant in Crosby, northeast of Houston, and Rowe said the facility itself had been evacuated for employees safety.Even as Houston got a first glimpse of life-after-Harvey, the city of Port Arthur was pummeled by torrential rains -- making it almost impossible to reach despite the best efforts of volunteer rescuers.Our whole city is underwater right now, Port Arthurs mayor, Derrick Freeman, posted on Facebook early Wednesday -- assuring stranded residents that help was on the way.Justin Coleman was part of a crew of three jeeps and three boats that drove overnight from Fort Worth trying to reach Port Arthur, but were forced to turn around on their first attempt.Were on the radio with them right now and every 30 seconds theres another person rescued, the 33-year-old told AFP during a pit stop at a gas station in the nearby town of Winnie.Theres a lot of babies and elderly that are stuck in their homes right now. They said its getting up to their chests, said Coleman, who runs a construction company.So far, parts of Texas have seen more than 50 inches (1.27 meters) of rain, while in Louisiana, the top total 18 inches so far was increasing.Harvey first slammed onshore as a Category Four hurricane on Friday night before unloading on Texas.Although now downgraded to a tropical storm, Harvey made its second landfall just west of the Louisiana town of Cameron early Wednesday, packing maximum sustained winds nearing 45 miles per hour.Forecasters are predicting another five to 10 inches of rain in the region, with the downpour finally expected to stop on Thursday.For now, southwestern Louisiana is taking the hardest hit, with a levee being breached in the town of Gueydan.While New Orleans appeared to have dodged a bullet, the arrival of Harvey nevertheless served as a somber reminder, coming just one day after the 12-year anniversary of Katrina, which ravaged the vulnerable city famous for its jazz music and cuisine.I began to pray for the people in Texas after having gone through that same experience myself as a Katrina survivor, said Crystal Harris, who works for a bank which was taking donations for storm victims.In Texas, the damage wrought is staggering -- Enki Research put its best estimate at between $48 billion and $75 billion.At least one bridge had crumbled, one levee had breached and dams were at risk, while Harvey sparked the closure of several major refineries across what is a major hub of Americas oil industry.More than 4,500 people and 1,000 pets have been rescued from the storm zone by the Coast Guard, which expected to rescue an additional 1,000 people Wednesday in the Port Arthur area alone.The Coast Guard has deployed about 50 aircraft and two dozen boats, but the overall rescue effort, involving other military branches and state police, easily tops more than 100 aircraft.We are certainly bringing lessons learned from Katrina, Admiral Paul Thomas, who oversees Coast Guard operations in 26 states, told reporters in New Orleans -- noting that several members of his team are Louisiana natives who are veterans of the 2005 disaster.

US has 11,000 troops in Afghanistan, more than previous count: Pentagon


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Pentagon sharply raised its estimate of the number of US troops currently in Afghanistan Wednesday, ahead of a decision on adding thousands more under President Donald Trumps new strategy for the war-ridden country.Pentagon Joint Staff Director Lieutenant General Kenneth McKenzie said a comprehensive review showed there were approximately 11,000 uniformed US servicemen and women in Afghanistan, compared to the 8,400 number used since last year.The new count, which includes temporary and covert units as well as regular forces, was made to establish the basis for an increase in troops -- possibly by around 4,000 -- under Trumps revised strategy to better support Afghan troops in the fight against the Taliban.But McKenzie declined to say how many more troops would be added.Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis still hasnt made that decision, he said, adding: No troops have started to flow... no deployment orders have been issued. McKenzie said that after president Barack Obama set a ceiling of 8,400 troops for the country last July, military commanders had been hampered in their ability to deploy full units, leading to unintended consequences.Meanwhile, short-term and clandestine units were not included in the count.The new estimate came nearly two weeks after Trump and his top cabinet and military officials decided to increase US soldiers and airmen in Afghanistan to put more pressure on the Taliban and other extremist groups.Few details were provided on the new strategy, however, as Mattis said he wanted a clearer view of the actual number of US forces there.US generals have for months been calling the situation in Afghanistan a stalemate, despite years of support for Afghan partners and an overall cost to the United States of about $1 trillion.A US troop increase would allow the US- led coalition in the country to provide more advisors and tactical support to strengthen the Afghan armys efforts against the Taliban.McKenzie said the new count was an effort to be more transparent, but he said the Defense Department would not be providing much information on the breakdown of the US forces, so as to maintain operational security and avoid telegraphing US intentions to the Taliban.The new Afghan strategy will take a page from successful US efforts over the past two years to strength Iraqi security forces against the Islamic State group with better training, logistical support and the battlefield backup of US artillery and air strikes on enemy positions.But in Iraq most of the action against Islamic State fighters is in dense urban settings, while the Taliban are more spread out in the Afghan countryside, a battle situation Mattis has characterized as more like Vietnam.

US-led strike in Syria blocks IS fighters evacuated from Lebanon


BEIRUT (AFP) - The US-led coalition carried out two sets of air strikes on Wednesday to block Islamic State group fighters evacuated from Lebanon from reaching eastern Syria, its spokesman told AFP.Hundreds of IS fighters and civilians were evacuated Monday from the border region between Lebanon and Syria under a ceasefire deal and were headed to an IS-held town near Syrias eastern frontier with Iraq.A first set of strikes hit the road leading from the Syrian town of Hmaymah to the IS-held town of Albukamal further east, said coalition spokesman Colonel Ryan Dillon.To prevent the convoy from moving further east, we cratered the road and destroyed a small bridge, he told AFP.The coalition then carried out a second set of strikes that struck individual vehicles and fighters that were clearly identified as IS and appeared to be moving towards the convoy from Albukamal.If they continue to try to send people that way, then well continue to strike them. It could be a running tally, Dillon said.IS is a global threat; relocating terrorists from one place to another for someone else to deal with is not a lasting solution.The evacuation deal was negotiated between IS and powerful Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah, which has intervened in the war in neighbouring Syria to prop up the Damascus government.Hezbollah fought a week-long offensive against IS on the Syrian side of the Lebanese border, coinciding with a simultaneous assault by Lebanese troops on their side of the frontier.The battles ended Sunday with the announcement of the deal to bus IS forces hundreds of kilometres (miles) from Syrias western border with Lebanon to its eastern frontier with Iraq.Jihadists and civilians, including children, left the border region two days ago, but on Wednesday their buses were still held up at Hmaymah.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the convoy was looking for a new route to reach Albukamal after the coalition strike.Dillon said the US-led alliance was monitoring the convoy in real time and its last known location was near Hmaymah.If we are able to strike them without harming civilians, then we will do so, Dillon said.Asked whether the presence of civilians had prompted the coalition to bomb the road instead of the convoy itself, Dillon said that would be consistent with protocol.There was no immediate reaction to the strike from Hezbollah or from Syrias government.The evacuation agreement had sparked a furious reaction from the United States, which considers Hezbollah to be a terrorist organisation.Irreconcilable ISIS terrorists should be killed on the battlefield, not bused across Syria to the Iraqi border without Iraqs consent, US presidential envoy to the anti-IS coalition Brett McGurk said Wednesday.Our @coalition will help ensure that these terrorists can never enter Iraq or escape from what remains of their dwindling caliphate, he wrote on Twitter.It was also met with outrage in Iraq, with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi describing it as unacceptable and an insult to the Iraqi people.Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah issued a rare written statement late Wednesday in an attempt to tamp down the controversy.We transferred these defeated fighters from a front where we are battling to another front where we are battling, he said.Our fight and our fate are one, Nasrallah said, addressing Iraqi officials.Lebanese opponents to the deal were angry that IS fighters were travelling on air-conditioned buses after having been suspected of killing Lebanese troops.On Wednesday, Lebanons president and the chief of the army hailed the victory against IS.Today, we are announcing Lebanons victory against terrorism. I dedicate this victory to all Lebanese, who can be proud of their army, President Michel Aoun said.After Sundays deal, IS fighters who had surrendered led Lebanese authorities to human remains believed to belong to Lebanese soldiers kidnapped by IS in 2014.

Diana mourned on 20th anniversary of her death


LONDON (AFP) - Fans and friends of Diana, princess of Wales were to mark the 20th anniversary of her death on Thursday as well-wishers lit candles and paid their respects at the sombre scene of her fatal car crash.Her children Princes William and Harry on Wednesday greeted the steady stream of well-wishers bringing floral tributes to the gates of Londons Kensington Palace, where they grew up with the princess.And just after midnight in Paris on Thursday, a few braved the rain to be at the Pont de lAlma tunnel where, precisely two decades earlier, her car smashed into a pillar, taking the life of the most famous woman in the world.One man lit several candles around the Flame of Liberty monument, which stands above the underpass and has become a shrine to the princess.Diana was revolutionary, said Sian Croston, a 17-year-old student from London.She changed the royal family forever.She will always be the peoples princess, she said, using the epithet coined by prime minister Tony Blair in the hours after her death.The crash happened at around 12:23am on August 31, 1997.Diana was killed along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and his drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi photographers.Twenty years on, a few dozen bouquets of flowers and pictures of the princess have been laid at the Flame of Liberty by sympathetic visitors.I was a child when she died but I studied her biography, said German journalist Marie Hermann, 25, from Frankfurt.l loved Diana and her commitment to charities, she told AFP.Linda Bigelbach, 61, from Saint Paul in Minnesota, said: I remember her wedding day and I remember the day she died. In London, William and Harry, who were 15 and 12 respectively when she died, paid tribute to their late mother on Wednesday and were to spend Thursday privately.The princes inspected the dozens of bouquets left in front of Kensington Palace.Earlier they braved torrential rain to visit the White Garden at the palace, created this year to evoke the princesss sense of style and colour choices.They met with representatives from the charities she supported, including those helping AIDS sufferers and children in need.Harry told one group of campaigners that his mothers death was a tragedy for them too.I can imagine for a lot of you it was like, right, here we go, now weve got her, weve got the thirst, weve got the attention, now lets do something, the 32-year-old said.Then suddenly shes snapped away; if I can put it (this way), all of us lost somebody.They then emerged at the palace gates to look at the heartfelt messages, pictures and flowers left in remembrance of their mother, thanking well-wishers for coming, and placing bouquets given to them.Handwritten notes on bunches of flowers read: Diana, a brave princess, your sons have your courage and our country was so very lucky to have you.I was so sad, recalled a tearful Lena Pettersson, a cleaner from Sweden who had travelled to London for the commemorations.She cared about people, she was very special. Her sons are continuing her work, they are just like her.Helen Zacharia, 62, who tied a bouquet to the gates, told AFP: I come down every year because Ive always liked Diana. Ive never met her but if I dont come down I feel very sad. Everyone loved her.The princess was to be remembered on Thursday at the Mildmay Mission AIDS hospital in London, visited regularly by Diana when it was a hospice caring for HIV patients.The institution will hold a remembrance service and past members of staff will share their memories of Diana, as well as dancer Wayne Sleep who famously performed with the princess in 1985.Her untimely death at the age of 36 shocked the world.The complex life of Diana -- a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became a global icon -- and her tragic death still captivates millions across the globe.Diana wed Prince Charles, the heir to the throne, in 1981, but their marriage collapsed under the strains of public duty and their incompatibility.She was cast out of the royal family in the 1996 divorce she had inadvertently made inevitable with an explosive tell-all television interview.However, the monarchys shining star was undimmed, her reputation sealed as a fashion icon, charity campaigner, humanitarian and a self-styled queen of hearts.

N. Korea warns Japan of 'imminent self-destruction'


SEOUL (AFP) - Nuclear-armed North Korea has warned Tokyo against imminent self-destruction for siding with Washington, as tensions soar after Pyongyang fired a missile over Japan.The North set off global alarm Tuesday when it fired an intermediate-range missile over the Asian island nation, triggering condemnation from world leaders including the US and Japan.Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe denounced the launch as an unprecedented, serious and grave threat and agreed with US President Donald Trump to further strengthen pressure against North Korea.The Norths official KCNA news agency decried the former colonial power in a commentary, saying: Japan has now come out with its sleeves rolled up in supporting its masters anti-DPRK war moves.The allies military nexus had become a serious threat to the Korean peninsula and Japan was unaware it was accelerating self-destruction, the statement late Wednesday said.It made a specific reference to US forces being based in Hokkaido -- the island that the Norths missile flew over.The DPRKs toughest countermeasures include a warning to Japan going wild, being unaware of its imminent destruction, and blindly following the US, it added.Pyongyang has warned of more similar tests to come.The authorities in North Korea are highly nationalistic and promote resentment of the US and Japan as part of their claim to legitimacy.KCNA said earlier that the missile launch was timed to mark the 107th anniversary of the disgraceful Japan-Korea treaty of 1910, under which Tokyo colonised the Korean peninsula.

Verdict in Benazir Bhutto murder case to be announced today


RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) on Thursday (Today) will announce the verdict in former Prime Minister (PM) Benazir Bhutto murder case after nine years.The ATC on Wednesday had reserved the judgment in the murder case of former PM.According to details, ATC Rawalpindi heard the case during which prosecutor of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Khawaja Asif and the lawyers of the suspects presented their arguments.Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in a gun-and-bomb attack outside Rawalpindi’s Liaquat Bagh on December 27, 2007 while Musharraf was president. She was killed after addressing an election campaign rally in the city.A trial of five suspects, who were arrested by police, started in February 2008 which was later handed over to FIA.The ATC had indicted former president Pervez Musharraf in the case in February 2011, and in August the same year he was declared a proclaimed offender. A separate case was filed against his continuous absence.

Over 2 million Muslims begin Hajj spiritual journey


MOUNT ARAFAT (AFP) - More than two million Muslims from around the world began the Hajj pilgrimage at Islams holiest sites Wednesday, a religious duty and a multi-stage spiritual journey.This year sees pilgrims from Shiite Iran return to Makkah in Saudi Arabia after a hiatus following a diplomatic spat between the regional rivals and a deadly stampede in 2015.It also comes with the Gulf mired in a major political crisis that has seen thousands of faithful who would usually make the journey from neighbouring Qatar stay away.On the esplanade of Makkahs Grand Mosque, the excitement was palpable as crowds from all four corners of the world gathered for a pilgrimage that all able Muslims are required to perform at least once in their lives.Tidjani Traore, a public service consultant from Benin, said he was on his 22nd pilgrimage at the age of 53.Every time, there are new emotions, he said. There are new innovations for organising and hosting the pilgrims. Now, for example, the tents are air-conditioned.Wearing the simple garb of the pilgrim, the faithful waited at dawn with their suitcases for buses to take them to Mina five kilometres (three miles) to the east.There, hundreds of thousands were gathering before they set off on Thursday at dawn to climb Mount Arafat, the pinnacle of the Hajj.In the midst of a hot desert breeze, the first arrivals prepared to spend the night in tents on the plain below Mount Arafat.I will spend the evening in prayer before we climb up the mountain for the dawn prayer, said a 72-year-old Tunisian woman, stretched out on a mattress.Earlier in Makkah, the pilgrims performed a ritual walk known as the tawaf seven times around the Kaaba, a black masonry cube wrapped in a heavy silk cloth embroidered in gold with Koranic verses at the centre of Makkahs Grand Mosque.The shrine is the point towards which Muslims around the world pray.I still have to finish the tawaf said a breathless Nour, 30, from Saudi Arabia as she rushed past without stopping.Sitting on a folding chair in the middle of the esplanade, Risvana cradled her six-month-old baby accompanying her on the pilgrimage.Ive planned everything for him, said the young mother, pointing to a bottle of water in her bag.Saudi authorities have mobilised vast resources including more than 100,000 security personnel to avoid a repeat of the stampede in 2015 in which nearly 2,300 people were killed.Iran alone reported 464 deaths -- the highest toll among foreigners.Riyadh and Tehran cut ties months later, after the execution of a Shiite cleric in Saudi Arabia sparked attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran.Iranian pilgrims were absent from last years Hajj for the first time in decades after the regional rivals failed to agree on security and logistics.This years pilgrimage comes amid a diplomatic crisis between a Saudi-led bloc of Arab countries and Qatar, accused of supporting extremist groups and being too close to Riyadhs arch-rival Tehran.A blockade imposed on Qatar since June 5 has seen sea and air links shut down, preventing many Qataris from making the Hajj.Although Saudi Arabia relaxed entry restrictions across its land border with the emirate two weeks before the Hajj, Qatar said only a few dozen of its nationals were able to join the pilgrimage.This year, the colossal religious gathering comes with the Islamic State group under growing military pressure having lost swathes of territory it controlled in Iraq and Syria.But the jihadist group continues to claim attacks in the Middle East and Europe.For the Hajj, one of the worlds largest annual gatherings, tens of thousands of air-conditioned tents have been set up in Mina to house pilgrims, and more than 700 Saudi cooks recruited to feed the faithful.On the esplanade of the Grand Mosque, authorities had placed misting fans to take the edge off the intense heat.On the eve of the first rites of the pilgrimage, the walkways thronged with people and the smell of musk wafted through the air.A few paces from the Kaaba, Egyptian pilgrim Fathiya Taha could not hide her joy.At 67 the oldest in her group, she sat in her wheelchair in Islams most holy spot.Ive been looking forward to this pilgrimage for four years, she said.Saudi Arabias immigration department said women this year accounted for 46 percent of the foreign arrivals for the Hajj.Religious tourism is part of the oil-rich countrys Vision 2030 plan to boost the economy in an era of low oil prices.

Lahore: Police nab 31 suspects during search operation


LAHORE (Dunya News) – At least 31 suspects were taken into custody during police search operation in different parts of Lahore on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, the search operation was carried out in Kotha Pind, Khan Colony, Wahdat Road, Gulshan-e-Ravi, Shera Kot, Nawankot, Sanda and Iqbal Town areas.Police searched hundreds of homes and hotels during the operation. Biometric device was also used for the identification of the resident and 31 persons were arrested who failed to produce any identity document.The arrested persons were shifted to police station for further investigation. Police sources said that the search operation was launched on the intelligence reports that suspects are present in these areas.

Karachi: Two accused killed six arrested in Rangers, police operation


KARACHI (Dunya News) – At least two accused were killed and six other were taken into custody during Rangers, police operation and in different parts of Karachi on Wednesday, Dunya News reported.According to details, police launched a targeted operation in Lyari Kharadar area during which accused present in the area opened fire. Police returned the fire due to which two accused were killed.The dead accused were identified as Qasim and Furqan. According to SSP Adeel Chandio, Qasim and Furqan were involved in bank robbery in Kharadar. Police also recovered arms from them. Separately, police arrested one accused after encounter in Mahmoodabad area.On the other hand, Rangers carried out a search operation in Lines Area during which five suspects were taken into custody.

Multan Metro Bus corruption: Senate committee summons SECP officials


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue while taking notice of alleged corruption in Multan Metro Bus Project by Chinese Company has summoned Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) officials on September 7.Chairman of the committee, Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that SECP has been directed to make a briefing on Multan Metro bus project and the inquiry being conducted by Chinas Regulator adding that Chinas Regulator has investigated corruption case in Multan Metro Bus Project, and sent a letter to SECP, on which Parliament should be briefed.“For the first time, a foreign country has asked SECP to investigate, SECP will have to respond to Chinas Regulator as this has damaged the impact of Pakistan at international level,” he said.

PPP demonstrates political power in NA-120


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Political activities in the National Assembly constituency NA-120 are in full swing which fell vacant after the disqualification of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif by the Supreme Court in the Panama case.Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) also demonstrated its political strength in the constituency and took out rallies from Model Town and Islamapura on Wednesday. Both the rallies merged at Muzang area and culminated at the central election office of the PPP.Addressing the main the participants of the rally, PPP central Punjab president Qamar Zaman Kaira severely criticized the PML-N government. He said that the time has proved that PPP was embroiled in the false cases in the past. He said that the courts acquitted us while former prime minister was disqualified during his own tenure.Kaira further said that the PPP will take out rallies every day and also launch door-to-door campaign to attract voters.

Gibson leaves England to become South Africa coach


LONDON (AFP) - Ottis Gibson has agreed to step down from his role as England bowling coach and become South Africas new head coach, the England and Wales Cricket Board announced on Wednesday.Gibson, who took up his current role in 2015, will leave after Englands third and final Test against West Indies next week.He succeeds Russell Domingo, whose contract with Cricket South Africa expired after South Africas 3-1 Test series defeat in England earlier this month.I would like to place on record my thanks to Ottis Gibson for his services to English cricket, Englands director of cricket Andrew Strauss said in a press release.Ottis has been an integral part of the England team in his two stints as bowling coach. His experience, tactical awareness and understanding of bowling in all conditions has benefited our approach and has helped our bowling unit develop greatly across all formats of the game.He is an ambitious man and when this opportunity presented itself, it was difficult for him to turn down. On behalf of the ECB, I would like to wish him every success in the next chapter of his career.Gibson, 48, is in his second spell working with Englands pacemen after four years as head coach of his native West Indies from 2010-14.England head coach Trevor Bayliss said: Ottis has played a vital role in our progress over the past few years.His knowledge of the international game and the way he has supported all our bowlers in their development has been immeasurable.He will no doubt relish the challenge of becoming a head coach once again and coupled with his strong affinity with South African cricket, he will look to take them forward.Gibsons first South Africa assignment will be a two-Test home series against Bangladesh beginning on September 28, which is followed by a four-match one-day series and a two-match Twenty20 series.The ECB said it intends to appoint a new fast bowling coaching ahead of Englands busy end-of-year schedule, which includes an Ashes tour of Australia.

Westley keeps place in unchanged England squad


LONDON (AFP) - Tom Westley kept his place in an unchanged 13-man England squad announced on Wednesday for next weeks decisive third Test against West Indies at Lords.The Essex batsman has come under scrutiny after three single-figure scores at number three.But he has been given another chance to nail down a place in the team in what will be Englands last Test before the year-ending Ashes series in Australia.Mark Stoneman and Dawid Malan have also held onto their places after both chipped in with second-innings half-centuries in the five-wicket loss to West Indies at Headingley.Left out of the starting team in Leeds, Middlesex seamer Toby Roland-Jones and Hampshire leg-spinner Mason Crane will both hope to force their way into the XI for the series decider.England will be aiming to return to the form that brought them a crushing innings and 209-run win in the first Test at Edgbaston.England 3rd Test squad:Joe Root (Yorkshire, capt), Moeen Ali (Worcestershire), James Anderson (Lancashire), Jonny Bairstow (Yorkshire, wkt), Stuart Broad (Nottinghamshire), Alastair Cook (Essex), Mason Crane (Hampshire), Dawid Malan (Middlesex), Toby Roland-Jones (Middlesex), Ben Stokes (Durham), Mark Stoneman (Surrey), Tom Westley (Essex), Chris Woakes (Warwickshire).

Bangladesh name unchanged side for Australia decider


DHAKA (AFP) - Bangladesh named an unchanged squad for next weeks series decider against Australia, after clinching a historic win over the tourists in their opening Test in Dhaka on Wednesday.The hosts beat Steve Smiths men by 20 runs in a thrilling victory on home soil, their first ever win against Australia since gaining Test status in 2000.Mushfiqur Rahims men are hoping to seal the series when they square off against Australia in the second and final Test starting at Chittagong on September 4.Australia -- who are touring Bangladesh for the first time in more than a decade -- are currently ranked fourth to Bangladeshs lowly ninth in ICC Test rankings.The Baggy Greens on Wednesday added left-arm slow bowler Steve OKeefe to their squad for the second Test. OKeefe will replace fast bowler Josh Hazlewood who has been ruled out of the series with injury.Squad: Mushfiqur Rahim (capt), Tamim Iqbal, Soumya Sarkar, Imrul Kayes, Shakib Al Hasan, Nasir Hossain, Sabbir Rahman, Mehedi Hasan, Shafiul Islam, Taijul Islam, Mustafizur Rahman, Mominul Haque, Liton Das, Taskin Ahmed.

Australia call up O'Keefe for second Bangladesh Test


DHAKA (AFP) - Australia on Wednesday added left-arm slow bowler Steve OKeefe to their squad for the second Test against Bangladesh starting next week.OKeefe, 32, was left out of Australias original squad in favour of the younger left-arm spinner Ashton Agar, triggering speculation of an imminent end to his career.OKeefe will replace fast bowler Josh Hazlewood who has been ruled out of the series after picking an injury on the third day of the first Test in Dhaka On Tuesday.Hazlewood, who bowled just seven deliveries, will return home after the Test.With Jackson Bird in the squad we are comfortable with our fast-bowling options for the second Test and have elected to add an additional spinner given the conditions we are likely to face in Chittagong, national selector Trevor Hohns said in a statement.OKeefe impressed during this years four-Test series in India, taking 19 wickets, including a match-winning 12-wicket haul in the first Test in Pune in February. Australia lost the series 2-1.The selectors also brought in fast bowler Kane Richardson to replace Hazlewood in the squad for the one-day international five-match series in India from September 17 to October 13.

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